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2012-06-14 11:05 PM
in reply to: #4262493

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hot Runner - 2012-06-14 7:39 PM Go for it, Grace! I'll be in your shaking shoes a week from today. Have the wetsuit, have the bike. Now just in a panic over cold water and hills. I'm taking the suit for a tri club swim tomorrow in a local reservoir; the race swim promises to be colder, though, as it's at a bit higher altitude. Yikes! Keep telling myself it shouldn't be possible to get hopelessly hypothermic in a wetsuit HIM swim if one's a good swimmer and works the swim, but I don't know!  I took the borrowed bike on one of the biggest hills around Eugene yesterday (Spencer Butte, if anyone knows the place) and it was a real struggle. Felt like the gears on the 1.5 weren't as good as mine on the 1.2, but maybe it's just that the hills are bigger. I did make it up without stopping though for the first time since age 20, when I did it with two XC teammates on a MTB.  Just hoping there's nothing that steep for much longer on the course, or I might be pushing it up the hill. Seriously wondering if I should just bike in running shoes if it's going to come to that!

You will do just marvellously - maybe take some time in T1 to make sure you are warm enough - some arm warmers etc.  I think the swim will be fine though!

If I could cycle up those hills in Cairns past other people walking pushing their bikes then you certainly can - all those laps of the bridge will surely pay off.

You are going to have the best time!

2012-06-14 11:27 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Yep, I do have the arm warmers ready. Mom mistakenly got them for me for Christmas when I asked for arm coolers, but they will come in handy--have already worn them for three rides since coming home! If it's really cold I might wear a merino wool thermal top or even get a merino jersey--wore the top for a chilly sprint practice tri here last year--it isn't too hot if the day (or me) warms up, and is warm even when wet.

Just feel like the bridge stuff was too little, too late--should have been doing it since January but my biking partner had knee issues and I was focused on building endurance/speed with her. 3000 feet of elevation gain in 11 miles--yikes. And the climb is from 27-38 miles on the course. The ride I did yesterday had a 2200 foot climb in 3 miles--I made it without walking, but barely.  Slowest speed barely 5 mph, thought I would puke. Just hope there aren't more than short sections that are that steep in the race. Still wondering about the gears--maybe I should take the bike in to make sure they are working correctly. As it's not my bike, I can't switch out the gearing for the race. Almost wondering if my hybrid would be a better choice--it's great for climbing, okay on the flats, but a disaster for downhill and not that comfortable as it's too big for me.

The final climb to the pass is notorious due to altitude (tops out at 6500 feet). Will try to keep a steady pace, but not too slow, on the flatter parts. The bike I'm borrowing seems faster on the flats than mine--I was doing 19-20 mph into a stiff headwind today, which I can't do on my 1.2. Then just survive the climb, whatever it takes. If that means pushing the bike up the final stretch, so be it--need to replace my cleats and pedals soon anyway as they are rusted.

2012-06-15 8:43 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Hello all! I'm back from my 1st HIM in Kansas last Sunday! The weather (record high of 94, sunny, 15-30mph winds w/36mph gusts) made it a tough day, but I finished happy, running and wanting to do it again! I've heard there were 400+ DNF/DNF, so many were not so lucky. The swim was great! It was wetsuit optional, w/wetsuits going off in the last wave, so I chose not to wear it. I guess it was tough with the swells, but other than having trouble sighting/swimming straight on the way back, I didn't know any different so it didn't bother me. The bike wasn't too bad, except for the wind. Cross winds while going downhill are scary! There was a section at about mile 30, where there were some really big/long hills going straight into the wind. I was going like 6-8mph at that point, so I know what you mean Hot Runner! By mile 40, I was ready to be off the bike! The run was SO HOT!! I've had some trouble running in the heat, so I knew I needed to take it easy. My plan was to do a run/walk (4min run-1min walk), after running the 1st 1/2 mile w/no shade, that plan was quickly abandoned! New "it's HTH plan", walk when you want, run when you want, count each mile a victory. There were aid stations every mile, so I drank Preform at the 1st 9 of them, as well as a little water. I'd dump ice in the front & back of my tri suit, on my head, & sometimes a little on my arms to keep cool. Couldn't eat anything but 1 pretzel & 2 orange quarters, because of the heat. I've never seen so many people walking! I finished with a smile on my face & feeling good! I went to bed that night at 8:30, but woke up Monday not sore at all! It was a tough, but great, great day!!
2012-06-15 11:16 AM
in reply to: #4263085

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Omahabritt - 2012-06-15 6:43 AM Hello all! I'm back from my 1st HIM in Kansas last Sunday! The weather (record high of 94, sunny, 15-30mph winds w/36mph gusts) made it a tough day, but I finished happy, running and wanting to do it again! I've heard there were 400+ DNF/DNF, so many were not so lucky. The swim was great! It was wetsuit optional, w/wetsuits going off in the last wave, so I chose not to wear it. I guess it was tough with the swells, but other than having trouble sighting/swimming straight on the way back, I didn't know any different so it didn't bother me. The bike wasn't too bad, except for the wind. Cross winds while going downhill are scary! There was a section at about mile 30, where there were some really big/long hills going straight into the wind. I was going like 6-8mph at that point, so I know what you mean Hot Runner! By mile 40, I was ready to be off the bike! The run was SO HOT!! I've had some trouble running in the heat, so I knew I needed to take it easy. My plan was to do a run/walk (4min run-1min walk), after running the 1st 1/2 mile w/no shade, that plan was quickly abandoned! New "it's HTH plan", walk when you want, run when you want, count each mile a victory. There were aid stations every mile, so I drank Preform at the 1st 9 of them, as well as a little water. I'd dump ice in the front & back of my tri suit, on my head, & sometimes a little on my arms to keep cool. Couldn't eat anything but 1 pretzel & 2 orange quarters, because of the heat. I've never seen so many people walking! I finished with a smile on my face & feeling good! I went to bed that night at 8:30, but woke up Monday not sore at all! It was a tough, but great, great day!!

Great job Ali!!  94 degrees is really tough and takes an already difficult challenge to a whole new level.  Way to tough it out.  Is HIM weather jinxed this year?  Ohh to do a race at 70 degrees and no wind.  The dream of such is what keeps me coming back for more. 

2012-06-15 5:56 PM
in reply to: #4263085

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Omahabritt - 2012-06-15 6:43 PM Hello all! I'm back from my 1st HIM in Kansas last Sunday! The weather (record high of 94, sunny, 15-30mph winds w/36mph gusts) made it a tough day, but I finished happy, running and wanting to do it again! I've heard there were 400+ DNF/DNF, so many were not so lucky. The swim was great! It was wetsuit optional, w/wetsuits going off in the last wave, so I chose not to wear it. I guess it was tough with the swells, but other than having trouble sighting/swimming straight on the way back, I didn't know any different so it didn't bother me. The bike wasn't too bad, except for the wind. Cross winds while going downhill are scary! There was a section at about mile 30, where there were some really big/long hills going straight into the wind. I was going like 6-8mph at that point, so I know what you mean Hot Runner! By mile 40, I was ready to be off the bike! The run was SO HOT!! I've had some trouble running in the heat, so I knew I needed to take it easy. My plan was to do a run/walk (4min run-1min walk), after running the 1st 1/2 mile w/no shade, that plan was quickly abandoned! New "it's HTH plan", walk when you want, run when you want, count each mile a victory. There were aid stations every mile, so I drank Preform at the 1st 9 of them, as well as a little water. I'd dump ice in the front & back of my tri suit, on my head, & sometimes a little on my arms to keep cool. Couldn't eat anything but 1 pretzel & 2 orange quarters, because of the heat. I've never seen so many people walking! I finished with a smile on my face & feeling good! I went to bed that night at 8:30, but woke up Monday not sore at all! It was a tough, but great, great day!!

This is it.  This is why we train.  way to go on the race.  How was the plan in preparing you to HIM? 

2012-06-15 6:46 PM
in reply to: #4263085

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Omahabritt - 2012-06-15 8:43 AM Hello all! I'm back from my 1st HIM in Kansas last Sunday! The weather (record high of 94, sunny, 15-30mph winds w/36mph gusts) made it a tough day, but I finished happy, running and wanting to do it again! I've heard there were 400+ DNF/DNF, so many were not so lucky. The swim was great! It was wetsuit optional, w/wetsuits going off in the last wave, so I chose not to wear it. I guess it was tough with the swells, but other than having trouble sighting/swimming straight on the way back, I didn't know any different so it didn't bother me. The bike wasn't too bad, except for the wind. Cross winds while going downhill are scary! There was a section at about mile 30, where there were some really big/long hills going straight into the wind. I was going like 6-8mph at that point, so I know what you mean Hot Runner! By mile 40, I was ready to be off the bike! The run was SO HOT!! I've had some trouble running in the heat, so I knew I needed to take it easy. My plan was to do a run/walk (4min run-1min walk), after running the 1st 1/2 mile w/no shade, that plan was quickly abandoned! New "it's HTH plan", walk when you want, run when you want, count each mile a victory. There were aid stations every mile, so I drank Preform at the 1st 9 of them, as well as a little water. I'd dump ice in the front & back of my tri suit, on my head, & sometimes a little on my arms to keep cool. Couldn't eat anything but 1 pretzel & 2 orange quarters, because of the heat. I've never seen so many people walking! I finished with a smile on my face & feeling good! I went to bed that night at 8:30, but woke up Monday not sore at all! It was a tough, but great, great day!!

Woohoo - way to smash it up!  Well done!

2012-06-15 9:48 PM
in reply to: #3052895

New user

Green Bay, WI
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Great job! I'm five weeks away from my first HIM and last year, the temp was over 100, so we'll see how this year goes.
2012-06-16 12:05 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Very cool day of training today. Did the last tempo run (in week 2--it didn't actually say what pace or how long to do tempo, I just ran 50 min. at what seemed like a brisk pace). Managed to run into the guy who coached me for Olympic marathon Trials years ago--very cool to catch up with him as our paths have not crossed for many years! He said I was looking fit--he of all people should know--so that was a big morale boost. Beautiful clear, cool day here, running my favorite wood chip trails. PM broke in my new wetsuit with a 2500m OWS in a local reservoir with the tri club. To my relief I didn't have any real difficulty other than a struggle to get my face in the water for 30 seconds or so, fine once I started swimming. Somehow ended up with the fast girls and we did the swim at a 1:42 pace. Ouch! Now upper and lower body are equally tired. Probably doing my last brick tomorrow (maybe 90-120 minutes bike and 20-30 minute run on my favorite trail) and then seriously down to baby workouts for taper.

Just trying to stay healthy--it is allergy central around here. US Olympic Track Trials are here next week, cottonwood fluff is flying like snow, grass pollen thru the roof, and I don't know how those elite athletes are going to cope. Had to use my inhaler for the first time in months after running.

Feeling better about the bike/hill thing--I asked about the gearing at LBS (one of the guys there has done the race) and he said the hills are just long, not nearly as steep as what I did, no need to change the gearing. He said nobody goes up the butte on that side anyway with road bikes because it's too steep (they go up the way I went down). Oh well, trial by fire!


Edited by Hot Runner 2012-06-16 12:08 AM
2012-06-16 10:34 AM
in reply to: #4264253

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kevinbe - 2012-06-15 5:56 PM

This is it.  This is why we train.  way to go on the race.  How was the plan in preparing you to HIM? 

Regarding this plan and how it prepared me...I had to put a lot of trust in this plan since it was so different than the way I normally train. I like to cover the distance & then some (for example, for a HM I'll do a couple 14-15 mile runs). I also like quite a bit of high intensity training. This plan didn't do either. Now I understand it's not realistic to do a HIM+ in training & this is the 'beginner' program. My goal was to complete my 1st half & it did its job. The longest tri I had done was a sprint (2 years ago), although I was active in other sports, & have a good running base. SWIM--I'm a slow swimmer, but really focused on being calm & comfortable in the water. Had 6 swimming lessons in addition to the plan (to make sure my stroke was right), & the plan did a great job in getting a non-swimmer through the non-wetsuit swim. (I also used silicone earplugs for the 1st time on race day, had no problems, would recommend!) BIKE--I love biking but only had a MB, did the first 2/3 of my training on it and spin bikes. Bought a road bike (Trek Madone) & put Profile T3 aerobars on it. Would highly recommend these to anyone looking for clip ons, they are really comfortable, & I feel like I still have a fair amount of control. I often added time to the plans longer rides (2hrs became 2 1/2, etc), & I made sure to get one ride of 56 miles in. I thought the plan lacked a little in time (especially if you are slower) & hills. There was a great hill repeat workout early in the plan that gave way to 'try to get in some hills'. I got in 'some hills', but wish I would have spent more time, especially on longer rides working in more good sized rolling hills. RUN--Coming from a running background, I hated all the RPE3 runs, & really wanted more variety/intensity but was afraid to deviate too far from the plan. My HIM was hot, & I know I needed to dial back, but felt like without any high intensity training, I didn't really have another gear to push it more on the run (my run was 20min slower than my slowest HM-which was during training & almost an hour slower than my fastest). OVERALL-I'd highly recommend this plan for anyone doing their 1st HIM, it WILL GET YOU THROUGH. Once I got in the water, I had no doubts I would finish the day, & had no troubles. The plan is simple & easy to follow (RPE easier than heart rate based), especially w/all the other decisions you need to make! Don't plan on any great PRs (thats for the next one )but I'll probably use this again for my next w/some modifications.
2012-06-16 11:30 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

That's great feedback, and very consistent and confirmiing to what others have said in relation to the plan being fairly light on the bike.

I have already upped the volume on the bike, but this is just to help me finish, as 56 miles is still farther than I've ever gone on a bike.  I do have a goal time, but temperature and conditions will dictate this as much as getting longer training in the next 4 weeks before tapering down. 

I too have a runners background, and just naturally have deviated the intensity's of the runs in the plan because I simply cannot run at an rpe 3 for 45 min.  In fact, I feel out of control on the ows and the bike a little less, but the run, regardless of temp and condition and nutrition is the one thing I can control.

Hope everyone's race goes well.  Coller is out there this weekend, HR your up next weekend, Who else is going.  PI, Lake Stevens is in July?  Are we missing anyone?  I'm about 8 weeks out, and it feels a lot like crunch time.  I'd be interested to hear from you who are in that 3-8 weeks out and how your training is adjusting and how your preparing for your last few weeks before the big day.

2012-06-16 12:48 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
I am going to start the Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan.  I am scared.  I posted about thinking of doing one because a sprint that I am going to sign up for is offering a 20% discount on a new 1/2 put on by the same group.  Many said "go for it."  I did my first half marathon in March, my first sprint (1/2 m. swim, 24 m. bike, 5k) in April.  The next sprint I want to do is in September and the HIM is in October.  It took me a long time to advance to doing a half marathon.  It took about 6 years of doing 5 & 10ks before I tried longer distances so I am having a little trouble with wrapping my head around a HIM.  My main problem is finding enough time to train.  I teach an early morning boot camp 2 days a week and 1 fitness class 4 days a week in addition to my part-time job (full days on T/Th, half day Wed, 3 hrs. on Sat) plus being a wife & mother.  I don't physically do boot camp, but I do my fitness classes which are pretty hard core (combination cardio kickbox/body pump).  I also fit in taekwondo at least 1-2 days a week for flexibility purposes (I've trained in this disipline for 8 years).  So, I am going to have to map out my training days carefully.   I love challenges, but am I biting off more than I should or is this doable for me?  Sealed 

2012-06-16 3:30 PM
in reply to: #4264808

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

kevinbe - 2012-06-16 9:30 AM  PI, Lake Stevens is in July?  Are we missing anyone?  I'm about 8 weeks out, and it feels a lot like crunch time.  I'd be interested to hear from you who are in that 3-8 weeks out and how your training is adjusting and how your preparing for your last few weeks before the big day.

Yup, Lake Stevens is July 15 - I've got two weeks of "Build" and two weeks of "Taper" left.  I've deviated from the plan a little the last two weeks - mainly due to work.  I've been getting in good quality workouts, but the volume is a little less than it should be because I cut out some of the shorter workouts and some swims. 

Did a sprint last Sunday and again today, kind of fun inserting some intensity into the plan.  I feel like I have a pretty good base... but, much like most here, I feel I'm lacking hours on the bike.  I've done some really tough hill workouts and some nasty trainer workouts with TrainerRoad, but really haven't put in many long rides greater than two hours.  The good news is that even with reduced time in the pool lately, my OWS in Sunday's sprint, and the pool swim in today's sprint were well below my typical swim times.

Gonna stick to the plan as close as possible the next four weeks and we'll see how she goes!

2012-06-16 4:20 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
This is my first week and i did 57 miles on the bike on 3 hours 23 min: i was testing my a flat tire on mile 7 but was able to change it on 6 mins.  is 3:23 good, what is the average for the bike section??
2012-06-16 5:34 PM
in reply to: #4265024

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

gpilot - 2012-06-16 4:20 PM This is my first week and i did 57 miles on the bike on 3 hours 23 min: i was testing my a flat tire on mile 7 but was able to change it on 6 mins.  is 3:23 good, what is the average for the bike section??

In my HIM it took me 3.55 due to very hot weather and hills and hairpin bends I hadn't discovered!  You did this in week one?  Well I reckon you could probably in the right conditions get down to 3 or 3.10.  Good job!

My aim is with no mechanical problems 3 hours.  My next HIM is November and it's flat so I'm going for it!  I may end up then blowing up on the run, but one discipline at a time!

2012-06-16 9:45 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I haven't been following the plan exactly owing to the logistical havoc and fatigue of relocating to North America during Week 3. So that week was very light as I didn't do the "big workouts" that I usually do on weekends. It was more like Week 2 in terms of volume. Did a bit more this past week as it included the last two-hour run and the tempo run, as well as three bike rides. Did my last brick today (2:30 ride at HIM race pace and 30-minute run) and then really going to ease off until the race. Probably won't do the exact workouts as I don't have a trainer at home or easy gym access and I have to ride for 20 minutes to get to a place where I can bike continuously at speed, so a 15 or 20 minute bike ride automatically becomes nearly 60. Mostly just some easy running and swimming, maybe one more 60 minute ride with a few accelerations thrown in. 

I figure at this point it either is in the bank, or it isn't. I know the hills on the bike and the altitude will be a struggle, but at this point all I can do is get rested, stay healthy, obsess over logistics Embarassedand pray for good weather.

I agree with others' opinions of the plan--run is weird with inconsistent build of volume and intensity, not enough bike volume. I have tinkered with it as I saw fit and not followed it really closely in many cases. But I honestly feel I have trained about as hard/much as I could given where I started from in January, my job and living situation, etc. Can only hope that was enough!

2012-06-16 10:04 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Finally a new bike....


(NEW BIKE.jpg)

NEW BIKE.jpg (38KB - 12 downloads)

2012-06-16 11:20 PM
in reply to: #4265312

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Fancy!  Nice ride.
2012-06-16 11:29 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Yes.  Very nice.  I thought about selling my tri bike and getting a road bike.  Trek Madone was at the top of the list.
2012-06-16 11:33 PM
in reply to: #4265024

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

gpilot - 2012-06-16 2:20 PM This is my first week and i did 57 miles on the bike on 3 hours 23 min: i was testing my a flat tire on mile 7 but was able to change it on 6 mins.  is 3:23 good, what is the average for the bike section??

Welcome to your first week.  What is average depends the course, elevation, wind, etc.  Look up the prior years results of the race you are doing and see what the times were like.  Most results will give splits for each of the legs.

2012-06-17 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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New user

Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Good Morning Guys!! a question from a rookie (me)....i just finished week 20 of the training plan and i'm doing my swim sections at the beach, but the jelly fish seems to love me and i got bites everywhere!!! every time that I enter to the water i got burns.... it's there's a way to avoid that?? i dont want to use the swimsuit as it will help me too much with the buoyancy factor.   do you know another trick to avoid these little guys??  Thanks you help will be appreciated  and HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!
2012-06-17 9:25 AM
in reply to: #4265347

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
popsracer - 2012-06-17 12:33 AM

gpilot - 2012-06-16 2:20 PM This is my first week and i did 57 miles on the bike on 3 hours 23 min: i was testing my a flat tire on mile 7 but was able to change it on 6 mins.  is 3:23 good, what is the average for the bike section??

Welcome to your first week.  What is average depends the course, elevation, wind, etc.  Look up the prior years results of the race you are doing and see what the times were like.  Most results will give splits for each of the legs.


Thanks i found the result for last year!! i should be ok...still have 19 week of training

2012-06-17 1:20 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Did it! Popsracer - you should come do the Patriot! Exactly 70 degrees and pretty darn flat! What a wonderful race. And yes, this plan did prepare me despite that fact that I missed some workouts due to various health issues I deal with. A glorious day:
2012-06-17 2:52 PM
in reply to: #4265345

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

popsracer - 2012-06-16 11:29 PM Yes.  Very nice.  I thought about selling my tri bike and getting a road bike.  Trek Madone was at the top of the list.

My LBS owner is such a huge fan of Treks but he was good and didn't convince me to buy a TT bike - quite honestly my bike skills aren't good enough I think.  This should do the job I hope.  Can't wait to go get my fit done and pick up the new bike!  First thing will be to change the tube as a practice see if it's the same deal as my current one!

Anyway the name Trek Madone - I have renamed Trek Mad One.

2012-06-17 2:59 PM
in reply to: #4265518

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

gpilot - 2012-06-17 9:15 AM Good Morning Guys!! a question from a rookie (me)....i just finished week 20 of the training plan and i'm doing my swim sections at the beach, but the jelly fish seems to love me and i got bites everywhere!!! every time that I enter to the water i got burns.... it's there's a way to avoid that?? i dont want to use the swimsuit as it will help me too much with the buoyancy factor.   do you know another trick to avoid these little guys??  Thanks you help will be appreciated  and HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!

Well apparently they won't go near non organic material which is why wetsuits are a bonus.  Here in Australia they rent out stinger suits which are like full body pantihose!  I googled Jelly Fish Repellent and a company called Safe Sea make a product - not sure how effective!

2012-06-17 8:25 PM
in reply to: #4265692

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
gcoller - 2012-06-17 11:20 AM

Did it! Popsracer - you should come do the Patriot! Exactly 70 degrees and pretty darn flat! What a wonderful race. And yes, this plan did prepare me despite that fact that I missed some workouts due to various health issues I deal with. A glorious day:

GREAT JOB GRACE!!!  Wow, garbage trucks, Dunkin Donuts (that made me LOL), training Asians and bees.  Sounds like you had some tough times in the race but you pushed through, be very proud!  I know what you mean about the fear of 'running out of steam'.  I just did my first oly yesterday and suspect I could've pushed harder, but didn't want to blow up anywhere.  Hard to know how hard you can push it on the first one.  Congratulations on your 70.3!

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