BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open Rss Feed  
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2016-09-12 10:24 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Glad to read you are back!!!!


2016-09-12 10:52 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Gretchen - Congrats on the race. Even with the tough finish, it sounds like you crushed the bike portion! Definitely celebrate your victories!

DQ - Welcome back! I just sent you a message on FB, couldn't friend request you. Feel free to send me one! I'm sorry to hear that things are still a bit rough, in your tri life and personal life. I like to believe that everything happens for a reason, and everything will turn around for you!

2016-09-12 10:54 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Went to the park where my tri will take place in 3 weeks. Was hoping to get out on the bike, but the friend I was meeting was 40 minutes late (he was very apologetic, but it was still a little frustrating). We got a swim in (about 800 meters) and a run. He was hurting a little from the night before, so the run was a struggle. He had to stop here and there and I finally went on without him, more out of fear of being late for my swim lesson (which I was) than anything. Might go back up this week or next and try to do all three.
2016-09-12 11:31 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by nicole14e

Went to the park where my tri will take place in 3 weeks. Was hoping to get out on the bike, but the friend I was meeting was 40 minutes late (he was very apologetic, but it was still a little frustrating). We got a swim in (about 800 meters) and a run. He was hurting a little from the night before, so the run was a struggle. He had to stop here and there and I finally went on without him, more out of fear of being late for my swim lesson (which I was) than anything. Might go back up this week or next and try to do all three.

You are a good friend to wait 45 minutes for him and I'm sorry that you were late for your swimming lesson. Grr. Sounds like he might of stayed up a little too late last night watching the game.

I think going back and doing the whole thing is a great idea. You'll get to know the course and really try to think it through and find ways of saving yourself time. Examples - OK - this is a good place to just tuck in and hold tight because of all the rocks. OR I want to get out of my saddle here so I can pick up speed so I can really crush the upcoming down him. Make a plan and then follow it.

When is the race?
2016-09-12 11:34 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

I've been absent for a little while. Jess took a few weeks off so we went on vacation. Spent a week back home with family and then spent a week camping in Algonquin Park (we made a point to hike every trail along the main Highway 60 corridor). 

This season has been mostly crappy for me. The broken collar bone really set me back and it took a long time to get my fitness to where it should be. This was also my first year racing with the big team so I spent most of the season getting shelled by guys with 400 watt FTPs. Finally, however, things came together in the last race of the year. My result was crap (basically dead last) but my role was to be part of the leadout train for our sprinter, who placed 5th. I was the second man in the train and put in a monster effort (over 500watts for a 1.8km lap). We timed the leadout train perfectly but our sprinter couldn't make it happen in the end for the top spot. We did put on quite a show for the large crowd though, which pleased our main sponsor (we raced in the city the sponsor was based). Check out the pic of our awesome train. 

On another front, the coaching business is really starting to take off. I coach a tri-club based in Massachusetts and they did their big event of the year (Timberman 70.3) and they all nailed it. It was pretty awesome seeing my company's logo on their kit in pictures. Next year they're all doing Tremblant so I'll get to be there in person for them. 





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Nate.jpg (193KB - 3 downloads)
2016-09-12 11:37 AM
in reply to: adempsey10

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
WHat's the name of the tri club. I might have to join!

PS - You song came on (CLU) during my ride today. You'll be pleased to know I picked up the pace

2016-09-12 12:28 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Wakefield, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

So I've also been off for a few weeks, starting with a vacation to visit my parents, and then sliding right into a long string of job interviews, part time work, another short vacation to Maine, etc. I start a new job on Wednesday, and we will see what the schedule looks like an whether I'll be able to use my lunch break for some running, or if I'll need to shift everything to early morning or late evening (yuck to both).

Gretchen, well done on the Oly, especially the bike leg. I'm usually too gassed to provide encouragement to anyone else, so I'm impressed!

DQ, welcome back. Keep at it with the MFP and you'll get there. Are you up for a sprint? I just signed up for one in Duxbury on the 24th, and would love some BDAS company. I haven't raced at all since the Opener we did in May, and I couldn't stand the thought of that sad outing being my only race of the year.

2016-09-12 12:54 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by adempsey10

I've been absent for a little while. Jess took a few weeks off so we went on vacation. Spent a week back home with family and then spent a week camping in Algonquin Park (we made a point to hike every trail along the main Highway 60 corridor). 

This season has been mostly crappy for me. The broken collar bone really set me back and it took a long time to get my fitness to where it should be. This was also my first year racing with the big team so I spent most of the season getting shelled by guys with 400 watt FTPs. Finally, however, things came together in the last race of the year. My result was crap (basically dead last) but my role was to be part of the leadout train for our sprinter, who placed 5th. I was the second man in the train and put in a monster effort (over 500watts for a 1.8km lap). We timed the leadout train perfectly but our sprinter couldn't make it happen in the end for the top spot. We did put on quite a show for the large crowd though, which pleased our main sponsor (we raced in the city the sponsor was based). Check out the pic of our awesome train. 

On another front, the coaching business is really starting to take off. I coach a tri-club based in Massachusetts and they did their big event of the year (Timberman 70.3) and they all nailed it. It was pretty awesome seeing my company's logo on their kit in pictures. Next year they're all doing Tremblant so I'll get to be there in person for them. 



Good to hear from you!
I'm sorry about your season not being where you wanted it - but boy, with that collar bone you were still giving it a huge effort! Who tries to race a stage race (Killington at that!) a few weeks after breaking a collar bone!? It sounds like you finished up well accomplishing your job on the team to get your sprinter up there - you did what you could with that. Very cool train too! That picture should go on that guy's wall!

I had no idea you were working with a tri club in MA, that's very cool! Are you going to race Tremblant again with them or go as support? I am signing up again and will go up a couple of times to ride the course again. It would be cool to grab a beer or something!
2016-09-12 12:59 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Oly over the weekend. Have to say, it wasn't the note I wanted to end the season on, but overall it was okay. I missed beating last year's time by a couple of minutes, but my bike split was killer, so that is the silver lining. I posted a race report if anyone is interested, but short story is:

Swim: below average due to panic attack in the water. Westuit was compressing my chest and it felt like I couldn't breath. Had to unzip suit a little, which let in water and created drag. Still didn't do too badly, considering.

Bike: awesome Maintained speed and cadence for the whole 40km. Got to cheer on a lot of people because the course was an out and back repeated twice.

Run: Average. Uphill nearly the whole way to the turn around point, but that means down hill nearly the whole way back! Used 4:1 run walk for a while, but then ended up being more like 2:1, then 30:30. Got a little rough at the end. Saw a guy running the whole race carrying an American flag (3'x5') on a pole. It was incredible. I couldn't even imagine having the strength and stamina to do that.

Yea on the bike and run, Gretchen! i'm glad the swim worked out okay in the end. It's weird how those panic attacks happen. I had one ows just practicing once and it's nothing to mess with. Way to keep your cool and figure out a way to alleviate the cause. It's not always the end product that produces a winner - it's the hurdles you go over to get there and what you do with them.
2016-09-12 1:05 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Originally posted by Qua17 WHat's the name of the tri club. I might have to join! PS - You song came on (CLU) during my ride today. You'll be pleased to know I picked up the pace

Nice. Good to hear. 

I'm not sure the tri-club would be the right match.. its primarily folks who have had to give up beer and other things... 

2016-09-12 1:06 PM
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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by Qua17

OK - small group at church got cancelled so I'm back. Like I was saying - I've hit a major wall when I stepped on the scale this morninga at 250 pounds. I'm only 12 pounds from where I started back in 2012 when I dropped nearly 100 LBS - and I definitely don't want to go back there.

So. I spent some time this morning cleaning out nearly 4 tubs of clothes that no longer fit - I've got four pairs of pants and 3 shirts that will still make the cut. I've made it my goal to lose at least 1 pound a week until I'm back in the hundreds. And I'm going to start training again using the first training plan I used back in 2009 when I did my first tri. My goals are two fold - first and foremost - to drop the weight. The second and nearly just as important is to fall in love with trialthon again. Riding my bike used to bring me pure joy - now it just sits in the corner gathering dusts and I really don't feel bad about it. So, I'm gonna dust off Bill Baroo and get back out there. Finally I'm gonna start recording my calories on MFP.

Please hold me accountable by bugging me on facebook - David W. Qua and by giving me crap if I don't post on MFP.

Thanks for your help everyone and have a nice Sunday!

BY the way - for those of you who remember Charles - He's racing IMWI today - his number is 1710.

Hi DQ!! Welcome back!! Way to go back to basics to get started on what needs to get done. Get back on the MFP. I'm on there too but since IMMT I have only been sporadic on entries. Consistency will be key and weight training often helps folks shed unwanted pounds. I have a few friends who have been wanting to lose weight and run a lot and have now minimized their running for the weight room.
I'm hoping something comes forward on the job front for you. Keep your chin up!!! Attitude is huge, especially at a time like this!!

Yea for Charles! I saw he finished!!

Edited by aviatrix802 2016-09-12 1:14 PM

2016-09-12 1:06 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Originally posted by aviatrix802 Good to hear from you! I'm sorry about your season not being where you wanted it - but boy, with that collar bone you were still giving it a huge effort! Who tries to race a stage race (Killington at that!) a few weeks after breaking a collar bone!? It sounds like you finished up well accomplishing your job on the team to get your sprinter up there - you did what you could with that. Very cool train too! That picture should go on that guy's wall! I had no idea you were working with a tri club in MA, that's very cool! Are you going to race Tremblant again with them or go as support? I am signing up again and will go up a couple of times to ride the course again. It would be cool to grab a beer or something!

I won't be doing Tremblant with them. Just support. Definitely should grab a beer though.

2016-09-12 1:09 PM
in reply to: Fourteenkittens

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by Fourteenkittens

So I've also been off for a few weeks, starting with a vacation to visit my parents, and then sliding right into a long string of job interviews, part time work, another short vacation to Maine, etc. I start a new job on Wednesday, and we will see what the schedule looks like an whether I'll be able to use my lunch break for some running, or if I'll need to shift everything to early morning or late evening (yuck to both).

Gretchen, well done on the Oly, especially the bike leg. I'm usually too gassed to provide encouragement to anyone else, so I'm impressed!

DQ, welcome back. Keep at it with the MFP and you'll get there. Are you up for a sprint? I just signed up for one in Duxbury on the 24th, and would love some BDAS company. I haven't raced at all since the Opener we did in May, and I couldn't stand the thought of that sad outing being my only race of the year.

Good for you on the new job - I hope it works out and you can still run on lunch! I know that's when my hubby prefers to run too.
What is the name of the race on the 24th? Man, I'd love to squeeze another race in but with the kids' sports schedules and my work schedule it is probably a no-go. Good luck! The weather should still be good with cooler temps for the bike and run! Very nice!
2016-09-12 1:13 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by adempsey10

Originally posted by aviatrix802 Good to hear from you! I'm sorry about your season not being where you wanted it - but boy, with that collar bone you were still giving it a huge effort! Who tries to race a stage race (Killington at that!) a few weeks after breaking a collar bone!? It sounds like you finished up well accomplishing your job on the team to get your sprinter up there - you did what you could with that. Very cool train too! That picture should go on that guy's wall! I had no idea you were working with a tri club in MA, that's very cool! Are you going to race Tremblant again with them or go as support? I am signing up again and will go up a couple of times to ride the course again. It would be cool to grab a beer or something!

I won't be doing Tremblant with them. Just support. Definitely should grab a beer though.

Very cool! I'm going to hold you to it!! Let me know if the club goes up for any training - we could grab a beer then too! I went up this past summer for 2 nights to give me one long training day and it worked out great.
OH!!! I almost forgot!! They made the announcement at the race this year that Mont Tremblant is now an 'official' Ironman training site! What this means, among other things, is that from May to October, every Friday they will sweep the entire course of debris to help reduce chances of flats during training. That's pretty cool. Also, more permanent signage will be placed marking the entire route. That is pretty sweet because the two times I went up this past summer I never quite knew where to turn around on Duplessis to come back down. I'm kind of excited about all this.
2016-09-12 1:26 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
I've been absent since race finish. I am working a ton and helping my oldest navigate his first year at middle school. He is now on the middle school soccer team and the youngest is playing football 4 days a week and with hubby traveling I literally never sit down...which is probably good because I have not had a chance to think about running, biking, or swimming.

Actually with my messed up piriformis (and/or obturator internus) I haven't been able to walk normally since the race. I'm not in as much pain as I was, but I'm not comfortable either. -just trying to rest it so I can at least walk the dog around the block. I am hoping it's not stemming from my saddle - even the inside of my sitbone is still hurting. I've read about too-narrow a saddle can splay your sitbones if you're not careful. I'm not sure what's up with it. This is a large part of the reason I opted to bow out of considering IMMD as a do-over. I wouldn't be able to prepare for that one and so it would just be silly.

Still haven't had time to change out the flat on my tri bike to find the culprit from the race. It is gathering dust in the basement until I get a chance.
Beautiful day to ride up here - sunny and 70 degrees! If I could ride, I would.

Happy contrails all! Muddle on!
2016-09-12 2:00 PM
in reply to: #5158366

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, California
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Dave - sorry to hear things are tough. MFP is a great way to ensure you are just taking things one day, one meal, one workout at a time. Sometimes it gets intimidating looking too far ahead and having something like that really helped me.

Gretchen - good job overcoming panic on the swim! Not easy to do I assume.

Alan - way to finish up the season. Congrats on the effort and thanks for sharing, always interested hearing the strategy involved never having been k to cycling myself the first 36 years of my life or whatever. Congrats on the coaching front as well!


2016-09-12 2:30 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Latest trail HM is in the books! Lots of hill climbing through beautiful rugged terrain. My ankle held up really good however my pace was slower as I kept a very close eye on my footing. The last 3 HM's on my calendar are all road races so I plan to stay off the trails for the rest of the season to avoid re-injury.

2016-09-12 2:34 PM
in reply to: MOlsen

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by MOlsen

Latest trail HM is in the books! Lots of hill climbing through beautiful rugged terrain. My ankle held up really good however my pace was slower as I kept a very close eye on my footing. The last 3 HM's on my calendar are all road races so I plan to stay off the trails for the rest of the season to avoid re-injury.

Whoop, whoop! Good job, Mark! Glad to hear the ankle held up! You are a machine with 3 more HM this fall!! wow!
2016-09-12 2:39 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by nicole14e

Went to the park where my tri will take place in 3 weeks. Was hoping to get out on the bike, but the friend I was meeting was 40 minutes late (he was very apologetic, but it was still a little frustrating). We got a swim in (about 800 meters) and a run. He was hurting a little from the night before, so the run was a struggle. He had to stop here and there and I finally went on without him, more out of fear of being late for my swim lesson (which I was) than anything. Might go back up this week or next and try to do all three.

You are a good friend to wait 45 minutes for him and I'm sorry that you were late for your swimming lesson. Grr. Sounds like he might of stayed up a little too late last night watching the game.

I think going back and doing the whole thing is a great idea. You'll get to know the course and really try to think it through and find ways of saving yourself time. Examples - OK - this is a good place to just tuck in and hold tight because of all the rocks. OR I want to get out of my saddle here so I can pick up speed so I can really crush the upcoming down him. Make a plan and then follow it.

When is the race?

October 1st! I also haven't been out on my bike AT ALL, so I definitely need to do it. I can only rely so much on my general fitness!
2016-09-12 3:05 PM
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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Active day on here today!

Dennis, congrats on the new job!

Alan, glad to hear you made it back to where you want to be! I'm sure it seemed like a long time, but I am very impressed by how quickly you came back from a broken collarbone.

Jenn, I hope you heal up! That has to be frustrating not knowing exactly what you did. And with kids running you around everywhere to boot!

Mark, nice job in your HM, and good luck in your next three! I'm super impressed!

Edited by nicole14e 2016-09-12 3:06 PM
2016-09-13 7:15 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Wow, everyone.  About a page worth of posts in six hours.  Training must be winding down. 

@ Dave - welcome back...I'm pretty useless on FB so you're going to have to get your beatdown here.  Not sure on racing for next year - for the time being I'm working on my swim and bike and core strength to get my back where it needs to be to support running.  I'll start planning out next year later this fall but I'm hoping to so some sprints and maybe an Oly.

@ Nicole - You should have just done the 1-mile loops in the park LOL.  Hurting from the night before - ah to be young again!!!

@ Gretchen - way to finish the year with a good bike split, you've done a hell of job staying consistent

@ Alan - damn, 500 watts for 1.8k???  Makes you in awe of pro cyclists.  Hopefully you'll stay upright on the bike next year and be able to manage your form to your liking.

@ Mark - glad your ankle held up - that's an aggressive race schedule - yikes!

@ Dennis - congrats on the new job; hopefully you can sneak out for lunch runs

@ Jenn - get that hip/leg healed up - PT??

@ Juan - how's the wine harvest looking this year, should be soon, right?

@ Thor - row, row, row your boat...ah never mind. 

2016-09-13 7:18 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Got in an hour on the trainer yesterday morning, followed by an hour (2600M) in the pool and 40 minutes of strength training in the late afternoon.  Easy day today. 

Pulled the trigger on a power meter (Powertap).  Eager to see what my "real" FTP is vs. my TrainerRoad virtual power. 

I'm working towards putting together a Flo 30 wheelset with the Powertap - they're having some big sale later this week so I'm going to pick up a rear rim and a front wheel.  Can't decide on the decal sticker colors, though - first world problems!!!

2016-09-13 7:21 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Wakefield, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Originally posted by aviatrix802
Originally posted by Fourteenkittens

So I've also been off for a few weeks, starting with a vacation to visit my parents, and then sliding right into a long string of job interviews, part time work, another short vacation to Maine, etc. I start a new job on Wednesday, and we will see what the schedule looks like an whether I'll be able to use my lunch break for some running, or if I'll need to shift everything to early morning or late evening (yuck to both).

Gretchen, well done on the Oly, especially the bike leg. I'm usually too gassed to provide encouragement to anyone else, so I'm impressed!

DQ, welcome back. Keep at it with the MFP and you'll get there. Are you up for a sprint? I just signed up for one in Duxbury on the 24th, and would love some BDAS company. I haven't raced at all since the Opener we did in May, and I couldn't stand the thought of that sad outing being my only race of the year.

Good for you on the new job - I hope it works out and you can still run on lunch! I know that's when my hubby prefers to run too. What is the name of the race on the 24th? Man, I'd love to squeeze another race in but with the kids' sports schedules and my work schedule it is probably a no-go. Good luck! The weather should still be good with cooler temps for the bike and run! Very nice!

The race is the Duxbury Beach Triathlon ( - no original naming here! 

2016-09-13 6:03 PM
in reply to: #5158366

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Wakefield, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Beautiful 70 degree weather on my last day home before back to work, so I was able make it out for a 25 mi ride - second longest I've ever done, and a goal for the summer. Very happy, though my legs are tired and butt is sore. Time for some burgers with the kiddos and a beer for dad.
2016-09-13 6:43 PM
in reply to: #5198720

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Wakefield, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
I need to replace my cleats, which has gotten me to wondering about other long lasting wear items. When do folks tend replace things like bike shoes, tires, or helmets? Mine are all finishing their sixth season and I wonder how many more I can eke out.
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