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2007-08-10 5:49 AM

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Subject: Hotel or Drive, that is the question
I've registered for my first triathlon on September 1st, and the race is about 2 hours away from my house. The race starts at 7:30am. My first impulse was to get a hotel and head over the night before. However being Labor day weekend and a small town it seems all the local hotels are booked for that weekend. So my choices are to get up early and drive or try to find a hotel somewhere between here and there. I'm leaning towards just driving in. I'm normally up at 5am anyway to workout, whats another 2 hours earlier right? Hmm, this is going to be tough.

I was curious what do the rest of you do when faced with an early morning long drive or hotel choice?

2007-08-10 6:14 AM
in reply to: #920650

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: Hotel or Drive, that is the question

An hour or slightly more is the most I'll drive the morning of the race. Up at 3am to drive won't kill you, but it won't be a lot of fun either.

What about packet pickup? Some race don't let you pick up your packet the morning of the race, that might be a determinant.

2007-08-10 6:52 AM
in reply to: #920650

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Manassas, VA
Subject: RE: Hotel or Drive, that is the question

My first race was 2:20 away and started at 7am.  I left my house at 3:15.  Definitely not ideal, but it wasn't terrible.  I'd do it again, although I'm more careful about race location now. 

Bear's right about packet pickup.  Even if you can get it the morning of, make sure you get there early so you have time to set up.

Have a great first race!

2007-08-10 6:59 AM
in reply to: #920650

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Hotel or Drive, that is the question
Get up early and drive and the use the money saved to buy yourself a nice tri treat...
2007-08-10 7:07 AM
in reply to: #920650

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Hotel or Drive, that is the question

How well do you sleep in unfamiliar surroundings?  I don't sleep well the first night in a strange place, so I'd only get a few hours sleep either way. 

Just make sure you've packed and checked your stuff the night before, because your mental gymnastics at 3:15 might be a little flaky. 

2007-08-10 7:10 AM
in reply to: #920650

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Subject: RE: Hotel or Drive, that is the question
I've driven in before a race many times. I've never gotten a hotel room for a sprint, because the race is too short to justify the added expense, i.e., I'm too cheap. The longest I've driven is 2 hours for a race in Central Time Zone (I lived in Eastern) so I gained an hour. I think the drive helps as it gives me time to wake up (I am NOT a morning person).

On the other hand, I DNS 2 races because of severe early morning T-storms in the area. I just could not bring myself to drive 2 hours through severe weather on winding country roads at 5:00 am. If I had been at a hotel, I would have done the races.

2007-08-10 8:08 AM
in reply to: #920701

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Hotel or Drive, that is the question
McFuzz - 2007-08-10 7:07 AM

How well do you sleep in unfamiliar surroundings?  I don't sleep well the first night in a strange place, so I'd only get a few hours sleep either way. 

x2.  Totally agree with this.  Last year we got a hotel room for Pleasant Prairie which is about 1.5 hrs from my house.  I got all of about an hour's worth of sleep.  This year I'm sleeping at home, driving up and I'll get more sleep, and better sleep in my own bed. 

The key either way is to get plenty of sleep at home the two nights before since you won't sleep much the night before the race.  Good luck!

2007-08-10 8:14 AM
in reply to: #920650

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Subject: RE: Hotel or Drive, that is the question
I Have to agree with the packet pick up people...If you have to drive up there twice in2 days you might end up saving the money in gas and get a cheap hotel room...just make sure that they allow you to bring your bike in...most local ones will because they want yourbusiness. Because nothing would suck more to waking up the morning ofthe race to find that your bike has been stolen of your car...
2007-08-10 8:21 AM
in reply to: #920650

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New user
Subject: RE: Hotel or Drive, that is the question
If packet pick-up is the night before there is a super trick to cheap accomodations. Go to packet pick-up and hold a sign that says something along the lines of "Will Race for a Bed." Never fails. Plus, it's a great story and you meet some awesome people.
2007-08-10 8:27 AM
in reply to: #920701

South Jersey
Subject: RE: Hotel or Drive, that is the question

Up at 3:45, out the door by 4 - 4:05, onsite by 6 - 6:05. It's all good. I usually wake up at 4 for the races that are close anyway, so getting up 15 mins early wouldn't kill me. The drive isn't bad - you listen to music, fuel and hydrate, etc.

2007-08-10 8:31 AM
in reply to: #920650

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Subject: RE: Hotel or Drive, that is the question
Remember just because the race starts at 7:30 you need to be there plenty early.  This is not like a run race where you can show up right before the start and join the group.  The transition generally closes before the race starts, maybe a half hour, so you will have to be there before that cutoff and then lay out all your stuff so like everyone else said you might have a 2 hour drive but have to leave at 3:30 or 4:00.  I really depends if you mind the extra expense.  Personally if I try to race close to home but in Dallas there are Tri's almost every weekend (or close) so I try to avoid destination races.

2007-08-10 8:50 AM
in reply to: #920650

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New City, New York
Subject: RE: Hotel or Drive, that is the question
2 hours is the most I'd drive.  dunno about this 3 am talk.  pack the night before, up at 4:15 out at 4:30 w/ a cup o joe and you're there 1 hour before race start. plenty of time.
2007-08-10 9:04 AM
in reply to: #920650

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: Hotel or Drive, that is the question
How well do you sleep the night before an event? If you have pre race anxieties, you might toss and turn all night, only to doze off around one or two a.m. It would be the suck to have to get up after an hour or two of sleep. Just food for thought.

Edited by ditchdoc 2007-08-10 9:07 AM
2007-08-10 9:26 AM
in reply to: #920650

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Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: Hotel or Drive, that is the question
As I posted on a similar thread before, I simply sleep in my truck. I just find a quiet spot near the event, roll the windows down a crack, push down the backseats of my XTerra, set my watch alarm (not that I really need it) and catch a few zzz's. Really, that's all I'm going to get the night before a race anyway.

I'm 38, I can afford a hotel room, but it's just not worth the added expense. And I don't have to worry about getting up way too early, driving with the drunks on the road at that hour or trying to find an unfamiliar place in the dark. I even get to preview the course. Sleeping in your vehicle really isn't much different than camping.
2007-08-10 9:30 AM
in reply to: #920650

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: Hotel or Drive, that is the question
Give yourself some time for Parking.  Have you scouted or been to this area before.  Nothing more stessfull than finding no parking and realizing you have to walk with all your Tri gear along ways.
2007-08-10 9:50 AM
in reply to: #920650

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Subject: RE: Hotel or Drive, that is the question
Thanks for the feedback, this particular race doesn't offer a pre-race packet pickup so arriving the day prior wouldn't help with that, and the point about sleeping in a strange place is a good one. I never seem to sleep well or be well rested the next day at a hotel. The non familarity is going to be an issue as I've never been to this area before. Maybe a scouting trip is in order. Again thanks for the feedback. I think I'll go with packing everything the night before and try getting to bed early. I don't know if pre race anxiety will be an issue or not. It hasn't been an issue for me in the past with road races, but then I was never concerned about drowning in one of them. : )

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