General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2012-11-20 2:53 PM
in reply to: #4505233

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2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
BernardDogs - 2012-11-20 3:20 PM

Now I just need to figure out how to run strong off the bike. 

Oh, I think if you are able to turn your attention to the bike like you have your run this past year that should be no problem for you at all - its going to be fun!

2012-11-21 3:54 PM
in reply to: #4341496

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Plattsburgh, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Glad to see such an awesome crowd "in it" already or about to head in head-first

1. Is this your first IM?

Oh Yeah!!

2. Have you done LP before?

No, but Live in nearby Peru, NY and train on course often and swim the cable more times than I can count throughout the summer. Work brings me through Placid almost weekly.

3. What are your goals for the 2013 race?

Primary Goal = Finish with a smile on my face, Secondary = Avoid medical

4. Do you have any specific questions that you wish addressed about LP (the race, training etc…)

I'm sure they will come up along the way, but VERY familiar with the course, area and locals.
On that note, I thought I would add a couple interesting points regarding this year's race...

Point #1 - If you are not already aware, a large portion of the bike course has been repaved this past fall and is B E A U T I F U L ! For those familiar with the course, the section through the notch (from about the RT turn after Haselton out and back all the way to the top of Papa bear) is all newly paved and super smooth now Sadly the section from Cascade to Keene is still a demilitarized zone in terms of pavement conditions, so be sure to continue to exercise caution through that section.

Point #2 - Accommodations. There is a huge new hotel (Hampton Inn) being worked on that is slated to be opening in the spring. Location is everything, and this hotel is across the street from the swim start. And I mean across the street, as in, being constructed in the former parking lot of the Lake Placid Pub and Brewery! They are not taking reservations yet as they are not open, but perhaps a call to corporate office could put you on a list for the coming summer during Ironman. Not sure how many are aware of this hotel going up or thinking about trying to to get on their books. I, for one due to proximity to my home, will be snugly in my own bed

That's it for now, hopefully this has added to the information here on the forum

Have an AWESOME Turkey Day!


2012-11-26 10:03 AM
in reply to: #4504654

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

BernardDogs - 2012-11-20 9:37 AM Okay ... so with the conclusion of the Philadelphia Marathon on Sunday, I guess I am officially no longer "run focused". I'll be a glutton through Thanksgiving and will complete the 20 minute trial on Trainer Road on Monday morning. Bring on the hurt!

Had an awesome marathon on Sunday. It wasn't a PR, but it was probably the best executed marathon I've put together. I was determined to run smart and pull off a negative split and I did just that. What an amazing feeling to finish that way. I'm still flying high.

Let's get this training started! 

Didn't know you were in Philly. I was giving out medals on Sunday.

This was my first week back training since the bike crash in August. It's going to be a rough couple of weeks getting back into the swing of things, plus I'm up at least 10 lbs since LP last summer.

But here we go! Still don't have housing sorted yet, Hayley and I need to resolve what we're doing already.

Are you planning on heading up there to train at all?

2012-11-26 10:05 AM
in reply to: #4500576

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

mdalsey - 2012-11-16 11:15 AM Looks like the Black Bear half is May 19th and limited to 300 slots. Registration is open:'d say jump on it if you're interested.

I'm in, this is my LP tuneup.

2012-11-26 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4510139

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-11-26 11:03 AM

Didn't know you were in Philly. I was giving out medals on Sunday.

This was my first week back training since the bike crash in August. It's going to be a rough couple of weeks getting back into the swing of things, plus I'm up at least 10 lbs since LP last summer.

But here we go! Still don't have housing sorted yet, Hayley and I need to resolve what we're doing already.

Are you planning on heading up there to train at all?

What an awesome race, Brian! I may do that one again as my fall marathon next year. I absolutely loved it. The volunteers made it ... so thanks!!

 Glad to hear you're back into the training ... your fitness will bounce back in no time. 10 lbs is nothing to lose between now and LP.

I'll get some day trips in once the snow is gone in the spring. I can hop on the ferry out of Burlington, take a loop of the course and head back for just shy of a century ride. Looking forward to really learning that course so it feels like one of my go-to rides. 

2012-11-27 9:40 AM
in reply to: #4510203

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
BernardDogs - 2012-11-26 11:54 AM
BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-11-26 11:03 AM

Didn't know you were in Philly. I was giving out medals on Sunday.

This was my first week back training since the bike crash in August. It's going to be a rough couple of weeks getting back into the swing of things, plus I'm up at least 10 lbs since LP last summer.

But here we go! Still don't have housing sorted yet, Hayley and I need to resolve what we're doing already.

Are you planning on heading up there to train at all?

What an awesome race, Brian! I may do that one again as my fall marathon next year. I absolutely loved it. The volunteers made it ... so thanks!!

 Glad to hear you're back into the training ... your fitness will bounce back in no time. 10 lbs is nothing to lose between now and LP.

I'll get some day trips in once the snow is gone in the spring. I can hop on the ferry out of Burlington, take a loop of the course and head back for just shy of a century ride. Looking forward to really learning that course so it feels like one of my go-to rides. 

I envy you, I have to ride 20 miles just to get to the hills. Although I suppose given the training needed for LP that is a good thing.

Yeah I don't worry too much about 10 lbs. It will be gone by Boston. Just weird having been pretty thin and now I'm 'a little bit pregnant'.

If I don't do Cozumel 70.3 next year I will likely do the Philly Marathon. This is the first year I didn't do it since moving back to Philly. It's a really good course and 3 blocks from my door.

What did you decide to do about housing at LP? No camping for me this year!

2012-11-27 10:37 AM
in reply to: #4510203

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Extreme Veteran
Ballston Spa, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
BernardDogs - 2012-11-26 11:54 AM 

I'll get some day trips in once the snow is gone in the spring. I can hop on the ferry out of Burlington, take a loop of the course and head back for just shy of a century ride. Looking forward to really learning that course so it feels like one of my go-to rides. 

Let's make sure we hook up a few times for rides.  There is a group of us that will be spending a LOT of time up there once most of the snow is gone.

2012-11-27 1:42 PM
in reply to: #4511472

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-11-27 10:40 AM

What did you decide to do about housing at LP? No camping for me this year!

I found a place on ... a backyard cabin about 2 miles from town. We'll be staying there a week with the race right in the middle. And it has electricity, so that's good.

2012-11-27 1:43 PM
in reply to: #4511612

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
cornick - 2012-11-27 11:37 AM 

Let's make sure we hook up a few times for rides.  There is a group of us that will be spending a LOT of time up there once most of the snow is gone.

Absolutely! I'm so much more excited for spring riding this year. I'm always pretty itchy to get out there by the time March rolls around ... this year it's going to be unbearable.

2012-11-29 8:29 AM
in reply to: #4511928

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
BernardDogs - 2012-11-27 2:42 PM
BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-11-27 10:40 AM

What did you decide to do about housing at LP? No camping for me this year!

I found a place on ... a backyard cabin about 2 miles from town. We'll be staying there a week with the race right in the middle. And it has electricity, so that's good.

Tentatively I found a place yesterday right in LP. Should receive the contract today. Six blocks from Lake Placid Brew Pub. Already told my son the chef to take time off so he can cater a BBQ.

2012-11-29 9:56 AM
in reply to: #4511472

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-11-27 10:40 AM I have to ride 20 miles just to get to the hills. 

What kind of hills are you looking for exactly? There are plenty within 20 miles of you. Heck, you're only about 5 miles from The Wall.

2012-11-29 10:15 AM
in reply to: #4514706

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
mrbbrad - 2012-11-29 10:56 AM

BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-11-27 10:40 AM I have to ride 20 miles just to get to the hills. 

What kind of hills are you looking for exactly? There are plenty within 20 miles of you. Heck, you're only about 5 miles from The Wall.

What are you doing here?? Shouldn't you be in rehab or something  

The closer hills are pretty short. The Wall is not what I'd call rideable due to traffic, plus it's 17% grade.

This is a really good one. Did most of it last July 4, as my dad lives near New Hope. It was upper-90's on the way back and I almost decided to take the train home from Willow Grove. Went through 7 bottles of water.

2012-11-29 11:45 AM
in reply to: #4514706

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Extreme Veteran
Northern Illinois
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Speaking of hills...and I know this topic has been discussed at great length in prior LP threads.  What gearing is everyone going with?  I've read compact is a good choice up front...but I went with a crank based Power I'm committeed to my standard crank.  Will playing around with the back do me any good?  11-28?  I know it depends on my fitness level...but I'm assuming a few extra gears in the back are better than NOT having a few extra gears.
2012-11-29 12:55 PM
in reply to: #4514744

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Philly 'burbs
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-11-29 11:15 AM
mrbbrad - 2012-11-29 10:56 AM

BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-11-27 10:40 AM I have to ride 20 miles just to get to the hills. 

What kind of hills are you looking for exactly? There are plenty within 20 miles of you. Heck, you're only about 5 miles from The Wall.

What are you doing here?? Shouldn't you be in rehab or something  

The closer hills are pretty short. The Wall is not what I'd call rideable due to traffic, plus it's 17% grade.

This is a really good one. Did most of it last July 4, as my dad lives near New Hope. It was upper-90's on the way back and I almost decided to take the train home from Willow Grove. Went through 7 bottles of water.

Repeats will help. Try riding up Shawmont 5 or so times. There are also plenty of hills in Gladwyne. I'll post some routes I did when I was training for LP. 

I did Harryman as prep and I think that was tougher than Placid.

To the other poster who asked about gearing; I used an 11-28 with a compact front. I used the 28 a couple of times, but I think I would have been fine with 26. As you say though, it's better to have the gears and not need them than need them and not have them.

2012-11-29 2:51 PM
in reply to: #4514928

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

runninirish - 2012-11-29 12:45 PM Speaking of hills...and I know this topic has been discussed at great length in prior LP threads.  What gearing is everyone going with?  I've read compact is a good choice up front...but I went with a crank based Power I'm committeed to my standard crank.  Will playing around with the back do me any good?  11-28?  I know it depends on my fitness level...but I'm assuming a few extra gears in the back are better than NOT having a few extra gears.

Compact and 12-25. Did the course this way last year and it was fine. I had a 11-28 but on advice from friends who had done LP stuck with the 12-25.

2012-11-29 2:55 PM
in reply to: #4515042

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
mrbbrad - 2012-11-29 1:55 PM
BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-11-29 11:15 AM
mrbbrad - 2012-11-29 10:56 AM

BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-11-27 10:40 AM I have to ride 20 miles just to get to the hills. 

What kind of hills are you looking for exactly? There are plenty within 20 miles of you. Heck, you're only about 5 miles from The Wall.

What are you doing here?? Shouldn't you be in rehab or something  

The closer hills are pretty short. The Wall is not what I'd call rideable due to traffic, plus it's 17% grade.

This is a really good one. Did most of it last July 4, as my dad lives near New Hope. It was upper-90's on the way back and I almost decided to take the train home from Willow Grove. Went through 7 bottles of water.

Repeats will help. Try riding up Shawmont 5 or so times. There are also plenty of hills in Gladwyne. I'll post some routes I did when I was training for LP. 

I did Harryman as prep and I think that was tougher than Placid.

To the other poster who asked about gearing; I used an 11-28 with a compact front. I used the 28 a couple of times, but I think I would have been fine with 26. As you say though, it's better to have the gears and not need them than need them and not have them.

Shawmont and Hart's Lane. My favorite 20-mile run is Art Museum to Manayunk towpath, Nixon to Shawmont, then back to the Art Museum via Wises Mill to Forbidden Drive and along Kelly.

2012-11-30 11:11 AM
in reply to: #4514928

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The Cold North
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

runninirish - 2012-11-29 11:45 AM Speaking of hills...and I know this topic has been discussed at great length in prior LP threads.  What gearing is everyone going with?  I've read compact is a good choice up front...but I went with a crank based Power I'm committeed to my standard crank.  Will playing around with the back do me any good?  11-28?  I know it depends on my fitness level...but I'm assuming a few extra gears in the back are better than NOT having a few extra gears.

I have a compact and currently have a 12-25, but I did a double loop of the course this past summer for training, and I found I wasn't really spinning up some of the hills.  On the advice of my coach, I will be moving to a 12-27 for the race.  I know made it through with the 12-25, but I didn't have to run afterwards.

Better to have them and not need them, than wish you had them when you need them.

2012-11-30 10:14 PM
in reply to: #4341496

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Burlington, Vermont
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
I'll be on my Giant Defy (roadie with aeros). Compact/11-28
2012-12-02 2:18 PM
in reply to: #4341496

Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

My oh my, how the off season seems to be floating away!  Hope all are well, and working that turkey day weight off.  I have been plodding around a bit, maintaining a moderate level of fitness but not pushing it.  

For all of those that have used Fink in the past, when did you really view the plan really hit your fitness?  Week 1, week 10, etc; just curious what your experience has been.  I am starting my pre-plan ramp up, and wondered what level I should be going into the first week.  Obviously as good as possible, but curious about others thoughts.  

Stay healthly!

2012-12-02 4:50 PM
in reply to: #4341496

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Here's a hypothetical for everyone. Would you use a light road bike over a tri bike on this course?

I have a Cervelo R3, which is light and great on hills, and a P2. I'm pretty sure I'd use the P2, but curious to see if everyone concurs.

2012-12-02 6:23 PM
in reply to: #4518513

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2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Brian - 100% yes to the tri bike. With a disk or cover if you have it and the deepest front you are comfortable with at 40+ mph (I am 155 lbs and ride an 808 front with no problems). If you are a sub 6 hour rider you will definitely be in the aerobars for the majority of the course - I would imagine you would be even if you are over 6 hours.

2012-12-03 7:43 AM
in reply to: #4341496

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Extreme Veteran
Higganum, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

My P2 is way faster than my Specialized S-works ridie.  The S Works is far more comfortable, and smooth, but NO WAY can I sustain the same pace without drafting, as the P2.

2012-12-03 8:37 AM
in reply to: #4518513

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
BrianRunsPhilly - 2012-12-02 5:50 PM

Here's a hypothetical for everyone. Would you use a light road bike over a tri bike on this course?

I have a Cervelo R3, which is light and great on hills, and a P2. I'm pretty sure I'd use the P2, but curious to see if everyone concurs.

LP = Tri-bike IMHO

2012-12-03 8:38 AM
in reply to: #4519069

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

50+F this past weekend here in Rhode Island!

3hrs bike ride yesterday!!!

2012-12-03 9:33 AM
in reply to: #4518596

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

TankBoy - 2012-12-02 7:23 PM Brian - 100% yes to the tri bike. With a disk or cover if you have it and the deepest front you are comfortable with at 40+ mph (I am 155 lbs and ride an 808 front with no problems). If you are a sub 6 hour rider you will definitely be in the aerobars for the majority of the course - I would imagine you would be even if you are over 6 hours.

I'm answering you, but there was clear consensus. I will be around 135 at LP and will likely go with my carbon 58's and the wheel cover on the back. Can't tell you if I will be sub six until I see how training goes, still coming back from injury and slowly getting back on the bike. Biggest problem is nerve damage in the forearms and wrist, it is pretty painful to rest the arms on the pads, so I'm sticking to the road bike for now.

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