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2011-06-05 11:28 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Ok I'm away for a couple of days and go back several pages to catch up a nit and the first thing I read is Kim comments on how long the models calves are. You know that makes me go back further to see what's up.
Anywho  just finished the best bike ride. 65K on a beautiful course. Some rollers, hills and flat sections. Sun shining about 20 C and very little wind. My longest ride this year so far but by far the bestest. I'll have to catch up the rest later. Going out to vist MIL who just got back from Italy last night. Enjoy the rest of the day people.

Edited by Redknight 2011-06-05 11:28 AM

2011-06-05 11:31 AM
in reply to: #3533132

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
jfought - 2011-06-05 11:32 AM
kkcbelle - 2011-06-05 11:20 AM
jfought - 2011-06-05 8:14 AM
copa2251 - 2011-06-04 11:41 PM
Techdiver - 2011-06-05 12:06 PM


I haven't been around here much. But miss seeing what everyone is doing.

 Training when I can in my free time and work has been getting in the way a bit too. And my wife finally decided she wanted to learn to run. So I am working on a program with her and she started week 3 today on a great trail up where we put our trailer for the summer. I am Still managing 480-530 mins a week of working out and bike volumes are getting much better.

Completed a 100km Charity bike ride last Sunday. Which was AWESOME. Longest ride this season before that was 44km. The rain seems to have finally stopped and we have had 5 great days in a row here. So hopefully they stick around. Farmers are way behind and I am only TWO WEEKS AWAY FROM MY FIRST ever SPRINT... I feel ready to puke about it now...LOL

Keep up the awesome work everyone.

Sam you must be just geeked about your accomplishment.

I started triathlons this year and didn't really enjoy the first one due to poor pacing; my advice for the first sprint is pace yourself on the swim so you come out relaxed and ready to give the bike a good hammering, then just relax again on the run and pick up the pace according to how you feel.

No need to puke!

Spanky, I'm right there with you!!!  My heart starts racing every time I think seriously about my upcoming race.  I can't wait to get the first one over with!  LOL

I was a total mess of a stress case before my first sprint. I spent hours online reading race reports, researching first-time jitters, etc. Granted, I'm sort-of a stress case anyway, but still. I'm happy to say the nerves have calmed down over the years.

My biggest friends in triathlon prep are my two checklists: One packing list, and one transition setup list. It calms my OCD to be able to check off all of the boxes. I think I love that about triathlon -- so many little things to remember, ack! But yay!! Look at all the little things to remember!! 

Oh yeah, and then there is the minor detail of actually doing the sbr. Well, once you've started, you're out there and it's your day. One step at a time, always make forward progress, and get yourself to the end. Faster is better, of course! Ha!!


I'm all about lists.  I will have a checklist and the first thing on my list will be, relax and breath!  LOL

Here's a question for you and the others here on the mg.  I've been averaging around 15-16 mph on my training rides.  What average should I push for on my sprint and still have some legs left for the run?  Or, should I just see how I feel and go?  I don't have a HRM, but I feel pretty good at being able to pace myself on the bike and run.

Hey Jayne. Its very hard to tell what you can do in a specific race if you haven't done it before. If you have a  chance before race day do a faster bike ride/brick  and see how you feel coming off the bike. Experience is the best way to tell how you will feel come race day.
2011-06-05 12:46 PM
in reply to: #3533178

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Here's a question for you and the others here on the mg.  I've been averaging around 15-16 mph on my training rides.  What average should I push for on my sprint and still have some legs left for the run?  Or, should I just see how I feel and go?  I don't have a HRM, but I feel pretty good at being able to pace myself on the bike and run.

i wouldn't use mph.  way to many variables there to make that data point skewed and get you into trouble, mentally and physically.   i'd go off rpe.  i looked over a bunch of the old race reports so unless the course has changed looks like you can count on some rolling hills on the bike and run.  looks like a crowded bike so don't get sucked into trying to roll with the faster racers.  just do your own thing.  so i'd take it easy on the bike then go run.  you don't want to blow up in your first race.  trust me.. blowing up can be fun because it makes for good stories and more importantly great excuses.  but that's not what this first one is all about.  don't worry,  you're going to hurt, but you also want to enjoy the day. 

try not to over think this!  just go do what you know what you can do and have trained for.  AND HAVE FUN!!!!

2011-06-05 12:51 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
i heard they had to have a step ladder to get on the podium at lake mills today.  something about a really short (and loud mouth) person having trouble getting up on it.
2011-06-05 3:01 PM
in reply to: #3533245

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

fattyfatfat - 2011-06-05 10:51 AM i heard they had to have a step ladder to get on the podium at lake mills today.  something about a really short (and loud mouth) person having trouble getting up on it.


Congrats, Suzy!!!

2011-06-05 3:21 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Spanky and Jayne- yes, it is totally normal to want to puke when thinking about upcoming big races, whether it's your very first tri, first time at a new distance, or an important goal race, sometimes even when they're just for fun. I actually think those nerves help us to get in our training and make sure we're prepared. One of the things that has helped me to lessen the nerves with triathlon is to do some practice transitions before the race, and if at all possible, get a swim in on course and ride or drive the bike course.  Also remember, if it's a first you're guaranteed a PR! I'm so excited for you two... there's just nothing quite like that first one... ENJOY!

2011-06-05 3:43 PM
in reply to: #3533245

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

fattyfatfat - 2011-06-05 12:51 PM i heard they had to have a step ladder to get on the podium at lake mills today.  something about a really short (and loud mouth) person having trouble getting up on it.

Cute! Yep, after a dismal effort in Knoxville, I feel partially redeemed.  I really needed the swim monkey off my back.  I wasn't fast, but I got it done without freaking out.  Bike went very well (first bike split over 20mph) and my run was decent, but still needs some work.  Only bummer is I bruised the bottom of my right foot and I am hoping that is all that is going on.  Run was on crushed gravel and got some pebbles in my socks. NO stress fractures here!

Jayne, I agree with John.  Get your feet wet, pedal hard but not puke hard and then give the run all you can.  In theory, sprints are all out all the time, but that can come on the second one!

2011-06-05 4:32 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Just waking up from my post race nap and just completed my race report. Everything went alot better overall and I shaved another 8 mins off my time to PR! total 1:10:29, 97th/485. 11/36 AG. Below is my RR


2011 Flat As A Pancake Sprint RR

Edited by GrapeJuice 2011-06-05 4:33 PM
2011-06-05 5:48 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
RR short and sweet, just like me, right John?
2011-06-05 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3533511

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
GrapeJuice - 2011-06-05 7:32 PM

Just waking up from my post race nap and just completed my race report. Everything went alot better overall and I shaved another 8 mins off my time to PR! total 1:10:29, 97th/485. 11/36 AG. Below is my RR


2011 Flat As A Pancake Sprint RR


2nd tri and he's already finishing in the top 20%.  Awesome!!  Must have gotten some tips from Mirinda when she was doing that photo shoot in your basement.

2011-06-05 6:05 PM
in reply to: #3533614

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

SSMinnow - 2011-06-05 8:48 PM RR short and sweet, just like me, right John?


Very nice!!  Your short and sweet RR doesn't say anything about the podium though....

2011-06-05 6:17 PM
in reply to: #3533631

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
dcon - 2011-06-05 7:02 PM
GrapeJuice - 2011-06-05 7:32 PM

Just waking up from my post race nap and just completed my race report. Everything went alot better overall and I shaved another 8 mins off my time to PR! total 1:10:29, 97th/485. 11/36 AG. Below is my RR


2011 Flat As A Pancake Sprint RR


2nd tri and he's already finishing in the top 20%.  Awesome!!  Must have gotten some tips from Mirinda when she was doing that photo shoot in your basement.

Sounds like a good weekend for everyone!

Finished 9th in my race today.  Race didn't go as planned.  2nd lap 2 guys with the 2nd and 3rd biggest teams in the race got off the front and their teams obviously did no work to reel them back in so the 4 guys on my team (it was a small race) rode on the front for the entire race trying to pull them back, lots of time on the front of the race for me (it's better to sit in and let someone else do the work so you don't waste energy).

2nd to last lap, I felt like I was cooked from all the time on the front and one of the guys on the team asked me to get them to the 2nd to last turn in the front so I pushed as hard as I could and led the rest of the group with 2 teammates on my wheel, when we got to the turn they took off. 

They ended up 3rd and 4th so the effort was worth it, I scratched my way back up a bit to get a top 10 which was nice.

The other teams played us well.  They figured we would try to control the race (which was our plan) so they took off early and made us do all the work.  The 2 teams in the break even tried another break which is where I used up the majority of my energy trying to bring them back. 

Fun race, lots of tactics came into play.

2011-06-05 6:44 PM
in reply to: #3533240

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-05 1:46 PM

Here's a question for you and the others here on the mg.  I've been averaging around 15-16 mph on my training rides.  What average should I push for on my sprint and still have some legs left for the run?  Or, should I just see how I feel and go?  I don't have a HRM, but I feel pretty good at being able to pace myself on the bike and run.

i wouldn't use mph.  way to many variables there to make that data point skewed and get you into trouble, mentally and physically.   i'd go off rpe.  i looked over a bunch of the old race reports so unless the course has changed looks like you can count on some rolling hills on the bike and run.  looks like a crowded bike so don't get sucked into trying to roll with the faster racers.  just do your own thing.  so i'd take it easy on the bike then go run.  you don't want to blow up in your first race.  trust me.. blowing up can be fun because it makes for good stories and more importantly great excuses.  but that's not what this first one is all about.  don't worry,  you're going to hurt, but you also want to enjoy the day. 

try not to over think this!  just go do what you know what you can do and have trained for.  AND HAVE FUN!!!!

I'm going to keep repeating this over and over in my head! Thanks John

First time in the open water today.  Right after registering for two more races:  A long sprint in Aug. and an oly in Sept.  Sounded like a good idea this morning Embarassed

Soooooooooo, it's a good thing I registered BEFORE the ows, 'cause now, there's no way in hell I would have registered for the oly.  I'm gonna drown!  Funny thing, as a new runner AND a new swimmer, the runs are looking VERY easy compared to the swims! 

Observations from a newbie ow swimmer:  1) All you can see is different f-ing shades of green and some weeds if you get shallow enough.  2) lifting your head to sight is harder than it sounds and it really screws with holding any kind of form 3) 500 yds looks like a REALLY long way on the open water  4) cold water is the last thing I was thinking about--don't know the temp, but it really wasn't that bad  5) maybe I should rethink forking out the $$ for a wetsuit, but with my luck it would be too warm to use it, so I might as well learn to do this without it.  6) don't calculate out how far a mile is on the open water--just don't even look at it!  7) smile when hubby says, "Just remember, you CHOSE to do this."  Laughing

2011-06-05 9:18 PM
in reply to: #3533614

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

SSMinnow - 2011-06-05 6:48 PM RR short and sweet, just like me, right John?


2011-06-05 9:24 PM
in reply to: #3533511

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Great job on the race Grapejuice. 



2011-06-05 9:26 PM
in reply to: #3533614

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Nice race Suzy. 

2011-06-05 9:32 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Congratulations to everyone for this weekends feats they have accomplished.

2011-06-05 9:40 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

you haven't aged very well.  


but you still have boobs and AWESOME DIRTY legs.

happy birthday!!!!!

2011-06-05 9:42 PM
in reply to: #3532889

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
copa2251 - 2011-06-04 10:41 PM
Techdiver - 2011-06-05 12:06 PM


I haven't been around here much. But miss seeing what everyone is doing.

 Training when I can in my free time and work has been getting in the way a bit too. And my wife finally decided she wanted to learn to run. So I am working on a program with her and she started week 3 today on a great trail up where we put our trailer for the summer. I am Still managing 480-530 mins a week of working out and bike volumes are getting much better.

Completed a 100km Charity bike ride last Sunday. Which was AWESOME. Longest ride this season before that was 44km. The rain seems to have finally stopped and we have had 5 great days in a row here. So hopefully they stick around. Farmers are way behind and I am only TWO WEEKS AWAY FROM MY FIRST ever SPRINT... I feel ready to puke about it now...LOL

Keep up the awesome work everyone.

Sam you must be just geeked about your accomplishment.

I started triathlons this year and didn't really enjoy the first one due to poor pacing; my advice for the first sprint is pace yourself on the swim so you come out relaxed and ready to give the bike a good hammering, then just relax again on the run and pick up the pace according to how you feel.

No need to puke!

Awesome INFO... thanks.. I keep telling myself if I have to breath any harder then once every 4 strokes I am going too hard on the swim. I did two Try a Tri's last year and both times I got out the water Gassed.... So I am going to truely try and do as you say and I will remember your post as I am swimming and working HARD TO SETTLE into a doable pace and then HAMMER the bike to a level I know I can sustain and be able to run after....

It is going to be an AWESOME learning experiance. I am So looking forward to it.

2011-06-05 9:48 PM
in reply to: #3533441

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Chatham Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-06-05 3:43 PM

fattyfatfat - 2011-06-05 12:51 PM i heard they had to have a step ladder to get on the podium at lake mills today.  something about a really short (and loud mouth) person having trouble getting up on it.

Cute! Yep, after a dismal effort in Knoxville, I feel partially redeemed.  I really needed the swim monkey off my back.  I wasn't fast, but I got it done without freaking out.  Bike went very well (first bike split over 20mph) and my run was decent, but still needs some work.  Only bummer is I bruised the bottom of my right foot and I am hoping that is all that is going on.  Run was on crushed gravel and got some pebbles in my socks. NO stress fractures here!

Jayne, I agree with John.  Get your feet wet, pedal hard but not puke hard and then give the run all you can.  In theory, sprints are all out all the time, but that can come on the second one!




And hey what is wrong with people that need stepstools. I use one all the time. 



I agree my goal is to do mine and finish it NONSTOP without blowing up. And if it means going a tiny bit slower to ensure that.. Then that is what I will do... and ya.. either way it will be a Total PR... LOL  and allow me the ability to PR at it again next year....LOL



2011-06-05 10:10 PM
in reply to: #3534001

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-05 7:40 PM

you haven't aged very well.  


but you still have boobs and AWESOME DIRTY legs.

happy birthday!!!!!


Happy Birthday Julia!!!

2011-06-06 12:15 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Congratulations to all of our amazing racers this weekend!  Wow, this group just keep laying it down!!!  Love it.

Happy Birthday to you, Julia, I don't know which of John's relatives or neighbors that was, but wow!  Let's chip in and help her out with some teeth! 

Spanky and Jayne, I can totally relate to that feeling!  I get it before almost every triathlon.  One of the things you said, Jayne, struck a chord with me.  500 yds looks like a REALLY long way on the open water.  There's no easy way to get around that (because it is a long frickin way!)  except to break the swim down into parts, like taking it from one turn to the next, and then it is not so daunting.  And find your landmarks, be it some particular group of trees or a block of houses that you might sight off of when you are at different points on the swim course. 

I have found that sighting off the buoys alone can be difficult and too small of a thing for me to aim at and cause too much anxiety if I am not close to the buoy line...then kind of try to remember what you are supposed to be looking for after you make your turns.  It can take your mind off of how nervous you are before a race to really get an idea of your surroundings.

You guys are going to do great, can't wait! 

2011-06-06 4:48 AM
in reply to: #3533698

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
jfought - 2011-06-06 9:44 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-06-05 1:46 PM

Here's a question for you and the others here on the mg.  I've been averaging around 15-16 mph on my training rides.  What average should I push for on my sprint and still have some legs left for the run?  Or, should I just see how I feel and go?  I don't have a HRM, but I feel pretty good at being able to pace myself on the bike and run.

i wouldn't use mph.  way to many variables there to make that data point skewed and get you into trouble, mentally and physically.   i'd go off rpe.  i looked over a bunch of the old race reports so unless the course has changed looks like you can count on some rolling hills on the bike and run.  looks like a crowded bike so don't get sucked into trying to roll with the faster racers.  just do your own thing.  so i'd take it easy on the bike then go run.  you don't want to blow up in your first race.  trust me.. blowing up can be fun because it makes for good stories and more importantly great excuses.  but that's not what this first one is all about.  don't worry,  you're going to hurt, but you also want to enjoy the day. 

try not to over think this!  just go do what you know what you can do and have trained for.  AND HAVE FUN!!!!

I'm going to keep repeating this over and over in my head! Thanks John

First time in the open water today.  Right after registering for two more races:  A long sprint in Aug. and an oly in Sept.  Sounded like a good idea this morning Embarassed

Soooooooooo, it's a good thing I registered BEFORE the ows, 'cause now, there's no way in hell I would have registered for the oly.  I'm gonna drown!  Funny thing, as a new runner AND a new swimmer, the runs are looking VERY easy compared to the swims! 

Observations from a newbie ow swimmer:  1) All you can see is different f-ing shades of green and some weeds if you get shallow enough.  2) lifting your head to sight is harder than it sounds and it really screws with holding any kind of form 3) 500 yds looks like a REALLY long way on the open water  4) cold water is the last thing I was thinking about--don't know the temp, but it really wasn't that bad  5) maybe I should rethink forking out the $$ for a wetsuit, but with my luck it would be too warm to use it, so I might as well learn to do this without it.  6) don't calculate out how far a mile is on the open water--just don't even look at it!  7) smile when hubby says, "Just remember, you CHOSE to do this."  Laughing

HA! Is your husband related to my wife????

2011-06-06 6:14 AM
in reply to: #3533635

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
dcon - 2011-06-05 6:05 PM

SSMinnow - 2011-06-05 8:48 PM RR short and sweet, just like me, right John?


Very nice!!  Your short and sweet RR doesn't say anything about the podium though....

Ha! Fixed that!!

Jayne--I am the queen of freaking out in OW, especially in my early years.  I agree with Kim, break those 500y down into pieces.  I count the buoys ahead of time and then tick them off as I swim by them.  I also encourage you to get in the OW as much as possible especially with a pack--having many people around you is a different beast, especially because many of them are also scared. I think sprints tend to bring out newbies--I realized that yesterday so there will be a lot of alternate strokes in use.  Rely on them if you need them.  There is NO shame in it!!!  I had people breast and back stroking around me in IM!!!  If you do need a time out, take it....tread it a little to get your bearings.

If you have a shallow lake you can go by yourself and practice, practice, practice.  Run in, start too fast, get breathless, freak out....rinse and repeat.   


2011-06-06 6:53 AM
in reply to: #3534200

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-06-06 7:14 AM
dcon - 2011-06-05 6:05 PM

SSMinnow - 2011-06-05 8:48 PM RR short and sweet, just like me, right John?


Very nice!!  Your short and sweet RR doesn't say anything about the podium though....

Ha! Fixed that!!

Jayne--I am the queen of freaking out in OW, especially in my early years.  I agree with Kim, break those 500y down into pieces.  I count the buoys ahead of time and then tick them off as I swim by them.  I also encourage you to get in the OW as much as possible especially with a pack--having many people around you is a different beast, especially because many of them are also scared. I think sprints tend to bring out newbies--I realized that yesterday so there will be a lot of alternate strokes in use.  Rely on them if you need them.  There is NO shame in it!!!  I had people breast and back stroking around me in IM!!!  If you do need a time out, take it....tread it a little to get your bearings.

If you have a shallow lake you can go by yourself and practice, practice, practice.  Run in, start too fast, get breathless, freak out....rinse and repeat.   

Thanks Kim and Suzy,  It's good to know that other people have overcome this swimming "hurdle".  I like the idea of counting the buoys!  I'm going to be doing some ows with my local tri club twice a week.  I should be able to get in the water with them 5 times before my race.  I can't even imagine showing up at a race having never been in the open water!!!!  My race is close enough to home that I will be able to go and check out the race course the week before. 

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that my lbs/tri club is putting on a transition clinic next weekend.  That will be helpful too!  Now, if I can get Kyla to email me her checklists, I should be ready to go!  Laughing

P.S. Is doggie paddling considered a "stroke?"

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