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2012-05-25 12:04 AM
in reply to: #4201782

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
gcoller - 2012-05-10 6:24 PM

My hands get sore on it and I think the resistance is set a bit high so even though I have it on the small ring I'm sweating like crazy - but, it gives me the opportunity to practice the mental piece of a 'flat' surface...5 minutes on upper bars, 10 minutes in drops and shifted up, 15 minutes in between...stuff like that.


 - 14-15 mph sounds low to me based on your current run fitness (unless it's super hilly).   if you spend *any* amount of time on the bike you will see huge and immediate speed benefit.   Your running is insane.  Minimal effort will get you there on the bike as well, since your cardio is already full-on.



On my ride today, these two things stuck out to me.  Grace, just mentioning using your drop bars in training had it click for me and the last two short rides have been at 15.8 and 17.88 mph.  I'm a usual 14-15 mph guy.  just getting down in the drops helps me to feel like I'm in an almost aero position, and feel like I get more power out of my rides pushing a bigger gear.

AF, Just telling me 14-15 is slow is huge motivation to improve.  This is what repeated through my head on today's ride as I went 17.88 mph!  Thanks for the motivation!

Thanks BT.

Next 2 weeks, I'm repeating the week 10 Bike focus week, with secondary emphasis on maintaining swim fitness, and do first OWS workouts.  Can't wait to see where my bike is after these 2 weeks. 

Edited by kevinbe 2012-05-25 12:07 AM

2012-05-25 12:29 AM
in reply to: #4228276

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

It's been raining all week.  I've been watching the forecasts and everything has been pointing towards sunshine returning tomorrow... Friday.  So, I planned on saving my last workout of the week, a two-hour long bike ride for Friday.

Now, the forecast for Friday is sunshine - with 45-50 mph wind!!!  I'm actually kind of looking forward to battling that kind of wind, just for the experience....  for a half-hour would be cool, but for two hours - holy crap! 

Putting a couple of IPA's on ice before heading out!

2012-05-25 3:35 AM
in reply to: #4228368

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

so lucky my big training weekend was last week and it was cold but sunny.  This weekend, freezing by our standards and it's rained a month's worth today so far, with more forecast along with strong winds.

I should jump on the trainer tonight - so I shall, coz now I've written it on here it has to happen.  It's supposed to be a taper not a STOP!

My cold has all but gone, a bit of a cough which I am hoping will disappear, if it's not done so by Tuesday get me some antibiotics to be safe.

Well 9 days until my first HIM, not so nervous or anxious today - just so very tired!  I think the 45min on the trainer tonight.  A run tomorrow - 40mins with strides.  And Sunday 60mins trainer ride unless the weather improves and i may get out.

In 9 days I'll be moaning how hot I am!

2012-05-25 5:19 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Yeah!  1000m time trial done. This time I did not lose track of laps. 16:02/ 1:36 per 100m. Felt really strong. Tried to start strong but not too fast, picked it up after 500, hurting by end. I felt I could have gone a bit harder if I'd started faster, but would never do that if a swim or bike followed! Still about 12 seconds/100m off my high school PB 1500 pace, but I'll take it. No desire to do the 10,000m/day that got me to those times LOL.

Not that it matters. For my HIM, all that will matter is not getting too beat up at the start, panicking in my wetsuit, or suffering hypothermia. I'm usually a fairly FOP swimmer but never the first woman out of the water, and my times for the ocean swims locally are closer to 1:50 or 2:00/100m. Don't know if we have really tough currents or just very long courses. I tend to place better when everyone's time is slow, so maybe I'm better with longer distances or tough conditions. I've never noticed much correlation between pool times and actual race times. But it's fun to get faster! Looking forward to doing some swimming with our local master's group this summer.

Jo rest up and look out for your health. At this point it is all in the bank anyway! Just get as healthy as you can. Can't wait to get to that point. Two weeks here of nonstop work (I will be working much of the weekend on reports and other year-end paperwork) and last two weeks of training before taper. Have had it with recovery week and climbing the walls with energy.  As i did the last two recovery weeks, if weather cooperates, I'm going to do my normal weekend long workouts after a pretty light five days; if not, I might do something dangerous, like clean the house!



Edited by Hot Runner 2012-05-25 5:30 AM
2012-05-25 11:03 AM
in reply to: #4228409

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Hot Runner - 2012-05-25 3:19 AM

Yeah!  1000m time trial done. This time I did not lose track of laps. 16:02/ 1:36 per 100m. Felt really strong. Tried to start strong but not too fast, picked it up after 500, hurting by end. I felt I could have gone a bit harder if I'd started faster, but would never do that if a swim or bike followed! Still about 12 seconds/100m off my high school PB 1500 pace, but I'll take it. No desire to do the 10,000m/day that got me to those times LOL.

Not that it matters. For my HIM, all that will matter is not getting too beat up at the start, panicking in my wetsuit, or suffering hypothermia. I'm usually a fairly FOP swimmer but never the first woman out of the water, and my times for the ocean swims locally are closer to 1:50 or 2:00/100m. Don't know if we have really tough currents or just very long courses. I tend to place better when everyone's time is slow, so maybe I'm better with longer distances or tough conditions. I've never noticed much correlation between pool times and actual race times. But it's fun to get faster! Looking forward to doing some swimming with our local master's group this summer.

Jo rest up and look out for your health. At this point it is all in the bank anyway! Just get as healthy as you can. Can't wait to get to that point. Two weeks here of nonstop work (I will be working much of the weekend on reports and other year-end paperwork) and last two weeks of training before taper. Have had it with recovery week and climbing the walls with energy.  As i did the last two recovery weeks, if weather cooperates, I'm going to do my normal weekend long workouts after a pretty light five days; if not, I might do something dangerous, like clean the house!



Thats an awesome 1000 time.  I am sure that will put close to the front in your HIM.  Not many people can swim like that.

Its been cold and rainy here so put off a ride until today or tomorrow.  Just looking for the best windows to get out and ride.  Would like to get a few longer rides in before the end of long weekend.

2012-05-26 12:28 AM
in reply to: #4228368

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
PrivateIdaho - 2012-05-25 10:29 AM

It's been raining all week.  I've been watching the forecasts and everything has been pointing towards sunshine returning tomorrow... Friday.  So, I planned on saving my last workout of the week, a two-hour long bike ride for Friday.

Now, the forecast for Friday is sunshine - with 45-50 mph wind!!!  I'm actually kind of looking forward to battling that kind of wind, just for the experience....  for a half-hour would be cool, but for two hours - holy crap! 

Putting a couple of IPA's on ice before heading out!

With wind like that, I'd do at least 3 IPA's,  You'll need em!

2012-05-26 12:35 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

HR, Amazing time.  You are going to do great with your swim and run background. It sounds like you've had awesome bike training as well.  I hope it all comes together logistically for you on race week. 

I just did my 1000TT in 21:54.  I think this is a little slower than last time, 2:11/100.  I did little swimming in weeks leading up to marathon, so time to get all over the swim and bike in next 2 weeks.

2012-05-26 2:07 AM
in reply to: #4230132

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Kevinbe - good TT, don't get hung up on it too much!
2012-05-26 5:26 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Yes, remember the swim is only a really small portion of the race. It's very rare that the race is won there, and I would guess never at HIM distance. Just something to get through intact. Also, your times will come down when you pick up the swimming again. I know my form and speed really fall off when I have so much as a week out of the water--just lose the feel for it or something.

Training or not, I'm sludge on a bike compared to my other two legs, so there's always the demoralization of watching everyone zoom past me! The bike is my nemesis--I think both a lack of natural talent (I struggled to keep up with friends, and my mom, on bikes even as a kid), and lack of training background.

I think I'm going to break down and get a trainer this fall. Right now I use a gym stationary that's set up like a road bike in aero for short workouts, so the speeds/distances in my log probably aren't accurate. I always ride the same bike, though, so I record distance and speed to compare different workouts. It has a power meter and I structure workouts that way, but embarassed to put the numbers where others can see them. My watts are about half (or less) of what I see a lot of people post! Have also checked with a road bike on a Computrainer and power/speed are pretty close at moderate efforts. I guess the good thing is that bikey and I are both lightweights so we don't need to be cranking 200's to move along. If I have to continue doing long rides solo, I think I'd be more focused and happier doing them safe in my living room watching videos rather than out in the traffic flirting with heat exhaustion. There's always the industrial park if I need to get back "road feel" before a race.

Edited by Hot Runner 2012-05-26 5:29 AM
2012-05-26 6:27 PM
in reply to: #4230183

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Hot Runner - 2012-05-26 5:26 AM

Yes, remember the swim is only a really small portion of the race. It's very rare that the race is won there, and I would guess never at HIM distance. Just something to get through intact. Also, your times will come down when you pick up the swimming again. I know my form and speed really fall off when I have so much as a week out of the water--just lose the feel for it or something.

Training or not, I'm sludge on a bike compared to my other two legs, so there's always the demoralization of watching everyone zoom past me! The bike is my nemesis--I think both a lack of natural talent (I struggled to keep up with friends, and my mom, on bikes even as a kid), and lack of training background.

I think I'm going to break down and get a trainer this fall. Right now I use a gym stationary that's set up like a road bike in aero for short workouts, so the speeds/distances in my log probably aren't accurate. I always ride the same bike, though, so I record distance and speed to compare different workouts. It has a power meter and I structure workouts that way, but embarassed to put the numbers where others can see them. My watts are about half (or less) of what I see a lot of people post! Have also checked with a road bike on a Computrainer and power/speed are pretty close at moderate efforts. I guess the good thing is that bikey and I are both lightweights so we don't need to be cranking 200's to move along. If I have to continue doing long rides solo, I think I'd be more focused and happier doing them safe in my living room watching videos rather than out in the traffic flirting with heat exhaustion. There's always the industrial park if I need to get back "road feel" before a race.

I love that someone else feels the bike is their nemesis!

I found out that the IM starts 20mins after the HIM on Sunday - there is a very distinct possibility of getting swim over by Macca - and if I do I shall grab his a** on the way through!  hehe!  My friend said last year he passed her on the run like a rocket - so he started twenty minutes after her in the swim and finished his marathon run 20mins before her.....she did the half!  The man is a machine.  My favourite parts of racing anythng - watching the elites and thinking how the hell do they move that fast for so long, and watching the back of the race, the older/bigger less fit people giving it their best shot (me included)

Bring on next week - oh let's get rid of this chesty cough before then.  Off to thedoc tomrrow.


2012-05-26 11:13 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Ooooh boy--give those hard buns a pinch on my behalf, too! And take time off--you do NOT want to be racing with a chest cold. Been there, done that. Well, once again learned the lesson--do not pray for what you want, or you might get it!  Bargaining with God yesterday for just one cool day, seeing one other human being on my at 4:30 AM, out on the road at 5:15 into light drizzle, three double crossings of the big suspension bridge as the sun comes up. Kind of cool as I could see a huge line of retreating storms from overnight all the way across the dawn sky, into the delta, and almost out to sea from the top. Almost enough to keep pain and vertigo at bay. Then on the second crossing back a stiff headwind kicked in, which slowed me down from 15 kph to 12. Then on the last crossing the rain picked up. It was almost COLD! About 1:15 of biking in the rain in the industrial park. Finally it cleared; 40 km to go, and I run of the few local (expat) women who bikes. She is one of the top female cyclists in the region and could kick Chrissie's butt on the bike. Thank goodness she was trashed from hard intervals yesterday and just doing an "easy" ride, which meant that I then had company for the remainder of the ride, provided I upped the pace to about 29 kph. Oh, ouch!

Brick run that followed felt a bit less energetic than usual, but actually no slower. I was SO glad to get off the bike! By the time I finished the run, it was finally getting hot. Now I just want to lie by a beach, get a Thai massage and have someone as sexy as Macca or Andreas Raelert (my pinup guy) spoon iced coconut drinks into me. May have to content myself with brunch, cat, and couch. Just another day in Saigon!

One more long brick here. I am saving the last Cliff Turbo Chocolate Cherry (I can't buy them here so I ration them) to celebrate.

Edited by Hot Runner 2012-05-26 11:18 PM

2012-05-27 3:58 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Attempting to insert pictures of the infamous bridge. Local cyclists call over and back crossings "laps", or "Phu My's". The woman I finished up with today told me her typical ride involves six "laps" plus about ten million loops of the industrial park. Arrrrrgh! The elevated approach ramp in the picture is new highway and probably the coolest ride in town, but as soon as you descend the other side it is a semi-paved rural road--only about 150m for the first U-turn and then back up. Pics are not mine but pretty close to my early AM views from the bike.



Edited by Hot Runner 2012-05-27 4:04 AM

(Phu My Bridge 2.jpg)

(Phu My Bridge1.jpg)

Phu My Bridge 2.jpg (34KB - 16 downloads)
Phu My Bridge1.jpg (9KB - 16 downloads)
2012-05-27 6:48 PM
in reply to: #4230940

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Hot Runner - 2012-05-27 3:58 AM

Attempting to insert pictures of the infamous bridge. Local cyclists call over and back crossings "laps", or "Phu My's". The woman I finished up with today told me her typical ride involves six "laps" plus about ten million loops of the industrial park. Arrrrrgh! The elevated approach ramp in the picture is new highway and probably the coolest ride in town, but as soon as you descend the other side it is a semi-paved rural road--only about 150m for the first U-turn and then back up. Pics are not mine but pretty close to my early AM views from the bike.



OMG that's a climb and a half but a great descent the other side to make up for it!  I would love to do laps of that!

Cough is slowly getting better, I had a big enforced taper at the weekend - just 45mins on the trainer friday and that was it.  The air is cold at the moment and I think running or riding out in that would not help me any.

so enforced taper = emotional meltdown, lots of tears yesterday but came good after lunch with a good friend and then home for some Indian take away and a beer.  This morning I feel heaps better and i've got the day off sick (my daughter has the day off school teacher trainng day so we are hanging out!)

I once did a half marathon with a chest infection, very ugly indeed.  My friend did the same race with whooping cough, we were a mess!

Anyway - I am even going to give swim squad a miss tonight (IKNOW!!!) but I think it's too much of a risk getting wet then driving home in the cold air.  Nope give it one night off.  I may do an hour on the trainer though coz I'm getting edgy!

Rest of the week, run and ride a bit, but nothing over about 45mins.  I will hit swim squad Wednesday if fully recovered.  We fly up to Cairns on Saturday morning 6am so when we get there we'll have a ride before booking in the bikes then we'll have a swim in the warm ocean.  All systems go on Sunday.

Today I get to write my list of everything I need then I shall run through the race in my mind.  I'm even going to jump in the shower in my wettie and have a mini transition to bike - hehe.  A little of my OCD coming out!

Oh - pin up, besides Macca for me is Terenzo Bozzone.  Phew!

2012-05-27 7:06 PM
in reply to: #4231396

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

OMG that's a climb and a half but a great descent the other side to make up for it!  I would love to do laps of that!

Cough is slowly getting better, I had a big enforced taper at the weekend - just 45mins on the trainer friday and that was it.  The air is cold at the moment and I think running or riding out in that would not help me any.

so enforced taper = emotional meltdown, lots of tears yesterday but came good after lunch with a good friend and then home for some Indian take away and a beer.  This morning I feel heaps better and i've got the day off sick (my daughter has the day off school teacher trainng day so we are hanging out!)

I once did a half marathon with a chest infection, very ugly indeed.  My friend did the same race with whooping cough, we were a mess!

Anyway - I am even going to give swim squad a miss tonight (IKNOW!!!) but I think it's too much of a risk getting wet then driving home in the cold air.  Nope give it one night off.  I may do an hour on the trainer though coz I'm getting edgy!

Rest of the week, run and ride a bit, but nothing over about 45mins.  I will hit swim squad Wednesday if fully recovered.  We fly up to Cairns on Saturday morning 6am so when we get there we'll have a ride before booking in the bikes then we'll have a swim in the warm ocean.  All systems go on Sunday.

Today I get to write my list of everything I need then I shall run through the race in my mind.  I'm even going to jump in the shower in my wettie and have a mini transition to bike - hehe.  A little of my OCD coming out!

Oh - pin up, besides Macca for me is Terenzo Bozzone.  Phew!

Jo, I am so excited for you!  You are going to take all that emotion and energy and kick Cairns a$$!  I think you are making a good call on your training.  Just do enough to keep yourself sane at this point; give your body the chance to heal and go in healthy!  Can't wait to watch it all happen next weekend!

2012-05-27 7:10 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Got my longest continuous training ride in today, and my most distance in a day too.  I biked 55km this AM, watched my niece and nephews play ball hockey, then biked part way home.  Total for the day 72km.  That feels pretty good Laughing
2012-05-27 11:33 PM
in reply to: #4231420

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

PR'd my half-Mary today.  Not such a huge deal since it's only my second, but finished in 1:50:18 and beat my previous by 3 minutes. 

Nineteen dang seconds kept me from claiming sub-1:50.  Would love to get anywhere near that after a 56-mile bike ride!

2012-05-28 7:24 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Congrats on the PR!  Believe me, I know what it's like to miss out by a few seconds--managed to run seven seconds slower last year than the year before at my favorite HM. It would have been my "over 40" (actually, probably over 25) PR. It just wasn't a good race--much cooler conditions than the year before but I'd been feeling lousy much of the week and started very sluggishly, felt better after 10 km. The finish pictures are hysterical....sprinting, sprinting (looks like it's the finish of the 1500m, not the HM) and then this look of total disgust when I realize I'm not going to make the PR. My students claim you can actually tell I'm saying, "Oh s.....!" which, in fact, I was!  Hoping I can get one in this summer sometime.

Edited by Hot Runner 2012-05-28 7:30 AM
2012-05-28 11:13 AM
in reply to: #4231602

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
PrivateIdaho - 2012-05-27 9:33 PM

PR'd my half-Mary today.  Not such a huge deal since it's only my second, but finished in 1:50:18 and beat my previous by 3 minutes. 

Nineteen dang seconds kept me from claiming sub-1:50.  Would love to get anywhere near that after a 56-mile bike ride!

Congrats on the HM.  1:50 is a great time.  A run like that will come in handy at your HIM.

2012-05-28 1:33 PM
in reply to: #4231602

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
PrivateIdaho - Um, 1.) I think it is a Wicked Big Deal  2.) Congratulations!!!!!
2012-05-28 1:43 PM
in reply to: #4231420

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

bcraht - 2012-05-27 7:10 PM Got my longest continuous training ride in today, and my most distance in a day too.  I biked 55km this AM, watched my niece and nephews play ball hockey, then biked part way home.  Total for the day 72km.  That feels pretty good Laughing

Doesn't it feel good? I just came off a camping weekend with the fam. where there was no opportunity for anything for two days...and on Friday I only rode horses. Ugh. Today I'm chomping at the bit (ha!) to run and bike. My confidence is down though b/c of the time off...but Thursday was tough and I overdid a bit on purpose knowing this 'break' was coming up. Here's to getting back on the saddle with only 4 weeks left to race day!

Question: How important is it to fit in 12 miles this week (of running)...would it help or hinder?

2012-05-28 4:11 PM
in reply to: #4231602

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
PrivateIdaho - 2012-05-28 9:33 AM

PR'd my half-Mary today.  Not such a huge deal since it's only my second, but finished in 1:50:18 and beat my previous by 3 minutes. 

Nineteen dang seconds kept me from claiming sub-1:50.  Would love to get anywhere near that after a 56-mile bike ride!

Congratulations on the PR.  Next one you'll be sub 1:50.  That's fast!  Way 2 go.

2012-05-28 8:08 PM
in reply to: #3052895


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hey All,

I'm a beginner, only have done one tri (the 2011 Beach 2 Battleship 1/2) and soon to register for 2012 B2B.  I'm looking at programs to use this year.  Last year I did the trinewbies program located here:  TriNewbies but now I'm looking at the Beginner Tri 1/2 Program here can anybody explain the pros/cons of each?  I enjoyed the tri newbies program but thought I might change it up to try something different.  From what I can see beginner tri is more focused on swimming and has shorter bike workouts but that is to the untrained eye.  I'm sure you guys favor the beginner tri program but would be curious as to why.  Thanks for any help you provide.  


PS - to give a little more context, I'm a runner converting to triathlete.  I enjoy swimming and would consider myself weakest on the bike.  

2012-05-29 1:07 AM
in reply to: #4232416

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
biglazybum - 2012-05-28 8:08 PM

Hey All,

I'm a beginner, only have done one tri (the 2011 Beach 2 Battleship 1/2) and soon to register for 2012 B2B.  I'm looking at programs to use this year.  Last year I did the trinewbies program located here:  TriNewbies but now I'm looking at the Beginner Tri 1/2 Program here can anybody explain the pros/cons of each?  I enjoyed the tri newbies program but thought I might change it up to try something different.  From what I can see beginner tri is more focused on swimming and has shorter bike workouts but that is to the untrained eye.  I'm sure you guys favor the beginner tri program but would be curious as to why.  Thanks for any help you provide.  


PS - to give a little more context, I'm a runner converting to triathlete.  I enjoy swimming and would consider myself weakest on the bike.  

Welcome!  I've got my first HIM in 5 more sleeps!  I've stuck to the Beginner program (ah I've missed a few but mainly....) so I can't say how effective it is until after Sunday.  As a training program I found it quite manageable, i work full time an hour each way commute, I'm married with a 7 year old daughter so my time is pretty tight.  BUT i managed to fit most of it in.

My fitness has improved dramatically!  the only thing i probably don't like personally is the sessions are done in hours.  so for a long bike it might say 3 hours but for me that could be 75km where I would prefer to get in a 90km to cover the race distance.  I kind of did a bit of both.  Same for running, if it said 2 hours I'm pretty slow so would make sure i covered 20km on those days.

Swimming I go to a swim squad so just did whatever the coach threw at me.  I did two of the 1000m time trials but not so bothered by the time just want to get through the race!

Anyway - I found the plan to be good and easy to use.  I'll let you know after Sunday!

2012-05-29 6:21 AM
in reply to: #4232661


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Yeah I was also curious about that.  The bike time says 3 hours but I'm slow on the bike so should I ride longer?  
2012-05-29 8:45 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I have also been following the plan with some modifications. I have a lot of experience as an athlete, and some coaching background, with swimming and running; pretty newbie biker, so take it with a grain of salt (or electrolyte)!

1. The bike volume seems kind of light, esp. if you aren't that fast. The longest ride is 3 hours; that won't get you through HIM distance unless you are averaging 30 kph (almost 19 mph). I'm slower (closer to 26-27 kph or 16-17 mph for HIM distance). So I've gradually built my long rides to 90-100 km (56-62 miles). Time ranges from 3:15-3:50ish, depending on distance, terrain, and speed. I also did one 85 mile (5 hour) ride, probably not necessary for a HIM (keeping a friend company who was training for a century ride). For me, though, it was a huge confidence builder, as before January I'd never ridden over two hours in training. Also, the bike is kind of light on  speed/power stuff. A lot of what I feel is kind of aimless 30-60 minute rides. Boring--I do intervals for the short stuff. Intensity depends on how I feel.

2. It is heavy on swimming. I don't mind this as I love swimming! I probably even do more than the plan says. It's the one sport that isn't horrifically hot here, it helps me recover from running and biking, and there's a pool in my workplace. You probably don't need so many long, continuous swims if you are already confident swimming 2000m. Some people substitute master's workouts for some/all of the swims, I use the ntcmasters website for some workouts; do other workouts as per the plan. I like a greater variety of workouts--swimming all four strokes, different distance sets, etc.

3. The running is a little bit.....weird. I don't know how else to put it. The amount varies quite a bit from week to week. The long run length increases quite suddenly (i.e. from 1:30 to 2 hours), as does the tempo run length. There is quite low run volume at the start. I'm a very experienced runner, so I did some of my own thing, esp. at first. I tried to build the long run gradually (no more than 10 minutes every 2 weeks) and get in some faster running, or at least some strides, each week. I would be careful about building up to the long and tempo runs if you don't have a strong run background or are injury prone.

I do like the race-specific workouts in the program, and I think the overall volume and intensity is appropriate. There are also recovery weeks built in. My race isn't for 3 1/2 weeks, then I too can let you know how it went.

Sorry I can't compare with the other program--for some reason I can't access that site from here. Thus I have been "stuck" with BT. But I've been happy to be stuck here so far!

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