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2012-06-12 8:48 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Additional note here fr flyChick, you're only 5 weeks in and not struggling with the volume, right ?You're considerably faster than I was at that point in the plan. In all 3 events. And I did my HIM Sunday in 6:15 in 90 degree heat. Less temperature would shaved a bunch off my run, so comparatively you'd be waaay ahead of this by then!

2012-06-12 10:45 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Good grief - I just checked my racing calendar and was horrified to learn that my next HIM is only 22 weeks away - shall I just jump back on this plan or shall I upgrade or shall I use a coach....or a combo of all three?!

My full IM is 18 weeks after the HIM has to form part of the training for the full....I suppose!

First port of call is the coach - let's see what he has to say.  Terrified all over again. 

Checked out the HIM course today and it's flat.

2012-06-12 11:59 PM
in reply to: #4258863

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
jobaxas - 2012-06-13 8:45 AM

Good grief - I just checked my racing calendar and was horrified to learn that my next HIM is only 22 weeks away - shall I just jump back on this plan or shall I upgrade or shall I use a coach....or a combo of all three?!

My full IM is 18 weeks after the HIM has to form part of the training for the full....I suppose!

First port of call is the coach - let's see what he has to say.  Terrified all over again. 

Checked out the HIM course today and it's flat.

I know very little on the subject, but I'm reading Fink's be Iron fit, and his plans for full IM 30 week plans, all incorporate HIM's in them.  If the timing is right, it may be an option for you and a viable plan that many have had success with in training for IM.

2012-06-13 12:10 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

AF, Congratulations, Your a finisher!  That is an awesome time.  I'm hoping to go in 6:00-6:15 at this point, and temperature will also be a huge factor in that for me as well.  I love how you threw it all together at the end there and came up with a final plan and went with it.  What's up next?

Pops, Sorry about the poor timing of race and mother nature.  I was hoping to target Boise as my second HIM next year, as I'm doing Troika this August, and it can usually get pretty nasty hot around here in August.  I am seriously reconsidering Boise after this year.  I still haven't had a succuessful OWS yet, and wonder how you all did that swim in that water.  brrrr.  I wouldn't have made it.  You'll bounce back from this and your next HIM will be your best.

Coller, are you up next?  Go after it.  You've put the time in.  Now is your time. 

HR, are you racing this weekend or next?

I got my aero bars on the bike, and they're working great.  I've mapped out a bunch of 45-60 mile rides, and after reading all the feed back on the plan, I plan on going longer than plan calls for on all of my remaining rides for the last 9 weeks of my journey.  I get the bike in the shop next week to make some improvements on the gearset, shifters, and clip on pedals.  Pretty excited.

2012-06-13 12:18 AM
in reply to: #4258888

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kevinbe - 2012-06-12 11:59 PM
jobaxas - 2012-06-13 8:45 AM

Good grief - I just checked my racing calendar and was horrified to learn that my next HIM is only 22 weeks away - shall I just jump back on this plan or shall I upgrade or shall I use a coach....or a combo of all three?!

My full IM is 18 weeks after the HIM has to form part of the training for the full....I suppose!

First port of call is the coach - let's see what he has to say.  Terrified all over again. 

Checked out the HIM course today and it's flat.

I know very little on the subject, but I'm reading Fink's be Iron fit, and his plans for full IM 30 week plans, all incorporate HIM's in them.  If the timing is right, it may be an option for you and a viable plan that many have had success with in training for IM.

I have that book on my shelf to read!  Just read the Swim Speed Secrets book which was enlightening can't wait to get in the pool and try some of that stuff out.

I will have a go at pulling together the 30wk plan for the Full IM with the HIM as a training race. 

I've emailed the coach at the tri club with my race dates, my goals (to finish!) and my time availability etc.  See if he can come up with a plan too and then I'll cobble together, his, Finks and BT!

Looking forward to getting back into it though winter sucks.

2012-06-13 9:56 AM
in reply to: #4258893

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in a van, down by the river
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kevinbe - 2012-06-13 1:10 AM

AF, Congratulations, Your a finisher!   What's up next?


Thanks Kevin !


Not sure what's up next.  3 days of zero exercise, I feel about ready to get back after it here.   There is a local IM 70.3 around here called Steelhead coming up in AUgust, I'll probly hit that.  I want to try out the WTC glitz / glamor format and get a t-shirt with a IM 70.3 l ogo on it so i can talk some smack and show off a bit.   Maybe another half-iron late fall, somplace warm, good excuse to travel !


Also I am thinking about a marathon.  I am not a good runner but can (usually) do 13 miles no problem and pain free.   I had zero pain Sunday as well-- count myself lucky !


How does one find a coach ?    I'd like an advanced 1 on 1 experience I think.  Happy to pay for it, just would like the increased accountability and performance and knowledge that would come from that.

Anyone know how to go about this ?


2012-06-13 10:06 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

AFA Congrats!  RE coaches, if you want someone to work with you face-to-face, a local tri club would be a good place to start. I know the couple who run our tri club here (Multisport Advantage) do private coaching. There are also plenty of opportunities for online coaching, including thru this site. I just feel like the price is too high given my income, and my training situation in Saigon is too weird to explain to someone who hasn't lived there. I really like to train and, when I have a goal, I'm pretty disciplined and don't really need to feel accountable to a coach (I use BT for that!). I'd find it too much like a job to feel like I "had" to do a particular workout on a certain day, or explain why I didn't, because I was paying for it!

My race is next Saturday (June 23). Not up to much now, just logistics and trying to stay healthy. I have a tendency to catch colds after long flights so probably taking taper a bit more seriously than necessary. Picked up the bike I'm borrowing for the race yesterday and, thank goodness, it seems to be a good fit. I put on my own seat and pedals. Hoping to take it out today on the hills (no shortage of them here; I live halfway up a ginormous one!) to work on shifting if weather cooperates (drizzling now but supposed to stop this PM). It's a Trek 1.5, and--very cool-- bright red!

Did do my long run on Monday--very nice as we had sunny weather for a change. Trying to psyche myself up for the pool later this AM--there is both and indoor and outdoor pool where I usually swim, but the former is often taken up with elderly and aquajoggers, and the "hard core" are usually banished outside, even in mid-winter!  Both are usually well-heated, but the outdoor one is tough to get in and out of in (currently) 52 degree weather.  Picked up my wetsuit on Monday and will try to get in a tri club OWS practice on Friday. Just keeping my fingers crossed at this point that I can stay healthy and get better weather than the folks at Boise had.

Edited by Hot Runner 2012-06-13 10:24 AM
2012-06-13 10:48 AM
in reply to: #4259384

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Extreme Veteran
Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
It sounds like everything is coming together well for you, Karen. Stay healthy, and let's hope that weather warms up soon!
2012-06-13 12:25 PM
in reply to: #3052895


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Doing my first HIM September 2 in Lake George, NY.  Training in Princeton, NJ. Excited and nervous so trying to follow the plan as closely as possible.  Off to do a long swim!  ;-)
2012-06-13 1:34 PM
in reply to: #4258578

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I agree with AFA that you're doing just fine.  I'm guessing that the large volume without all that much rest could make you a bit slower at first since your body is often already fatigued at the start of any workout.  The first 7 weeks are all 7+ hours/week volume, and then week 8 is the first recovery week with only 5 hours, so you're probably just tired.  If you really feel like your runs are suffering, you could also add a day off at some point so you're off 2 days straight and see if the extra rest helps you get your speed back up.  I kinda think week 4 should be an optional recovery week so people have some rest before they start increasing the hours.

Enjoy the new bike!  Road or tri?  Regardless, you're going to feel like you're flying compared to athe mountain bike.

2012-06-13 1:48 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
As far as my training goes, I hurt my back again.  This is getting really annoying.  I hadn't lifted since I hurt my back in week 5 (I think), so after a swim Monday morning (I'm on week 9 -swim focus week), I decided to do a couple sets of pullups and pushups so I can eventually ease back into lifting a bit here and there.  And of course on the second set of pullups I strained the same muscle I've had problems with.  This time I decided to just keep to the training schedule and hope it doesn't slow down the healing too much.  Yesterday I swam and ran 7 miles.  This morning amazingly I got up early and did a 30 minute swim AND a 20 mile ride.  Back hasn't bothered me too much.  It didn't bother me at all running, very little on the bike, though swimming I can't turn to the right to breath unless I'm very careful about it.  Since I'm doing the TI swimming and I'm supposed to turn my whole body to breath and not just my head, it actually makes it possible to breath with the injury.  The next time I feel my back is ok to start lifting, I'm going to limit myself to the machines at the gym, figuring that with a fixed range of motion it should prevent me from straining things.  Also only lat pulldowns with less than body weight would probably be smart.  I'd just skip lifting completely, but I don't really want all my muscle to start wasting away.

2012-06-13 3:12 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Got back in the pool last night for swim squad did 2.7km and used what i'd read in the Swim Speed Secrets book and my God it worked!  I felt like I was propelling myself forwards so much more efficiently.

Emailed the coach at my tri club with my race plan, my weaknesses and strengths, my goals (to finish) and how much time I have at my disposal...see if he can't come up with a structured schedule for me.

In the meantime todays reading material on the train is Be Iron Fit!  I'm also thinking of upgrading my BT membership ...see how I feel!

2012-06-13 6:34 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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New York
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hi There,

So after a pep talk, I've decided to stick with the HIM plan.  Today I did some brick work: 25 miles on the bike in 1:37, followed directly by 5 miles of running in 45:51.  Ate a string cheese before the bike, and 1/2 banana before the run.  Basically did just shy of a OLY today without the swim and felt wonderful.  Today is day 17 of the plan, 100 more days to go (Sept 23). 

Paced well with the run, and hydrated at every mile or so with water.  Dad was nice enough to meet me at 4 or 5 prearranged spots so I didn't have to carry my bottle.  It was nice to walk for 10 seconds too; kept the heartrate at aerobic levels.  Flew up a hill 40ft climb over .1 miles at mile 4.  Didn't phase me!  I can't believe what a difference I'm feeling since my last tri on May 27th.  Tomorrow is back to the gym for some swimming.  I enjoy swimming days- I like flirting with the General Manager.   

Hope everyone had a wonderful day. 

2012-06-13 8:17 PM
in reply to: #4260550

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
HerDeltaFlyness - 2012-06-13 6:34 PM

Hi There,

So after a pep talk, I've decided to stick with the HIM plan.  Today I did some brick work: 25 miles on the bike in 1:37, followed directly by 5 miles of running in 45:51.  Ate a string cheese before the bike, and 1/2 banana before the run.  Basically did just shy of a OLY today without the swim and felt wonderful.  Today is day 17 of the plan, 100 more days to go (Sept 23). 

Paced well with the run, and hydrated at every mile or so with water.  Dad was nice enough to meet me at 4 or 5 prearranged spots so I didn't have to carry my bottle.  It was nice to walk for 10 seconds too; kept the heartrate at aerobic levels.  Flew up a hill 40ft climb over .1 miles at mile 4.  Didn't phase me!  I can't believe what a difference I'm feeling since my last tri on May 27th.  Tomorrow is back to the gym for some swimming.  I enjoy swimming days- I like flirting with the General Manager.   

Hope everyone had a wonderful day. 

Love it - I flirt outrageously with the coach - but he's easy on the eye and without the eye candy no way I'd swim so well/far/often!  Whatever works!

2012-06-14 7:39 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Just signed up for Troika triathlon on August 5th.  It's official. 


2012-06-14 12:24 PM
in reply to: #4261099

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kevinbe - 2012-06-14 7:39 AM

Just signed up for Troika triathlon on August 5th.  It's official. 



Oh, gosh golly gee HIM is in two days! I am a nervous Nelly and trying to calm my digestive system the heck down. The prob. is that I have to plan for Father's Day, pack my whole family for a week long stay at the beach (including food,etc. on a tight budget!) immediately following my race (not coming back home until the 22nd!!)...race report may com a bit late...AND packing for my very first HIM. Encouragement and suggestions very welcome

I need to remember that I'm a tough New Englander who is used to killing hills and this race is a flat race (woo hoo!). Also, I got a free visor today that is hilariously ugly and I am looking forward to wearing it on the run. Finally, I have a bento box. These things should make me feel very prepared LOL...I have to switch my axle to my race axle (from my trainer axle) and all will be well.

I'm reading Iron War, which is inspiring but of course I'm on the exciting 'morning of' and 'week before' chapters which are getting me way super amped. I feel like a caged animal. RAWR!

2012-06-14 12:26 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Oh, it should also be mentioned that I cashed in my Mother's Day mani/pedi to get all painted up to match my bike. My competition will be shakin' in their boots!
2012-06-14 12:33 PM
in reply to: #4261729

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

gcoller - 2012-06-14 10:26 AM Oh, it should also be mentioned that I cashed in my Mother's Day mani/pedi to get all painted up to match my bike. My competition will be shakin' in their boots!

Good luck Grace.  I'll be rooting for you.

2012-06-14 12:35 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
So exciting, good luck Grace!!  I use the race checklist here on BT when packing.  I find it is pretty thorough.  Can't offer any help on the race itself as my race isn't til later this summer--but have a blast!!
2012-06-14 3:15 PM
in reply to: #4261743

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Don't forget your credit card for expo so you can buy anything you forgot or realise you need - I bought a new tri suit and a watch!

Good luck - I was soooo jittery a few days out.  Once I arrived at the destination I was fine, nerves calmed when I saw the course and the other athletes.  Hopefully you will be the same.  Eat plain food just keep grazing!

2012-06-14 3:52 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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New user

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Well my first post here. just to say hi and that i just started the 20 weeks half training plan for HIM last monday which fits ironman 70.3 miami... I'm registered already and I'm so exited about it....I'm been trying to quit smoking for so many years and find out that triathlon is the only thing that i need to leave that addition...been free for more than 7 months and ironman 70.3 miami will be my year celebration yay....wish me luck!!!!

2012-06-14 6:18 PM
in reply to: #4262197

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

gpilot - 2012-06-14 3:52 PM Well my first post here. just to say hi and that i just started the 20 weeks half training plan for HIM last monday which fits ironman 70.3 miami... I'm registered already and I'm so exited about it....I'm been trying to quit smoking for so many years and find out that triathlon is the only thing that i need to leave that addition...been free for more than 7 months and ironman 70.3 miami will be my year celebration yay....wish me luck!!!!

Welcome - I followed this plan and did my first HIM two weeks ago in Cairns, Queensland Australia.  I felt more than prepared following this plan (except I personally need more time in the saddle).  Yes it was daunting, yes it was challenging, yes I was terrified BUT I finished it and I had an absolute blast doing it.

Good luck - keep us updated!

2012-06-14 6:39 PM
in reply to: #4261099

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kevinbe - 2012-06-14 5:39 AM

Just signed up for Troika triathlon on August 5th.  It's official. 


Good for you Kevin.  I see you are getting some good bike miles in.  Keep it up with the cycling. 

2012-06-14 7:39 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Go for it, Grace! I'll be in your shaking shoes a week from today. Have the wetsuit, have the bike. Now just in a panic over cold water and hills. I'm taking the suit for a tri club swim tomorrow in a local reservoir; the race swim promises to be colder, though, as it's at a bit higher altitude. Yikes! Keep telling myself it shouldn't be possible to get hopelessly hypothermic in a wetsuit HIM swim if one's a good swimmer and works the swim, but I don't know!  I took the borrowed bike on one of the biggest hills around Eugene yesterday (Spencer Butte, if anyone knows the place) and it was a real struggle. Felt like the gears on the 1.5 weren't as good as mine on the 1.2, but maybe it's just that the hills are bigger. I did make it up without stopping though for the first time since age 20, when I did it with two XC teammates on a MTB.  Just hoping there's nothing that steep for much longer on the course, or I might be pushing it up the hill. Seriously wondering if I should just bike in running shoes if it's going to come to that!
2012-06-14 7:57 PM
in reply to: #4262493

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

"Git 'er done", Grace! Best of luck... all that preparation will pay off.

Kevin, nothing like actually registering to provide that extra little bit of motivation - though, I don't think you are lacking in that department.

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