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2012-03-20 2:14 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Did 10km last night - a little over an hour which is great for me considering I still use the Galloway run/walk 2mins:1min method.  Means on my run sections I'm powering along!  Felt really strong.

got a very sore glute at the moment which I think just needs a good massage as it's not affecting any training just daily life seems to cause me pain!

Today I have to do a 30min run at lunchtime then i've got an OWS squad tonight - typically the weather is cr*p!  Last OWS squad of the season, how sad summer is over in our hemisphere.


2012-03-21 1:22 AM
in reply to: #4105196

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Lessons learned from today's training
1. It's nice to be outside on the bike rather than on the trainer

2. Riding in the wind is good for learning how to ride in the wind.  Especially when doing a square route, so having the wind come at you from each direction.  Riding in a crosswind is good for learning how not to weave.

3. Getting low when the wind is in your face in a good thing. 

4. Bringing your phone with you on a ride is a good thing.

5. Watching Youtube videos AFTER you get your first flat is not as helpful as learning how to change a flat BEFOREHAND.

6. The universe has a sense of humour in that when you sign up for a workshop at your LBS for this coming Friday which will include how to change a flat, it will give you a flat on Tuesday.

7. Only having to walk 2km before getting to a store to use the phone to call for a ride, making the SO late for work, is better than having to walk the full 5km home.

8.  Spring Break makes the late evening women's swim VERY BUSY

9.  Dodging children in the pool is good practice for OWS.

10.  Being able to give someone else a pointer in swimming feels good.

2012-03-21 10:52 AM
in reply to: #4105923

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
bcraht - 2012-03-21 1:22 AM

Lessons learned from today's training
1. It's nice to be outside on the bike rather than on the trainer

2. Riding in the wind is good for learning how to ride in the wind.  Especially when doing a square route, so having the wind come at you from each direction.  Riding in a crosswind is good for learning how not to weave.

3. Getting low when the wind is in your face in a good thing. 

4. Bringing your phone with you on a ride is a good thing.

5. Watching Youtube videos AFTER you get your first flat is not as helpful as learning how to change a flat BEFOREHAND.

6. The universe has a sense of humour in that when you sign up for a workshop at your LBS for this coming Friday which will include how to change a flat, it will give you a flat on Tuesday.

7. Only having to walk 2km before getting to a store to use the phone to call for a ride, making the SO late for work, is better than having to walk the full 5km home.

8.  Spring Break makes the late evening women's swim VERY BUSY

9.  Dodging children in the pool is good practice for OWS.

10.  Being able to give someone else a pointer in swimming feels good.

This is great - I would only add:

11. Having a sense of humor helps prevent us from losing our minds.

2012-03-21 11:31 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Love the list. 

This is definately #1:  "1. It's nice to be outside on the bike rather than on the trainer"

Forecast is for some wet snow here.  It's been very rainy and windy for weeks.  I'm getting very anxious to ride outside again. 

2012-03-21 6:40 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

last OWS squad last night and how was the weather - dropped from 82 to 52 in the space of five minutes - torrential rain and big wind.

Washing machine like swim!  When I turned to breathe I was literally picked up by waves and rolled onto my back!  Swallowed so much water - filthy after the rain!  Swimming in the swell is harder in a wetsuit coz your legs are so high and light!  Be better to be a little more grounded.

good fun though - this time a year ago I would not have ventured in - now i would consider racing in that!

Pic below....This is where the Ironman is swimming on Sunday...



swim.jpg (17KB - 21 downloads)
2012-03-21 6:51 PM
in reply to: #4106643

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
popsracer - 2012-03-21 9:31 PM

Love the list. 

This is definately #1:  "1. It's nice to be outside on the bike rather than on the trainer"

Forecast is for some wet snow here.  It's been very rainy and windy for weeks.  I'm getting very anxious to ride outside again. 


Still snowing here.  Looking forward to warm weather of spring and cycling.

2012-03-21 10:53 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

swam 1 mile in 35:27 today.  that's 2.5 minutes faster than the last time.  I'm at 2:00/100yd pace.  That's my fastest distance time so far. 

I read a few of your posts a while back and remember some of you talking about how tired you were.  Man, I am there.  This will be my first week of 6 days of working out, and I'm ready to pass out by 9:00 each evening.  By 4:40, it's time to wake up and do it all again.  Love it.

2012-03-22 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

well canada was a blast Eh

got 2 runs and 2 spins in

welcomed home to a 45 min swim and 90 min run
and of course it is 79 degrees I was not ready for the heat today underhydrated only made it 76 minutes...

2012-03-23 3:45 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
So it's Saturday and I've missed one big workout this week - today I need to schedule a 90min run or a 75min bike.  OR do I contemplate both.  Cannot fit anything in on Sunday as I'm volunteering at IM Melbourne.  Could that replace the run or the bike?  I'll be on my feet about 17 hours!  Surely that is considered a workout!
2012-03-24 6:59 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I haven't been posting here as I'm not sure I'm following the Beginner Plan, but could use the moral support/cameraderie. I was, very loosely, following the BT plan, but now I've hit the swim focus week and, ironically, it's spring break and the school pool is closed. I have sporadic access to a pool at my gym but have to share it with screaming kids and weekend workouts are impossible.  To further complicate things, I'm headed to a conference in Bangkok Wed.-Sat. and don't really know how much time/what facilities I'll have!  Whatever--will just do my best!

To introduce myself, I'm an international school teacher in Saigon, training for the Pacific Crest HIM in Oregon in June. Thus, am training at the hottest season in the tropics at sea level for a hilly race at altitude! Yes, I am nuts--long history of that.  It was that or Singapore Aviva in March--I didn't think I'd be there bike-wise, worried about heat on the run, and logistics didn't work out, so chose what I did. Have run tons of marathons and half-marathons and a fairly strong distance swimmer; the bike is my nemesis. January was the first time I did a training ride over 2 hours. I've worked up to 100km/ 10 km bricks. (Okay, I'm not exactly following the plan.....just trying to build endurance before it got hotter than h.....)  Mainly worried about surviving the hills on the bike and not panicking in a wetsuit or freezing to death in T1.

Long run today (1:40) in really hot weather. Actually I felt really good. First time since last summer that I did not feel tired at the end; not sure why. Caffeine gel at 1:15? Meeting bike buddy at 5:30 AM tomorrow for long ride. Three flats on last four rides; spent an hour or so at bike shop investigating why; removed more gunk from tires, tested tubes, now saying my prayers.

Edited by Hot Runner 2012-03-24 7:01 AM
2012-03-24 12:06 PM
in reply to: #4111041

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

AH yes, spring break in the pool--I've been experiencing this myself for the past couple weeks.  Dodging the kids playing in the lanes is good practice for OWS I reckon! 

I have been finding good support in this group--you'll find that many of us struggle somewhat to fit it all in, and have to move some workouts around a bit and/or don't follow the plan to a T.

Hope your flat issues are worked out--I had my first one last week (2 days after signing up for, but 2 days before, a workshop on changing tires...). 

2012-03-24 5:04 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Lanes? What're those?  That's one of the issues at the gym--the pool's only 3 lanes wide, but there are no marked lanes/times for lap swimming and it's also open to residents of the complex where it's located. I have high tolerance for kids in the pool but weekends are just dangerous--I've had them jumping on my head. Plus there are not even minimal standards of pool ettiquette or supervision. Most kids are unsupervised, and there's generally no lifeguard. Management has actually told me not to TRY doing workouts on weekends. Eventually someone will drown and they will have to do something about it. Until then, I just try to make sure the someone is not me!

Happy day--5 AM and getting ready to ride. I am already sweating just sitting here. Keep telling myself the humidity will drop when the sun comes out!

2012-03-24 10:31 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Welcome, Hot Runner Love the tag! I did my TT swim today - it was wack. I swam like a man dying of lack of oxygen. I usually breath every 3 strokes, bilaterally ( I prefer every 5 strokes) and I glide some. Nope. Not today. I was a ball of anxiety and breathing on the right heavily and breathing very, very often. My time was 17:54. Swimming is normally a huge strength for me and now I am a bit scared.

The good news is that yesterday's bike was very good for me. Even including my nearly mile-long hill including 14% grade sections, my pace was 16.5-ish.  I haven't run in awhile and now we have guests from out-of-town who seemed relieved that I got my 'workout' out of the way today - er - tomorrow might have to be a not-wanted rest day I thought about sneaking out early before anyone woke, but they are in my bedroom and unless I run or bike in my pajamas, I'm out of luck. We are planning a pretty serious hike though, so that's good. Generally, I'm feeling pretty out-of-sorts after this 'recovery week'. I spent most of it Spring cleaning so I wouldn't lose my mind. I have a lot of energy these days - wowza!

2012-03-24 11:41 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
'Nother long ride, 'nother flat. This is getting old. Four flats in last five rides. Just had bike checked yesterday and quite certain this was a new piece of debris. I found it and it was a big metal shard. There is just a lot of crap on that road, and my back tire attracts it like a magnet. (I mean, I know I have a magnetic personality, but....)  Going to bite the bullet and get sturdier tires, I guess. Having to stop means it's just that much hotter for the run (thus the user name). Going to check the heat index---I swear it was triple digits out there. I have REALLY good heat tolerance but was about at my limit by the end of the brick--four liters of water/Nuun total were barely enough.
2012-03-25 1:29 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hello. My name is Ashley and I am starting this program this week. I hope to do the Lake Geneva Half Ironman in September. I'm so nervous though, because although i have done half marathons, i have only done sprint distance triathlons. I feel as though I may be jumping steps by having this goal and I have not yet completed an olympic distance triathlon. 


Hopefully, I will be able to do one this summer as part of my training for the half ironman in september?


If any female lives near Lake Michigan and the Wisconsin/ Illinois border and is looking for a training buddy, let me know! 

2012-03-25 8:44 PM
in reply to: #4112149

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West Bend, WI
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group


]ashleyb98 - 2012-03-25 1:29 PM

Hello. My name is Ashley and I am starting this program this week. I hope to do the Lake Geneva Half Ironman in September. I'm so nervous though, because although i have done half marathons, i have only done sprint distance triathlons. I feel as though I may be jumping steps by having this goal and I have not yet completed an olympic distance triathlon. 


Hopefully, I will be able to do one this summer as part of my training for the half ironman in september?


If any female lives near Lake Michigan and the Wisconsin/ Illinois border and is looking for a training buddy, let me know! 


I'm doing the same thing.  I have done a lot of running, 2 sprints tri's and now am doing the Racine HIM.  I figure that "if there's a will...there's a way."  I looked at doing only Olympics this year, but figured the swim wasn't all that much longer, so why not do a HIM.

I am located in WI, and have been looking for someone to train with, but the state line's a little far.  I have seen several people on this site in Milwaukee and south.  There is a Wisconsin forum.  You could try checking that out.  I am more than willing to head toward Milwaukee on occasion.  Let me know if you happen to be north sometime.  Good Luck!!!  

2012-03-25 9:49 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hi all.  Hope you had a great training weekend.  It was absolutely beautiful around here.  Our weather has been so bad that some sunshine went a long way yesterday and today.

Had a great eight mile trail run after 40 minutes on the trainer yesterday.  I slowed it way down and really enjoyed just cruising along.  I think I push the pace too much on most of my runs.  Since I'm running a marathon next saturday I thought I'd bring it down closer to marathon pace and it felt so effortless.  Well I guess it better if I'm going to add eighteen miles to that.

2012-03-25 10:59 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Yeah--apparently the hyperactive children sleep in! Also, not all the schools are on break this week. Had pool to myself (except for a guy swabbing the decks) at 7 AM for 3000m workout. Still pretty hung over fromyesterday's brick, didn't really start to feel good until (really) about 2000m. So I'll be back for more tomorrow and Wed. Will attempt the swim-focus week. Don't know about 4 X 750m though. (Week 12 "Sunday", though I move the workouts around). Keep looking at it and wondering why. There is a lot of that kind of stuff in the plan.  Isn't there more benefit to doing shorter repeats?  I know I can swim 2000, 3000, even 4000 meters continuously, inlcuding in open water with high surf--been there, done that!  Hope I don't fall asleep swimming!

Edited by Hot Runner 2012-03-25 11:02 PM
2012-03-26 12:18 AM
in reply to: #4112647

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
popsracer - 2012-03-25 7:49 PM

Hi all.  Hope you had a great training weekend.  It was absolutely beautiful around here.  Our weather has been so bad that some sunshine went a long way yesterday and today.

Had a great eight mile trail run after 40 minutes on the trainer yesterday.  I slowed it way down and really enjoyed just cruising along.  I think I push the pace too much on most of my runs.  Since I'm running a marathon next saturday I thought I'd bring it down closer to marathon pace and it felt so effortless.  Well I guess it better if I'm going to add eighteen miles to that.

It was a great weekend on this side of the mountains too - today was well into the 60's for the first time.  Would have loved to do my long bike ride outdoors today, but since the foreseeable forecast is cold and rainy, I decided it was too much trouble to take the bike off the trainer and change tires.

So, today was the first time I've gone two hours on the trainer - all I can say is "Ouch!".

2012-03-26 12:25 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Had a good weekend.  Beautiful weather here--I am just across the border from you, Pops.  So nice to see the sun.  Friday did a short bike on the trainer before work so that I would have 48 hours before my next workout this morning.  I donated blood yesterday and then spent the day with my stepson, my brother and my nephew geocaching in the sun.  Today had an early morning swim, then spent the day walking the dogs and going to the market, then a long ride tonight.  Had to get outside as much as possible as the rain is supposed to be back for the whole week Frown.

I have a question about the swim workouts in this plan--since there are no rest intervals indicated, what rest time is everybody using? 

Have a great week!

2012-03-26 12:42 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
RE rest intervals--for 100m repeats, generally I do them on 1:50. I swim them in 1:30 to 1:35, so this gives me 15-20 sec. of rest. For 200's, about 30 sec. of rest. Maybe a minute for 400's. I've seen 15-20% of swim time, which seems about right. For weird distance stuff like this AM, I just play it by ear--I wait till my heart rate and breathing has dropped but is still slightly elevated. I don't use a monitor or count it--just guess!  My pool time is often very limited so I tend to take the minimum of rest to get the workout done!

2012-03-26 5:47 AM
in reply to: #4112754


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Had some glorious weather here the last few days. What a difference the sunshine makes!!

I haven't started the plan yet. Due to start April 23rd. Just concentrating on getting my base levels to a reasonable standard and keeping injury free.

My swim time intervals appear to be the same as you. 100m on 1:45 then doubling up through to 400m. Seems to work for me. I suppose it will be an individual thing depending on how your swimming is. You need to give yourself a rest between each interval, so see what works for you.

Completed a 48mile bike ride over hills yesterday. Really happy with that. 6 mile run lined up for today.

Happy training Laughing

2012-03-26 11:43 AM
in reply to: #4112743

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
PrivateIdaho - 2012-03-25 10:18 PM
popsracer - 2012-03-25 7:49 PM

Hi all.  Hope you had a great training weekend.  It was absolutely beautiful around here.  Our weather has been so bad that some sunshine went a long way yesterday and today.

Had a great eight mile trail run after 40 minutes on the trainer yesterday.  I slowed it way down and really enjoyed just cruising along.  I think I push the pace too much on most of my runs.  Since I'm running a marathon next saturday I thought I'd bring it down closer to marathon pace and it felt so effortless.  Well I guess it better if I'm going to add eighteen miles to that.

It was a great weekend on this side of the mountains too - today was well into the 60's for the first time.  Would have loved to do my long bike ride outdoors today, but since the foreseeable forecast is cold and rainy, I decided it was too much trouble to take the bike off the trainer and change tires.

So, today was the first time I've gone two hours on the trainer - all I can say is "Ouch!".

I had the same thoughts.  It was very tempting to ride outside but I did not want to hassle with my trainer setup with another week of rain ahead.

Two hours on the trainer is a lot.  Way to tough it out.

2012-03-26 11:46 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Washington D.C.
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Sounds like alot of you have enjoyed the warmer weather and that includes myself.  Friday was just crazy though, got up over 90 with 85% humidity in Wash DC!  I had scheduled a long run but around mile 3 I felt horrible so cut it short.  Anyone else already experimenting in the heat?
2012-03-26 5:00 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Experiment.....har! Every long run and brick is an experiment in "How hot will it get today? Can I finish before I keel over from heat exhaustion?" Visualize the crazy lady, running in the tropical sun to finish her long brick, while everyone sensible sips iced coffee in the shade. Thus the username--alas, does not refer to looks or speed!   No real secrets, just acclimatization, lots of Nuun and water, trying to get it done early or late and staying in the shade when possible. Lots of HTFU. And, on the positive side, the heat's what got me into tri. I started to hate running every day because it was so hot, got into masters swimming, and got talked into a tri by my swim buddies. So I have heat to thank for this!

Edited by Hot Runner 2012-03-26 5:02 PM
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