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2009-01-13 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL



 As far as recovery meals, I often don't have the stomach for food right after a workout, so I do recovery drinks. Slim fast works great, and some of those ensure type drinks work good too. I'm not sure if they have milk in them, but I bet you could find some that don't.

2009-01-13 10:21 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Post-workout food...good question. I'm really leery of eating before a workout (don't handle most foods well) and I'm actually rarely hungry after a long workout. I usually end up replacing fluids and electrolytes and not eating like I should. Protein is key as a recovery food and I rarely eat anything after a workout that has it.

Most common post workout grub for me is a Clif Bar, honestly. Has some protein. Alternatively--and maybe more digestible--I'll have the Clif Bar's "sister," the Luna Bar. (If you haven't tried one, I like the lighter texture of the Luna Bar.)

Yogurt is another option...I rarely eat it before or after a workout, but I have a Dannon Light 'n' Fit yogurt every morning for breakfast and find that brand in particular to be easy to digest.

I don't get an upset stomach from a workout, to be honest with you...although it has happened once in a while. I had terrible stomach cramping on a run about eight weeks or so ago. I think in that instance I didn't eat or drink anything and I should have...was running completely "empty" and got a little overeated and dehydrated.

Wish I could be more help.
2009-01-13 10:29 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Aloha Guys and Gals

I've been lying low last few days as nutrition has not been going well but .... oh any way here's the Stat's on the week LOL.

Last Weeks Goals

  1. weight - 250 (look at nutrition timing and nail that) Done?!?!?!?!?!
  2. Nail core and stretch workouts this week Mmmmmmm failed but started
  3. Make sure I rest! Okay I'll call that a Done

 Got no idea how the hell I managed to nail that 250! My nutrition was all to pot - (note: when I don't log you know it's going to be bad) But I'll take it with open arms. I am going to start making notes on what my nutrition plan should be and post it and that will help me to sort it out. I am so chuffed I made it even though I didn't deserve it.

I did start core work and stretching but not how I intended. This week I am going to formalize the my plans and make them specific.

I rested better than I have in the past and I was pleased with that. This week is my recovery week so I am looking to loose a little this week, maybe a pound and I am going to find it hard cutting the hours but (at my age) I really need to make sure I recover better and so I am going to write my recovery plan down as this is really as important if not more so than the training (if you know what I mean).

I had an event on Saturday (there's a link in my logs for that day for the race report), a 5K. I felt horrible ALL the way round! First 2K up hill. I really felt like I was doing 14 min miles, but now I think I was passing the walkers but it felt bad. Then when I went passed the finish I saw 37 mins on the clock and thought 'No, can't be right, took me a few minutes to cross the start.'

But no I really did it in 34:20 just over 11 min miles. Now that's no great shape to you fine folk but to me that's pretty exciting considering the shape I'm in so after a terrible week I feel wonderful. How does that work huh?

Okay so this weeks goals.

  1. weight - 249 (write nutrition plan down)
  2. Specify Core and stretching regime and post it in logs.
  3. Make sure I have an 'easy' week. Ready to get stuck into next few weeks increased loads.(Register for Tranent Sprint.)

I need to look at the forum and post replies and check the logs out. I'll be visiting in the next few days so get them logs tidy for me


2009-01-13 10:50 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Paul: Good job on that run. We're all at our own pace and if you're happy with your run, the hell with everyone else, said with a smile I do think rest is just as important as working really hard and I'm trying to learn that one myself.

As far as the eating thing - I have to eat a bit of something before a workout -- usually a flat out (like a burrito wrap) with a bit of better 'n' peanut butter (2 T for 1 point WW) and a very tiny bit, 1 tsp. of real peanut butter from fresh ground peanuts and a little bit of fruit spread and about 2 T of sliced banana. Roll it up and yummy.  Or sometimes I'll cut up 1/2 a banana and dip it in grape nuts trail mix crunch and have that beforehand. 

Everything I read last year indicated whey protein was great for recovery and after a hard workout. So I got some Aria (marketed to women) whey protein and use just one scoop in water with crushed ice and very tiny bit of Fat free milk with some chocolate. Usually use Nestle reduced sugar just enough to get it looking a bit like chocolate milk. I have to say that it is very refreshing and satisfying. Supposedly your muscles are like sponges after a hard workout and will absorb whatever you put in your body. I figure it's about  1.5 points depending on how much milk and/or chocolate I put in.

Okay -- once again wrote too much, but wanted to share that nutrition tip.


2009-01-13 11:27 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Carlsbad, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Hey Paul, FANTASTIC job on the run ... feels good to be faster than you thought, doesn't it?

For nutrition: I don't like to eat before workouts either, but I do eat a package of Clif Shot Blocks or, more preferably, Sharkies Organic Fruit Chew (they're really good!) for energy.  Afterwards I'm typically not hungry for awhile, but I do try to force down some lean turkey for the protein as soon as I can.  Typically, this is about 30 minutes after workout.  I also typically eat it with some hummus, and chase it all with water.

Also, I'm becoming kind of a peanut butter and banana freak.  I've found the somewhat new Smart Balance peanut butter, and it's really the best PB I've personally ever had and it's somewhat good for you.  I've been eating it with a spoon and a banana ... I know, so very juvenile, but it's fantastic.  No time for bread, thank you very much! It's gotten to the point that I've bought my own jar and label it as such ... kids get their own jar, don't touch mine!   

2009-01-13 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1901839

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Susie, excellent swim!  You are an inspiration to me, thank you for reminding me that I have got to get my act together with the swimming thing.  The hectic pace of my life right now helps me to put swimming at the bottom of the list and I really need to stop with the excuses.

2009-01-13 12:04 PM
in reply to: #1904482

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

pre-workout I always eat one GU or cliffShot packet followed by water.  during a short workout I just drink water or perhaps mix it up with a bottle of cytomax. 

Post-workout I continue to drink both water and cytomax (usually a 16 oz bottle between the two beverages and a couple of cliff blocks.  and because I almost always work-out really early a.m. I follow this with a bowl of special K with rice milk.  I can't tolerate regular milk but the ricemilk is not bad at all.  If I work out later in the day ( summer in New England Smile) I try to eat a bowl of pasta within a 30 minute window of finishing my workout.  I've also been known to eat pasta post work-out at 7 in the morning; depends on if I can find it in the fridge. 

One thing that I know about my body is that I have to have fuel pre-work out and I have to consume carbs like pasta the day before a big workout or I don't have any fuel for the endurance.  I also have to eat immediately following a workout , even if by force, or I pay with lack of energy.

On long distance bike rides I always have two bottles, one water, one cytomax and I replenish at evey stop.  I always have mojo or cliff bars to eat at every stop which might be like 25-30 miles or so depending on the weather.  I always start the ride with a gu and keep more for hourly replenishment.  I'm a gu girl...

Question to anyone who can answer: I'm having a difficult time treadmill running because I produce alot of junk that wants to gag me and spitting is not an option in the gym.  Anyone have a solution for breaking up the stuff that I seem to be producing?

2009-01-13 12:08 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Hi everyone!

As far as last week's goal, I did meet it! I wanted to do something aerobic 6 of the 7 days and I did. This week, my goal is to do all seven workouts that my training calls for: 3 runs, 2 swims, and 2 rides. I'm holding off on strength training for now and focusing on just getting the regular training in. If all goes well for a few weeks, I'll work the strength in.

As for eating before training. I can't eat too close or I get sick. If I have to eat within the hour, yogurt or a banana goes down well. Also, those uncrustables things in the freezer section are perfect for that or race mornings. If nothing else, I'll have a gel or two just to have the calories in the tank!

2009-01-13 12:25 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Trying to do good nutrition, lose weight AND workout hard is a real balancing act.  At first, I cut carbs while doing long bike rides.  The weight came off.  But over time, I worried about whether I was going into starvation mode.  The metabolism needs fuel to do its work.   Then I worried I was eating too much when the rate of loss slowed.  That's when I started cross training.  I eat according to WW portions, but I don't eat before swimming or just before afternoon workouts.  I do eat right after, but grab fruit instead of carbs.  Seems to work. 

One thing I had to avoid was getting so hungry I made poor food choices while in a hurry to satisfy my hunger.  One thing that helped was not having the bad stuff around at all.   



Edited by IceManScott 2009-01-13 12:26 PM
2009-01-13 12:39 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Since we're talking "nutrition" (in the training/race fueling sense), here're some of my favorites...

Pre-race: Kellogg's Nutrigrain bars. I don't like much (if anything) in my stomach for a race, but for long races, I'll eat either one or two of these at least an hour before. Nice balance of simple and complex carbs and not too dense.

During rides (say 40 or more miles): Clif Shot Bloks (favorite of that type of product...almost any flavor is fine). Luna Bar Toasted Nuts and Cranberry flavor (all the other Luna Bars have frosting, which makes them difficult to handle on the bike...this one doesn't and it is not as dense as a Clif Bar).

During runs (over 90 mins.): Gels only. I've tried a lot of brands. Lately I've been using both the GU Espresso Love flavor and the Hammer Apple Cinnamon flavor. For long training runs and marathons and half marys, I take (usually) one gel every 50 mins. Late in marathons, in hot weather, if there are pretzels at an aid station, I'll grab a couple. (I've tried salt capsules in a couple races where the weather was hot and, despite controversy over whether or not they are a waste of time, I did find them helpful...I think the key is to start them before you have an onset of cramping.)

Post-race: I don't like bananas before a race, but I love them afterwards. Not big on the orange slices that so many races seem to offer (too harsh on the stomach). Bagels are always good, in my book. Clif Bars or whatever else may be around (we keep both Clif and Luna bars at home).

Edited by tcovert 2009-01-13 12:40 PM
2009-01-13 2:07 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
x2 on the Espresso Love Gu gels. I always race with those, plus there is some caffeine in them so I can get caffeine without um...filling my bladder too much with liquid coffee.

2009-01-13 4:09 PM
in reply to: #1904504

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
paul walker - 2009-01-13 11:29 AM

Aloha Guys and Gals

I had an event on Saturday (there's a link in my logs for that day for the race report), a 5K. I felt horrible ALL the way round! First 2K up hill. I really felt like I was doing 14 min miles, but now I think I was passing the walkers but it felt bad. Then when I went passed the finish I saw 37 mins on the clock and thought 'No, can't be right, took me a few minutes to cross the start.'

But no I really did it in 34:20 just over 11 min miles. Now that's no great shape to you fine folk but to me that's pretty exciting considering the shape I'm in so after a terrible week I feel wonderful. How does that work huh

Congrats! And I hope you hold your head up high about that time -- it's better than my personal best, and I feel no shame because my first one took me 47 minutes to walk!
2009-01-13 4:12 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
<--- Trying to figure out post-race nutrition that doesn't have gluten (wheat, rye, barley or oats).

I actually think I'm going to pick up some chocolate almond milk. It's surprisingly low in protein, but I could always make a smoothie by adding almond butter and/or banana. Or maybe I'll go even more basic with walnuts and a banana.

(Luna and Cliff bars both have gluten, but Larabars don't.)

Best thing about is that I get to eat all of this to try it out!

Going home now to cook a whole turkey and ride the bike trainer. Unfortunately I don't particularly have the motivation to do either one of those, but what can you do.
2009-01-13 8:28 PM
in reply to: #1905351

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Susie,  I make a smoothie that's really tasty (to me anyway Smile) and I have it just about everyday to take my vitamins.  It doesn't have dairy or gluten, wait; is whey gluten??? -

1 c. or so fresh/frozen fruit - I throw in a frozen banana w/something fresh

1 c. unsweetened cranberry water (very diluted 100% cranberry juice)

1 or so scoops protein powder - I use Syntha-6

3 tbl. amino acid complex liquid - it maximizes muscle growth and protein synthesis

1 tbl. ground flax seed

It's tasty and filling, really takes the edge off between breakfast and snack and it helps with building lean muscle.  I've been using this recipe for years and find that it works nicely.   If you don't use frozen fruit you really need to throw in a cube or two because it tastes best chilled.  Enjoy.

2009-01-13 9:07 PM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
I believe whey is derived from milk. But I can probably have in smaller quantities.
2009-01-14 3:50 AM
in reply to: #1905351

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Offthegrid - 2009-01-13 10:12 PM <--- Trying to figure out post-race nutrition 

To be honest I'm just impressed you have 'Post Race Nutrition'. Sure your not a pro on the ITU?

LOL Sorry couldnt resist. When I'm in training I take a whey protein shake with soya milk post race. Infact post any hard session. But then I'm a bucket. Could probably have a Big Mac and it would go down well - (If I wasn't veggie)

2009-01-14 4:17 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Okay just to prove it I'm male and perhaps not so sensitive LOL - read on.

We got the big vacation booked. Silver wedding Dec 31st 09. So off the San Fran then Vegas to have Elvis marry us again. (Actually is it legal to marry twice without divorce? Isn't that bigamy? to the same person? Mmmmmmm. Better get blessed or something, any way, I digress) Then off to Kona for a week.

Anyway we just got it all booked a few days ago and we are both excited and in a 'nice' moment. (we do get those sometimes when kids aren't pestering dad) My wonderful lady asks if I have been thinking about the vacation.

'Of course Honey, been thinking of little else.'

'Tell me what you've been thinking sexy.'

'Well, I found out the apartment is only 2 miles from the IM start and I thought I could do the the swim to half way.' She's looking puzzled here. 'And the nearest bike shop is only 800 yards from the pier and they hire tri bikes. I thought I would hire one for the week, get in some warm weather training and maybe go half way to Hawi'i and back.'

At this point a pillow hits me with some impressive force and 'fortunately' we get to giggling and wrestling on the bed.

Close shave I think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess I'd better schedule some walks along the beach to.

2009-01-14 7:10 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL


I'm so jealous of the vacation plans.  I just spent 45 mins shoveling four inches of snow out of the driveway.  Wife's corporation delayed opening so they could move snow - probably will wind up canceling all day as the schools have already.  13 below tonight, high of 2 below all day tomorrow.

My question: snow shoveling counts as strength training, right

My biggest concern is that with State Farm closed, I won't be able to get near the gym for the parked cars there of people who made it to spinning class but not their desks.  I, by the way, am at work.

2009-01-14 7:32 AM
in reply to: #1906079

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Another note on nutrition:  Have any of you tried Gu2o? 

I swear by it (particularly the lemon-lime flavor)!  I used to get horrible headaches after my long runs or after a really tough workout and clearly I needed to up the salt intake/replace electrolytes.  I tried various things and after awhile I came across Gu20 and I haven't looked back.  I take it with me on my long runs or rides and I drink a bit of it afterwards as well.  No more headaches!

2009-01-14 8:12 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Heard a lot of good things about Gu20! I will definitely try it. I also want to try Nu'un. I am a heavy sweater.
2009-01-14 8:21 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
Update: My swimming breakthrough wasn't a fluke. I'm so excited.

I *tried* to do a 500 yard TT today. I was rocking! I was bilaterally breathing. I was even doing FLIP TURNS! *gasp* Nothing could stop me.

But at the 225-yard mark I decided to breathe underwater, and had to stop. But I was on pace, I think, for a 14- or 15-minute 500. Which would be incredibly fast for me. I want to try again soon.

On Dec. 9, I did a 50-yard TT, and it took nearly 2 minutes. I did a 100 TT today, not even going all out, and did it in 2:23.42. So I have almost doubled my swimming speed in a little over a month.

Also was able to do two laps with 19-stroke count. Still needs improvement, but it used to be 23-24.

Contemplating whether to work toward joining the "master's" group in a month or two. There's no coach, but they were giving me a bunch of tips. I know I'm still slower than their slowest, but at least now I would be almost able to keep up.

2009-01-14 8:22 AM
in reply to: #1856528

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
oh, almost forgot. I lost 3.5 pounds this week. So now I have only 5 pounds to go to get to my pre-injury low weight from October and 10.5 pounds from my lowest weight ever.
2009-01-14 8:22 AM
in reply to: #1906352

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Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL
paul walker - 2009-01-14 5:17 AM

Okay just to prove it I'm male and perhaps not so sensitive LOL - read on.

We got the big vacation booked. Silver wedding Dec 31st 09. So off the San Fran then Vegas to have Elvis marry us again. (Actually is it legal to marry twice without divorce? Isn't that bigamy? to the same person? Mmmmmmm. Better get blessed or something, any way, I digress) Then off to Kona for a week.

Anyway we just got it all booked a few days ago and we are both excited and in a 'nice' moment. (we do get those sometimes when kids aren't pestering dad) My wonderful lady asks if I have been thinking about the vacation.

'Of course Honey, been thinking of little else.'

'Tell me what you've been thinking sexy.'

'Well, I found out the apartment is only 2 miles from the IM start and I thought I could do the the swim to half way.' She's looking puzzled here. 'And the nearest bike shop is only 800 yards from the pier and they hire tri bikes. I thought I would hire one for the week, get in some warm weather training and maybe go half way to Hawi'i and back.'

At this point a pillow hits me with some impressive force and 'fortunately' we get to giggling and wrestling on the bed.

Close shave I think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess I'd better schedule some walks along the beach to.

Two words: You suck.
2009-01-14 8:40 AM
in reply to: #1906587

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Offthegrid - 2009-01-14 2:21 PM Update: My swimming breakthrough wasn't a fluke. I'm so excited. I *tried* to do a 500 yard TT today. I was rocking! I was bilaterally breathing. I was even doing FLIP TURNS! *gasp* Nothing could stop me. But at the 225-yard mark I decided to breathe underwater, and had to stop. But I was on pace, I think, for a 14- or 15-minute 500. Which would be incredibly fast for me. I want to try again soon. On Dec. 9, I did a 50-yard TT, and it took nearly 2 minutes. I did a 100 TT today, not even going all out, and did it in 2:23.42. So I have almost doubled my swimming speed in a little over a month. Also was able to do two laps with 19-stroke count. Still needs improvement, but it used to be 23-24. Contemplating whether to work toward joining the "master's" group in a month or two. There's no coach, but they were giving me a bunch of tips. I know I'm still slower than their slowest, but at least now I would be almost able to keep up.

Wow FABULOUS! Keep at it. I can do about 2:30 100's and would be over the moon to do 2 mins one day but in open water I suck..... mmm maybe I should blow! Oh well. Great job.

2009-01-14 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1906590

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: tcovert's Winter 2009 Mentor Group - FULL

Offthegrid - 2009-01-14 2:22 PM oh, almost forgot. I lost 3.5 pounds this week. So now I have only 5 pounds to go to get to my pre-injury low weight from October and 10.5 pounds from my lowest weight ever.

You are doing really well. WELL DONE. I'm proud to know you.

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