I can't believe it is Thursday already. I went ahead and did another race week workout this morning with a 4 mile run with some strides at the end, but my homemade race for Saturday is sneaking up on me. I still don't have a course mapped out, I haven't shaved my legs, I haven't done my dress rehearsal & gear check, I haven't checked the weather forecast, I haven't put the new tubes or tires on my race wheels, etc. I have had races sneak up on me before and been able to pull it all together and race well, but I think I tend to only do a halfway job at preparing for a solo TT in training that I do for a live race so I may have some of that going on this week. I will probably skip shaving the legs, I will probably skip putting the new tubes and tires on the bike, etc. It will still be good to Time Trial though. It will be a Duathlon and I haven't done any of those since I started multisports events 5 years ago so I will get to learn something new and establish a baseline to improve on.