General Discussion Triathlon Talk » i finished the couch-to-5k program!! Rss Feed  
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2006-11-04 10:21 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Munich, Germany
Subject: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!

hey there

today i finished the couch-to-5k program!!! i can't run 5k in 30 mins yet, but who cares!! today i ran 30 mins with just a tiny walking break on that really steep hill!! when i started only a little over 2 months ago i was barely able to run 5 mins without stopping... i was even counting seconds on my watch till those horribly long 5 mins would be over...

so many times during those 2 months when i looked at the plan and saw that i had to add another minute to the running and walk one less or in the end when i had to add 5 mins of running at a time i had the feeling "oh my god i'll never be able to run THAT long..." but in the end it always worked...

 of course i had a few runs that just sucked (excuse my french) but i'm human - so i guess that's normal

sorry for the rant... but i'm still all hyper and happy and had to share it with some people who understand what it means to accomplish something like that


2006-11-04 10:25 AM
in reply to: #588764

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2006-11-04 10:27 AM
in reply to: #588764

SF Bay Area, Mountain View
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!
that is not a rant - it's the opposite

congratulations - now that you know what's possible for you the sky's the limit!
2006-11-04 10:30 AM
in reply to: #588764

Gold member
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!
Awesome!  You have been doing some nice training in the other sports too. Great job!  Your October totals are looking pretty good.
2006-11-04 10:44 AM
in reply to: #588764

Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!

Congratulations! You've come a long way in just 2 months.  Isn't it a great feeling to reflect back on that? 

Make no apologies for being proud and sharing the news with us. It's fun to read posts like this.   

2006-11-04 10:46 AM
in reply to: #588764

Louisville, KY
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!
Congratulations!  Don't worry too much about those few tough days you had.  Everybody has them regardless of long they've been running.

2006-11-04 10:55 AM
in reply to: #588764

New York,
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!

That is awesome!

Before you know it, you will reach 10k!


2006-11-04 11:35 AM
in reply to: #588764

Extreme Veteran
Munich, Germany
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!

thank you all so much

i've got a question... the next few weeks i'll be busy running the 30 mins till i feel really comfy with running that "long"... i'll run a 5k end of april and would like to run it sub 30 mins...

so here's my question... should i keep running 30 mins till i run 5k or more or should i start adding minutes again when ever i feel comfy with the 30 mins and speed will come by itself?  

2006-11-04 12:06 PM
in reply to: #588764

Boulder, Colorado
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!
kathie - 2006-11-04 8:21 AM

hey there

today i finished the couch-to-5k program!!! i can't run 5k in 30 mins yet, but who cares!! today i ran 30 mins with just a tiny walking break on that really steep hill!! when i started only a little over 2 months ago i was barely able to run 5 mins without stopping... i was even counting seconds on my watch till those horribly long 5 mins would be over...

so many times during those 2 months when i looked at the plan and saw that i had to add another minute to the running and walk one less or in the end when i had to add 5 mins of running at a time i had the feeling "oh my god i'll never be able to run THAT long..." but in the end it always worked...

 of course i had a few runs that just sucked (excuse my french) but i'm human - so i guess that's normal

sorry for the rant... but i'm still all hyper and happy and had to share it with some people who understand what it means to accomplish something like that


Awesome! Great job.

2006-11-04 4:23 PM
in reply to: #588793

Candler, North Carolina
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!
kathie - 2006-11-04 12:35 PM

thank you all so much

should i keep running 30 mins till i run 5k or more or should i start adding minutes again when ever i feel comfy with the 30 mins and speed will come by itself?

Run 30 minutes a couple of times and then start increasing your minutes by no more than 10% every week... eventually 30 minutes will feel like nothing at all...
2006-11-04 4:37 PM
in reply to: #588764

West Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!
Wow, Kathie ... that's awesome! Way to stick with your goals! And if that's a rant ... you rant on, sistah!

2006-11-04 4:42 PM
in reply to: #588764

Clifton, NJ
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!
Hey, great job! From the look of your logs, you are really putting in the time it takes to be successful, and that's something to shout/rant about!
I love reading stories like this, it reminds me that we all have to start somewhere. Every day is a chance to do better than yesterday.
Thanks for sharing!
2006-11-04 5:11 PM
in reply to: #588764

Extreme Veteran
northeast Ohio
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!
C25K programs are awesome!  I still can remember how I felt when I completed one last year.  I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Be hyper and happy.  It is all so good!!!!!!!!
2006-11-04 6:11 PM
in reply to: #588764

Tampa, FL
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!
Nice job!!!
Keep adding minutes to your program and before you know it you will be doing a 10K!!!
2006-11-04 8:03 PM
in reply to: #588764

Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!
NICE WORK!!!!  All of us who started without a running background can appreciate the mental toughness you have to get this far.       Congrats and you will keep hitting your goals.
2006-11-04 8:33 PM
in reply to: #588764

Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!
great job!

2006-11-04 10:41 PM
in reply to: #588764

Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!
Congrats! I just finished my first official "bike race" it was a 90km (56 miles?) ride from Sydney to Wollongong for charity, I loved every minute of it! I can't wait to start training for my first triathlon.

I'm loving cycling right now, but running really is my first and true love Every minute counts in your training, whether it be an extra 2 minutes to your long runs it will all add up and really count on race day!

Keep up the good work Kathie!

2006-11-05 4:25 PM
in reply to: #588764

Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!
No, that's not a rant...that's fantastic!
2006-11-05 6:41 PM
in reply to: #588764

Indian Harbour Beach, Florida
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!
Whoo hoo Kathie! Congratulations, you rock chickie!
2006-11-06 8:12 AM
in reply to: #588764

Extreme Veteran
Columbia, MO
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!
congrats kathie!!!

My wife and I are also on the couch to 5k program. We think its great. We have 4 weeks left. I cant wait to be done so I can start my tri program!!!

Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-06 10:52 AM
in reply to: #589878

, Minnesota
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!
Great job! I finished the program several weeks ago and I really enjoyed doing it. I have found that my speed has increased simply with practice, finding more interesting places to run, and running with friends. When I am alone and fixated on my watch because the scenery is boring, I am not fast. But I have increased speed and distance by occasionally going with friends. I would also recommend checking out the other training programs on

2006-11-06 11:06 AM
in reply to: #588764

Athens, Ga.
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!

Yay, Kathie! Awesome job - and that's definitely not a rant. It's running.

As for increasing your running, following the 10 percent rule is a good way to go. Try increasing your long run to 35 min. next week and see how you feel! Running ROCKS!

2006-11-06 12:47 PM
in reply to: #590123

Westminster, Colorado
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!

Congrats!  I finished that program back in May this year.  I did my first tri in August.  Once I could run 3 miles, I increased my speed by doing some interval speed work over shorter distances once a week and then the other 2 runs would be a medium run at a moderate pace and a long run at an easy pace. 

Now when I say intervals, I don't mean anything super serious or fast, I just did them by feel.  I would run 6mph for a minute then back to 5mph for 90 seconds and just repeat that.  Sometimes I would run 7 or 8 mph for a minute or two and then back to 5mph or walk depending on how I felt.  I would just do that for 20 minutes on the treadmill and that really helped my speed.  Eventually running my normal 5.2mph felt slow and I was able to maintain 6mph for longer and longer each run.  I'm certainly not fast, but I'm faster then I used to be. 

2006-11-06 7:48 PM
in reply to: #588764

piece o heaven
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!
Congrats! Way to go. Don't you just feel it! The awesome feeling of accomplishment and purpose.
2006-11-07 11:57 AM
in reply to: #588764

Valdosta, Ga
Subject: RE: i finished the couch-to-5k program!!

Congrats! That is awesome!

I started with the couch-to-5K program too and had great success. You've come a long way so you may want to take a week or so and let the body rest a bit without trying to crank up the time. Then when you do pile on 10% a week for 3 weeks and back off the 4th week. So for 30 min's that would be adding 3 min's a week. 

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