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2012-08-02 9:24 AM
in reply to: #4342450


Subject: Large Bike Shoe Sizes

I wear a 15 and found that online was my only option for bike shoes.  This site is a guy who had our problem and updates it to let you know where online has large sizes in stock.  Lots of brand names and respected manufacturers.


Hope this helps if you choose to go to clips.

Edited by wdhowell00 2012-08-02 9:25 AM

2012-08-02 9:28 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

One thing to keep in mind also when it comes to back shoes when you get into running your might get bigger due to muscle and what not.  I am so happy I got a 52 bike shoe over the 50 bike shoe because how that I had to through out my 15 shoes and go 16 I can still wear the shoes.  It might not happen for you but it happened for me. 

2012-08-02 10:29 AM
in reply to: #4342268

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Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

blueautumn17 - 2012-08-01 6:20 PM This thread is very very full. Hi everyone, today was my official first work out day and I walked for thirty minutes. I am 300lbs and have a long way to go before I can really do much of anything but this is my start and I enjoy reading everyone's successes. Hopefully I can feed off the motivation here and make it to next week.


Hey there Bleautumn17..  Keep at it, I started at 325 and I'll be competing in my third sprint of the year in a couple of weeks.  It's fun, It's awesome..  I used to get winded tying my shoes or walking up the stairs, and now I look forward to my workout mornings..

2012-08-02 10:41 AM
in reply to: #4343263


Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Thank you very much! Yeah basically stairs are currently the bane of my existence, if I can get up a few flights next month without feeling like im dying ill be thrilled. =) I walked yesterday and I am sore all over today.
2012-08-02 12:39 PM
in reply to: #4306637

Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Leather, do you have bike shorts? I know when I first started riding my bike, I had the same problem, so I bought a pair of cheap bike shorts. They helped with that. My advice though, don't buy the cheapest ones you can find. I bought the canari brand shorts, and the seam in the center of the pad chafes so bad that I haven't worn them in a couple years. It takes a while, but your butt eventually gets broken in and those skinny little saddles aren't so painful.

I have found too, that the gel pads are even worse than the cheap bike shorts. I think its all that bulky material makes sitting on the saddle (more) awkward. That's just been my experience though. Good luck! You'll be cruising up those hills in no time.
2012-08-02 1:41 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Welcome, blueautumn17, I really like your username.  Patience and perseverence  will serve you well.  Know that change doesn't happen quickly, but know that your efforts to move more will be beneficial to you.  Soreness will eventually fade as you get used to extra activity.  Your 30 minute walk is a great start!

Leatherneckpa - bike shorts will help, but also getting your butt 'broken in' and used to riding is part of it, too.  It takes time for rumps to get used to bike seats, and while painful at first, it will be fine after a few weeks.

I am frustrated because I am seeing some gains with my training but no losses on the scale.  I suppose I need to really hone in on my daily food intake.

2012-08-02 2:53 PM
in reply to: #4306637

Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
I am right there with you melbo. I have been busting my butt and the scale doesn't reflect that. I have noticed though, a couple of shirts that used to be a little tight in the beer belly region, are not as tight anymore. And today my belt felt a little loose and it was on the same notch I always wear it at, so I had to tighten it.

I have begun tracking all of my calories (although I don't plan to permenently) but I have also started measuring my waist, chest, etc. Just started this week, so I don't have anything to compare yet, but will soon, and hopefully it will show more than the scale does.

Good luck, and keep at it. That scale is bound to drop soon!
2012-08-02 3:23 PM
in reply to: #4343861

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
melbo55 - 2012-08-02 2:41 PM

I am frustrated because I am seeing some gains with my training but no losses on the scale.  I suppose I need to really hone in on my daily food intake.

add me to that list... swim, bike and run fitness improving, weight remaining the same...

2012-08-02 4:21 PM
in reply to: #4344085

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Oceanside, California
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
kent2233 - 2012-08-02 1:23 PM
melbo55 - 2012-08-02 2:41 PM

I am frustrated because I am seeing some gains with my training but no losses on the scale.  I suppose I need to really hone in on my daily food intake.

add me to that list... swim, bike and run fitness improving, weight remaining the same...


I make my interim goals performance related, you will always see more incremental improvements in that range.

Also consider taking weekly measurements and using the navy bodyfat calculator.

I dropped my bodyfat percentage from 28% to about 24% percent before I had any overall weight loss.

If I focused only the scale, I would have missed that I took an inch off of my waist.


At my size, I see a +/- of 3-4 lbs just on time of day or hydration.


I just started hiding the scale.

I started rubbing off on the kids in a bad way, my kids were weighing themselves 3-4 times/day.

Nothing like seeing your kids taking on your habits.

2012-08-02 5:37 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Hi, all -

Back from my business trip (bad but not awful eating w/ minimal exercise) and now I'm hung up a bit with an injury...I'm able to bike and run if I feel like it (which I don't right now) but no swimming.

I'm a little stressed because 1) my tri is on August 19, swimming is my weakness, and I need to be in the pool (although it is a pool-swim tri so I could walk it if I have to)...and 2) because I finally felt like I was getting in the groove. I don't want to fall out of that groove!

2012-08-02 8:18 PM
in reply to: #4343861


Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

I found the same issues over the last few weeks as I have begun my training program.  I spoke with several friends in the medical and nutrition fields.  They gave me a glimmer of hope.

After beginning my training I realized I ate at every meal, because my body was so unaccustomed to the caloric load I needed to train.  Therefore my body "said" it needed the extra calories, but it was not ready to actually utilize everything it was telling me it needed.  The brain's version of eyes bigger than stomache. 

Secondly as someone else may have mentioned, initially there are a large number of transformations occuring that are not directly seen on a scale.  You are converting fat mass into muscle mass which is denser and therefore heavier than fat, but eventually this will level off.  I liked someone's recommendation that focus on the body proportions rather than weight at first. 

Biggest thing is not to get discouraged and stick with it. 

2012-08-02 8:32 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

I'll have to go online for the shorts.  NONE of the LBS carry my size.  In the meantime, I'll just have to suck it up, Marine Corps style.  Will shoot for 9 miles again on Saturday.

As disappointing as my ride was, my swim today was just as  ,,,,,  encouraging?  invigorating?  pleasurable?  I jumped up 200 yards instead of only 100.

  • 4-50's rest 30s
  • 2-100's rest 55s
  • 2-200's rest 45s
  • 2-100's rest 50s
  • 4-50's rest 30s
So I am now capable of swimming the distance, it's just time to squeeze those rest periods out and get it all into one chunk.  I'm hitting my 100 yard pace at about 1:04m.  I see the times on Blueman results are 19:07 for the best swim, and 25:07 for the leader in my age group.  So if I can keep my time under 2:00 per 100 yds I should be in pretty good shape for the swim leg at least.
2012-08-03 8:58 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Walk - 2.77 miles - 47:47 - 17m 8s per mile - 3.50 mph - Pretty decent workout.  Pulled my old knee braces out of the bottom drawer of the dresser.  They are ALL worthless.  Have to order new ones.  The R knee is hurting.  But then, I knew that was going to happen sooner or later.  Had to wear a brace on it even when I was on the riot team.
2012-08-04 2:12 PM
in reply to: #4345084

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
got a nice run in last night ~5k, very slow, but good to get a nice run in. Hoping to go for another run tonight and get in a swim this weekend. SO much work to do but plugging away, done a pretty good job of staying out of the junk food lately.
2012-08-04 7:07 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Holey cow - spent the whole day at Busch Garden yesterday...that was a WORKOUT! I can still feel it in my quads - we had a great time and I did pretty well keeping my eating under control. (My employer gives us tickets and throw a picnic, so the dinner was a little limited but I did the best I could.)

Got a small trainer ride tonight watching the Olympics and have a 5 mile run on tap for tomorrow - it'll have to be on the tready because I won't be able to get out before it gets too warm.

Hope everyone else is having a good weekend!
2012-08-04 9:59 PM
in reply to: #4347248

New user
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Bush Gardens, I haven't been there in a long time, glad to hear you had a good time!

Was going to go for a run but it was pretty rainy and gross out so I logged an hour and a half on our old beat up stationary bike. Hopefully I can get out for a run tomorrow, pretty happy with eating today as well, hopefully I'm getting on track fully!


enders_shadow - 2012-08-04 8:07 PM Holey cow - spent the whole day at Busch Garden yesterday...that was a WORKOUT! I can still feel it in my quads - we had a great time and I did pretty well keeping my eating under control. (My employer gives us tickets and throw a picnic, so the dinner was a little limited but I did the best I could.) Got a small trainer ride tonight watching the Olympics and have a 5 mile run on tap for tomorrow - it'll have to be on the tready because I won't be able to get out before it gets too warm. Hope everyone else is having a good weekend!

2012-08-05 7:34 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Grrrrr!! Yell This new bike has me feeling like I am starting all over again!

Friday I went to a different bike shop and was actually able to get one pair of Pearl Izumi bike shorts that fit.  The "kid" who was helping me turns out to be the same "pro" who does the fittings.  After talking to him for a while I regret not speaking to him in person before I bought the Bianchi.  I made an appointment for Thursday and he's going to fit the bike to me.  The shop that I bought it at was going to do what I call the "by guess and by golly" method.   Tweak this, ride it, tweak that, ride it, and hopefully get it right someday.  That "kid" said the positions he set it at last time were good for 99% of average riders.  Well, I learned long ago there is nothing average about me.  So anyway, Thursday I'll spend three hours or so with Kenny and should have the bike maximized for me when I leave the shop.  Should have spent the money for this right up front.

Kenny also talked me into a cushier seat (temporarily, he says).  That was the problem with the ride this morning.  I installed it level, the way he said (I actually put a torpedo level on the seat.)  The nose was riding too high and so the pressure was on a point just behind the boys, rather uncomfortable.  I adjusted it downward a little bit when I got home.

Two things to note about today.  That 24m time is not actual pedaling time.  I lost a good bit of time having to go back, gather the pieces of my cell phone, put it back together, and then saddle back up.  (I was actually able to get into the cages rolling!  Woo-hooo!)  I need to put a rubber band around that cell phone carrier.  Second, not only did the Motorola Droid 3 still work, the mapmyride app never lost time or position, even when the phone lost it's back and battery.  How is that possible?  (Oooooh, raining like crazy out right now.  I was considering going back out for another loop on the adjusted saddle.  Not now!  Glad I got my ride in already!)

2012-08-05 1:48 PM
in reply to: #4306637

New York
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Woot I earned two Demerit Badges today.

Jogged in Rain and Walked in Rain.


Went for an hour and did 3.6 miles.

Edited by UpstateNYYeti 2012-08-05 1:49 PM
2012-08-05 6:34 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Tough weekend here.  I was in Albany at a wedding all weekend.  Snuck out for a run around University at Albany only to find the NY Giants have their pre-season training there and tons of media, fans, etc.  Still kind of fun to to run through, especially as a NE Patriots fan, although I'll be the first to admit they've got the best of us lately.  Since I was already about 2.5 miles into the run while I went by the drove of fans I decided against yelling anything that would have got me chased.

Leather, sounds like a live and learn with the bike fitting.  I know everyone says "fit fit fit" but I guess from now on you know?  I know I haven't been properly fit for mine, just a quick look on the trainer to adjust the stem and seat, but I also don't have any pain or discomfort so I was kidding assuming it was ok.  Maybe that's not the case.  Let us know how it turns out with the "real" fitting.

2012-08-05 7:38 PM
in reply to: #4306637

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Albury, Australia
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Hi all,


Been a tough week or so for me, I have had a sick wife and child, followed by me catching it, so coughing, snoting and finally a sinus infection certainly slowed me down a lot more than i wanted to be. At least a few walks got in, but as I recover i will have more to report i am sure.

2012-08-05 9:07 PM
in reply to: #4347785

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
UpstateNYYeti - 2012-08-05 1:48 PM

Woot I earned two Demerit Badges today.

Jogged in Rain and Walked in Rain.


Went for an hour and did 3.6 miles.

Um, I am pretty sure those are two MERIT badges   NIce!

2012-08-05 9:11 PM
in reply to: #4348148

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

Hey kids.  It was a big week for me, training wise. I am gearing up for Ragnar and thus cannot skimp on my runs.  Fortunately the weather is being cooperative so I managed all but one mile (ok a tiny skimp) of my weekly mileage goal.  Saturday started with a 43 mile bike and ended with a wedding, then Sunday morning another bike, and my "long run" of the weekend.  I didn't bail on anything, which was really tempting.  I finished the day totally satisfied and feeling accomplished, which was worth the effort.

Here's to a good start to the new week!

2012-08-05 10:12 PM
in reply to: #4306637

Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
Had an okay week. Got most of my workouts in. Had to take two days off, one for a sick kid, the other for a sick me. Added in some weights this week, and a little bit of running. Did another long bike today, added a mile to the loop to avoid the back-jarring trail. New loop included a monster hill that kicked my butt. I had to drop down to my granny gear, but I got to the top. The downhill made it all worth it though. Definately will be doing that again. Even with the hill and the extra mile, I made the loop in less time than last week.
2012-08-06 9:57 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group
I did this on Saturday, My fourth ever century ride !! Now to focus on running for my second to last Tri of the season which is in about two weeks.....
2012-08-06 10:02 AM
in reply to: #4306637

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Extreme Veteran
Nisbet, PA
Subject: RE: Athena/ Clydesdale Official Mentor Group

BikerGrrrl, nice dedication there.

Walk - 3.7 miles - 1h 3m 49s - 3.5 mph - Okay, Valley Rd out and back is my old 2 mile route, followed by the 1.7 mile Hillside Drive loop UP the hill.  That gives me 3.7 miles, up 1 mile from last week's workouts.  Best of all is that I maintained my 3.5 mph pace, even over the greater distance.  This was my first time with over 1 hour of effort and I have to say, it felt GREAT!

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