BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN Rss Feed  
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2014-02-16 10:07 PM
in reply to: RachelLee85

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by RachelLee85

NAME: Rachel

FOCUS: Complete my first triathlon in 2014!

STORY: I’m 29 years old and looking to up my fitness plan. I have been married for 3 years, moved to a new city right after getting married and learned that making friends is hard the older you get! I’d love to join this group because the thought of women mentors who have so much experience is comforting. I do not have any children yet, but hope that doesn’t keep me from the group!

I was a basketball player, swimmer and golfer throughout high school and continued golfing in college. Since getting married my fitness level has decreased significantly. I began practicing hot yoga last year and have absolutely fallen in love, but I have hit a plateau and am looking for a more challenging and fun activity. I figured why not train for a triathlon and try to learn a new discipline, if possible. I’m a bit overwhelmed right now b/c I’m trying to read all I can and it is a lot of information to take in at first. I thought a mentor group could help me focus and stay accountable.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 2 dogs & a cat.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am new to tri training, but I am eager to learn all I can and get started! I’m not sure where exactly to start, but I think I’m just going to pick one and go. I’m the most worried about the biking and running. I’ve always loathed running and that is one hurdle I’m working to overcome.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: None scheduled yet, but I’d like to complete my first triathlon by the fall.

Welcome Rachel.

Yes it is tons of info to take in, just don't get overwhelmed, hopefully you can find some pracitce tri's or indoor tri's in your area maybe, or even your area has a Tri Club.

Ask any questions you need to on here, this is only my 3rd year so I still feel pretty new

2014-02-16 10:10 PM
in reply to: sethjk

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by sethjk

Originally posted by rydergal

OT- trying to work from home with a 14 month old was all sorts of chalenging, but he did participate in his first conference call yesterday!

I take my son to work a few days everyother week, he helps me load my truck and a few weeks ago corporate sprung a conference call on me so I know the feeling.

It is cool to get to spend the whole day with him, I am totally not used to doing that all by myself.
2014-02-16 10:14 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

So, how's everyone doing? It's kind of quiet around here.

I have a distracting home project: painting our bedroom and getting it prepped for the new bed frame my husband built. I did have an excellent run this morning - the longest for half marathon training at 20k. It was really cold this morning and it snowed the whole time. Then it's been sunny the rest of the day. Anyway, i feel in good shape to run somewhere close to 2 hours on race day!!

Been busy around here so quiet on the boards yes, Trying to get a book read before Friday, Our Cleveland Tri Club spring meeting is thursday and the guy who wrote this book called "The Secret Race" is going to be there and talk about it. all about Lance and the postal team when they were winning. It is told by Tyler Hamilton and a few other of Lance's teammates. I am only 1/3 done so I have a bunch more reading to do.

13 mile run yesterday
1000 in the pool today, did 10 x 100 a guy next to me was doing :55 100's uhgg
then 1hr on the trainer tonight. Great weekend with the family toook the lil guy to the Cleveland Aquarium, Was really cute him looking at all the fish.
2014-02-17 7:21 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Originally posted by smithat05
Originally posted by juniperjen So, how's everyone doing? It's kind of quiet around here. I have a distracting home project: painting our bedroom and getting it prepped for the new bed frame my husband built. I did have an excellent run this morning - the longest for half marathon training at 20k. It was really cold this morning and it snowed the whole time. Then it's been sunny the rest of the day. Anyway, i feel in good shape to run somewhere close to 2 hours on race day!!
Been busy around here so quiet on the boards yes, Trying to get a book read before Friday, Our Cleveland Tri Club spring meeting is thursday and the guy who wrote this book called "The Secret Race" is going to be there and talk about it. all about Lance and the postal team when they were winning. It is told by Tyler Hamilton and a few other of Lance's teammates. I am only 1/3 done so I have a bunch more reading to do. 13 mile run yesterday 1000 in the pool today, did 10 x 100 a guy next to me was doing :55 100's uhgg then 1hr on the trainer tonight. Great weekend with the family toook the lil guy to the Cleveland Aquarium, Was really cute him looking at all the fish.

That's exciting!  I found that book really fascinating - it really made me think about doping in cycling in a different way.  It is not all about Lance but the whole culture.   Let us know how it is.   I think he wrote other books about the same topic too

2014-02-18 6:57 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

Good morning! 

So, i've been keeping busy and quite productive, i think. The house is a mess but my textured wall paper and painting looks quite good

So, for the ladies with babies and breastfeeding I put the question out to my swim coach who is a pro triathlete and new mom - the question about keeping energy up while training and breastfeeding.  I've been feeling a little sluggish since ramping up my training a bit.  She didn't have a ton of info but a woman in one of her other swim sessions has been writing a book about athletes and pregnancy and the months after baby with someone else so she connected us.

She confirmed that there isn't a ton of research out there so here are the highlights of what she told me:

  • the common advice is 400-500 calories per day and that seems to hold
  • energy will first go to milk production and then to the mom
  • so calorie consumption is quite important - try to balance off additional need from exercise
  • some evidence that additional protein will assist (mostly anecdotal)
  • should take some care to keep calcium and iron up

Other than that she stressed that rest is also important especially if sleep is impacted - so basically take care of yourself and back off training if you're feelling overly fatigued. 

Also that your baby will be a great cue as to how things are going - 

  • is your baby pulling or acting frustrated when breastfeeding? 
  • is your baby continuing to gain weight and grow? 

These are general milk supply cues but are things to monitor. 

* i am not a doctor or a lactation consultant but most of these are common knowledge - if you are concerned you should check with your doctor, lactation consultant, etc.  

thanks for reporting back Jen! Most is common sense, but it is good to hear that other Athletes have the same experience. I got my zones tested the past two thursdays, both for the bike and the run, and my zones have changed quite dramatically. Lower HR for each of the zones (about 10 bpm for both bike and run) and my aerobic base (which used to be ridiculously large) is below average now. So lots and lots of zone 1 work. Blech. I'm the first athlete he has tested before and after having a baby, so he wasn't sure how much of the changes were from having a baby and how much was from taking 1.5 years off of intense training to have a baby. Have any of the other ladies noticed a difference in their heart rate after having a baby? (My blood pressure is also a LOT lower, but I think that is because I'm not stressed for the first time since like grade 8.
2014-02-18 7:05 AM
in reply to: rydergal

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by rydergal

What type of running shoes do you guys use??

I'm a Saucony Kinvara 3 lover and then they made the 4's....that fit totally different!!!! Not impressed, I think it's so important as a runner we should be able to find a shoe and keep buying it!!!
So I was fitted at a store and made the switch to the Cortana to only find after 2 months of wearing it that I was fitted wrong and given the wrong info about the shoe which was causing me pain.....So I went back to my old Kinvara's and had no pain....Unable to return the $175 shoe which have only about 75km on them & Without getting into the bad customer service I received from Saucony, I went out to try and find a new shoe....only to resort back to Saucony but now the Virratta ..... So now it's a love/hate relationship with them, my feet love them but I don't....but what can ya do.....

On the old garmin topic- I found this new gps that's coming out called the Bia seems to be a new up and coming watch that isn't released just yet.... YOu can buy it at an introductory price as it helps back the product....but with that comes countless upgrades to it and softwear as it's still in the semi-trial phase which seems like could be a seems pretty nice but i'm hesistant to go with something totally new....has anyone heard about them before??

I also heard Polar has the RS800 which the shoe shop I was at recommended....The coaches I did my IM training camp through used the Polar RCX5 triathlete watch and seemed to really like it and said they have better battery time then Garmin....So the search is still on, gotta find some time to read reviews on each to see which I might like better!

I have two pairs of shoes, NB racing flats (I think 1200?) and NB 870s. when I got prgenant, I was working with a PT to fix my running to revent running injuries. she wanted to get me into a lighter shoe to get me to stop overpronating and heal striking (I pronate, but have high arches, so get injured easily while running).

as for the GPS, DH just bought the rs800, so far he likes it, but hasn't tested the gps yet.

2014-02-18 7:12 AM
in reply to: RachelLee85

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by RachelLee85

NAME: Rachel

FOCUS: Complete my first triathlon in 2014!

STORY: I’m 29 years old and looking to up my fitness plan. I have been married for 3 years, moved to a new city right after getting married and learned that making friends is hard the older you get! I’d love to join this group because the thought of women mentors who have so much experience is comforting. I do not have any children yet, but hope that doesn’t keep me from the group!

I was a basketball player, swimmer and golfer throughout high school and continued golfing in college. Since getting married my fitness level has decreased significantly. I began practicing hot yoga last year and have absolutely fallen in love, but I have hit a plateau and am looking for a more challenging and fun activity. I figured why not train for a triathlon and try to learn a new discipline, if possible. I’m a bit overwhelmed right now b/c I’m trying to read all I can and it is a lot of information to take in at first. I thought a mentor group could help me focus and stay accountable.

FAMILY STATUS: Married, 2 dogs & a cat.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am new to tri training, but I am eager to learn all I can and get started! I’m not sure where exactly to start, but I think I’m just going to pick one and go. I’m the most worried about the biking and running. I’ve always loathed running and that is one hurdle I’m working to overcome.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: None scheduled yet, but I’d like to complete my first triathlon by the fall.


Welcome Rachel! I understand the overwhelming feeling of training for your first tri. When I got into these none of my friends were doing them, so I didn't really have anyone to ask questions too. I als o understand the moving to a new city as an adult thing. we moved when I started working to a city between DH and my offices, when we moved here I wad 26 and we didn't know anyone!
2014-02-18 9:29 AM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Thank you for the friendly welcome! No one I know does triathlon's either so I'm glad I found this group/site. I did find a local tri club that I didn't even know existed and a local triathlon in August so that is now my goal. Join the tri club and sign up for the local triathlon in August.

I biked 5 miles yesterday on my home stationary bike. It's starting to finally warm up here so I'm hoping to get outside more.
2014-02-18 2:14 PM
in reply to: RachelLee85

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
I don't really know anybody else who does Tris, at least not locally. Eventually I think I'll join a tri club, but for now I'm training on my own.

Got in 45 minutes on the trainer this morning, felt like a great workout. Included a 16K time trial.

Yesterday I was poking around online and found a really cool tri I'm going to shoot for next year. It's called Escape the Cape and it seems like a ripoff of Escape from Alcatraz. You jump off a ferry 1 mile out off Cape May and swim to shore, then a 20 mile bike followed by a 5 mile run (part beach run). Sounds really cool and definitely something to shoot for next year.
2014-02-18 4:10 PM
in reply to: sethjk

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by sethjk

I don't really know anybody else who does Tris, at least not locally. Eventually I think I'll join a tri club, but for now I'm training on my own.

Got in 45 minutes on the trainer this morning, felt like a great workout. Included a 16K time trial.

Yesterday I was poking around online and found a really cool tri I'm going to shoot for next year. It's called Escape the Cape and it seems like a ripoff of Escape from Alcatraz. You jump off a ferry 1 mile out off Cape May and swim to shore, then a 20 mile bike followed by a 5 mile run (part beach run). Sounds really cool and definitely something to shoot for next year.

That sounds like a super cool tri!!
2014-02-19 4:04 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
To up the cuteness factor of our mentoring group, this picture is from yesterday's swim class. J is almost 6.5 months old, and LOVES swimming lessons


P1010710_small.jpg (34KB - 7 downloads)

2014-02-23 7:51 AM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Long week at work 65 hrs in 5 days No workouts since Sunday, Finally got a nice 35 mile ride in saturday and bricked a 3 mile run with the dog. Was in the low 40's so I decided to ride outside, Sun was shining, had a strong tailwind in the begining, which made it fun on the way back. Then ran a 5k at 23 mins with my one dog.

Had our Triathlon meeting Friday night, Daniel Coyle was our guest speaker who wrote the Secret Race , Was a very good presentation, I was impressed with how much Daniel knew about the sport of Cycling, He was not a cyclist at all. We got new Swim caps with our logo on them, spent the rest of the night talking with friends and catching up how their seasons ended and how it has begun, Walked to the bar next door and had a few drinks. The meeting was at one of our sponsors, which is the nicest bike shop in Cleveland, I purchased my new bike there, I got a Cervelo S2 at the beginning of the season last year.
My wife and I went to bed at 8 last night, right after we put our DS down. lol I feel so old going to bed so early. Our DS is not sleeping any better,

hoping to swim and run today.
2014-02-23 7:54 AM
in reply to: sethjk

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by sethjk

I don't really know anybody else who does Tris, at least not locally. Eventually I think I'll join a tri club, but for now I'm training on my own.

Got in 45 minutes on the trainer this morning, felt like a great workout. Included a 16K time trial.

Yesterday I was poking around online and found a really cool tri I'm going to shoot for next year. It's called Escape the Cape and it seems like a ripoff of Escape from Alcatraz. You jump off a ferry 1 mile out off Cape May and swim to shore, then a 20 mile bike followed by a 5 mile run (part beach run). Sounds really cool and definitely something to shoot for next year.

Sounds like a fun race, just be careful running on the sand, very easy tearing a achilles in that type of running, just like running in the snow.
2014-02-23 7:56 AM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by Daffodil

To up the cuteness factor of our mentoring group, this picture is from yesterday's swim class. J is almost 6.5 months old, and LOVES swimming lessons

too cute, guess I didnt know you could start swim lessons that early.
2014-02-23 9:15 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by smithat05

Originally posted by Daffodil

To up the cuteness factor of our mentoring group, this picture is from yesterday's swim class. J is almost 6.5 months old, and LOVES swimming lessons

too cute, guess I didnt know you could start swim lessons that early.

In Canada most pools start at 4 to 6 months but the parents are in the water with the kids until 3. As a former instructor, I could always tell the kids that started early from those that started later. Babies don't have the same fears as say a 5 year old.
2014-02-23 9:16 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by smithat05

Long week at work 65 hrs in 5 days No workouts since Sunday, Finally got a nice 35 mile ride in saturday and bricked a 3 mile run with the dog. Was in the low 40's so I decided to ride outside, Sun was shining, had a strong tailwind in the begining, which made it fun on the way back. Then ran a 5k at 23 mins with my one dog.

Had our Triathlon meeting Friday night, Daniel Coyle was our guest speaker who wrote the Secret Race , Was a very good presentation, I was impressed with how much Daniel knew about the sport of Cycling, He was not a cyclist at all. We got new Swim caps with our logo on them, spent the rest of the night talking with friends and catching up how their seasons ended and how it has begun, Walked to the bar next door and had a few drinks. The meeting was at one of our sponsors, which is the nicest bike shop in Cleveland, I purchased my new bike there, I got a Cervelo S2 at the beginning of the season last year.
My wife and I went to bed at 8 last night, right after we put our DS down. lol I feel so old going to bed so early. Our DS is not sleeping any better,

hoping to swim and run today.

way to get it done yesterday. I hope sleeping gets better for you soon!

2014-02-24 8:35 AM
in reply to: #4950375

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Hey everyone! How is it going? I need to catch up. Last week I kind of took a break from training to focus on getting our bedroom painted. It is almost done - just the trim left!

This weekend I have a half marathon so it should be interesting! Here's hoping for reasonable weather. I am not asking for spring but no snow, please!
2014-02-24 10:07 AM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Originally posted by Daffodil To up the cuteness factor of our mentoring group, this picture is from yesterday's swim class. J is almost 6.5 months old, and LOVES swimming lessons

That is SUPER cute!  I've been looking for swim classes around here with Felicity but it seems the city doesn't offer it unless its private - the group classes seem to be for toddlers and older.  We may just go to family time - several pools around us have it.  But i'll have to look into some other facilities too.  She really loves the bath so i assume she won't mind the pool either.


2014-02-24 10:08 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Anyone have any topics they wish to discuss? 

I am interested in Laura's experience with heart rate testing.  What did you do to have your zones set? How do you use your zones? 

Do others use HR training? What do you know about it? 

2014-02-25 7:27 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

Originally posted by Daffodil To up the cuteness factor of our mentoring group, this picture is from yesterday's swim class. J is almost 6.5 months old, and LOVES swimming lessons

That is SUPER cute!  I've been looking for swim classes around here with Felicity but it seems the city doesn't offer it unless its private - the group classes seem to be for toddlers and older.  We may just go to family time - several pools around us have it.  But i'll have to look into some other facilities too.  She really loves the bath so i assume she won't mind the pool either.


I did a little digging for you. This is the kind of class we are in. This starts at 6 months.
2014-02-25 7:35 AM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by juniperjen

Anyone have any topics they wish to discuss? 

I am interested in Laura's experience with heart rate testing.  What did you do to have your zones set? How do you use your zones? 

Do others use HR training? What do you know about it? 

Here is the website for the guy I use.

He tests your blood for lactate as your work out gets progressively harder.he can tell based on Lactate levels what your zones are and where you need to work to get better. In this link Jennifer was my physiotherapist.

2014-02-27 3:15 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
This board has been super quiet lately!
Actually gotten in some good training this week, including a more than 7 mile run on Saturday. It was finally a nice enough day to be outside for more than an hour, though black ice was a problem. Thsi week, I've been on the bike and running; unfortunately, swimming isn't happening this week.

I'm particularly interested in having various forms of testing done, VO2 Max, and LT testing specifically; though I don't know where to start looking around me to have it done. Ideally I'd love to have insurance cover it, but I don't know if that's possible. Anybody have thoughts?
2014-02-27 5:48 PM
in reply to: sethjk

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Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
Originally posted by sethjk

This board has been super quiet lately!
Actually gotten in some good training this week, including a more than 7 mile run on Saturday. It was finally a nice enough day to be outside for more than an hour, though black ice was a problem. Thsi week, I've been on the bike and running; unfortunately, swimming isn't happening this week.

I'm particularly interested in having various forms of testing done, VO2 Max, and LT testing specifically; though I don't know where to start looking around me to have it done. Ideally I'd love to have insurance cover it, but I don't know if that's possible. Anybody have thoughts?

I know some insurance companies in Canada do cover it. mine doesn't. As for where to get the testing done, do you have a university near by with a kineseology department? that would be a good place to start. I think the LT testing is a bit more helpful since it assess where you are currently (do you have a big aerobic base? do you have a lot of anaerobic capacity? and directs your training with where you need to work to improve.
2014-03-02 1:54 PM
in reply to: Daffodil

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Cleveland OH
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN
super busy with work, I work in the bingo industry so tax time is super busy for me here in the states,

Got in a wicked sweet swim set in today, have never felt this tired after getting out of the pool,

Go look at my log I even picked up the pace on my 100's at the end.

might get on the trainer tonight, We mass cook usually on Sunday for the entire week so going to start that now.
2014-03-03 7:31 AM
in reply to: smithat05

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Daffodil and JuniperJen’s New Parents Tri’ing Group - OPEN

Hi everyone - happy Monday! 

I had an AWESOME race yesterday! It was one of those mythical times when everything just comes together. I felt good and decided to push it a little.  My training did not indicate that I could do it but I did want to see where my fitness really was since I hadn't really been training or racing since the fall of 2012.  It wasn't a PR but it did feel like it.  :D  Man, it was SO cold out yesterday too.  It had snowed overnight a couple of cms and I hadn't really got much training in during the week so i wasn't really feeling optimistic.  

And I am sure I was a huge annoyance to quite a few people on the course because I picked it up quite a bit and passed a lot people and might chat to them or not but I was smiling and happy the whole time.  I know how much that can suck when you're hurting.  And I could feel a few people surge when i would come upon them.  That competitive spirit, you know, but you can usually tell based on their breathing, posture, etc if that's all it is. I try not to get swept up into it and have my own race. 

Anyway, it's time to really get to tri training and get serious about the bike. The run and swim are coming together really nicely but I have been ignoring the bike.  

Oh and my little one is 9 months tomorrow.  Seriously, where does the time go?? 

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