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2009-02-19 10:19 PM
in reply to: #1972015

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Georgia Tech
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL

tribesman - 2009-02-19 10:17 PM
theiframe - 2009-02-17 7:09 PM Race report is up! I'll try and get my pictures uploaded soon. 
Team, here is Ian's RR in case you couldn't find it under Race Reports. Ian, now that you had a little more time to reflect on the race, I have questions. - What are 3 things you were most proud of or like the most? - What are 3 things you would like to improve on for the next race? I have some overall thoughts but want to hear from you first. GREAT race! I am impressed and would have been running scared if we went head to head! Tony

3 things I was most proud of and/or liked: 1.) Finishing my run strong and repassing two guys in my age group that passed me earlier. 2.) My transitions were pretty good. Not great but the best they have been yet. 3.) The warm weather was awesome.

3 things to improve on: 1.) Swimming has to get better. 2.) Get my new bike cleats so my knee doesn't go into excruciating pain again. 3.) Have a set nutrition plan. Looking back on the race, I wished I had taken a Gu right as I got on the bike and one towards the end.   

What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear them! Good and bad. Also, don't be scared. The bike course was flying fast, I normally only put up around 17-18. 

2009-02-22 5:45 AM
in reply to: #1857242

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
So how is everyone's weekend going? Heading out for my long run and will be back on later today. I find that if my mind wanders a little during these sessions it is due to things I want to share with you all, which is a good thing!

Train hard and smart,
2009-02-22 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1857242

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Newnan, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
Good weekend here. Got both my long run and ride in - though both slightly shorter than they were supposed to be. Not quite on judging distance with my routes - but getting better. Changed my first tire all by myself. Front tire - so no big issues getting off the bike. Think back tire may be different story. One obstacle at a time.

Bit chillier out this weekend that I would have like b/c of the wind but not complaining b/c it is still gorgeous out.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend!
2009-02-22 8:57 PM
in reply to: #1975818

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
swise - 2009-02-22 3:15 PM

Good weekend here. Got both my long run and ride in - though both slightly shorter than they were supposed to be. Not quite on judging distance with my routes - but getting better. Changed my first tire all by myself. Front tire - so no big issues getting off the bike. Think back tire may be different story. One obstacle at a time.

Bit chillier out this weekend that I would have like b/c of the wind but not complaining b/c it is still gorgeous out.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend!

Nice work getting the training in AND changing the tire! Yes, the back tire can be more challenging but with some practice, very do-able!

2009-02-22 9:00 PM
in reply to: #1969962

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
natebs - 2009-02-19 7:50 AM

Oh ya, some upsetting news at work yesturday, They laid off some staff and are reducing our pay by 10% and reducing the work week by one day in every ten.

 Good news is that it gives me an extra full training day.

Good news is that I`m still working.


Unfortunately I can say I have been in a very similar situation that you described with work. I saw it as life's way of making me stronger through difficult times...and it all worked out for the best in the end.

Hang in there and feel free to vent to us! Keep that positive attitude up.


Edited by tribesman 2009-02-22 9:02 PM
2009-02-22 9:06 PM
in reply to: #1857242

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
How was everyone's weekend?

-what did we learn?

-did we meet our goals?

-any set-backs?

I learned that back to back (to back to back) bricks are not easy but very rewarding. I also learned that I can run over 14 miles alone with no ipod, a windchill of 19 degrees F, and get it all done on a Sunday before most are waking up

2009-02-23 12:28 PM
in reply to: #1857242

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Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL

The weekend was alright. Did my long bike ride (trainer again..its not warming up yet -11 C). I dont do my long run and long bike back to back. I read somewhere to spread them out (so your legs aren`t as tired) so I do my long runs during the week. I understand the "not having time during the week to run long" but it works out for me with my shift work.

I have my coaching help tonight at the pool so I`m really looking forward to that. I fill you in tomorrow about what she suggests. I know I need to get in the pool more often.

2009-02-23 2:21 PM
in reply to: #1972143

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
theiframe - 2009-02-19 11:19 PM

tribesman - 2009-02-19 10:17 PM
theiframe - 2009-02-17 7:09 PM Race report is up! I'll try and get my pictures uploaded soon. 
Team, here is Ian's RR in case you couldn't find it under Race Reports. Ian, now that you had a little more time to reflect on the race, I have questions. - What are 3 things you were most proud of or like the most? - What are 3 things you would like to improve on for the next race? I have some overall thoughts but want to hear from you first. GREAT race! I am impressed and would have been running scared if we went head to head! Tony

3 things I was most proud of and/or liked: 1.) Finishing my run strong and repassing two guys in my age group that passed me earlier. 2.) My transitions were pretty good. Not great but the best they have been yet. 3.) The warm weather was awesome.

3 things to improve on: 1.) Swimming has to get better. 2.) Get my new bike cleats so my knee doesn't go into excruciating pain again. 3.) Have a set nutrition plan. Looking back on the race, I wished I had taken a Gu right as I got on the bike and one towards the end.   

What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear them! Good and bad. Also, don't be scared. The bike course was flying fast, I normally only put up around 17-18. 


First off, I am impressed with your race! I agree that you finished very strong and gave it all you had on the last mile or so of the run! THAT's how you do it! Re your bike leg and knee pain, ensuring your cleats are in good working order is very important. I struggled with knee pain for months and realized mine were a little loose and sliding. Once I tightened them, it went away. A good overall bike fit does wonders too.

Re your swimming, I think you did a great job with it! Stroke analysis, doing drills the correct way, and instruction are all great things to take advantage of. All of these have helped me.

As far as transitions, you mentioned putting on your wrist strap in T1. Having never used that strap, can you not swim with it? It should save seconds but those count. If not, can you grab it in T2 and put it on while running out of transition? I agree too that having shoes clipped in the pedals saves time. I practiced, practiced, practiced it in an empty parking lot until I got it. I also use the "rubber band trick" and do both flying mounts and dismounts. (NOTE: I found a good video of it and will post later!)

Finally, a solid nutrition plan is key! I find that this piece of the puzzle can sometimes determine my entire race. Practice, practice, practice in training until you solidify it. Of course, crazy things can happen on race day, trust me

Nice work overall!

Edited by tribesman 2009-02-23 2:25 PM
2009-02-23 2:32 PM
in reply to: #1857242

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL

Don't forget about the articles here on BT. Here's the link to the "injuries" articles:

We have had some good questions on this subject. What else do we have on our minds re injuries and prevention?

2009-02-23 9:36 PM
in reply to: #1857242

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Georgia Tech
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL

Hey gang, 

 I need your help! Last year I won a $50 gift card to Gear West Bike by answering a trivia question on another tri website (don't remember the name). I'm contemplating what I want to get. I've narrowed it down to three things: aero helmet, compression socks, or a transition bag. Aero helmet would obviously save me time which is what we all want during a race. I would however have to pay about another 70 bucks on top. Compression socks may help me recover faster from long runs. Anybody have any experience with these? And lastly a transition bag would be nice to hold all of my stuff nicely as opposed to my old backpack I currently use. Any thoughts? Any other suggestions of what to consider? If you're bored and want to check out their store the website is Let me know what you think! Thanks! 

2009-02-24 9:27 AM
in reply to: #1977353

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
natebs - 2009-02-23 1:28 PM

The weekend was alright. Did my long bike ride (trainer again..its not warming up yet -11 C). I dont do my long run and long bike back to back. I read somewhere to spread them out (so your legs aren`t as tired) so I do my long runs during the week. I understand the "not having time during the week to run long" but it works out for me with my shift work.

I have my coaching help tonight at the pool so I`m really looking forward to that. I fill you in tomorrow about what she suggests. I know I need to get in the pool more often.


When I was training for my first Ironman, I did the "Ironman weekend" of a long brick on Saturday's and long run on Sunday's. For my second, I did the long brick on Saturday and long run on Wednesday. It didn't always work but I planned to leave work a little early on Wednesday's to ensure I got the full run in. Note: The second option worked much better and I recommend it. You body needs the recovery so you are mostly fresh for each long session. I also saw your log note re swimming and will follow up! (care to share your thoughts here on the board? )


2009-02-24 1:48 PM
in reply to: #1857242

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL

Hi Guys!

Training continues.  I got busy with life stuff and it interfered with my weekend so I ended up doing a bike trainer for my long ride sat and then rested sunday and did a long run yesturday. Bad Ali.  I wanted to chime in about 2 subjects.  Tony: Can you expain what the rubber band trick is?  I have seen mention of it but I don't know what it means.  I was thinking of trying to use it for St Anthonys.

Issue 2:  Injuries:  I continue to have a problem with my top left hamstring being tight when I run.  I also hear a scraping sound with every step of my left foot.  I think this is related to the tightness in my hamstring.  The good news is that arches in my shoes seem to have really sorted out the foot pain. Its just the legs that is bugging me.  Can you point me to some good PT excercises I could do to fix my leg muscle issue? What about websites with PT excercises we could do?  Are there any?

Thanks for the help!    



2009-02-24 1:52 PM
in reply to: #1857242

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
PS I guess I could ask Dan but he is mad at me because I said our local bike trail wasn't safe on the Georgia Forum.  He is correct and I am properly schooledCry...Hopefully he will forgive me!!!Wink
2009-02-24 2:02 PM
in reply to: #1978339

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
theiframe - 2009-02-23 10:36 PM

Hey gang, 

 I need your help! Last year I won a $50 gift card to Gear West Bike by answering a trivia question on another tri website (don't remember the name). I'm contemplating what I want to get. I've narrowed it down to three things: aero helmet, compression socks, or a transition bag. Aero helmet would obviously save me time which is what we all want during a race. I would however have to pay about another 70 bucks on top. Compression socks may help me recover faster from long runs. Anybody have any experience with these? And lastly a transition bag would be nice to hold all of my stuff nicely as opposed to my old backpack I currently use. Any thoughts? Any other suggestions of what to consider? If you're bored and want to check out their store the website is Let me know what you think! Thanks! 

Hey Ian,

If it is "free speed" you are looking for, I say go for the aero helmet. I just purchase one last year and love it. Make sure you try on a few if you can as not all fit me well. Here's mine:

Also, when was the last time you were properly fit for your bike? I say that is first, before any new gear

I have heard some love the compression socks and others are on the fence about them. If I can find some deeply discounted, I will give them a shot. As for the transition bag, maybe check eBay as many are unloading last years gear in preparation for 2009.

Hope this helps and let us know what you decide!


2009-02-24 2:19 PM
in reply to: #1979603

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
afrutoz - 2009-02-24 2:48 PM

Hi Guys!

Training continues.  I got busy with life stuff and it interfered with my weekend so I ended up doing a bike trainer for my long ride sat and then rested sunday and did a long run yesturday. Bad Ali.  I wanted to chime in about 2 subjects.  Tony: Can you expain what the rubber band trick is?  I have seen mention of it but I don't know what it means.  I was thinking of trying to use it for St Anthonys.

Issue 2:  Injuries:  I continue to have a problem with my top left hamstring being tight when I run.  I also hear a scraping sound with every step of my left foot.  I think this is related to the tightness in my hamstring.  The good news is that arches in my shoes seem to have really sorted out the foot pain. Its just the legs that is bugging me.  Can you point me to some good PT excercises I could do to fix my leg muscle issue? What about websites with PT excercises we could do?  Are there any?

Thanks for the help!    




As I say, "Life Happens". It is not bad that you did your ride on the trainer and run on Monday. Sometimes we have to adjust, even on the fly, as life unfolds. What counts is that you got it in!

Re the rubber band trick...what I do is have my shoes already clipped in to the pedals. I fairly loosely attached a rubber band to the hook/strap on the back of my left shoe and attached the other end of the rubber band to the skewer of my rear wheel. My right shoe is in the "forward" position and the same rubber band set up is applied, but the other end of the rubber band is attached to the bottle cage screw that I have slightly loosened. (I don't used a frame bottle cage when I race, just 1 or 2 behind my saddle and an aero drink, depending on the race). Some do not use a rubber band on the ride-side shoe and just let is hang. Others just attached the shoes and use zero rubber bands.

I will post a video soon. (I cannot get to it at the moment)

EDIT- Dan posted the link to the video I wanted to share!

Re some PT exercises, I will post some information on those too! (Keeping in mind that I don't know your specific muscle imbalances and am not a PT ) . Example: I had terrible knee pain for years. My PT discovered it was mostly one specific part of my quad muscle that was weak BUT we had to strengthen the entire leg from hip to glute to quad to calves in order to balance it all out. Keep in mind it was a lot of body weight exercies and CORE! Half my PT time was spent on my core, not just abs, and it helped!

I have sheets with pics of my old exercises I want to share. Unfortunately I don't have the electronically so I plan to scan them in for you all.

Hope this helps so far...


Edited by tribesman 2009-02-25 9:42 AM
2009-02-24 2:19 PM
in reply to: #1979616

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL

afrutoz - 2009-02-24 2:52 PM PS I guess I could ask Dan but he is mad at me because I said our local bike trail wasn't safe on the Georgia Forum.  He is correct and I am properly schooledCry...Hopefully he will forgive me!!!Wink

Since you put it so nicely, I'll help you out.  :P

I have found that for many athletes, leg pain is usually a symptom of tight glutes.  Try this to see if you're glutes are tight: 
- Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor
- Take your left ankle and place it on your right knee
- Bend forward from the hip...not from the chest
- If you feel 'pulling' in your glutes/hamstring you have tight glutes.

You can continue this stretch and also get a tennis ball and sit on it to massage your glutes.  Basically what is happening is that you glutes tighten up and like a rubber band pull on your hamstrings/IT, etc.  That's why usually you get the symptoms in your leg first.

Tony can guide you to some great PT exercises since he has done many PT sessions.

Rubber bank technique:

You know I love you Ali!

2009-02-24 2:43 PM
in reply to: #1857242

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL

Check out Ian's 10k race report...he PRed!

Nice work yet again Ian, especially for a priority "C" race. Man, and I was hoping to pace off of you at ING.... you will be stretching and downing your recovery drink by the time I finish

2009-02-24 5:52 PM
in reply to: #1979643

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Georgia Tech
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL

tribesman - 2009-02-24 3:02 PM

 Hey Ian, If it is "free speed" you are looking for, I say go for the aero helmet. I just purchase one last year and love it. Make sure you try on a few if you can as not all fit me well. Here's mine: Also, when was the last time you were properly fit for your bike? I say that is first, before any new gear I have heard some love the compression socks and others are on the fence about them. If I can find some deeply discounted, I will give them a shot. As for the transition bag, maybe check eBay as many are unloading last years gear in preparation for 2009. Hope this helps and let us know what you decide! Tony

 Thanks Tony! I've been thinking about this for a few weeks and it just seems like I would benefit the most from the aero helmet. Luckily I was able to try on the Louis Garneau at Peachtree Bikes so I know what size fits me. I'll also be on the lookout for a transition bag on Ebay. I didn't think to look there. Great idea! 

2009-02-25 9:42 AM
in reply to: #1980082

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
theiframe - 2009-02-24 6:52 PM

tribesman - 2009-02-24 3:02 PM

 Hey Ian, If it is "free speed" you are looking for, I say go for the aero helmet. I just purchase one last year and love it. Make sure you try on a few if you can as not all fit me well. Here's mine: Also, when was the last time you were properly fit for your bike? I say that is first, before any new gear I have heard some love the compression socks and others are on the fence about them. If I can find some deeply discounted, I will give them a shot. As for the transition bag, maybe check eBay as many are unloading last years gear in preparation for 2009. Hope this helps and let us know what you decide! Tony

 Thanks Tony! I've been thinking about this for a few weeks and it just seems like I would benefit the most from the aero helmet. Luckily I was able to try on the Louis Garneau at Peachtree Bikes so I know what size fits me. I'll also be on the lookout for a transition bag on Ebay. I didn't think to look there. Great idea! 

Good deal! Keep us posted.

2009-02-25 9:52 AM
in reply to: #1857242

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL

Thanks to both Dan and Tony!  Dan, the glute thing really worked.  I guess I know what I need to work on...Maybe I will be nicer to my clients at work if I am sitting on a tennis ball...Hmmm...somehow that just doesn't sound right...

Seriously I appreciate all the advice guys thanks.  I am doing ING half and really want to do better than my Thanksgiving Half time.  I had a lot of soreness in that race and would like to be stronger for this one...

2009-02-25 12:45 PM
in reply to: #1857242

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
Hello Gang,

We are approaching the 10 week mark together on this forum. Crazy how time flies! I just want to do a quick status check to ensure we are still meeting everyone's expectations. I have developed thick skin over the years so feel free to send your comments my way (publicly or privately via email or private message).

I am very impressed and you ask great questions. We have an open TOTW for now but will include more race prep/specific topics over the next few weeks since I believe we have about 4-5 weeks left with this program.

Keep up the hard work!


2009-02-26 8:43 AM
in reply to: #1857242

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
Do you stretch? How often and how long? Even after swimming?

I do as it DOES help me. My doctors and PT all recommend it.

2009-02-27 8:14 AM
in reply to: #1857242

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
Ali and team,

I have not forgotten about your questions re stretching and PT exercises. I am doing something I hope you all benefit from but will need this weekend to completed it. (mini project )

Thanks for your patience. Have a great weekend of training and I look forward to hearing all about it!

2009-02-27 4:38 PM
in reply to: #1857242

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Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL

Working OT this weekend (cause soon there wont be any). Still will get my rides and runs in. Im working both days this weekend. I have a plan that I will be starting on monday for the ironman..Its a 36 week plan but Im jumping in at week 26. I like it and it looks like a good fit for me.

Have a great weekend all

2009-02-28 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1982991

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Newnan, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
tribesman - 2009-02-26 9:43 AM

Do you stretch? How often and how long? Even after swimming?

I do as it DOES help me. My doctors and PT all recommend it.


I stretch! I can't say I do it after swimming though. Generally I am in a mad rush to get home after swimming to wake everyone up to start the day / get kids onto the bus in time.

Not too much stretching before activity (calfs and hamstrings some and a little "static" stretching) - but usually for about 10-15 minutes after running or cycling. Sometimes longer if the family will allow it.

Edited by swise 2009-02-28 8:37 PM
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