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Run for the Red - RunMarathon

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Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania
United States
American Red Cross of Monroe County
42F / 6C
Total Time = 3h 22m 21s
Overall Rank = 57/402
Age Group = 40-49
Age Group Rank = 14/86
Pre-race routine:

Woke up at 3:45 am. Derek (boyddr) was leaving Horseheads at 3:00 which would put him at my house around 4:15. I had a bowl of oatmeal around 4:00 and made sure I had everything for the run. Salt tabs, fuel belt with gels, gatorade, plenty of clothes, gloves, HRM, wallet, oh yea........toilet paper!! Check!! Derek arrived and we left for the Poconos.

We met up with Kristen (SweetK) about 30 minutes before the start. She is awesome!! Driving 2+ hrs to cheer us on and schlep us back to our car! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Check out the awesome pics she took in her album!!
Event warmup:

We arrived very early which was nice because we had the bathrooms to ourselves for our first couple trips. I kept going back and forth about what to wear, it was in the mid 30's when we arrived but as the sun came up it warmed up to a balmy 41!! Decided to go with tri shorts, a long sleeve underarmour and my Snickers Marathon tech shirt and a pair of disposable gloves.

My warm up consisted of about 10 minutes of running and using the porta-potty 3 times in the half hour before the race started.You would think that would have been enough!! (More on that later) I felt a little foolish warming up for a 26 mile run but felt that it was the right thing to do.
  • 3h 22m 21s
  • 26.2 miles
  • 07m 43s  min/mile

Standing at the start line I got a little anxious as I thought to myself "Here we go, you're about to do a marathon! A few years ago you hated running and now you're doing a marathon." I got over that and wished Derek good luck and have fun when the gun went off.

My nutrition plan was going to be a gel every 15 min, 2 salt tabs before the start and 1 salt tab every 30 min and water at every water stop. Gatorade if I felt like it. My chocolate milk/banana/peanut butter recovery drink was waiting for me at the finish line!!

In the first 300 yds I realized that I didn't start my foot pod. Derek suggested I just start it at mile 1 but I figured it was just 1 more distraction that would mess up with my nutrition plan. I left it off. I think it was about mile 1 that I left Derek and tried to find my "happy pace". The trouble was that I couldn't get my HR out of the 160's!

On my long runs in April my AHR at an 8:00 pace was in the mid 130's. Now I am starting off in the 160's and I can't get it to come down. My RPE was about an 8 but my HR was Z-3! I finally decided to ignore my HR and see what happens. I wasn't about to back off to 9 min miles just to slow my HR down! I felt comfortable so I went with it.

I met up with Bill around mile 3 and struck up a conversation with him. We talked and ran together for about 8 miles. We passed Kristen at mile 9 and I felt great except I had to pee and my stomach was thinking about searching for a throne. As we were talking Bill mentions that he tends to overhydrate and has to pee all the time. His wife told him to "just pee, everyone else does it." His response was that "normal people don't". :) I didn't have the heart to tell him that for the last mile I was silently relieving myself and the next water stop I would "flush". :) As we came up to the next water stop I told him that I had to use the porta-potty and take a dump, he had to pee so he went to. I grabbed a gatorade and a water before entering the potty. Sat down, slammed down the drinks, took care of business, wiped and ran out. We exited at the exact same time! He looked at me and said "You didn't just......" I said "Oh yes I did, I have this down to a science!!"

After about mile 11 Bill dropped off the pace and I wished him a great run and continued on. Around mile 14 I met up with a woman who turned out to be a triathlete. She had done the Chesapeake Iron Distance race but was disappointed in how flat it was. She had just done Boston a couple weeks ago and seemed to be in amazing shape. I ran with her for a while and she dropped off the pace. At this point I am still feeling very good and holding a very steady pace.

Between mile 15 and 16 I met up with Hanna. (Friend #2 in SweetK's album) She was awesome! This was her 9th marathon and was just a machine, looking very comfortable. She struggled going up hills but just coasted down the hills. We had some good conversation and before I knew it we were at mile 22!! I was still walking through the water stations taking gatorade and water at each one. I missed a couple gels here and there but overall stuck pretty close to the nutrition plan. After mile 22 there was a pretty big hill and that was the last I saw of Hanna until the finish.

Miles 23-26 had a few hills that were eating people up. I think I passed 30 or so people in the last 3 miles. My pace increased a bit when I knew there was only 5K left. At the water station after mile 24 I tried to get some kids to throw water on me (thanks for the idea marmadaddy!!) and the confused look on there face was priceless! By the time they figured out I was serious I got a little splash on my back. Frome here on out it was just a cruise to the finish line. I passed 6 or 8 people after I entered the school grounds. When I got to the track for the last .2 miles I was on cloud 9! I felt like I could have gone another 5 or 6 miles. I saw Kristen at the finish and just could not get the smile off my face. Thank you again Kristen, you are great!!! BTers ROCK!!! No doubt about it!
What would you do differently?:

Absolutely nothing!!
Post race
Warm down:

Some volunteers were trying to get me to sit down but I felt spectaculer and just walked over and had some water, bananas, oranges and stretched out a bit. I forgot to tell Kristen to bring the cooler in with her so I ran out to her car to get my recovery shake and ran back to the track to catch Derek.

I talked Kristen into going up to the bleachers and get a picture coming into the stadium then we would have tome to get a picture at the finish as well. As we waited up there for Derek to come into the stadium he came up behind us and suprised us. How did we miss him? I felt terrible, not only did we miss him coming across the finish line but we (or I) made him climb stairs after he just ran a MARATHON!!! Sorry Derek!!

What limited your ability to perform faster:

Nothing. More training. I am very pleased with my performance in my 1st marathon!!

Event comments:

The volunteers were amazing!! If there is an organization that can assemble volunteers it is the Red Cross!! I will most likely do this race again next year.

Last updated: 2006-10-11 12:00 AM
03:22:21 | 26.2 miles | 07m 43s  min/mile
Age Group: 14/86
Overall: 57/402
Performance: Good
Laps were pretty consistent. 1:42 was my 13.1 mi split and I negative split the run and came home in a 1:40! AHR was 154, that was higher than expected.
Course: The course was great!! It was great to run, not to spectate!! I felt bad for Kristen because she was only able to see us at miles 9 and 16 then again at the finish. It was great to see her smiling face and hear her cheers!! The police had all 26.2 miles closed to traffic!! We had a 4 lane road to ourselves!! How often does that happen? It was a great feeling. There were a lot of rolling hills with quite a few ascents. Overall it was a net descent of 1800' or something. My Polar 625x had 700' of ascent!! The scenery was spectacular, winding roads with streams and rivers, golf courses, a tunnel, farms, etc. I would say the first 10 miles were pretty rolling then the descent started. Miles 20-26 had a few ascents that really got a few people. They weren't long but I guess on weary legs the would bite you. Fortunately, my legs weren't weary! :)
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Good
Mental exertion [1-5] 5
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 5

2007-05-07 9:40 PM

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: Run for the Red

2007-05-07 9:49 PM
in reply to: #792382

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2007-05-08 12:04 AM
in reply to: #792382

St Petersburg, Florida
Subject: RE: Run for the Red

What can I say?? Congratulations?? I don't think one word can sum up the happiness I know you feel.  I can just imagine your cheeks hurting from you smiling so much!

So . . .  Congratulations!!  You give a spectacular performance with your running and nutrition skills.

One of these I'll be able to see you in action out there!  Cool

2007-05-08 4:05 AM
in reply to: #792382

Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Run for the Red

Great race especially being your first at this distance.  Your race report is very entertaining as well.  I'm just wondering if you had the guilty look when you were discussing peeing on the go?  Like the little kid in the pool after being told not to.


2007-05-08 8:14 AM
in reply to: #792382

Rochester, NY
Subject: RE: Run for the Red
Dude, you so make me laugh!!  Awesome race!  I'm really impressed.  Especially about the peeing thing.  I really had to pee in the Finger Lake Tri last year and TRIED to make myself just pee and I couldn't!!!  You are an inspiration!  Wink
2007-05-08 9:25 PM
in reply to: #792382

Golden, CO
Subject: RE: Run for the Red
Dude.... you are the MAN! <3:30 in your first marathon, you absolutely rock! Best part, you finished in my home town! Wish I could've been there to see the whole thing... (well except for the peeing in your shoes and making poopies)

Speaking of poopies... do you think that the fact you were throwing down so many gels it might cause some of your GI problems???? Or would that just be old age? LOL! Just sayin'.....

Like that commercial says, "You don't have a going problem, you have a growing problem"... and no, that doesn't mean your hair.. Haha, I just crack myself up!

Seriously though, you had a GREAT run and I'm proud of you big guy! Get another one under your belt (come run Columbus with me in October) and we'll do Boston together next year!

2007-05-08 10:00 PM
in reply to: #792382

Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Run for the Red


CONGRATS on a great are truly inspirational!  My friends call me Quick when it comes to those things...perhaps we'll have a challenge one day!   Can't wait to track you through IMMOO!!


2007-05-08 11:24 PM
in reply to: #792382

Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: Run for the Red
Great report Bob! For a first time marathoner, it's astounding as to how you rocked the challenging course!  And the fact that you still had a lot in the tank when you finished is a testament to how well you were prepared.
2007-05-09 10:38 AM
in reply to: #792382

Ann Arbor, MI
Subject: RE: Run for the Red
AMAZING JOB!!! You really rocked that course! I can NOT believe that is your first marathon- you train and race like an old pro! (emphasis on the pro, not the old ). Great job out there, and just think, if you had invented those runner's GI bags, you could've saved yourself 90 seconds or so! Congratulations!
2007-05-10 7:41 PM
in reply to: #792382

Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Run for the Red

I'm still working on the design for the runner's colostomy bags!

Thanks for the inspires!! BTers rock!!! 

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