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2010-06-04 11:30 AM
in reply to: #2901150

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Have a good weekend, Janet.  Sounds like a plan!  Let us know how the 5k goes.

I have a race tomorrow - my first full triathlon for the season.  I don't count the relay stuff I did earlier  

I hate packing for a race.  It's a sprint, though, so at least I won't be tortured for too long and still have the weekend ahead of me.   At least no long grueling workouts like the last few weekends!

2010-06-04 11:46 AM
in reply to: #2901091

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
BikerGrrrl - 2010-06-04 10:56 AM Edited to add: I've noticed others are part of other groups, too, and wondered what that was all about.  I wondered honestly if people were trying out groups for size and then dropping the ones that didn't work the best.  Just let me know if I didn't make the cut!  Ha ha.

I hope you can find some resolution with your home issues and the training.  Maybe contacting the R.D. about switching to the sprint, and having that settled, would help to lift a burden?


I probably should just drop from the other group all together (I don't post much over there either but that's because I rarely know or understand what's going on, lol!).  For some reason I just can't make myself do it.  Maybe because I've been part of the group for over a year.  The problem is it just gets bigger all the time.  I really like the idea of a smaller group where people get to know each other better and no one feels left out or like they don't belong just because they aren't training for a HIM or IM.  
2010-06-05 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Well, the ride this morning didn't go quite as planned.  Instead of 12-15 miles I ended up with a little under 10 - not because I wanted to quit either.  Yep - had my first crashSmile.  I had to call my husband to come pick me up.  Totally my own fault.  I don't know what it is, but when it comes to my bike, my brain goes on vacation, lol!  I've got a pretty big scrape on my left leg just below the knee and will probably have a much bigger bruise.  I'm wondering if this is a sign that I should back out of the tri in August.  Not going to do it yet though - I'll see how this heals.  Not really sure what to do about my 5k tomorrow though.  The leg is sore today but I'm afraid by tomorrow it may stiffen up.  I'll probably go either way - I can always just walk it if running isn't possible.   

2010-06-05 12:14 PM
in reply to: #2902368

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Oh no!  I hope it doesn't start feeling much worse.  What happened?

soccermom15 - 2010-06-05 9:18 AM

Well, the ride this morning didn't go quite as planned.  Instead of 12-15 miles I ended up with a little under 10 - not because I wanted to quit either.  Yep - had my first crashSmile.  I had to call my husband to come pick me up.  Totally my own fault.  I don't know what it is, but when it comes to my bike, my brain goes on vacation, lol!  I've got a pretty big scrape on my left leg just below the knee and will probably have a much bigger bruise.  I'm wondering if this is a sign that I should back out of the tri in August.  Not going to do it yet though - I'll see how this heals.  Not really sure what to do about my 5k tomorrow though.  The leg is sore today but I'm afraid by tomorrow it may stiffen up.  I'll probably go either way - I can always just walk it if running isn't possible.   

2010-06-05 3:06 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
There's one part of this route where, on the way back, I usually hop up onto the sidewalk for a short distance.  I have to make a left turn through a not-so-safe intersection (they even had to put signs up telling drivers to watch out for pedestrians), so I cross the street a little before - at a stop sign - hop on the sidewalk to make my left, then go back onto the street after I make the turn.  I had slowed down for the turn but apparently not quite enough and this time I rode off the sidewalk into the grass.  My front tire hit a rut and down I went.  Fortunately it was a pretty low speed crash so no serious injury, just the sidewalk rash on my left leg.  It was bleeding pretty good so I called my husband to come get me instead of riding the rest of the way home.  I think I'm going to detour a little next time I do this route.  I can cut through a neighborhood and avoid the intersection totally.  It's a little longer, but probably worth it. 

How was your race this morning?
2010-06-05 4:50 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
x 2 on how did your race go?

2010-06-05 4:56 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

when is you race in August?  I signed up for 1 on Aug 1, so after tomorrows race I am taking a month to work just running for July 3rd 5K and then get back to all 3 for August Tri.  2 weeks after that it is another 5K.

Don't think you have done anything wrong, seems every quarter a few months in the groups drop to 1 or 2.  Maybe it is just the groups I am in Undecided
Only thing some others have done is dropped an inspire once a week to keep a personal connection, but even those groups seemed to fade with time.

Also I did not realize, except that the archives keep getting updated that some groups lasted more then the specified months.  I would love to keep a constant group going, gets tiring rehashing all the medical things each new group.
2010-06-05 5:27 PM
in reply to: #2902767

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Thanks for the further details on the mentor threads, Steve.  I tried the inspire thing for a while, but I've gotten no response from enough people that it starts to hurt a girls feelings   Good to know it's not just me.  Or at least it's me and you - ha ha.  You're right that it would be nicer to have a group that keeps going, if you want to.  They need a "groups" section.  I had that on a food diary forum I belonged to and it was nice.  You could find likeminded people and have an ongoing discussion. 

Janet - I totally know that situation.  Sometimes I turn and I cannot make my front wheel follow the path and go where it should.  I ended up off the sidewalk like that a month or two ago and it gave me a start.  In fact, it's played with my confidence a bit.   I find that if I remember to look "through" the turn (and not where I want to avoid going) it helps.  Heal fast.

The race went great!  I am waiting for official splits, but I did receive the 3rd place medal in the Athena division.  I honestly thought my time might earn 1st of 2nd, based on previous results, but I guess I had stiffer competition than in the past.  This makes me happy because I'd like to change the Athena image.  So few ladies take the opportunities, even though I swear 1/3 of the crowd would qualify   I met or beat all my goals, I am pretty sure, so it was a good day!  And I glad to have the race over and the weekend ahead of me.

Good luck tomorrow, guys! 

2010-06-06 12:32 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
I actually had fun...  Nice to see others at the race and while racing...

Went thru 1+ bottles on ride, and 1 on run...  Overcast and cross wind, so all headwind on bike. 

Working RR, but the results have me in the wrong catagory, so my swim is way off...

Asked the director to fix it.
2010-06-06 3:45 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Sorry I fell off the group wagon.  I got in a funk last week (kinda depressed, kinda not) and fell into some bad habits. You can tell when it started because I quit my training log. I still worked out, I just didn't log. Then last weekend I gave up. My husband was very kind and supportive and asked me why I quit (he noticed I wasn't doing anything) and gently encouraged me to get back out there.

I did.

My first COMPLETE triathlon was today. I finished 8th in the "Athena" catagory. Don't ask out of how many, but I will say it's right in the middle. I'm please with my performance today. I had a 16 min swim (700m), 40 min bike (11min), and a 40 min 5k. 

I just took a LONG nap. I'll be incommunacado again for a few days as I have girls' camp for church for the next few days, but I plan on running and swimming while I'm there.

2010-06-06 6:27 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Great Job...  Actually was reading an article on Taper Blues and how people's bodies chaneg during taper week....

You rocked it a lot better than I did...

Have a great time at Camp...  What Camp and who is it with?

2010-06-07 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2903672

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
lesliericheytoo - 2010-06-06 3:45 PM

Sorry I fell off the group wagon.  I got in a funk last week (kinda depressed, kinda not) and fell into some bad habits. You can tell when it started because I quit my training log. I still worked out, I just didn't log. Then last weekend I gave up. My husband was very kind and supportive and asked me why I quit (he noticed I wasn't doing anything) and gently encouraged me to get back out there.

I did.

My first COMPLETE triathlon was today. I finished 8th in the "Athena" catagory. Don't ask out of how many, but I will say it's right in the middle. I'm please with my performance today. I had a 16 min swim (700m), 40 min bike (11min), and a 40 min 5k. 

I just took a LONG nap. I'll be incommunacado again for a few days as I have girls' camp for church for the next few days, but I plan on running and swimming while I'm there.

Congrats on your first!  You did great!  It's nice that you have a supportive spouse to encourage you to get back out there.  Have fun at camp!
2010-06-07 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2903458

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
otter_sh - 2010-06-06 12:32 PM I actually had fun...  Nice to see others at the race and while racing...

Went thru 1+ bottles on ride, and 1 on run...  Overcast and cross wind, so all headwind on bike. 

Working RR, but the results have me in the wrong catagory, so my swim is way off...

Asked the director to fix it.

Congrats on your first race!  Looking forward to hearing the details!
2010-06-07 9:35 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
It's funny you guys should mention the Athena category.  I don't usually sign up for it (although for most races I do qualify - depends on the weight cutoff) but if I had for my 5k yesterday, I would have taken 2nd place.  As it was, I came in 14th in my AG.  I did this same race last year and came in 4th in my AG with a slower time (34:51 last year, 33:43 this year).  I guess all the fast women came out to run yesterday, lol!

My leg seems to be healing pretty well although I can definitely feel a "pull" whenever I bend my knee too far.  Running yesterday didn't seem to bother it - I'll be curious to see how it feels once I get back on the bike. 
2010-06-07 1:47 PM
in reply to: #2904856

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Janet, I do the Athena category when I can now (not always available) in hopes of encouraging others to join in.  I would honestly guess that 1/3 of the gals in MN would qualify - yet only a few go for it.  I'd like to see two categories (or more) by age  or weight as well, within the category.  I want folks to identify strong ladies with Athena and not the "fat girls" category it seems to be.  I was thrilled that I had tough competition on Saturday.  I don't want to win by default and 3rd felt right, after I saw how well 1st and 2nd did.  The first place girl would have been competitive in her AG as well. 

And I think your experience in the race, where your better time actually yielded a lower placement, shows how arbitrary categories are anyway.  I raced last Fall in a tri where there was no Athena category, but the field was very small.  I won my AG against women of all sizes - but this time the field was only 4 people   And I got 2nd a field of 8.  You just never know...

I also place quite differently at all female events versus Co-ed.  The first at ladies events tend to be less experienced and  I place higher.

My point is simply that it's so arbitrary based on who shows up, that I take the chance in Athena when I can.  I'll never outrun a 100 lb girl, so why try?

2010-06-08 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

When you are slow it does not matter...  I came in last in Clydes and in AG...  Smile  So for some of us, we just are slow...

2010-06-09 7:18 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Another workout with my daughter, she pushes me to jog faster...  We did 2 miles again, just a little slower than Monday.

Race fixed my times, but their note sounded a little harsh.  They said check at course and report before leaving, it is easier to fix at that time.
2010-06-09 8:15 AM
in reply to: #2910185

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

That's cool that your daughter runs with you sometimes. 

Sounds like the race organizers are meanies!  I think that proper timing is something that they are 100% responsible for.  They should thank you for your patience in the matter, in my opinion...

otter_sh - 2010-06-09 7:18 AM Another workout with my daughter, she pushes me to jog faster...  We did 2 miles again, just a little slower than Monday.

Race fixed my times, but their note sounded a little harsh.  They said check at course and report before leaving, it is easier to fix at that time.

2010-06-09 8:32 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Pretty good tempo run last night although the last 1/4 mile was tough.  I ended up on the TM at home due to storms coming through.  Tonight is supposed to be my first bike ride since the accident on Saturday.  I think I may go to the gym and use the stationary just because I don't know how the leg is going to react.  Running doesn't seem to really bother it but I'm not sure about the constant bending of my knee on the bike. 

I may have to go to the doctor to have them look at the injury.  I thought it was healing pretty well but it still hurts quite a bit and is very red and tender.  Better safe than sorry.
2010-06-09 8:52 AM
in reply to: #2910408

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Ouch.  Can you tell if there's any improvement?  I live in fear of injury!  I'll be crossing my fingers for you.

soccermom15 - 2010-06-09 8:32 AM Pretty good tempo run last night although the last 1/4 mile was tough.  I ended up on the TM at home due to storms coming through.  Tonight is supposed to be my first bike ride since the accident on Saturday.  I think I may go to the gym and use the stationary just because I don't know how the leg is going to react.  Running doesn't seem to really bother it but I'm not sure about the constant bending of my knee on the bike. 

I may have to go to the doctor to have them look at the injury.  I thought it was healing pretty well but it still hurts quite a bit and is very red and tender.  Better safe than sorry.

2010-06-10 9:49 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Well, I made a decision yesterday.  I backed out of my tri in AugustFrown.  I just don't think I'd be ready for it - not the Olympic distance anyway.  I know I could get through the run and probably gut out the bike, but without being able to get in the pool right now, there's just no way I could be ready for the swim.  If it was a pool swim, maybe, but not an OWS.  Good news is I was able to get a partial refund so it's not a total waste of money.  I'm volunteering at a tri in July and there's still a possibility that I could do one in August.  I did it last year so I know the course.  It's a sprint with a pool swim so I won't have any issues with it even with not being able to swim now.  We'll have to see how the next couple of weeks go. 

2010-06-10 10:42 AM
in reply to: #2913073

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Well, I am sure you're happy to have at least made the decision!  Hopefully things will start to turn around and that August race will be a possibility.  If not, life's too short to worry about it - right

I was in the pool last night, fretting about the possibility of not being able to wear my wetsuit at my race on Saturday.  I am hugely dependent on that thing and is my final remaining crutch.  While I try to be really positive and have a "go get'em" attitude, this is an area where I have a big mental block.  The weather has gotten cooler and rainy, so I think I'll be good, but it was a good reality check.  I need to be training in the open water without my suit.  That's my new goal for the rest of June and early July, on the very bad off-chance my HIM isn't wetsuit friendly.  WOuldn't that be ironic of the my longest race yet was my first sans wetsuit!  Ha ha.  Trying not to think about that...

2010-06-10 11:26 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
I think you can do it without the suit...  I know superheroes need their suits, but they can still perform pretty well without them when needed....  Just a mental thing, so just tell yourself you can, go do a practice or 2 without it and then just trust your training...  That was my mantra on Sunday "Trust Your Training, you can do this"
2010-06-10 11:27 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
My race report is submitted if you are interested.  Rotary Pineapple Man.
2010-06-11 8:38 AM
in reply to: #2913366

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Thanks for the pep talk, Steve.  You're totally right!  And last night I swam for a short while in the pool, trying not to stop or stand like I would have to do in OWS.  And I can do it!  Hopefully I'll never need to prove this


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