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2012-04-09 11:24 PM
in reply to: #4139235

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
PrivateIdaho - 2012-04-10 4:25 AM

I'm in week 14 and today was the brick with a swim and then a 90 minute run. 

The chlorine in the pool always messes with my sinuses for a few hours after a swim, but today was a whole different deal.  Two miles into the run, I got a bloody nose... really bloody!  All I had was my hands and my t-shirt, by mile four I was mess. 

Not exactly ideal to lose a pint of blood in the middle of a long run.  By the time I got back to the gym an hour later, I looked like I had just gutted an elk. 

Note to self: stick a couple of tissues in your pocket on long runs.

Brutal!  Bloody noses are the worst on a run, well, almost the worst.  Terrible running down the road trying to put pressure on your nose with your thumb while your trying to keep your balance and your face is all sweaty.

I hit 3 500's in the pool today.  I think the TI is really improving my stroke, and it's starting to show in my times.  I hit them in 10:30.  This would put me at about 34:00/mile.  My best mile is 36:00,  It looks like something's clicking.


2012-04-10 12:09 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Awesome job on the swim, Kevin.  Great that it is starting to come together and showing in your times.  I felt as though I was really getting the pull in my lats today--didn't make a lick of difference in my time, but hopefully that comes.

PI, sorry about the bloody nose.  I have similar sinus issues, but don't seem to get the nose bleeds.  Hopefully that doesn't happen every time!!

Hope everyone had a good long weekend!

Edited by bcraht 2012-04-10 12:10 AM
2012-04-10 7:29 AM
in reply to: #3052895


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

managed to get in the pool for the first time in nearly 3 weeks. Did a 250m warm up and TT'd 800m in 13:21. That equates to a sub 12:00 for 750m. well pleased with that.

will get a 60min bike/30min run brick later.

happy training everyone Smile

2012-04-10 9:17 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Checking in here, day #93 in the plan which means just under a  month to go.   I am curious to know, this deep into the plan, how many workouts most of you have missed.


Due to some travels and some sickness, I've missed a 2.5 hour bike and  about 90 minutes worth of pool time.   If I were honest with my accounting, I"m probly an 'accumulated total' short on the run by an hour or so.


As I get deeper into the plan and the hours starting to add up, I'm finding it harder to "make up" those missed workouts.   I sometimes will hit some extra work on the recovery weeks (which means I"m not recovering I spose) to get back to even but as I get farther in the plan it's getting harder to find those extra hours to pay back the book.


How typical is this ?


I have not identified a 70.3 event yet to compete in, theoretically am ready by late-May-- and there's a 70.3 here in my  hometown on June 10,  but mentally I"m just  not convinced that I am ready.    As of today, I think I may repeat some of the key weeks a couple times and re-evaluate.  Problem is, you gotta register in advance so I'll need to decide soon!   


This is some hard stuff !!!

2012-04-10 9:28 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Honestly don't know how many workouts I've missed. I do skip occasionally (maybe a few times a month) when I'm sick or just can't get it in due to travel, etc. I try to make sure I hit the key workouts (tempo/speed and long stuff) and if I have to miss, make it something less critical like a 30 minute run. I move workouts around a lot owing to my work schedule, the tropical climate, traffic, pool hours, after-school events, typhoons, etc. etc. etc. and sometimes I substitute my own stuff instead, esp. earlier on, when I thought the workout was too easy or just boring (usually do a different workout with similar volume). Not going to obsess about a few missing workouts in there. I'm pretty sure I'm training hard enough--my body lets me know that. At this point (halfway through) my legs are kind of mildly tired all the time but nothing's really sore. I recover in time for the next workout. I sleep like a rock. I can never make it past 10 PM anymore. I did high-level marathon training in my youth and pretty sure I remember those are signs that you're training hard, but it's okay. Always sore, getting colds all the time, not able to do the next workout, poor sleep= overtraining/ not okay.

Edited by Hot Runner 2012-04-10 9:30 AM
2012-04-10 11:01 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

It is very typical to miss workouts.  Very few people will go through any plan without missed sessions.  As HR said, try to get the key workouts for the week done.  For me those are the long ride and long run.  Missing a shorter workout is not that big of a deal and if you are cutting into your recovery weeks the extra rest day here and there can be good.

Signing up early for races is an occupational hazard.  It is really tough for some of the IM races where you have to commit a full year in advance.  Best to find a race and register when you can.  It can be motivating to have the race date more tangible.  I've been burned on both ends before with waiting too long and missing getting into a race and signing up for a race early and than not being able to swing the travel and eating the registration fee.

2012-04-10 4:01 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

thanks for the ongoing great advice.     my expert tri trainer at the local club tells me today to make up what I reasonably can, and stay current on the rest now that my travels are done.  and quit being a stress case OCD on ticking the boxes in the plan.   He also called me a &#%$# and said HTFU and get signed up for a $@$#^ plan in the *&#W of @@#&$#.  


Next question then if I may:  HOW would you go about ascertaining whether or not you are fit enough for a half iron ?    Here's my report card:


 A- on consistency and hitting more than 95% of scheduled workouts to date


B- or C+ on amount of distances covered in allotted times in plan (compared to what I perceive the rest of you folks are hitting based on discussions here about swim / run times).  I"m a 9:20 runner and a 2:15 swimmer.


A or A- on motivation and willingness and desire to get on the road and DO IT



I can struggle through the swim I'm sure but have never swam more than maybe 1500 or so non-stop.   Not a rocket biker but can surely go 56 miles @ 18 or so.   Fartherst I've run - so far- is 9 miles. (10 min pace)


Is a June 10 half-iron a reasonable expectation for me ?   I'm doing lots of 2 or 2 1/2 hour days lately, no problem there, just trying to understand how to go about making this huge decision and signing up vs. repeating part of the plan and choose a later date event.


Thanks in advance.   I remain truly grateful for the education and support here, feel a strong connection in this community for sure.   

2012-04-10 5:15 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I think that your grade point average is clearly a passing with flying colors.  I think you would do fine with a June HIM.  You've done a lot of work and should go into it with the confidence that you do have enough base and experience to complete it.  I have seen many, many people less prepared than you finish HIM's.  Have some fun with it.

Be careful about delaying it because you think you are not ready.  I have a friend who ran for years and just never felt "ready" to run a marathon.  He was more than ready and always kicked my butt in shorter races.  He recently hurt his back and may not be able to run again.  He is quite sad that he never took the chance and toed the line.

2012-04-11 12:09 AM
in reply to: #4141774

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Americanfatass - 2012-04-11 2:01 AM

  He also called me a &#%$# and said HTFU and get signed up for a $@$#^ plan in the *&#W of @@#&$#.  

 That's funny!

Next question then if I may:  HOW would you go about ascertaining whether or not you are fit enough for a half iron ?    Here's my report card:


 A- on consistency and hitting more than 95% of scheduled workouts to date

You've got me here, I'm a B, B-


B- or C+ on amount of distances covered in allotted times in plan (compared to what I perceive the rest of you folks are hitting based on discussions here about swim / run times).  I"m a 9:20 runner and a 2:15 swimmer.

 We're holding hands coming out of the water, but I think I got you on the run by a minute or so.

A or A- on motivation and willingness and desire to get on the road and DO IT

I think this is all that matters.  You're ready.  pull the trigger.

 I can struggle through the swim I'm sure but have never swam more than maybe 1500 or so non-stop.   Not a rocket biker but can surely go 56 miles @ 18 or so.   Fartherst I've run - so far- is 9 miles. (10 min pace)

 You'll be off the bike by over 27 minutes ahead of me, so I may not catch you if I can run 14 minutes faster or so.  You got me beat.

2012-04-11 7:58 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

This board is incredibly helpful. I've had three really 'bad' days. Maybe because I add equestrian and yoga to the load? Who knows? I wasn't well. I feel OK today and my thought was 'this is bike week - fit in key bike workouts'. I had the same concerns about 'am I fit enough'?It's extremely helpful to see that this is truly the 'right' mindset to have in Week 10.

It's amazing to know I'm on track. Also I'm running farther and faster than I ever have. I'm swimming farther and just as fast as I ever have (workouts are double my past and I've been close to 1st in my AG for swimming in sprints even with my previously 'meager' workouts) and this week I am biking with a local club TWICE. Each time further than the last, each time further than I've ever done.

I have concerned people in my life - feeling I'm being too extreme. And I listen to them, and I read the boards, and I have ascertained that I'm just where I should be.

My mantra in the beginning kept me on top of things - I don't have to do it fast (the program), I just have to do it.  This and, when I ride (horses) or do yoga, I can (and should) replace less-needed workouts (shorter swims for me).

I ran 7 miles last Saturday and then rode horses for over two hours. The run calmed me and I was a much better horsewoman. Also, on the run I felt I could run forever. Until the cramps of course, LOL - but that was the end. What I'm trying to say, is that calmness, that fitness - THAT is what this is about for me.  We are fit people - many of us have already claimed the title 'triathlete' from smaller races...this is just a new challenge. So let's train hard, be gentle with our minds and race easy.

I'll get off my soapbox now and workout for the first time in days :P

2012-04-11 8:31 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Sometimes I think I'm just not OCD enough for this sport! It would never occur to me to give myself a grade on preparation. It just is what is is, and I'll do my best to finish the race even if training wasn't ideal. If the race were moved up to tomorrow, I'd still give it a try. If for some reason I couldn't finish due to self-destruction of bike or body, then I'd try again when I could. It's a sport, it's supposed to contribute to your health and happiness, and if once in a while you need to run instead of bike, or do another bike ride, or forget the biking and running and just go ride a horse or climb a mountain or something, then so be it! That being said, I am SO glad I've hit run focus week. Hate to admit it but I just kind of put up with biking, esp. when it's indoors!

2012-04-11 8:45 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Orange, CT
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hi Everyone ! I'm new to this board. My name is Bob and i've been on BT for a few years. This is my first year using the HIM plan - I'm in week 15 and feeling relatively good about it. I've been getting the most important workouts in, tho have only done the two-a-days a few times thus far. Today is a rest day which i'm going to attempt to take full advantage of in prep for tomorrow's hard day(75 min run and a 45 speed swim day, which is most likely at least an hour for this slow swimmer). While i'm not sure that i will actually do a HIM this year, i'm going to get at least 1 OLY in and a 1/2 Mary (probably in the fall). Hopefully i'll be ready for a HIM next season.



2012-04-11 10:17 AM
in reply to: #4142925

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in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
rbriggz - 2012-04-11 9:45 AM

Hi Everyone ! I'm new to this board. My name is Bob and i've been on BT for a few years. This is my first year using the HIM plan - I'm in week 15 and feeling relatively good about it. I've been getting the most important workouts in, tho have only done the two-a-days a few times thus far. Today is a rest day which i'm going to attempt to take full advantage of in prep for tomorrow's hard day(75 min run and a 45 speed swim day, which is most likely at least an hour for this slow swimmer). While i'm not sure that i will actually do a HIM this year, i'm going to get at least 1 OLY in and a 1/2 Mary (probably in the fall). Hopefully i'll be ready for a HIM next season.




Hi Bob, are you following the Beginner 1/2 iron plan ?   (you mentioned "two a days") or are you on a different plan ?

2012-04-11 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Welcome, Bob Did my first group bike ride today - it was a "C" ride and was 18.93 miles with about a 15 mph average. It was SO easy for me - almost too easy - I actually thought we'd do a longer ride. I wanted it as a confidence-builder, and that's certainly what I got. I was so nervous to go but the folks were very friendly. Hooray for winter training (and getting fit early) and tri-sports camaraderie. I will definitely ride with them again this Saturday for the 30 miler. It is way easier to draft in a group - this is not allowed in a HIM, right? I heard somewhere that it was but I find this very hard to believe... I was so nervous to try this and I'm so glad I did! Worth the 35 minute drive to Northampton AND I think I could totally hack the more local "B" ride now. Yay.
2012-04-11 10:49 PM
in reply to: #4144597

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

gcoller - 2012-04-11 5:30 PM Welcome, Bob Did my first group bike ride today - it was a "C" ride and was 18.93 miles with about a 15 mph average. It was SO easy for me - almost too easy - I actually thought we'd do a longer ride. I wanted it as a confidence-builder, and that's certainly what I got. I was so nervous to go but the folks were very friendly. Hooray for winter training (and getting fit early) and tri-sports camaraderie. I will definitely ride with them again this Saturday for the 30 miler. It is way easier to draft in a group - this is not allowed in a HIM, right? I heard somewhere that it was but I find this very hard to believe... I was so nervous to try this and I'm so glad I did! Worth the 35 minute drive to Northampton AND I think I could totally hack the more local "B" ride now. Yay.

 Good job Grace!!  So cool that the hard work is paying off.

Drafting in the HIM is not legal.  Patriot is USAT officiated so you must stay three bike lengths back except to pass.  You have 15 seconds to complete a pass once you enter the three bike length zone.  It is the responsibility of the person you pass to than fall back three lengths.  Don't worry to much about it though as there may be times when the course is congested and folks bunch up (usually early in the ride or on hills).  Just do not be obvious hanging on someones rear tire.

2012-04-11 11:44 PM
in reply to: #4144894

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Loving this week's training program.  Done lots of bike workouts, and swimming and running - all good!

Thought I'd share my swim squad workout from last night - man it was hard!

Thanks Coach John Van Wisse!  (google this guy he's phenomenal - so honoured to train under him)

Warm up with fins

200m free style (50m Left side, 50m Right side)

200m Backstroke

200m  100m catch up, 2 front sculls: 100m fists

200m 100m mid scull: 100m fists

200m otter scull

Fins off

3x300m (100m breathing left, 100m breathing right, 100m breathing every 3)

4x150m (150m left arm only, 150m right arm only)

Pull buoy

100m breathing 2, 4 6

100m no breathing for 8 strokes, 8 strokes normal breathing

100m breathing every 4 (bad side only)

100m breathing every 5

100m cool down



2012-04-12 9:40 AM
in reply to: #4144932

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in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

jobaxas, that's about 3,000, great work !


HOw long does such a hate-mission take you ?

2012-04-12 6:40 PM
in reply to: #4145568

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Americanfatass - 2012-04-12 9:40 AM

jobaxas, that's about 3,000, great work !


HOw long does such a hate-mission take you ?

We go for about 1 hour 10 or 1 hour 15.  Lots of stopping lots of chatting in our lane too - plus technique correction from Coach John Van Wisse (seriously google this guy!)

This is our standard squad distance with various drills.  The faster lanes do about 4km.  I love it!

2012-04-12 8:17 PM
in reply to: #3052895

New user
Norwalk, Ohio
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Hi, I'm Larry and I'm training for the Racine 70.3 Ironman July 15th.  Would love to join and get everyone's help.  I am following a little different plan, but the basics are similar.  I've done 2 sprints ten years ago.  I've lost 65 pounds in the past 14 weeks, and have about 35 more to go.  Exercising to lose weight was boring, so I gave myself something to work for.   I look forward to meeting you all.
2012-04-12 8:29 PM
in reply to: #4147436

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

quasimodo63 - 2012-04-12 6:17 PM Hi, I'm Larry and I'm training for the Racine 70.3 Ironman July 15th.  Would love to join and get everyone's help.  I am following a little different plan, but the basics are similar.  I've done 2 sprints ten years ago.  I've lost 65 pounds in the past 14 weeks, and have about 35 more to go.  Exercising to lose weight was boring, so I gave myself something to work for.   I look forward to meeting you all.

Welcome Larry!  Congrats on the weight loss, that is fantastic!  Lots of good info and support here.

2012-04-12 11:47 PM
in reply to: #4147436

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

quasimodo63 - 2012-04-12 6:17 PM Hi, I'm Larry and I'm training for the Racine 70.3 Ironman July 15th.  Would love to join and get everyone's help.  I am following a little different plan, but the basics are similar.  I've done 2 sprints ten years ago.  I've lost 65 pounds in the past 14 weeks, and have about 35 more to go.  Exercising to lose weight was boring, so I gave myself something to work for.   I look forward to meeting you all.

Welcome Larry!  My first 70.3 (Lake Stevens) is also on July 15, so we are on the same timeline.  Amazing job on the weight loss - congrats!

2012-04-13 5:06 AM
in reply to: #4147455

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
bcraht - 2012-04-12 8:29 PM

quasimodo63 - 2012-04-12 6:17 PM Hi, I'm Larry and I'm training for the Racine 70.3 Ironman July 15th.  Would love to join and get everyone's help.  I am following a little different plan, but the basics are similar.  I've done 2 sprints ten years ago.  I've lost 65 pounds in the past 14 weeks, and have about 35 more to go.  Exercising to lose weight was boring, so I gave myself something to work for.   I look forward to meeting you all.

Welcome Larry!  Congrats on the weight loss, that is fantastic!  Lots of good info and support here.

65lbs in 14weeks - legend! Well done and welcome to the madness!

2012-04-13 7:35 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
My schedule is being totally screwed up this week. Still haven't done the tempo run (was going to Wed. but logistics didn't work out--started late and my running area was too dark and crowded for speedwork), and now my bike buddy needs to do the long ride tomorrow. The prospect of another solo ride is so horrible (and it'll be solo rides for the rest of time when she moves in three weeks) so I'm riding tomorrow. Don't think tempo run will be a good idea after long bike. Going to just do the long run and work the tempo run in somehow during "recovery" week, I guess. My life just isn't suited to following a plan!
2012-04-13 11:15 AM
in reply to: #4147912

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hot Runner - 2012-04-13 5:35 AM My schedule is being totally screwed up this week. Still haven't done the tempo run (was going to Wed. but logistics didn't work out--started late and my running area was too dark and crowded for speedwork), and now my bike buddy needs to do the long ride tomorrow. The prospect of another solo ride is so horrible (and it'll be solo rides for the rest of time when she moves in three weeks) so I'm riding tomorrow. Don't think tempo run will be a good idea after long bike. Going to just do the long run and work the tempo run in somehow during "recovery" week, I guess. My life just isn't suited to following a plan!

My plan went out the window this week as well.  I am looking at it as the universe is providing me with what I need--was going to just 'train through' my race this weekend.  Since my plan got messed up, I must've needed a taper week to really race Laughing.  I reckon consistency is key, and one bad off-plan week isn't going to wreck the works!

2012-04-14 4:44 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Probably should have had a recovery day between these two bad boys but I didn't!

Friday - 12km run - 45mins out, 40mins back which was predominantly uphill. Followed by 3x400m in the pool.

Saturday - swim, 400m RPE7 (TOOK 7MINS) then 1100m cruising freestyle, total 30mins.

Drove to track for cycling so technically not a real brick session - 2 hours, 50km!  My clipping unclipping stopping and starting is finally working - first one was a doozy - unclipped left leaned right down she goes in a heap!  Lucky no-one saw!  Lucky I was on the track or I'd be under a car!

I stopped and unclipped about 12 more times with no mishap.  Still not pretty or clever but I get the job done - not risking the road though, love the track I've found!  It's 2km round with a hill or two (nothing major) some fast stretches and some bends.  I managed to learn to drink while riding and also managed to peel and eat a banana - people this is serious progress for me!

Finished the 50km, back to the car, ditch the bike on with the running shoes and off for a 30min run in the sun.

That's a mighty fine session right there!  12 weeks ago no way could I have done that - this plan rocks!

Tomorrow - well it's Easter for my Greek husband and family so time to eat drink and be merry!  But before I do - a 30min run by the beach and ice those legs in the ocean.

For those who care - below a pic of my swim coach!


(coach johnny.jpg)

coach johnny.jpg (17KB - 15 downloads)
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