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2007-04-16 9:17 AM

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)

I tried as hard as I could, but it just wasn't enough. I missed the final bike cutoff by 6 minutes.

My swim went fine...a little slower than desired, but I got it done. The first loop on the bike wasn't too bad as I was trying to take it a bit easy. Checked my time after that and knew I had to pick it up, but the winds were picking up too. The beeline (longest stretch) was horrible. In town the winds were in the 20s, but on the beeline they were much higher, probably 30s with gusts more than that. On my training rides I would go down the beeline hill at 20 mph, but this time I was going 10 and pedaling hard. I pushed really hard on the second loop and started my 3rd 15 min before the first cutoff. I hammered as hard as I could on the way out, and made the 2nd cutoff 20 min ahead. I still had hope that I could finish. I turned around and the wind was even worse. It was after 4PM at this point and the wind was the worst I've ever felt on a bike in my life. I knew I was chasing the 5:30PM cutoff. I pedaled as hard as I could, but was only going 10-11mph with the headwind. It just wouldn't let up. The final 17 miles I abandoned all nutrition and sprinted, but again only went 10 mph heading west. I still ended up passing 5 people on this stretch. I got onto Rio Salado and was yelling and screaming, trying to push. I pushed the pedals harder than I even had in my life, but it felt like I was going nowhere. I saw my watch hit 5:30 as I crossed the Mill Ave bridge, but kept pushing, hoping that my watch was off from the official race clock (it wasn't). I came in at 5:36.

The officials at the line told me I couldn't continue, and removed my chip. That's when it hit me and I broke down. All the months of training...all the months of hoping...gone. I never envisioned this happening. Never. The only thing I could see when I thought about the race was running down the finishing chute with the announcer yelling "You are an Ironman". But it didn't happen. They took me to medical and sat me down because I was crying so much. They told me to breathe but I couldn't. All I could do was cry. Some of the officials around me ended up crying too.

I keep trying to tell myself that at least I didn't quit. They had to pull me from the course, but I biked as hard as I could all the way to the end. But it comes down to I just wasn't good enough.

The worst part is having to tell everyone who asks about the race that I didn't finish. Everyone around me at the race, in the parking lot, at the hotel seems to all be finishers. I feel so alone. I feel like a looser. I want to be happy like them, but I can't. I don't know how I'm going to face this week, having to tell everyone that followed me online what happened.

Sorry that this post is so negative. I'm not looking for pity or an ego boost or anything. I just wanted to get my feelings out there.

Congrats to everyone that finished. I wish I could be there with you!

2007-04-16 9:22 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Chicago (Old Town)
Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)

Sorry to hear your race was so rough..

As you said, it wasn't on your terms, it was on theirs! You gave it all you had and in the end, the day was not kind. This will not be the case next time as the victory will be a little sweeter and you'll be going into it many times wiser!

Great job attempting what most couldn't even dream of! You will be an Ironwoman soon!
2007-04-16 9:23 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)


Damn right they had to pull you off the course!  That's the only way the Ironman spirit is broken.  You never quit and if they would have turned their back, I bet you would have shot out of T2 in your bike shoes and ran the marathon in them.

You might not have the finisher's medal and you WILL earn the title Ironman...  You have the spirit and you have it inside you.  And don't you EVER again say that you're not good enough.  You toed the line and that made you good enough!!

2007-04-16 9:24 AM
in reply to: #762763

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)
I am sorry, I can't even imagine. Congratulations to you for doing the training and being brave enough to start the race! That is amazing in itself.
2007-04-16 9:29 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Tampa, Fl
Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)

Keep your head up.  That wind was really bad out there. 

You tried as hard as you could.  That is all you can ask for.  It was just a bad windy day. 

The important thing is that you never gave up. 

2007-04-16 9:29 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Mukwonago, WI
Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)

Wow - that's rough - I know you're not looking for pity but know that we all feel for you.

Words probably don't help all that much but I am certain that those tears of sorrow and pain will turn to tears of joy when you get back there again and complete the IM - it will be that much sweeter!

2007-04-16 9:29 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Dallas, TX
Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)
I am so sorry to hear this! How heartbreaking. I suspect we are going to hear a few of these stories over the next week though.

A lady I know from another message board... she raced IMAZ last year and finished. This year, her fitness was even better going into it... and she didn't finish this year. From what she said... the winds were BRUTAL.

You did your best. Be proud of that.

Again, I am very sorry. *Hugs*

2007-04-16 9:29 AM
in reply to: #762763

Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)

I'm sorry to hear about the race.  My cousin had a DNF either.  He crushed the bike and couldn't make it to mile 8 on the run.  He dehydrated himself.  I with the rest of my family felt very sorry for him knowing how much time and effort he put into it.

  I feel the same for you.  Keep your head up high.  Think of it like this 90% of people don't even try an ironman, or even a triathlon.  You made it that far!

2007-04-16 9:29 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)

Keep your chin up, Elaine. The conditions were horrible out there yesterday and some days, the triathlon gods decide its not to be. You will race again and you will become an Ironman. If you're ever feeling down about this, c'mon back to BT and we'll do our best to help pick you up.



2007-04-16 9:31 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Cinnaminson, NJ
Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)

You did the best you could and that is all that matters.  You'll get them next time.

Thanks for sharing your story

2007-04-16 9:37 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)
I title my BT blog "The Agony of Victory"  so I am continually mindful of all of the reasons I shouldn't be able to do this stuff. All of the setbacks, the near drownings difficulty of learning to swim, the injuries... all of the times when life gets in the way. It's amazing every time someone who is not getting paid to train has put in the hours and effort to even toe the line at an Ironman. What happens on race day is as much a result of things outside your control as it is a result of your hard training. Sometimes those uncontrollable things work in your favor, but most often they don't. And that is by no means a reflection on you or your effort. What IS a reflection on you is what you do now. And you have absolute 100% control over that. And when you're looking back on how you feel today shortly after Mike Riley calls your name out when you cross the line at the next IM, it will be that much better than the experience of those who have never had to overcome the challenge of starting again and coming back with a vengance.  It's not easy. But it d*mn well worth it.

2007-04-16 9:39 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Smyrna, GA
Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)
I think it's awesome that you got out there.  It takes a lot just to sign up for an Ironman, let alone finish.  I know you must be very let down by what happened, but no one thinks you are a loser.  Hold your head up high knowing you gave it everything you had.
2007-04-16 9:40 AM
in reply to: #762763

Las Vegas
Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)
It scares me to death to even think about signing up for an IM, let alone compete in it.   You did awesome girl.  You'll kill em next time.
2007-04-16 9:41 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Beautiful Sonoma County
Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)
You're still my hero for just getting out there!
2007-04-16 9:44 AM
in reply to: #762796

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)
Dlaxman31 - 2007-04-16 6:29 AM

I'm sorry to hear about the race.  My cousin had a DNF either.  He crushed the bike and couldn't make it to mile 8 on the run.  He dehydrated himself.  I with the rest of my family felt very sorry for him knowing how much time and effort he put into it.


Oh I'm so sorry! I hope he's ok and doing better. Tell him I'm jealous he got to at least do 8 miles of the run course.

2007-04-16 9:46 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)
PirateGirl - 2007-04-16 9:17 AM

I tried as hard as I could,   - and what else could you do?  That's all anyone does.

But it comes down to I just wasn't good enough. WRONG WRONG WRONG!  YOU ARE WRONG HERE!  On this day, in these conditions, you weren't fast enough.  That's all.

I don't know how I'm going to face this week, having to tell everyone that followed me online what happened.  You mean how you are going to face everyone, including most of us, who didn't even line up to try to tackle that race?  Who cares.  You tell us what a sunofobich it was out there while we were comfy in bed, or watching TV or doing our own training and not putting it on the line at an Ironman.

I'm sure you are hurting now, but don't worry about what anyone else thinks.  One of the things I have to remind myself of constantly when I feel bad about a performance is that nobody else cares as much as I do - not even close.  So deal with your own feelings about it and don't worry about anyone else.



2007-04-16 9:46 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)
Thanks everyone! I feel a bit better. You guys have made me smile.
2007-04-16 9:46 AM
in reply to: #762830

Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)
sorry he didn't "crash".  He ended up getting dehydrated on the run.  Kind of a scary thing with phone calls back and forth with his wife trying to figure out where he is with the constant webfeed updates.
2007-04-16 9:48 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)
PirateGirl - 2007-04-16 10:17 AM

The worst part is having to tell everyone who asks about the race that I didn't finish.

They shoud all read what you wrote above.

You were a warrior. You fought all day long, and that's pretty amazing. Many, many people would have bagged it after the first loop when it was close to the cut off and the wind was hammering them so hard. But you fought and scratched and clawed through the entire 112 miles of the bike. Just imaginging you going as hard as you could for that long, well, I'm in awe. It sounds like an epic effort, one of which you should be immensely proud.

I know you're sad and bewildered right now, but give it time. Think of Sarah Reinertsen who also barely missed the bike cutoff. She used that experience to fuel her, and now she's an Ironman.

You're not done yet.

2007-04-16 9:49 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)

I am still trying to wrap my mind around pedaling furiously to go 10 miles an hour DOWNHILL, on a 112-mile ride.  Yikes yikes yikes!

You did some pretty phenomenal stuff out there, you know.  I was cheering for you, and will be next time too.

2007-04-16 9:50 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)

Man, it really sucks that weather and wind played such a big part in your race. And by SIX minutes? No WONDER you were so upset. Remember though, as folks celebrate around you that they may have had slightly different conditions than you did. Maybe they didn't face as much wind, maybe their bikes can handle high winds better than yours?

SIX minutes does NOT make you a loser. Just getting through that long bike ride in those miserable winds makes you an ironman in my book.

I bet the AZ paper today has some story about how challenging the conditions were for yesterday's race, go buy it and read it. I bet there were a TON of folks who were also impacted. It will make you feel better when you realize you were NOT alone.

2007-04-16 9:55 AM
in reply to: #762763

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)

Elaine, don't beat yourself up over this.  You were prepared.  You had the will.  You had the heart.  Those winds were brutal yesterday.  That Beeline is a b*tch.  I was so proud of you when I saw you come out of the water.  You looked very strong and happy when you came out of there.  I saw lots of people come out of that water that looked like they couldn't go another step, and probably didn't.  You have the heart of an Ironman and that is what counts.

2007-04-16 9:56 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Extreme Veteran
Perkasie, PA
Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)
Wow. It brought tears to my eyes reading your post. I'm sure it was overwhelming emotionally to be made to stop. Only you know the full extent of the sacrifices you have made and the determination and training that you brought to that race.

Use it to make you stronger. There are hundreds of things that can happen to even the best athletes -- weather, accidents, injuries, things we haven't even thought of yet -- getting a DNF doesn't mean you aren't a great athlete; it just means you will have to go out and get that title another day.

Everyone has their own story of what it took to get where they are. Your story to achieve "Ironman" status just got a little more interesting. Your hill just got steeper -- but I bet you have it in you!

Best of luck to you!
2007-04-16 9:59 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)
You signed up = Winner
You trained = Winner
You got to the race = Winner
You battled the conditions and did your best = Winner
You didn't hide and expressed your feelings = Winner
2007-04-16 10:00 AM
in reply to: #762763

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Subject: RE: I'm not an Ironman (IMAZ=DNF)
Thanks for posting such a grueling experience. So often on this site everything is rah-rah and everybody meets there goals which is not what life is all about. I don't know if I will ever attempt an IronMan but your story is going to stick with me no matter what event I do.

Good luck in setting and meeting your next goal.
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