BT Development Mentor Program Archives » TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED) Rss Feed  
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2010-01-21 5:08 PM
in reply to: #2556934

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
Oooo... to be young and fit.  If only.  Did some run test earlier today measuring pace/HR.  It is very difficult for me to get my HR above 165 without it coming out my nose!!!  Painful.

Edited by junthank 2010-01-21 7:06 PM

2010-01-22 5:58 AM
in reply to: #2627553

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)

Good morning team and TGIF!!!

This has been one of those crap weeks for me... training plan went out the window and I'm just trying to fit in what I can and hope to be back on track next week.  Thankfully I allowed an extra 2 weeks on my half mary plan.  I really hate when life gets in the way of training!!!

2010-01-22 6:28 AM
in reply to: #2628220

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
hildekq - 2010-01-22 6:58 AM

Good morning team and TGIF!!!

This has been one of those crap weeks for me... training plan went out the window and I'm just trying to fit in what I can and hope to be back on track next week.  Thankfully I allowed an extra 2 weeks on my half mary plan.  I really hate when life gets in the way of training!!!

Hildekq - I logged on to basically post the same thing!  Its been a pretty craptacular week in Michigan as well.  The bad news is I cancelled my "up north" get away this weekend...  The good news is I can dust off the training schedule and get back to work.  Marathon training starts Monday and there is nothing like 26.2 miles to scare you straight!

2010-01-22 8:57 AM
in reply to: #2628238

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
jcarmody - 2010-01-22 7:28 AM
hildekq - 2010-01-22 6:58 AM

Good morning team and TGIF!!!

This has been one of those crap weeks for me... training plan went out the window and I'm just trying to fit in what I can and hope to be back on track next week.  Thankfully I allowed an extra 2 weeks on my half mary plan.  I really hate when life gets in the way of training!!!

Hildekq - I logged on to basically post the same thing!  Its been a pretty craptacular week in Michigan as well.  The bad news is I cancelled my "up north" get away this weekend...  The good news is I can dust off the training schedule and get back to work.  Marathon training starts Monday and there is nothing like 26.2 miles to scare you straight!


Haha! Agreed on both points - just sucks when life gets in the way of training! What's with that!  And having a big goal like a marathon sets me very very very straight as well! In my case it's now the 70.3!

It's a rest day for me. So, I am going to try NOT to fill my face with junk food all day. 
2010-01-22 11:56 AM
in reply to: #2556934

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Mishicot, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)

Hi there,

I am using today to plan out my schedule.  I am taking one more day off and then am going to break back in slowly.  My mind is really itching to get going but my body is still not there.

How is everyone else doing? 

Question for everyone... some people like triathlons for the training while other live off the racing.  Which way to do you feel?  Any advice for people like me that love the thrill of the race, and in return sometimes slack on the training?

2010-01-22 12:12 PM
in reply to: #2629019

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
I like both.... I really love the race, but I love the training too.  I think having the race hanging over my head makes me train better, but I think I would still do the training if I didn't have the race.  I LOVE to win!!

2010-01-22 7:01 PM
in reply to: #2629019

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
crea0029 - 2010-01-22 12:56 PM

Question for everyone... some people like triathlons for the training while other live off the racing.  Which way to do you feel?  Any advice for people like me that love the thrill of the race, and in return sometimes slack on the training?

I get a deep enjoyment out of the training.  Races are great but I really like having and hitting training goals.  If all I was able to do was make up my own races I would be content with that.  One caveat... I have never done a big race (only small local events)... so the excitement of a big IM event might change my mind.
2010-01-24 7:03 AM
in reply to: #2629878

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
Good  morning Team F&S 2010!  What's on tap for everyone today??  Since I had my run plan all screwed up this week, I'm going to repeat my 8 mile long run, and if it's shorter I won't fuss about it.  Hope to be back on track next week.  If I can fit in a bike, I hope to do that too, but Sally (my bike for those of you that don't know), picked up a flat tire while she was hanging on the wall this week, WTF???  So she has to be repaired before I get out there.  And of course there's the usual Sunday requirements of Lesson Plans and Laundry... as well as some grocery shopping and I wouldn't mind watching a little football this afternoon either.... yikes, that all sounds like a LOT, what am I doing here on BT, I need to get to work!!!
2010-01-24 7:54 AM
in reply to: #2556934

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
Good morning! Good morning, Hilde - does sound like a busy day but a productive one!!  Good plan on the run.

For me, i have shores to get to that I didn't do yesterday. It was lovely being lazy, but I don't want to start the week all disorganized and stuff.  I did my long run yesterday as it is supposed to rain most of the day.  I just keep saying rain in January sucks!  So, i have a spin on the trainer and some weights today!
2010-01-24 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2629078

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
hildekq - 2010-01-22 1:12 PM I like both.... I really love the race, but I love the training too.  I think having the race hanging over my head makes me train better, but I think I would still do the training if I didn't have the race.  I LOVE to win!!

Pretty much the same. I love being in a routine and feeling like I am improving my fitness but the goal race is the thing that keeps me going with purpose.  I would go but I might not be as highly motivated. 

Plus, races can be really fun! :D I have a great collection of t-shirts and finishers medals.
2010-01-25 5:59 AM
in reply to: #2556934

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)

Hey Team -

It is a new week and I'm committed to make this one a better one training-wise.  Set my alarm for 3:15, walked the pups their 3.5 miles and went to the pool for 1100 yards.  I'm now sitting at my desk at work eating my oh-so-healthy breakfast of yogurt, raspberries and cereal.  Where do I pick up my halo for the day??

How goes it by you?


2010-01-25 8:12 AM
in reply to: #2632635

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
Yea Janet... great mindset.  When weenieness creeps in, take control of it, cast it aside and HTFU and get back to training!  I have done my swim for the day, am also sitting at work eating a healthy breakfast and hope to get an outside bike ride in this afternoon.  Got my flat fixed yesterday, so she should be good to go!
2010-01-25 10:10 AM
in reply to: #2556934

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
Definitely - you deserve that halo!!

I had a bit of a false start this morning. After convincing myself to go to the pool. I wore a suit that is on it's last legs. I felt like I was flashing the whole pool and speding half my time trying to adjust it. I bagged it and will do the rest tonight.  It is pretty funny though.  The suit is going in the garbage!
2010-01-25 11:22 AM
in reply to: #2556934

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
Sorry gang, I was busy last week, but I should be around more this week.

I think my foot is about back to normal, despite my racing a 10k on the beach on Saturday which agitated it a good bit. I get gloomy when I can't run.
2010-01-27 6:22 AM
in reply to: #2556934

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)

It is the middle of the week.  How is everybody doing?  I did a 3.5 mile run after work yesterday.  This AM I spent some quality time on the trainer did the big chainring drill in the workout in a binder book.  Tonight I have another short run on tap.  I'm trying to have a purpose for each workout (thank-you Brittany).  This week's theme seems to be speed work on the run and strength on the bike.  Still having some form issues in my swimming.  I think I might inquire at the YMCA if there is a coach I could hire for some pointers.  I think just having someone watch me and give me some specific things to work on would be helpful.  I know I am working way too hard in the water.

Anyway thats my world.


2010-01-27 6:48 AM
in reply to: #2636659

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
The weather in Texas is changing soon.... back to cold from some nice warmer weather, so I'm mixing things up and swapping a bike for a run this afternoon.  I had horrible insomnia last night, in spite of some Tylenol PM, and ended up bagging my swim this a.m. for some patchy sleep.  This hasn't happened in a loooooooong time, so I hope it was just a fluke and not the start of some awful sleep pattern.  I had tentative plans to meet Brittany at the pool, but her schedule has been INSANE and I didn't hear from her till this morning, AFTER I bagged the swim.  Hopefully we can meet up tomorrow morning.

Edited by hildekq 2010-01-27 6:49 AM

2010-01-27 8:09 AM
in reply to: #2556934

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
Seems we're back to winter too. Though, no snow.  We are getting a very light dusting this morning.

Anyway, still going strong over here. Got a short swim in this morning. And a spin on the trainer tonight.  I love the logs on this site and I was just comparing last January with this month and what a difference! It's awesome to see that i've improved.  :D

I have been a chip maniac lately.  And it makes me think i am not eating enough in the day because I am craving chips!! mmmm. I do treat myself - buuuut if I have it every day then it's not a treat ...  Tongue out
2010-01-27 11:37 AM
in reply to: #2636659

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Sarasota, FL
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
jcarmody - 2010-01-27 7:22 AM

It is the middle of the week.  How is everybody doing?  I did a 3.5 mile run after work yesterday.  This AM I spent some quality time on the trainer did the big chainring drill in the workout in a binder book.  Tonight I have another short run on tap.  I'm trying to have a purpose for each workout (thank-you Brittany).  This week's theme seems to be speed work on the run and strength on the bike.  Still having some form issues in my swimming.  I think I might inquire at the YMCA if there is a coach I could hire for some pointers.  I think just having someone watch me and give me some specific things to work on would be helpful.  I know I am working way too hard in the water.

Anyway thats my world.



If you end of getting a coach let me know how that works out for you.  I've thought about doing the same.  Gordo Byrn sent me these youtube videos that helped me a lot.

2010-01-27 8:32 PM
in reply to: #2556934

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
  Holy smokes, I am so sorry to have been so absent.  It's been insane...some good, some bad, some just nuts!  Today was FINALLY a better day of workouts. Don't know about you, but I am not too fond of what JAN has been--but that means it can only go UP from here, right?!? Anyhow, I'm actually signed up for a race this weekend as I do a marathon relay with some friends. It has a 5/6/8/7 mile legs, and it looks like I'm doing the 8 mile leg.  I need something fun, and this should do it.  It's just a small race up in Waco (only an hour from me), so I look forward to that.
  Things are still busy, but tomorrow I will have time to check up on ALL OF YOU!  
Keep pushing it, and make it purposefully count (nice job Janet!)!
2010-01-28 6:06 AM
in reply to: #2637537

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Marine City, MI
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
junthank - 2010-01-27 12:37 PM
jcarmody - 2010-01-27 7:22 AM

It is the middle of the week.  How is everybody doing?  I did a 3.5 mile run after work yesterday.  This AM I spent some quality time on the trainer did the big chainring drill in the workout in a binder book.  Tonight I have another short run on tap.  I'm trying to have a purpose for each workout (thank-you Brittany).  This week's theme seems to be speed work on the run and strength on the bike.  Still having some form issues in my swimming.  I think I might inquire at the YMCA if there is a coach I could hire for some pointers.  I think just having someone watch me and give me some specific things to work on would be helpful.  I know I am working way too hard in the water.

Anyway thats my world.



If you end of getting a coach let me know how that works out for you.  I've thought about doing the same.  Gordo Byrn sent me these youtube videos that helped me a lot.

Junthank -

Thanks for the video links.  I quickly watched them, but will spend more time on them later.  I'm not sure exactly what my problem is, I just have a sense that I work way to hard.  It seems like I'm  fighting the water.  Today in my swim I tried forcing myself to slow down my stroke and put more into each stroke.  I think it made a difference.  At least I wasn't so out of breath, so maybe it is a start.  I plan on contacting the acquatic director of the Y today to inquire about a coach.  I'll let you know.

2010-01-28 8:10 AM
in reply to: #2556934

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Houston, TX
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
No one usually likes my swim advice. Which is, to just swim more.

2010-01-28 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2556934

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
Okay, I partially weenied out yesterday.  I did a morning swim but last night I got home, made dinner and attached myself to the sofa.  I couldn't seem to get off. haha. Well, it's manageable. I have a run tonight and will forego my rest day tomorrow to make up the bike i did not do.  It's all good!
2010-01-28 2:11 PM
in reply to: #2556934

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
Hi all!  Sorry for my absence over the past week.  I've been sick again and it's been driving me nuts.  Between a sinus infection and stuff in my chest, I've been trying to take it easy and get better.  I have never been sick this often before!  The only thing that I can figure is that we are in an open office now and I think the germs have free reign around here. 

Ah well, it gave me some time to think about things like my training and attitude.  All in all, I am happy to where I am heading.

Oh - the Cobb saddle, so far, is FANNY-TASTIC!  Granted it was only 40 minutes but those 40 minutes were a huge departure, comfort wise, from the pain that I had been feeling prior on the trainer.
2010-01-28 2:12 PM
in reply to: #2640586

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Douglaston, NY
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
juniperjen - 2010-01-28 3:06 PM Okay, I partially weenied out yesterday.  I did a morning swim but last night I got home, made dinner and attached myself to the sofa.  I couldn't seem to get off. haha. Well, it's manageable. I have a run tonight and will forego my rest day tomorrow to make up the bike i did not do.  It's all good!

I hope you at least watched something sufficiently trashy to make missing training worthwhile! 
2010-01-28 2:28 PM
in reply to: #2640601

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Temple, TX
Subject: RE: TexasMPGal/Smilford/Mattb1's "Faster and Stronger in 2010" Crew (CLOSED)
x2 on Jen watching trash TV... was it worth it girl?  Somehow I don't think we could ever call Jen a weenie, she's so consistent!

Glad to hear you are back on the mend, Shawn!!  We really were starting to think you were THAT guy, ha ha!
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