BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN -CLOSED DUE TO TRAINING Rss Feed  
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of 117
2011-12-22 10:16 AM
in reply to: #3949626

User image

Tobey91 - 2011-12-22 8:52 AM
doxie - 2011-12-22 10:29 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-12-21 7:00 PM
baxt3r - 2011-12-21 5:54 PM
gdale - 2011-12-21 5:43 PM
doxie - 2011-12-21 1:33 PM


Sound the alarm! I'm the baby at 29. What's my prize?

You get to be the primary target of fatty's love and affection for the next 4 months!



I don't know about that.  He already jumped on me pretty good because of my soon-to-be-former unhealthy habit.  But he's right.   Wink

never met either of you.  but i gotta think she's hotter.  but after a few beers i won't turn down a reach around.  so its all good.

awesome job getting out on that run in the rain.   


oh, wait.....did I say 29? I really meant 39. Must have indulged in too many holiday spirits.


If you changed your announced age to prevent Fatty [John] from hitting on you, it is a lost cause.  He'll hit on you whether you are 19 or 59.



2011-12-22 10:39 AM
in reply to: #3949637

User image

In the Shadow of the Big House
Mike_D - 2011-12-22 10:56 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-12-22 9:55 AM

Mike_D - 2011-12-22 8:39 AM Injury Recovery Question ---  I've been resting/rehabbing a knee/leg injury since early November (sprained quad tendon), following orthopedic docs recommendations. He's green lighted me to start running, and I did go for a slow 5k run on Sunday. All was well. But here is my problem. I'm kind of freaked out about possibly reinjuring this. Every time I feel a twinge of anything in the knee, I think "oh, I need to rest more! I shouldn't do anything". I fear I'm just making myself insane, and the obvious solution is to continue to ease back into running (and biking) by taking it slow and rebuilding. YET -- my brain is on red alert. Is this just a mental exercise in going out and putting foot to road/pedal, and ignoring my overly cautious sense of self preservation? I felt fine after Sunday's run , and had no after affects the following days.

I've been in your position.  After I rehabbed a 4th met stress fracture for 5 months I thought every niggle was an issue.  At the time my PT gave me this advice: if it's sore running, quit.  If it's a little sore afterwards that is "probably" ok.  If it is sore the next day, take two days off and then try again.

I've never heard of a quad sprain? which quad? are you talking tendonitis at the top of the knee (basically insertion point)?  What type of rehabbing did you do?  I'm a little suprised your doc gave you the green light to go run 3.1m versus some walk/run to ease into it (e.g. walk 3', run 3', up to 3.1m, etc.)

There is nothing wrong with being cautious and to me the best approach is shorter running mixed in with walking to strengthen it and the rest of the muscles that haven't been used in a while.

Thanks! The diagnosis was tendonitis/bursitis/and some cartilege inflamation. rehab was rest, anitinflamatories, ice, and more rest. The 3.1 distance was my idea, but it was a run/walk, not a straight run.  thanks for confirming the low & slow approach. My big paranoia is blowing up 2012 by having this resurface. I'll be out there tomorrow giving it another test.

Went through a little of what you're going through last year during the early stages of my marathon training.  Had a nagging bout of ITBS and nearly worried myself out of running the marathon all together.  Turned out that most of my troubles were mental after I got the inflammation to subside.  Little twinges once in a while are very normal for my body.  I found that as long as they don't persist into the following day I can pretty much ignore them. One more of those little battles that I had to win in my head.  Continue to listen to your body, but don't let the worry take over.  Keep it low and slow until you regain a god base and you'll most likely be fine.  Good Luck!

2011-12-22 10:50 AM
in reply to: #3942845

User image


So far the MG includes:

Steve Birds

Rednight (Red)

ScaldedDawg (Brent)


Havin'Fun (Linda)

velcromom (Linda)

Fattyfatfat (John)

gdale (George)

DougRob (Doug)

SSMinnow (Suzy)

badgerintx (Dave or Dino)

cbarnes (Chet)

ransick (Mike)

JCZ (Jon)

copa2251 (David)

mighty mom (Christina)

dalesit (Tony)

sdalessio (Sam)

doxie (Melissa)

tricrazy (Rachel)

jfought (Jayne)

tdl1972 (David)

kkcbelle (Kyla)

gotta run (Julia)

Jeepguy2258 (Chris)

kt65 (Kim)

jslacker (John)

terps (Linda)

tobey91 (William)


TrevorC (Trevor)

dcon (Dan)


MikeD (Mike)

tahrens (Tracy)

gobluedds (Scott)

There are probably a couple more returning members like RoniS, Andy and CyborgQueen that will join as well.

Welcome all the new people. A few things to notice.

1. Steve takes awesome pictures

2. We have some scary runners here (2800+ miles in 2011!)

3. A few members are in to CX

4. Sarcasm is rampant!

5. Suzy sends out the regular wednesday role call of who's racing

6. We do monthly and yearly workout totals for those who want to make it public.

7. Steve has a Jimminy Cricket named Ryan that chimes in once and a blue moon (he may be marrying Steve's SIL)

8. A lot of members have met over the years. personally I have met Fattyfatfat, tahrens, Tony and Sam, Havin'Fun, and will be meeting tobey91 next week. I hope to meet Suzy in Florida next November. I have not met an MG person I did not like.

9. North Carolina now leads with the most members (5) Tell us if you are going to be in the area!


2011-12-22 11:15 AM
in reply to: #3949462

User image


Just checking in from the road, but wanted to agree with this:

dalessit - 2011-12-22 9:54 AM

I'm not a doctor, don't play one on TV and didn't even sleep in a Holiday Inn last night.  So in my expert opinon most running injuries seem to stem from people doing too much, too hard, too soon.


and this:

TrevorC - 2011-12-21 10:15 PM 

Its alllllllll about the run baby!!!

2011-12-22 11:52 AM
in reply to: #3942845

User image

Tosa, WI
Clink .... Clink ..... Clink ....  (on the wine glass on the table

I believe that somebody has a announcement to make ..........
2011-12-22 11:58 AM
in reply to: #3949779

User image

Silverton, Oregon

DougRob - 2011-12-22 8:50 AM

So far the MG includes:

Steve Birds

Rednight (Red)

ScaldedDawg (Brent)


Havin'Fun (Linda)

velcromom (Linda)

Fattyfatfat (John)

gdale (George)

DougRob (Doug)

SSMinnow (Suzy)

badgerintx (Dave or Dino)

cbarnes (Chet)

ransick (Mike)

JCZ (Jon)

copa2251 (David)

mighty mom (Christina)

dalesit (Tony)

sdalessio (Sam)

doxie (Melissa)

tricrazy (Rachel)

jfought (Jayne)

tdl1972 (David)

kkcbelle (Kyla)

gotta run (Julia)

Jeepguy2258 (Chris)

kt65 (Kim)

jslacker (John)

terps (Linda)

tobey91 (William)


TrevorC (Trevor)

dcon (Dan)


MikeD (Mike)

tahrens (Tracy)

gobluedds (Scott)

There are probably a couple more returning members like RoniS, Andy and CyborgQueen that will join as well.

Welcome all the new people. A few things to notice.

1. Steve takes awesome pictures

2. We have some scary runners here (2800+ miles in 2011!)

3. A few members are in to CX

4. Sarcasm is rampant!

5. Suzy sends out the regular wednesday role call of who's racing

6. We do monthly and yearly workout totals for those who want to make it public.

7. Steve has a Jimminy Cricket named Ryan that chimes in once and a blue moon (he may be marrying Steve's SIL)

8. A lot of members have met over the years. personally I have met Fattyfatfat, tahrens, Tony and Sam, Havin'Fun, and will be meeting tobey91 next week. I hope to meet Suzy in Florida next November. I have not met an MG person I did not like.

9. North Carolina now leads with the most members (5) Tell us if you are going to be in the area!


Yep, I'm in. Checked in back on page 1 but haven't had a chance to do a bio. Super busy with the holidays and spending time with my awesome family that I don't get to see nearly often enough. I have been trying to keep up with all the pages and bios, but by the time I'm done reading it's grandbaby cuddling time again. How can I resist this:

2011-12-22 12:01 PM
in reply to: #3949935

User image

Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
badgerintx - 2011-12-22 11:52 AM
Clink .... Clink ..... Clink ....  (on the wine glass on the table

I believe that somebody has a announcement to make ..........

If Fatty joined EN for IM FL, I will poop my pants.  NFW!  The man came to the dark side?  Coaching? really?

2011-12-22 12:04 PM
in reply to: #3949835

User image

Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
gotta run - 2011-12-22 11:15 AM

Just checking in from the road, but wanted to agree with this:

dalessit - 2011-12-22 9:54 AM

I'm not a doctor, don't play one on TV and didn't even sleep in a Holiday Inn last night.  So in my expert opinon most running injuries seem to stem from people doing too much, too hard, too soon.


and this:

TrevorC - 2011-12-21 10:15 PM 

Its alllllllll about the run baby!!!

Hmmm.   I sort of agree.  I also think there is a whole lot of gait issues that mess people up.  They rehab by resting and then go back to the same old body doing the same old thing.  Really important as part of the rehab is to identify why something started in the first place.

I am a great example and I believe Doug is too.  Both of us did a lot of PT to solve muscle imbalance issues.

PSA over!

PS. I do agree it's all about the run.  In IM that serves me well.  Still trying to make that happen in a HIM!

2011-12-22 12:22 PM
in reply to: #3949961

User image

SSMinnow - 2011-12-22 1:01 PM
badgerintx - 2011-12-22 11:52 AM
Clink .... Clink ..... Clink ....  (on the wine glass on the table

I believe that somebody has a announcement to make ..........

If Fatty joined EN for IM FL, I will poop my pants.  NFW!  The man came to the dark side?  Coaching? really?

ugh... this one is gonna hurt.

so... i'm test driving a EN plan for NOLA 70.3. we'll see how it goes.  perhaps i may find myself a bit more interested in them.  we'll see. i think i want to do something a bit more formal for IM this time around. 


2011-12-22 12:41 PM
in reply to: #3949629

User image

sdalessio - 2011-12-22 10:53 AM
_Deb_ - 2011-12-22 9:12 AM
TrevorC - 2011-12-21 8:11 PM
_Deb_ - 2011-12-21 4:28 PM

What do you guys think about doing an Olympic race 3 weeks before a HIM?  4 weeks would be ideal, but doesn't look like that's an option.  Am I compromising the HIM by doing it that close, or am I still good?

Just trying to figure out next year's secondary races.


Do the chinook Oly on June16th. I've done it for the last 3 years. Its a great local Oly to start the year off. Some people go to Wasa at the start of June, but I like this one as its local.

You'll have it under your belt and then six or so more weeks to get ready for July 29th!


Yeah, Chinook is what I'm thinking.  I'd love to do wasa, but my kids are still in school, and I don't like to pull them for my racing.

As for the plan, it says to do an Oly 4 weeks out and a sprint 8 weeks out.  4 weeks out is Canada day, and the only race I can find then is another HIM.  

Thanks for all the great advice.  One piece that stuck is the point about the OWS though.  I've only done 2 races with OWS.  I freaked out in the first (though recovered) and was good (but over cautious) in the other.  I think I really need another OWS race before the HIM.  I do have an uncle that will take me swimming while spotting from his canoe, so I'll get some OWS experience, but swimming by myself isn't quite the same.

I'll make the final decision in the next few days.  Cheapest registration is before Jan 31, so I'll pull the trigger by then if I'm going to.


I'm super late to the party but what's new.  I think all points have been valid but I come from the side of scaredy cat in OW.  If you will feel better at your HIM mentally having gotten in the water and had practice race beforehand I think you should.  4 weeks is plenty of time to recover from the OLY and use that race as a training day.

you're wrong.  everything you say is inaccurate. your coach sucks.  you can't cook. you're feet stink.

don't go drive to get your wallet, just have em' overnight it to you.

ok... thats all out of the way this time around.   merry Christmas sammie   i love ya!

2011-12-22 12:42 PM
in reply to: #3950027

User image

fattyfatfat - 2011-12-22 10:22 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-12-22 1:01 PM
badgerintx - 2011-12-22 11:52 AM
Clink .... Clink ..... Clink ....  (on the wine glass on the table

I believe that somebody has a announcement to make ..........

If Fatty joined EN for IM FL, I will poop my pants.  NFW!  The man came to the dark side?  Coaching? really?

ugh... this one is gonna hurt.

so... i'm test driving a EN plan for NOLA 70.3. we'll see how it goes.  perhaps i may find myself a bit more interested in them.  we'll see. i think i want to do something a bit more formal for IM this time around. 


Pics of Suzy pooping her pants or it didn't happen!!

And yeah, congrats to Fatty!!

2011-12-22 12:43 PM
in reply to: #3949953

User image

Frisco, TX
RoniS - 2011-12-22 11:58 AM

DougRob - 2011-12-22 8:50 AM

So far the MG includes:

Steve Birds

Rednight (Red)

ScaldedDawg (Brent)


Havin'Fun (Linda)

velcromom (Linda)

Fattyfatfat (John)

gdale (George)

DougRob (Doug)

SSMinnow (Suzy)

badgerintx (Dave or Dino)

cbarnes (Chet)

ransick (Mike)

JCZ (Jon)

copa2251 (David)

mighty mom (Christina)

dalesit (Tony)

sdalessio (Sam)

doxie (Melissa)

tricrazy (Rachel)

jfought (Jayne)

tdl1972 (David)

kkcbelle (Kyla)

gotta run (Julia)

Jeepguy2258 (Chris)

kt65 (Kim)

jslacker (John)

terps (Linda)

tobey91 (William)


TrevorC (Trevor)

dcon (Dan)


MikeD (Mike)

tahrens (Tracy)

gobluedds (Scott)

There are probably a couple more returning members like RoniS, Andy and CyborgQueen that will join as well.

Welcome all the new people. A few things to notice.

1. Steve takes awesome pictures

2. We have some scary runners here (2800+ miles in 2011!)

3. A few members are in to CX

4. Sarcasm is rampant!

5. Suzy sends out the regular wednesday role call of who's racing

6. We do monthly and yearly workout totals for those who want to make it public.

7. Steve has a Jimminy Cricket named Ryan that chimes in once and a blue moon (he may be marrying Steve's SIL)

8. A lot of members have met over the years. personally I have met Fattyfatfat, tahrens, Tony and Sam, Havin'Fun, and will be meeting tobey91 next week. I hope to meet Suzy in Florida next November. I have not met an MG person I did not like.

9. North Carolina now leads with the most members (5) Tell us if you are going to be in the area!


Yep, I'm in. Checked in back on page 1 but haven't had a chance to do a bio. Super busy with the holidays and spending time with my awesome family that I don't get to see nearly often enough. I have been trying to keep up with all the pages and bios, but by the time I'm done reading it's grandbaby cuddling time again. How can I resist this:


Holy cow...  get busy at work and a new MG shows up and gets closed for training...  Bio to follow...

2011-12-22 12:44 PM
in reply to: #3942845

New user



Thank you for accepting me to the group!  I look forward to learning more about the group and hopefully meeting some of us one day.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

2011-12-22 12:45 PM
in reply to: #3942845

User image

Silverton, Oregon
HIM and Marathon training - Back in 09 I ran my first marathon in April and first HIM (Boise 70.3) in June. I used the BT silver HIM plan and replaced the run portion with the BT marathon plan. I did have to adjust the scheduling a bit to keep the long run/long ride days from being back to back, and sometimes did a long ride the day after the long run due to time issues. I focused on the run until the marathon, but did the swim/bike according to plan, though sometimes those workouts suffered due to fatigue from the run. After the marathon I really focused on hitting the swim/bike workouts and just maintained the run. Worked great, felt strong for both races.
2011-12-22 12:46 PM
in reply to: #3949410

User image

St. Louis
Mike_D - 2011-12-22 8:32 AM
ransick - 2011-12-21 9:32 PM
Mike_D - 2011-12-21 10:40 AM

2012 RACES:   Only signed up for 1 tri so far -- Cohasset, MA sprint.  


Hey, I'm signed up for that race too!  I'll be flying out there from St. Louis and renting or borrowing a bike.  My sister lives there and she signed me up.  How is the course?




The course is great. Incredibly scenic. Bike & run courses follow the rocky sea shore, as well as the harbor, some country roads. The bike course roads have all been repaved in the last year, so they're MUCH better than they were. I've lived in town for 15 years, and the roads are as good as I recall.  Having the start/finish & transition a mile from my house is great. Its a fun race, and this year actually sold out in less than an hour. Jarrod Shoemaker is always there, and wipes the field.

Who is your sister? Its not a big town - I may know her!



DM sent

2011-12-22 1:00 PM
in reply to: #3950027

User image

fattyfatfat - 2011-12-22 11:22 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-12-22 1:01 PM
badgerintx - 2011-12-22 11:52 AM
Clink .... Clink ..... Clink ....  (on the wine glass on the table

I believe that somebody has a announcement to make ..........

If Fatty joined EN for IM FL, I will poop my pants.  NFW!  The man came to the dark side?  Coaching? really?

ugh... this one is gonna hurt.

so... i'm test driving a EN plan for NOLA 70.3. we'll see how it goes.  perhaps i may find myself a bit more interested in them.  we'll see. i think i want to do something a bit more formal for IM this time around. 


Can you please return this to me now:

2011-12-22 1:05 PM
in reply to: #3949747

User image

Apex, north carolina
gobluedds - 2011-12-22 11:39 AM
Mike_D - 2011-12-22 10:56 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-12-22 9:55 AM

Mike_D - 2011-12-22 8:39 AM Injury Recovery Question ---  I've been resting/rehabbing a knee/leg injury since early November (sprained quad tendon), following orthopedic docs recommendations. He's green lighted me to start running, and I did go for a slow 5k run on Sunday. All was well. But here is my problem. I'm kind of freaked out about possibly reinjuring this. Every time I feel a twinge of anything in the knee, I think "oh, I need to rest more! I shouldn't do anything". I fear I'm just making myself insane, and the obvious solution is to continue to ease back into running (and biking) by taking it slow and rebuilding. YET -- my brain is on red alert. Is this just a mental exercise in going out and putting foot to road/pedal, and ignoring my overly cautious sense of self preservation? I felt fine after Sunday's run , and had no after affects the following days.

I've been in your position.  After I rehabbed a 4th met stress fracture for 5 months I thought every niggle was an issue.  At the time my PT gave me this advice: if it's sore running, quit.  If it's a little sore afterwards that is "probably" ok.  If it is sore the next day, take two days off and then try again.

I've never heard of a quad sprain? which quad? are you talking tendonitis at the top of the knee (basically insertion point)?  What type of rehabbing did you do?  I'm a little suprised your doc gave you the green light to go run 3.1m versus some walk/run to ease into it (e.g. walk 3', run 3', up to 3.1m, etc.)

There is nothing wrong with being cautious and to me the best approach is shorter running mixed in with walking to strengthen it and the rest of the muscles that haven't been used in a while.

Thanks! The diagnosis was tendonitis/bursitis/and some cartilege inflamation. rehab was rest, anitinflamatories, ice, and more rest. The 3.1 distance was my idea, but it was a run/walk, not a straight run.  thanks for confirming the low & slow approach. My big paranoia is blowing up 2012 by having this resurface. I'll be out there tomorrow giving it another test.

Went through a little of what you're going through last year during the early stages of my marathon training.  Had a nagging bout of ITBS and nearly worried myself out of running the marathon all together.  Turned out that most of my troubles were mental after I got the inflammation to subside.  Little twinges once in a while are very normal for my body.  I found that as long as they don't persist into the following day I can pretty much ignore them. One more of those little battles that I had to win in my head.  Continue to listen to your body, but don't let the worry take over.  Keep it low and slow until you regain a god base and you'll most likely be fine.  Good Luck!

I think we all agree on being cautious. The point I am a big believer in is determining the root cause of the problem.  Rehab is great for healing but if it didn't determine the root cause and teach you how to correct it then you've only applied a band-aide.  I'm not referencing your specific condition; but in general I am a HUGE supporter of proper warm-ups/cool downs, stretching, the foam roller, and a run gait analysis.  Take care of your body and make sure you have proper running form or you will be sorry.  I think almost everyone here has experience with this. 

2011-12-22 1:11 PM
in reply to: #3950027

User image

Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
fattyfatfat - 2011-12-22 12:22 PM
SSMinnow - 2011-12-22 1:01 PM
badgerintx - 2011-12-22 11:52 AM
Clink .... Clink ..... Clink ....  (on the wine glass on the table

I believe that somebody has a announcement to make ..........

If Fatty joined EN for IM FL, I will poop my pants.  NFW!  The man came to the dark side?  Coaching? really?

ugh... this one is gonna hurt.

so... i'm test driving a EN plan for NOLA 70.3. we'll see how it goes.  perhaps i may find myself a bit more interested in them.  we'll see. i think i want to do something a bit more formal for IM this time around. 



I thought I might experience the second coming before I lived to see this.  And a more "formal" plan for IM?  That ALMOST sounds like admitting you want a coach!  what's next a powertap?Kiss

Time to take care of a little business!  Inside joke for some.

2011-12-22 1:11 PM
in reply to: #3942845

User image

Charlotte, NC
North Carolina in the lead. Just like Tarheel basketball. (For all you PAC 10 fans I saw)
2011-12-22 1:12 PM
in reply to: #3950139

User image

Henderson, NV
tahrens - 2011-12-22 11:05 AM
gobluedds - 2011-12-22 11:39 AM
Mike_D - 2011-12-22 10:56 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-12-22 9:55 AM

Mike_D - 2011-12-22 8:39 AM Injury Recovery Question ---  I've been resting/rehabbing a knee/leg injury since early November (sprained quad tendon), following orthopedic docs recommendations. He's green lighted me to start running, and I did go for a slow 5k run on Sunday. All was well. But here is my problem. I'm kind of freaked out about possibly reinjuring this. Every time I feel a twinge of anything in the knee, I think "oh, I need to rest more! I shouldn't do anything". I fear I'm just making myself insane, and the obvious solution is to continue to ease back into running (and biking) by taking it slow and rebuilding. YET -- my brain is on red alert. Is this just a mental exercise in going out and putting foot to road/pedal, and ignoring my overly cautious sense of self preservation? I felt fine after Sunday's run , and had no after affects the following days.

I've been in your position.  After I rehabbed a 4th met stress fracture for 5 months I thought every niggle was an issue.  At the time my PT gave me this advice: if it's sore running, quit.  If it's a little sore afterwards that is "probably" ok.  If it is sore the next day, take two days off and then try again.

I've never heard of a quad sprain? which quad? are you talking tendonitis at the top of the knee (basically insertion point)?  What type of rehabbing did you do?  I'm a little suprised your doc gave you the green light to go run 3.1m versus some walk/run to ease into it (e.g. walk 3', run 3', up to 3.1m, etc.)

There is nothing wrong with being cautious and to me the best approach is shorter running mixed in with walking to strengthen it and the rest of the muscles that haven't been used in a while.

Thanks! The diagnosis was tendonitis/bursitis/and some cartilege inflamation. rehab was rest, anitinflamatories, ice, and more rest. The 3.1 distance was my idea, but it was a run/walk, not a straight run.  thanks for confirming the low & slow approach. My big paranoia is blowing up 2012 by having this resurface. I'll be out there tomorrow giving it another test.

Went through a little of what you're going through last year during the early stages of my marathon training.  Had a nagging bout of ITBS and nearly worried myself out of running the marathon all together.  Turned out that most of my troubles were mental after I got the inflammation to subside.  Little twinges once in a while are very normal for my body.  I found that as long as they don't persist into the following day I can pretty much ignore them. One more of those little battles that I had to win in my head.  Continue to listen to your body, but don't let the worry take over.  Keep it low and slow until you regain a god base and you'll most likely be fine.  Good Luck!

I think we all agree on being cautious. The point I am a big believer in is determining the root cause of the problem.  Rehab is great for healing but if it didn't determine the root cause and teach you how to correct it then you've only applied a band-aide.  I'm not referencing your specific condition; but in general I am a HUGE supporter of proper warm-ups/cool downs, stretching, the foam roller, and a run gait analysis.  Take care of your body and make sure you have proper running form or you will be sorry.  I think almost everyone here has experience with this. 

I second what Tracy said.  Identifying the CAUSE of the injury is often overlooked. 

2011-12-22 1:15 PM
in reply to: #3942845

User image

Henderson, NV

So the UPS Santa just brought my Christmas gift.  Any good tri gear coming by way of sleigh for the group?


2XU V2 Velocity Wetsuit 2011 Men's <b></b>(Clearance<b></b>)

2011-12-22 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3950158

User image

Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
cbarnes1 - 2011-12-22 1:15 PM

So the UPS Santa just brought my Christmas gift.  Any good tri gear coming by way of sleigh for the group?


2XU V2 Velocity Wetsuit 2011 Men's <b></b>(Clearance<b></b>)

You should have called me!  I would have sold you mine dirt cheap!   I like the Xterra a lot better.

2011-12-22 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3950081

User image

Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
kkcbelle - 2011-12-22 12:42 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-12-22 10:22 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-12-22 1:01 PM
badgerintx - 2011-12-22 11:52 AM
Clink .... Clink ..... Clink ....  (on the wine glass on the table

I believe that somebody has a announcement to make ..........

If Fatty joined EN for IM FL, I will poop my pants.  NFW!  The man came to the dark side?  Coaching? really?

ugh... this one is gonna hurt.

so... i'm test driving a EN plan for NOLA 70.3. we'll see how it goes.  perhaps i may find myself a bit more interested in them.  we'll see. i think i want to do something a bit more formal for IM this time around. 


Pics of Suzy pooping her pants or it didn't happen!!

And yeah, congrats to Fatty!!

You want a picture?  I'll send you one tomorrow   And if that doesn't is too long to wait maybe Twin can send you one of her pics from  Hawaii!

PS.  For the new people, Kim is referred to as Twin by me since we were born on the same date (a couple of years apart) and have many of the same neurosis.

Edited by SSMinnow 2011-12-22 1:26 PM
2011-12-22 1:27 PM
in reply to: #3942845

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Silverton, Oregon

Name: Roni

Never athletic as a kid, but I did like riding my bike and swimming in our backyard pool. I had never run a mile in my life when I decided I wanted to do the sprint triathlon our local gym was sponsoring. I learned how to run using a couch to 5k plan, got back on my bike, and learned to swim laps in the pool. Finished my first sprint on my hybrid bike and was hooked. That was 5 years ago, and I've completed 5 sprints, 4 olympics, 2 HIMs, 12 marathons, and 3 50ks, plus a bunch of shorter running races since then.

I had a bit of a set back in 2010 while training for IMCDA and doing too much too soon in VFF's... stress fracture in the 2nd metatarsal. I was off running for 4 months and let the swim and bike slide too. Once I was able to run again I decided to run marathons for fun for awhile, been doing that since. Now I'm ready to focus on triathlon again.

Family Status: Married for 23 years to Gary (gslye). He does all this crazy stuff too, and we usually book our vacations around a race. We don't often train together though, because he's much faster than I am. We have 2 daughters (23 and 21 years old), a son-in law who is currently in Afghanistan, and a 10 month old grandson (he's the cutie in the bathtub photo).

 2011 Races: Redding Marathon (California), Buffalo Run 25k (Utah), Couer d'alene Marathon (Idaho), Edge to Edge Marathon (British Columbia), ET Full Moon Midnight 51k (Nevada), Kauai Marathon (Hawaii), Jackson Hole Marathon (Wyoming), PT Defiance 50k (Washington), Antelope Island 50k (Utah), Rim Rock Marathon (Colorado), and an attempt at the NFEC San Francisco 50 miler (Didn't make the cut off at the 23 mile aid station).

2012 Races:
  So far on the schedule is Surfside Marathon in Texas on 2/18, Vermont Marathon on 5/27 (my birthday), and Portland REV3 on 7/8. I'll likely make another attempt at a 50 miler in the Fall, as well.

What makes me a good part of this group
:  I'm all about the fun and enjoying the journey.

2011-12-22 1:31 PM
in reply to: #3950174

User image

SSMinnow - 2011-12-22 2:25 PM
kkcbelle - 2011-12-22 12:42 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-12-22 10:22 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-12-22 1:01 PM
badgerintx - 2011-12-22 11:52 AM
Clink .... Clink ..... Clink ....  (on the wine glass on the table

I believe that somebody has a announcement to make ..........

If Fatty joined EN for IM FL, I will poop my pants.  NFW!  The man came to the dark side?  Coaching? really?

ugh... this one is gonna hurt.

so... i'm test driving a EN plan for NOLA 70.3. we'll see how it goes.  perhaps i may find myself a bit more interested in them.  we'll see. i think i want to do something a bit more formal for IM this time around. 


Pics of Suzy pooping her pants or it didn't happen!!

And yeah, congrats to Fatty!!

You want a picture?  I'll send you one tomorrow   And if that doesn't is too long to wait maybe Twin can send you one of her pics from  Hawaii!

PS.  For the new people, Kim is referred to as Twin by me since we were born on the same date (a couple of years apart) and have many of the same neurosis.

and kim takes craps in peoples yards when she's running.  she calls it ancient chinese secret to go faster. i call it lazy.  funny as heck, but lazy. 

duece dropper.  make jacy proud!

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