BT Development Mentor Program Archives » swbkrun with us!!! - Closed Rss Feed  
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2010-12-28 10:15 AM
in reply to: #3263667

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
sstucker - 2010-12-27 9:56 PM  

Hi everyone!

This is my second year of tri, but 4th for endurance training.  In my first two years I did one half and 3 full marathon.  For tris last year I did one try-a-tri and two sprints.  This year I'm building up to HIM in September. 

I may be over thinking this but here goes.
My race plan is simple, would like to peak twice.  Once at end of June (Oly), and second at beginning of September (HIM).  Does it make any sense to peak for a RUN only for end of May? which is a planned half mary.  I'm thinking NOT, because peaking is normally a whole body state.  I was thinking of building my run base early (run/swim focus training to ending of May) then continue with bike/swim from then to HIM. 

The idea is to test my run fitness with the half mary.  I would like to get to a certain level with my run for the HIM.  I was thinking of doing two runs a week during month of June as recovery, short one with strides and a long run (little shorter then my peak for half mary).

Just got my trainer so now would like to start the 15 week Jorge program in two weeks.  Is it ok to perform this program while I'm in run focus program?  From what I read it seems fine, I just need to make sure I schedule my intense workouts properly.

I know my questions above may be too much for any mentor group, even though I know most of you are quite capable, therefore I do not expect any details coming from anyone.
  I just need some opinions.

 Thanks in advance!

Thanks everyone for your opinions on this....You have cleared my thoughts.  

I'm trying to achieve too much in one year.  In my original long term plan was to do only Olys this year then HIM 2012, and IM in 2013.  With the excitement of first year of tris and seeing many people jumping to HIM and IM on their first year (and they have no athletic background or very little) I thought it shouldn’t be a problem for me.

Based on all your comments I should concentrate on the HIM only, which makes a lot of sense.   I just need to take baby steps and stop trying to improve everything in one year.  Only thing that could come of it is injury which I’ve been lucky so far with only experiencing some tightness in my hammies and achilles. 

I will practice patience.

2010-12-28 10:16 AM
in reply to: #3264295

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
sstucker - 2010-12-28 11:15 AM
sstucker - 2010-12-27 9:56 PM  

Hi everyone!

This is my second year of tri, but 4th for endurance training.  In my first two years I did one half and 3 full marathon.  For tris last year I did one try-a-tri and two sprints.  This year I'm building up to HIM in September. 

I may be over thinking this but here goes.
My race plan is simple, would like to peak twice.  Once at end of June (Oly), and second at beginning of September (HIM).  Does it make any sense to peak for a RUN only for end of May? which is a planned half mary.  I'm thinking NOT, because peaking is normally a whole body state.  I was thinking of building my run base early (run/swim focus training to ending of May) then continue with bike/swim from then to HIM. 

The idea is to test my run fitness with the half mary.  I would like to get to a certain level with my run for the HIM.  I was thinking of doing two runs a week during month of June as recovery, short one with strides and a long run (little shorter then my peak for half mary).

Just got my trainer so now would like to start the 15 week Jorge program in two weeks.  Is it ok to perform this program while I'm in run focus program?  From what I read it seems fine, I just need to make sure I schedule my intense workouts properly.

I know my questions above may be too much for any mentor group, even though I know most of you are quite capable, therefore I do not expect any details coming from anyone.
  I just need some opinions.

 Thanks in advance!

Thanks everyone for your opinions on this....You have cleared my thoughts.  

I'm trying to achieve too much in one year.  In my original long term plan was to do only Olys this year then HIM 2012, and IM in 2013.  With the excitement of first year of tris and seeing many people jumping to HIM and IM on their first year (and they have no athletic background or very little) I thought it shouldn’t be a problem for me.

Based on all your comments I should concentrate on the HIM only, which makes a lot of sense.   I just need to take baby steps and stop trying to improve everything in one year.  Only thing that could come of it is injury which I’ve been lucky so far with only experiencing some tightness in my hammies and achilles. 

I will practice patience.

HAHA I feel your pain, I end up trying to make every race an "A" race but it's pretty much impossible to do if you do a lot of racing.

2010-12-28 10:29 AM
in reply to: #3264139

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kt65 - 2010-12-28 7:02 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 3:50 AM
sstucker - 2010-12-27 8:56 PM  

Hi everyone!

This is my second year of tri, but 4th for endurance training.  In my first two years I did one half and 3 full marathon.  For tris last year I did one try-a-tri and two sprints.  This year I'm building up to HIM in September. 

I may be over thinking this but here goes.
My race plan is simple, would like to peak twice.  Once at end of June (Oly), and second at beginning of September (HIM).  Does it make any sense to peak for a RUN only for end of May? which is a planned half mary.  I'm thinking NOT, because peaking is normally a whole body state.  I was thinking of building my run base early (run/swim focus training to ending of May) then continue with bike/swim from then to HIM. 

The idea is to test my run fitness with the half mary.  I would like to get to a certain level with my run for the HIM.  I was thinking of doing two runs a week during month of June as recovery, short one with strides and a long run (little shorter then my peak for half mary).

Just got my trainer so now would like to start the 15 week Jorge program in two weeks.  Is it ok to perform this program while I'm in run focus program?  From what I read it seems fine, I just need to make sure I schedule my intense workouts properly.

I know my questions above may be too much for any mentor group, even though I know most of you are quite capable, therefore I do not expect any details coming from anyone.
  I just need some opinions.

 Thanks in advance!

First question, what's your tri strength and weakness?  My initial reaction is trying to peak at the end of May for running followed by peaking on the bike four weeks later would be too close together.  Maybe I don't know what your definition of peaking is? What's the plan run intensity? It seems like George's bike plan is tough though I've never done it. you're right, spacing workouts would be key.  The good news for you is you do have some endurance background on the run so increasing intensity might not be as tough for you??? past injury history?

Two people worth weighing in on this is Dineen (he is doing a high intensity off-season EN plan) and RP, our resident HIM fastie.

Oops, I'm neither of those two guys but I have a little experience with this as last year I did a half marathon 6 weeks before my first race of the year which was an HIM.  I was slightly concerned about "peaking" since I wanted to do well for both races, but my coach just had me train right through the half marathon.  And it was absolutely fine.  Looking at your race reports you are a pretty fast runner.  Running half marathons are fun and if you have already done 3 marathons and a half in the last 2 years, you know how your body will recover. 

The HIM run after bike is a totally different beast.  I have been able to run after Sprint and Oly bikes much better than the HIM bike.  I am still searching for that elusive "great half mary run after bike".  It takes running more and doing bricks...and running on tired legs. 

Since your HIM is at the beginning of September, by June you will only be 12-14 weeks out from your A race.  I don't think you would want to drop down to running 2x/week at this time and I would guess you shouldn't need to unless running the half marathon really beats you up.  Even if that happens, we can all help with recovery!  But I would venture to say run at least three or four times a week, with a brick in there every or every other week after your long bike. 

Good luck and hope that helps a little bit.

Weighing in on the great advice, I was just going to jump in and say that every half marathon I've run over the last few years has been in the middle of training for a bigger event and I've just trained right through them. I even managed to hit a PR last year in the heart of IM training. Recovery isn't a huge deal -- my legs are pretty trashed for a few days, but swimming and cycling are fine (and great for active recovery) and I'm running again usually by day 3. With you being a strong runner, I'd suggest doing the half mary but with a healthy amount of cross-training as you ease into the HIM training.

I don't have done of longer tri experiene (one HIM, one IM), but I cannot get by running just 2x a week -- it doesn't feel good and I would end up injured. I need at least enough miles to support a longer run. During my IM training I had a few weeks of just 3 runs and didn't care for it and always threw in an "optional" 4th. I plan to try to do a bit more running the next go-around if I can swing it time-wise.

Love that you have some good races on tap and looking forward to watching your journey to and through them!!! Woot!!!!
2010-12-28 11:05 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)
2010-12-28 11:08 AM
in reply to: #3264415

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 11:05 AM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

As the author of the question, I have an unfair advantage so I'll '10 my whole goal was to complete my first IM to squish the water demons.  I knew when I crossed the finish line, they would vanish.  And they biggest concern is I don't have the same type of goal outlined for  my '11 IM.   I want to finish in under 13 hours, but what's the thing really pressing me on????  for running it was always to get to Boston.....for IM, I'm struggling.....KQ'ing is really out of the question so it's not worth hanging that carrot in front of!

Edited by SSMinnow 2010-12-28 11:09 AM
2010-12-28 11:19 AM
in reply to: #3264415

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 11:05 AM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

Improving on my 2010 PR's for each event but having to balance the time/effort for training with everything else.

2010-12-28 11:19 AM
in reply to: #3264415

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 9:05 AM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

Right now for me, it's "What's next" after my June IM. Where do I want to go? What do I want to focus on? I loved not having any big races on the calendar after my race last June -- made for a great summer with the fam. But what will be my Next Big Goal? At this point, I'm telling myself not to cross that bridge until I come to it. Heck, I wasn't planning to do a second IM and now I'm staring down the barrel of the training ramping up!!!

2010-12-28 11:21 AM
in reply to: #3264422

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 9:08 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 11:05 AM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

As the author of the question, I have an unfair advantage so I'll '10 my whole goal was to complete my first IM to squish the water demons.  I knew when I crossed the finish line, they would vanish.  And they biggest concern is I don't have the same type of goal outlined for  my '11 IM.   I want to finish in under 13 hours, but what's the thing really pressing me on????  for running it was always to get to Boston.....for IM, I'm struggling.....KQ'ing is really out of the question so it's not worth hanging that carrot in front of!

Why can't your time goal be your carrot? You're not gonna reach your time goal by accident -- you still need to put in all of the work. Now that you know what to expect when it comes to race day (with the caveat that you can never know truly what to expect in an IM!), put your eye on the prize and go sub-13!!! Think of all the energy you don't need to waste fretting about the swim. You know you can do that part with time to spare!!!!
2010-12-28 11:42 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
I'm so sorry DJ.
thanks for all the responses. Great advice to find stuff for the rest of the fam. I had been thinking of sticking to smaller, closer races to minimize travel and fees. Also allows the fame to stay home if they want. While I'm super competitive and love racing, I know I'll want to spend as much time at the beach as well.
I did look at quassy rev3. Unfortunately we have plans already that weekend.
I'll have to think more about Suzy's question but right now my primary goal will be a time goal for the HIM.
2010-12-28 11:42 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Sorry. Double post.

Edited by mighty mom 2010-12-28 11:43 AM
2010-12-28 11:42 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Ouch. Triple post.

Edited by mighty mom 2010-12-28 11:44 AM

2010-12-28 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3263667

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
sstucker - 2010-12-27 6:56 PM


Hi everyone!

This is my second year of tri, but 4th for endurance training.  In my first two years I did one half and 3 full marathon.  For tris last year I did one try-a-tri and two sprints.  This year I'm building up to HIM in September. 

I may be over thinking this but here goes.
My race plan is simple, would like to peak twice.  Once at end of June (Oly), and second at beginning of September (HIM).  Does it make any sense to peak for a RUN only for end of May? which is a planned half mary.  I'm thinking NOT, because peaking is normally a whole body state.  I was thinking of building my run base early (run/swim focus training to ending of May) then continue with bike/swim from then to HIM. 

The idea is to test my run fitness with the half mary.  I would like to get to a certain level with my run for the HIM.  I was thinking of doing two runs a week during month of June as recovery, short one with strides and a long run (little shorter then my peak for half mary).

Just got my trainer so now would like to start the 15 week Jorge program in two weeks.  Is it ok to perform this program while I'm in run focus program?  From what I read it seems fine, I just need to make sure I schedule my intense workouts properly.

I know my questions above may be too much for any mentor group, even though I know most of you are quite capable, therefore I do not expect any details coming from anyone.
  I just need some opinions.

 Thanks in advance!

Hey there... I'd echo the good responses from everyone so far. As Kim and Kyla have mentioned, it's possible to train right through a half marathon, especially since you've have experience with the longer running races/sessions. John's comments are right on the money too: I'd use the Oly as another long training day, especially since it shouldn't require a build/taper/race/recovery that you'll use for the HIM.

Elite athletes can generally "peak" for multiple races, but counterintuitively, they're often races that are CLOSER together than a few months. Pros like Timo Bracht who took 6th at Kona and then 4 weeks later won IMAZ, or Hillary Biscay who did three IM distance races in 5 weeks. Their bodies are on such a fine line between peaking and overtraining stress that they are better off trying to maintain that peak fitness through two close events rather than races a few months apart. For the rest of us, a single focus race is probably the best route, especially if you're looking to tackle your first HIM.

Gauging your fitness with an early season run is fine, especially if you're coming off a run focus, but as others have said, you're going to want to keep up the run more than 2x per week. At a minimum, I would have three key run workouts during your HIM training: a long run, a shorter tempo run, and a recovery run. Each will target different aspects of your training. Ideally, your plan will start to mix and match the latter two with your other workouts: hill work on the bike followed by a very light, recovery pace brick run; long, slow bike ride followed by a short tempo brick; high intensity swim workout in the morning and an easy recovery run in the evening, etc. You'll also want to integrate some run hill repeats, perhaps alternating weeks with the tempo run. Generally, the long run should stand alone and be followed by your rest day.

In any case, my opinion is that 2x per week on the run is pretty low. As others have said, the HIM run really is an entirely different beast, and getting used to running on tired legs is a must.

Finally, I like your attitude about the racing. Frankly, there's no WAY I should've done an IM in my first year of racing. That was crazy (thanks Birdy!). I've really enjoyed coming back to the HIM distance to get faster and to ultimately prepare myself to really "race" an IM at some point in the future. There's absolutely no rush to knock out the longer distances... the races will always be there. Get comfortable at each stage first by putting a couple races under your belt before you tackle the full meal deal.

Shoot me an email at ryan at fpasset dot com if you have any more questions!
2010-12-28 11:43 AM
in reply to: #3264476

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Awwwww DJ, I am so very, very sorry. I know how much fur babies are family to us. Sending you warm hugs. I'm glad you have the fur of others to help bury your tears.

2010-12-28 11:50 AM
in reply to: #3264415

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 12:05 PM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

Can I pick ones for the different races I plan on doing?

For tri's my biggest concern for 11 is to figure out how to run off the bike.

Obviously if you ride too hard your run will probably stink.  But per all my numbers I am not riding hard at all, I am normally riding below where I should be and still my run stinks. 

For bike racing my concern is racing itself.  Road racing is a completely different animal from tri's and even cyclocross.  Tri's are pretty much an individual thing, you don't have to really worry about anyone else on the course.  Bike races have a lot of unwritten rules, you have teammates, etc.
2010-12-28 11:50 AM
in reply to: #3264477

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
mighty mom - 2010-12-28 12:42 PM Ouch. Triple post.

Nice post padding ; )
2010-12-28 11:51 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Wowsers. Away for a few days, I had a lot of reading to catch up on. Too many things to comment on, but looks like everyone smarter than me has answered them anyhow.

Zhu Zhu pets and princesses. Thats been my last 4 days. Zhu Zhu pets my lord they are annoying.

Got home last night, and got the bike ready to go. Threw on the cadense,quick release,etc. It's ready for a ride now!

2010-12-28 11:53 AM
in reply to: #3264415

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 10:05 AM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

There will be a couple of us with this similar answer....

Trying to balance IM training and still stay a husband and father! Even with an on board spouse, its going to get hairy around June and July.
2010-12-28 12:01 PM
in reply to: #3264495

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Not sure if anyone else caught this on ST.

Video by Gary Hall Sr. he's kind of wacky sometimes but I think this is a good video.  Talking about head position while breathing and why you want as much Oxygen as possible while swimming.

Also funny to look for the sleepy zombie at 1:09 in the video.
2010-12-28 12:02 PM
in reply to: #3264445

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kkcbelle - 2010-12-28 9:21 AM

SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 9:08 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 11:05 AM And they biggest concern is I don't have the same type of goal outlined for  my '11 IM.   I want to finish in under 13 hours, but what's the thing really pressing me on????  for running it was always to get to Boston.....for IM, I'm struggling.....KQ'ing is really out of the question so it's not worth hanging that carrot in front of!

Why can't your time goal be your carrot? You're not gonna reach your time goal by accident -- you still need to put in all of the work.

There's your goal right there... Build on your experience, figure out where you can improve your times, and build a plan to get there. Want a carrot? How about an AG top 20? Shave 10 minutes off your swim, 25 minutes off your bike, and 5 minutes on the run and you're there and sub 13.
2010-12-28 12:10 PM
in reply to: #3264415

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 11:05 AM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

Well my big goal so far is Mar. 20 Shamrock Marathon and running at 3:45:59.  I have 2 very large concerns: I have to drop my time by 55 sec. per mile and the BAA is probably going to lower the qualifying time.  I'm pretty sure I can drop 30 sec. per mile right now so that will be a victory.  But the whole min. a mile will be a big challenge and if the times are changed - impossible for now. 

Regardless, it's a goal and a challenge.  All I can do is train as hard as I can and hope for the stars to align come race morning.  I can only control me.
2010-12-28 12:15 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Wow to no surpise we are "already" 20 pages in!  I love it.  I have sort of kept up over the last few days, but it has been skimming through.  I looks like everyone has had a great Xmas holiday so far with the new year in sight.  I have taken 2 weeks off of work to spend with mi' familia and Kim's family.   Our plan was to stay here for a week, then head over to Lake Chelan for a week but things come up in life that don't always let you stick to your plans.... You know the good ole' curveballs that are thrown at you!  So now we stay in the batter's box and hit the curveball right!??! I get to have a "staycation" for 2 weeks at home.... Kind of a bummer because I was looking forward to hitting the mountains of Eastern Washington, but this time is really allowing me to spend QUALITY time with Avery (now 5 months old already-DANG!).....

Edited by swbkrun 2010-12-28 12:17 PM


Avery.jpg (50KB - 17 downloads)

2010-12-28 12:16 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Speaking of lots of running - Suzy, I remember a year or so ago you posted some foot taping instructions for Tony.  Can you post those again - my arches have been a little ouchie.  Thanks!
2010-12-28 1:07 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Wow I did not know that there was so much to think about when you train and when you race.  This spring will be my first attempt at a triathlon race.  So far I have just run 2 5K runs.  I was thinking that I would just make my first attempt at a sprint tri around March or April and then just go from there and see how I felt.  I know all of you are doing longer races and timing may not matter as much with a sprint.  Should I have some type of plan on sprint races (when and how far apart) or does it not matter as much whith the short races?
2010-12-28 1:19 PM
in reply to: #3264422

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 9:08 AM
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 11:05 AM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

As the author of the question, I have an unfair advantage so I'll '10 my whole goal was to complete my first IM to squish the water demons.  I knew when I crossed the finish line, they would vanish.  And they biggest concern is I don't have the same type of goal outlined for  my '11 IM.   I want to finish in under 13 hours, but what's the thing really pressing me on????  for running it was always to get to Boston.....for IM, I'm struggling.....KQ'ing is really out of the question so it's not worth hanging that carrot in front of!

Yes, to echo Kyla and Ryan, sub 13 is a great carrot that you can definitely reach with your athletic abilities, determination and drive.  Steve will have you ready, you just need to follow the plan (which you have proven to be very good at) the plan!!! 
2010-12-28 1:23 PM
in reply to: #3264415

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2010-12-28 11:05 AM Hi Peeps......Question Ahead:

Think hard, what's the one concern you have going into the '11 season????  Maybe the brainiacs of the group can help (and yes, Fatty that also includes you!)

Ok I have two

My biggest concern is swimming, My 1st race will be a sprint in May and I want to be able to swim the 800m comfortably, as you can see from my bio that this will be an issue. I am taking a swim class starting Jan 11th an have 4 swim workouts per week on my training schedule starting the new year. I plan on doing the drills from the class I learn and volume swimming with active recovery. My end goal is being able to swim the 1500m swim for the NY tri with out too much trouble. Does anyone have any other ideas for swim training? Here is the link for the  <a href="">Swim Class</a>


Also my other concern is going to hard to soon, I am a fit person and I know I can achieve a lot but I don’t have an endurance base because after the few 10ks I have ran my legs hurt for 2-3 days after. So I want to stick with being in HR Zones 1-2 even though it may seem slow and I know I can go faster, and just look at year one as base building and not let my competitive side get the best of me

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