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2012-04-16 11:19 AM
in reply to: #4151707

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-04-15 12:18 PM

Took my first day off in over 2 weeks yesterday - I think I needed it both mentally and physically.  Definately felt weird knowing that I would not be working out.  Cleaned house for a dinner party we had instead.  Our friends ending up taking both kids home with them for a sleep over so I was able to sleep in and now having a quiet morning - pure bliss!

Last week was the first week of training for my 75 mile ride from Kluane N.P. Yukon to Haines, AK - this week long ride is a little over 20 miles - haven't ridden that long since last October and it is only going to go up from here - a little nervous about it!

PF is still slowly improving - no major flare ups in almost 2 weeks! Running is not going as well as I hoped though - the new shoes are definately taking awhile to get used to.  Pulled my calf muscle last week after only 6 mins on the treadmill.  If I can't start increasing the mileage soon my HIM this fall may be a bust. Going to try for 2 x 5 minutes with a short walk in between today.


That's awesome Robin.  How is the bum wheel holding up?

2012-04-16 12:30 PM
in reply to: #4152890

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
kenj - 2012-04-16 7:57 AM

gator22 - 2012-04-16 5:44 AM I am back from the great western adventure. Arizona was awesome. We did a lot of driving and saw everything. I did a lot of hiking and eating. I am back and signed up for weight watchers for men on line. My rich cousin has drafted me for his company cycling team for a century in northern Virginia this summer so I need to get in gear! Good to be back.Kirk

Sounds like a great adventure!  They are pushing the weight watchers quite a bit with Charles Barkley, it will be interesting to hear what you think!

I have been successful on the plan before. My wife is doing it too, so it's all hands on deck!
2012-04-16 3:21 PM
in reply to: #4152286

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
acv - 2012-04-15 7:39 PM

Did my 20 mile run yesterday! All and all it went pretty well. I stuck to my plan and felt pretty good about the run.


Officially my taper doesn't start till the weekend but I'm over the hump for sure........Cool

sounds like you are ready - enjoy the rest!

2012-04-16 3:22 PM
in reply to: #4153509

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
russrisher - 2012-04-16 11:19 AM
robingray_260 - 2012-04-15 12:18 PM

Took my first day off in over 2 weeks yesterday - I think I needed it both mentally and physically.  Definately felt weird knowing that I would not be working out.  Cleaned house for a dinner party we had instead.  Our friends ending up taking both kids home with them for a sleep over so I was able to sleep in and now having a quiet morning - pure bliss!

Last week was the first week of training for my 75 mile ride from Kluane N.P. Yukon to Haines, AK - this week long ride is a little over 20 miles - haven't ridden that long since last October and it is only going to go up from here - a little nervous about it!

PF is still slowly improving - no major flare ups in almost 2 weeks! Running is not going as well as I hoped though - the new shoes are definately taking awhile to get used to.  Pulled my calf muscle last week after only 6 mins on the treadmill.  If I can't start increasing the mileage soon my HIM this fall may be a bust. Going to try for 2 x 5 minutes with a short walk in between today.


That's awesome Robin.  How is the bum wheel holding up?

mostly good - foot is still improving - it is just very slow going! my bike and swim will be awesome this year!

2012-04-17 2:50 AM
in reply to: #4124117

Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

So tonight I logged my meals that I will have today, also my workouts from the past few days. I am taking today off because I need to work on something on my bike. If it goes well and I finish early might go out for a little 5 mile ride.

Ice, Ken, ACV, if you guys can look at my food I would love it. I do have to check the totals that it gave me because I do think they are a little elevated. I am butt a$$ tired right now and just want to sleep, just wish 8am would get here soon!

2012-04-17 7:25 AM
in reply to: #4154918

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
peterflagg - 2012-04-17 3:50 AM

So tonight I logged my meals that I will have today, also my workouts from the past few days. I am taking today off because I need to work on something on my bike. If it goes well and I finish early might go out for a little 5 mile ride.

Ice, Ken, ACV, if you guys can look at my food I would love it. I do have to check the totals that it gave me because I do think they are a little elevated. I am butt a$$ tired right now and just want to sleep, just wish 8am would get here soon!

Just on the one day, which isn't necessarily a representative sample, I would work to lower the carbs and increase the proteins.  I think tracking your nutrition is a wise move though, it definitely shows where you are at and helps keep you honest with yourself on the quality of your diet.  Great work Peter!

2012-04-17 7:27 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Long day for me yesterday and it showed on the trainer this morning.  But it is done along with some strength training, which anymore is as much about doing the PT for my IT band and shoulder.  But it is working and I should be able to start swimming again once I get back home from Albany. 

Hows every one else s week going so far? 

2012-04-17 7:33 AM
in reply to: #4154918

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Extreme Veteran
Cold Spring, NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Hey all,

Just want share some more training experience. This week has started out as an awkward transition period. Luckily, the weather has been fantastic, but everything else is a little off. Last week was the first time this year that i was able to stick to the full volume in my HIM plan. Everything felt fine until i developed some shin splints after Saturdays run. I get them some time, they only stick around a few days if i take it easy. So the runs for this week will start tomorow and I'll end up doing 4 days in a row hoping my parts hold up.

Biking - now that its warm out and i'm not traveling for work, I'm avoiding the trainer. So my situation is that on weekdays I want 1) to train hills, outside 2) get to work close to on ttime 3)be safe, though not really in that order. I tried to accomplish all three this morning by strapping a headlamp and a rear flasher to my helmet and hitting the road at 5:45 this AM to be home by 7. Not really dark, but i needed the lamp since our roads arent lit and can be rough in spots. For me, not a great solution. My helmet felt like it weighed a ton, couldnt get down on the aerobars and the zipties i used to secure the lamp dug int parts of the noggin.

I checked my watch when i turned off the light and felt safe, aaround 6:08 am. So i think thats my new start time. ~50 minutes and i can add a few minutes/week as the days keep lengthening. Maybe i wont keep up with the volume the plan calls for, but life is full of these tradeoffs.

Here's hoping that you training is going great!

2012-04-17 7:35 AM
in reply to: #4155069

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Ken, I don't know how you deal with time changes with all the trips west. I am still smoked!
2012-04-17 9:52 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Bradford, PA
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Hey everyone! I apologize for not participating in the discussions. Truth is, I have barely any time to read the posts - let alone post myself. I usually check BT during the work day and I've been actually very busy! I don't expect things to change in the near future either, but hopefully I can check in and contribute.

So my blanket statement to all - I wish you the best of luck in your upcoming races, stay healthy and have fun!



2012-04-17 12:18 PM
in reply to: #4155081

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
bdenehy - 2012-04-17 8:33 AM Hey all,

Just want share some more training experience. This week has started out as an awkward transition period. Luckily, the weather has been fantastic, but everything else is a little off. Last week was the first time this year that i was able to stick to the full volume in my HIM plan. Everything felt fine until i developed some shin splints after Saturdays run. I get them some time, they only stick around a few days if i take it easy. So the runs for this week will start tomorow and I'll end up doing 4 days in a row hoping my parts hold up.

Biking - now that its warm out and i'm not traveling for work, I'm avoiding the trainer. So my situation is that on weekdays I want 1) to train hills, outside 2) get to work close to on ttime 3)be safe, though not really in that order. I tried to accomplish all three this morning by strapping a headlamp and a rear flasher to my helmet and hitting the road at 5:45 this AM to be home by 7. Not really dark, but i needed the lamp since our roads arent lit and can be rough in spots. For me, not a great solution. My helmet felt like it weighed a ton, couldnt get down on the aerobars and the zipties i used to secure the lamp dug int parts of the noggin.

I checked my watch when i turned off the light and felt safe, aaround 6:08 am. So i think thats my new start time. ~50 minutes and i can add a few minutes/week as the days keep lengthening. Maybe i wont keep up with the volume the plan calls for, but life is full of these tradeoffs.

Here's hoping that you training is going great!

I just replaced my bike light on the back.  The old one didn't mount in a particularly convenient spot.  This one just slides into a pocket on the back of the bike bag.  Plus since it is basically a belt clip, I can use it on my runs too if I chose to.  I actually run in the dark a fair amount. 

Did you just change shoes or something Bill? 

2012-04-17 12:20 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Looking ahead to my race…..

I’m trying to plan out my strategy for the day. I’ve tried 2 approaches for pacing on my long runs so far:

1.)    Run consistent from the start.

2.)    Run the first half slower and increase speed on the second half for a negative split.

The one that worked the best was doing a negative split. I’ve mapped my times out and I’m shooting for a 4:30 overall – it’s my first at this distance so I’m a being a little conservative on the times.

Anyone have any thoughts on pacing strategies?



Also my biggest concern is going to be the heat. Granted it’s not going to be the middle of the summer but it’s warming up out there and will only continue to do. I’m used to running in cool weather and I often start my long runs in the early morning 5 or 5:30 so it takes a while for the temps to warm up. I’m not worried about hydrating I’ll carry my usual 20oz in my Nathan speed 2 belt and I’ll be able to drink at the water stops. BUT I don’t know what if anything I can do during the race about starting at 8:00 which will be warmer then my usually starting temps and finishing after 12:00 which will defiantly be warmer.

2012-04-17 12:20 PM
in reply to: #4155085

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

gator22 - 2012-04-17 8:35 AM Ken, I don't know how you deal with time changes with all the trips west. I am still smoked!

Unfortunatly Kirk, I have had plenty of practice.  But, unless the family is with me, which is rare, I just try and avoid adjusting to the time zone any more than I have to.  Works when there on business, a lot tougher when on vacation.

It is tough to get acclimated again!

2012-04-17 12:30 PM
in reply to: #4155984

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
acv - 2012-04-17 12:20 PM

Looking ahead to my race…..

I’m trying to plan out my strategy for the day. I’ve tried 2 approaches for pacing on my long runs so far:

1.)    Run consistent from the start.

2.)    Run the first half slower and increase speed on the second half for a negative split.

The one that worked the best was doing a negative split. I’ve mapped my times out and I’m shooting for a 4:30 overall – it’s my first at this distance so I’m a being a little conservative on the times.

Anyone have any thoughts on pacing strategies?



Also my biggest concern is going to be the heat. Granted it’s not going to be the middle of the summer but it’s warming up out there and will only continue to do. I’m used to running in cool weather and I often start my long runs in the early morning 5 or 5:30 so it takes a while for the temps to warm up. I’m not worried about hydrating I’ll carry my usual 20oz in my Nathan speed 2 belt and I’ll be able to drink at the water stops. BUT I don’t know what if anything I can do during the race about starting at 8:00 which will be warmer then my usually starting temps and finishing after 12:00 which will defiantly be warmer.

When I did my first marathon last year I may have gone out a little hard. I went out about where I always did my short easy runs during training. Being it was my first I probably should have gone out about :30/mile slower. I ended up imploding at the 20 mile mark and doing a walk/run the last 10k. If neg. splits works for you, line up with the pace group :30/mile slower than your easy run pace and slowly pull ahead of that pace group till the end of the race. Personally, I wouldn't wear your speed belt unless you know the race isn't well supported. IME there was more than enough stations to be able to survive off the course and when I wore my hydration belt I just felt it weighed me down more than I needed to be.

Good luck Adam!
2012-04-17 12:33 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Back in town after a short trip down to Cancun for some fun in the sun. I am avoiding the scale for a while.

My first tri of the season is this coming Sunday. I need to get out of the vacation mindset and FOCUS!!! 

Kind of cool -- we were on Kukulcan Blvd and saw a bunch of people on road bikes and a few tri bikes cruising along, then i saw the numbers on their arms. Trying to find out what triathlon they were doing. That's a very dangerous road and it was completely open. Not something I would want to tackle.

2012-04-17 12:58 PM
in reply to: #4156024

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-04-17 1:30 PM
acv - 2012-04-17 12:20 PM

Looking ahead to my race…..

I’m trying to plan out my strategy for the day. I’ve tried 2 approaches for pacing on my long runs so far:

1.)    Run consistent from the start.

2.)    Run the first half slower and increase speed on the second half for a negative split.

The one that worked the best was doing a negative split. I’ve mapped my times out and I’m shooting for a 4:30 overall – it’s my first at this distance so I’m a being a little conservative on the times.

Anyone have any thoughts on pacing strategies?



Also my biggest concern is going to be the heat. Granted it’s not going to be the middle of the summer but it’s warming up out there and will only continue to do. I’m used to running in cool weather and I often start my long runs in the early morning 5 or 5:30 so it takes a while for the temps to warm up. I’m not worried about hydrating I’ll carry my usual 20oz in my Nathan speed 2 belt and I’ll be able to drink at the water stops. BUT I don’t know what if anything I can do during the race about starting at 8:00 which will be warmer then my usually starting temps and finishing after 12:00 which will defiantly be warmer.

When I did my first marathon last year I may have gone out a little hard. I went out about where I always did my short easy runs during training. Being it was my first I probably should have gone out about :30/mile slower. I ended up imploding at the 20 mile mark and doing a walk/run the last 10k. If neg. splits works for you, line up with the pace group :30/mile slower than your easy run pace and slowly pull ahead of that pace group till the end of the race. Personally, I wouldn't wear your speed belt unless you know the race isn't well supported. IME there was more than enough stations to be able to survive off the course and when I wore my hydration belt I just felt it weighed me down more than I needed to be. Good luck Adam!

I've been debating taking the extra water I always use it so I'm very comfortable with it but maybe I should leave it home............

2012-04-17 1:02 PM
in reply to: #4156132

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
acv - 2012-04-17 12:58 PM

Meulen - 2012-04-17 1:30 PM
acv - 2012-04-17 12:20 PM

Looking ahead to my race…..

I’m trying to plan out my strategy for the day. I’ve tried 2 approaches for pacing on my long runs so far:

1.)    Run consistent from the start.

2.)    Run the first half slower and increase speed on the second half for a negative split.

The one that worked the best was doing a negative split. I’ve mapped my times out and I’m shooting for a 4:30 overall – it’s my first at this distance so I’m a being a little conservative on the times.

Anyone have any thoughts on pacing strategies?



Also my biggest concern is going to be the heat. Granted it’s not going to be the middle of the summer but it’s warming up out there and will only continue to do. I’m used to running in cool weather and I often start my long runs in the early morning 5 or 5:30 so it takes a while for the temps to warm up. I’m not worried about hydrating I’ll carry my usual 20oz in my Nathan speed 2 belt and I’ll be able to drink at the water stops. BUT I don’t know what if anything I can do during the race about starting at 8:00 which will be warmer then my usually starting temps and finishing after 12:00 which will defiantly be warmer.

When I did my first marathon last year I may have gone out a little hard. I went out about where I always did my short easy runs during training. Being it was my first I probably should have gone out about :30/mile slower. I ended up imploding at the 20 mile mark and doing a walk/run the last 10k. If neg. splits works for you, line up with the pace group :30/mile slower than your easy run pace and slowly pull ahead of that pace group till the end of the race. Personally, I wouldn't wear your speed belt unless you know the race isn't well supported. IME there was more than enough stations to be able to survive off the course and when I wore my hydration belt I just felt it weighed me down more than I needed to be. Good luck Adam!

I've been debating taking the extra water I always use it so I'm very comfortable with it but maybe I should leave it home............

I'm sure others will chime in here, but I just remember regretting wearing mine when I started racing and found out how many aid stations were on the course. I didn't need it at all. It was just extra weight to carry for 26.2 miles.
2012-04-17 1:12 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

here's the map of your race:

IMO there are plenty of water stations in there. Talk to some people that had done this race before. Make sure to ask them about aid stations and how good they were, if the ran out of water, etc. Then you can decide if you need to lug around the extra weight of a hydration belt.
2012-04-17 1:18 PM
in reply to: #4156151

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-04-17 2:02 PM
acv - 2012-04-17 12:58 PM
Meulen - 2012-04-17 1:30 PM
acv - 2012-04-17 12:20 PM

Looking ahead to my race…..

I’m trying to plan out my strategy for the day. I’ve tried 2 approaches for pacing on my long runs so far:

1.)    Run consistent from the start.

2.)    Run the first half slower and increase speed on the second half for a negative split.

The one that worked the best was doing a negative split. I’ve mapped my times out and I’m shooting for a 4:30 overall – it’s my first at this distance so I’m a being a little conservative on the times.

Anyone have any thoughts on pacing strategies?



Also my biggest concern is going to be the heat. Granted it’s not going to be the middle of the summer but it’s warming up out there and will only continue to do. I’m used to running in cool weather and I often start my long runs in the early morning 5 or 5:30 so it takes a while for the temps to warm up. I’m not worried about hydrating I’ll carry my usual 20oz in my Nathan speed 2 belt and I’ll be able to drink at the water stops. BUT I don’t know what if anything I can do during the race about starting at 8:00 which will be warmer then my usually starting temps and finishing after 12:00 which will defiantly be warmer.

When I did my first marathon last year I may have gone out a little hard. I went out about where I always did my short easy runs during training. Being it was my first I probably should have gone out about :30/mile slower. I ended up imploding at the 20 mile mark and doing a walk/run the last 10k. If neg. splits works for you, line up with the pace group :30/mile slower than your easy run pace and slowly pull ahead of that pace group till the end of the race. Personally, I wouldn't wear your speed belt unless you know the race isn't well supported. IME there was more than enough stations to be able to survive off the course and when I wore my hydration belt I just felt it weighed me down more than I needed to be. Good luck Adam!

I've been debating taking the extra water I always use it so I'm very comfortable with it but maybe I should leave it home............

I'm sure others will chime in here, but I just remember regretting wearing mine when I started racing and found out how many aid stations were on the course. I didn't need it at all. It was just extra weight to carry for 26.2 miles.

You know it looks like water is at least once every other mile and in some spots every mile or so on the course map.

2012-04-17 1:35 PM
in reply to: #4155476

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Trout - 2012-04-17 10:52 AM

Hey everyone! I apologize for not participating in the discussions. Truth is, I have barely any time to read the posts - let alone post myself. I usually check BT during the work day and I've been actually very busy! I don't expect things to change in the near future either, but hopefully I can check in and contribute.

So my blanket statement to all - I wish you the best of luck in your upcoming races, stay healthy and have fun!



Keep in touch Steve, participate when you can. 

2012-04-17 1:38 PM
in reply to: #4156033

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
abake - 2012-04-17 1:33 PM

Back in town after a short trip down to Cancun for some fun in the sun. I am avoiding the scale for a while.

My first tri of the season is this coming Sunday. I need to get out of the vacation mindset and FOCUS!!! 

Kind of cool -- we were on Kukulcan Blvd and saw a bunch of people on road bikes and a few tri bikes cruising along, then i saw the numbers on their arms. Trying to find out what triathlon they were doing. That's a very dangerous road and it was completely open. Not something I would want to tackle.

Glad you had a good time, it is good to get away and forget about things if only for a while!

2012-04-17 1:42 PM
in reply to: #4156191

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
acv - 2012-04-17 2:18 PM
Meulen - 2012-04-17 2:02 PM
acv - 2012-04-17 12:58 PM
Meulen - 2012-04-17 1:30 PM
acv - 2012-04-17 12:20 PM

Looking ahead to my race…..

I’m trying to plan out my strategy for the day. I’ve tried 2 approaches for pacing on my long runs so far:

1.)    Run consistent from the start.

2.)    Run the first half slower and increase speed on the second half for a negative split.

The one that worked the best was doing a negative split. I’ve mapped my times out and I’m shooting for a 4:30 overall – it’s my first at this distance so I’m a being a little conservative on the times.

Anyone have any thoughts on pacing strategies?



Also my biggest concern is going to be the heat. Granted it’s not going to be the middle of the summer but it’s warming up out there and will only continue to do. I’m used to running in cool weather and I often start my long runs in the early morning 5 or 5:30 so it takes a while for the temps to warm up. I’m not worried about hydrating I’ll carry my usual 20oz in my Nathan speed 2 belt and I’ll be able to drink at the water stops. BUT I don’t know what if anything I can do during the race about starting at 8:00 which will be warmer then my usually starting temps and finishing after 12:00 which will defiantly be warmer.

When I did my first marathon last year I may have gone out a little hard. I went out about where I always did my short easy runs during training. Being it was my first I probably should have gone out about :30/mile slower. I ended up imploding at the 20 mile mark and doing a walk/run the last 10k. If neg. splits works for you, line up with the pace group :30/mile slower than your easy run pace and slowly pull ahead of that pace group till the end of the race. Personally, I wouldn't wear your speed belt unless you know the race isn't well supported. IME there was more than enough stations to be able to survive off the course and when I wore my hydration belt I just felt it weighed me down more than I needed to be. Good luck Adam!

I've been debating taking the extra water I always use it so I'm very comfortable with it but maybe I should leave it home............

I'm sure others will chime in here, but I just remember regretting wearing mine when I started racing and found out how many aid stations were on the course. I didn't need it at all. It was just extra weight to carry for 26.2 miles.

You know it looks like water is at least once every other mile and in some spots every mile or so on the course map.

First, as far as pacing goes I still haven't figured it out for the long races, but maybe I just go too hard to begin with and try and hang on.  Maybe I should try Brian's suggestion and start even slower in the beginning. 

I agree with Brian about wearing the belt, I would avoid it if at all possible.  Trust me that at 20 miles, that thing will be heavy!  I have tossed mine in the trash at an aid station during IMFL. 

As far as the heat goes, do as many midday runs as you can to help acclimate. 

2012-04-17 2:57 PM
in reply to: #4156033

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
abake - 2012-04-17 10:33 AM

Back in town after a short trip down to Cancun for some fun in the sun. I am avoiding the scale for a while.

My first tri of the season is this coming Sunday. I need to get out of the vacation mindset and FOCUS!!! 


Awesome! My first tri of the season is on Saturday! While I feel good, but I'm feeling a little unprepared for this. Undertrained for the swim, and just alright with the run.    I'll be surprised if I get a PR, but I'm itching for a PR anyways. :-)    It's just to get my feet wet and motivation to keep on training.

Last hard bike tonight. It's not hard per se, but the hills are a little hard. Villa Ridge hill is 3 miles of 1000' ascent. :-) The rest of it is pretty much all downhill.  Tomorrow will be easy 1-2 miler run (and put speed laces on my shoes!), then Thursday, Golden Spoon ride, then Friday REST DAY!  I may work on my transitions on Friday. I do not like overthinking things and much rather to keep things simple, but I have to work on remembering to put my race belt on during the bike. This is the first time that I have to put the number on during T1  (Rule change, and make it easier for the official to see you).  So it'll be good practice.

2012-04-17 3:39 PM
in reply to: #4156489

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-17 3:57 PM
abake - 2012-04-17 10:33 AM

Back in town after a short trip down to Cancun for some fun in the sun. I am avoiding the scale for a while.

My first tri of the season is this coming Sunday. I need to get out of the vacation mindset and FOCUS!!! 


Awesome! My first tri of the season is on Saturday! While I feel good, but I'm feeling a little unprepared for this. Undertrained for the swim, and just alright with the run.    I'll be surprised if I get a PR, but I'm itching for a PR anyways. :-)    It's just to get my feet wet and motivation to keep on training.

Last hard bike tonight. It's not hard per se, but the hills are a little hard. Villa Ridge hill is 3 miles of 1000' ascent. :-) The rest of it is pretty much all downhill.  Tomorrow will be easy 1-2 miler run (and put speed laces on my shoes!), then Thursday, Golden Spoon ride, then Friday REST DAY!  I may work on my transitions on Friday. I do not like overthinking things and much rather to keep things simple, but I have to work on remembering to put my race belt on during the bike. This is the first time that I have to put the number on during T1  (Rule change, and make it easier for the official to see you).  So it'll be good practice.

I always work on my transitions on my rest day before the race. I think it makes a lot of sense to to do it that way. You can test your gear one last time and make any adjustments. 

2012-04-17 4:46 PM
in reply to: #4155984

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Bend, OR
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
acv - 2012-04-17 10:20 AM

Looking ahead to my race…..

I’m trying to plan out my strategy for the day. I’ve tried 2 approaches for pacing on my long runs so far:

1.)    Run consistent from the start.

2.)    Run the first half slower and increase speed on the second half for a negative split.

The one that worked the best was doing a negative split. I’ve mapped my times out and I’m shooting for a 4:30 overall – it’s my first at this distance so I’m a being a little conservative on the times.

Anyone have any thoughts on pacing strategies?


I ran my first marathon this past January and had a similar goal.  I would have been absolutely over the moon with a 4:15 and set a conservative goal of 4:30.  I ended up at 4:19:xx.  I also had in mind to negative split, but ended up running pretty close to the same pace the entire race.  I think my fastest mile was 9:20ish and my slowest was 10:20ish (including a porta-potty stop). 

Anyways, I guess my advice would be to go with the mindset of negative splitting, but don't be hard on yourself if you end up not being able to get faster towards the end.  Be getting yourself mentally prepared for the last 4ish miles being insanely tough!

Also, my marathon was very well supported, so I didn't need to bring water with me... but if you've trained with the H2O belt (and therefore water whenever you want it), I'd probably stick to that plan. 

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