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2008-04-28 2:20 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
OK, did 1500 yds at lunch and 15 minutes of abs this morning. Hit bike goals over the weekend and then some. That means I am just 2.5 mile run shy of meeting all goals for the month. Hope to knock that out tomorrow.

Keep up the good work everyone

2008-04-28 2:42 PM
in reply to: #1364458

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Evergreen, CO
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

Artemis - 2008-04-27 9:43 AM Good morning!! Please remember to update your totals in the spreadsheet tonight. We'll do an update tomorrow. The challenge ends on Wednesday, so get out there and finish up your goals.

Yes ma'am!!  Way to keep us in line Jen

I got an easy trainer spin in this morning to get the legs moving after yesterday's run (21 miles -- woo hoo!!).  Swim today and Wed., strength tomorrow, and I'm right at 100% for the month for those 2.  Wish I hadn't slacked off at the beginning of the month or I could help the team out w/ a little extra.  I'm going to be quite a bit over on my bike goal cuz the weather is supposed to be gorgeous Tues and Wed and I'll have to get out of the office.

Keep up the great work everybody!!  Just  3 days left!!!

2008-04-28 3:45 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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in front of my computer duh!
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
well I actually got out of bed when I was supposed to so that allowed me enough time to go to the gym for a strength workout before work. Heading back after work for my second one today that will bring me up to 12 out of 15. its going to be close but I am going to do 2 today 2 tomorrow and 2 on wed. so that should put me at a little over 100% I'm going to do it!!
2008-04-28 6:09 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

Closed out bike today at 106%.  (Run and strength are done at 103% and 100%).

Will close out schwimmy tomorrow morning.

Looking forward to next month's challenge!

2008-04-28 9:53 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
Needs a long workout huh? Actually the problem with my percentage isn't the long workouts as those have been planned for all along and will happen but the lots of little short ones as in the strength sessions- I need 5 over the next 2 days

Raced this weekend down at St Anthony's in FL- our weather was much different than Kathy's with sunny and highs in the 80s so HOT for this Northerner. Okay race for me, non-tapered and minimally rested so was satisfied with where I'm at especially since I've been dealing with a running injury since early March. I'll hit my numbers for the three tri sports and will do my best for strength.
2008-04-29 12:27 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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in front of my computer duh!
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
Did work out number 2 today. I am now at 12 out of 15 strength workouts. hopefully 2 tomorrow and 1 on Wednesday.

2008-04-29 8:03 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
I got in a half an hour run yesterday on the treadmill at the gym before I had to get off because I was at the time limit.  I'm about 10 minutes away from my run goal, so I'll finish that up today.  Tomorrow will be finishing up the swim goal and one last strength session, so I should have everything finished up. 
2008-04-29 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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Evergreen, CO
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

Imagine my surprise yesterday when hubby shows up at work with flowers and chocolate.  Yes, I forgot our anniversary.  So no swim last night - I took him out to dinner instead.  Trying to figure out how to fit a swim in today when the pool is only open 8-2.

For the record, hubby cheats -- he engraved the date on the inside of his wedding band. 

2008-04-29 9:21 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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Franklin, TN
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

Congratulations Susan!!!!

Finished the challenge this morning with the long swim and drills.

Ready for a rest day tomorrow!

Let's finish strong Atoms!

2008-04-29 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
OK, so yesterday I post that I am a 2.5 mile run from hitting all goals. Last nite, it was raining. I slipped on something and fell on my knee. Hurt too much to run this morning. Ugh. Hopefully its OK tomorrow so I can get the run in before the end of the month. Hope to not let the team down.
2008-04-29 11:37 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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in front of my computer duh!
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
Got in a work out this morning so that leaves me with only 2 more strength workouts left. one this afternoon and one tomorrow morning. or maybe one at lunch and one after dinner. what's the ruling on 3 a day strength training workouts?

2008-04-29 12:24 PM
in reply to: #1369450

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Evergreen, CO
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

joemac3 - 2008-04-29 10:37 AM Got in a work out this morning so that leaves me with only 2 more strength workouts left. one this afternoon and one tomorrow morning. or maybe one at lunch and one after dinner. what's the ruling on 3 a day strength training workouts?

The ruling is, if you can do it, go for it! 

Hubby is willing to suffer through the warm pool with me tonight so I can get a swim in - the regular pool is only open 8-2 today.  Another swim tomorrow in the cold pool (in my new shorty wetsuit so I don't freeze to death) and strength tonight and I'm done, stick a fork in me!  Right down to the last minute as usual!

2008-04-29 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
Just got finished on the bike (162.66 out of 160 miles)...

I'm not sure if I'm going to hit 100% in both the swim and the run...but I'll be close. Have one of each on the schedule for tomorrow.

Let's go Atoms!
2008-04-29 2:49 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Cape Coral, FL , Florida
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
well i got everything done was not sure the weather has been rain but i got a window and grabbed it today
2008-04-29 2:55 PM
in reply to: #1370150

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

mac3116 - 2008-04-29 3:49 PM well i got everything done was not sure the weather has been rain but i got a window and grabbed it today

Good job!  The weather here has been like that too.  Today's one of the first clear days in about a week. 

2008-04-29 6:18 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

Finished up my run goal today. 

All that's left for tomorrow is some swimming and a strength workout. 

2008-04-30 8:03 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
hanging head in shame...

Sorry team, but this truck is out of gas. I'm going to end the challenge at less than 100% and I'm sorry...I had hoped to get a little closer, but I realized this morning that my body was telling me to rest. I aimed high, but failed.

2008-04-30 8:07 AM
in reply to: #1371545

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
Thats cool. Rest is required too. It was a fun challenge nonetheless!

Well team, I ran this morning, so I have hit all goals. Met 2 exactly, and exceeded 2. Final totals for the month are:
Bike: 220 Mi
Run: 20 Mi
Swim: 15400 Yd
Strength: 4h 00m

This was a fun challenge, since I had to maintain workouts x4. My problem's always been consistency, this was a consistent month across all activities and for that I am quite satisfied.

Thanks for letting me on the team and good luck to all!
2008-04-30 9:27 AM
in reply to: #1371545

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Evergreen, CO
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

enders_shadow - 2008-04-30 7:03 AM hanging head in shame... Sorry team, but this truck is out of gas. I'm going to end the challenge at less than 100% and I'm sorry...I had hoped to get a little closer, but I realized this morning that my body was telling me to rest. I aimed high, but failed.

That's better than overdoing it and injuring yourself -- very smart!!

I'm also going to be 1 swim short -- my long run caught up with me yesterday and I couldn't get off the couch.  Finished strength this morning and will get a swim in tonight after track workout. 

2008-04-30 9:28 AM
in reply to: #1371565

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Evergreen, CO
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

ChicagoMan65 - 2008-04-30 7:07 AM Thats cool. Rest is required too. It was a fun challenge nonetheless! Well team, I ran this morning, so I have hit all goals. Met 2 exactly, and exceeded 2. Final totals for the month are: Bike: 220 Mi Run: 20 Mi Swim: 15400 Yd Strength: 4h 00m This was a fun challenge, since I had to maintain workouts x4. My problem's always been consistency, this was a consistent month across all activities and for that I am quite satisfied. Thanks for letting me on the team and good luck to all!

Fantastic job!!  It's been a fun month! 

2008-04-30 10:17 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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in front of my computer duh!
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
I did it!!!! last night and this morning I worked out and those were strength training sessions 14 and 15.

so here is where I stand

Biking 110%
Swimming 110%
Strength 100%

I have met all my goals! what a great month

2008-04-30 11:33 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

Today is the last day of the April Challenge!  Hope you are able to get in some last minute workouts and get to 100%!

Please remember that you have to have your logs and team spreadsheet updated by 11:59 EDT on Friday May2nd.  I'll be posting the final results on Saturday. 

2008-04-30 11:35 AM
in reply to: #1371545

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

enders_shadow - 2008-04-30 9:03 AM hanging head in shame... Sorry team, but this truck is out of gas. I'm going to end the challenge at less than 100% and I'm sorry...I had hoped to get a little closer, but I realized this morning that my body was telling me to rest. I aimed high, but failed.

It's ok.  Listen to your body.  Resting now is better than pushing too hard and inuring yourself.  No one wants that! 

2008-04-30 11:37 AM
in reply to: #1302977

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms
Great job, Mark and Joe!! 
2008-04-30 12:44 PM
in reply to: #1302977

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Subject: RE: Team Amazing Atoms

I would like to file a one day extension..........I can plead the case with my doctor writing me off for two weeks in the beginning of the month but I only took one......and I can also plead the case as the pool had so many problems and they had to close it many times this month....however I will tell on myself and admit that I got my membership renewed for the colleges pool so I can only use the pool closed excuse for one of those days.  I really want to do yoga tonite instead of swim for 65 min....that is what I need for the challenge.....If I cant get an extension granted I could always stay after yoga and swim in the nasty 90plus degree pool.  Thanks for your consideration.


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