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2012-06-09 9:25 AM
in reply to: #4252815

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
PrivateIdaho - 2012-06-09 10:01 AM
Hot Runner - 2012-06-08 7:11 PM

Not much wisdom to contribute at the moment, except that, AFA, that seems like a lot of food! I wouldn't worry about protein--you're not going to get kwashiorkor in a 6-hour event. And go easy on the bacon. Sounds better for a post-race brunch. I don't think you'd want all that fat slowing down your gut.  But what do I know--you probably don't want to take advice from someone who, until last year, had never eaten anything during a race, including marathons and Olys. I still think there is a bigger danger in GI issues or dehydration from eating too much than "bonking" from eating too little, unless you are very prone to low blood sugar anyway.

Really just posting that I am headed HOME after six epic months of HIM training in Saigon. So no more wild training stories for a while. It looks like it's getting foggy......if I get stuck here, I'm going to do the much-debated long run (on another thread) here! Otherwise trying for the rainy roads of Oregon tomorrow or Monday.

Best wishes to all!

Welcome home!!!  With the crazy transition from SE Asia, I'm sure there will be some more wild training stories... embrace the cold and damp while you can!

Welcome back to the PNW!  It's been unseasonably cold, rainy, and wet this year.  Enjoy!

2012-06-09 9:33 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

s/b/r planned for tomorrow.  This will be my first OWS of any kind, and first time with new wetsuit on.  I plan on going out and back along the shoreline for a total of 1.2 miles, depends on how I adjust to the wetsuit, and how well I can judge the land marker that I picked on the google maps program from the water.

First practice at getting out of wetsuit, and hopping on bike for my first long ride on my bike since putting on the T1 aerobars.  I'm excited to see how they feel and effect my performance over a 35 miler.

Then it's a 4.5 mile run.  Here, I plan on practicing pacing off of the bike as this will be the longest bike to run distance for me and am curious as to how the legs feel.

Sending mad hope out to you Pops, and AF.  It's been great reading about your journeys to HIM'ing, and wish you the best of races.

2012-06-09 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Go get 'em Pops and AF! 

Kevin - just know that the first few minutes when you enter the water above your hips you will have a surprising gush of chilly water enter through your lower back area zipper! It always causes me to gasp a bit for a few minutes...that is quite a workout you have planned! Enjoy the floatyness of your new suit...and also the speed.  I'm doing one more OWS this Wednesday before my race on the 16th and I was told to take a few seconds to look ever six strokes - instead of just breathing on the sides - to sweep my head all the way and really scope. I can get off course in three strokes and am hoping this tip will help me as well.

2012-06-09 2:43 PM
in reply to: #4252996

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Anybody know Pop's bib number?  I'd like to check in on his progress.

First tri of the season tomorrow - a sprint.  I have kind of overlooked it with all the HIM training, but I just went and picked up my packet and the pre-race nerves and excitement is kicking in.  It's a small race, only about 200 - last year I got second in my age group - hope to do as well tomorrow.  Also hope the weather improves... today totally sucks, low 40's and rain.

2012-06-09 2:48 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Couple quick notes:


-  thanks ALL OF YOU for the education and support and encouragement.  this community has been a big help in my training for sure

-   Kevin:    The wetsuit will feel 'too tight' until it gets wet.   Also, don't be like me and pull the zipper off the track from trying to hard to zip yourself.  Either have someone zip you OR pull down (w other hand) to help 'straighten' the zipper as it zips up the track.    1.2 for a first OWS and in a new wetsuit... it's ambitious but I guess that's your style.  

-  POPS:   Good luck to you tomorrow !

TOmorrow is my big day.    I've settled in on a nutrition plan.  The car is packed.    Contrary to popular opinion, I"ve tried 4 different saddles this week and decided on one as of this AM and feel OK about my position on the bike.

Today in grand rapids, michigan it is 88 and windy.  Tomorrow is calling for 90 and windy--   this is hardly what was in the brochure when I signed up but-   we don't get to control that !  

It only means I get to enjoy MORE triathlon tomorrow than I originally paid for;  I'm pretty anxious to get after it.

Off to registration in 5 minutes, full race report to follow, tomorrow night !   As I've only done one (sprint) tri, and followed the plan almost to the letter, I should be a good 'sample data' for any of you going through the plan right now !


Again, thanks so much to all of you.  Even if I didn't finish it's been a win !

2012-06-09 3:10 PM
in reply to: #4253205

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
WOW!  Just heard they shortened the Boise bike ride to 12 miles!  Rumors are there was snow in the area... sounds like Pops will be getting that after-race beer a little sooner than planned.

2012-06-09 4:44 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Edited by Americanfatass 2012-06-09 4:45 PM
2012-06-09 5:29 PM
in reply to: #4253202

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
PrivateIdaho - 2012-06-09 2:43 PM

Anybody know Pop's bib number?  I'd like to check in on his progress.

First tri of the season tomorrow - a sprint.  I have kind of overlooked it with all the HIM training, but I just went and picked up my packet and the pre-race nerves and excitement is kicking in.  It's a small race, only about 200 - last year I got second in my age group - hope to do as well tomorrow.  Also hope the weather improves... today totally sucks, low 40's and rain.


2012-06-09 5:40 PM
in reply to: #4253223

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
PrivateIdaho - 2012-06-09 3:10 PMWOW!  Just heard they shortened the Boise bike ride to 12 miles!  Rumors are there was snow in the area... sounds like Pops will be getting that after-race beer a little sooner than planned.
To make us feel better about the 93 forecast for tomorrows Kansas HIM, the race director said it was sleeting in Boise and Matty Reed wore his wetsuit for the bike!! Yikes.
2012-06-09 5:40 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Just did a quick check:



Swim 41mins, Bike 43mins, Run 2.22

It would appear the bike was indeed cut to about 12miles - which for me would be perfect but when you've done the hard yards with all the training would also be very disappointing.

Well done PopsRacer on your finish!  Can't wait to read the report and hear all about it.

2012-06-09 6:37 PM
in reply to: #4253345

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Pops, anxious to hear your race report, must have been a brutal day!  I debated for weeks whether to sign up for Boise or Lake Stevens, feeling good about that decision right now.  There's still room at Lake Stevens... even though you're in my age group, meeting you would be worth finishing one spot lower.

Amercanfatass, Omahabritt- best of luck tomorrow!!!  It's hard to imagine what 90 degrees is like  here in Idaho today.   That will be a whole nother challenge, can't wait to hear how it went. When you start to feel overheated, just visualize Pops riding in sub-freezing wind chill.

2012-06-10 9:43 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Pops-sorry to hear that you weren't able to pursue your time goal due to the weather. Sounds like the other legs went well, though. HIM distance swim and run with a 20 km bike would probably be an ideal course for me; however, would feel quite cheated if something like that transpired after all that training! Do you have a backup race? Will try to read race reports tomorrow when I'm more awake. Managed to sleep 13 hours straight last night after 5 hours Friday night (had to get up at 2:XX to make a 5:30 flight out of Saigon as I don't live near the airport) and no sleep on the plane, did a six mile run (beautiful, cool but clear weather today) and easy bike today but too woozy for my long run; hoping I feel up to it tomorrow. Talk about woozy--my last post was from Hong Kong and didn't even say where "here" was--the fog cleared after a brief monsoon shower! Best of luck to all the other racers.
2012-06-11 12:18 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hi all.  Well that really sucked!!!!!!!

I have run hundreds of races over the last 35 years and Saturday was the the first time in my life I did not enjoy a race.  It was cursed from the beginning and just got worse.

At the pre-race meeting they talked about possibly canceling the swim because of high wind warning.  My heart dropped.  Got out to the swim start and it was 42 degrees, high winds, and sheets of driving rain.  Everyone was soaked, cold, and shivering.  30 minutes before the race they announced the bike would be cut to 15 miles (not the 12 that was on Ironman live).  It was the right decision because people were freezing and the high wind and rain would have made for a very unsafe event.

People got their wetsuits on early but it was still so cold.  With all the talk before the race of how cold the water was people were really freaking out but when you got in the water it actually was less unpleasant than the air temps.  Who would have thought 58 degree water would have brought some relief.

The water was pretty rough but I just hammered the first leg.  I figured the day was going to be about the swim and run so I was going to push harder in those.  I exerted as if I was doing sub 1;40 100's so I just could not figure how I was only 41 minutes.  I have been doing 36ish for weeks in the lake at home and figured in rough water I'd maybe do 38.  With about 500 yards to go one of my booties came loose and was half on my ankle like a little sea anchor.  I thought about kicking it off but didn't want to pollute the lake.  It messed up my kick and as I was exiting the water my calf cramped and I just had to sit there for a bit before I could hobble out of the water.

Took my time in T1 since overall time didn't really mean much.  It was still a struggle because everything was soaked and wetsuit had to go back into transition bag.  I got on my bike and my hip locked up.  I think it was a hip flexor cramp from the cold.  Just started pedaling while gritting my teeth and it quickly loosened up.  The first couple hundred yards are down an incline before crossing over a dam.  It is a very small two lane service road.  About halfway down a guy right in front of me veers off the road cartwheeling into a rocky ditch.  We were probably going about 20 mph and all I saw was rider, bike, rider, bike as he was still strapped in tumbling.  I think he may have been getting into his shoes and veered for a second.  I winced.  Someone else stopped and the guy motioned he was ok.

I actually cycled pretty well.  My bike computer had me over 20mph which included my chain falling off as I started a small climb.  When I bent over to put it back on both my calf and hip cramped again and my first attempt to get going again failed.  I had to stretch for a few seconds before going again.  Like before, the cramps eased quickly and I cycled well the rest of the way.  I have never cramped repeatedly before and was wondering what was going on.  I think I was so cold that my muscles were just super tight.

Took my time in T2 again and the run just never really got going for me.  It felt worse than the last 6 miles of a marathon.  I was running 2:06 halfs consistently in training and all I could muster was 2:22.  I dropped to a 4:1 run walk just to get through.  I wasn't tired at all but my legs just hurt.  It was miserable.  There was a freight train of runners passing me and there was nothing I could do.  It just killed me because every, every training run went better then my big race run.

First thing I told my wife after crossing the finish line was that next year we're doing Hawaii 70.3.  I never want to race in conditions like this again.  As someone mentioned, some of the pros cycled in their wetsuits.  This was not a race but some kind of freaky eco challenge.  Now its time to regroup as I'm doing the Vineman full distance at the end of July.  After that I have to find another half to do so I can finally reach my goal.  Good luck to you all. 

Edited by popsracer 2012-06-11 12:22 AM
2012-06-11 12:42 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I'm reading around about some of the horror stories of the day.  I was in one of the first waves so didn't realize things got so bad as the swim progressed as another athlete wrote:

"I was sitting in the medical tent, they were starting to bring in athletes.  It was flat out scary.  And they only had 4 heating beds and maybe 10 volunteers in there.  The medical people were PISSED that WTC didn't cancel the swim because they were not prepared.  In fact, they finally kicked me out of the tent (and the heat) because they needed the room."

2012-06-11 1:25 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Pops, so sorry it went down like that.  What a disappointment after all the hard work.  Glad you made it through ok health wise!
2012-06-11 1:31 AM
in reply to: #4254687

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
popsracer - 2012-06-11 12:18 AM

Hi all.  Well that really sucked!!!!!!!

I have run hundreds of races over the last 35 years and Saturday was the the first time in my life I did not enjoy a race.  It was cursed from the beginning and just got worse.

At the pre-race meeting they talked about possibly canceling the swim because of high wind warning.  My heart dropped.  Got out to the swim start and it was 42 degrees, high winds, and sheets of driving rain.  Everyone was soaked, cold, and shivering.  30 minutes before the race they announced the bike would be cut to 15 miles (not the 12 that was on Ironman live).  It was the right decision because people were freezing and the high wind and rain would have made for a very unsafe event.

People got their wetsuits on early but it was still so cold.  With all the talk before the race of how cold the water was people were really freaking out but when you got in the water it actually was less unpleasant than the air temps.  Who would have thought 58 degree water would have brought some relief.

The water was pretty rough but I just hammered the first leg.  I figured the day was going to be about the swim and run so I was going to push harder in those.  I exerted as if I was doing sub 1;40 100's so I just could not figure how I was only 41 minutes.  I have been doing 36ish for weeks in the lake at home and figured in rough water I'd maybe do 38.  With about 500 yards to go one of my booties came loose and was half on my ankle like a little sea anchor.  I thought about kicking it off but didn't want to pollute the lake.  It messed up my kick and as I was exiting the water my calf cramped and I just had to sit there for a bit before I could hobble out of the water.

Took my time in T1 since overall time didn't really mean much.  It was still a struggle because everything was soaked and wetsuit had to go back into transition bag.  I got on my bike and my hip locked up.  I think it was a hip flexor cramp from the cold.  Just started pedaling while gritting my teeth and it quickly loosened up.  The first couple hundred yards are down an incline before crossing over a dam.  It is a very small two lane service road.  About halfway down a guy right in front of me veers off the road cartwheeling into a rocky ditch.  We were probably going about 20 mph and all I saw was rider, bike, rider, bike as he was still strapped in tumbling.  I think he may have been getting into his shoes and veered for a second.  I winced.  Someone else stopped and the guy motioned he was ok.

I actually cycled pretty well.  My bike computer had me over 20mph which included my chain falling off as I started a small climb.  When I bent over to put it back on both my calf and hip cramped again and my first attempt to get going again failed.  I had to stretch for a few seconds before going again.  Like before, the cramps eased quickly and I cycled well the rest of the way.  I have never cramped repeatedly before and was wondering what was going on.  I think I was so cold that my muscles were just super tight.

Took my time in T2 again and the run just never really got going for me.  It felt worse than the last 6 miles of a marathon.  I was running 2:06 halfs consistently in training and all I could muster was 2:22.  I dropped to a 4:1 run walk just to get through.  I wasn't tired at all but my legs just hurt.  It was miserable.  There was a freight train of runners passing me and there was nothing I could do.  It just killed me because every, every training run went better then my big race run.

First thing I told my wife after crossing the finish line was that next year we're doing Hawaii 70.3.  I never want to race in conditions like this again.  As someone mentioned, some of the pros cycled in their wetsuits.  This was not a race but some kind of freaky eco challenge.  Now its time to regroup as I'm doing the Vineman full distance at the end of July.  After that I have to find another half to do so I can finally reach my goal.  Good luck to you all. 

I think I got away lightly with just a predatory croc to worry about!  Sounds like an horrendous day at the office there.

Codl water is so hard to swim in - cramp is inevitable - I always cramp in my calfs after any distance swimming in reasonable temperatures, in the cold I'd be a hobbling crippled mess.

The bike sounds dangerous - I think it's great that it was shortened, imagine doing the full 90km in those temperatures with cold wet skin.  Wouldve been heaps of cases of hypothermia I think.

And the run - well if you're cold the muscles just won't behave in the right manner at all.  i suspect you were all glad to see the end of that course.

Back to the training Popsracer ready for your big one in July.

Congratulations on finishing what most of us probably wouldn't have started.

2012-06-11 9:58 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

It worked.  The plan WORKED !!


Yesterday was the Grand Rapids Tri, which I began training for 4 months ago using the BT free 1/2 iron beginner plan.   I have zero swim / bike / run history until one year ago, but I followed it closely, with the exception of the swim drills which I totally ignored.   I did the time but not the drills.  I like simple.

Swim went off at 7:18 am, and the only challenge I had was a shoving match in the water with some dude who i couldn't get away from.  It ended with him booting me in the face hard enough to send my goggles sinking-- I grabbed them in time -- and was out of the water in 37 minutes.   It was a lovely morning for a bicycle ride and I was averaging well above my training pace for the first two hours, a click over 20mph, but ending up at avg. 19.4 mph by the finish.  I felt great !!


I decided to walk the first 1/4 mile to get some nutrition in, and get my head around the fact that I was about to run 13.1 mile in NINETY DEGREES OF HEAT.    It went fine but as things wore on, I found myself walking more and more.   By the finish, I'd averaged only 10:40 miles due to the walking but was not sore, nothing hurt, I felt fantastic-- just didn't have the gas to run hard in that heat.  Total time, 6:15 which put me in 26th place outta 34 dudes.


Just a great experience.   I believe my use of salt caps was a monumentally helpful thing on this day based on the temperature.   I rotated water / gatorade / water and ate a ton on the bike.    At times I felt nauseous on the run but I really blame the heat on this.


I'm gonna do another one.  Soon.    Again, thanks to many of you here for always being there to answer my novice questions.    What a kick-a** journey this has been.

2012-06-11 1:58 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I am currently using the 20 week beginner Ironman plan (HR) in BT.  I am currently in week 8 and things are going relatively well, but looking ahead week #17 really screams out to me as being a bit over the top.  On that Saturday, the plan has me doing the following workout.  It appears the run is a BRICK after the bike, but the swim is a separate workout.

Bike -  6.5 hours.
Swim – 95 minutes or 5025 yards.
Run – 1.5 hours.

I would like to hear what others think of this.  My biggest concern is that this seems like too much and specifically too much 3 weeks before my Ironman.  I have never heard of a beginner plan requiring someone almost do a full Ironman 3 weeks before the real Ironman.  Normally it seems like you might do one of the sports full distance, but then nothing more or just a little more (5-10 mile run, etc).

Anyone use this plan before and how did this week #17 work for you?

2012-06-11 2:01 PM
in reply to: #4255833

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Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
sbsmann - 2012-06-11 1:58 PM

I am currently using the 20 week beginner Ironman plan (HR) in BT.  I am currently in week 8 and things are going relatively well, but looking ahead week #17 really screams out to me as being a bit over the top.  On that Saturday, the plan has me doing the following workout.  It appears the run is a BRICK after the bike, but the swim is a separate workout.

Bike -  6.5 hours.
Swim – 95 minutes or 5025 yards.
Run – 1.5 hours.

I would like to hear what others think of this.  My biggest concern is that this seems like too much and specifically too much 3 weeks before my Ironman.  I have never heard of a beginner plan requiring someone almost do a full Ironman 3 weeks before the real Ironman.  Normally it seems like you might do one of the sports full distance, but then nothing more or just a little more (5-10 mile run, etc).

Anyone use this plan before and how did this week #17 work for you?


Sorry....wrong forum.  I re-posted this in the IM forum.

2012-06-11 2:38 PM
in reply to: #4255169

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Americanfatass - 2012-06-11 7:58 AM

It worked.  The plan WORKED !!


Yesterday was the Grand Rapids Tri, which I began training for 4 months ago using the BT free 1/2 iron beginner plan.   I have zero swim / bike / run history until one year ago, but I followed it closely, with the exception of the swim drills which I totally ignored.   I did the time but not the drills.  I like simple.

Swim went off at 7:18 am, and the only challenge I had was a shoving match in the water with some dude who i couldn't get away from.  It ended with him booting me in the face hard enough to send my goggles sinking-- I grabbed them in time -- and was out of the water in 37 minutes.   It was a lovely morning for a bicycle ride and I was averaging well above my training pace for the first two hours, a click over 20mph, but ending up at avg. 19.4 mph by the finish.  I felt great !!


I decided to walk the first 1/4 mile to get some nutrition in, and get my head around the fact that I was about to run 13.1 mile in NINETY DEGREES OF HEAT.    It went fine but as things wore on, I found myself walking more and more.   By the finish, I'd averaged only 10:40 miles due to the walking but was not sore, nothing hurt, I felt fantastic-- just didn't have the gas to run hard in that heat.  Total time, 6:15 which put me in 26th place outta 34 dudes.


Just a great experience.   I believe my use of salt caps was a monumentally helpful thing on this day based on the temperature.   I rotated water / gatorade / water and ate a ton on the bike.    At times I felt nauseous on the run but I really blame the heat on this.


I'm gonna do another one.  Soon.    Again, thanks to many of you here for always being there to answer my novice questions.    What a kick-a** journey this has been.

That is great.  Sounds like you executed your race well.  Congratulations AFA!!!

That is a great HIM overall time.  I couldn't be happier for you.  What's next?

2012-06-12 2:12 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Extreme Veteran
Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I am entering week two of my HIM training and boy am I tired.  I needed naps on Saturday and Sunday.  I was lucky not to fall asleep at my desk at work yesterday, and today I chose to sleep in rather than do my morning ride.  (I managed to fit in a shorter version at the gym at work.)  I have been getting at least 7 hours of sleep per night, but I guess that's not enough with all of the training.

Yesterday was my second swim lesson, and it didn't go as well as the first.  The first half of the lesson was fine, if exhausting.  Then the coach said something like "Why do you wear a nose clip?  That's just for girls who do synchronized swimming!"  He wasn't terribly happy when I told him I was going to wear it anyway because otherwise I would be sneezing all night and the next day as well.  Then he decided that I had learned enough freestyle technique and started teaching me breaststroke.  Man, the Chinese love their breaststroke!  I reasoned to myself that learning a better breaststroke was helping me get a feel for my catch, but in the end I don't think it is what will make me faster over 1.2 miles.  When he asked which day next week would work for my next lesson, I hemmed and hawed and told him I would get back to him later.

2012-06-12 8:33 AM
in reply to: #4256966

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in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
dossheepos - 2012-06-12 3:12 AM

I am entering week two of my HIM training and boy am I tired.  I needed naps on Saturday and Sunday.  I was lucky not to fall asleep at my desk at work yesterday, and today I chose to sleep in rather than do my morning ride.  (I managed to fit in a shorter version at the gym at work.)  I have been getting at least 7 hours of sleep per night, but I guess that's not enough with all of the training.

Yesterday was my second swim lesson, and it didn't go as well as the first.  The first half of the lesson was fine, if exhausting.  Then the coach said something like "Why do you wear a nose clip?  That's just for girls who do synchronized swimming!"  He wasn't terribly happy when I told him I was going to wear it anyway because otherwise I would be sneezing all night and the next day as well.  Then he decided that I had learned enough freestyle technique and started teaching me breaststroke.  Man, the Chinese love their breaststroke!  I reasoned to myself that learning a better breaststroke was helping me get a feel for my catch, but in the end I don't think it is what will make me faster over 1.2 miles.  When he asked which day next week would work for my next lesson, I hemmed and hawed and told him I would get back to him later.


This sounds so remarkably similar to my week #2 that its eery.   I remember it so well.   Early in the plan it seems the real challenge is just being able to hang on.  And hang on you will, as it will start getting easier.

You just gotta rest when you need to rest and dont crush yourself but do push as hard as reasonably can without making it miserable.


It will get better.  Soon.  Just keep going.  Seriously big adaptations you are asking of your body right now, and you will adapt just fine.   There is no way possible that anyone had less of a base than me when I started this plan 4 months ago and I survived it--  you will too !

2012-06-12 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

AFA - thanks for answering the important question: does this plan work? I think it does - haven't done my race yet but I am so proud of the training I have done (even with health obstacles!) and I'm not sick/injured. That says A LOT about this being a solid plan. FANASTIC HIM....I am hoping for much of the same this Saturday and trying not to get too nervous!

Pops - Your real race was the amazing amount of training you have done. You've been so consistent and supportive (not to mention informational!) that I think we all feel you deserved a better day. Eco challenge sounds about right. There is no doubt in my mind that you would have bettered your times. The fact of the matter is that you are a superstar regardless of the darn silly weather.

Newcomers - WELCOME! See AFA's  and Pops and all the other posts - this plan will get you in shape for a HIM. Just listen to your body and tweak as necessary. I did less swimming (I'm a swimmer), harder runs and biked as scheduled except when this was interfered with. I have heard that more is better with the bike but it was all I could do to keep up My HIM is this Saturday and I will post results ASAP. I can't afford a coach, etc., but I have the motivation and this board will answer most of your questions. I've found training partners and groups along the way and you will too. Enjoy and celebrate the journey and each incredible milestone.

2012-06-12 6:55 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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New York
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hello All,

Currently on week 5 of an HIM plan.  I'm doing OK with the volume of training but I have noticed that my running pace has slowed down about 30 seconds.  I'm sure the summer heat is part of the problem, and also the fact that I'm asking my body to train more than what it's used to.  Has anyone experienced this? 

Also, I'm doing more swimming than the plan asks for because I'm a weak swimmer.  Anyway, I did the full HIM swim today in a 25yd pool. I swam 2125 yards to get to 1930 meters. Anyway, did 85 lengths in 51:42.  My 1/4 splits were very consistent: 12:37, 25:36, 38:01, and 51:42.  I was glad it was over because I was bored (and the hot life guard was replaced by a female) but physically, I could have kept going.  I figured I lost about 3 seconds on each turn (6 minutes in total).  Never stopped to rest, but I had to adjust my swim cap 2 times (kept the timer running).  I have 14.5 weeks to go.  The race I'm doing has a swim cutoff of 1:10:00.  Very comfortable in the open water and with a wetsuit, but the local lake is closed because of nesting turtles so I have to swim in a pool for a bit.  Should I continue with this plan, even though my swim time is horrible (though within the cutoff time by 15-20 minutes) and my running has slowed from 9:15 to 9:45.  I'm still pacing at 9:00 for 10K, but slow down drastically at 7+ miles to about 10-10:15min/mile.  Or should I throw in the HIM towel and train for an OLY?

No soreness or problem with the volume.  And I'm doing my biking on a MB, averaging 16mph (UGH!!).  New bike this week. 

Thanks in advance to tips and/or reassurances!

2012-06-12 8:37 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
DeltaFly chick, you are in a great spot do not hit the Oly button. Please scroll up and read my post from Monday, the plan works and I'm a total newbie.16mph on a MTB is smokin fast and your run pace is already acceptable. TT bike will speed you up a bunch as it did me. I bet you get a 3mph bump straight away.Also my swim race pace increased dramatically as did my bike, on race dayNo shame in an Oly other than doing it for the wrong reason --- you're there, just do it !
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