BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Team Trisuppo - OPEN Rss Feed  
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of 34
2014-02-25 6:58 AM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
I did not have time to add in yesterday's runch 50 minutes

Gabe 20 35:42:38
Mark 18 24:10:00
Matthew 15 18:00:09
Jim 17 13:08:41
Mitch 16 16:46:16
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
Joe 11 12:48:27
Kate 2 2:56:00
Bob 5 7:16:48

2014-02-25 1:10 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
today was 54 minutes on the drainer

Gabe 20 35:42:38
Mark 18 24:10:00
Matthew 15 18:00:09
Jim 18 14:02:41
Mitch 16 16:46:16
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
Joe 11 12:48:27
Kate 2 2:56:00
Bob 5 7:16:48
2014-02-25 4:20 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Updating from yesterday and the past week end.

Gabe 20 35:42:38
Mark 18 24:10:00
Matthew 18 21:05:09
Jim 18 14:02:41
Mitch 16 16:46:16
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
Joe 11 12:48:27
Kate 2 2:56:00
Bob 5 7:16:48
2014-02-26 2:45 AM
in reply to: Matthews

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Ran 16k in a very hot weather, 32c. The second half was not fun and I took every excuse to walk. Bleeding toe on top of that was not helping.

Gabe 20 35:42:38
Mark 19 25:52:00
Matthew 18 21:05:09
Jim 18 14:02:41
Mitch 16 16:46:16
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
Joe 11 12:48:27
Kate 2 2:56:00
Bob 5 7:16:48
2014-02-26 12:39 PM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
50 minutes on the dreadmill for my runch

Gabe 20 35:42:38
Mark 19 25:52:00
Matthew 18 21:05:09
Jim 19 14:52:41
Mitch 16 16:46:16
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
Joe 11 12:48:27
Kate 2 2:56:00
Bob 5 7:16:48
2014-02-26 3:48 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Originally posted by trisuppo
Originally posted by trigabe

Mitch, I hope I don't hear the screams of suffering from your FTP test tomorrow all the way down here in Guatemala tomorrow :-)

Gabe: Finished the 20' Test on Saturday. I was targeting Avg Watts of 240 and ended up at 244. My previous test in January was a complete bust as I was coming down with the Flu the morning I did it. That tested resulted in a number of 202. Another BT member (marcag) and I eyeballed a different number (232) to end up with a previous CP of 217. So - long way of saying my last CP of 217 was a guesstimate. This test along with my 5' result of avg watts of 303 (compared to January result of 277) yields a CP of 224 watts. I paced the test really well. Basically even avg power when comparing 1st 10 minutes to second 10 minutes. Don't think I could have given much more. Garmin says my estimated left/right balance was 50/50. All in all I am pretty happy with the effort and pretty happy withthe improvements I'm seeing in my cycling. This weekend I have the swim clinic with Sheila Taormina. She focuses mostly on improving and strengtheningyour pull portion of your swim stroke. I can't wait to learn how to improve my swim (besides the obvious of much more time in the water).

Great job Mitch, good to see your improvement on the bike!  It will be great to see how this fitness transfers to outdoor road riding once the weather gives you guys a break!

2014-02-26 3:54 PM
in reply to: JBacarella

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Monday was a rest day. Yesterday 55 min in the drainer and today a 7 mile morning run + 4000m swim at lunch

Gabe 22 38:54:48 
Mark 19 25:52:00 
Matthew 18 21:05:09 
Jim 19 14:52:41 
Mitch 16 16:46:16 
Jennifer 6 8:35:00 
Joe 11 12:48:27 
Kate 2 2:56:00 
Bob 5 7:16:48

2014-02-26 4:32 PM
in reply to: trigabe

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Good Job Mark. I struggle in the heat lately as well, I also use every excuse to walk.
40mins in the drainer last night.

Gabe 22 38:54:48
Mark 19 25:52:00
Matthew 19 21:45:09
Jim 19 14:52:41
Mitch 16 16:46:16
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
Joe 11 12:48:27
Kate 2 2:56:00
Bob 5 7:16:48
2014-02-26 6:02 PM
in reply to: trisuppo


Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - I Like to Join the Group

First and foremost, thanks for taking the time to be a mentor (and for your prior military service).

So, I'm hitting that magical number this year in August of F.F.F.ifty. So, I'm out to prove something.

I'm 6'4" and weigh ~210-213 (I feel the best when I'm around 205). Not much fat content anywhere but a bit around the gut. Over the past few years, I've been training mostly for half marathons and have run three. The last was in January here in Austin, Texas where I ran a PR by approximately 8 minutes. I'd been training pretty well and had some help from a course that was a bit downhill but a PR non-the-less.

I'm a Self Employed Real Estate Broker in a very active market but that DOES afford me the flexibility to not make time an excuse not to train. I'm married (to a wife that likes to workout) and have one 12 year old boy still at home (he loves to play Squash). I'm a member of one of the best gyms in the country, so I have access to great facilities to train in everyday. Most of the time, the problem is between my ears.

I've been running although alot less than my half marathon training, doing 1-2 60 minute cycle classes a week and over the past few weeks I started working out in a Masters Swimming Program. In a perfect world, I'd swim 3-4 days a week, do a cycle class one day and run at least one day. I'm finding the swimming is an incredible full body workout as well as incredible cardio. Its cuts the weight and gut pretty quick. Working on swimming technique is helping alot as well. Sometimes I think I have the attention span of a gerbil, so I have to keep it interesting for I lose focus.

I signed up for a Rookie Triathlon here in Austin on May 4th, so I'm about 9 weeks out. This first Sprint Race is about the experience, having some fun and putting all three disciplines together at once. Longer term, maybe later this year, I'd like to try an Olympic Race. I'm a great mentee, because I'm looking to soak up the advice of others. I'm a positive encourager of others and looking to give and receive encouragement and accountability. In addition, its about the race but its also about working on my overall fitness to peak in early August for my Big B-Day (vain I know).

Bryan Webb
2014-02-27 2:56 AM
in reply to: Matthews

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Looks like our summer is still in full swing Matthew. I actually wonder if running in 30c+ has any benefit at all, other than keeping the discipline... Today I had only 1hr to spare and went on the kayak. No point for the challenge.
2014-02-27 1:24 PM
in reply to: Matthews

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
1 hour on the drainer at lunch

Gabe 22 38:54:48
Mark 19 25:52:00
Matthew 19 21:45:09
Jim 20 15:52:41
Mitch 16 16:46:16
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
Joe 11 12:48:27
Kate 2 2:56:00
Bob 5 7:16:48

2014-02-27 1:33 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Hope you are all doing well - I read of the heat some of you talk about and I'm jealous. The High in the 10 day forecast for the Detroit area is 33 with a killer wind chill. I have yet to join the Feb Challenge because I pretty much started swimming Feb 3rd... as in, teaching myself how to do the front crawl. If there is a March Challenge - I'm in. I've been keeping busy with Cycle 2 or 3 times a week for 60 minutes and swimming 2 or 3 times - adding laps each time I go.

Swim question - Do you wear a swim cap to block water from getting in your ears? Or do you use ear plugs of some sort? Any advice would be appreciated.

2014-02-27 4:42 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by sisu13

Hope you are all doing well - I read of the heat some of you talk about and I'm jealous. The High in the 10 day forecast for the Detroit area is 33 with a killer wind chill. I have yet to join the Feb Challenge because I pretty much started swimming Feb 3rd... as in, teaching myself how to do the front crawl. If there is a March Challenge - I'm in. I've been keeping busy with Cycle 2 or 3 times a week for 60 minutes and swimming 2 or 3 times - adding laps each time I go.

Swim question - Do you wear a swim cap to block water from getting in your ears? Or do you use ear plugs of some sort? Any advice would be appreciated.


Bruno, I agree. Life on the treadmill is getting really old..
I use the moldable earplugs, but most of my swimming in Lake Huron. I get nauseous when the cold water come in contact with my tympanic membrane. I also don't like water in my ears. The earplugs are more effective.

Edited by JBacarella 2014-02-27 4:43 PM
2014-02-27 4:45 PM
in reply to: sisu13

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Bruno - Not much help this way as i don't swim with a cap on. I think the main reason for the cap is to keep warm. It wont block out water from the ears. You loose heaps of heat through your head so the swim cap helps you stay warm (which is why we don't wear one often)

Mark - Our summer is kick on as well. No rain in 90 odd days, long weekend this weekend and temps are up again to 38. So will be early ride on Saturday.

Gabe 22 38:54:48
Mark 19 25:52:00
Matthew 20 23:05:09
Jim 20 15:52:41
Mitch 16 16:46:16
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
Joe 11 12:48:27
Kate 2 2:56:00
Bob 5 7:16:48
2014-02-27 5:22 PM
in reply to: Matthews

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN

Welcome Bryan,

Bruno, I don't have a problem with water getting in my ears, but wear a cap on my OWS for visibility so I don't get hit by a boat. 

Sorry about the extreme weather for some of you.  Either extreme cold in the US or extreme heat down under.  In Guatemala fortunately it is pretty decent right now, although it was really hot at 38C for my Oly tri on Sunday.  Welcome to come down to Guatemala to train with me any time :-)

Today 70 min on the drainer

Gabe 23 40:05:54 
Mark 19 25:52:00 
Matthew 20 23:05:09 
Jim 20 15:52:41 
Mitch 16 16:46:16 
Jennifer 6 8:35:00 
Joe 11 12:48:27 
Kate 2 2:56:00 
Bob 5 7:16:48

2014-02-27 11:23 PM
in reply to: trigabe

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Gabe - If its 38 there already and you have not started summer I think I'll hang around here as it should cool down in the next month or so.

2014-02-28 2:10 AM
in reply to: 0

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Gold Coast Australia.
Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - OPEN
Originally posted by Matthews

Gabe - If its 38 there already and you have not started summer I think I'll hang around here as it should cool down in the next month or so.

Yeah, me too. Nights are already getting a bit cooler, but when the sun comes up, it's on again. I don't even care what the temp is, it's recorded in the shade. My question is - where is the shade?

Another short run today. 7k in 38'.

Gabe 23 40:05:54
Mark 20 26:30:00
Matthew 20 23:05:09
Jim 20 15:52:41
Mitch 16 16:46:16
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
Joe 11 12:48:27
Kate 2 2:56:00
Bob 5 7:16:48

Edited by markz 2014-02-28 2:12 AM
2014-02-28 8:53 AM
in reply to: bryanwebb

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Subject: RE: Team Trisuppo - I Like to Join the Group
Originally posted by bryanwebb


First and foremost, thanks for taking the time to be a mentor (and for your prior military service).

So, I'm hitting that magical number this year in August of F.F.F.ifty. So, I'm out to prove something.

I'm 6'4" and weigh ~210-213 (I feel the best when I'm around 205). Not much fat content anywhere but a bit around the gut. Over the past few years, I've been training mostly for half marathons and have run three. The last was in January here in Austin, Texas where I ran a PR by approximately 8 minutes. I'd been training pretty well and had some help from a course that was a bit downhill but a PR non-the-less.

I'm a Self Employed Real Estate Broker in a very active market but that DOES afford me the flexibility to not make time an excuse not to train. I'm married (to a wife that likes to workout) and have one 12 year old boy still at home (he loves to play Squash). I'm a member of one of the best gyms in the country, so I have access to great facilities to train in everyday. Most of the time, the problem is between my ears.

I've been running although alot less than my half marathon training, doing 1-2 60 minute cycle classes a week and over the past few weeks I started working out in a Masters Swimming Program. In a perfect world, I'd swim 3-4 days a week, do a cycle class one day and run at least one day. I'm finding the swimming is an incredible full body workout as well as incredible cardio. Its cuts the weight and gut pretty quick. Working on swimming technique is helping alot as well. Sometimes I think I have the attention span of a gerbil, so I have to keep it interesting for I lose focus.

I signed up for a Rookie Triathlon here in Austin on May 4th, so I'm about 9 weeks out. This first Sprint Race is about the experience, having some fun and putting all three disciplines together at once. Longer term, maybe later this year, I'd like to try an Olympic Race. I'm a great mentee, because I'm looking to soak up the advice of others. I'm a positive encourager of others and looking to give and receive encouragement and accountability. In addition, its about the race but its also about working on my overall fitness to peak in early August for my Big B-Day (vain I know).

Bryan Webb


Welcome to the group. There are a couple other Texans that frequent the Team at times (Ernesto and Jackie). I will be traveling to Austin later this spring. I would encourage you (and everyone else that is somewhat new or who just wants to bounce ideas off one another) to ask questions. There is a lot of experience in this group that we can all learn from.
2014-02-28 8:58 AM
in reply to: markz

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Subject: RE: Feb Challenge
Finished the month with a good ride yesterday and a short run this morning:

Gabe 23 40:05:54
Mark 20 26:30:00
Matthew 20 23:05:09
Jim 20 15:52:41
Mitch 19 19:11:24
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
Joe 11 12:48:27
Kate 2 2:56:00
Bob 5 7:16:48
2014-02-28 12:58 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Subject: RE: Feb Challenge
45 minute runch on the dreadmill. Somewhat frustrating cable was out (first world problem), something broke during our -27 F high wind night. So I opted to run with my I phone. I caught my hand on the ear bids ripped them out of my ears and watched my phone fly into the wall bounce back onto the treadmill and the get shot onto the floor behind me. Thank God for the otter case or frustrating would have turned to bad. So I spent the last 30 minutes of the run staring at a wall and cursing the cable company and the weather.

Gabe 23 40:05:54
Mark 20 26:30:00
Matthew 20 23:05:09
Jim 21 16:27:41
Mitch 19 19:11:24
Jennifer 6 8:35:00
Joe 11 12:48:27
Kate 2 2:56:00
Bob 5 7:16:48
2014-02-28 6:15 PM
in reply to: trisuppo


Subject: Rookie Questions...
Thanks, I look to learn alot from other folks in the group. Then, as I catch a clue, I can help others. Right now I'm in, 8 weeks to a race, what do I do?

So a couple of questions (probably dumb so go easy on me):

1. Are there biking shorts that folks swim and run in?
2. Does a swim cap help guys much?
3. How much do you feel (in a sprint race) you need to have biking shoes and clips or should you ride in your running shoes?

Probably some real rookie questions but looking for advice.


2014-02-28 8:13 PM
in reply to: bryanwebb

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Rookie Questions...
Good to see a lot of effort and consistency from everyone.

I'm still too all over the place to tabulate all of my hours this month. Ran 26 miles this week and am starting to get my act together. Finally, put a couple of races on the calendar - end of March 5 Miler, 10K in April, May Duathlon, June HM. Plan to add a couple of short tris too. Big open question is whether I do a full marathon or another HIM in September. Goal for the year is 10+ races. Now that I aged up it is time to take advantage of being the youngest in the AG.

I'm hitting 7-8 workouts per week with a day of rest. Not getting in the hours I'd like, but my consistency is improving.
2014-02-28 8:19 PM
in reply to: bryanwebb

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Rookie Questions...
Originally posted by bryanwebb

Thanks, I look to learn alot from other folks in the group. Then, as I catch a clue, I can help others. Right now I'm in, 8 weeks to a race, what do I do?

So a couple of questions (probably dumb so go easy on me):

1. Are there biking shorts that folks swim and run in?
2. Does a swim cap help guys much?
3. How much do you feel (in a sprint race) you need to have biking shoes and clips or should you ride in your running shoes?

Probably some real rookie questions but looking for advice.


1. Get tri shorts. Think swimming jammers with a thin chamois. Not much padding, but better than rocking just a banana hammock.
2. No. I'm bald. Regardless, in open water you will need to wear one so the rescuer folks can see you.
3. If you aren't training clipped in, don't race clipped in. #1 rule is nothing new on race day. Cycling clipped in is ideal and provides numerous advantages. By all means, learn to ride clipped in, but if you can't, no big deal.
2014-02-28 8:22 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Somewhere in the Swamps of Philly
Subject: RE: Rookie Questions...

How was the swim clinic? Lessons learned?

2014-02-28 10:23 PM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Subject: RE: Rookie Questions...
Originally posted by JoePetto


How was the swim clinic? Lessons learned?

The swim clinic is Sunday morning,

For the group, the clinic is 3 hours with Sheila Taormina (Olympian in 3 sports (swimming, Tri and pentathlon) and smallest swimmer to gold medal since 1920). Some classroom and some pool time. Her focus is the technique, strength and flexibility to have the best pull possible. There is also underwater video analysis. I'll share my thoughts Sunday or Monday so if she comes to your town you can decide whether to attend her clinic.
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Team Trisuppo - OPEN Rss Feed  
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