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2011-04-11 3:42 PM
in reply to: #3440678

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kt65 - 2011-04-11 4:32 PM Metric conversion talk killed the MG.


I thought it was the tiger blood. double

2011-04-11 4:27 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

Name: Rob, (the old guy)

Life time : hockey, baseball, football, golf , martial arts..( 3rd degree BB ).  I started training for triathlons 4/5 yrs ago and was completely hooked after my first race. I have done up to a half Ironman and am still hoping to get to do an Ironman before my body gives out.

Family Status:
Married,  2 daughters 3 grandchildren

 2011 Races: My major race was an Olympic. I did a few other sprints but most of the year was taken up helping coach with the local Tri club.

2012 Races:
  planned at this time is at least one Olympic and several sprints etc. Was going to be a HIM but we’ll have to see how that goes. I have started training for an HIM but haven't registered for anything yet.

What makes me a good part of this group
:  I was the original (token) Canadian in the group and if that's not good enough for this group too bad I'm staying anyway . I've been with the group about 4+ years and while I have visited a couple of other mg’s there is non other like this one. Also I’m a personal trainer and a NCCP trained coach for triathlons.

I haven't been as active over the past 6 months or due to business picking up but I do still drop in now and then and will give my sage advice wherever needed.

Good to be back with the gang.

Edited by Redknight 2011-04-11 4:32 PM
2011-04-11 4:56 PM
in reply to: #3440678

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kt65 - 2011-04-11 1:32 PM Metric conversion talk killed the MG.


Back to our regularly scheduled programming... For those following along at home, here is the latest on my hamstring. Saw a sports PT today and here's the deal. The good news is the hamstring attachments seem fine, as I didn't have any pain/tenderness when he poked there. The bad news is he thinks I tore the hamstring apart at the area where I feel the localized pain, as it was painful to apply resistance with foot turned in and out. This morning I was feeling some tightness in my upper back/lower hip, which he thinks is just from guarding the muscle. I agree. I definitely have discomfort when I sitt down, which he attributed to swelling.
He put me on the treadmill at a 10% incline and I walked backwards (facing out) for :35... It was a nice wake-up for my quads! He said I was very balanced doing that and wasn't protecting the muscle, so that's good. After that we did some active stretching on both sides (felt really good). Then he iced and did electrical stimulation for a long time (contracting and releasing the hamstring). Then he wrapped my upper leg up nice and tight, which feels really weird.

I go back for a "real" appointment tomorrow. My guess is he'll spend more time figuring out where I am weak and strong and tight and less tight. I'm kinda scared he's gonna rat me out for not doing any core work and find all sorts of weakness and put me to work. Darn!! 

The bottom line is that he feels I'll be fine for Coeur d'Alene. He compared me to a professional soccer player (HA!) and said that I'd be back in the game in 3 weeks. This week we focus on easy training (biking and swimming OK, no speed, no intensity) and treatment. Next week maybe we start light running, and the following week I am back. I did have some light discomfort biking yesterday, but he said it was fine and as long as the pain isn't sharp or prolonged and severe that it's OK, that the muscles want to work and it's good for them.

And there you have it! I'll update tomorrow if I learn more!!

2011-04-11 5:24 PM
in reply to: #3439441

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Extreme Veteran
metro DC
sdalessio - 2011-04-11 8:49 AM

OK how many parents have has this conversation or something similiar while trying to get out the door for school.

Tony calls me at work mins. before he is supposed to take the kids to school asking me about the location of our daughter's shoes.  She doesn't like any of the ones he picked.  She says they are all too small.  Anyway I help him locate a pair then as he is getting ready to hang up the phone I hear him yelling at our son, "Drew, we do not have time to paint your sister's toenails.  We are leaving."

Ahhh I love my kids.

There are reasons why some species eat their young.

2011-04-11 5:37 PM
in reply to: #3440867

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san francisco
kkcbelle - 2011-04-11 2:56 PM

kt65 - 2011-04-11 1:32 PM Metric conversion talk killed the MG.


Back to our regularly scheduled programming... For those following along at home, here is the latest on my hamstring. Saw a sports PT today and here's the deal. The good news is the hamstring attachments seem fine, as I didn't have any pain/tenderness when he poked there. The bad news is he thinks I tore the hamstring apart at the area where I feel the localized pain, as it was painful to apply resistance with foot turned in and out. This morning I was feeling some tightness in my upper back/lower hip, which he thinks is just from guarding the muscle. I agree. I definitely have discomfort when I sitt down, which he attributed to swelling.
He put me on the treadmill at a 10% incline and I walked backwards (facing out) for :35... It was a nice wake-up for my quads! He said I was very balanced doing that and wasn't protecting the muscle, so that's good. After that we did some active stretching on both sides (felt really good). Then he iced and did electrical stimulation for a long time (contracting and releasing the hamstring). Then he wrapped my upper leg up nice and tight, which feels really weird.

I go back for a "real" appointment tomorrow. My guess is he'll spend more time figuring out where I am weak and strong and tight and less tight. I'm kinda scared he's gonna rat me out for not doing any core work and find all sorts of weakness and put me to work. Darn!! 

The bottom line is that he feels I'll be fine for Coeur d'Alene. He compared me to a professional soccer player (HA!) and said that I'd be back in the game in 3 weeks. This week we focus on easy training (biking and swimming OK, no speed, no intensity) and treatment. Next week maybe we start light running, and the following week I am back. I did have some light discomfort biking yesterday, but he said it was fine and as long as the pain isn't sharp or prolonged and severe that it's OK, that the muscles want to work and it's good for them.

And there you have it! I'll update tomorrow if I learn more!!

Kyla-with your terrific sense of humor (TURNIPS!) and your positive attitude, you will put this in your rear view mirror in no time flat.  Good to know it isn't an attachment type injury.  Take good care and let us know how you are faring.  Thing One and Thing Two are great helpers, I am sure! 

2011-04-11 5:50 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
Kim, I love what you just said, so true, this will be in Kyla's rear view mirror soon with her upbeat and positive attitude!

2011-04-11 6:48 PM
in reply to: #3439441

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sdalessio - 2011-04-11 10:49 PM

OK how many parents have has this conversation or something similiar while trying to get out the door for school.

Tony calls me at work mins. before he is supposed to take the kids to school asking me about the location of our daughter's shoes.  She doesn't like any of the ones he picked.  She says they are all too small.  Anyway I help him locate a pair then as he is getting ready to hang up the phone I hear him yelling at our son, "Drew, we do not have time to paint your sister's toenails.  We are leaving."

Ahhh I love my kids.

My wife's a midwife and goes to work very early so I've always done a lot of the early morning stuff with the kids - until recently because she's decided she doesn't like working so she's gone casual!

I used to get into work stressed up to my eyeballs because of not being able to find one shoe, hat, sock, bag etc etc etc!!!

The kids never seemed to care, I could have sent them barefoot really...Smile

2011-04-11 6:48 PM
in reply to: #3439336

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Chatham Ontario

Hey Spanky

Have you been seeing a PT for your injury?  If so, I would have him take a look at your gait.  It could be that you are in too controlling of a shoe, but you also might be a supinator (rare, but they do exist).  A similar thing happened to me when I was working on a gait modification.  I went to Newton Guidance Trainners and they were too controlling for me and it contributed to my hamstring injury.

If I may, I would also like to caution you on the gait change.   You can't simply one day decide to run on your midfoot.  I started with a one minute run/one minute walk and built up from there.  It still results in an injury because those parts aren't used to carrying the weight. I am now a mid-striker, but it took months.   Another option is to think about shortening your stride and increasing turn-over and letting your foot fall where it falls.  I think you will find there will be a transition from a heavy heel striker, but it will be less severe.

My two cents!


Thanks David for the info.. I do suffer from my right leg being a bit shorter. I did look at my brooks beast and def hitting in the center/midsole of those. They are worn down to far to run in anymore.. but def a different wear pattern.

Suzy. I switched up but I should have mentioned I took it back to intervals of running and walking.. for what little I did I feel it in my calves and my hamstrings. Personally I am done with my PT. I am not gaining what I want from him. Last time I went I paid my $50 and did all my workout and got one new exercise from him and told that if I want a gait review to book another apointment.

I am considering going somewhere else. I am at a point where the last two times I have not gotten much for what I am paying for. I do have a pretty short stride higher turnover.. I kind of always have. My cadence is 90-100. I really appreciate your input and I am going to take a lot of it into consideration. We are doing a learn to run clinic with people and I am trying to use these 1 min run 4 min walk with the group to work on gait. It just sort of sucks to have a Lack of knowledge base or stores around me.

I might make the 3 hour drive to Toronto for a better review from someone. I will say I had no sign of my knee even having a niggle in it today. Something I haven't experianced in almost 3 months.

Well I have more to learn yet. And more to learn about resources and accept I might have to make some long trips to get reliable help.

2011-04-11 6:58 PM
in reply to: #3441031

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Techdiver - 2011-04-11 6:48 PM

Hey Spanky

Have you been seeing a PT for your injury?  If so, I would have him take a look at your gait.  It could be that you are in too controlling of a shoe, but you also might be a supinator (rare, but they do exist).  A similar thing happened to me when I was working on a gait modification.  I went to Newton Guidance Trainners and they were too controlling for me and it contributed to my hamstring injury.

If I may, I would also like to caution you on the gait change.   You can't simply one day decide to run on your midfoot.  I started with a one minute run/one minute walk and built up from there.  It still results in an injury because those parts aren't used to carrying the weight. I am now a mid-striker, but it took months.   Another option is to think about shortening your stride and increasing turn-over and letting your foot fall where it falls.  I think you will find there will be a transition from a heavy heel striker, but it will be less severe.

My two cents!


Thanks David for the info.. I do suffer from my right leg being a bit shorter. I did look at my brooks beast and def hitting in the center/midsole of those. They are worn down to far to run in anymore.. but def a different wear pattern.

Suzy. I switched up but I should have mentioned I took it back to intervals of running and walking.. for what little I did I feel it in my calves and my hamstrings. Personally I am done with my PT. I am not gaining what I want from him. Last time I went I paid my $50 and did all my workout and got one new exercise from him and told that if I want a gait review to book another apointment.

I am considering going somewhere else. I am at a point where the last two times I have not gotten much for what I am paying for. I do have a pretty short stride higher turnover.. I kind of always have. My cadence is 90-100. I really appreciate your input and I am going to take a lot of it into consideration. We are doing a learn to run clinic with people and I am trying to use these 1 min run 4 min walk with the group to work on gait. It just sort of sucks to have a Lack of knowledge base or stores around me.

I might make the 3 hour drive to Toronto for a better review from someone. I will say I had no sign of my knee even having a niggle in it today. Something I haven't experianced in almost 3 months.

Well I have more to learn yet. And more to learn about resources and accept I might have to make some long trips to get reliable help.

Woah!  I missed David's question about the shorter leg.  What is the discrepancy? are you sure it is anatomical?  I had a bone to bone xray done to establish mine.  Right is 1.2cm shorter than left. I wear a 7mm insert in my right shoe (note: not heel lift).  Given this, I don't think investing the time to drive to another location is a bad idea.  You might consider getting the xray done ahead of time if that is a possibility.  Bodies!

2011-04-11 7:46 PM
in reply to: #3441045

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SSMinnow - 2011-04-11 7:58 PMI wear a 7mm insert in my right shoe 

i knew it.

2011-04-11 7:47 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

My OCD kicked in while I was sitting here icing my achilles.  Here's a list of everybody in the MG.  Let me know if I missed anybody.  If you want them in alphabetical order, you're on your own.  

Jayne: jfought

Suzy: SSMinnow

Kyla: kkcbelle

Marla: MarlaS

Samantha: sdalessio

Linda: Terps421

Linda: velcromom

Linda: Havin'Fun

Julia: gotta run

Rachel: tricrazy

Tracy: tahrens

DJ: CyborgQueen

Kim: kt65

Erica: SoccerGK

Louise: lounav

Cheri: cherifortin

Triana: tritiny

Bruce: bfwhitt

Steve: swbkrun

Bryce: fowlmood

Matthew: mdfahy

Trevor: TrevorC

David: copa2251

David: tdl1972

Tuffli: tpnguyen10

Chris aka “SPANKY”: Techdiver

Rob: Redknight

Tony: dalessit

Brent: Scalded_Dawg

Andre: GrapeJuice

Doug: DougRob

Dino: badgerintx

John: fattyfatfat

Matt: cadmus

Barry: Plainsman AU

Stanley: trying1

Scott: everlong

George: gdale

Fred: eurasn1


2011-04-11 7:55 PM
in reply to: #3441131

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
jfought - 2011-04-11 7:47 PM

My OCD kicked in while I was sitting here icing my achilles.  Here's a list of everybody in the MG.  Let me know if I missed anybody.  If you want them in alphabetical order, you're on your own.  

Jayne: jfought

Suzy: SSMinnow

Kyla: kkcbelle

Marla: MarlaS

Samantha: sdalessio

Linda: Terps421

Linda: velcromom

Linda: Havin'Fun

Julia: gotta run

Rachel: tricrazy

Tracy: tahrens

DJ: CyborgQueen

Kim: kt65

Erica: SoccerGK

Louise: lounav

Cheri: cherifortin

Triana: tritiny

Bruce: bfwhitt

Steve: swbkrun

Bryce: fowlmood

Matthew: mdfahy

Trevor: TrevorC

David: copa2251

David: tdl1972

Tuffli: tpnguyen10

Chris aka “SPANKY”: Techdiver

Rob: Redknight

Tony: dalessit

Brent: Scalded_Dawg

Andre: GrapeJuice

Doug: DougRob

Dino: badgerintx

John: fattyfatfat

Matt: cadmus

Barry: Plainsman AU

Stanley: trying1

Scott: everlong

George: gdale

Fred: eurasn1


Wow.  You impress me.  Thanks!

2011-04-11 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3434069

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
Dude, that is a lot of people!!!
2011-04-11 8:08 PM
in reply to: #3441029

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copa2251 - 2011-04-11 7:48 PM
sdalessio - 2011-04-11 10:49 PM

OK how many parents have has this conversation or something similiar while trying to get out the door for school.

Tony calls me at work mins. before he is supposed to take the kids to school asking me about the location of our daughter's shoes.  She doesn't like any of the ones he picked.  She says they are all too small.  Anyway I help him locate a pair then as he is getting ready to hang up the phone I hear him yelling at our son, "Drew, we do not have time to paint your sister's toenails.  We are leaving."

Ahhh I love my kids.

My wife's a midwife and goes to work very early so I've always done a lot of the early morning stuff with the kids - until recently because she's decided she doesn't like working so she's gone casual!

I used to get into work stressed up to my eyeballs because of not being able to find one shoe, hat, sock, bag etc etc etc!!!

The kids never seemed to care, I could have sent them barefoot really...Smile

hahaha!  i missed sam's post.  i can totally relate.   mornings like this morning can suck because i can't find a shoe and jarrett is two time zones west of me.  calling her at 4 am ain't an option. 

and yeah man,  some days i pull into the office garage all stressed out.  most days this happens though i'm laughing at myself an a little while later. 

Edited by fattyfatfat 2011-04-11 8:09 PM
2011-04-11 8:27 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

NAME: bfwhitt - Bruce Whittemore - NJ

BACKGROUND: Well nice to know I may not be the old man of the group, just hit the big 50 !! Most days I feel like I am in my 30's but there are those days that 50 seems about right, but thank God they are few and far between.... for now. I have always been involved in some type of sports. Played Lacrosse in HS, and have always tried to stay in some kind of shape. Played some over 30 soccer, hockey, and just ended a long softball career. Work from home and loving it, so my training can be very flexible.

FAMILY STATUS: Married 26 years, 3 children, 20, 21, 23 (Girl, Girl, Boy), all very supportive of my training, all still living at home, but going to college.

: Been fairly serious training for the past two months, building on last year, my distances have gotten longer in all three sports, working towards my first Oly in July. This is my 3rd year of tris and hope to do one extra this year.

: In 2010:  on my profile, but short version, 2 Sprints, and two winter trail runs, 2009 did my first Sprint and several runs

2011 RACES
: Sprint in April, Oly in July(A-Race), Sprint in early October, some others runs and rides will probably be thrown in as well

2011 GOALS: Beat last years times on all races, and finish an Oly 

WEIGHT-LOSS: I’m 5’10” and 163 pounds. my race weight is between 160- 163, so I think I am there

: Was reading my old bio from January, was not sure about my training then, but feeling pretty good about where I am at right now. Biggest fear is the swim in that Oly, not sure why? I can do the distance, I think the monotony will kill before I drown swimming that far

...look forward to getting to know you there are a lot of people in this group

2011-04-11 8:52 PM
in reply to: #3441128

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Horseheads, NY
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-11 8:46 PM

SSMinnow - 2011-04-11 7:58 PMI wear a 7mm insert in my right shoe 

i knew it.

reminds me of a seinfeld episode...

2011-04-11 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3440807

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
Redknight - 2011-04-11 5:27 PM inally:

Name: Rob, (the old guy)

Life time : hockey, baseball, football, golf , martial arts..( 3rd degree BB ).  I started training for triathlons 4/5 yrs ago and was completely hooked after my first race. I have done up to a half Ironman and am still hoping to get to do an Ironman before my body gives out.

Family Status:
Married,  2 daughters 3 grandchildren

 2011 Races: My major race was an Olympic. I did a few other sprints but most of the year was taken up helping coach with the local Tri club.

2012 Races:
  planned at this time is at least one Olympic and several sprints etc. Was going to be a HIM but we’ll have to see how that goes. I have started training for an HIM but haven't registered for anything yet.

What makes me a good part of this group
:  I was the original (token) Canadian in the group and if that's not good enough for this group too bad I'm staying anyway . I've been with the group about 4+ years and while I have visited a couple of other mg’s there is non other like this one. Also I’m a personal trainer and a NCCP trained coach for triathlons.

I haven't been as active over the past 6 months or due to business picking up but I do still drop in now and then and will give my sage advice wherever needed.

Good to be back with the gang.

Isn't it a little early to start training for your 2012 HIM?  Are you on a 48 week plan?  Wink


2011-04-11 9:03 PM
in reply to: #3441172

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

tricrazy - 2011-04-11 9:07 PM Dude, that is a lot of people!!!


Don't worry, there are more.

2011-04-11 9:20 PM
in reply to: #3441279

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
gotta run - 2011-04-11 10:03 PM

tricrazy - 2011-04-11 9:07 PM Dude, that is a lot of people!!!


Don't worry, there are more.

. Me (William). Semi-Consistent observer, rare poster, and just trying to stay afloat.

Edited by Tobey91 2011-04-11 9:21 PM
2011-04-11 9:21 PM
in reply to: #3441045

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Chatham Ontario
SSMinnow - 2011-04-11 6:58 PM

Woah!  I missed David's question about the shorter leg.  What is the discrepancy? are you sure it is anatomical?  I had a bone to bone xray done to establish mine.  Right is 1.2cm shorter than left. I wear a 7mm insert in my right shoe (note: not heel lift).  Given this, I don't think investing the time to drive to another location is a bad idea.  You might consider getting the xray done ahead of time if that is a possibility.  Bodies!

Xray for this purpose would be almost unatainable. Thanks to living in the land of "FREE" Healthcare. Unless it was for a medical issue they won't do it. Heck I hurt my knee almost 3 months ago I am still 8 months away from my MRI appointment I had made. Yep free health care 11 month wait for MRI.

My issue is my left pelvis will shift up from time to time causing my left leg to get shorter. Knock on wood I have not experiance this since losing my weight. But It might be worth a Chrio Appointment to have him check and make sure as well.

I would like 70 mm inserts in both feet to make me taller all around....LOL

Will keep you posted on what I find out. Thanks again for input and suggestions..

2011-04-11 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3441246

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san francisco
gdale - 2011-04-11 6:52 PM
fattyfatfat - 2011-04-11 8:46 PM

SSMinnow - 2011-04-11 7:58 PMI wear a 7mm insert in my right shoe 

i knew it.

reminds me of a seinfeld episode...

It's SHRINKAGE!!!!!  C'mon, the water was COLD!!!!!  Shrinkage, I SWEAR!!!!!

2011-04-11 9:30 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed
Sooooooooo with 3 weeks till my 1st race and my swimming still sub-par I went to go do my strength training then my short swim today and when I get to the YMCA the pool is under going emergency repairs until the 25th!, now I am scrambling to find a pool to get some sessions in.
2011-04-11 9:34 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

Doug - My Grandmother is definitely the party person, 72 years of honing her drinking skills have made her a guru in the family on all things alcoholic lol

John - If i didnt have to drive by myself to the race I would take your advice and just keep drinking till the starting gun goes off!!

2011-04-11 10:19 PM
in reply to: #3439441

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Extreme Veteran
sdalessio - 2011-04-11 6:49 AM

OK how many parents have has this conversation or something similiar while trying to get out the door for school.

Tony calls me at work mins. before he is supposed to take the kids to school asking me about the location of our daughter's shoes.  She doesn't like any of the ones he picked.  She says they are all too small.  Anyway I help him locate a pair then as he is getting ready to hang up the phone I hear him yelling at our son, "Drew, we do not have time to paint your sister's toenails.  We are leaving."

Ahhh I love my kids.

Not to often on the painting toenails since I have 2 boys just forgetting things but usually they are ready to go and on time if they want a ride to school if not they walk.

2011-04-11 10:25 PM
in reply to: #3439722

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN drinking tiger blood and closed

tricrazy - 2011-04-11 8:52 AM Okay MG, I seemed to have misplaced my motivation.  Where do you usually find yours when it goes MIA?

That is a tough question. Sometimes I just force myself to do it even though I don't want to other times  I might miss a workout to get a mental break and rest.

Then I also remember how much money I just forked out on entry fees, flights, equipment and number one I don't want to let myself down.

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