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2016-03-13 11:16 AM
in reply to: Dorm57

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Originally posted by Dorm57

Hi all ... my first race of the year is complete.  It was a blast and a good race for me ... slow - but good!

Race report is here:


Nice report Dorm and great job for the first of the year. I still have a month and a half, but, am getting really anxious.

2016-03-13 1:29 PM
in reply to: Dorm57

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Originally posted by Dorm57

Hi all ... my first race of the year is complete.  It was a blast and a good race for me ... slow - but good!

Race report is here:


Dorm, Nice job on the race!

I enjoyed reading your report. Its great to see outdoor bike and run reports starting to show up.

I'm hoping that my mini sprint event next week includes an outdoor run segment.

2016-03-13 2:34 PM
in reply to: Dorm57

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Originally posted by Dorm57

Hi all ... my first race of the year is complete.  It was a blast and a good race for me ... slow - but good!

Race report is here:


Nice race Dorm, and nice race report, although I don't know what "typical serpentine under lane dividers" means.

I'm back for 4 days from my 3-week trip to East Africa & UK, still pretty tired & jet-lagged. A hard trip but worth it; lots of traveling & some hiking, but no actual training. Now I have some work to do!

(Please don't do this!.JPG)

Please don't do this!.JPG (187KB - 3 downloads)
2016-03-13 3:27 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Thanks Deb.  On the pool swim, it was a typical pool swim,  wherein the pool is divided with lane dividers.  Swimmers push off at one end - swim down, touch off and return in the same lane - staying to the right of the lane.  When the swimmer reaches the end from the original push off point, they touch off and swim under the lane divider, moving over into the lane beside the previous lane.


2016-03-13 4:01 PM
in reply to: Dorm57

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: Weight loss anyone?

Any comments or feedback from the group on the subject are appreciated.  I'm one of those who regardless of what I do or have done, I've not lost weight.  Things I've tried:

  • calorie counting and calorie deficient (800 -1,000 cals) on a daily basis ... no weight loss
  • lo-carb regimen ... no weight loss
  • roughly 50% protein - 25% carb - 25% fat ... no weight loss
  • eating pretty much anything I want  - with no weight gain

As far as food is concerned, my wife is an excellent cook.  Our meals are made with mostly fresh ingredients - no pre-packaged stuff.  No cola, sugar, ice cream or such.  This is a big frustration for me, in that given the type and amount of food I eat on a daily basis; coupled with my training ... I cannot understand why I've not lost weight. 

I've heard the "calories in - calories out" mantra many times before.  And it's simple - for me that strategy does not work!!  Thanks in advance for your comments.


2016-03-13 11:11 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Dorm - I posted a comment on your Race Report page.  Now I'm excited to get going again.  So, officially now the season has started.  Like AK Dave I've got about 6 weeks to my first event.

Our weather here today was too cool to ride and the wind was way too strong.

Dave - Looking forward to your Race Report next weekend.

Edited by wenceslasz 2016-03-13 11:12 PM

2016-03-13 11:54 PM
in reply to: Dorm57

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?

Originally posted by Dorm57

Any comments or feedback from the group on the subject are appreciated.  I'm one of those who regardless of what I do or have done, I've not lost weight.  Things I've tried:

  • calorie counting and calorie deficient (800 -1,000 cals) on a daily basis ... no weight loss
  • lo-carb regimen ... no weight loss
  • roughly 50% protein - 25% carb - 25% fat ... no weight loss
  • eating pretty much anything I want  - with no weight gain

As far as food is concerned, my wife is an excellent cook.  Our meals are made with mostly fresh ingredients - no pre-packaged stuff.  No cola, sugar, ice cream or such.  This is a big frustration for me, in that given the type and amount of food I eat on a daily basis; coupled with my training ... I cannot understand why I've not lost weight. 

I've heard the "calories in - calories out" mantra many times before.  And it's simple - for me that strategy does not work!!  Thanks in advance for your comments.


At times different things work for different people but I know it is not as simple as calories in/ calories out.  I went through things as you did for many years without any success at all.  I'd lose weight and gain weight.  I can swim and bike as much as I want with no weight loss whatsoever.  But, when I run consistently I lose weight.

I stopped running Nov 1st and then started running again about mid Jan.  I'm slowly building up and just now I'm just up to 2 hours per week and I'll keep adding time.  I gained weight through Nov/ Dec and Jan but now with my running building up I am losing weight again.

Running three times/week may not work for you but something will.  So keep living a healthy lifestyle and try things until something does work.  Also, you may be losing fat but gaining muscle which would show on the scales as no weight loss.  


2016-03-14 9:19 AM
in reply to: Dorm57

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Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?
Originally posted by Dorm57

Any comments or feedback from the group on the subject are appreciated.  I'm one of those who regardless of what I do or have done, I've not lost weight.  Things I've tried:

  • calorie counting and calorie deficient (800 -1,000 cals) on a daily basis ... no weight loss
  • lo-carb regimen ... no weight loss
  • roughly 50% protein - 25% carb - 25% fat ... no weight loss
  • eating pretty much anything I want  - with no weight gain

As far as food is concerned, my wife is an excellent cook.  Our meals are made with mostly fresh ingredients - no pre-packaged stuff.  No cola, sugar, ice cream or such.  This is a big frustration for me, in that given the type and amount of food I eat on a daily basis; coupled with my training ... I cannot understand why I've not lost weight. 

I've heard the "calories in - calories out" mantra many times before.  And it's simple - for me that strategy does not work!!  Thanks in advance for your comments.


Dorm, There is an excellent article in Runner's World this month on weight loss and running, I think we have all felt your angst at times throughout our journey, I know I have. Finding the right balance of calories and work seems to work best for me, I know I seem to hit a wall in the winter months because I eat more and do not workout as hard at this time, my major goal during the winter is to not gain, I will worry about losing (or actually redistributing) as the warmer weather rolls in. I know I did not really offer any solutions, but, wanted you to know I feel your pain. AK Dave
2016-03-14 10:19 AM
in reply to: Dorm57

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?
Originally posted by Dorm57

Any comments or feedback from the group on the subject are appreciated.  I'm one of those who regardless of what I do or have done, I've not lost weight.  Things I've tried:

  • calorie counting and calorie deficient (800 -1,000 cals) on a daily basis ... no weight loss
  • lo-carb regimen ... no weight loss
  • roughly 50% protein - 25% carb - 25% fat ... no weight loss
  • eating pretty much anything I want  - with no weight gain

As far as food is concerned, my wife is an excellent cook.  Our meals are made with mostly fresh ingredients - no pre-packaged stuff.  No cola, sugar, ice cream or such.  This is a big frustration for me, in that given the type and amount of food I eat on a daily basis; coupled with my training ... I cannot understand why I've not lost weight. 

I've heard the "calories in - calories out" mantra many times before.  And it's simple - for me that strategy does not work!!  Thanks in advance for your comments.



Sounds familiar. I have tried most of the methods you describe and I have not been truly successful in losing the last 10-12 lbs and keeping them off.

What I can say is this: Weight loss comes for me when I take a highly structured approach to food intake: both amounts and types of food. I have to be brutally honest with myself about how much and what types of food I'm really eating. If I am rigorous in monitoring my food every day and I couple that discipline with high activity that includes running, I can make the scale move downward, but its not easy. I often do not maintain the discipline needed to succeed. I know this may not be very helpful - but like AK Dave said, I can tell you that you're not alone.

The only other thing I'll pass along is that I"ve been reading and re-reading Matt Fitzgerald's book "Racing Weight" which talks about leanness as a predictor of success(faster speeds) in endurance sports. Interesting reading and includes strategies to get leaner. I'm trying to use it for inspiration to help me break through my current plateau.

Good luck.

2016-03-14 10:44 AM
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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?
I know I have run into this also, working hard eating right and nothing changes, very frustrating to say the least. But I also find that running is really the only thing that will take off my weight consistently, which means it's time to kick up the volume, i also find that more intensity on my runs works much better than long endurance runs.
So your post made me start thinking about a book I read, at least parts of, talking about glycemic indexes and the need to keep blood sugar levels steady to lose weight?
Here is an article I found on it, i'm sure there are many more out there and maybe that is something you should consider, if you haven't already. It is something I am going to look into again since I can never seem to lose that stubborn mid section fat as much as I would like.

Good luck!


Edited by Mountaindan 2016-03-14 10:47 AM
2016-03-14 11:01 AM
in reply to: DJP_19

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Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?

Hey everyone!  Hope you had a great weekend.

Dorm - nice race and race report.  My first tri of the season is about 5 weeks away - getting a little excited to get the season started.

I did a 5k race this weekend - St Patrick's day theme.  I had to get up early Sunday to drive out there (and lost a hour of sleep due to the time change) which wasn't fun but the race was held at a winery that I've been wanting to visit so it was worth the drive.  I did pretty well - 6/25 in my AG and 57/209 for all women.  My time was a little slower than I would have liked, but that was because of the "hill" at the end - dropped my overall pace and time.  I had read that there was a hill leading back up to the winery, but didn't expect it to be quite so steep - about 180' elevation gain over the last 1/4 mile.  Basically it was a trail leading up the side of the bluff.  I loved the race though - I may go back next year and try the 15k instead.  


2016-03-14 11:31 AM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?

Congrats, nice AG placement! Sounds like a fun race.
Reading about the setting, I was reminded of a running shirt I saw recently that said: "Pain Now, Wine Later".
2016-03-14 2:18 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Janet, I'm envious of the AG placement for your 5k ... nice job.  And thanks all for the nice comment on my first race of the season.  This was not my fastest time for this race, but it was the first time I kept pace during the run ... maybe 3 times I walked 10-15 steps and my brain said " this is stupid - move it!".

Also want to thank all for the comments re: the weight loss post.  It's reassuring to see that others have had the same issue; tried several methods to drop the pounds with limited results.  I'll review the suggestions on runners weight loss, and the Gabriel method ... and start running more too.


Edited by Dorm57 2016-03-14 4:09 PM
2016-03-14 5:48 PM
in reply to: Dorm57

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?
Originally posted by Dorm57

Any comments or feedback from the group on the subject are appreciated.  I'm one of those who regardless of what I do or have done, I've not lost weight.  Things I've tried:

  • calorie counting and calorie deficient (800 -1,000 cals) on a daily basis ... no weight loss
  • lo-carb regimen ... no weight loss
  • roughly 50% protein - 25% carb - 25% fat ... no weight loss
  • eating pretty much anything I want  - with no weight gain

As far as food is concerned, my wife is an excellent cook.  Our meals are made with mostly fresh ingredients - no pre-packaged stuff.  No cola, sugar, ice cream or such.  This is a big frustration for me, in that given the type and amount of food I eat on a daily basis; coupled with my training ... I cannot understand why I've not lost weight. 

I've heard the "calories in - calories out" mantra many times before.  And it's simple - for me that strategy does not work!!  Thanks in advance for your comments.


Hey Dorm,
Like many others I hear your pain & frustration.
Have you tried consulting a nutritionist with experience in sports nutrition?
To my amateur eye, a daily deficit of 800-1000 calorie seems pretty large. You may be throwing your body into starvation mode, which will sabotage your efforts.
Go see a professional, and don't give up.
2016-03-14 6:06 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?

Deb, thanks - and yes I've tried that too ... same results.  There have been times wherein I've dropped  6-7 lbs, but overall I searching for more like 30lbs.  I'll work on increasing my running and some of the dietary info from the suggested sites today.  It is truly a journey

2016-03-14 7:25 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?

Originally posted by soccermom15

 . . . I did pretty well - 6/25 in my AG and 57/209 for all women.


Great result Janet!


Pixmac-winners-announced.jpg (28KB - 5 downloads)

2016-03-14 7:45 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?

Originally posted by ok2try
Originally posted by Dorm57

Any comments or feedback from the group on the subject are appreciated.  I'm one of those who regardless of what I do or have done, I've not lost weight.  Things I've tried:

  • calorie counting and calorie deficient (800 -1,000 cals) on a daily basis ... no weight loss
  • lo-carb regimen ... no weight loss
  • roughly 50% protein - 25% carb - 25% fat ... no weight loss
  • eating pretty much anything I want  - with no weight gain

As far as food is concerned, my wife is an excellent cook.  Our meals are made with mostly fresh ingredients - no pre-packaged stuff.  No cola, sugar, ice cream or such.  This is a big frustration for me, in that given the type and amount of food I eat on a daily basis; coupled with my training ... I cannot understand why I've not lost weight. 

I've heard the "calories in - calories out" mantra many times before.  And it's simple - for me that strategy does not work!!  Thanks in advance for your comments.


Hey Dorm, Like many others I hear your pain & frustration. Have you tried consulting a nutritionist with experience in sports nutrition? To my amateur eye, a daily deficit of 800-1000 calorie seems pretty large. You may be throwing your body into starvation mode, which will sabotage your efforts. Go see a professional, and don't give up. Deb

^ X2

Hey Dorm,

I agree with Deb, an 800-1,000 daily deficit is almost sure to put you into starvation mode.  When the body goes in to starvation mode, it can enter into protein catabolism - breaking down protein for energy - to make up the difference between caloric intake and caloric needs.  That means your body starts breaking down the muscle you have worked so hard to build so it can fuel itself.  When in starvation mode a number of bio-chemical reactions take place so the body prefers protein catabolism (breaking down protein) over lipolysis (breaking down fat) - meaning any weight you lose will be lean muscle mass.

The only time you should be running that high a caloric deficit is while under the care and direction of a physician.

Just my humble two cents.

2016-03-14 11:09 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Hi Deb, Glad to see you're home safe.  It took me a bit to figure out your photo - can't help nut thinking they are about to head down a hill.

2016-03-14 11:16 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?

Janet - Nice race to start your race season.  The 15K run sounds like a good idea.

2016-03-15 4:49 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?

Deb - Scott ... thanks for the suggestion re: a nutritionist.  I've been to see the one at my club and well ... have not had good results.  I'm not sure if this was due to her advice, or me not following her advice.  I suspect it's more the latter.  The nutritionist did shift the balance towards a bit more protein intake.  I think the recommendation was: daily intake = 40% protein, followed by 30% each from carbs and fat. 

The issue for me is when I work out, it's hard to eat enough to make up the calorie deficit.  Many days (via MyFitnessPal calorie calculator) I eat enough required to maintain my weight.  But once the caloric deficit from the workout is added in, I'm back to the 800 - 1,000 deficit.  Today for instance ... including my workout and what the wife plans to make for dinner - I'm deficient 1,000 calories.

I'd love to know what the group does for snacks in between meals - as this seems to be the ideal spot to make up the deficit.  There were some good snack suggestions and recipes via the Runners World Link, so I'll go back and look at those.  Meantime, I'd love to know what the group is doing.  Thanks.


2016-03-15 5:36 PM
in reply to: Dorm57

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?
Originally posted by Dorm57

I'd love to know what the group does for snacks in between meals - as this seems to be the ideal spot to make up the deficit.  There were some good snack suggestions and recipes via the Runners World Link, so I'll go back and look at those.  Meantime, I'd love to know what the group is doing.  Thanks.


it's pretty important to replenish the muscle glycogen you have burned within about 30 minutes following your workout. I like the Hammer Nutrition products (disclaimer, I'm now a Hammer-sponsored athlete; but I used them for a long time before that happened). Usually I'll use the Recoverite drink, or often a half or whole Recovery Bar. For a huge effort like an event, I have both.
Although I don't in general consume many processed foods, I like these because I know there's an optimal proportion of protein/carb and I don't need to wonder if I've gotten that right.
Sometimes instead, though, I have something like a piece of whole-wheat homemade bread with hummus and a hard-boiled egg and hope the carb/protein ratio is close. After a strength workout, if I remember, I'll have a whey drink.
And at bedtime I have a high-casein snack like cottage cheese or a casein drink, or both. Aging bodies, I've heard, tend to cannibalize our own lean muscle tissue while we sleep (son-of-a-gun! As if we don't have enough to deal with!) The casein, because it digests slowly, helps prevent that; so even if I'm not especially hungry I consume some.
I'm sure Scott can explain the metabolism more scientifically. This is the simple version.

2016-03-15 6:56 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Originally posted by wenceslasz

Hi Deb, Glad to see you're home safe.  It took me a bit to figure out your photo - can't help nut thinking they are about to head down a hill.

Hey George, thanks!
Transport up & down the hilly roads is mostly by big trucks or cargo bikes. The bikes are super heavy & heavy-duty, being made to carry everything from bundles of bricks to dimensional lumber to live animals. Often you see the bike guys, laden or unladen, hitching a ride up the hills hanging on the back of the trucks; they usually let go at the top and coast or pedal down the other side. This one struck my fancy because of the "Danger Petrol (gas)" sign, but it's always a bit dangerous as you can imagine.
Interestingly, Rwanda is beginning to develop cycling and cyclists the way Kenya & Ethiopia develop running. If I'd known beforehand that this could be done, I might have arranged a cycling tour with members of their medal-winning national team, many of whom started out as cargo-bikers. That would have been a thrill, although the elevation and hills might have killed me. Another lifetime, maybe.
2016-03-15 9:15 PM
in reply to: Dorm57

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?

Originally posted by Dorm57

 . . . I'd love to know what the group does for snacks in between meals - as this seems to be the ideal spot to make up the deficit.  There were some good snack suggestions and recipes via the Runners World Link, so I'll go back and look at those.  Meantime, I'd love to know what the group is doing.  Thanks.


Hey Dorm,

Immediately after a workout I like a pint carton of COLD low-fat chocolate milk - ~240 calories, 44 g carbohydrate and 16 g of protein.  All the macro-nutrients in the perfect proportion for recovery.

As to between meal snacking, there are all kinds of options; from beef jerky to deviled eggs, fruits and nuts, etc.  Any of the suggestions you can find on just about any paleo diet website will fit the bill for a healthy snack (even if you aren't following a strictly paleo diet).  A couple sites with suggestions -

Trail mix is always a good choice although I would avoid manufactured or processed versions.  You can make your own trail mix and not have the added sodium and sugar.

Smoothies are another good choice.  The nice thing about smoothies is you can add whey protein powder and increase your daily protein intake.

A pint of chocolate milk, a handful of nuts, a smoothie and a couple pieces of beef jerky and you easily have 500-800 additional calories.  Another thing that helps is eating your first food within 30-minutes of waking up.  It is called 'break - fast' for a reason.  That meal turns your metabolism back on.  Then, eat something every two-hours throughout the day.  By "grazing" all day you spread the calories out, keep the blood sugar more even and never find yourself hungry.  When you are hungry, you tend to binge eat (at least I do). When I am hungry I often revert back to my see-food diet - I see it, I eat it.  Never a good thing when you are trying to lose weight.

Next thing - STRICTLY record EVERYTHING that goes in your mouth.  As an experiment one weekend, my wife and I both kept track of everything I ate and drank.  At the end of the first day, she had recorded that I had eaten substantially more than I had recorded.  I found I would sub-consciously say to myself, well, this little Girl Scout Thin Mint cookie isn't REALLY that many calories and not record it.  Or I would eat something and say, "I will record that later."  And then forget.  By the end of the day, we were talking several hundred calories.

Hope all of that helps.

2016-03-17 7:17 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?
Originally posted by k9car363

  As an experiment one weekend, my wife and I both kept track of everything I ate and drank.  At the end of the first day, she had recorded that I had eaten substantially more than I had recorded.  I found I would sub-consciously say to myself, well, this little Girl Scout Thin Mint cookie isn't REALLY that many calories and not record it.  Or I would eat something and say, "I will record that later."  And then forget.  By the end of the day, we were talking several hundred calories.

Hope all of that helps.

Scott, this is very comical indeed. Doesn't everyone know that ice cream (and peanut butter) have no calories if they are eaten standing up and straight from the container? Neither do grapes, as long as you eat them one by one.
2016-03-17 1:46 PM
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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?

Originally posted by ok2try
Originally posted by k9car363

  As an experiment one weekend, my wife and I both kept track of everything I ate and drank.  At the end of the first day, she had recorded that I had eaten substantially more than I had recorded.  I found I would sub-consciously say to myself, well, this little Girl Scout Thin Mint cookie isn't REALLY that many calories and not record it.  Or I would eat something and say, "I will record that later."  And then forget.  By the end of the day, we were talking several hundred calories.

Hope all of that helps.

Scott, this is very comical indeed. Doesn't everyone know that ice cream (and peanut butter) have no calories if they are eaten standing up and straight from the container? Neither do grapes, as long as you eat them one by one. Deb


LOL ... my wife says, when I count calories, they only count when I eat it from a bowl.

Spent some time in the pool today and totally had no mojo, so I packed it in after 600m.  Bad swimming is truly worse than no swimming.  Recalling my workouts over the last couple of days - coupled with swimming today reinforced the importance of rest.  Good rest fosters good workouts which promote good results. If only I could remember this ....

Edited by Dorm57 2016-03-17 5:56 PM
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date : March 10, 2011
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