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2016-01-23 5:25 AM
in reply to: marcag

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by Stuartap

Originally posted by marcag

how old are you Stuart ?

Old enough to know better = 60!

You might want to read Friel's book "Fast after 50".
The role of strength training and high intensity is different than the 30 year olds.

I have read a few of Joe's books but had not heard of this one. Just ordered it.



2016-01-23 7:41 AM
in reply to: Stuartap

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
It is a meniscus tear. "Not small, not large."

Interesting enough, the surgeon I consulted claims that all of the sports medicine literature says that training on it will not make it worse. He advises that I train on it for the next 4-8 weeks and see how it goes. If I improve with time we leave it alone. If I don't he will scope it and shave it down which would be about a four week recovery.

With that info, and in a fit of epic stupidness........ I think I'm going to run a half marathon tomorrow. I've been signed up for awhile. I haven't run a step in almost four weeks but I've maintained my cardio fitness. I specifically asked the surgeon and he told me that if I wanted to that I could. It might be a suffer fest but I'll let you all know tomorrow how it went. I expect to be significantly off of my previous goal time but that is ok.
2016-01-23 8:09 AM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

Originally posted by wannabefaster It is a meniscus tear. "Not small, not large." Interesting enough, the surgeon I consulted claims that all of the sports medicine literature says that training on it will not make it worse. He advises that I train on it for the next 4-8 weeks and see how it goes. If I improve with time we leave it alone. If I don't he will scope it and shave it down which would be about a four week recovery. With that info, and in a fit of epic stupidness........ I think I'm going to run a half marathon tomorrow. I've been signed up for awhile. I haven't run a step in almost four weeks but I've maintained my cardio fitness. I specifically asked the surgeon and he told me that if I wanted to that I could. It might be a suffer fest but I'll let you all know tomorrow how it went. I expect to be significantly off of my previous goal time but that is ok.

WooHoo! I guessed right...meniscus tear.  Hope you can heal up without surgery.

Shocked...just absolutely shocked that you are immediately going to go out and run a race on it.  

I am about to  head outside for my longish run.   28 degrees (Fahrenheit  for you Canadians out there) with a 20-25mph  north wind. Truly arctic type conditions in south Alabama.  Still considering heading to the gym and hitting the treadmill but not sure the TVs carry the right channel to watch the Premier League games this morning.  Soccer is kind of my go to on a long treadmill run.  No commercials and something is always happening...even though it may not be that exciting.  

2016-01-23 11:17 AM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Jason I think I would do the same thing (except never choose to run a half marathon) if my doctor gave me the ok. When I was recovering from my hip surgeries whatever my doctor told me I could do, I would do. Where ever he drew the line, I went right up to it and peeked over.

But do be careful and don't be too macho to shut it down if it feels like you should. No need to exacerbate it.

Have a great race.

2016-01-23 1:18 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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New user
New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Originally posted by wannabefaster

It is a meniscus tear. "Not small, not large."

Interesting enough, the surgeon I consulted claims that all of the sports medicine literature says that training on it will not make it worse. He advises that I train on it for the next 4-8 weeks and see how it goes. If I improve with time we leave it alone. If I don't he will scope it and shave it down which would be about a four week recovery.

With that info, and in a fit of epic stupidness........ I think I'm going to run a half marathon tomorrow. I've been signed up for awhile. I haven't run a step in almost four weeks but I've maintained my cardio fitness. I specifically asked the surgeon and he told me that if I wanted to that I could. It might be a suffer fest but I'll let you all know tomorrow how it went. I expect to be significantly off of my previous goal time but that is ok.

Bit of a masochist, I love it! Sometimes when you have lower expectations you end up surprising yourself. Best of luck tomorrow and embrace the suck!
2016-01-23 7:22 PM
in reply to: Stuartap

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Originally posted by Stuartap

Jason I think I would do the same thing (except never choose to run a half marathon) if my doctor gave me the ok. When I was recovering from my hip surgeries whatever my doctor told me I could do, I would do. Where ever he drew the line, I went right up to it and peeked over.

But do be careful and don't be too macho to shut it down if it feels like you should. No need to exacerbate it.

Have a great race.

I did 4.2 relaxed miles today. The first two sucked fairly badly but by mile three I had adjusted to the "discomfort" and the last two weren't terrible.

I run right by the hotel at mile 5.5. If things are too grim at that point I have a very easy bail out option. I hope I won't need to use it.

2016-01-23 9:47 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Good luck Jason! I had a meniscus tear in college. At least I'm fairly certain I did. My knee would lock in certain positions. Then one day I just pushed through it and the pain eventually went away. I later did a lot of work in a sports medicine clinic and that's what I deduced.

Winter training is hit and miss for me. Good days and bad days. I missed another workout this week. I am currently day #6 of 7 - 12 hour shifts but that is not really an excuse as I have no kids or other responsibilities (except my girlfriend). I'm curious what has been others experiences with their training. I have been working with a coach since last August. Since working with him, I have completed about 95% of what he has asked me to do. He has instructed me not to make up workouts, and if I miss one just let it go. This is hard for my Type A personality. I have known people who accomplish 100% of what their coaches ask. I don't think I'll ever do that as real life things do get in the way. So how compliant are others in the group with their coaches plans?
2016-01-24 7:40 AM
in reply to: jimmyb

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

Originally posted by jimmyb Good luck Jason! I had a meniscus tear in college. At least I'm fairly certain I did. My knee would lock in certain positions. Then one day I just pushed through it and the pain eventually went away. I later did a lot of work in a sports medicine clinic and that's what I deduced. Winter training is hit and miss for me. Good days and bad days. I missed another workout this week. I am currently day #6 of 7 - 12 hour shifts but that is not really an excuse as I have no kids or other responsibilities (except my girlfriend). I'm curious what has been others experiences with their training. I have been working with a coach since last August. Since working with him, I have completed about 95% of what he has asked me to do. He has instructed me not to make up workouts, and if I miss one just let it go. This is hard for my Type A personality. I have known people who accomplish 100% of what their coaches ask. I don't think I'll ever do that as real life things do get in the way. So how compliant are others in the group with their coaches plans?

Jimmy-If you are hitting 90-95% of your workouts that is great. I think at this time of year there should be no concern.  As you move closer to a race you will recognize your key workouts and hitting those should be a top priority. Also, your coach can adjust your schedule each week based on what you were able to do the prior week.  It is hard for us to miss a workout and not want to make it up but the risk becomes making it up and then compromising the ability to  nail other workouts after the one we miss.  

I got outside for my long run yesterday...headwind out and tailwind back. Going to go out and bike in an hour or to let it warm up a bit.  Haven't ridden my tri bike outside in 6-8 weeks so may take it out and work on getting back down on the aero bars.     

2016-01-24 11:12 AM
in reply to: slornow

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

Never got anywhere near the red zone from a cardiovascular perspective but the bones and joints knew they were experiencing a load they hadn't really seen for a month.

The knee is quite uncomfortable right now. No swelling, just pain.

I hate to say it but I am now leaning toward having surgery. It just really takes away a lot of the fun of all of this when it hurts to train. It would be nice to know that something definitive had been done so I could start improving.

Jim, I hit about 90% of my scheduled workouts. It always seems life gets in the way at least once or twice every couple weeks. Maybe I'm too ambitious in what I think I can get done. I would love to have time to do every session but something inevitably comes up. I have to remind myself that this is a hobby.
2016-01-24 2:04 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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New user
New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Awesome job Jason. I would love to be able to run that fast. Great point about this being a hobby, sometimes it's hard to kept training in perspective. I'm sure all of us have things come up that are more important than one training session. All part of being an age grouper.
2016-01-24 2:33 PM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Hey, that's my 10k time! Great job Jason.

Only because hindsight is 20/20, I wish I had the hip replacement the first time and skipped the hip repair surgery altogether. There is great value in knowing the path and when the end is.

You're a smart guy, talk to your doctor and do what's right for you. It will be fine and you will come back stronger than ever.

Beside, let me quote my Dad's favorite line: By the time you're 90 you will have forgotten all about it, among other things!

2016-01-24 8:27 PM
in reply to: Stuartap

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

Good work Jason. Sometimes letting things rock along with the hope of it getting better just delays the inevitable.  You know your body through all of those miles running and I suspect you have a strong feeling that this will not get better without surgery.  

Got outside on the tri bike for about 33 miles this morning.  It was chilly. Felt pretty good down in aero.  A couple of years ago I sold my road bike because I never enjoyed riding it as much as my tri bike. Since getting a road bike last Fall I have really grown to enjoy riding it.  Definitely faster at the same power on the tri bike but these days riding the road bike outside seems like fun without the feel of "training" on the tri bike.  With my first race of the season in early April the time on the tri bike will pick up before too long. 

2016-01-25 7:55 AM
in reply to: slornow

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New user
New Hampshire
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Got a 9 mile long run in yesterday. Felt pretty good until the last mile or so when the fatigue set in. The old, "Man are my legs getting tired." Planning on an easy 3 to 4 miles today. Down 4 pounds from last week. Gotta love that 1st week! Shooting for 1 to 1.5 from here on in.
2016-01-25 9:24 AM
in reply to: ligersandtions

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

Originally posted by ligersandtions

Originally posted by GoFaster

Missed my bike workout on Wed. so needed to get both bike and run in yesterday.  Run was first, and done on the treadmill with the last 10min at 10K effort - hope the gym treadmill (newer machines) was accurate because this went really well.  Then the evening had 5/6x3' @ ~110% on 3'RI, this went well but I was suffering on the 5th one and told myself that would be it, but gave the 6th a go and lasted about 1min before packing it in.  Either way, things are starting to come back after a very low key couple of months where I wasn't accomplishing much.

Without intending to do so, I realized I haven't run outside in the last 2 weeks.  Getting wimpy when it comes to colder weather - I used to embrace it like a badge of honor.  Now I retreat to the basement treadmill with a TV, fan, and the Tour Down Under on my PVR.  Must run outside this weekend!

I've always hated running on a treadmill....and yet, decided to buy one last week!  It gets here on Monday.  Similar to you, I'll use it when the weather sucks rather than embracing it like a badge of honor....opposite of you, I'll be using it in the summer when it's 36C+ and 90%+ humidity.  I would rather aqua jog than run in that crap....but I'm pretty sure I can tolerate a treadmill run, in an air conditioned house, with a fan, and a good tv show to watch

This treadmill has honestly been a bit of a game changer for me.  Life has thrown a number of planning/scheudling curveballs lately, and the treadmill has been my opportunity to run when I would perhaps have skipped a workout in the past.  Yesterday was a prime example as I spent a big chunk of the day at  Basement Reno course held at Home Depot, and spent my evening "run time" on the couch with my wife and son watching a movie.  9:30pm and I was on the treadmill with harder efforts towards the end - I wouldn't have done that same effort outside at night in January.  Tour Down Under continues to keep my attention ont he TV, although I'm a couple of days behind.

2016-01-25 3:00 PM
in reply to: slornow

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

I had a pretty hectic week last week and am hoping that things start to calm down.

I missed a few workouts but don't have any races planned in the near future so I won't let it stress me out.  I am thinking of signing up for a half marathon in early March just to have something in the calendar as additional motivation. 

I was able to fit in a VO2 session on Friday - 12 x 2 @ 115% and then a longish 12 km run on the treadmill last night.

Nicole - I agree with Neil and having access to the treadmill at home made a huge difference for me.  I was planning a long outdoor run yesterday morning but a few things got in the way (like a poker night with some high school friends Saturday night).  My wife had to work an evening shift last night, and so I was able to get the run in while catching up on Game of Thrones.


2016-01-25 3:16 PM
in reply to: Scott71

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Third week of progression towards 6x4@105%/45sec recovery

I did 6x4 with 55sec rest. 3 at 104%, 3 at 105%. Next week reduce to 50sec and get to 105% on all. It was tough but doable

Congrats on the race Jason!!

2016-01-25 3:28 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Nothing big for me today. Just finished 7 straight 12 hour days but now I'm off for a week

2600 swim Intervals including 12x50's fast on 20r

Run 40 min progressive pace with sprint intervals

I have a question for those that train with power on the bike. I discussed this with my coach and he said this is not an odd issue at all and he sees this in older athletes:

On long bike sessions, I find that my ability to maintain power seems to increase near the end. Eg. 2 hour ride at set intervals, it seems as though I often am stronger on the 2nd half than the first. Does what I'm saying make sense? Does anyone feel stronger at the end of a planned bike workout than at the beginning?
2016-01-25 3:32 PM
in reply to: jimmyb

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Originally posted by jimmyb

I have a question for those that train with power on the bike. I discussed this with my coach and he said this is not an odd issue at all and he sees this in older athletes:

On long bike sessions, I find that my ability to maintain power seems to increase near the end. Eg. 2 hour ride at set intervals, it seems as though I often am stronger on the 2nd half than the first. Does what I'm saying make sense? Does anyone feel stronger at the end of a planned bike workout than at the beginning?

I often find it hard to hit targets in the first 30min of a long ride so in that sense it makes sense for me.

What kind of PM ? Some PMs will suffer drift as the ride progresses that make it seem easier to hit targets when in fact the PM is reading high. So you think you are doing 150w but in fact you are doing 130w. Older Quarqs dd this hence the need to zero during rides. Powertaps do not have this problem if you coast now and then.
2016-01-25 5:33 PM
in reply to: marcag

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

I also find it hard to hit intervals within the first 30' of a long ride...or any ride for that matter.  On days that I have less than 70' to ride, and a 30ish minute warm up just isn't possible...usually the first few reps are hard...gets a little easier in the middle, then of course is hard at the end.

2016-01-25 6:00 PM
in reply to: jimmyb

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Extreme Veteran
Silicon Valley
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Originally posted by jimmyb

I have a question for those that train with power on the bike. I discussed this with my coach and he said this is not an odd issue at all and he sees this in older athletes:

On long bike sessions, I find that my ability to maintain power seems to increase near the end. Eg. 2 hour ride at set intervals, it seems as though I often am stronger on the 2nd half than the first. Does what I'm saying make sense? Does anyone feel stronger at the end of a planned bike workout than at the beginning?
Not at all odd for this 'older' athlete. It takes a while to warm up is likely part of the issue. Also for me, there is a psychological issue of knowing when the end is near (the ride, not my life) so I know I can give more. Combine those two and I generally rider stronger at the end of a planned workout.

2016-01-25 7:15 PM
in reply to: jimmyb

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

Originally posted by jimmyb  I have a question for those that train with power on the bike. I discussed this with my coach and he said this is not an odd issue at all and he sees this in older athletes: On long bike sessions, I find that my ability to maintain power seems to increase near the end. Eg. 2 hour ride at set intervals, it seems as though I often am stronger on the 2nd half than the first. Does what I'm saying make sense? Does anyone feel stronger at the end of a planned bike workout than at the beginning?

Jimmy-I have seen the same thing. No long intervals lately but recently on short VO2 intervals I will think i am dying 2-3 into a set but then kind of hit a rhythm and feel good. Sometimes I can even feel remarkably different from one interval to the next. Hard to figure but seems pretty common.

Marc-those are some killer sets on the bike.

Lunch swim and evening run along with some strength work. Tomorrow will be early swim and bike in the evening. 

2016-01-25 7:28 PM
in reply to: slornow

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed
Wednesday, 9:30 AM. Going to get this knee dealt with. My wife had a bunch of stuff planned for that morning so I am kind of in the dog house as far as scheduling but I just want to start healing. I'll make it up to her.

Surgeon says I will walk out of the hospital after surgery. No weight bearing restrictions. He also says the bike will be ideal for ROM and strengthening my quad. No running until after my two week follow up, which honestly, the way I feel right now, I have no problem with.

Anyways. I haven't been able to offer much in the way of training the last month but I'm hoping that will change in the near future. I guess I will have more time to sit in front of the computer and offer armchair advice ;-)
2016-01-26 8:36 AM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

1 1/2 hour easy ride last night.

Anyone else use an Adamo saddle?  

Now that I'm starting to do longer rides on the trainer, it really starts to get uncomfortable at around the hour mark. 

For my last fit, I had the rails level with the ground which gave the saddle itself a bit of a tilt forward. 

For the last few rides I've tried a little more tilt forward and pinched the nose rails together.

I'll give it a few more rides, but it didn't seem to help much last night.

2016-01-26 8:53 AM
in reply to: Scott71

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

Originally posted by Scott71

1 1/2 hour easy ride last night.

Anyone else use an Adamo saddle?  

Now that I'm starting to do longer rides on the trainer, it really starts to get uncomfortable at around the hour mark. 

For my last fit, I had the rails level with the ground which gave the saddle itself a bit of a tilt forward. 

For the last few rides I've tried a little more tilt forward and pinched the nose rails together.

I'll give it a few more rides, but it didn't seem to help much last night.

I'm riding the Bontrager Hilo which is narrower than an Adamo, but honestly I'm not all that comfortable on it.  I keep hoping that something magical will change, but it hasn't.  At some point I may go to one of the local bike shops that fits saddles and keep borrowing demo saddles until I find something that works.  Riding Aero is never the most comfortable experience for me, and I'd like to improve that "feel".

2016-01-26 8:56 AM
in reply to: wannabefaster

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's mentor group...Closed

Originally posted by wannabefaster Wednesday, 9:30 AM. Going to get this knee dealt with. My wife had a bunch of stuff planned for that morning so I am kind of in the dog house as far as scheduling but I just want to start healing. I'll make it up to her. Surgeon says I will walk out of the hospital after surgery. No weight bearing restrictions. He also says the bike will be ideal for ROM and strengthening my quad. No running until after my two week follow up, which honestly, the way I feel right now, I have no problem with. Anyways. I haven't been able to offer much in the way of training the last month but I'm hoping that will change in the near future. I guess I will have more time to sit in front of the computer and offer armchair advice ;-)

Jason, glad to see that the road to recovery begins quickly.  Try not to push too hard too fast...

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