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2010-05-07 12:26 PM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
lurk? That sounds fun and doable, maybe I'll give it a shot.

And for the record, its an insecurity thing that is all on my head. Colorado athletes are a really kind bunch who usually welcome newbies. I'm sure they would actually be great towards me, I just am so intimidated I can't work up the courage to try.

2010-05-07 2:15 PM
in reply to: #2844032

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Glad to hear from some of you!

Brooke - I wonder if the water will be a normal temp?  I bet you'll be okay, only getting in and out will really suck.   I hope the asthma doesn't affect yor 5k too much.

Steve - I hope it's just phantom pain and nothing more serious.  Have fun with your busy weekend.  Hope the tri goes well!

Janet - yay for being on track!  Let us know how the swim goes!  I love OWS so much more than pool swimming.  I hope you do too.

Dee - I agree, a coached workout really makes the time go by.  I eventually decided to not keep going with masters because the coach didn't have workouts that were slow enough for me   I ended up sprinting the entire time to keep up and that wasn't working with my goals.  But it's highly motivating!  I swim workouts now from my own coach and they fly by.  I cringe when I see a long steady set.  I love fast sets (i.e. swim 6 x 50s fast with :10 rest). 

Lauren - I can totally understand your apprehension about trying a masters group.  Maybe you can find one that encourages newer swimmers.   If you want to try your own workouts that are more structured, check out  I also am constantly worrying about weight.  I am a good 20 lbs over what I "really should" be and 10 lbs over what "need to get to at least."   They only way, in my opinion, is to decide you're going to do whatever it takes to lose the weight.  And I don't mean crazy dieting, but seriously counting calories and sticking to a plan.  Often people store the last 10 lbs in one area, so I would bet if you lost them they'd come directly from your problem area.  Keep working the workouts!  If you've never tried a food diary before, I really recommend it.  I used to lose about 30 lbs a while back.  It really works and I found this site to be very easy to use.  It's worth the very low fee of $9/month.

2010-05-07 2:19 PM
in reply to: #2844032

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

I'm leaving for Knoxville tonight.  I hope I'll see you, Carrie!  Make sure you swing by the BT tent.  I am going to do a swim practice for sure.  I also need to run on Saturday, so I might try out the Oly run course if I can.  Weird doing the swim relay - no taper for me    I am excited to try out my new wetsuit...



2010-05-07 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2838029

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
soccermom15 - 2010-05-05 8:47 AM  I'm thinking about getting ear plugs.  Does anyone here use them? 


I always use ear plugs. I can't stand the sound or feeling of water in my ear. I get some similar to these:

but not this specific brand (generic from Walgreens that have a string that attach them).

I have not used them in a triathlon, though and I am a little nervous about that.  I'm worried about not being able to hear everything well.

Anyone used them in a tri?
2010-05-07 8:40 PM
in reply to: #2840871

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
BikerGrrrl - 2010-05-06 8:58 AM

Hey guys.  Quiet group lately.  Is the honeymoon period of a new thing over?   If I can better entertain you, please let me know.  LOL.

Speaking of inspires...   If someone gives you an inspire note, and you wish to respond, please hit the "Reply" button directly below the note instead of typing into the box below at first.  It will put the answer on the inspirer's blog.  Otherwise they don't see it, unless they go looking.  

I check on weekends and I think y'all check during the week. I'm a teacher and the district has been monitoring our computer usage lately. Frown.  After being gone so many days for my stupid illness I had some catching up to do anyhow...I'll start checking at night, though. Wink
2010-05-07 9:04 PM
in reply to: #2843518

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
LaurenCO - 2010-05-07 9:39 AM
Out of curiosity, does anyone here have a weight issue? I have 10 lbs to lose and I am not kidding when I say I've tried to lose it for 5yrs. I am sooooooo fed up! And its not like I'm crazy and want to lose 10 lbs for vanity's sake, it literally hangs on my thighs and legs in a most disproportionate way. I feel it bounce up and down when I run. The rest of my body is slim.  Grrrrr.


I've got 30-40 I'm trying to get off. I haven't been that small since junior high so I'm not sure if I want to be 155 or 145. I feel it bouncing if I don't wear compression clothes. I'm also very self conscious about it. That's why I run at 3am. No one is out.

On some other notes:
My face swelled up at the end of last week.  I looked like the Na'vi from Avatar. Steve, I can totally sympathize with you. I had no idea what caused that. It was the day I had a really good run, too. I was beginning to think running was making everything bad happen. But, the PA sent me to a dermatologist who told me it was hives caused by my anemia. Go figure. I have never heard such a thing, but I was quite relieved that it was connected to all the other troubles I've been having. I now have to anti-histimines to take on top of my uber strong iron and HUGE vitamin C.  Steve, I hope they find the source of your pain, soon. I still have no explanation for my original pain that sent me to the hospital...but it has never come back.

I bought a pair of Vibram FiveFingers KSO:

It took a minute off my pace. I'm going to buy another pair (classic) to wear when I go to Europe this summer. Then I can still run (train) and they are just so darn comfy. BUT...
My calves are SCREAMING! I've done a lot of reading on these and you have to make sure that you are not heel striking and landing on the ball of your foot. Well, my legs are not used to that and they are feeling it. However, when I run I can run longer, faster, and for longer periods of time. I went for a run today even though I was so sore and once I got going I was fine (the soreness wasn't too bad).  I figure that it's just like all training...once I build up the strength it'll all be good.

My friend who makes up my workout plans has begun to create them again with a focus on running since that is my weakest area.  It's so good to have a plan again.  I have really been on track thi week. I'm going to make up a menu tomorrow and begin a pretty rigorous eating regimine.  Then I can lose that weight and hopefully perform better. I have an appointment with my surgeon on Tuesday and hopefully we can eliminate some other (serious) causes of my anemia. I'm hoping it's just as simple as my not taking my suppliments. I will be very happy if that is the case.  That I can fix.

I have been enjoying catching up on all the posts. I like reading y'all's experiences and I'm learning a lot even if I'm only lurking.

Have a great weekend!

2010-05-08 3:28 PM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Ooooh, I've been lemming the Vibram five fingers. Keep us updated on how you are liking them!!
2010-05-08 9:13 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Thought today was a practice tri, turned out to be a double brick..  Bike 12, run 1, bike 10, run 2.  Swimming will be next week.  Pain is less often but still comes once in a while, so I stopped taking the newest medicine...

Graduation was wonderful, my daughter looks so lovely and we were so proud..  It was fun...

I have been 40 & 60 pounds to lose, since I am over 230 and only 5'9".  Would love to be in the 170s or below, but that is a long way off, when I only seem to lose 1 pound a week at most.  Poor food choices and sporatic exercise....

Joined a master's swim this year, I was swimmer 1 for the coach, we are up to 9, but 4 are high schoolers and of those 3 are on his swim team.  I was doing lots of sprints, but pain in my shoulders has slowed that a little.
2010-05-08 9:55 PM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Congrats on your daughter's graduation!!
2010-05-09 2:13 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Hey gang!  I did my first OWS yesterday morning!  The wetsuit that I rented came early so I was able to take it with me to try out.  I'm happy to say that it fits really well.  I was worried about that because of my height.  They sent a "tall" one though so it was long enough.  The swim itself was good.  Don't know that I can say "I loved it" but I definitely didn't hate itSmile.  I spent a little while just getting used to the water and being in a wetsuit before I actually started trying to swim.  I don't know how far I went, but that's OK, I was only there to get used to being in a lake instead of a pool, not really worried about distance this week.  Next week I'll pay a little more attention to how far I swim.  Hopefully the weather will be more cooperative next week too.  It was cold and windy!  The water wasn't too bad though - my feet felt like popsicles when I got out, but the rest of me stayed nice and warm.  Oh, and I did get some ear plugs.  I'm glad I did too - not sure my ears could have taken the cold.  

This morning I decided to do a brick workout.  I don't do those too often, but wanted to get at least one in before my tri.  I went over to a park that has a MUP so I wouldn't have to deal with cars (just lots of people running/walking/riding/etc).   I had a good ride although I had to keep the speed down.  After I finished my ride, I went for a short run/walk.  It's funny how slow I felt like I was running after riding (I'm slow anyway but I was keeping a decent pace for me).  Ended up with 14.46 mile on the bike and 2.37 running. 

I hope everyone's having a good weekend and a great Mother's Day to all the mom's!

2010-05-10 11:55 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
So during my nice slow ride that provided me with lots of time to think...  12 miles and then 10 miles filled my head with the following question. Since my longest ride before this was a 2 mile with a 12 mile after swimming.

Is it better from a training stage, where you are building base miles, to keep increasing distance, while going at a very slow speed, or to maintain distance and increase speed?

For short periods during my rides, I could do a quick shout out to the others in the group as they were returning as I was still outbound, but I do not think I could have held a conversation for long.  On the run, I held a conversation for about 2-3 minutes and then needed to walk because I was feeling like I could not keep that pace any longer.

2010-05-10 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2848641

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Steve - I would definitely keep working at a conversational pace and building miles.  If you have trouble maintaining conversation/speed, you're definitely going too hard.   Building up your base with conversational miles WILL yield speed eventually.  Your conversational will go from 12 mph and soon enough it's 16 then it's 20 (bike, obviously).  Same will happen on the run, although not as dramatic.

That said, I do think it's useful to challenge yourself.  Especially on the bike.  Do the majority of your ride in the conversational pace but mix in short intervals of more powerful riding.  I like to do this on hills.   Instead of shifting to an easier gear, for instance, stay in the same gear and stand up to crest the hill.    Then go back to conversational pace.  

The only risk here is getting too comfortable at a certain speed.  Try not to focus on speed and instead focus on what you can do that day to feel like you've done your workout.   For me, on runs, my speed might shift an entire mile/hour from one day to the next.    Do the calculations later so you don't get caught up in your own expectations.

2010-05-10 8:21 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Thanks...  I did a little of that on Sat, where most of the pace on bike was 14-15 mph I pushed a 10 minute stretch at 18 mph, then did some recovery at 12 MPH...

Pretty good swim tonight, not real hard except the sprints.  nicely sore..  Side pains still exist, so seeing Dr on Thurs...  Also want to see if  she can figure out why shoulders are so sore...
2010-05-11 6:52 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Got in a morning jog...  After warmup, completed the rest fo the mile jogging....  Walked/jogged the return leg of the 2 miles.
2010-05-11 9:30 AM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

sorry for being MIA the past few days - it finally picks up around here and i go missing!  Surprised   work has just been busy and unfortuantely the only time i get to pop on here is when i'm at work.

Steve - congrats on your daughter's graduation! you must be one proud papa Laughing  sorry that you're still in pain.  is your doctor going to keep running tests to try to pinpoint the cause?  sounds like you're getting a lot of good training in despite everything.  you da man!

Janet - congrats on your open water swim!  they seem so intimidating!

Dee - are you finding your new swim group helpful? the two of you are brave to put yourself out there and try these new swim experiences!

Lauren - hopefully you can get back to your training once the summer hits.  i don't know how moms do all that they do.  also hope your kids spoiled you for mother's day!  as far as weight issues - mine is more of an issue being content with where i'm at.  I've struggled with the vanity weight until i'm sick of struggling. 

do you track your food?  i lost about 15 pounds eating between 1650-1750 calories.  that depends on your activity level of course but it worked well for me (also doing about 7-10 training exercises per week).  i tracked on the livestrong daily plate.

Leslie - sucks about your computer big brother but glad you can check in when you do.  i've read a lot about the VFF.  very cool.  you mentioned heel striking, which i think is one of my problems as to why i can't build speed.  how do you work on changing how you strike?

one of my bike problems is that i think i feel too comfortable on a bike and don't really push myself.  i've borrowed a friend's hybrid which is about 15 years newer than my MB and i can pick up a little speed on it, so i'm probably going with it for the race.

today is my first outdoor swim.  hopefully the water won't be too miserably cold!  brrr!!

2010-05-11 9:33 AM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
also we seem to be missing a race report from Emily about this weekend!!

2010-05-11 2:09 PM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
did my first outdoor swim today.  water temp at the pool was 74 degrees - i had the pool to myself so i practiced going under the ropes as i'll be doing at the tri.  it felt exhilirating finishing my 500m!

although the first 25m royally sucked, once i caught my breath i was good to go.  i was worried when they said they'd be closing the indoor pool, but now i'm glad.  i have a feeling this will prepare me better for race day.
2010-05-11 2:30 PM
in reply to: #2851805

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

That's great to hear!  What a cool opportunity to swim alone, too!

smartstrongsexy - 2010-05-11 2:09 PM did my first outdoor swim today.  water temp at the pool was 74 degrees - i had the pool to myself so i practiced going under the ropes as i'll be doing at the tri.  it felt exhilirating finishing my 500m!

although the first 25m royally sucked, once i caught my breath i was good to go.  i was worried when they said they'd be closing the indoor pool, but now i'm glad.  i have a feeling this will prepare me better for race day.

2010-05-11 2:35 PM
in reply to: #2851903

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

I had a great time in Knoxville this weekend.  The water was in the 60s (I would guess upper) and it was perfect.  Not too hot once I was swimming and felt great compared to the air temp on race morning   That's an added benefit of the wet suit... something to keep you warm while you wait.

I took more than 6 minutes of my best Oly swim!  I am thrilled.   I was doing a relay, so laid it all on the line, but this is still great progress.  Here's my report:

2010-05-11 2:36 PM
in reply to: #2849973

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Sounds like you're on track!  Good luck with the doc.

otter_sh - 2010-05-10 8:21 PM Thanks...  I did a little of that on Sat, where most of the pace on bike was 14-15 mph I pushed a 10 minute stretch at 18 mph, then did some recovery at 12 MPH...

Pretty good swim tonight, not real hard except the sprints.  nicely sore..  Side pains still exist, so seeing Dr on Thurs...  Also want to see if  she can figure out why shoulders are so sore...

2010-05-11 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2851903

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
BikerGrrrl - 2010-05-11 3:30 PM

That's great to hear!  What a cool opportunity to swim alone, too!

the lifeguard told me that only one other person had been at the pool all day.  i guess no one else is hard core enough to brave the fridged temps!

okay now i'm off to read your race report!

2010-05-11 2:39 PM
in reply to: #2850886

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

That's cool about the borrowed bike.  Every bit helps! 

I know I sound like a broken record, but this is my number one advice for bike riding.  You have to push yourself.   I really like to make a game out of attacking things on the bike.  I tried to race up a hill, pass someone, reach a new high mph, etc.    Hopefully the bit faster bike will energize you!

smartstrongsexy - 2010-05-11 9:30 AM

one of my bike problems is that i think i feel too comfortable on a bike and don't really push myself.  i've borrowed a friend's hybrid which is about 15 years newer than my MB and i can pick up a little speed on it, so i'm probably going with it for the race.

2010-05-11 2:40 PM
in reply to: #2850886

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Leslie - sucks about your computer big brother but glad you can check in when you do.  i've read a lot about the VFF.  very cool.  you mentioned heel striking, which i think is one of my problems as to why i can't build speed.  how do you work on changing how you strike?

How'd I fix the heel strike? I started running in Vibrams. My calves FINALLY don't hurt today (and I've had them almost a week...and run every day but Sunday), but I still feel them. And you have to start slowly (low milage) or you can get stress fractures (I've read).  I've gotten a few blisters here and there and that scared me at first, but when I run the next day they don't bother me. Haven't quite figured that out, but I'm not going to complain.

I'm so excited to be on track again.  I'm going for a swim soon. I'm going to put a red powerade bottle at the end of my lane and practice tracking like someone suggested. 

Have a great day, y'all. I'll check in later tonight.
2010-05-11 2:41 PM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Hey guys!! I'm on my way out the door for a run (at the gym, its cold and rainy outside). I'm on Weok 5 of Couch to 5k. It sucks to have lost so much fitness after my knee surgery, but I'm so happy to be running at all I don't really care.

The awesome news is that I BOUGHT A BIKE!!!! And it was just the best deal in the world. Its a Trek FX 7.2 straight handled road bike/hybrids. Its in perfect condition and has a bunch of neat upgrades. It was just under $200 and they guy threw in knobby tires and slicks, a cycle computer and tons of tubes.

I was leary of biking a used bike (esp not knowing its history) and the low price had me nervous. So many weirdos on CL made me ask my H to come w/ me just in case.

We get there and this very outdoorsy guy greets us and opens his garage up and was like a bike shop. And a stable of $$$$$$$$$$$$ bikes. Turns out he's a pro cyclist who loves to buy bikes for his non-avid biking wife. His bikes were amazing, a Scott TT bike, numerous Specialized bikes that looked to be the price of my car lol.

But his wife had a bunch of very nice bikes that he keeps buying and I guess she doesn't ride so the Trek was my gain. She also has a nice looking Specialized Dolce and maybe I spotted a Ruby comp. He said he just sold her Jamis mountain bike.

Isn't that amazing? I'm on cloud 9 I finally have my own bike. can't wait to hit the roads/trails!!
2010-05-11 2:46 PM
in reply to: #2851805

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
smartstrongsexy - 2010-05-12 1:09 PM did my first outdoor swim today.  water temp at the pool was 74 degrees - i had the pool to myself so i practiced going under the ropes as i'll be doing at the tri.  it felt exhilirating finishing my 500m!

although the first 25m royally sucked, once i caught my breath i was good to go.  i was worried when they said they'd be closing the indoor pool, but now i'm glad.  i have a feeling this will prepare me better for race day.

Awesome! I can't wait till its warm enough here to swim outside. Its a verrrrry cold 50 today.

Leslie, I hope you have a great swim. Seems like swim season is well under way for everyone.

Emily, I'm waiting to read your RR till I get back from my run. I'm going to sit down w/ a cup of coffee and read it. And yes, thank goodness for wetsuits
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