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2017-03-29 8:41 PM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - Closed
Finally broke my streak of Tempo runs!
Will have to look into Amazon

2017-03-30 12:01 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - Closed

Originally posted by rjchilds8
Originally posted by HelmoAlkou . Here's a good read:
  I was hoping you would share the numbers you are using for fluid volume, calories, carbs, and electrolytes on an hourly basis for your 70.3 racing. Thanks! Randy

First, I know this is a little out of the scope of our forum. But you new guys doing sprints or maybe Olympic distances this year can use these same item and principles. Your body need carbs to burn for fuel and protein to recover while staying hydrated no matter the distance.

Here's what my hydration and nutrition looked like per hour for my two 2016 races, 140.6 last spring and 70.3 this past fall. Before 2016 I used GU gels which is really close to Clif gels but has less sugar and if you pick the right flavor you can get 1g of protein. I did eat a Clif Bar Mini or two during my 140.3 and several  previous 70.3 races because I wanted something a little solid in my gut and the added protein to prevent muscle catabolism (where your body starts burning protein for energy after several hours of extended work and if the protein isn't there you're body starts eating muscle for fuel). However my last 70.3 was without any protein.

Most manufactures recommend 10-15% or so of your calories be from protein. That's also way so many companies are adding protein to their mixes. Perpetuem is a good example of one of the first. It's formulated to give you everything you need. Mix it as strong or weak as you need for the length of the workout/race and sip accordingly. The Tri Shop in Dallas has a full shelving unit with drink mixes just like it.

I take in 240 calories on the bike then drop down to 180 for the run (nothing solid and one gel per hour). I have no trouble at all although most manufactures recommend 150-200 calories per hour. Sometimes I feel a little full and choose to skip the Clif Bar bite. Sometimes I realize I have pee again after only an 1.5 hours so I cut back on the water a little. And I end every race and/or workout with recovery drink.

Every hour:

10-14 oz. of plain water and 10-14 oz. of water mixed with electrolyte drink, Gatorade End, BASE Hydro, etc.

 Item (flavor) Calories SodiumPotassium Carbs Sugar Protein  
 Gatorade Endurance80 300 mg140 mg22g 21 g 
 Clif gel (Raz)10090 mg 55 mg 24 g 12 g  
 Clif Bar (quartered)60  38 mg52 mg11 g25 g9 g bike only
 BASE Salt 100 mg 1.3 mg     
 TOTAL: 240 528 mg 248 mg57 g58 g9 g 

 I added that Base Salt because it makes a difference for me and after months of workouts making sure my hydration as spot on. Sometimes I go too hard on the bike and it's difficult to tell if it's lack of nutrition or I just went too hard. Also, Base Salt has lots more to it not listed.

Hope this helps.


2017-03-30 12:31 PM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - Closed
Originally posted by HelmoAlkou

First, I know this is a little out of the scope of our forum. But you new guys doing sprints or maybe Olympic distances this year can use these same item and principles. Your body need carbs to burn for fuel and protein to recover while staying hydrated no matter the distance.

Here's what my hydration and nutrition looked like per hour for my two 2016 races, 140.6 last spring and 70.3 this past fall.

Thanks for sharing that information with the group, Monty! It really gives me something to compare to and make some adjustments to my own plan. Just curious what sources you might have used to come to the totals that you used for your own plan. It's obviously a tried and true plan since you've used it at both the 70.3 and 140.6 distances. I was just hoping to read some of the background on your choices.


2017-03-31 3:18 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - Closed

Originally posted by rjchilds8
Originally posted by HelmoAlkou 
 I was just hoping to read some of the background on your choices. Thanks! Randy

Hammer Nutrition has become my one stop shop for endurance nutrition information. I’ve read several books, websites, and many forums (which is like rolling the dice) and I always find myself back at Hammer. Yes, they recommend their products but the information they provide isn’t product specific. And it’s on target with everything I’ve found that I would consider trustworthy, most of which I’ve had to pay for, i.e. books. I suppose that I find the Hammer website easiest for me to navigate around and find what I need quickly.

Below is a link to the Knowledge Base Getting Started page. You’ll find links on the left on that page to progress through their info and if you scroll down you’ll find their Five Secrets for Success with link that details each category. Also there’s a downloadable PDF file on the same page I HIGHLY recommend reading. I’ll link that also.

  1. Hydration

  2. Caloric Intake

  3. Electrolytes

  4. Pre-race fueling

  5. Recovery


Also, I visit product websites that I use or going to use and read their recommended usage and get nutrition details to plug into my spreadsheet for calculations. Most all agree with each other but some are easier to navigate and understand than others. Also, Some sites just use independent writers for their articles and after a little reading I’ve found conflicting information.




GU Energy has a “Plan” page where you select which sport or triathlon distance you’re doing and it estimates the nutrition you’ll need for it, I’ve never tried it. Most of their site is independent articles and I personally don’t have time to dig through it all looking for what I need.


BASE Performance:

BASE is the sponsor of my 140.6 in May and will supply course nutrition. I’ve used BASE Salt for years (the official salt of IRONMAN) but never their Hydro (Gatorade Endurance equivalent) or Amino. Here’s a pdf file about their products and some info. Page 9-11 has an interesting sodium depletion chart and why salt is important.


I’ll end with one point, I’m frugal! I have kids in college and several other hobbies I enjoy that cost money. My nutrition plan (diet) is minimal in comparison to what’s recommended for an athlete, I don’t take lots of supplements. And, for the most part, I stay healthy and try to keep a “clean” diet. I choose gatorade, gel packs, and clif bars because it’s cheap compared to what’s out there and it works for me. I buy RecoveRite for my recovery drink after years of Whey Protein because I know how important recovery is and I’m not skimping there after I put in a hard workout!

2017-03-31 5:04 PM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - Closed
Originally posted by HelmoAlkou

Originally posted by rjchilds8
Originally posted by HelmoAlkou 
 I was just hoping to read some of the background on your choices. Thanks! Randy

Hammer Nutrition has become my one stop shop for endurance nutrition information. I’ve read several books, websites, and many forums (which is like rolling the dice) and I always find myself back at Hammer. Yes, they recommend their products but the information they provide isn’t product specific. And it’s on target with everything I’ve found that I would consider trustworthy, most of which I’ve had to pay for, i.e. books. I suppose that I find the Hammer website easiest for me to navigate around and find what I need quickly.

Thanks a lot Monty! That's a lot of info to read through, but if you couldn't tell by the fact that I had at least a dozen articles in the document I posted, I do like to gather information to make an informed decision. While I'm not necessarily on a tight budget, I agree with you that there's no reason to spend like crazy. Like you said, the money I don't waste on expensive products can be allocated to other interests or other areas of triathlon.
2017-04-03 6:52 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: March totals
Swim: 3h 16m 33s - 9000 M
Bike: 7h 31m 35s - 124.23 Mi
Run: 7h 08m 46s - 48.62 Mi

I had a pretty good month of training in March. One week where I had some roadblocks that limited me, but otherwise I had a pretty solid month. For the most part, I had about the same number of workouts but I extended the distances across the board.

Swim: I extended my long swim up to 1700m. My total distance in March was 1650m more than February, putting me essentially 400m more per workout for the month.

Bike: I had some of my best trainer workouts ever in the month of March. Whether it's the equipment (my old, $160 Walmart roadbike) or the sheer boredom I feel on the trainer, I never seem to average much more than 16.5 mph. But I had two workouts this month where i averaged over 17 mph. I'm hoping that's a great indicator for my season! I only did one more workout than February, but I logged an extra hour and a half in the saddle and added an extra 28 miles.

Run: I ran a much better than expected 5K in the first half of the month and succeeded in my plan to extend my average run. In total, I added about an hour and a half of running and a little over 12.5 miles of running.

I ended March and started April with a pretty bad stomach bug. I had planned for an 8 mile run this past weekend, I tried to fight my way through it, but I was only able to handle a little less than 2 miles. While it has gotten less severe since the pain started on Friday, it seems strange that I would still be feeling the effects of a typical stomach bug for more than 3 days. I'm putting a call into my doctor's office this morning to see what they say.

2017-04-04 4:56 AM
in reply to: #5217101

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New user
Subject: Training on Holiday
Hi from a cloudy Cape Town,

Even though I'm on holiday I have been inspired (or shamed, not use which) into training. The sea is far to cold for swimming, but I have just done a 40 min run on the beach. Of course this is offset vast amounts of beer and steak, but i guess every little helps.......
2017-04-04 9:09 AM
in reply to: TonyAbbott

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Training on Holiday
Originally posted by TonyAbbott

Hi from a cloudy Cape Town,

Even though I'm on holiday I have been inspired (or shamed, not use which) into training. The sea is far to cold for swimming, but I have just done a 40 min run on the beach. Of course this is offset vast amounts of beer and steak, but i guess every little helps.......

Vast amounts of beer and steak sounds fantastic!
2017-04-05 2:13 PM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - Closed
Great Info Monty. Do you ever feel sloshing when you run? That seems like a lot to drink. At the rate I perspire I believe it but have never tried to drink that much while running. Looking at the GU website even for a HM I should take in 40 oz. My first I grabbed some water or gatorade every 2.5 to 3 miles on the course but that was likely only 12 oz.

2017-04-05 2:32 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: March totals
Was feeling bad about the delay in posting totals. I have been really busy and it looks like some other are too

SWIM 2h 52m 19s - 9305.95 Yd
BIKE7h 45m 54s - 130.92 Mi
RUN12h 41m 24s - 84.62 Mi

Gains in every area but mostly in the run. My swim volume is still pretty low. Its up 300 yd but I should be getting closer to 12,000 yds at this point. I have been having trouble getting to the pool. My bike is up about 12 miles and around where my monthly totals are typically. I can't tolerate much more on the trainer and although the weather has been mostly nice I have only been able to squeeze one outdoor ride in that was very time constrained. I am up almost 23 miles on the run. I have a HM in a couple weeks so I have been pretty good about maintaining my long run. I don't feel as prepared as my fall HM but prepared enough to cover the distance close to my goal pace. I have a Sprint this weekend. This will take place of my long run for the week, and then I start my HM tapper. My HM plan didn't seem to have much periodization and I am starting to feel run down. I need to increase my sleep which isn't always easy given when I train, and my job. After my HM I have a Oly two weeks later, and plan to focus on bike and swim during that time, and cut run to a long run and tempo or finish hard run. After this my races spreed out a bit and I only have tri's until the fall.

Definitely need to learn more about nutrition. Appreciate the info Randy, Monty, and Tony. Although I will keep the beer in the respectable 1-2 range.

2017-04-06 8:59 AM
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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: March totals

Swim: 7h 00m - 22750.00 Yd
Bike: 18h 43m - 299.22 Mi
Run: 16h 05m - 98.16 Mi

I knew taking five days off for a vacation would set me back a little but unexpected weather on long bike days hurt more. Anything more than an hour or so on a trainer or stationary gym bike is absolutely horrible for me! 

The good news and bad news: I'm six weeks out from race day and it only getting tougher from here. But, in six weeks it will be over!! 

Nate, I personally have never had "sloshing" during a race. I came close during a half once and cut back my intake drastically during the race. 40 oz is probably ideal for a half M if you're running it in two hours on a warmer day. Side note: I won't drink that much for a race/workout under 2-3 hours. But it depends largely on the ambient weather and you. I might drink 16 oz per hour in the winter and 28 oz in July. Practicing your hydration/nutrition long before race day!

Good luck with your sprint this weekend!!

Lastly, beer and steak. Give me till the end of May and I'll start catching up! My beer intake is very regulated right now. 

Edit: I'm very happy to note that today is an OFF day. No work, no workouts, just rest!!

Edited by HelmoAlkou 2017-04-06 9:00 AM

2017-04-06 9:16 AM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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Subject: RE: March totals
Slow in getting my totals listed as not as much as it needs to be; I have a sprint scheduled for 4/30.....need some outdoor riding!!

Swim............9hrs 48mins.......................19,650 yards
Bike..............4hrs 8mins........................54.28 miles
Run/Walk......8hrs 14mins.......................23.18 miles
Strength........6hrs 40mins

Crazy......I've been working hard in the son is also doing the sprint....he's not been able to get into the water that much but yesterday he swims the distance of the sprint in a minute faster than my best time so far this spring.................guess I better get going!!!!
2017-04-06 6:52 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: March totals
Originally posted by nrpoulin

I have a HM in a couple weeks so I have been pretty good about maintaining my long run. ... I have a Sprint this weekend. T


Good luck on your upcoming races, Nate! Do you have a goal time for the half? What did you do late last year, something like 1:45-1:50?
2017-04-06 8:51 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - Closed

Hi everyone,

Sorry I've been out of touch for a while. I got sick with Strep for about a week. Once that cleared up we took the kids down to the Gulf for a spring break vacation. Obviously my training has been lacking quite a bit lately. Tomorrow I will start seeking consistency in my training and try to get things headed back in the right direction. 

Hope everyone's training is going well!

2017-04-08 8:18 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - Closed

Originally posted by Dominion

Sorry I've been out of touch for a while. I got sick with Strep for about a week. Once that cleared up we took the kids down to the Gulf for a spring break vacation. Obviously my training has been lacking quite a bit lately. Tomorrow I will start seeking consistency in my training and try to get things headed back in the right direction. 

Glad you're well. Welcome back!

2017-04-08 8:48 AM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - Closed

I got in my longest workout of this training cycle yesterday. And tomorrow starts my last four weeks of training before my tapper so more of the same ahead! It was a swim/bike/run brick although I drove to the gym and back for the swim. The bike started off beautiful, 60*F, blue sky, and no wind. I guess we only heated up to the upper 70's but as usual the wind came in furry. I wasn't feeling great and NOT motivated at all which is a problem I've had lately and need to find a way to fix it.

I sipped lightly on my water/mix bottles while on the bike because of the cool weather. Then I started drinking more to accommodate the full sun, wind, and warmer temps. I still think I got behind. I was soooo thirsty when I got off the bike I couldn't help myself and drank too much. Luckily it was only a 30 minute run because I got the slight feeling of cramps in my gut!! I sipped on water/electrolytes the rest of the evening. I got up today little sore and stiff but not bad at all. I have an hour recovery ride to stretch out my legs today that I'll probably do in the gym for better spin and resistance control. Yesterday was one of those little milestones in your training plan that makes statement. 

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

2017-04-09 12:18 AM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: March numbers
S: 11,632.27 yds
B: 167.59 mi
R: 53.78 mi

Well, March didn’t start out well for me as I was fighting the plague the first week, and it took a while to ease back into it, but I did it. And then the heater went out at the pool and it was closed for over a week, so my swimming was limited. However, I managed to maintain my training schedule during a conference I attended at the end of the month. Unfortunately, I’ve come down with the plague yet again. This time, at least, it hasn’t manifested as bronchitis, so as long as my lungs don’t hurt, I can continue limited training.

Nice March numbers, Monty! Hopefully, I’ll recover from this latest bout with the plague quickly and can get some good training in. I have Bloomsday 12K Run coming up in about four weeks, and then my first triathlon about three weeks after that. I haven’t decided yet whether to do the sprint, which I’ve always done in the past, or the Olympic. I always place in the sprint, which is a great way to start off the season, and I don’t like this race’s Olympic course (it’s the same as another race I’ve done in August), but the Olympic would be good practice for my HIM at the end of June.
2017-04-09 7:16 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: March totals
Originally posted by rjchilds8

Originally posted by nrpoulin

I have a HM in a couple weeks so I have been pretty good about maintaining my long run. ... I have a Sprint this weekend. T


Good luck on your upcoming races, Nate! Do you have a goal time for the half? What did you do late last year, something like 1:45-1:50?

I have been reluctant to put a goal pace for my HM. I set my plan up for to run just under 1:50. Not sure if I can hit that pace at this point in the year, just not in good enough shape and still need to drop 7 lbs The last HM came at the end of the season when I was lighter and in better shape and this one is in the beginning. That time off in December really had a big effect. Looking back on my training runs I am about 4-5 minutes slower over 10 miles but I have been doing my warm-ups slower, and my tempo pace is slower by 5-10 seconds. I think I will try to start with a 8:30 pace. Hoping to finish around 1:55.
There is a sandy trail section at the 10 mile mark that will take some speed off.
2017-04-12 2:13 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Subject: Race Report
First race of the year is in the bag.

I did this race two years ago but the bike course was altered slightly and shortened by 0.5 miles. This was a new run course for this year. My time was a little better than 6 minutes faster.

Individually I swam faster which is surprising because I seeded myself slower due to my lack of volume, and this year I didn't pass anyone in the pool. My in water time was 4:45. I did open turns and they weren't smooth. No more pool swims for the rest of the year.

I continue to search for the optimum tri clothing. It was 35 F on my drive out and I am glad I had planned on a jersey with sleeves. Today I tried a full zip cycle jersey that I put on in T1. My time was slow but I think it was more related to socks and shoes.

I haven't looked the data from my cycle computer yet by I did put a triathlon app on my vivoactiveHR. The bike course was hilly for 9.5 miles, 550+ Ft. I averaged a 18.88 mph and this was a faster speed than 2 years ago when I averaged 18.13. Would be interested to look at my cadence data. It was cold and my right foot and thighs were numb. They didn't bother me until the run

The run was reported as a 5k, most of in on paved trials in the woods. My GPS had 2.9 miles, not sure how accurate in the woods. I am pretty sure the course was short but likely at 3 miles. I posted to NC BT page and no responses. Either way the pace was better than 2 years ago

For everything my overall place was better than my AG place. Actually was last in the run for my AG .

I think this was a good test of where I am at, but many of the things I already knew. I think I will try to work in a more consistent Brick/Transition run after my HM. Typically tuesday is a tempo day, thursday is a medium run, Saturday is short, and Sunday is long. Was thinking of converting Thursday into a Brick with 20 minutes of hard pedaling and then a 4-5 mile run. I hadn't incorporated these workouts in the past, but I know many people do.

I liked the bike jersey for sun protection. Hope to find a different style,and that chaffing doesn't become an issue.
2017-04-13 2:54 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Subject: RE: Race Report
Nice event! Congrats!!!!!!
2017-04-13 6:17 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Race Report

Originally posted by nrpoulin First race of the year is in the bag.

Good job, Nate! It looks like you had strong runners in your AG.

2017-04-14 6:57 AM
in reply to: HelmoAlkou

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Race Report
Originally posted by HelmoAlkou

Originally posted by nrpoulin First race of the year is in the bag.

Good job, Nate! It looks like you had strong runners in your AG.

Nice job, Nate! I agree with Monty. Even if it was 3.0 miles, 24:59 was 14th out of 14 in your AG?! That's a pretty good group of runners right there. Great job on the bike, too.
2017-04-15 8:11 PM
in reply to: #5208205

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Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - Closed
I was pretty happy with my run time. Hopefully all the races won't be like that this year!
2017-04-15 8:25 PM
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Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - Closed
Managed to crack the screen on my garmin. Anyone have experience with a repair?

Edited by nrpoulin 2017-04-17 7:56 AM
2017-04-16 9:49 AM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Subject: RE: The Dominon - Beginner Focused Group - Closed
Originally posted by nrpoulin

Manage to cracking the screen on my garmin. Anyone have experience with a repair?

I've worked with Garmin on a couple of repairs (replaced actually); have found them very responsive in my 2 instances. First I dropped my first 405 on our tile floor-screwed it up royally! Called garmin and they replaced-at a cost to me; sent broken watch via UPS and they sent a refurbished 405 in just a few days. I still have it and it works just fine! My 910 "died" earlier this year ....same process as before but this time no charge for the replacement even tho it was out of warranty!

Hope you can get it resolved-amazing how much we rely on these things. With the 910 situation I used that 405 for walks/bike; a garmin swim watch I had for my swims while waiting on the new 910.

Our daughter bought the new Fenix5s ($$$) and has really likes its performance! My wife really likes the "look" and suggested she might get one ....a "fashion" thing.. .

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