General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2012-01-02 12:43 PM
in reply to: #3966405

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
asock325 - 2012-01-02 1:27 PM

Great Idea

Name: Kristin Cacicedo

Ironman Resume:  IMFL '09, RIHIM '08 & '09

Why did you choose IMLP?:  So we can drive with the family ~ my husband picked it for me actually, entry was my b-day present

What are your goals for IMLP?:  I'd love to beat my time in IMFL of 13:11.  Obviously the course is a lot more challenging but I'm looking forward to trying!

What are you most looking forward to?:  Running into the oval and hearing Mike Reilly!

2012-01-02 4:50 PM
in reply to: #3637183

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Extreme Veteran
Lake Placid, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Great Idea!  Just started my official training today and am SO excited!

Name: Veronica B.

Ironman Resume:  Very Excited First-Timer

Why did you choose IMLP?:  Because I live here? *G* Seriously, only way I could afford to do it.

What are your goals for IMLP?:  Finish. Preferably with a smile on my face.

What are you most looking forward to?:  Pre-Race? Stretching myself to the limit and seeing what I can do during training. During the race? Getting off the &*($# bike. (I am NOT a cyclist and will probably be riding for 8 hours. Me and my butt will be ecstatic to hit the pavement.)

2012-01-02 4:58 PM
in reply to: #3637183

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Extreme Veteran
Somewhere, British Columbia
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Good idea,

I will then re-do my presentation


Name: Alex D. / Playmobil31

Ironman Resume:  1st IM. Did one 70.3 last year (Muskoka) and got a bike accident just before Miami 70.3...

Why did you choose IMLP?: The name ! Everybody is speaking about IMLP, so I wanted to see what's looking like. And I can drive from Toronto.

What are your goals for IMLP?: Having fun on the journey up to Lake Placid! That's all that matters. The race day is just a gift for myself to having succeed all the training up to this special day!

What are you most looking forward to?: The challenge that is in front of me for the next 6 and half months. It ain't gonna be easy, but if it wasn't difficult, it wouldn't be such an experience at the end ... and of course, the finish line

2012-01-02 5:05 PM
in reply to: #3637183

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Extreme Veteran
North Shore, MA.
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Volunteer registration opened this am!! If you cross the line between 6pm and midnight - I'll be there!!!!! Ok, I'm also pooping my pants as it's taking me closer to the next step, which is likely where you guys were this time last year. You all rock! I'll be rooting for each and every one of you ..... See you in LP! :-)
2012-01-02 5:24 PM
in reply to: #3966308

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Harrison, Oh
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

asock325 - 2012-01-02 12:41 PM Any thoughts on the Beginner Triathlete Full Ironman plan (20 weeks)?


Hi Annie!

I used the BT Full IM plan when I trained for Wisconsin in '09.  And while I did feel properly trained for the event (my DNF was due to a bike mechanical failure), I really didn't like the inconsistency of the plan.  For example, once you get into the "Base" phase, the rest days seemed to fall on different days every week (and sometimes, no scheduled rest days at all).  Also, the S/B/R days were never the same from week to week.  This may be ok for some, but I like a little more consistency in my plan (ie. Mon = Rest, Tues = Run & Swim, Wed = Bike & Run, etc....).  

I did like the "theme" weeks they used in "Base 2", where you focus on swim one week, run the next and then bike the following.  

As always, just my opinion, hopefully others will have more to add

2012-01-02 6:26 PM
in reply to: #3637183

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Extreme Veteran
Rochester, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Name: Jason Kuder

Ironman Resume:  This will be my 1st IM. Did Syracuse 70.3 in 2011

Why did you choose IMLP?: For the proximity, and I volunteered in 2011 which made me want to sign up the day after

What are your goals for IMLP?: My first goal is to finish standing up.  Time wise I haven't really thought about it too much, but I know I'll be calculating some. 

What are you most looking forward to?: Pushing my body past it's limits, and knowing that I can do it.  Sharing my journey with my family and BT crew.

2012-01-02 8:12 PM
in reply to: #3637183

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Perfect time for post #1. Daily user of the BT site and now training for IMLP.

Name:  John D.

Ironman Resume: Syracuse Ironman 70.3 , 2010&2011

Why did you choose IMLP? :Absolutely love LP and enjoyed volunteering there in 2009 & '10.

What are your goals for IMLP?: To enjoy the race from beginning to end, and put to use what I learned in my two 70.3's. Nutrition and pacing can be the difference between a little suffering and alot.

What are you most looking forward to?: Feeling the energy and being apart of the awesome atmosphere that Ironman creates in Lake Placid. The journey has started and I am stoked.


2012-01-02 8:37 PM
in reply to: #3637183

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Name: Jack M./Jacklcm - Virginia

Ironman Resume:  This will be my 2nd attempt.  2011 CDA I crashed on the bike and ended up in the hospital.  Grade 5 separation of my shoulder.  Had to get surgery to repair.

Why did you choose IMLP?: Wanted to drive and bring the family, and I hear it is a great course.

What are your goals for IMLP?:  Finish safely and give a good effort.  My time goal is 13:30 (details previously)

What are you most looking forward to?:  Improving my fitness and seeing what my body can do.  

2012-01-02 8:50 PM
in reply to: #3637183

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Volunteering registration is now open for IMLP 12’.  I signed up as a lifeguard so you may see me on a paddleboard at the swim turnaround.  I volunteered in 08’ and was on the water until the last swimmer was out.  Good times!  This is got me so stoked for 2013.  Happy training everybody!



2012-01-02 9:57 PM
in reply to: #3637183

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Extreme Veteran
Rome, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Name: Jeremy Roberts 36 years old

Ironman Resume: Ironman Florida in 2000, Big George 1/2 IM 2011 

Why did you choose IMLP?: Because its Lake Placid and I am a New Yorker and did not want to race in NYC

What are your goals for IMLP?:  Finish Sub 12 hours  (1:15 swim, 6:20 Bike, 4:20 Run)

What are you most looking forward to?:  Running in to the Oval and seeing my two kids who will be so proud of their DADDY!!




Edited by triguy1043 2012-01-02 9:58 PM
2012-01-02 10:46 PM
in reply to: #3967329

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Name: Kent Lassman (M35-39)

Ironman Resume: Rookie at the 140.6 distance/Have done six HIM races.

Why did you choose IMLP?: I want to bring my family and flights are cost prohibitive; the beauty of the region and availability of great kid activities.

What are your goals for IMLP?: A few days ago, I wrote some goals including a fantastic finish (10:40), a really good finish (11:28) and a satisfactory finish (12:30).  Looking at them now, the most important feature is in the first two words.  I want to finish well -- happy, in control of my body and fully aware of the magnitude of the experience.  What I wrote,

Finish well at Lake Placid — Head high, hallucinations at bay, able to converse semi-intelligently with family and cross the line between 10:40 and 11:28 (1:00+6+5:54+6+4:22) (:56+6+5:36+6+3:56) — failing these things, finish in less than 12:30.

In addition to these more easily measured goals, I want to enjoy the day and share it -- to the extent possible -- with my wife and children.  I want to be composed enough to remember how the day unfolds and the full range of emotions that is sure to be in evidence.

What are you most looking forward to?:  The swim, the scenery and the last 1.2 miles of the race as the crowds and excitement builds.

Bonus Question -- What are you most anxious about?: Dragging my family 500+ miles to spend the day watching crowds of people suffer so that I can pursue a big dream.  Where will we stay, how will their meals unfold, will the kids be bored etc. etc. etc. ???

2012-01-03 9:08 AM
in reply to: #3637183

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East Syracuse, New York
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Name: Mike

Ironman Resume: 1st timer at 140.6 (syr 70.3 last 2 yrs)

Why did you choose IMLP?: My Mother is like 8th generation adk (might be the 1st to escape without marrying a cousinTongue out) so we spent a lot of time up there growing up. I love it up there. I think Lake Placid/Keene Valley is absolutely beautiful. (Any of you going up to train have to go to split rock falls for a swim...most beautiful swimming hole I've ever seen.)

What are your goals for IMLP?: To finish...I'll push myself in training and hope for a good day but if things fall apart Im fully prepared to go into survival mode and just finish...ill still have a smile if the clock says 11:59. I think someone else said it best...for me its all about the journey.

What are you most looking forward to?: To finish something that most people cant. To do something I never thought I could, even 5yrs ago.

2012-01-03 12:15 PM
in reply to: #3637183

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Name: Chantell Wirz

Ironman Resume:  This will be my first IM. I completed Steelhead 69.1 summer 2011. The swim was canceled. That was my first attempt at a triathlon. Happy with a 4:35:30 (need to work on those transition times)

Why did you choose IMLP?:  I got bored just running marathons and after Boston I needed something bigger.I always said I wanted to do an IM before I was 34. IMLP will be a month before I'm 34. A friend of mine was volunteering so he could register the next day this past sumemr so I joined him in the volunteering and got out my plastic and charged it up to race.

 What are your goals for IMLP?:  Sub11 would be great, but time will tell!!!

What are you most looking forward to?: turning my body into something vicious,  bawling my eyes out at the finish line and listening to "Chantell Wirz, you are an Ironman!"

Edited by SEADOCHA 2012-01-03 12:17 PM
2012-01-03 12:19 PM
in reply to: #3637183

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
can anyone help me with race wheel suggestions for Lake Placid? I was thinking the Zipp 808 in rear and 404 in front carbon clinchers. Now after reading some info I think I should do 404s around. I'm fluctuating between 125-130 lbs and have never tried race wheels before.
2012-01-03 1:42 PM
in reply to: #3968325

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
SEADOCHA - 2012-01-03 1:19 PMcan anyone help me with race wheel suggestions for Lake Placid? I was thinking the Zipp 808 in rear and 404 in front carbon clinchers. Now after reading some info I think I should do 404s around. I'm fluctuating between 125-130 lbs and have never tried race wheels before.
I rode 808's front and rear with a disk cover. I think 404's F/R with a disk cover is a good choice and probably cheaper.
2012-01-03 9:30 PM
in reply to: #3637183

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Canton, CT
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Nice touch Stacie! Thanks for bringing it in. Name: Jim RogowskiIronman Resume:  This will be my 1st full.  Cuse 70.3 last year and loads of olys. Why did you choose IMLP?:  If you're going to do an IM, this is as legit as it comes. (not that there are any easy IM's)What are your goals for iMLP: injury free training - I would like to break 13 hours but will be happy to finish. What are you most looking forward to?:  Training with this goal - sounds great to friends and colleagues already, being in Mirror Lake on 7/22/12. At 6:55 am, finishing and hearing my name and most of all - making it back out to the oval afterwards to cheer on the other finishers before midnight. It will be very emotional and I'm making it back out there no mater how tired I am. Hope to get some good, further advice from you all and hope to meet up with you during training or racing.

Edited by Major BC 2012-01-03 9:32 PM

2012-01-04 6:52 AM
in reply to: #3967218

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
tasr - 2012-01-02 9:50 PM

Volunteering registration is now open for IMLP 12’.  I signed up as a lifeguard so you may see me on a paddleboard at the swim turnaround.  I volunteered in 08’ and was on the water until the last swimmer was out.  Good times!  This is got me so stoked for 2013.  Happy training everybody

JAMES!!!  Nice to see you in hear.   Perhaps you can stick around and help many of us newbs answer questions along the way. 

2012-01-04 7:09 AM
in reply to: #3637183

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Ballston Spa
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Name: Doug Cassady

Ironman Resume:  This will be my 1st IM.

Why did you choose IMLP?: I live close by and the reputation as being a tough IM. 

What are your goals for IMLP?: Overall to finish. Then to finish in time to go downtown and celebrate.  Also I want to get my body weight down to 225.

What are you most looking forward to?: Getting through the bike portion. If I can do that I know I can finish.

2012-01-04 7:25 AM
in reply to: #3637183

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Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Name: Bobby

Ironman Resume: 1 Ironman - Lake Placid 2011.  8 half Ironmans.  6 Marathons.   

Why did you choose IMLP?:  It's within driving distance of my home, and I have two young kiddies.  My wife loves the mountains, as do I.  I heard that Lake Placid is Magical - and after experiencing it up there twice, I agree!  

What are your goals for IMLP?: The number 1 goal is always to finish, stay healthy and have fun.  Enjoy the moment.  Enjoy the vacation week with my family.  As for time goals, I walked 10 miles of the marathon last year because I screwed up my nutrition.  I'd like to dial in my nutrition and finish around 11 hours.

What are you most looking forward to?  I'm most looking forward the journey.  This will be my third time training for an Ironman.  In 2010 I was signed up for IMLP, trained for six months, and got injured the last weekend in June!  Despite not racing we still had a great family vacation and enjoyed Lake Placid.  So even though I didn't race that year, I enjoyed the journey at it taught me much about life, acceptance, and what's truly important.

Edited by Dream Chaser 2012-01-04 7:27 AM
2012-01-04 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3637183

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2012-01-04 9:44 AM
in reply to: #3637183

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
Name: George

Ironman Resume: I have done a few IM's (all at LP), and a bunch of 70.3's

Why did you choose IMLP?: Close to home, love the area and the course

What are your goals for IMLP?: Go faster! More specifically, finish, finish w/ a smile and not end up in the med. tent, finish between 12h - 13h.

What are you most looking forward to?: The journey. I enjoy the training! The time that I get to spend in LP with my family. The anticipation leading up to race day. The chill that I get around 6:55 a.m. on race morning as I wait for the canon to go off. The Keene descent...I like speed. The oval and the emotion that comes when finishing.

Edited by gatjr33 2012-01-04 9:45 AM

2012-01-04 11:40 AM
in reply to: #3637183


Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Hello, I am new to this forum so forgive me if this has been asked already. I too have signed up for IMLP.  First a little background,  I have completed one stand alone marathon and 3 HIM but this is my first full IM.   My background has been mostly running for 6 out of 12 years of training for various races.  I am currently following the 36 week tri-fuel IM training plan and I feel like the running portion is too easy...especially following the heart rate training zones.  I feel like I am losing fitness.  Has anyone out there come from a running background to triathon using this training plan? If so, have you slowed down in any running races you may have thrown in there (occasionally, of course) during your course of training for your IM? 

Thank you for your feedback.

2012-01-04 12:30 PM
in reply to: #3970694

Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
rascosm - 2012-01-04 12:40 PM

Hello, I am new to this forum so forgive me if this has been asked already. I too have signed up for IMLP.  First a little background,  I have completed one stand alone marathon and 3 HIM but this is my first full IM.   My background has been mostly running for 6 out of 12 years of training for various races.  I am currently following the 36 week tri-fuel IM training plan and I feel like the running portion is too easy...especially following the heart rate training zones.  I feel like I am losing fitness.  Has anyone out there come from a running background to triathon using this training plan? If so, have you slowed down in any running races you may have thrown in there (occasionally, of course) during your course of training for your IM? 

Thank you for your feedback.

Number 1 rule in triathlon training is: Consistently Work on Your Limiters.  Don't worry about your Run.  Focus on the Bike and then the Swim, then your Run.

Triathlon is the combo of Swimming, Biking and Running.  If you do not have good swim fitness and good bike fitness, then it doesn't matter how good your Run fitness will be as you will be so gassed from the Swim and Bike you will be walking. 

A 3:30 stand-alone marathon time is good but average.  A 3:30 Ironman marathon time is a top 10% AG time at most  Ironmans.  Ironman running is NOT fast running.  It's consistent paced running after swimming 2.4 miles and then biking 112 miles!!

In May 2008 I ran a stand-alone 1:31 half marathon.  Two months later at my first half Ironman my half marathon time was a 2:09.   Why?  I still had phenomenal Run Fitness but my Bike fitness was lacking. 

If you want to do well at 'Triathlon' you're going to have to let some of your Run fitness go and concentrate, focus your efforts on becoming a better Swimmer and Cyclist. 

Pro Triathletes Marathon times range between 2:45 and 3 hours flat, sometimes even slower.  Elite Runners are sub 2:20 marathoners; often sub 2:10.  See the difference?  Pro Triathletes are NOT slow runners, but by just Running standards they are.  However this is the difference between "Triathlon" and "Running"; they are two different sports as is stand-alone Running vs.  Triathlon Running.

So yes your Run workouts will be EZ, they should be.  You need to go into all your Swim and Cycling workouts rested as that's where you need to see gains and focus your efforts IF you want to race well at Triathlon.  Trust me, I learned the hard way


2012-01-04 12:48 PM
in reply to: #3637183

Lakeville, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread

Name: Mike (51)

Ironman Resume: Ironman Wisconsin 2011

Why did you choose IMLP?:   My parents and older sister (and her family) live in upstate NY. I have two adopted kids from Guatemala (5 & 6) and thought it would be a great way to combine a family vacation, visit relatives  who don't get to see my kids and do an IM at the same wife agrees with at least part of this statement .  

What are your goals for IMLP?:  My goal with Ironman is to finish and feel good. I hope to do one Ironman a year until I can't do them anymore. So for me it's a lot about lifestyle and fitness (I have to find a way to keep up with the kids...).

What are you most looking forward to?  Before I did IMWI people who had done an Ironman used to say to me "enjoy the journey". I would think to myself that it was kind of a corny statement. Now I get it, there are lots of ups and downs on the road to getting to the start line. Some of it is fun and other parts not so much, but when you look back at it the journey is exciting and rewarding. So I'm looking forward to the road to LP and them celebrating the fact that I am able to be active and do things like this and thanking my family and friends for supporting me through the process.

2012-01-04 1:43 PM
in reply to: #3970836

Subject: RE: Ironman Lake Placid : Official Thread
mikfinne - 2012-01-04 1:48 PM

Name: Mike (51)

 So for me it's a lot about lifestyle and fitness (I have to find a way to keep up with the kids...).


I resemble that comment in its entirety. 

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