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2005-06-19 9:25 PM
in reply to: #169441

Elite Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses
Core, I have zero authority with respect to this challenge. I hope you feel better soon, and I know win or lose, some charity will be pretty happy we played.

2005-06-20 12:15 AM
in reply to: #169441

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Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses
Ladies! I put in a 96 mile weekend to put me at 204/307! I will be riding a few times this week in addition to long again next weekend, so I'll hit past 307!! GO GEAR GODDESSES!!
PS This challenge is good for more than just training. I got 2 compliments on my butt this weekend!! That is definitely good motivation to ride more this week!!
2005-06-20 12:26 AM
in reply to: #177382

The Emerald City
Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses
kepola - 2005-06-17 12:53 PM

I'm at 59 miles of my 100 mile goal.

I plan to ride 20 miles tonight. Been there. 15 miles tomorrow Done that. and 10 miles on Sunday. Goal completed.

Any more miles this month will be gravy.

2005-06-20 6:29 AM
in reply to: #169441

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses

Hey Chris... a few reality checks.

  • don't hurt yourself. 
  • keep it fun.
  • Renee is the captain, its up to her.
  • no attacks going on here, I was contributing my view because I was in a similar situation.
  • don't bike if it means sacrificing your best at the race.
  • heal fast!!


2005-06-20 7:16 AM
in reply to: #169441

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Racine, WI
Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses

While it would be a whole lot of fun to see the guys scramble,  if Coredump's doc sez he shouldn't ride I think we should let it go.  This challenge was (I thought) supposed to be fun and motivating, NOT a grunge match or to encourage anyone to push themselves to injury (altho I know you're smarter than that Coredump). 

While I appreciate your point Nikki and in a "real world/race situtation" would agree, I really think that for the purposes of the "Ride Lots Challenge" and in the spirit of kindness Coredump should be left off the hook.

Besides, wouldn't it be fun to take the high road and STILL win?

2005-06-20 7:28 AM
in reply to: #169441

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses

I never saw it as taking the low road. I really didn't see (or mean to have) my view be received as anything but a different prospective, and an opportunity for the bones to ummm....bond!!

Actually, logistically speaking for any future challenges, its far easier to just keep the rules simple and clean. What would be the difference between "need to lay off the back for awhile" and "my kids are home sick"? Or, "a business trip", "a wedding", "my bike broke", "a storm". Each situation would call for a new discussion and a vote, or captain approval. If instead, a team is a team...then the team works together. Last month was amazing when I told my fellow Team Chycks that I may not make it because of surgery....It was worth going through to feel the support I did. Maybe thats what made my comeback stronger?

Whatever the decision...its all good.

2005-06-20 7:38 AM
in reply to: #178470

Elite Veteran
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses

Good morning, Goddesses!  After an awesome weekend of riding, I HAVE MADE MY 250 MILE GOAL!  And more good new is....I have a 30 miler on Wednesday with my group, and (drum roll please) a 100 miler on Saturday - first one of the season, and my longest to date is just under 62.  This could be a tough one, ladies - little encouragement please?

We are looking great!  Keep up the excellent effort, my fellow Goddesses!

Edited by Tania 2005-06-20 7:39 AM
2005-06-20 7:50 AM
in reply to: #178463

Elite Veteran
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses
CindyK - 2005-06-20 7:16 AM

While it would be a whole lot of fun to see the guys scramble,  if Coredump's doc sez he shouldn't ride I think we should let it go.  This challenge was (I thought) supposed to be fun and motivating, NOT a grunge match or to encourage anyone to push themselves to injury (altho I know you're smarter than that Coredump). 

While I appreciate your point Nikki and in a "real world/race situtation" would agree, I really think that for the purposes of the "Ride Lots Challenge" and in the spirit of kindness Coredump should be left off the hook.

Besides, wouldn't it be fun to take the high road and STILL win?

Not that we are voting, but I agree with CindyK. I think it is better for our personal sense of fair play (and our Karma) to let Coredump out of the challenge.  As I am sure the Testybones would do for one of us if we had a "doctor's note".  Let's be nice, ladies.  We are the fairer sex, after all.

2005-06-20 7:55 AM
in reply to: #178141

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Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses
Motivated - 2005-06-19 1:41 PM

coredump - 2005-06-19 11:16 AM Some bad news fellow 'boners.

My back issues have resulted in my being told to lay off the bike for a while.  So, there is no way I'm going to be able to meet my goal. 

*Hopefully* by taking it easy this week, I'll be good to go for my race next weekend.

I'm still good for me pledge, but I'd like to ask if I can be removed from the challenge, due to being told by doctor not to ride. 

This sucks.


Renee, I need to file an official appeal.  On doctor's orders, Chris (Coredump) can't ride and consequently, won't fulfill his quota.  I'm asking that his "attainment on goal" be excluded from our overall rankings.

Thank you.

Karl and Chris, I don't usually check-in over the weekend so I'm just now catching up on this issue.

Chris - is this an overuse injury? In the Swim Challenge, overuse injuries were not legitimate reasons to withdraw (for example, my shoulder was giving out due to a massive increase in my swim output - overuse injury. Also, in Nikki's case she had surgery but was not allowed to withdraw.). My thoughts are a) if this is an overuse injury directly related to this challenge, then I would lean towards not allowing the withdrawal. And b) if the injury is unrelated then I would be more inclined to allow the withdrawal.

So, Chris, what's the skinny on your injury?

(Update: I called Chris and left a message for him to call me to discuss this issue. We'll have resolution as quickly as Chris can call me back.)

Edited by Renee 2005-06-20 8:03 AM

2005-06-20 8:09 AM
in reply to: #178491

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Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses

Gooooooooood morning, Goddesses!!!!!!!! Let's get a roll call on how everyone did this weekend and where we are with our respective goals.

I rode 40.008 miles yesterday (biggest ride ever!). I am at 96 out of 155 miles, which puts me at 62% of my goal.

Plans for this week of training is 12 on Tues, 12 on Fri, 40 on Sunday which will put me over my goal (with 4 more days in the month to get some additional mileage in).

How is everyone else doing?

2005-06-20 8:22 AM
in reply to: #169441

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Colorado Springs
Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses
I had a race this weekend, the ride was only 14 miles and I rested on Saturday so not a huge increase in mileage for me. I'm at 125.8/175 = 71.9%

Good luck with your upcoming long ride Renee! I have a 50 mile ride planned for this weekend, that will be a definite challenge for me. Also have a 20 mile ride planned on Tuesday so I should definitely reach my goal by Sunday.

Can we transfer extra mileage to others that need it? I will probably be over my goal.

2005-06-20 8:29 AM
in reply to: #178491

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses
Renee - 2005-06-20 7:55 AM

in Nikki's case she had surgery but was not allowed to withdraw.

if the injury is unrelated then I would be more inclined to allow the withdrawal.

It never came up to withdraw and my injury was unrelated....I twisted my knee while doing the amazing act of standing up from sitting way too long at my daughter's volleyball game. Although, I do take responsiblity for absent mindedly signing up for the challenge having surgery date set already. In this case...Chris's injury came up during the month.

But please everyone....I'm sooo not animate about this. My response was a gesture, not a soap box stand. I really don't think this is a case, or point of contention. It was a discussion.

Whatever will be will be....enjoy, and Chris, get better soon.

2005-06-20 8:37 AM
in reply to: #178515

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Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses

Nikki, actually when you mentioned your surgery, I proposed 2 suggestions to Joel. One suggestion was that he allow us to swim for you (saying "the 2000 yard I swim today are to go towards Nikki's yardage". The other was an inquiry asking if you could withdraw due to your surgery. Both suggestions were either ignored or shot down.

I think you made good points and there is no harm in discussing this issue. We had issues arise during the swim challenge and we were able to resolve them; I'm sure we can do the same here. As long as the boys can contain their whining.

2005-06-20 8:40 AM
in reply to: #169441

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St. Louis, MO
Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses

I rode no miles this weekend...but have no fear!  I knew I wouldn't be riding and before I left on Friday, I rode 23 miles, putting me at 188/250 (75%).  I'll be rididng this week, with a long ride this weekend.  I'll make it to goal, no problem!

Tania, congrats on already getting to your goal!


2005-06-20 9:13 AM
in reply to: #169441

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Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses
1) I am over 100% this month
2) Coredump is injured. Let it go. This is fun and we are at BT.com, not the Super Bowl
3) He will get dropped anyway if he has the lowest %
4) Challenges are good, fun, motivating, but should NOT cause anxiety or injury.

A real challenge? tri declaring your mileage for all 3 and hitting it-- there's no way I could--- I have let 2 sports go each time I've tried to hit a challenge. Maybe that's just me, a beginner, a slacker, but all of these challenges are not so impressive if they are met with major sacrifices elsewhere. Shit, I sound like The Bear.
2005-06-20 9:20 AM
in reply to: #178570

Elite Veteran
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses
Fortunately, I still consider meeting my goal impressive.  I don't have another tri scheduled until September 18th, and the "middle" of my season is bike focused to get ready for RAGBRAI at the end of July, so I'm currently training just the way I need to be.  The bike challenge came at the perfect time!  No sacrifices necessary.

2005-06-20 9:24 AM
in reply to: #169441

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Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses
Tania, you are my hero. I wish I could be so organized and consistent and actually do what I set out to do...

I definitely didn't mean that EVERYONE was as much of a slacker as I...just pointing out that while I may have posted that I made my goal, I also needed to be honest about what was sucksville in my life....
2005-06-20 9:33 AM
in reply to: #169441

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses

I'm at 218.74/270... That's 81%... with a group ride tonight, I'm guaranteed AT LEAST 25-30 miles... and a race on Saturday with a 17.5 mile course, that leaves me only 10 (or so) miles to ride ALL NEXT WEEK!!! Yeah!!! GO GODDESSES!!!!

Now, what to do about my running????


2005-06-20 9:33 AM
in reply to: #178586

Elite Veteran
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses

Not at all, dear possum!  I just detected a teensy note of negativity that was threatening to ooze out all over our beloved Goddesses and their ASS KICKING bike riding - i.e "yeah, you might make your bike goal but how impressive is that if you can't also run 100 miles and swim 50,000 yards this month, too"?  Which by the way, I also would not be able to do under any circumstances.  I just have a schedule that works out right now, not everyone has that.

I just want you, and me, and every other single Goddess in this challenge to feel GREAT about what they are accomplishing, and not one bit bad about having to shift priorities to make it all work out.  And plus - I seriously doubt that you are a slacker by any stretch

Edited by Tania 2005-06-20 9:35 AM
2005-06-20 10:15 AM
in reply to: #178597

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Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses
Tania, Congratulations on your efforts! That's fantastic!! Well done!
2005-06-20 10:15 AM
in reply to: #178595

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Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses
Whizzer - 2005-06-20 9:33 AM

I'm at 218.74/270... That's 81%... with a group ride tonight, I'm guaranteed AT LEAST 25-30 miles... and a race on Saturday with a 17.5 mile course, that leaves me only 10 (or so) miles to ride ALL NEXT WEEK!!! Yeah!!! GO GODDESSES!!!!

Now, what to do about my running????



2005-06-20 10:20 AM
in reply to: #169441

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Extreme Veteran
Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses
I put in 25.7 yesterday which brings me to 192.08/250 - 76.8% of my goal! I've got a taper week this week, so will probably do 10-15 on Thursday and Saturday (race day) will be 52 which will put me just over the 250. And I should get in one more ride before the month is out, so I will surpass the 250. Wooo hoo!!
2005-06-20 10:31 AM
in reply to: #178674

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Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses

shrano - 2005-06-20 10:20 AM I put in 25.7 yesterday which brings me to 192.08/250 - 76.8% of my goal! I've got a taper week this week, so will probably do 10-15 on Thursday and Saturday (race day) will be 52 which will put me just over the 250. And I should get in one more ride before the month is out, so I will surpass the 250. Wooo hoo!!


2005-06-20 10:51 AM
in reply to: #178695

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Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses

Ladies, the table below are results as of Friday morning for Goddesses who were at less than 50% of goal. Much could have changed since then (e.g. I'm now at 62% and trimom3 is at 76% of goal.); please post and let us know how you are doing.

Our opponents have only 4 teammembers who are at less than 40% of goal; we have 6. There is much work still to be done. After seeing the hard work put in during the Swim Challenge and the Run Challenge by the BT Chicks, I know the Goddesses are up to the challenge. Keep going strong!! You ladies ROCK!













La Rakusillian
































Grodi Jo












2005-06-20 10:53 AM
in reply to: #169441

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Subject: RE: Team Gear Goddesses
I posted last night, but I am at 204/307: 66.4%. I am riding this week and long again this weekend, so I will hit past 307 without a blink. If I hadn't been sick for a week, I'd def be hitting past 400!
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