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2008-06-06 7:26 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
On the same note as Chris' post.

Scott & Greg... You really got to watch your volume. Scott... In one ride this weekend you are basically getting in your total bike mileage in May or 40% of your 2008 mileage. Greg... you are in the same boat in one ride (89mi) you effectively rode 36% of your total 2008 mileage! I know you guys might not log all of your mileage but I'm just going off of what I see.

It is great that you guys get long rides in... it is. But you are talking about greater than metric centuries and standard centuries long. People train for months to do these... not just decide and up and do them on a weekend day.


Because the risk of injury. I know you both are in great shape from marathon training... but make sure you are making logical jumps in volume. You wouldn't go from training to run a 5k scrap your plan to just go run an ultra one day right? Same thing should go with your bike and swim. This sport is also about balance. Gigantic spikes in volume and intensity are hard for recovery... and are open doors to muscle pulls and joint strain.

I'll get off my soap box now... Have a good one.

2008-06-06 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

And the winners are:

1st Place:  chrisrunz26, Chris, Total = 22

2nd Place: DieuEtMonDroit, Thomas, Total = 19

3rd Place: Concretechris, Chris, Total = 6 

Honorable mention: JChristoff, Justin, Total = 16

What was the competition?  Number of photos in your photo albums.  Justin only received HM because his 16 photos were not about himself.  Nice air show though.

I think everyone else had zero.


Edited by DieuEtMonDroit 2008-06-06 8:53 AM
2008-06-06 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1449357

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
DieuEtMonDroit - 2008-06-06 9:48 AM

And the winners are:

1st Place:  chrisrunz26, Chris, Total = 22

2nd Place: DieuEtMonDroit, Thomas, Total = 19

3rd Place: Concretechris, Chris, Total = 6 

Honorable mention: JChristoff, Justin, Total = 16

What was the competition?  Number of photos in your photo albums.  Justin only received HM because his 16 photos were not about himself.  Nice air show though.

I think everyone else had zero.


Hey now... I thought I did a good job of catching the jets centered and in pretty good quality.

I know I need more pictures from Tris... I'll have to find some this weekend and upload them.
2008-06-06 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Agreed.  I added "nice air show".  I used to jump in air shows as an Army Paratrooper.  If you had a picture of that I would have given full credit.


2008-06-06 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1449183

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Pasadena, MD
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

You really got to watch your volume. Scott... In one ride this weekend you are basically getting in your total bike mileage in May or 40% of your 2008 mileage.

I definitely hear you Justin.  You bring up some good points. 

Just to explain, this particular ride is an annual event for me and this will be my 5th year.  It's a charity ride for MS (which my mom has) so that's why it kind of comes out of the blue.  I normally do another 50 on Sunday but I need to get home for a family reunion this year.  The course is predominately flat and the biggest concern is usually the heat.  I also get a good massage afterwards for $10 because the Massage School of MD sends students down.

So, on paper it probably doesn't make sense according to my training plan but this isn't just a random distance ride with my friends or anything.  Trust me... this is the only ride of this length I have planned this season :-)

2008-06-06 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Is that one of those "happy endings" massages, or just regular.

2008-06-06 12:32 PM
in reply to: #1450070

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
DieuEtMonDroit - 2008-06-06 1:20 PM

Agreed.  I added "nice air show".  I used to jump in air shows as an Army Paratrooper.  If you had a picture of that I would have given full credit.


No paratroopers at all at this show. It is a great local one though... At Rickenbacher.

I think they are having it again this year.
2008-06-06 12:40 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Too bad.  I've jumped in the Rickenbacher air show twice.  Both somewhere around 1990-1992.
2008-06-06 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1449160

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Thank you for the suggestions, I really am just a few weeks into this thing and I am trying to work this schedule out on top of some highly variable weather lately. Up until a month ago, I was pretty much a runner with at times very high volume weeks. Running is a convenient, anytime anywhere sport with minimal equipment. It is hard on my body, I had knee surgery in January. I ran Boston and then a couple of halfs in the fall and finally got the chance to move onto triathlons a few weeks back. I really have accomplished most of the running objectives I set for myself eight years ago when I started tgetting back into shape trying to drop my weight from what was then a 236lb 5'10" guy. Cycling wise, I have done this for a few years with the roadies. Usually as a single sport when injured and not running. I find my body adapts to it quite quickly. I have never tried to ride hard and run hard simultaneously because cycling has been my back up sport hence my newly found trouble of combining the two.

Excuses aside, my training this past month has been hap hazard. Part of the problem is that I have been doing a lot of my training with groups and their schedules conflict. I have to do something about that. I, as duely noted, have been trying to get in two quality sessions of both running and cycling and it has not been working or I have not yet adapted to it. I will try to alter my schedule this next week with only one up tempo session each.

Swimming is tough, but I am adapting and learning. Fortunately much different muscles required.

I'm having fun and am excited! Thanks for the pointers.

2008-06-06 2:42 PM
in reply to: #1449183

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
You are correct about the jump in cycling mileage. It probably was not good judgement on my part, but we have this group here in Indianapolis that sets up organized rides on weekends (central indiana bicycling association CIBA). They have a ride that I have always wanted to ride called JAWS that is legendary for its hills. It just worked out that I had no family obligations this year so I went with friends and did it.

Part of the trouble is at present I have no plan. I need a solid goal and am a bit lost at the moment, transitioning from a running focus to swim/bike/run focus.
2008-06-08 7:33 AM
in reply to: #1450476

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
I totally understand that feeling. When I started in January, I had a good run base but NO swim or bike experience (didn't even own a bike). My first few weeks of training were haphazard at best...I'd miss a swim session here, miss a bike session there without much concern at all. Then I started logging my workouts and that helped open my eyes as to just how off track and inconsistent I was. Combine that with the fact that everything I read repeated that I needed at least three days a week of all three sports meant I needed some help.

So, what did I do? I researched plans here on BT, upgraded my membership (best money I've spent this year) and put a plan on my schedule. That combined with logging my workouts made me accountable and make me put in the time no matter what. So, research some beginner plans and do what I did...modify them to fit your schedule and your background. I had to really up the run and cut back a tiny bit on the bike as I was prepping for a marathon. But the key was finding a plan and sticking to it...if you need any input on how I adjusted my plan or advice on what plans to choose, just ask.

Otherwise, glad to hear you are enjoying it so far. It only gets better albeit harder too!


2008-06-08 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1452164

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Had my first race yesterday and made more than my share of mistakes. My race report is up. Biggest mistakes I think I can attribute to not warming up where I could have discovered and perhaps taken care of them. First, I panicked on the water start and couldn't breath from the start (did not relax). Within 20 yards I gave up and flipped to my back and began to question why I was doing this. I stayed on my back the rest of the way, hence 80-90% of the swim back stroke-stupid. My bike leg was pretty strong, but I could not get into the big chain ring so I spun at >100 rpm or a good part of the course. I continually tried to shift up but to no avail. Bike needs a tune up, had I discovered this in warm up I could have manually put it in my big ring. Overall bike leg and run were good, but I don't know if I am cut out for this sport.

I have definitely been thinking about the upgrade of my membership. I need to figure out and commit to being a triathlete or not. I think I like the variety in training.

My panic on the swim has me down, I know from a "pool" stroke perspective I am better prepared. I am not a good swimmer, but I am better than that. I just couldn't/didn't relax and breath.

2008-06-08 7:50 PM
in reply to: #1452193

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Pasadena, MD
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

I haven't read your race report yet but I need to say don't give up! Some people adapt to this right away and for others it takes a little time... especially for those of us without a strong swim background. My first two tri swims were awful but I am finally starting to get it. My last swim I was able to swim freestyle the whole way. It's tough but don't let it get you down... it really does come with practice and experience.

As far as the bike goes those things are bound to happen to everyone. I take pretty good care of my bike... learned how to perform my own tune-ups, regularly clean and oil, etc. Yesterday morning at the start of my century ride I developed a "creaking" sound around mile 13. Knew it was up front and thought it was my front dérailleur. Started playing with the barrel adjuster while riding and screwed it up. Kept playing with it and eventually dropped my chain off the small chain ring. Got it back on and decided to keep it in the big ring for the rest of the day. Talked to a mechanic around mile 77 who lubed my cleats (w/ speedplay's the mechanism is on the cleat) and lubed and reinstalled both pedals. That was the problem... the cleats were clogged with dirt from the transition area at last weekends tri. DUH.

So, moral of the story... don't give up. Sh*t happens but overcoming it is a great feeling.


ETA: Just read your report and you did great!  Overcoming two things that had you down and finishing 25th overall is not too shabby!  

Edited by shaggy28 2008-06-08 7:59 PM
2008-06-09 6:28 AM
in reply to: #1452861

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Overall I did enjoy the people and the experience. I need to find a good place/or group to practice the OWS so that I am more comfortable next time. This past month I was really putting a lot of emphasis on my swimming; I think I was physically but not mentally prepared. Lots to work on.
2008-06-09 7:02 AM
in reply to: #1453270

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
I'll second all of Scott had to say. You are going to make mistakes and have breakdowns, flats, etc. no matter how much you train and how prepared you are. Heck, even the pro's go out and bonk sometimes or have a flat...and for age-groupers the mistakes you mentioned are pretty common. If you have time, spend an hour or two reading through race reports others have posted...reading the experiences of others (good and bad) taught me a lot about what to expect, how random things can come up unexpectedly and how to handle the inevitable setbacks that occur.

And I think we've all questioned what the hell we are doing when we're out there. I know that I had at least three distinct moments during my first tri where I thought about quiting. One was half way through the swim when I was fatigued and tired, one was on the middle of the bike when I was climbing a big hill with my quads burning and the last was during the first 1.5 miles of the run when I was hot, my legs were exhausted and I felt like I was barely moving. So, you're experience is very, very common - heck, I know a woman who somehow completed IMFL despite the fact she hyperventilated in the water and got way, way off course. But she somehow pulled it together and got through it. Heck, go ready Gordo's blog about TTT - he mentions questioning more than a few times what the hell he was doing and why he was racing around in a circle instead of being with his family. So, we all have setbacks...the question is if you overcome them of if they overcome you...

The key is whether you are enjoying the training and enjoyed racing. None of this is supposed to be easy, hell even scheduling all of the training is a tough thing to accomplish half the time - not to mention actually getting out there and doing it. Personally, I love the training, the sense of accomplishment, the community and how f'ing cool it sounds to say you are a triathlete ;-)

So, keep up the good work and keep on training. Get on a more consistent program and do your best to get at least one OWS in before your next tri. Oh and get your bike fixed ;-)

2008-06-09 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

A lot of good comments for Greg.  I responded to his race report that I think it was pretty good race especially for a first race.  All you can do now Greg is even better on your next race!


2008-06-09 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1453364

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
So, I realize that this question is all about individual preference but how hot is too hot do a training ride or run? I got up really early on both Saturday and Sunday morning to train and avoid our triple digit heat...but today I've got a 1:25 training ride and it's going to feel like 101-02 degrees at the time I'll be riding. I'd like to get the ride in but that just sounds borderline, at what point do you bag it and say that the risk is greater than the reward?


2008-06-09 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1453772

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Concretechris - 2008-06-09 10:54 AM

So, I realize that this question is all about individual preference but how hot is too hot do a training ride or run? I got up really early on both Saturday and Sunday morning to train and avoid our triple digit heat...but today I've got a 1:25 training ride and it's going to feel like 101-02 degrees at the time I'll be riding. I'd like to get the ride in but that just sounds borderline, at what point do you bag it and say that the risk is greater than the reward?


You don't have to "bag" the training... You just must be very aware and very prepared. Bring more than you need in hydration and bring a couple of bucks so if you can stop and buy more at a store. If you feel like you stop sweating or start getting cramps... Stop training... they are some of the first signs of dehydration. Electrolyte replacement will be key. Water will keep you hydrated... but the increased sweat rate will rob you of salt and other key electrolytes.

No high intensity stuff at all... you are asking for some serious punishment. If you have a HRM go by HR. You will automatically see a up tick in BPM just due to the increased temps and how much harder your body has to work naturally do to the strain.

I am going to need to train in some of the warmer temp stuff due to my HIM on Aug 24. Start time is at 7:30am... but on the run I will be still racing at or near 12:00pm... by that time the furnace should be on full blast.
2008-06-09 10:21 AM
in reply to: #1453270

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
rc63413 - 2008-06-09 7:28 AM

Overall I did enjoy the people and the experience. I need to find a good place/or group to practice the OWS so that I am more comfortable next time. This past month I was really putting a lot of emphasis on my swimming; I think I was physically but not mentally prepared. Lots to work on.

A lot of people are not prepared for OWS let alone mass start group swim. It is very common. If you can get very comfortable in the water... practice OWS a couple times at a local lake/reservoir... you will be a lot more prepared.

With the other issues I really don't know what to say... just chalk it up to experience.

My second Sprint last year I DNF'd because I did not bring a flat kit and wrecked on the bike. The reason for the flat?? Pinch tear. It was due to me not checking my tire pressure before the race.

You learned a lot at the race... The key will be to see how you use it in the future.
2008-06-09 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1453859

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Thanks for the input, Justin. So, all that being said is there a temperature/humidity that you think is the upper limit to safely ride and run in?

2008-06-09 11:30 AM
in reply to: #1453972

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Columbus, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Concretechris - 2008-06-09 11:40 AM

Thanks for the input, Justin. So, all that being said is there a temperature/humidity that you think is the upper limit to safely ride and run in?


If it was getting somewhere near 115-120 I probably would just do something in the gym. It would just be miserable.

I have trained in actual 100, heat index 110 and it was just nasty... but jumping in the pool right after the run was AMAZING!

2008-06-09 11:53 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
Sounds like fun....NOT! No seriously, thanks for the input and advice on getting out there. I've always been pretty in tune to my body so I'll plan on getting out on the road when I get home and I'll back off the intensity if I have to.
2008-06-09 12:38 PM
in reply to: #1453885

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!
I made some mistakes, but I am kind of itching to do another one. I will be traveling on vacation next week so hoping to get a lot of training in this week. I will probably give it a couple of weeks after I return from vacation and then give it another shot. It was good that it was a low key event so I could learn. Plenty of room to improve. It was kind of cool at the pool Sunday when someone noticed my body markings and said, hey are you a triathlete. I thought for a second and then said, yeah I am a triathlete. Pretty cool, it is one kick butt sport!
2008-06-09 2:31 PM
in reply to: #1354430

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Washington Court House, Ohio
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

I finished my race report from Deer Creek yesterday.  It wasn't pretty out there due to the heat.  A lot of people were walking (not me though).


2008-06-10 6:09 AM
in reply to: #1354430

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Pasadena, MD
Subject: RE: Newbz'z group is FULL!!!!!!

Was just reading through the NOAA website and saw that the heat index hit 109 at 5 PM where I was riding on Saturday and the actual temperature was above 100 at noon. 

I know it wasn't much different anywhere else in the mid west or the east coast so kudos to all that got out there on Saturday... crazy kids!!!  

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