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2011-07-22 2:32 PM
in reply to: #3610320

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
velcromom - 2011-07-22 1:23 PM    ALERT:  Serious Question!!!!

How long is (should be) the recovery period after an HIM?  Looking for a guideline, I guess.  It's obviously been an easy week, but yesterday's bike was painful, and so was today's run.

When should I be a full strength?   My IM training plan starts Monday!!  

Great question.  Interested in everybody's thoughts on this.....

I have been playing with this all week.  I made sure I took on tons of fluids (after the Hydration test of my life for me!) and got lots of sleep (no usual 4:30 am work-outs all week ... I could get used to that!), and went really light when I did anything.  I have just been really listening to my body and being very careful.  After last nights run, the legs and body are good and ready to jump back in.  Suzy has told me in the past that being an athlete all my life helps dramatically with this "feel."  All I can do is take her word on that?

 Fortunately, I am not starting a IM program like some of the Studs of this MG!  My issue is I'm bike racing on Sat and Oly tri'ing next weekend, so I am really just in an extended taper for a couple of weeks!!! (If there is such a thing?!)  Hope I don't get LAZY!     Innocent

2011-07-22 5:02 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Someone has their first oly this Sunday.  Just sayin'

Good luck Bruce!  Kick some a$$!
2011-07-22 9:35 PM
in reply to: #3610694

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Firefly Sweet Tea infused vodka is very nice mixed with lemonade on a hot day. 
2011-07-22 9:39 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
2011-07-22 11:44 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Hello from camp!!!So far so good. Great day today....for those of you that don't know the race, this will mean nothing to you. Rode from skaha lake arounds mcleans creek twice.( get in the extra distance versus biking through town) and rode the whole course. Here's my review - nice warmish day. Mclean creek had a pretty steep climb.Out to osoyoos was nice. But i flatted. Richters was not as big of a deal as I was expecting. The 7 rollers were not rollers. They were 5 minute climbs into a headwind. Out and back sucked. Climb up yellow lake was reasonably tough. Took it easy most of the ride, but we had to get up there by a certain time because they were closing thenroad for an hour while they blasted the mountain. I always thought the ride was pretty ,uch over after yellow, but still30k to town.I realize I love descending.Tomorrow easy run, 4k swim, and 2 hr ride.
2011-07-23 5:40 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Hi gang. Back from a quick vacation at the lake ( Huron). Had a big bike week for me. IT started off with a killer 1 hour cycling spin class last Friday. On Sunday morning I left for the beach at 7:00 AM. My wife caught up with me 77K in. By that time the sun was beating down like a very big man with a large stick beating on me. The temp was hovering around 100F. I hav eno idea wha the temp on the pavement would have been.  rode just a little on Monday, None on Tuesday then had to return home (66K) for some personal stuff and some client training on Wed. Darn near the hottest day of the year. I went through so much water/fuel I was sick of the stuff after only 66K and I still had to ride another 13 K out to the Guelph lake for a tri clinc. As I am running the clinic I didn't have to do the transitions that was on for the schedule but I did take pittty on the group and only did a couple of transition run throughs. One of the ladies I had done some training with before offerred me a ride home and I took it gladly. Thursday (the hottest day of the year) I had to do some running around town. I'm sure Satan had brought a little slice of his world up here just for me. With the humidity factor the temp was about 113 F or 45C.  Just nasty to be out in. Took me almost twice as long to get home from the university as usual and then straight into the pool which was pretty warm itself. (90 F) I was very careful all week long to make sure I was 1) well hydrated and energy fueled 2) carried lots of sunscreen. 3) had several scotches each day I was at the beach
In all, except for the heat on the rides, it has been a good week.
Oh yeah. Good luck to everyone racing this weekend. Nothing for me. I am volunteering at a Triathlon on Sunday. That and following 3 ladies from our triathlon club who are doing Lake Placid this weekend.

2011-07-23 7:08 AM
in reply to: #3610925

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

fattyfatfat - 2011-07-22 9:39 PM

x2  Great Beer!  Thanks Skinny!

Good Luck Racers ....  Be Fast, Be Safe, REPRESENT!!!

2011-07-23 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
hmmmmm.  seems this silly little bike race is rather interesting to watch. 
2011-07-23 11:52 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Yorktown, VA & Langley AFB
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Easy 14M training run done.  Those long runs go much better and easier with a couple other people... more entertaining I guess.  Not so much quiet time to churn pace numbers, averages, projected times... etc... yes, I'm a data junkie!


CAUTION: Serious rookie training question ahead...
I've been trying to slow down the pace/HR working on building my base...  I cannot 'run' slow enough to keep my HR in Z1 or even 2.  I am quite comfortable running in low Z3 for the long haul... as with today - no problems and still felt good when I was done.

So the question:  Is this just my comfort zone?  Should I quit fighting it and just run?  I realize that training method may not work for everyone... maybe its just not for me?

2011-07-23 11:55 AM
in reply to: #3610694

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Yorktown, VA & Langley AFB
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

jfought - 2011-07-22 5:02 PM Someone has their first oly this Sunday.  Just sayin'

Good luck Bruce!  Kick some a$$!


Good luck to Bruce and the rest of the MG!
Be smart out there and travel safe!

2011-07-23 11:57 AM
in reply to: #3611356

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Scalded_Dawg - 2011-07-23 9:52 AM

Easy 14M training run done.  Those long runs go much better and easier with a couple other people... more entertaining I guess.  Not so much quiet time to churn pace numbers, averages, projected times... etc... yes, I'm a data junkie!


CAUTION: Serious rookie training question ahead...
I've been trying to slow down the pace/HR working on building my base...  I cannot 'run' slow enough to keep my HR in Z1 or even 2.  I am quite comfortable running in low Z3 for the long haul... as with today - no problems and still felt good when I was done.

So the question:  Is this just my comfort zone?  Should I quit fighting it and just run?  I realize that training method may not work for everyone... maybe its just not for me?

Great job on your run today! Maybe your zones have changed. When was your last LT test? Hate doing them but it might be time for one!

2011-07-23 1:50 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Was not planning on it, but I did my longest OWS this AM: 2 miles. Took me 1:12:04. Weird thing was I has no axxiety as I was not planning on this. After volunteering they said go ahead and swim. Started near the back of the crowd and walked in up to my waist, which was farther in than most people who started swimming ASAP. It was fun, Only a little foot cramping durign the back stretch of the last lap.

Followed it with a 24 mile bike ride.

2011-07-23 2:08 PM
in reply to: #3611456

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
DougRob - 2011-07-23 2:50 PM

Was not planning on it, but I did my longest OWS this AM: 2 miles. Took me 1:12:04. Weird thing was I has no axxiety as I was not planning on this. After volunteering they said go ahead and swim. Started near the back of the crowd and walked in up to my waist, which was farther in than most people who started swimming ASAP. It was fun, Only a little foot cramping durign the back stretch of the last lap.

Followed it with a 24 mile bike ride.

awesome!  and that's my favorite part.  sometimes you just gotta say F it. 

2011-07-23 4:45 PM
in reply to: #3611456

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
DougRob - 2011-07-23 1:50 PM

Was not planning on it, but I did my longest OWS this AM: 2 miles. Took me 1:12:04. Weird thing was I has no axxiety as I was not planning on this. After volunteering they said go ahead and swim. Started near the back of the crowd and walked in up to my waist, which was farther in than most people who started swimming ASAP. It was fun, Only a little foot cramping durign the back stretch of the last lap.

Followed it with a 24 mile bike ride.

Awesome!  Can IM be far behind?

2011-07-23 6:17 PM
in reply to: #3611601

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
SSMinnow - 2011-07-23 5:45 PM
DougRob - 2011-07-23 1:50 PM

Was not planning on it, but I did my longest OWS this AM: 2 miles. Took me 1:12:04. Weird thing was I has no axxiety as I was not planning on this. After volunteering they said go ahead and swim. Started near the back of the crowd and walked in up to my waist, which was farther in than most people who started swimming ASAP. It was fun, Only a little foot cramping durign the back stretch of the last lap.

Followed it with a 24 mile bike ride.

Awesome!  Can IM be far behind?

NO! They still want you to run 26.2 miles at the end!

2011-07-23 6:56 PM
in reply to: #3611364

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Yorktown, VA & Langley AFB
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
kt65 - 2011-07-23 11:57 AM
Scalded_Dawg - 2011-07-23 9:52 AM

Easy 14M training run done.  Those long runs go much better and easier with a couple other people... more entertaining I guess.  Not so much quiet time to churn pace numbers, averages, projected times... etc... yes, I'm a data junkie!


CAUTION: Serious rookie training question ahead...
I've been trying to slow down the pace/HR working on building my base...  I cannot 'run' slow enough to keep my HR in Z1 or even 2.  I am quite comfortable running in low Z3 for the long haul... as with today - no problems and still felt good when I was done.

So the question:  Is this just my comfort zone?  Should I quit fighting it and just run?  I realize that training method may not work for everyone... maybe its just not for me?

Great job on your run today! Maybe your zones have changed. When was your last LT test? Hate doing them but it might be time for one!

Thanks Kim!  Yeah, maybe so... last one I did was in December - it was brutal!   Could it really change that much in 6 months?  Z2 would have to move up about 10 bpm... Undecided

2011-07-23 7:15 PM
in reply to: #3611708

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
Scalded_Dawg - 2011-07-23 7:56 PM
kt65 - 2011-07-23 11:57 AM
Scalded_Dawg - 2011-07-23 9:52 AM

Easy 14M training run done.  Those long runs go much better and easier with a couple other people... more entertaining I guess.  Not so much quiet time to churn pace numbers, averages, projected times... etc... yes, I'm a data junkie!


CAUTION: Serious rookie training question ahead...
I've been trying to slow down the pace/HR working on building my base...  I cannot 'run' slow enough to keep my HR in Z1 or even 2.  I am quite comfortable running in low Z3 for the long haul... as with today - no problems and still felt good when I was done.

So the question:  Is this just my comfort zone?  Should I quit fighting it and just run?  I realize that training method may not work for everyone... maybe its just not for me?

Great job on your run today! Maybe your zones have changed. When was your last LT test? Hate doing them but it might be time for one!

Thanks Kim!  Yeah, maybe so... last one I did was in December - it was brutal!   Could it really change that much in 6 months?  Z2 would have to move up about 10 bpm... Undecided

it should move down, not up.  you're becoming more efficient. 

an lt test will differ temporally and spatially. lets talk about he former first,  its a lot easier to run is west texas during the month of december than running in west texas during the month of july.  now the second... its easier to run in colorado springs in may than it is in annapolis in may.  but that's probably what makes air force so soft... HA! 

make sense?

edit.. if it doesn't make sense run another lt test in the next few day.  and get rid of that may 5th date in your logs.  update it to give us more ammo to better answer your question's.

edit II.  most important..... GOOD JOB!!!!! keep it up. 

Edited by fattyfatfat 2011-07-23 7:26 PM
2011-07-24 8:38 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Thanks, guys.  You all pretty much reinforced what I was thinking - I appreciate it.  Kim, I've been using the inhaler this week, and it's helping.  John, pretty much post-race aches, but also the results of some pretty intense joint pounding.  Backing off for a bit is tough, but a good thing, I think.

Good Luck, Bruce!

Off to the last swim meet for a long time.........!!!

2011-07-24 10:01 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Thanks all for the advice and tips!  Super helpful.  I tried out a walk/run strategy (run 1 mi/walk 30") and it definitely helped me keep my pace longer.

I took my new wheels out yesterday morning.  Holy smokes, what a difference!  Only problem is the saddle.  Everything was fine til around mi 28 but from there I couldnt' sit without readjusting every 60 seconds or so.  Super uncomfortable and even had some lower pelvic pain yesterday afternoon.  So, I need to find a new saddle.  How does one go about doing that?  Is it just trial and error?

2011-07-24 11:32 AM
in reply to: #3611722

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Yorktown, VA & Langley AFB
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-07-23 7:15 PM
Scalded_Dawg - 2011-07-23 7:56 PM
kt65 - 2011-07-23 11:57 AM
Scalded_Dawg - 2011-07-23 9:52 AM

Easy 14M training run done.  Those long runs go much better and easier with a couple other people... more entertaining I guess.  Not so much quiet time to churn pace numbers, averages, projected times... etc... yes, I'm a data junkie!


CAUTION: Serious rookie training question ahead...
I've been trying to slow down the pace/HR working on building my base...  I cannot 'run' slow enough to keep my HR in Z1 or even 2.  I am quite comfortable running in low Z3 for the long haul... as with today - no problems and still felt good when I was done.

So the question:  Is this just my comfort zone?  Should I quit fighting it and just run?  I realize that training method may not work for everyone... maybe its just not for me?

Great job on your run today! Maybe your zones have changed. When was your last LT test? Hate doing them but it might be time for one!

Thanks Kim!  Yeah, maybe so... last one I did was in December - it was brutal!   Could it really change that much in 6 months?  Z2 would have to move up about 10 bpm... Undecided

it should move down, not up.  you're becoming more efficient. 

an lt test will differ temporally and spatially. lets talk about he former first,  its a lot easier to run is west texas during the month of december than running in west texas during the month of july.  now the second... its easier to run in colorado springs in may than it is in annapolis in may.  but that's probably what makes air force so soft... HA! 

make sense?

edit.. if it doesn't make sense run another lt test in the next few day.  and get rid of that may 5th date in your logs.  update it to give us more ammo to better answer your question's.

edit II.  most important..... GOOD JOB!!!!! keep it up. 

Thanks John!  I do understand that logic, and the HR going the wrong direction is what initially stirred my questions.  
I'll get another LT done early this week - in the morning.  May 5th was when I started using my Garmin305 vs. just a HRM, I must have accidentally updated the date but I'll fix it up!
An Air Force Officer dig...  Nice!  That's why I'm an enlisted warrior!  Laughing


2011-07-24 12:04 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
I wrote a RR for the swim race just for posterity. I ran today and for the firsat time this year had spring in my step. I ran 7.33 miles in 1 hour!

2011-07-24 2:49 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

hey christina.  sorry about that,  I'll reply up here so others can chime in on their take of time management and long course racing...peeps have lots of experience here.  i'll make a general observation after talking to some of the folks since texas,  there's gonna be a lot more short course racing around here next year. ha!

ironman... haha.  up until a week or so after the race in texas i would say go for it to anyone that asked if i would recommend taking on the challenge of training for ironman on with the kids and all. 

so its now been a few months and i'm not so sure i would recommend it anymore to people in a similar stage of life as we were.. young kiddos and both parents working.  i just think it takes way to much time away from the family.  i'm really glad i did it, very lucky to have a wife that was incredibly supportive, of course it didn't turn out as i wished it would have, but its all good.   but it think its going to be a while before i go back to the 140.6 distance.  lol, perhaps i should have waited more than a few days after tx before signing up to volunteer at florida.  linda (havin' fun) is gonna kill me! but there's still triple t!!! 

one of the biggest mistakes people who are contemplating ironman make happens long before the training even starts.   they look at a training program and  think the time volume they see in the plan is all there is.  there's always comments here on BT about "your biggest week is only going to be 15 hours and there are only a few weeks like this".  well,  that's a load of crap.   you can't just look at a schedule and say ok i have a 5 hour bike on friday.  yeah sure, you have a five hour ride but there's time getting the nutrition together, the car packed if you're diving to the ride site and then the recovery afterwards.  you're probably going to be tired and hungry and maybe not in the best mood.  i think the rides out past 4.5 hours take up a significant part of an entire day.  the 6 hour rides, well you can pretty much bag the entire day.  that's hard on a spouse, significant other, kiddos, etc... 


what did it take time management wise... you'll most likely have two workouts a day that will increase in length as the race nears.  so its important to use as much of the day as possible.  meaning 0430 was pretty much the standard wake up most days of the week.  many rides in the

lots of midweek runs were done at lunch time.  i love running but i hated coming back to the office all sweaty and nasty.  luckily i have a really small office so it didn't bother anyone, but i still had to feel gross.  but if the run didn't get in then than most likely i would have to either miss dinner or miss putting the kids down.  i hate missing those so it rarely happened.  so, you have to take advantage of time when you can.  and really, there's lots of time in the early morning, just go looks at terps logs if you ever need motivation for that.

btw, she hurt her foot,  not sure if everyone was aware.

a half iron is a bit different but still difficult.  you're experiencing it now so i won't run my yap about it too much.  again its the long bike that eats up time.  but i do think its much more family friendly than ironman. and i love watching the peeps up here get after that distance.  its such a challenge.   and after having a few under your belt maybe you're more willing to blow off a workout so you can eat Popsicles in the garage with the youngest while watching the rain instead of going for a run. experience and an improved base will provide that.  (i never knew Popsicle was a brand name... i keep getting auto-corrected here to capitalize it).  but in the end its still a huge time commitment.  but you see that. 

as far as advice on your upcoming race, don't over think things.  you have to swim bike and run.  and you know how far you gotta go so take it easy and get there.  quit looking at other people logs and comparing what yourself to them... it does no good because its most likely not a good comparison. and for heavens sake... take it easy coming out of T2!!!!   GLACIAL PACE!!!!   i know you've heard that before around here but its worth repeating.  

what do i wish i did differently, honestly... nothing.  i said f it and had at it.  but oh! i got a wee bit nervous about a month out, just like you, you're going to learn a lot about racing that distance and more importantly about yourself.  so have fun and for heavens sake slow down outta T2.  and smile. 

ok, sorry for the endless rant... as usual, i could go on and on. 

definitely fire off any more questions you have.  

Edited by fattyfatfat 2011-07-24 3:12 PM
2011-07-24 3:14 PM
in reply to: #3612141

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
mighty mom - 2011-07-24 10:01 AM   Thanks all for the advice and tips!  Super helpful.  I tried out a walk/run strategy (run 1 mi/walk 30") and it definitely helped me keep my pace longer.

I took my new wheels out yesterday morning.  Holy smokes, what a difference!  Only problem is the saddle.  Everything was fine til around mi 28 but from there I couldnt' sit without readjusting every 60 seconds or so.  Super uncomfortable and even had some lower pelvic pain yesterday afternoon.  So, I need to find a new saddle.  How does one go about doing that?  Is it just trial and error?   

I will put my @.02.  My coach's execution plan has you walk the last 'station' at each Aid stop at any distance HIM and higher.  So, if there are 3 stations at a stop, you run to the last one and walk until you have drank your water, put ice in those private cooling areas, etc.  Gives you about a 30" walk at set locations on the course and gives you a couple of those .... I am gonna run until (blank) answers.  (you will understand that more at about mile 8!)  I changed my plan and walked the entire Aid Stations during the Racine 70.3 but it was 428 degrees with 300% humidity that day!  

Saddle issues, that's really personal choice.  I ride 2 different models of Adamo on my TT bike (Race Model) and my Road bike (Peloton Model) after much trial and error.  I will also suggest you reach out to Minnow, I know she had an entire stable of saddles that she tried before she found that worked for her, maybe she Paul would work a deal out with you to get them outta the house.  Or another option is to find a LBS that has a quick seat release post and set up an appointment to go ride on their trainer for a couple of hours on several different test saddles.  

John had some great advice earlier.  The only thing I will add is to concentrate what you can control.  Forget about the rest! Oh, and learn to love 4:30 am! 

2011-07-24 3:28 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
We had a great day at Hagerstown today. My daughter Katie did her 1st tri and kicked some butt on an $85 Walmart special we got her for Christmas. Anyway, she was 2nd in her AG of 15-19 and had a really competitive time too. Sucked for me not to race it like I was supposed to, but I was very proud of her. I will be out of commission from running ect. for 4-6 wks. due to a broken foot
2011-07-24 4:22 PM
in reply to: #3612385

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-07-24 3:49 PM

hey christina.  sorry about that,  I'll reply up here so others can chime in on their take of time management and long course racing...peeps have lots of experience here.  i'll make a general observation after talking to some of the folks since texas,  there's gonna be a lot more short course racing around here next year. ha!

ironman... haha.  up until a week or so after the race in texas i would say go for it to anyone that asked if i would recommend taking on the challenge of training for ironman on with the kids and all. 

so its now been a few months and i'm not so sure i would recommend it anymore to people in a similar stage of life as we were.. young kiddos and both parents working.  i just think it takes way to much time away from the family.  i'm really glad i did it, very lucky to have a wife that was incredibly supportive, of course it didn't turn out as i wished it would have, but its all good.   but it think its going to be a while before i go back to the 140.6 distance.  lol, perhaps i should have waited more than a few days after tx before signing up to volunteer at florida.  linda (havin' fun) is gonna kill me! but there's still triple t!!! 

one of the biggest mistakes people who are contemplating ironman make happens long before the training even starts.   they look at a training program and  think the time volume they see in the plan is all there is.  there's always comments here on BT about "your biggest week is only going to be 15 hours and there are only a few weeks like this".  well,  that's a load of crap.   you can't just look at a schedule and say ok i have a 5 hour bike on friday.  yeah sure, you have a five hour ride but there's time getting the nutrition together, the car packed if you're diving to the ride site and then the recovery afterwards.  you're probably going to be tired and hungry and maybe not in the best mood.  i think the rides out past 4.5 hours take up a significant part of an entire day.  the 6 hour rides, well you can pretty much bag the entire day.  that's hard on a spouse, significant other, kiddos, etc... 


what did it take time management wise... you'll most likely have two workouts a day that will increase in length as the race nears.  so its important to use as much of the day as possible.  meaning 0430 was pretty much the standard wake up most days of the week.  many rides in the

lots of midweek runs were done at lunch time.  i love running but i hated coming back to the office all sweaty and nasty.  luckily i have a really small office so it didn't bother anyone, but i still had to feel gross.  but if the run didn't get in then than most likely i would have to either miss dinner or miss putting the kids down.  i hate missing those so it rarely happened.  so, you have to take advantage of time when you can.  and really, there's lots of time in the early morning, just go looks at terps logs if you ever need motivation for that.

btw, she hurt her foot,  not sure if everyone was aware.

a half iron is a bit different but still difficult.  you're experiencing it now so i won't run my yap about it too much.  again its the long bike that eats up time.  but i do think its much more family friendly than ironman. and i love watching the peeps up here get after that distance.  its such a challenge.   and after having a few under your belt maybe you're more willing to blow off a workout so you can eat Popsicles in the garage with the youngest while watching the rain instead of going for a run. experience and an improved base will provide that.  (i never knew Popsicle was a brand name... i keep getting auto-corrected here to capitalize it).  but in the end its still a huge time commitment.  but you see that. 

as far as advice on your upcoming race, don't over think things.  you have to swim bike and run.  and you know how far you gotta go so take it easy and get there.  quit looking at other people logs and comparing what yourself to them... it does no good because its most likely not a good comparison. and for heavens sake... take it easy coming out of T2!!!!   GLACIAL PACE!!!!   i know you've heard that before around here but its worth repeating.  

what do i wish i did differently, honestly... nothing.  i said f it and had at it.  but oh! i got a wee bit nervous about a month out, just like you, you're going to learn a lot about racing that distance and more importantly about yourself.  so have fun and for heavens sake slow down outta T2.  and smile. 

ok, sorry for the endless rant... as usual, i could go on and on. 

definitely fire off any more questions you have.  

John. This is a GREAT post.

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