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2012-07-03 9:57 AM
in reply to: #4291793

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
bcraht - 2012-07-02 10:09 PM

Welcome Tracy and JaeGee.  Based on advice from others, I have upped the bike portion of my training in the past few weeks. 

I am now just under 4 weeks out from my HIM and I have a bike question.  My longest ride is 82km (just this past Sunday).  My HIM is point to point, so the bike leg is 94km, rather than 90 (59mi rather than 56).  I figure with tapering, I really only have 1.5, maybe 2 more weeks of 'training'.  So, do you think it will be better for me to get that last long ride in to get up to 94km, or would it be better for me to do several harder/hillier rides?  My race is relatively hilly and at a higher altitude than I have been training at.

I'd think with 4 weeks left, you have time to recover, so go for it.  Maybe do 60 miles and if you can add some hills towards the end, try that as well.  I figure it helps pyschologically to know that you have done the distance.  I'd say do the longer ride and then cut out a shorter one and try to do it so you get an extra day off.

2012-07-05 4:34 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Getting a little worried/scared. LOL! Started my 20 week HIM plan the first week of June. I'm in 5th week. I haven't been following the BT Plan to the letter (Really messed up last week due to body revolting and being overly tired...I really need to get my butt to the doc and get some bloodwork done), but I think I'm OKAY. I think I need some reassurance that I'm on the right track. 

My runs isn't where I would like it to be at the moment (in regards of volume), but I'm making unbelievable gains in speed.  Last year I was 12:00-13:00 pace. Now? Sub 10:00 pace. Longer runs is a little bit more than 10:00, but still pretty good in my book!

First HIM in October. I have a little time goal, but not having my heart set on it since I really don't know what to expect. I have done multiple 50+ mi bike rides (it's been a while since I was consistently doing 40-50+ mi rides, but that'll change for July). Have done two HM, so I'm kind of familiar with the distance (not so daunting to me, but still, I would like to have a great run).  Swimming - I'm not too fond of swimming, and not looking to gain speed (not much anyways), or smashing any records. Reducing the swims to 2x a week vs. the BT plan, and will always have the key workouts done. 

Am I on the right track?

BT Plan for first month (hrs): Swim - 6:40, Bike - 13:00, Run - 8:55

My June (hrs): Swim - 5:45, Bike - 15:13, Run - 7:25.  I put off two of my runs (one 40-45 min, and one 1 hr) due to feeling like crap and very tight calves (poor shoes!).

I'm very confident on the bike, I just need to get in the miles. August will be mainly bike heavy because I have a couple rides/bike trips, September will be run heavy because I'm getting married, and I will not transport my bike for two weeks.

Why am I concerned? Because many of the runs on the BT plan is 30 minutes, and it seems a little too short on the mileages for me because I am not a fast runner. There are workouts to be done, but should I add up to 15 minutes (not more, and maybe a little less) for the "easy" runs to make up for the mileage that a faster runner would do in 30 minutes? If that's the case, I may add another 10-15 minutes or so (~1 to 1.5 miles more) for the longer runs. Good idea?

Sorry for such a long post, but thought I could get some insight from some of you. :-)

2012-07-05 12:03 PM
in reply to: #4294866

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
CyborgQueen - 2012-07-05 4:34 AM

Getting a little worried/scared. LOL! Started my 20 week HIM plan the first week of June. I'm in 5th week. I haven't been following the BT Plan to the letter (Really messed up last week due to body revolting and being overly tired...I really need to get my butt to the doc and get some bloodwork done), but I think I'm OKAY. I think I need some reassurance that I'm on the right track. 

My runs isn't where I would like it to be at the moment (in regards of volume), but I'm making unbelievable gains in speed.  Last year I was 12:00-13:00 pace. Now? Sub 10:00 pace. Longer runs is a little bit more than 10:00, but still pretty good in my book!

First HIM in October. I have a little time goal, but not having my heart set on it since I really don't know what to expect. I have done multiple 50+ mi bike rides (it's been a while since I was consistently doing 40-50+ mi rides, but that'll change for July). Have done two HM, so I'm kind of familiar with the distance (not so daunting to me, but still, I would like to have a great run).  Swimming - I'm not too fond of swimming, and not looking to gain speed (not much anyways), or smashing any records. Reducing the swims to 2x a week vs. the BT plan, and will always have the key workouts done. 

Am I on the right track?

BT Plan for first month (hrs): Swim - 6:40, Bike - 13:00, Run - 8:55

My June (hrs): Swim - 5:45, Bike - 15:13, Run - 7:25.  I put off two of my runs (one 40-45 min, and one 1 hr) due to feeling like crap and very tight calves (poor shoes!).

I'm very confident on the bike, I just need to get in the miles. August will be mainly bike heavy because I have a couple rides/bike trips, September will be run heavy because I'm getting married, and I will not transport my bike for two weeks.

Why am I concerned? Because many of the runs on the BT plan is 30 minutes, and it seems a little too short on the mileages for me because I am not a fast runner. There are workouts to be done, but should I add up to 15 minutes (not more, and maybe a little less) for the "easy" runs to make up for the mileage that a faster runner would do in 30 minutes? If that's the case, I may add another 10-15 minutes or so (~1 to 1.5 miles more) for the longer runs. Good idea?

Sorry for such a long post, but thought I could get some insight from some of you. :-)

I'd say you're probably doing just fine.  Remember, the first 4 weeks are just supposed to be a "prep" period to build a base and get your body ready ready for what's coming.  Also, every other 4 week period ends with a recovery week, and I feel like this one should have as well, so you probably just made week 4 into a recovery week.  A lot of people on here think the plan is light on the bike, so it's probably fine that you're you're doing a bit extra there.  I would be a little concerned with the swim though.  You said that'd the one area you're not too fond of, so cutting back on swimming may not be a good idea.  If you only swim twice a week but go longer and make sure you can do the distance, then it's probably ok, though you probably won't necessarily get faster.  Since you don't like swimming that much, you might want to work on your technique and get more comfortable in the water, then maybe you'll like it more.  No real reason to get worried, you've got 16 weeks to go and you're just starting the real training.

2012-07-05 12:23 PM
in reply to: #4295533

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
mshawgo - 2012-07-05 10:03 AM
CyborgQueen - 2012-07-05 4:34 AM

blah blah blah! :-)

I'd say you're probably doing just fine.  Remember, the first 4 weeks are just supposed to be a "prep" period to build a base and get your body ready ready for what's coming.  Also, every other 4 week period ends with a recovery week, and I feel like this one should have as well, so you probably just made week 4 into a recovery week.  A lot of people on here think the plan is light on the bike, so it's probably fine that you're you're doing a bit extra there.  I would be a little concerned with the swim though.  You said that'd the one area you're not too fond of, so cutting back on swimming may not be a good idea.  If you only swim twice a week but go longer and make sure you can do the distance, then it's probably ok, though you probably won't necessarily get faster.  Since you don't like swimming that much, you might want to work on your technique and get more comfortable in the water, then maybe you'll like it more.  No real reason to get worried, you've got 16 weeks to go and you're just starting the real training.

Thanks! Just needed a little bit of reassurance! :-)    I agree that the plan is light on the bike IMO. I've been a cyclist for nearly three years, and I'm pretty comfortable at long distances, I just need to get them done and do more long distances without "stopping" as all my long distances in the past were group rides, so there's rest stops/regrouping points.  So that'll change, but it shouldn't affect me too much. I do need to work on my pacing though.  

Not only I will have just two swims a week, I will also add more OWS (Tri club OWS is every Wednesday, so I can do that a couple times a month). I'm comfortable doing the distance, just not fast, and I'm very comfortable doing OWS (no fears or panicking, or anything of the sort) - I enjoy doing OWS more than pool swims. I probably will do longer swims to "make up" for the third swim, and if there is a third swim, it would be an OWS.  I "like" swimming, but not as much as I like cycling and running.  I remember when I did swims 3x a week, I would dread going. For a month I've done 2x a week, and I look forward to it.

Thanks again...very helpful reducing my worries for a bit. ;-)

2012-07-06 9:29 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I've now decided to mix BT Beginner 1/2 IM with Fink Intermediate - see how I go.  Make sure I get plenty of bike in - swimming I do a squad roughly 4 hours a week so no drama.  I will keep you all posted.


2012-07-07 11:00 PM
in reply to: #4298520

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
jobaxas - 2012-07-07 7:29 AM

I've now decided to mix BT Beginner 1/2 IM with Fink Intermediate - see how I go.  Make sure I get plenty of bike in - swimming I do a squad roughly 4 hours a week so no drama.  I will keep you all posted.


Keep us posted Jo on how it goes.

I'm on week 16.  My HIM is August 5th.  This will be my first tri.  I feel as though the plan has gotten me from complete newbie, to newbie that will be ready to toe the line on race day.  I feel that for my next plan, I will add way more volume and some intensity to training to improve on whatever time I get this time.  I'm using this event as a baseline, and go from there for the future.  I have added a ton to the bike, and done more ows than pool swimming.  I do find value in the intense pool sessions to work on stamina and bursting to get hr up. 

Next plan will be an improvement plan that I'll let the sight dictate what I do based on current fitness and times of August 5th results. 

2012-07-08 12:56 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

I Just added an xtra bike week to the plan.  I rode 171 miles this week, capping it off w/ a 52 mile ride today at a 16mph pace.  I think I have the nutrition dialed in for the race.  I have 2 bottles filled with 3 gel packets.  I might make it 4 on race day.  I eat some smoked fish every 15 minutes for 1.5 hours, and I think I'm going to add 2 gels on the last half of the bike prior to taking one at T2.  It's HOT out there.  Everyone stay hydrated.

2012-07-08 1:06 PM
in reply to: #4299940

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
One week to go! Heading into final taper week. Brick workout later today, 20 min swim followed by 30 min bike and 30 min run. The temp is supposed to hit 96 today, hottest so far this year. Glad the workout is short because my schedule dictates I do it during the hottest part of the day.
2012-07-08 4:58 PM
in reply to: #4299946

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

PrivateIdaho - 2012-07-08 1:06 PM One week to go! Heading into final taper week. Brick workout later today, 20 min swim followed by 30 min bike and 30 min run. The temp is supposed to hit 96 today, hottest so far this year. Glad the workout is short because my schedule dictates I do it during the hottest part of the day.

Today the high temp here was only 87.  For the last 10 days we've had 7 days over 100 and the other 3 were in the high 90's. I'm glad this was a recovery week.  Now if it would just rain.

2012-07-08 10:41 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Have not been posting lately as I am on vacation--workouts are doing what I can, when I can, trying to take advantage of local situations (hills, altitude, nice trails) for training. My race is also two weeks from yesterday but after the last fiasco almost afraid to think about it. Thursday was an off day due to driving (Eugene to Boise); Friday AM had a great long run along the river trail in Boise and then literally ran by a lake for OWS only five minutes walk from our hotel--2.5 km swim. Yesterday enjoyed a beautiful 2 1/2 hr bike ride in the hills outside Boise with some amazingly steep hills--I had my hybrid with the granny gear so making it up was no problem but on one incline thought I would slide off the seat backwards! Today unfortunately no training as we did a long drive to the north rim of the Grand Canyon and Flagstaff--guess the altitude has a training effect, anyway. Hoping for a long bike ride and possibly some OWS tomorrow if Mom's patience holds out; maybe some more runs while here. Probably better this way--it will keep me from obsessing over getting sick or possible climatic disasters that could affect my race. I feel like I've been training for this turkey forever!

2012-07-09 9:44 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Alameda, CA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
got in a nice 2200m swim today. I think with pool swims it is more the perseverance of boredom rather than the endurance of the actual swim exhaustion. I gotta go do an open water this weekend or something

2012-07-09 10:18 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Yep, the difference between pool and OWS is like between treadmill and running outside. If you are swimming mostly in a pool you'd probably enjoy it more and get a better training effect doing mostly shorter repeats at a faster pace but aiming for a total of 2000+ yards. I do try to work in a continuous swim of 2000+ yards a few times a month, though, mostly to work on pacing and getting a feel for the distance--if I can't do it open water (usually not in Vietnam), then in the pool.

Excellent bike ride here in Flagstaff today--3:15 (don't know time or speed as no bike computer on the Blue Bomber) through stunning scenery. Mom gets tri training support award as the sag wagon driver!

2012-07-09 11:09 PM
in reply to: #4302748

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Hot Runner - 2012-07-09 8:18 PM

Yep, the difference between pool and OWS is like between treadmill and running outside. If you are swimming mostly in a pool you'd probably enjoy it more and get a better training effect doing mostly shorter repeats at a faster pace but aiming for a total of 2000+ yards. I do try to work in a continuous swim of 2000+ yards a few times a month, though, mostly to work on pacing and getting a feel for the distance--if I can't do it open water (usually not in Vietnam), then in the pool.

Excellent bike ride here in Flagstaff today--3:15 (don't know time or speed as no bike computer on the Blue Bomber) through stunning scenery. Mom gets tri training support award as the sag wagon driver!

Yaaaaaaay mom!  Nice that she is willing to help out.

I agree about pool vs OWS.  I feel as though it is tough to get even 800-1000 in the pool continuous, yet just swam 2.75km in OW.  It's the boredom, and the counting, and the wall.  Breaks up your rhythm. 

I'm 3 weeks out, starting to have a bit of the 'oh my gosh, have I done enough, will I be able to, what if's"  going on.  Just trying to stay calm, follow the plan, push a bit on the harder workouts.  And breathe

2012-07-10 12:07 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

4 weeks out here, I haven't got the jitters yet, but they must be holding off till next week!

I got my bike in the shop today for a pre race tune/lesson on how pathetically old and outdated it is.  I ride a pre 90's cannondale with a really bulky clunky alum. fram with steal forks up front.  I added T3 aero bars to it and a 10$computer, and I love this thing.  The mechanic said I needed a new rear hub, or new rear wheel, new chain and cassette, could update my cable housings to the derailers, adjust derailers so it shifts smoother, and both brakes need adjusting.  Still can't really do anything for overall speed there as it is a 12 speed, and the frame is too stiff to upgrade to a 18 or 20.Frown  I did make the shift to clip in shoes and pedals, and got rid of the cages.  It seems the general concensus has been this is the way to go.  I'm looking forward to my first ride tomorrow w/ clip in shoes.

I agree about the pool.  I like it for pacing alone, but it is monotonous.  OWS is so much more fluid and at least the scenery changes.  I think I will switch exclusively to ows untill next winter when I'll go back to doing sets in the pool.

PI, Hoping for a great race for you.  Hope the weather cools off a little.  Go after it!

2012-07-10 12:22 AM
in reply to: #3052895


Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Hey everybody!

I'm going to use this plan to complete my very first HIM in Oceanside on March 30, 2013.

I have a long way to go...I use to weigh 240 lbs. at 5'10 and I felt sluggish all the time so I finally 

decided that enough was enough and I just had to lose the weight. After some research I 

learned that my diet was to blame for the way that I was feeling. After some hesitation I decided 

to go all in and become a High-Carb Low-fat Vegan! And I feel wayyyyyy better! I have a lot more 

energy and mental clarity. I'm now down to 207 lbs. and come race day I plan to just crush it!

I'm super glad that I found this website/forum!

Good luck to everyone!

T. Regal


2012-07-10 4:23 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Welcome T.Regal!  Good luck.

I'm in week 13 and have an Olympic tri this Saturday, so I'm getting most of my workouts in early this week so I can take Wed and Fri off with an OWS on Thursday and be rested for the race.  I think I finally reached the point that my TI swimming training is producing results.  I've always swam at a 2:00/100 pace and never been able to get much faster.  Also, my breathing had been off because I think my head was sinking too far under the water, so last week I went back through the drills, then did an OWS Thursday.  First lap I focused on positioning and was passing quite a few people and the second lap I got into a groove and felt really fast in the water, though wasn't timing myself so I'm not sure how fast.  Tried timing myself in the pool Sunday, but the batteries in the lap counter died and I had to rely on the clock and my poor ability to keep track of laps.  I think I did the first 11 or 12 laps in 9 minutes before the counter died.  The next two 1000 yd sets took 8:50 & 9:00.  I then did six 100 yd sets starting at 1:35 and ending at 1:40.  This Thursday I'll try the Garmin in the swim cap trick and see if I can track my time correctly at OWS.  If I can get under 1:50/100 at Saturday's race I'd be very happy.

2012-07-10 5:10 PM
in reply to: #4299569

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Fallon, Nevada
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
kevinbe - 2012-07-07 11:00 PM
jobaxas - 2012-07-07 7:29 AM

I've now decided to mix BT Beginner 1/2 IM with Fink Intermediate - see how I go.  Make sure I get plenty of bike in - swimming I do a squad roughly 4 hours a week so no drama.  I will keep you all posted.


Keep us posted Jo on how it goes.

I'm on week 16.  My HIM is August 5th.  This will be my first tri.  I feel as though the plan has gotten me from complete newbie, to newbie that will be ready to toe the line on race day.  I feel that for my next plan, I will add way more volume and some intensity to training to improve on whatever time I get this time.  I'm using this event as a baseline, and go from there for the future.  I have added a ton to the bike, and done more ows than pool swimming.  I do find value in the intense pool sessions to work on stamina and bursting to get hr up. 

Next plan will be an improvement plan that I'll let the sight dictate what I do based on current fitness and times of August 5th results. 


You are nothing BUT intense...your intensity keeps me moving!

2012-07-10 10:49 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Alameda, CA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Thanks for the replies everyone. I have a beach nearby, one of the benefits to living in the bay area. So I think I'll head over there to do my workout in the morning. I used to swim at the SF aquatic park and had no problem doing long distances, but you are correct. It is a lot like treadmill vs outside running.

Had a nice brick today: 15mile bike followed by a 2mile run. Felt pretty good afterwards.

Looking to drop quite a bit of weight before my half on Sep 9th. Currently at about 235.

2012-07-11 1:35 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Extreme Veteran
Greenwood, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
First week of training with the Olympic - 1/2 IM plan.  I like the details in the training and focus on the different Zone levels.  I used to train full out except for a few recovery runs.  Training for my first HIM in August.
2012-07-12 8:49 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Maynard, MA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Did some interval training last night and it felt great.  It made me miss running fast in zone 4/5 rather then zone 2.   But once the HIM is over then I can get back into 5K and 10K fast internal training.  There is just something about getting you HR up near your max, and moving fast.

Also realized this week that I have 9 weeks to go in training meaning I only have 7 Weeks until my taper starts.  Time is really flying by now.  Just trying to remember to stick to the Plan and I will do fine.  


2012-07-12 4:58 PM
in reply to: #4307529

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Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

Well, that's it! 800 yd swim followed by a 2 mile run - shortest workouts in many months. Tomorrow morning we load up and drive to Lake Stevens.

I plan on taking Friday and Saturday off, except for maybe a short jog and a quick bike ride just to make sure she's running smooth before checking her into transition. The weather sounds perfect for Sunday - 68 degrees, partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain - looking like this 70.3 has a good chance of going the full distance.

2012-07-12 5:16 PM
in reply to: #4308712

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
PrivateIdaho - 2012-07-12 2:58 PM

Well, that's it! 800 yd swim followed by a 2 mile run - shortest workouts in many months. Tomorrow morning we load up and drive to Lake Stevens.

I plan on taking Friday and Saturday off, except for maybe a short jog and a quick bike ride just to make sure she's running smooth before checking her into transition. The weather sounds perfect for Sunday - 68 degrees, partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain - looking like this 70.3 has a good chance of going the full distance.

Good luck Ron.  I am sure things will go well for you.

2012-07-12 11:16 PM
in reply to: #4308712

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Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
PrivateIdaho - 2012-07-12 2:58 PM

Well, that's it! 800 yd swim followed by a 2 mile run - shortest workouts in many months. Tomorrow morning we load up and drive to Lake Stevens.

I plan on taking Friday and Saturday off, except for maybe a short jog and a quick bike ride just to make sure she's running smooth before checking her into transition. The weather sounds perfect for Sunday - 68 degrees, partly cloudy, 10% chance of rain - looking like this 70.3 has a good chance of going the full distance.

Good luck PI!!

2012-07-12 11:24 PM
in reply to: #3052895

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group
Good luck, PI! But for our vacation plans I might have been joining you at Lake Stevens! Afraid to even think about my race--whether it'll be cancelled or shortened due to heat, snow, landslide, Bigfoot sightings, etc.  Right now am up in Mammoth Lakes doing "altitude training" at 9000 feet. (Mom and I were so tired of heat after crossing the Mojave desert yesterday that we drove till we got here and are having trouble persuading ourselves to leave.) Got in a great 9 mile-ish run this AM (two black bear sightings) and beautiful afternoon of hiking. More running planned for tomorrow (I WILL make it up the hill from the village to the trails) and hopefully some OWS in June Lake just down the road. Mom has a bike route in southern Oregon picked out for me on the last day back to Eugene--supposedly a ride there was featured on OPB and she thought it looked nicely brutal and scenic.
2012-07-15 4:48 AM
in reply to: #3052895

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beginner 1/2 Ironman Plan Group

weird transition workout to wnd week 4 of the plan tomorrow.  Let me ask all you seasoned folks, how important is it to learn to jump on bike with shoes clipped in as opposed to simply puting shoes on, then clipping in?  Also, it seems a little easier, how important is it to run to pull foot out while finishing bike to transition into run, as opposed to popping out and removing on ground.

Thanks in advance for feedback.  It should shape my w/o tomorrow and overall race prep. 

Go PI-  You got this.

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