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2012-04-22 7:01 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Jobaxas: Great job on the run-bike-run!  A lot of what I've been doing on the bike is to accomodate/ take advantage of my bike buddy, who is moving out of the country in two weeks (sob). Our LBS owner fixed us up in January after I'd trained almost totally solo since getting into tri. She used to ride with a guy but he'd taken to riding with the local "peleton", which doesn't welcome women. She's an experienced cyclist and occasional triathlete, training for century rides (she sometimes does extra while I do the brick runs), and goes just the right pace, also very low-key and funny. I know biking just won't be the same once she goes. Plus our weather is starting to go bad with the approaching monsoon--might have to move some long rides indoors for the last two months. I see the run-bike-run you did is scheduled for two weeks from now but I might do it on Saturday, to take advantage of the company. Week 8 has a swim-bike-run but that's not doable given our climate and pool hours, unless I do the whole bike inside or in the industrial park. So might switch weeks 7 and 8 and do SBR wworkout after she's gone. Enjoy tomorrow's swim! Geez, envy your eye candy. Maybe I should put my Andreas Raelert pinup in a baggie and put him poolside!

Edited by Hot Runner 2012-04-22 7:28 AM

2012-04-22 2:46 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Rest day today after a great 40km ride yesterday.  It was a real confidence builder and I had a blast.  Today I am watching hockey, maybe mow the lawn and some household chores.  My little baby dog (3 years old, but baby of the family) became an Agility Trial Champion of Canada yesterday.  Pretty big accomplishment for her and my partner.  Lots of hours spent training and at agility trials!  Hope everyone else is having a great weekend.
2012-04-22 3:49 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

First race down of the season! Unofficially a 2:13ish finish for 15.5 miles of technical, rocky, and hilly Spokane River Run.  that's about 8:34/mi pace.  Setting up nicely to go 8:00/mi in May marathon.

Ninkasi Total Domination IPA as a refreshing after race barly pop.  Think I'll relax a little for the rest of day. 

Next race is a 12K speed demon in 2 weeks.  Lilac Bloomsday event here in Spokane. 

I ran into a fellow PrivateIdaho at this run.  First time meeting a fellow BT'er.  That was cool.

2012-04-22 11:49 PM
in reply to: #4165686

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kevinbe - 2012-04-22 1:49 PM

First race down of the season! Unofficially a 2:13ish finish for 15.5 miles of technical, rocky, and hilly Spokane River Run.  that's about 8:34/mi pace.  Setting up nicely to go 8:00/mi in May marathon.

Ninkasi Total Domination IPA as a refreshing after race barly pop.  Think I'll relax a little for the rest of day. 

Next race is a 12K speed demon in 2 weeks.  Lilac Bloomsday event here in Spokane. 

I ran into a fellow PrivateIdaho at this run.  First time meeting a fellow BT'er.  That was cool.

Great job today Kevin!  When he says "technical", he really means at times it was a rocky, muddy goat trail, only a few yards from a raging river.  And on top of that, it was the warmest day of the year... something we have all had zero exposure to since last summer.

I managed 8:52 per mile, and I only did the 10k - Kevin's 25k would have done me in (at least I did manage to hold off my 12 year-old son by 5 minutes, so even though he made the podium, the old man is still king!!!).  I originally planned on a bike ride later in the day, but I re-worked my schedule and instead enjoyed a couple Deschutes Inversion IPA's.

Nice to meet you Kevin, maybe we'll run into each other amongst the other 50,000 at Bloomsday in a couple of weeks!

2012-04-22 11:53 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Congratulations, Kevinbe, PrivateIdaho (and his son!) and also bcraht! Two very different and very impressive accomplishments! My brother lives in Spokane, WA - we visited him over the summer...that is some hilly/mountainous country!

Edited by gcoller 2012-04-22 11:54 PM
2012-04-23 5:54 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Congrats on the race! Could have used the beer yesterday!  Well, I am thoroughly confused. I did 2 X 900m today, not swimming particularly hard, in the same hot pool, 100m easy swim between them but no acttual rest (unless you count a few chugs from my water bottle) in 15:22, 15:14. That's 1:41/1:42 pace. I was swimming WAY harder on the time trial. I mean hurting from 300 or 400m. And I can't conceive that I'm more "rested" today. Beginning to think maybe the time trial was 1050, 1:36 pace. Either that or I started too fast, crashed and burned. Oh no! Guess I will see next time, if I can learn to count.....Times very consistent today and sure I counted right--I did the last 25 of every 100m with bilateral breathing, both to practice and help count. I didn't on the time trial because it still feels more natural to do 2-2-4 and I thought the other pattern would slow me down.

Sad day--our school head died today after a long battle with cancer. He was a big supporter of both both student and faculty involvement with swimming and our little swim/tri "club". Felt he would have wanted me to go ahead and do the workout. So maybe he was pushing me in spirit.

2012-04-23 10:54 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

 Great job on the races KB and PI.  It was a great weekend here of racing and training.  Was under my 5k goal Saturday averaging 7:15 miles and then we went on a little 6 mile hike with 2,000 feet of climbing.  The weather has finally turned around allowing me to get my first descent ride in, 36 miles averaging just over 19mph.  I was pretty happy with that.

I'm really looking forward to this weeks training.  My confidence is sky high now and I'm really enjoying my first stretch of injury free, sickness free training in the last three years.

2012-04-23 11:33 AM
in reply to: #4167124

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
popsracer - 2012-04-23 8:54 AM

 Great job on the races KB and PI.  It was a great weekend here of racing and training.  Was under my 5k goal Saturday averaging 7:15 miles and then we went on a little 6 mile hike with 2,000 feet of climbing.  The weather has finally turned around allowing me to get my first descent ride in, 36 miles averaging just over 19mph.  I was pretty happy with that.

I'm really looking forward to this weeks training.  My confidence is sky high now and I'm really enjoying my first stretch of injury free, sickness free training in the last three years.

Just a little hike Wink.  Nice work on the race and the ride.  Glad things are going well for you health (and training!) wise.  It was nice to have good weather this weekend, wasn't it?

2012-04-23 12:34 PM
in reply to: #4167124

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Wow, Popsracer - Those are some serious training times -are you going to go pro on us?
2012-04-23 8:24 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

PI, Bloomsday is such a mass of humanity.  Wish you a good race.  That IPA from Deschutes is my personal favorite.  Good choice.  It was a pleasure to meet you as well, good on you for getting your boy out there, as it looks, he'll be racing with you for years to come.

HR, Nice swim times.  Nice to get times like that when your not even pushing your hardest.  Sorry to hear about your school head.  I hate Cancer.

Pops, That's an impressive 5K.  way to get after it.

I spent more time in the sauna and the hot tub then pool and excercise equipement at the Y today!  I probably should have just slept in, but then I would have missed the 16x50's.  1 good thing.  I got them all it at :50, with :40 rest.  I got 3 of them in at :45.  Tomorrow I'll be back at it with mile swim and 5.5 mile. 

Happy training all.  As PI reminded me, You all have HIIM coming up soon.  Get after it.


2012-04-23 8:30 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Happy training all.  As PI reminded me, You all have HIIM coming up soon.  Get after it.

5 and a half weeks and counting - could I do it right now today - yes I could.  I feel confident I can go the distance, will be scared of the swim coz i always am (just that mass panic adrenalin fuelled start).  Bike - will be worried all the time about flat tyres and other stuff but I will get through.  Then it's the run - by far my favourite part, only because I know that's it, nothing else except cold beer and hot chips - and no mechanical things to go wrong!

2012-04-23 9:23 PM
in reply to: #4168557

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kevinbe - 2012-04-23 6:24 PM

PI, Bloomsday is such a mass of humanity.  Wish you a good race.  That IPA from Deschutes is my personal favorite.  Good choice.  It was a pleasure to meet you as well, good on you for getting your boy out there, as it looks, he'll be racing with you for years to come.

HR, Nice swim times.  Nice to get times like that when your not even pushing your hardest.  Sorry to hear about your school head.  I hate Cancer.

Pops, That's an impressive 5K.  way to get after it.

I spent more time in the sauna and the hot tub then pool and excercise equipement at the Y today!  I probably should have just slept in, but then I would have missed the 16x50's.  1 good thing.  I got them all it at :50, with :40 rest.  I got 3 of them in at :45.  Tomorrow I'll be back at it with mile swim and 5.5 mile. 

Happy training all.  As PI reminded me, You all have HIIM coming up soon.  Get after it.

Awesome!  Smokin fast.

2012-04-24 11:50 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Swim focussed week.  Got my mile swim in at 35:50.  That's 2:02/100.  That's up from 2:06/100 a month or so ago.  It's the little things in life. 

Got in a 5.5 miler on rubber legs.  Hoping my legs are stronger tomorrow for sprint training. 

Happy Training all.

2012-04-25 12:14 AM
in reply to: #4171197

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kevinbe - 2012-04-24 9:50 PM

Swim focussed week.  Got my mile swim in at 35:50.  That's 2:02/100.  That's up from 2:06/100 a month or so ago.  It's the little things in life. 

Got in a 5.5 miler on rubber legs.  Hoping my legs are stronger tomorrow for sprint training. 

Happy Training all.

Four seconds per hundred is pretty good improvement.  Good for you getting that second workout in.  I wish I could have but my son and I are building a P-51 Mustang out of legos and he just wouldn't let me take a break.  He even went and got me a snack so I could keep building.  Just finished and its 10:00 and I am exhausted.  Was supposed to ride the trainer for an hour, oh well.

Did get my second track workout in after work though.  2 mile warmup and then 6 x 400 at 6:40 pace with 400 recovery jog between each.  I have not run like that in many years.  I felt great.  The speedwork is tranforming my running to a whole new level.  I strongly recommend it if you can do without injury.

2012-04-25 8:33 AM
in reply to: #4171210

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in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

popsracer - 2012-04-25 1:14 AM  The speedwork is tranforming my running to a whole new level.  I strongly recommend it if you can do without injury.


I've pretty much ignored this aspect of training, thanks for the reminder. I'm gonna get some speedwork on the books.

 I also dont pay much attention to swim drills.  There are few things I"ve learned more concretely though this process, however, than the notion that SWIMMING has helped my running.  Immensely.

 Not only in tolerance for more volume but also in pace.    my normal (?) pace is 20 seconds / mile faster than it was a couple months ago, and I attribute that to the timing of when I started the masters swimming program.  It is absolutely brutal (hypoxic drills, are you kidding me) and I just die when I get out of the pool, but man is it working.     As a total newbie here I try not to offer advice but my advice to a new guy would simply be:  sign up for masters swimming at you local pool it will kick your a*s and is worth it.

2012-04-25 8:55 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Absolutely agree about swimming helping running. I know it is kind of counterintuitive, but swimming is a great way to build cardio power and endurance, with very minimal load on the legs, which get a real beating in running and, to a lesser extent, biking, and there is a definite benefit to running. This is especially true once you've mastered the basic mechanics and can really hammer. It's doubly true if you can swim butterfly LOL! And nothing beats staring at a black line and trying to count laps for developing your powers of concentration.Tongue out

It's one reason I do more swimming than is necessary for me to finish races safely, or even to be FOP in my age group and sometimes overall. (The other reason being, it's damm hot here, and the pool's just downstairs from my classroom!) I think working hard in the pool helps me run decent times on relatively low mileage, and contributed to some of my running achievements when I was a teenager. (Back in the day, I swam about 10,000m a day from November thru mid-March each year, and just did a few easy 3-4 mile runs and one longer run a week during swim season.) With youth or master's programs, you can hammer 5-6 days a week (if you want to); running and biking will seem easy after that!

2012-04-25 6:14 PM
in reply to: #4171602

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Americanfatass - 2012-04-25 8:33 AM

popsracer - 2012-04-25 1:14 AM  The speedwork is tranforming my running to a whole new level.  I strongly recommend it if you can do without injury.


I've pretty much ignored this aspect of training, thanks for the reminder. I'm gonna get some speedwork on the books.

 I also dont pay much attention to swim drills.  There are few things I"ve learned more concretely though this process, however, than the notion that SWIMMING has helped my running.  Immensely.

 Not only in tolerance for more volume but also in pace.    my normal (?) pace is 20 seconds / mile faster than it was a couple months ago, and I attribute that to the timing of when I started the masters swimming program.  It is absolutely brutal (hypoxic drills, are you kidding me) and I just die when I get out of the pool, but man is it working.     As a total newbie here I try not to offer advice but my advice to a new guy would simply be:  sign up for masters swimming at you local pool it will kick your a*s and is worth it.

Totally agree - I knocked an hour off my marathon time from 2010 to 2011.  Only thing I changed was I started swim squad!  I think those hypoxic drills increase your lung capacity so much!  We do heaps of them and lots of sprint and interval work.  Also incorporated more sprint work into my run training - long run at the weekend and sprint work for my two short runs during the week.


2012-04-25 6:56 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

No doubt the swimming has helped my running by increasing upper body strength as well as a strengthened core but I think speedwork on the track (running) has had a more profound impact on my running.  With the injuries I had I had to shorten my stride and now that I am past that the speedwork is helping me lengthen it again.  I'm also noticing more power in my running. 

2012-04-25 9:19 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

On this note, I got a great swim in today.  I used the EBEH routine the plan calls for for 9x100.  The last time I did this I swam 1:50's-1:55's/100.  Today I hit them in 1:44-1:49's.  I also decresed rest from 2:00 between to 1:10.  I think this is a similar burn to running hard intervals w/o the beating of the run.

I then went upstairs and got on the treadmill and did sprint training.  I use a program called sprint 8, developed by phil campbell.  It is essentially 8x:30 intervals at 100% effort with 1:30 rest inbetween.  It is a great help to lowering pace on my run, and speeding up overall body matabolism, as my body is working for a good hour after my workout.  I used the track last season, and found it to be a better overall interval workout, but the treadmill was conveinient over the winter.

2012-04-25 10:56 PM
in reply to: #4173603

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Not the greatest of days... too funny, one problem after another. 

Did an hour run at lunch and decided to go without socks.  I plan on wearing socks for the HIM, but for my sprints and Oly I'm going sockless.

I got new shoes a couple of months ago and have done five or six 30-minute sockless runs - had  some small blisters on the first couple of runs, but the last few have been fine.  Thought my feet were ready to go an hour, but I was wrong... a couple of toes and my heels look like burger.

So, a few hours later, I'm limping around the baseball field while coaching little league practice.  I was pitching batting practice, and all the sudden my elbow explodes - right arm is totally out of commission.

So, I call in my son to do the pitching while I stand to the side and coach the batters.  About ten pitches later, a kid shanks a foul ball into my knee cap.  Luckily thunderstorms brought practice to an early finish.

HTFU and ibuprofen (and socks) for tomorrow's workouts!

2012-04-25 11:08 PM
in reply to: #4173722

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
PrivateIdaho - 2012-04-25 8:56 PM

Not the greatest of days... too funny, one problem after another. 

Did an hour run at lunch and decided to go without socks.  I plan on wearing socks for the HIM, but for my sprints and Oly I'm going sockless.

I got new shoes a couple of months ago and have done five or six 30-minute sockless runs - had  some small blisters on the first couple of runs, but the last few have been fine.  Thought my feet were ready to go an hour, but I was wrong... a couple of toes and my heels look like burger.

So, a few hours later, I'm limping around the baseball field while coaching little league practice.  I was pitching batting practice, and all the sudden my elbow explodes - right arm is totally out of commission.

So, I call in my son to do the pitching while I stand to the side and coach the batters.  About ten pitches later, a kid shanks a foul ball into my knee cap.  Luckily thunderstorms brought practice to an early finish.

HTFU and ibuprofen (and socks) for tomorrow's workouts!

OMG!  That's like a Friday the 13th on the wrong day!  Hope everything feels better after some rest and drugs.  Maybe you need to start wearing some body armour when coaching!

2012-04-26 4:41 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Friday the 13th type day (week?) here too. Yesterday I decided to do a swim workout instead of normal Wed. run as I had to be at school dressed up and looking decent, for athletic awards banquet at 6. The only workout that allows me do is swimming/showering at school. Both yesterday and today, we have had heavy monsoon showers/thunderstorms in the afternoon. I'm going to have to move my weekday running to AM (what I think of as "monsoon mode"), starting immediately (well, early tomorrow AM). We've had 4 afternoon storms in 7 days, so I think I can say rainy season has started.  For 30 minutes, I can deal with the treadmill, but I'd planned 75-90 minutes of f....way!  So it looks like today, instead of Friday, is going to be my "off" day. Week is screwed up anyway as we have a four-day weekend coming up--moving "Sunday" long brick to Saturday, Monday swim-only day to Sunday, Sunday long run to Monday (AM), and biking again Tuesday since it's my buddy's last ride in Vietnam. So goes my life! 
2012-04-26 10:28 AM
in reply to: #4173722

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
As far as the sockless running, I wear Zoots and I tried wearing them without socks last year.  The only problem I've had with them is they rub the skin at my achilles and somewhere between 3-5 miles it starts to bother me.  I've started just putting my socks in my pockets and once I start feeling the rubbing, I give it another mile or so then put my socks on.  I'm hoping it will toughen up the skin there, but by putting the socks on I won't actually rub a hole through my skin.  I think I remember others saying they've done something like that. 
2012-04-26 10:52 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
I'm now a whopping 10 days into the training program.  When I see posts where people are on day 100-something, I realize I've got a long way to go.  So far it's going well.  My body seems to be quickly adjusting to the increased workload, as I'm not really all that tired from it.  I was telling my brother the other days that I'm going to start the Masters program and he suggested I check out total immersion swimming.  Since I wasn't going to start going to Masters regularly until July (don't feel like paying the first half years fee for 2 months), I figured I'd check it out.  I've ordered the book and DVD, but since I needed to swim yesterday I found some videos online and did my best to mimic the style in yesterday's swim.  I wasn't trying to be fast, just do the form as best I could.  Previously I'd do about 28 strokes/lap when I went at my 2:00/100 pace and 24 strokes when I tried to push harder which would get me to 1:50 but hasn't been sustainable.  With the TI style I did 18-20 strokes/lap.  I did 1500 yds and when I stopped I felt like I hadn't even started.  Now I'm looking forward to getting the book/DVD and figuring out how to do it properly.
2012-04-26 1:46 PM
in reply to: #4174582

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

mshawgo - 2012-04-26 8:28 AM As far as the sockless running, I wear Zoots and I tried wearing them without socks last year.  The only problem I've had with them is they rub the skin at my achilles and somewhere between 3-5 miles it starts to bother me.  I've started just putting my socks in my pockets and once I start feeling the rubbing, I give it another mile or so then put my socks on.  I'm hoping it will toughen up the skin there, but by putting the socks on I won't actually rub a hole through my skin.  I think I remember others saying they've done something like that. 

I've gone back and forth with socks vs. sockless.  I've found that by wearing my race shoes periodically in training that I develop enough skin toughening through a cycle of blisters that I think I'll be good for the HIM sockless.  I have a 12 mile run scheduled today and was thinking it might be a good "dry run" to do it sockless.

I prefer to run sockless if I can, especially in warm weather, because of all the fluid that gets absorbed into my shoes and socks from constant dumping of water, sweating, and other things.  In Hawaii, my shoes/socks felt like they were much heavier from the fluids and each step I took they would make a squichy sound.  My socks were so gross I just threw them in the garbage after removing them.

I wear Pearl Izumi iso transitions which I love and have because my road race shoe.  Like the Zoots, they are designed to wear sockless but do take some time to buildup a comfortable sockless distance.

Which race are you doing?

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