BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!! Rss Feed  
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2007-12-26 8:40 PM

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: Bob Stocks' Group - CLOSED with some awesome peeps!!!

NAME: rstocks3 / Bob
STORY: My name is Bob Stocks and I am from Binghamton, NY. I work as a Nuclear Med. Tech. at a hospital in Elmira, NY. I started doing sprint triathlons in 2005 after doing a couple team triathlons in 2003 and 2004. My background is in competitive swimming, starting when I was 5 yrs old and swimming right through college at Eastern Ky Univ as a distance swimmer.
FAMILY STATUS: I have a great wife and 3 kids, 2 girls and a boy (12, 10 & 8). My wife and daughters are into horse showing and my son has been doing triathlons for 3 yrs now. He did his first as a 6 yr old!
CURRENT TRAINING: In 2007 I did my first Olympic distance, first 1/2 Ironman, first marathon and first Ironman in Wisconsin. In 2008 I am planning a spectrum of races with the main focus on Ironman Kentucky in August. I started using a coach in 2007 and have a great deal of confidence in his knowledge and have learned a lot about balancing life and triathlons.
THIS YEAR'S RACES: 2007 was a great year for me. I placed 1st in my AG in 3 races and placed in the top 6% overall at IMWI.
2008 RACES: Apr 6 - Skunk Cabbage 1/2 Marathon, May 3rd - White Lake 1/2 IM, May 31st - Fly-by-Night Duathlon, June 6th - Keuka Lake Olympic, July 13th - Musselman 1/2 IM, Aug 3rd - Cayuga Lake Sprint, Aug 31st - IMKY, Sept 20 - Finger Lakes Olympic, Nov 1st - Beach2Battleship Ironman Distance
WEIGHTLOSS: I have lost over 40 lbs training for triathlons. Training allows me to not have to watch too close what I eat. I would like to drop another 20 lbs though.
WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: Finding a balance between training and life is a key to making this a lifelong activity. I learned the hard way that rest and time off are all part of training. A stress fractured femur was my hard lesson in 2006! I think I can pass on my love of triathlon through my experiences to people who are just starting out. I look forward to passing that knowledge on!

Edited by rstocks3 2008-01-03 9:14 PM

2008-01-01 7:23 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open
2008 is going to be a great year!! I'm looking forward to meeting many BTers!! Come on in and join in this addictive thing called triathlon!!
2008-01-01 7:34 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open

I would like to be part of your group! Looks like I may be the first. Here's my story! I can't say I'm totally a beginner, but I have a lot to learn. I pretty much winged my first year.

I am a married female 34 years old. I am very type A and very competitive. I've read that triathlete's can be compulsive and I fit that model. I ran Div 1 track in college - mostly 400's and have kept in pretty good shape. However, with two kids (5 & 7) and a full time career it is very hard to fit everything in. My job is typically 50 give or take hours. I found when I hit 32 a few years eating habits finally caught up with me (like everyone told me years ago).
I have to admit I'm blessed with athletic ability. I took up swimming less then a year ago and found myself getting compliments on my stroke. Plus, my times were pretty good...300 m in 5min 30 sec. (pool) 1000M lake - 21min
Bike: I must be decent at this too...except for a few women I was rarely passed. The few times I was passed on the bike from a woman I had to look twice because the lady passing me legs were HUGE and looked like a man.
Run: Given my track background you'd think this be the best. NOpe...I feel like this is my weakest leg at least when you compare me to others and how I lose time in a race.
5k - PR 23.07
10K - ? never done a true 10K

Heartrate - My heartrate is very high! I actually think this is part of why I can not run faster 5ks. I have found my heartrate to be high 180's even in the water doing laps. I can run pretty comfortable at around 180. I have hit 200 several occasions. I bought a Garmin 301 and have started to use it. I haven't used it though to really analyze my workouts.

Tri History -
A year ago I decided to participate in a local sprint tri after wanting to get back into shape. I did that Tri, but learned I needed to know how to ride a bike for speed and that I shouldn't save my legs for the run. Finished - top 10 or so.
June 07 - Sprint tri - finished 3rd
July 07 - finished 9th overall, 4th in Okoboji tri 1000 m swim, 18 mile bike, 5.5 miles
Sept07 - LeMars Tri - 1st female, 7th overall (my hometown so it was fun for me to win)

2008 Goals:
Significantly improve my run- 21 5k pace
Lose winter weight- 8 lbs
Become more structured with training

2008 Races:
May 3rd- Sioux Center Tri in the city where I work (sprint)
June 07 - Sprint
Hyvee Tri - Olympic - June
July 07 - Okoboji Tri - (1000m, 18m, 5.5m)
Sept 07 - LeMars, Ia Sprint
Oct 07 - 1/2 Marathon - Sioux City, Iowa
Several local 5k's

Looking forward to getting to know you and the future group!
2008-01-01 7:49 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Rochester, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open



j/k  You're going to be a mentor too?  Awesome!  I know you'll be great! 

2008-01-01 8:03 PM
in reply to: #1126735

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open


Hello and welcome to my group!! It sounds like you have a plate like mine when it comes to training time. Congrats on a great year in 2007! Great finishes! It's nice to see that you haven't lost the spark of competitiveness from your track days! (We always had a saying that when the going gets tough, the sprinters get out!

Welcome to endurance sports! Finding the time to train AND get enough rest is a tricky feat but family support and the support of friends (BTers fall here ) are the key to making it work.

I'll be happy to help you with anything that I can and I will probably be asking you about running as that is my weakness!

Take care and I hope you are as excited about 2008 as I am!! 

2008-01-02 1:41 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open
Hi Bob,

Just wondering if you have any openings? I too am signed up for IMKY (1st IM distance for me)
I will post full BIO if you have room.



2008-01-02 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1128587

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open

razorxp - 2008-01-02 2:41 PM Hi Bob, Just wondering if you have any openings? I too am signed up for IMKY (1st IM distance for me) I will post full BIO if you have room. Thanks David

Plenty of room David. I look forward to having you in the group. It will be great to meet you at IMKY!!! 

2008-01-02 5:44 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open
Hi. My name is Amy and I am intresed in joining your group.
I have had a great first season of triathlons and am very addicted now. I did a super sprint triathlon as my frist triathlon and have done 2 sprint triathlons since then. I am also on a year round club swim team and my high school swim team. (I am 16) I would say swimming is my strongest sport and biking is my weakest. I am very intrested in doing more triathlons this year and taking things a step farther.
This year I would like to run a half marathon and do an olympic distance triathlon. I feel almost ready for both these goals but like the idea of more encouragment and advice from someone more expierenced with triathlons. It is my goal to do an ironman one day! I can currantly run about 8 miles and feel almost ready for the half marathon. As for the olympic distance triathlon, I feel like I can do the swimming and running but need to work on the bicycling. I bike about 8MPH and can only do that for about 2 hours max, so not very far!
I would say my biggest challange for this year would be finding time to fit in all my workouts between school and all my swim team workouts. I am eager to accomplish my goals though with a half marathon hopefully planned for feb 17.
Thanks for helping!
2008-01-02 8:17 PM
in reply to: #1129265

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open

Hi Amy!! Welcome to the group! Congratulations on your first season of the most addicting sport I have known. You will find that triathlon training is great cross training for swimming, especially in the off season. Open water swimming is such a nice change from the black line on the bottom of the pool.

I will be happy to answer any of your questions you might have. The first bit of advise I will give you is about running. When you increase your mileage or time running never increase by more than 10% per week. Running takes the most toll on your body and it's important to respect it the most. So if your long run is 8 miles and your weekly total is 20 miles the following week your weekly total should be no more than 22 miles and your long run should be no longer than 8.8 miles. 

Tell me more about your  swimming. What distances and strokes are your favorite? I was a distance freestyler and 200 flyer and disliked anything under 500 yds.

I think we have a great group forming here and I'm sure we will be feeding off each other throughout the spring training and summer season.

Welcome and Happy New Year!! 

2008-01-02 9:27 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open
Thanks Bob/ Group

This will be my second season of triathlon racing. After signing up for our 1st tri on a whim, we (wife, 2 good friends, brotherinlaw, fatherinlaw, sisterlinlaw) have been hooked. It has turned out to be quite a social/family event for all the races. We have a group that travels to most races for support or to race. We are even trying to start a local tri club in our town. After doing a few sprint tri's last year I got the brilliant idea to try a 1/2IM after just 5 months of training. I have always been into sports where size is important so I have always been more of a gym rat so all this cardio has changed my body dramaticly.

Family: Married almost 5 years no (human) childeren 2 yorkies

2008 Goals:
May 18th 1/2IM in FL I want to breat 5:14:59,
Findlay (hometown 1st race ever) Beat my time by about 1HR. lol that 27min 5k has been improved on by alot
IMKY= goal is to avg 20mph on bike, run a sub 4 marathon. Realy want to break 11hrs. High goal but why not!!!!

Good Luck to Everyone and I look forward to the next few months!!!!!

Edited by razorxp 2008-01-02 9:35 PM
2008-01-03 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1117803

New user

Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open
I would like to be a part of your group.....

My name is Kevin and I live in Atlanta, Georgia. I am married with two kids, one boy and a girl (5 and 2).

I am starting to train for my first triathlon that will take place May 10th and is aptly named "My First Triathlon". I am a true begininer in that I have never competed in any of the three sports. I am an avid mountain biker, but have gotten out of shape over the last few years.

My wife and I will be training together for the race, and plan on running it together. I look foward to working with you to prepare for my first tri....

thanks for your time!!!

2008-01-03 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1130345

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open

Kevin! Hello and welcome to the group. I think with a mountain biking background you will really enjoy this sport. It's great that your wife is also going to be training with you. Family support is crucial to keeping your sanity as you become addicted to triathlons.

I am looking forward to working together with the group!

2008-01-03 11:11 AM
in reply to: #1129265

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open


Do you have any record of your recent runs? Try to start logging all of your workouts on your training log. It is a great tool to look back and see where you were in the past and see your training progress. That's how I found BT, once I started poking around on the site I found the amount of information at my fingertips was overwhelming.

Take care and feel free to post any questions you may have anytime!

2008-01-03 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open
Hi Bob,

If you'll have me, I'd love to join your group.

About me: 30 year old female, married with a 3 year old son, 2 dogs and a cat. I have a deep love of the water and have recently started cycling and love it love it love it. My main issue will be running...I'm not very good at it. I could stand to lose about 40 pounds and think that sprint tris will be a blast and make losing the weight FUN. That is what this is all about for me is to have fun and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

2007: Lots of swimming and biking, but any excuse not to run would do.

2008: First tri is scheduled for May and I can't wiat!!!

I am a little competitive, but nothing like many of the tri-ers I read about.
2008-01-03 12:50 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open
2008-01-03 12:54 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Marion, Ohio
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open
I'm a complete newbie ......whats the chances of letting me join your group????

2008-01-03 3:53 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open
I swim a lot of distance too. I love doing anything long, especially the 1650 freestyle! I swim alot of 500s also and have told my high school coach I love to swim distance. Now he puts me in every 500!
I also enjoy the individual medley. I like swimming both the 200IM and the 400IM. The variety makes for an intresting race. I guess that is why I enjoy triathlons. Because they are long and have plenty of variety
I forgot about making a log! Sorry. I just signed up for this fourm yesterday because I wanted to do this challange.
I have one question: How often should I be running to be ready for a half marathon on feb 17th? How many times a week and what distances? I've been having a hard time planning a running routine because I am swimming for about an hour and a half almost everyday, and if I am not at practice, I am swimming in a meet. Do you know a way I can fit in a running routine that would get me ready for a half marathon without exhausting myself?
Thanks for the advice and for letting me in your group!
2008-01-03 4:04 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - FULL of some great peeps!!!
Welcome Craig, Carla and of course Trixie!! That will close up the group. Great to have you all, lets have a lot of fun training together and reach some goals!!
2008-01-03 4:12 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open

Any room left for me???

Name: Jon aka JBD

Story: This will be my second year of Tri's and I am looking forward to it. I did 3 sprints, an Oly and a 1/2 Mary last year and plan to move to the 1/2 IM this year. Trying to decide on 1/2IM in SC (late season) or spring 1/2IM in FL. Will depend a little on my travel schedule as I have been going back and forth to Asia a lot lately.

Equipment: Started swimming competitively as a 6 year old, so I got those mechanics down somewhat. Just bought a used tri bike at the end of last season that is smokin' hot, so I look forward to getting that rollin'.

Current Training: You can check my log from last year as I have taken a hiatus since the 1/2 Mary on Thanksgiving. I am starting back up by swimming in the pool combined with either a running or spinning during the week.

Needs: I need to get kick in the butt motivation and someone to help me monitor the logs to make sure I am preparing properly.

Other Stats: 40 years old, married with 9 year old boy and 2 year old girl, and one furry dog. 

Thanks in advance

2008-01-03 4:16 PM
in reply to: #1131119

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open

trixie - 2008-01-03 1:50 PM ME ME ME!! PICK ME!!! PLEEEEEEEEEASE???


Trixie, if that is your photo, you are my hero (and heartthrob

2008-01-03 4:25 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Rochester, NY
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open
Jon, yes, that is a picture of our friend, Trixie. 

2008-01-03 4:44 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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St Petersburg, Florida
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open

I'm quite interested in hearing the training tips/mentor advice you give your mentees with HR of 180 and above as this is me too!

Bob for President!!!

2008-01-03 4:53 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open

YAY ME!!  I'M IN!!  Baaaaab does love me

Whatcha wanna know?  I'm trixie (Lisa Taylor) from Laingsburg, MI. I'm a Personal trainer when I'm not entertaining BT. Started doing multi-sport after ankle reconstruction...they told me not to run, so I figured biking and then running was totally fine, right?  Water scares the BAJEEZUS outta me, so I generally stay out of it. I've done two tris, but I mainly do the du...and ultra running.  100 milers and less. Yes, I'm crazy. 

FAMILY: Married to the one and only Mr trixie. Have 3 dogs, English setters, and yes, I hunt birds. 

THIS YEAR'S RACES: Did a bunch, ran 6+ marys a couple of 50ks and a 100 miler. Did 1 tri, and a quite a few dus placing OA or in AG for each (even the tri)

2008 RACES: Well, this year is gonna be strange on the training front...I have Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run in June...and I will try and keep some speed and maybe gain some during the high mileage??(yeah, that'll happen)  I have National Championships and World Championships for Duathlon on either side of WS100, so it should be interesting. I will race 3-4 more dus and possibly one tri....and run a crap load of other races for training.   


  • Gonna try and get bendy (yoga 3-5 days per week)
  • Gonna try and get strong (lift 3 days per week)
  • Gonna try and get fast (speed session for run and bike at least 1x per week)
2008-01-03 6:02 PM
in reply to: #1117803

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San mateo California
Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open

Is it too late to join?


Please pick me....

NAME: Velasqu7/Luis
STORY: My name is Luis Velasquez and Iam currently living in San Francisco California. I have lived in California, florida, michigan, texas, germany, the middle east, and now I am back in California. I started tri's after a brain tumor scare. I love endurance sports and my blogs are very empty, I need the motivation.
FAMILY STATUS: I used to be married to the most beautiful and gentle soul. Unfortunatelly we had to part ways... That is the way it is... so I am single and looking...
CURRENT TRAINING: In 2007 I took a hiatus from Triathlons. But I did a lot of running. I completed 9 ultras and two marathons (I still owe lots of race reports). I consider myself a triathlete first... then a runner. I run three times a week and I usually do a long run on the weekends (higher than 12 miles). I swim an average of 24,000 yards per month and I haven biked much..

2008 RACES: This year I have three 'A' races.. IMcDA in June, a 50 mile run and a 100 mile endurance run. (events still to be decided). I have been also considering the double iron.. I will also do a whatever 50K's fit on my schedule and a couple of bike centuries.

WEIGHTLOSS: I "thank God" never had weight issues... although I don't know what would happen to me if I stop excercising since I eat like a pig... PS... I am vegetarian..


Edited by velasqu7 2008-01-03 6:17 PM
2008-01-03 8:14 PM
in reply to: #1131871

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Subject: RE: Bob Stocks' Group - Open
JBD - 2008-01-03 5:16 PM

trixie - 2008-01-03 1:50 PM ME ME ME!! PICK ME!!! PLEEEEEEEEEASE???


Trixie, if that is your photo, you are my hero (and heartthrob)

AWWWW. Thanks, JBD 

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