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2006-05-03 5:37 PM
in reply to: #413022

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
I just got back from my massage therapist and yes my neck and traps and jaw was all knotted up and sore. I did my first century on Sunday and my upper body was way worse of than the lower. Get it worked on, you will feel great. It relieved my headache also. J

2006-05-03 6:12 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Extreme Veteran
Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
I'm feeling pretty good about the swim, confident that I will be ready for the run, but worried sick about the bike. I have a lot of work to do in the next 7 weeks.
2006-05-03 6:49 PM
in reply to: #409810

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

One more victim BT'er to the list.  Put them at the top so they're easy to find.  That's 30 of us now....gonna be a great BT party!  Scratched TPL (bummer) and added WATriChick. 




T in Liberty Lake
Ms Rob

Edited by Flyboy 2006-05-03 6:50 PM
2006-05-03 7:34 PM
in reply to: #413022

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
BellinghamSpence - 2006-05-02 6:28 PM

Anyone else get stiff/sore necks from being in the aero position. Always on my left side going into my trapsezoid. It feels like a burner or a stinger.

Look down more. You should only glance up periodically to scan the road assuming you are not riding in traffic.

2006-05-03 7:38 PM
in reply to: #414102

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
That's a pretty impressive list. I have to tell you guys, I'm really wishing the race was in like two weeks. I really really really want to eat like six cheeseburgers a bucket of fries, a platter of every conceivable fried food imaginable, some hot wings, a case of Corona, and an IV drip of pure lard.

2006-05-04 1:11 AM
in reply to: #414124

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

ChuckyFinster - 2006-05-03 4:38 PM That's a pretty impressive list. I have to tell you guys, I'm really wishing the race was in like two weeks. I really really really want to eat like six cheeseburgers a bucket of fries, a platter of every conceivable fried food imaginable, some hot wings, a case of Corona, and an IV drip of pure lard.

Man, I am SO there with you!!  I went to a birthday party tonight at one of the local, really nice restaurants...everyone in the party was having appetizers, steaks, baked potatos with the works, Creme Brule, get the picture.  And there I was...eating my @&%($%&  Ceasar salad!!  It was good mind you...but oh MAN that Filet Mignon looked SOOOOOO good!!    52 more days baby and then I'm going to have the biggest, fattest, juciest cheeseburger I can find!  And oh yeah...the french fries and Coronas to go along with it too. 

Edited by Flyboy 2006-05-04 1:12 AM

2006-05-04 1:16 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

What do you all (y'all for you southern folk!) think about getting the BT tattoos to wear on race day so it's easier for us to find each other during the race?  Not that I plan on passing anyone but when you guys all pass me you can at least see who it is easier and offer kind words of encouragement...or an oxygen tank, or CPR, whatever seems to be most medically necessary at the time!! 

I think the gang at St A's did this last weekend and it worked pretty good for them.  Just a thought.

2006-05-04 6:20 AM
in reply to: #316690

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Not sure why all you guys are worried about eating the occasional steak.  I'm going through rediculous amounts of food (think 6-7k calories a day) and still losing weight.  By the time CdA rolls around, I might have wasted away
2006-05-04 6:29 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
I've got the opposite problem...regardless of what I eat (or don't eat), I don't lose any more weight.  I've been stuck at around 215-218 and 23-25% body fat since sucks.
2006-05-04 8:50 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

I haven't really changed my diet so I'm not looking forward to a gut busting meal afterwards but I am looking forward to;

Sleeping in on a Sunday, then casually reading the newspaper in bed.

Going to a spinning class and blowing through my heart rate zones.  Spending most of the class checking out the girl in the little top to the right instead of my form.

Having a couple of beers on Friday night without worrying about how it will feel 2 hours into the next days run. 

Not spending most of my free time cleaning my bike, my workout clothes, packing my gym bag, planning run/bike routes.....


Edited by PGoldberger 2006-05-04 8:51 AM
2006-05-04 8:54 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
No kidding....I can't even imagine what it will feel like to just sit around enjoying the day, sipping on a cold beer, and knowing I have NO training to do.  Although it will only be a short break and then reality will set in as I have to start training for IMAZ '07.  What was I thinking????

2006-05-04 9:24 AM
in reply to: #414363

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

OldAg92 - 2006-05-04 3:29 AM I've got the opposite problem...regardless of what I eat (or don't eat), I don't lose any more weight.  I've been stuck at around 215-218 and 23-25% body fat since sucks.

I'm stuck at 204-207.   And after training, I end up eating like a horse.  (I'll take seconds ,defeating the weight loss).

I anxious to start the long term plan for next year.  But first I want this one to be over so I know what it's like.         Only have about 30 days of hard (sorta) training left before the taper (where I become paranoid of injuries, colds, everything).

2006-05-04 9:46 AM
in reply to: #414578

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Interesting on the weight loss issue as I was talking to my massage therapist about this. But you guys sort of nixed what we had to say....

Seems like males tend to lose weight during their IM or any heavy training while females hold onto it or even gain. Some guys no matter how much they eat, just get super lean. I pretty much stay the same. I right now eat more than you can imagine. Since I work nights at a restaurant and they tend to send out "munchies" every so often, I am like the vulture waiting for it, and yes I dive right it, fighting all the others off!! But I bring my own food in usually as I like a huge salad plus some protein. Rarely eat red meat and if they serve it, I rarely if ever eat it.

I think it will be hard to switch over after this is all said and done to "normal" eating as part of my eating tends to be habitual. In other words I just let myself eat what I want, knowing that I am working out so hard. Have to stop justifying that soon.

Also found that for myself at least, long bike rides tend to make me hungry for real food. Althoough I was using gatorade plus a hefty scoop of carb pro, I found myself wanting FOOD. I ate grapefruit, oranges, apples and sodas on my last ride and that helped me. Like I needed the density of food, no matter how many calories I took it. Also I am riding in the heat so that could have been an issue.

2006-05-04 4:46 PM
in reply to: #316690

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
I wen't to Chevy's tex-mex for lunch.  Had 2 bowls of the comp nacho's/salsa, the "Super Cinco" (Chicken burrito, steak burrito, chili renno, big *** taco, pork tamale thing, rice, beans) finished my friends carne asada, my other friends big *** taco, 3 glasses of water, and I'm still freaking hungry!!!
2006-05-04 5:06 PM
in reply to: #414302

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Plant City, FL
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Flyboy - 2006-05-04 2:16 AM

What do you all (y'all for you southern folk!) think about getting the BT tattoos to wear on race day so it's easier for us to find each other during the race? 

 I bought 20 for St. Anthony's and everyone else did too, so I have quite a few left over.  Ya'll are welcome to them.  I get in on Friday evening, so I can catch up with whomever needs them at that point.  It's gonna be a freaking blast watchin' all of ya'll become IM!!  WOOOOOOOO!!  I can't wait!!


2006-05-04 6:01 PM
in reply to: #414357

Livingston, MT
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Stake - 2006-05-04 3:20 AM

Not sure why all you guys are worried about eating the occasional steak. I'm going through rediculous amounts of food (think 6-7k calories a day) and still losing weight. By the time CdA rolls around, I might have wasted away

I had a steak two nights ago. It was great - I even ate the little bit of fat around the rim.

I'm not burning through the calories though which I find interesting as our workout pattern is very similar. I have noticed that the inches I've lost in my waste have moved to my hamstrings and quads, but 6-7k of calories a day? That's amazing. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?

2006-05-04 6:26 PM
in reply to: #415236

Cape Elizabeth, Maine
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
I lost some pounds back in Feb when I started the training but have leveled off. I eat like crazy as well.

However, May will be a warmer month, we may all lose a few pounds this month is we get our training.

Only 52 more days. You only have 4 weeks of hard training left, MAKE IT COUNT!
2006-05-04 9:07 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Coeur d'Alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Gotta concur with some of you.  The inches lost from my waist are on my hammies and quads.  I am getting super lean.....frigging have to wear a jacket all the time or I freeze.  I have cut out beer and junk, but other wise am eating granola bars, fruit, meat, bread, cheese, nuts, peanut butter, etc, etc.  Problem is I am eating all day, but down to 190.  Started about 210.

For you burger lovers............

Corner of Sherman Avenue and 2nd Street is HUDSON's HAMBURGERS.  No tomato, lettuce, etc, etc.  You can have pickles and onions and cheese.  Follow with a piece of pie!  Unbelievable burger and has been in the Hudson family since 1910.  No fries either, just pie.

BT tat's would be cool!


2006-05-05 12:13 AM
in reply to: #316690

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2006-05-05 9:07 AM
in reply to: #415413

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Since we are talking food now......
Who has figured out their nutrition??
For me, seems like the long bike rides in the heat are causing me to crave only "juicy" things. Last long ride I stopped for an orange a grapefruit 2 nestea's and a sprite (along with my gatorade/carbpro mix) I have read to not take in fiber while you are biking but as I began to "feel" hungry, it seemed the fiber helped get rid of that sensation. Also I just wanted really COLD drinks and the gatorade was warming up. I forced one gu in and to this date, I hate them. Yes I have tried ever flavor, every brand, they all gross me out. But for me, craving the fruits etc is because of the intense heat. If CDA pulls a cold day on me, I am wondering if I will be able to eat "bars" instead. Have tried to force those down too, but again in the heat, the last thing you crave is a powerbar, cliff bar etc.
So, wondering if anyone else is planning on stashing fruit for their bike leg. The run, I will have to rely on fluids, I know that for sure. Never eat during my runs no matter how far. Thanks for passing on any ideas.
2006-05-05 9:39 AM
in reply to: #316690

Extreme Veteran
Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Nutrition... I usually stick with perpetum/carbo-pro mix for the bike, but lately (as it gets warmer) it not that appealing, especially after the 3 hr mark. I have not had much success with solids in the past. For now, I plan on sticking with my ~350cal/hr liquid crap mix.

2006-05-05 9:48 AM
in reply to: #415236

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

ChuckyFinster - 2006-05-04 7:01 PM ... I'm not burning through the calories though which I find interesting as our workout pattern is very similar. I have noticed that the inches I've lost in my waste have moved to my hamstrings and quads, but 6-7k of calories a day? That's amazing. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?

34.  Entirely too close to "mid-30's", which starts at 35 and continues to 39.5 at which point you have 6 months of "late 30's" before it's all over but the singing.

2006-05-05 9:59 AM
in reply to: #316690

Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

For the last year I was using Cytomax/Carbo Pro.  I recently switched to Infinit Nutrition and love it.  If you go to the Infinit Nutrition site, you can make up your own formula and they will send it to you.  I was always scared to do this, not wanting to screw it up royally, but it is actually very easy.  They present you a page of some questions and a slider bar with ranges of answers: How heavy of a sweater are you?  What are the length of your workouts? How much caffeine do you drink?...  And then they present you with your base formula.  From there you can modify it or order it.  I ordered it and really liked it but I have reordered adding a little more electrolytes and calories to the original fomula. 

Now my 20 oz bottles are 290 cals (60g carbs) with plenty of electolytes so I don't have to take extra tablets, and it tastes good - not too sweet and a little salty, so I want to drink it.  Unlike most sports drinks it tastes better as the day gets longer - the salt perhaps?  I will use a bottle an hour plus add a GU and some fresh water every other aid station. 

My run nutrition is still a mess but I will most likey use the course gatorade and water with endurolytes.  I really hope the water isn't nasty up there.  At the Half Vineman the water was gross and they used it to mix the gatorade which was even worse.  Wound up cramping big time as I couldn't force myself to drink enough. 

2006-05-05 10:02 AM
in reply to: #316690

Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Nutrition is still one of the Unknowns.  Perpetuam is ok, Clif Bloks are ok, Baker Breakfast cookies are ok.   Haven't had any really hot weather to put everything together and test what happens to the body.

I tried Sharkies yesterday.  Hard and chewy, stuck to my teeth.

2006-05-05 10:02 AM
in reply to: #415703

Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Stake - 2006-05-05 6:48 AM

34.  Entirely too close to "mid-30's", which starts at 35 and continues to 39.5 at which point you have 6 months of "late 30's" before it's all over but the singing.


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