BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open Rss Feed  
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2016-03-17 11:25 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?

Today I rode my bike outdoors for the second time (Tuesday was the first).  It was a beautiful day but with a strong north wind.  I started out riding out of town to the south and pushed by the wind.  It was awesome riding south at 30 plus Km/hr.  My goal was to warm-up then at a relatively flat section I was going to do a 15 minute Tempo ride in Zn 3 at 95 to 100 rpm and in aero position.

So, when I turned around the wind was in my face (as expected) but it was like hitting a wall.  I fiddled with my gears and got my cadence up to 95 rpm and I got down on my aero bars and I was shocked to find myself accelerating into the wind.  It was a great ride.  Now I'm looking forward to doing it again to see if I can do it again.  Usually headwinds wipe me out but today felt really good.  The only (big!!) negative was a bit of wobbly-ness on the aero bars which is not good when little old ladies are rocketing past you.

Tomorrow I am at the pool early for an hour swim and I want to swim as many intervals as I can squeeze into the one hour time frame.  I would really like to finish 2500m.

2016-03-18 2:19 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Subject: RE: Weight loss anyone?
Originally posted by wenceslasz

Today I rode my bike outdoors for the second time (Tuesday was the first).  It was a beautiful day but with a strong north wind.  I started out riding out of town to the south and pushed by the wind.  It was awesome riding south at 30 plus Km/hr.  My goal was to warm-up then at a relatively flat section I was going to do a 15 minute Tempo ride in Zn 3 at 95 to 100 rpm and in aero position.

So, when I turned around the wind was in my face (as expected) but it was like hitting a wall.  I fiddled with my gears and got my cadence up to 95 rpm and I got down on my aero bars and I was shocked to find myself accelerating into the wind.  It was a great ride.  Now I'm looking forward to doing it again to see if I can do it again.  Usually headwinds wipe me out but today felt really good.  The only (big!!) negative was a bit of wobbly-ness on the aero bars which is not good when little old ladies are rocketing past you.

Tomorrow I am at the pool early for an hour swim and I want to swim as many intervals as I can squeeze into the one hour time frame.  I would really like to finish 2500m.

Ohhhh, I am awaiting the day I can get my bike outside again...I have to settle for running outside for now. I did a couple 10K and a 5K this week coupled with swimming on the off days. Still able to maintain about 6.5mph running in Zone 3/4 and swimming about 2min/100yd for 2000yds each swim in 500 or 1000yd intervals. I really need to work on kicking while I swim, I
d probably be a lot faster ;-).
2016-03-19 9:00 AM
in reply to: dahoffman72

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight

Hey Everyone!

Well, it's official, or will be tonight - Spring is here!

I have seen where a couple of  you are able to ride outside.  Looking at Weather Channel it looks like the worst of the snow and other yucky weather is moving on.  That means it's time, or almost time to leave the trainer and dreadmill behind and move outdoors.  I'm doing a group ride in a couple hours from Solano Beach, near San Diego, up along the coast to Oceanside and back - going to be something like 60 miles total.  I know, tough job - but somebody has to do it, right?

What does everyone else have on tap?  Anyone racing?


solana-beach-oceanside-train-run-biking.jpg (116KB - 3 downloads)
2016-03-19 10:23 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight

Love the photo Scott.  For your 60 mile ride do you stop at regular intervals/ specified duration or just as needed?

Thursday evening I felt pretty good and was looking forward to Friday's workouts.  Then through the night my throat seized up and it was very painful to swallow.  Plus other symptoms.  So I missed yesterday and today plus I'm not sure how long it will take to get back to work.

I've pretty much been languishing - sleeping, resting and hydrating.  Next weekend I have a 4 day cycling camp and I'm worried I won't be ready to participate.

Last time I got sick like this I went back to the pool too soon and wound up needing another 3 weeks to get back to normal.  

Just now I have a headache but my throat is not too bad.  But(!!!) I'm watching a movie, "Run Fatboy Run".  It's a guilty pleasure but I kind of like it.


AK Dave - My rides outdoors are at 9degC/ 48degF or warmer - in sunshine and at the warmest part of the day (about 1:00pm).  I also need my regular gear plus tights for my legs and a skull cap (to wear under my helmet).  I also need a couple t-shirts (at least one is longsleeved) under a light jacket, a full fingered pair of gloves and "booties".  Anything less and I'd be freezing before I got out of town (about 2km).  I could probably ride a few degrees cooler if there is a minimal breeze.  So what temps are you enjoying now?

2016-03-20 12:01 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight

AK Dave - My rides outdoors are at 9degC/ 48degF or warmer - in sunshine and at the warmest part of the day (about 1:00pm).  I also need my regular gear plus tights for my legs and a skull cap (to wear under my helmet).  I also need a couple t-shirts (at least one is longsleeved) under a light jacket, a full fingered pair of gloves and "booties".  Anything less and I'd be freezing before I got out of town (about 2km).  I could probably ride a few degrees cooler if there is a minimal breeze.  So what temps are you enjoying now?

We got about 6 inches of new snow today with temps in the low teens. It has hit mid 30's recently, but, the sun is staying up longer and beginning to warm things up, hopefully by the end of the month I will be riding outside. I will run outside down to about -15, but, riding, I like about 40 if the roads are clear; which is the bigger issue. I have considered getting studded tires for my mountain bike or getting a fat bike, but, my wife looks at me with that you already have four bikes look. We do get some pretty hefty winds also that can add additional stress on a ride or run, But, it does make us stronger, my favorite training areas have lots of hills and often windy, AK Dave
2016-03-20 6:27 AM
in reply to: dahoffman72

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight
Still riding in the basement, 20 deg looking for high in the low 30's and snow coming tonight. I need the mid 40's and the roads to clear of debris before i venture outside on the bike. Running has been good this winter as we have had very little snow for a change.

getting ready to do a brick work.out before I head out for a charity walk with my wife this afternoon. Still a beautiful morning before the storm rolls in tonight.

I hope everyone enjoys the remainder of their weekend.


2016-03-20 9:36 AM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight

Temps around Raleigh, NC were very nice this past week ... lo-hi 70's, and the forecast is for more of this next week. I got in one outside ride last week.  I'm trying to structure my training around intervals and doing the intervals is really hard for me to do once on the road.  So, I did an easier recovery ride on Wednesday for an hour. 

George, thanks for the reminder about riding into the wind and being in the 'drops'.  I don't have tri bars, but can definitely help lower resistance simply with riding in the drops.  And yes ... I'm a bit wobbly in the drops too. 

Scott ... nice pic of the coast and the warmth.  Wish we had the bike lanes like shown there too.

My weekend was structured around a 2' deep trench, crawling under my house, electrical cable and water piping for my barn, and I dearly hope to finish and get the 'cert of occupancy' by next weekend.

Ciao - Dorm

2016-03-20 10:38 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight
Originally posted by k9car363

Hey Everyone!

Well, it's official, or will be tonight - Spring is here!

I have seen where a couple of  you are able to ride outside.  Looking at Weather Channel it looks like the worst of the snow and other yucky weather is moving on.  That means it's time, or almost time to leave the trainer and dreadmill behind and move outdoors.  I'm doing a group ride in a couple hours from Solano Beach, near San Diego, up along the coast to Oceanside and back - going to be something like 60 miles total.  I know, tough job - but somebody has to do it, right?

What does everyone else have on tap?  Anyone racing?

Here's another perspective on a great day.

(Snowshoeing to Castner Ice Cave.jpg)

(Snowshoeing at -50.jpg)

Snowshoeing to Castner Ice Cave.jpg (42KB - 4 downloads)
Snowshoeing at -50.jpg (32KB - 3 downloads)
2016-03-20 1:24 PM
in reply to: dahoffman72

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight
Happy spring indeed. I'm relieved to see my daffodils poking up because they mistakenly started to do that in December, bad timing.

Scott & AK Dave, you have shown us 2 extremes. Both make me a little green. It's nice to get reports on everybody's local weather.
George--take care of yourself! It sounds like you are, but don't hurry back before you're well.
Dorm--you might think about getting some clip-on aero bars. Set up right, they're more comfortable than riding the drops. I like the Profile Design T3 because the position of the pads is fully adjustable--with some brands they aren't. Not only do the aero bars make you more aerodynamic; they cause you to make more use of different leg muscles than what you use in running, so you can run better off the bike. So I was understand it..

For me it was just 110 minutes of Trainer Hell today, with 3 x 20' of "Sweet Spot" intervals. Like you, Dorm, I'd never be able to do those intervals on the road even if the weather were agreeable, which it isn't. I have to believe though that they're going to pay off big time when competition season rolls around.

Saturday I had a breakthrough in the pool. Previously, when I tried to kick on a kickboard, I would generate no forward motion whatsoever. It would be comical to watch I'm sure, but not so much fun to be the kicker going nowhere. Yesterday I took my favorite 12-year old for a recreational swim and attempted a few kick laps just to see what would happen. Hey, I was able to motor all the way across the 20-yard pool and (after a brief rest) back again. That's progress!

Have a great week everyone. George, get well!

2016-03-21 9:58 AM
in reply to: ok2try

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight
Hi gang,

Great to see we're getting the outdoor season underway. Scott and Dave - love the pictures.
George - get well quickly!
Dorm - I second Deb's suggestion on aerobars. I put them on my road bike and like 'em a lot.
Dan - I think we're right around the corner from outdoor training. Think Spring.
Deb - Thanks to you and Scott suggesting TR, I can now say " I feel your pain" when you describe the extended hell of Sweet Spot intervals. I've committed to regular TR workouts and now have similar hopes for performance improvements come summer.

I had a solid racing/training day yesterday - even though it was all indoors. Started at 7am with our local YMCA's monthly indoor mini tri race - consisting of a 650 yd swim, 11 mile spin (ugh) and 2.5 mile treadmill run. I was encouraged to finish the run at an 8:20 pace with no calf pain or tightness, since this was my first real effort after 8 weeks of no running. Even though I was about 30 seconds/mile off my normal run pace, I'm hoping the speed will come back fairly quickly once I start training again. Fingers crossed.

The other session I did yesterday was the first week of an 8 week swim clinic sponsored by my Tri club. Week one of the clinic includes a short timed swim to help establish lane placements among the 30 attendees. The coach had me do a 200 to compare to my February result of 3:56 for that distance. The good news is that my result was 3:40. So I'm still fairly slow, but I FINALLY feel like I'm heading in the right direction.

Happy training,

2016-03-21 10:37 AM
in reply to: DJP_19

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Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight
Originally posted by DJP_19 ...local YMCA's monthly indoor mini tri race - consisting of a 650 yd swim, 11 mile spin (ugh) and 2.5 mile treadmill run.

The fitness center here is also sponsoring an indoor Tri this week, it consists of 20 minutes each, Swim, Bike, Run, with points for each event based on the number of participants. I will give it a shot Friday and see how I do. Hope everyone has a great week, AK Dave

2016-03-22 10:04 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight

DA - Like Deb ... I love the pics showing the extremes.  We ski up in Whitefish, Montana from time to time, and when the sky is clear ... the blue sky and views are simply awe inspiring.  Thanks for the pics and I love the crispness of a cold, clear day.  But Dude ... that is cold - really cold!!

Hi's in the lo-mid 70's here this week so I'll be able to get outside for running and biking.  Today and tomorrow will be structured torture on the trainer. 

Wanted to share some comments from an interesting discussion with a young cyclist who's finished high (5th last year 100 mile) in the below race the last few years. I've signed up for the race this year, and shared my concern about not getting enough longer distance rides to prep for the race - especially the last climb.  In discussing this with Jared, he mentioned he's in the same boat too, but that what really prepares him for the race is not so much the long outdoor rides, but all the time and sweat consistently spent on the trainer; consistently doing the hi-intensity intervals; the drills, recovery rides and such.  I guess I'd sub-consciously felt given the boredom of trainer rides - outdoor rides were really where the benefit occurs.  While it seems in fact (per Jared) with trainer rides - this is where the best work occurs, where climbing strength is built and ultimately we get to see the results.  I think this is more for my benefit, because I think the group appreciates the value of trainer rides - but still thought I'd share with the group.  That stated ... I'm off to the gym to do some interval training. 

Mountains of Misery

Ciao - Dorm


Edited by Dorm57 2016-03-22 10:44 AM
2016-03-22 11:35 AM
in reply to: Dorm57

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Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight
Originally posted by Dorm57

DA - Like Deb ... I love the pics showing the extremes.  We ski up in Whitefish, Montana from time to time, and when the sky is clear ... the blue sky and views are simply awe inspiring.  Thanks for the pics and I love the crispness of a cold, clear day.  But Dude ... that is cold - really cold!!

Hi's in the lo-mid 70's here this week so I'll be able to get outside for running and biking.  Today and tomorrow will be structured torture on the trainer. 

Wanted to share some comments from an interesting discussion with a young cyclist who's finished high (5th last year 100 mile) in the below race the last few years. I've signed up for the race this year, and shared my concern about not getting enough longer distance rides to prep for the race - especially the last climb.  In discussing this with Jared, he mentioned he's in the same boat too, but that what really prepares him for the race is not so much the long outdoor rides, but all the time and sweat consistently spent on the trainer; consistently doing the hi-intensity intervals; the drills, recovery rides and such.  I guess I'd sub-consciously felt given the boredom of trainer rides - outdoor rides were really where the benefit occurs.  While it seems in fact (per Jared) with trainer rides - this is where the best work occurs, where climbing strength is built and ultimately we get to see the results.  I think this is more for my benefit, because I think the group appreciates the value of trainer rides - but still thought I'd share with the group.  That stated ... I'm off to the gym to do some interval training. 

Mountains of Misery

Ciao - Dorm


I can see where a trainer would be advantageous if there are not any significant hills to ride or in the winter months. I am fortunate to have a variety of hills near by, from very short and back to back to some that take 10-15 minutes to ride up, from either direction and some that are long easy grades for several miles (5-10). I will often go out and just ride up one side and down the other and return several times, or ride through the rolling hills back and forth at an increased pace. AK Dave
2016-03-22 5:33 PM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight

Originally posted by wenceslasz

Love the photo Scott.  For your 60 mile ride do you stop at regular intervals/ specified duration or just as needed?

Hey George,

Just before the power plant (the smoke stack in the picture) there is a park with public restrooms, water, etc.  We stop there, make a pit stop, get everyone grouped back together and make the ride back.  We try not to drop anyone, in fact, we always have a couple volunteers that will drop back if someone drops off the back so we don't have anyone riding alone.  We are a "fun" group, not a "kill ourselves with the pace" group.

2016-03-22 5:46 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight

Originally posted by ok2try

Saturday I had a breakthrough in the pool. Previously, when I tried to kick on a kickboard, I would generate no forward motion whatsoever. It would be comical to watch I'm sure, but not so much fun to be the kicker going nowhere. Yesterday I took my favorite 12-year old for a recreational swim and attempted a few kick laps just to see what would happen. Hey, I was able to motor all the way across the 20-yard pool and (after a brief rest) back again. That's progress!


Hey Deb,

Careful now!  Next thing you know you're going to be doing real kick intervals with an actual send-off and everything!!!

2016-03-22 5:53 PM
in reply to: DJP_19

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight

Originally posted by DJP_19

Dorm - I second Deb's suggestion on aerobars. I put them on my road bike and like 'em a lot.  

Hey Dorm,

x3 on getting a set of aerobars.  One caveat however.  If/when you put aerobars on, yes even clip-ons, you will want to get a bike fit.  Your position in aero is going to be substantially different (at least it should be).  If you aren't fit properly one of two things will happen:  Either you won't be able to generate the same power you can in road position or you won't be able to remain down in aero very long -- either way,  you would be slower than you could be with a proper fit.  A professional fitting is worth every penny it costs.

2016-03-22 6:07 PM
in reply to: DJP_19

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight

Originally posted by DJP_19

Deb - Thanks to you and Scott suggesting TR, I can now say " I feel your pain" when you describe the extended hell of Sweet Spot intervals. I've committed to regular TR workouts and now have similar hopes for performance improvements come summer.


Hey Dave,

Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, the extended hell of sweet spot intervals is just a warm-up for the fun of over/under intervals, threshold intervals, or VO2 MAX intervals when you will be thinking to yourself that surely agony must end at some point!  


painfree_1_0.jpg (59KB - 4 downloads)
2016-03-22 6:24 PM
in reply to: Dorm57

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight

Originally posted by Dorm57

In discussing this with Jared, he mentioned he's in the same boat too, but that what really prepares him for the race is not so much the long outdoor rides, but all the time and sweat consistently spent on the trainer; consistently doing the hi-intensity intervals; the drills, recovery rides and such.  I guess I'd sub-consciously felt given the boredom of trainer rides - outdoor rides were really where the benefit occurs.  While it seems in fact (per Jared) with trainer rides - this is where the best work occurs, where climbing strength is built and ultimately we get to see the results.  I think this is more for my benefit, because I think the group appreciates the value of trainer rides - but still thought I'd share with the group.  That stated ... I'm off to the gym to do some interval training. 

Ciao - Dorm

Hey Dorm,

When you think about this, it makes perfect sense.  You simply can't recreate intervals outdoors with the same precision you can indoors on the trainer.  Especially if you are using Trainer Road or something similar.  Plus, when you are on the trainer and have a very structured, difficult ride, you can put your head down and push through the workout without concern over traffic, hills, wind, handling your bike, etc.  The big FTP gains, the muscular endurance gains, the lactate threshold gains, the VO2 MAX gains - those all will come from the trainer.  Riding outdoors on the other hand is a great time to focus on bike handling skills, mastering race pace riding, and building your aerobic base.

You can get all the gains riding outdoors, but you get more bang for your buck mixing the trainer with outdoor rides.

2016-03-22 7:56 PM
in reply to: Dorm57

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight
Originally posted by Dorm57

what really prepares him for the race is not so much the long outdoor rides, but all the time and sweat consistently spent on the trainer; consistently doing the hi-intensity intervals; the drills, recovery rides and such.  I guess I'd sub-consciously felt given the boredom of trainer rides - outdoor rides were really where the benefit occurs.  While it seems in fact (per Jared) with trainer rides - this is where the best work occurs, where climbing strength is built and ultimately we get to see the results.  I think this is more for my benefit, because I think the group appreciates the value of trainer rides - but still thought I'd share with the group.  That stated ... I'm off to the gym to do some interval training. 

Mountains of Misery

Ciao - Dorm


Thanks, Dorm, for this. Maybe I can print it out, blow it up, and hang it with the other motivational stuff that's in front of me on the trainer!

Several people have mentioned local indoor tri's coming up. Our local Y has one too, in April, which I did once but never again. The indoor swim is followed by an outdoor ride & run. Running out the pool door to the T area in a wet bathing suit and barefoot when it's 26° and windy as heck may stand in for a machismo (feminismo?) claim to fame but as I said, once was enough for me. To add insult to misery, the T- splits weren't timed so if you want to compare your year-to-year performances you have to rely on your own watch, and it's hard to hit the lap button with ski gloves on. In fairness though the timers were just a bunch of volunteers standing out in the freezing cold too, and I do support the Y in other ways. They do good work.

Have a good week, everyone.
2016-03-23 8:34 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by DJP_19

Deb - Thanks to you and Scott suggesting TR, I can now say " I feel your pain" when you describe the extended hell of Sweet Spot intervals. I've committed to regular TR workouts and now have similar hopes for performance improvements come summer.


Hey Dave,

Maybe I shouldn't tell you this, the extended hell of sweet spot intervals is just a warm-up for the fun of over/under intervals, threshold intervals, or VO2 MAX intervals when you will be thinking to yourself that surely agony must end at some point!  

Gee, thanks, Scott. Can't wait.
2016-03-23 9:49 AM
in reply to: ok2try

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight

Originally posted by ok2try
Originally posted by Dorm57

what really prepares him for the race is not so much the long outdoor rides, but all the time and sweat consistently spent on the trainer; consistently doing the hi-intensity intervals; the drills, recovery rides and such.  I guess I'd sub-consciously felt given the boredom of trainer rides - outdoor rides were really where the benefit occurs.  While it seems in fact (per Jared) with trainer rides - this is where the best work occurs, where climbing strength is built and ultimately we get to see the results.  I think this is more for my benefit, because I think the group appreciates the value of trainer rides - but still thought I'd share with the group.  That stated ... I'm off to the gym to do some interval training. 

Mountains of Misery

Ciao - Dorm


Thanks, Dorm, for this. Maybe I can print it out, blow it up, and hang it with the other motivational stuff that's in front of me on the trainer! 

Thanks Deb and Scott.  I did 6x4 intervals yesterday and it was tough!  Somewhere in the pain, it occurred to me that with the trainer - you never get to coast.  You might slow your pedal stroke a bit, but with zero speed, my Garmin pauses.  My point is simply that trainer work is all work - no breaks.  If you're on the road you can at least coast downhill to catch your breath or tuck in behind someone and catch a break every 3rd or 4th stroke.

I'm certainly not poo-fooing road riding at all ... we live for warm weather and long outdoor rides.  It's just that I'd never appreciated the beneficial extent of trainer work until my talk with Jared.  So ... that stated, I'm headed to the gym for some more intervals.

Ciao - Dorm

2016-03-23 6:38 PM
in reply to: Dorm57

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight
Originally posted by Dorm57

, it occurred to me that with the trainer - you never get to coast. >

Yeah, and you also never get to pedal all out down the hill until your feet can't keep up any more, shrieking your fool head off for the fun of it, and hoping you make it to the bottom in one piece and without swallowing any bugs. Around here, we have plenty of no-traffic roads suited for this.
(Scott, is that called "bike-handling skills?")
2016-03-23 8:05 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight
I love the trainer in a sick kind of way! Except when I have to do the all-out sprints, they have a tendency to kick my butt. I can't wait to get some warm weather to get outside once in a while at least, but I think I get a much better workout in my man cave on the trainer!

2016-03-24 11:29 AM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight

Originally posted by Mountaindan I love the trainer in a sick kind of way! Except when I have to do the all-out sprints, they have a tendency to kick my butt. I can't wait to get some warm weather to get outside once in a while at least, but I think I get a much better workout in my man cave on the trainer! Dan

Same here.  I love being able to ride outside in the fresh air and sunshine, but since I usually stick to paths and parks (MUP's mostly), they're slower, easier rides.  Have to watch out for the walkers/runners/roller-bladers/dog walkers/etc.  I am going to start doing some group rides with the tri club on Saturday mornings though - those will be on regular roads and hopefully be a harder workout.  

Any interesting plans for the Easter weekend?  I'm volunteering at a 5k Saturday morning and going to try to get a trail run in on Sunday morning before we head to my parents' house for dinner. 


2016-03-24 4:17 PM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight
Originally posted by soccermom15

Originally posted by Mountaindan I love the trainer in a sick kind of way! Except when I have to do the all-out sprints, they have a tendency to kick my butt. I can't wait to get some warm weather to get outside once in a while at least, but I think I get a much better workout in my man cave on the trainer! Dan

Same here.  I love being able to ride outside in the fresh air and sunshine, but since I usually stick to paths and parks (MUP's mostly), they're slower, easier rides.  Have to watch out for the walkers/runners/roller-bladers/dog walkers/etc.  I am going to start doing some group rides with the tri club on Saturday mornings though - those will be on regular roads and hopefully be a harder workout.  

Any interesting plans for the Easter weekend?  I'm volunteering at a 5k Saturday morning and going to try to get a trail run in on Sunday morning before we head to my parents' house for dinner. 


Nothing I would call interesting, will do my Indoor Tri tomorrow, then maybe another trail run like I did Tuesday. I love the spring time in Alaska.


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date : March 10, 2011
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