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2012-01-10 4:24 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Procrastinating instead of working out by reading BT. Just a few more minutes and then it is time to get to work.

2012-01-10 5:50 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Dennis -- welcome back!  No worries about AWOL.  I actually think it is healthy (for me) to take some time away every so often.  I'll add your goals (Rene sent me some too) to the table and report later this week.  That's great that you've made progress on the knee issue.  If I had to take a guess (and I am guessing...), I'd say that the downhills are more problematic for the knees than the uphills.  Both can be a problem, but downs are generally worse.  The uphill problem can often be solved by taking smaller strides -- baby steps are not inappropriate here.  The downhill problem is harder to solve, because running downhill is always going to be more jarring than running on flats or uphill.  Shortening the stride and leaning slightly downhill can be helpful.  Especially on steep downhills, the result will be a much higher cadence, and some people can uncomfortable with that consequence.

Neil -- feeling that a problem would work itself out during a run is why I canot run now, until at least February.  I'm usually pretty good about being honest with myself, but I failed utterly on that one...  I hope you are better at it than I am.  I run exclusively in Kinvaras now and love them.  I'm still a heel striker, though barely -- my full weight doesn't come down until my midfoot is planted.  I don't really think about it much.  I just let the footstrike happen as it will.  I just try to be sure that I don't overstride.  My personal 2c is that for most people, preventing overstriding is enough to sort out what is, for them, a good footstrike.

Jason -- that's a good bike workout.  How'd it go?

Blanda -- so now I'm convinced that you have been hired by the mountain bike industry to subvert my attempts to avoid purchasing yet another bike (currently proud owner of 4...).  If my wife gets on my case about buying a mountain bike, I'm going to blame it on you, OK?

I had a great day today:  lots of work done (more to come...), great swim session, and a good bike ride.   I did a session in the pool that literally (not figuratively literally, but literally literally) left me wanting to cry.  Right before the last interval I lifted my arm to check the time (I can't see the wall clock so use a watch), and the watch felt like it weighed 10 pounds.  After that last interval, I stood at the end of the pool with my head in my hands for a couple of minutes before a brief cool-down.  Good times!

2012-01-10 7:30 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Michael-I checked out your swim workout.  Very nice!  Quite a mix of pace/effort.  I read the swim article you referenced a few days ago and it gives some great perspective of swim workouts...Some of it was contrary to much of the accepted wisdom you see regarding swim workouts.  Great job!


2012-01-10 9:07 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Had a terrible speed workout this evening after being out sick all last week.  Probably should have just went out on a run at a nice easy pace.  Tomorrow evening perhaps.  I have a Half-Marathon Race on Sunday that I am going to try and do at a comfortable 10 min per mile pace.  We'll see how that goes.  If I don't reach it I won't be totally disappointed.   I am hoping I have more in my tank at the end.  One of my goals is to negative split it.  Usually I go out way to fast and try to hang on at the end.  Twice it worked once it failed; would like to try the other method for once.  I know I am going to have to use it for the Marathon in April.


I have not gotten to my 2012 Goals yet.  Too much going on at home.  I am beginning to feel like a 5th grader again with homework each night; not my work but my son's.  Needs a lot of direction.  Very forgetful.  One of these days he is going to have to feel what it is like to fail and maybe he'd remember to bring his stuff home or write theings down better.

Sorry for the rant....

2012-01-10 9:43 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

2012 Goals:

Complete Eugene Marathon at end of April.

Racing weight of 190 or less.

Sign up for 2013 Ironman Distance Race; If IMCD a goal would be to volunteer and sign up.  If it is the Vineman Full I'd sign up on the internet.  Vineman Full is one day before my 50th B-Day - Would be very cool to celebrate my 1st IM Distance Race one day before my 50th.

Increase Total Bike Training Miles

January Goals:

Ride indoor trainer 1 time per week (Begin on Jan. 16th)

Core Workouts 2-3 time per week (Begin Jan. 16th)

2012-01-11 12:48 AM
in reply to: #3982688

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Experior - 2012-01-10 12:50 PM

Jason -- that's a good bike workout.  How'd it go?

Holy cow I forgot how much focus and will power it takes to complete these intervals.  But I did get it done.  Not quite at the levels I was hoping for but I gave it what I had even though I really felt like quitting halfway through.

During the 4 intervals, I averaged about 272 watts.  So pretty close to my goals.  The recoveries were closer to 175 watts instead of 190.

I looked back in my logs to this time last year when I did this workout for the first time.  I averaged about 255 watts for the same intervals...and that was during the last week of January.  So I'm already a little ahead of where I was at this time last year.

Edited by tri808 2012-01-11 12:50 AM

2012-01-11 6:12 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Jason: Your determination is inspiring!

Michael: Blame away! I am totally fine being somewhat responsible for bringing joy into one's life, lol! Seriously though, I just want to share what I'm looking at as a newbie in the field of triathlons. What started out as foreign and frightening, is turning into something I look forward to! Thank you for getting that goal chart together, BTW!

Tonight I took part in a spin class. I'm convinced the instructor is on crack. The girl is a firecracker! She definitely helped me keep a pace, and had me climbing, jumping, hovering, oh my! Right after that I took to the outdoors for a 2.5 mile run to include some hills.

Have a great Wednesday, guys!

2012-01-11 8:12 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Brian-glad you are feeling better and are able to resume training.  Hope the HM goes well.

Blanda-nice bike/run yesterday.

Jason-hard trainer intervals on the bike are always tough for me.  Just so hard to stay focused and push through.  Good work.

Ceril-hope you have a great New Orleans trip.  Have you been before?  Where are you staying? Any specific restaurant plans?

I was in bed early last night and did a treadmill interval workout this morning.  Swim planned at lunch.



2012-01-11 10:30 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Sadly, but not surprisingly, the calf caused me issues again yesterday.  I knew within the first km that things weren't right, and after 20min pulled the plug.  the worst part is that the legs feel so good at the moment and the weather is simply amazing for January.

Basically the pain/tightness begins in the lower calf (maybe the soleus?) and gradually works it's way higher.  I was trying to get myself to heel strike more, because as I come forward on my mid/fore foot and the calf starts to flex, that's when I really feel it.  Walking up stairs today is a bit painful.

Not sure what to do here.  I guess I'll take a few days off running, but the problem is I don't know what's causing this.  Seems my ambitions for a strong winter of running are quickly disappearing, first the ITB and then this.  Yes, feeling sorry for myself at the moment...


2012-01-11 11:44 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Neil-I have struggled with right calf issues over the last few years.  The problem sounds very similar to what you describe.  I had good results with Active Release Therapy.  Foam roller or TriggerPoint (name brand) roller also help.  I have also rolled the calf/soleus with "The Stick" to help with scar tissue.  I was a bit of a skeptic regarding ART but it really helped me.  Its Winter so give it time to heal......frustrating but you don't want it to be a long term problem.


2012-01-11 1:13 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
I also had minor calf issues this past fall during marathon training.  I don't think it was ever that bad, but bad enough where I had to skip 3 consecutive runs.  I also used some self massaging.  No fancy tools...just hard round objects and just rubbed them into my calf similar to how you would use the stick. 

2012-01-11 2:57 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Hillsborough, NJ
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Got in a swim today - trying out race night strategy. I get anxious before the race swim and tend to somewhat hyperventilate as my nerves get to me. In my sprint last year, I got pulled out in the swim because I thought I was having an asthma attack (which I was having probs with at the time) but in hindsight - I think it was the nerves. Today I decided to try an approach of swim out freestyle and swim back backstroke and this seemed to work to calm me down.

So - what do you do to calm the pre-race jitters?

Randy - went once to New Orleans about 10 years ago just with the girls. Got any restaurant recommendations? We're staying in the Omni that's just outside the French quarter (hoping it'll be quieter at night off the main drag)
2012-01-11 3:25 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Ceril-do whatever makes you feel comfortable during the swim.  I like the idea of doing freestyle down and another stroke back.  My fall back is some form of breast stroke.

I don't go to New Orleans that often.  My wife went to Tulane there for college in the mid-80's and knew all the great cheap places 25 years ago.  I was over there about a year ago for a seminar and we ate at some pretty nice places.  Dicky Brennan's steakhouse was one that was very good.  A great hole in the wall place for burgers that is not well known by visitors is Port-of-Call on Esplanade.  Great burgers.....don't be scared by the appearance of the place...its just as dumpy inside. We always go there and its good.  Of course, you can't go wrong with beignets at Cafe du Monde.  Acme Oyster House is a good one.  Galatoires is a favorite among the locals-great southern dishes.....I think they require a jacket for male diners but I've seen them provide one for those that come without one.  Never had a bad meal there.  You will have fun.  Stay on the busy streets if you are walking around at night.  I've never had any problems but still good to be careful in the big cities.....especially New Orleans.

 Oh, if you get Uptown go to the Camelia Cafe for breakfast.  There may be a line on weekends though.

We did the D-Day museum while we were there last year and really enjoyed it.

Have a great time!


2012-01-11 3:43 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Maui, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Good morning!  Had a GREAT run this morning - felt good.  I cranked it up a bit speed-wise.  One of my biggest problems is probably not pushing myself hard enough and I want to run faster!  Guess what, I was fine and could have done more.  I've had these epiphanies a the pool because my masters coach is a driver...but not so much in running.

My big thing?  Fear of puking.  I can't do it.  Won't do it.  Will try every avoidance trick in the book.  (a lifetime problem) Hence, I am fearful of pushing too hard.  So it's time to test the waters a bit.

This year I want to run:

  • a sub-25 5K
  • a sub-55 10K (stand alone and at June Oly)
  • a sub-2hr 1/2 mary (stand alone and at June HIM - a stretch goal for the HIM for sure)
  • a sub-4:15 mary

This is totally doable!  I've got to look at my times from 2011 races, there may be some adjusting, but that's the general idea.

Quick question about swim workouts - I usually follow the Masters workout the coach posts on the board.  400WU, drills, intervals, cooldown.  Usually 2000-2500 yds a session.  On my logs I usually just post the total duration and yardage.  Should I post the workout itself as well for record-keeping and review?  It would take some effort as I'm usually hauling out of there in a hurry to get to work on time.  Maybe I should take a pic with my iPhone?  I will ask my coach before I do...seems like the right thing to do.

2012-01-11 3:49 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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West Texas
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
I just finished the second of two funerals and I'm beat. I haven't had the time or energy to do much of anything "extra" since Saturday night when I got the first call from the first family that their dad/granddad/husband/hunting partner/golf buddy had died. Since then it has been a nonstop marathon of visits, meals, funeral prep, counseling, and phone calls.

I'm looking forward to a short run tonight in the cold air. I also have a few pages of discussion that I'm looking forward to catching up on this evening, Lord willin' and the crick don't rise.

I hope everyone is doing well and that you all are well on your ways to a great 2012 training and racing season.
2012-01-11 4:24 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Neil: The location of your calf pain sounds very familiar. Anytime I restart running on the road again I experience something like it. It forces me to change my stride to more of a shuffle so I'm not pushing off my toes so much. I've run through the pain because from personal experience, I know that it eventually gets better as my legs strengthen. I do RICE before bed if the pain bothers me enough.

Have you tried K-Tape or compression sleeves?

2012-01-11 4:24 PM
in reply to: #3984576

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

CKslowpoke - 2012-01-11 2:57 PM

So - what do you do to calm the pre-race jitters?

Take a couple of Valium 2 hours before the race.  Just kidding of course.  I always worry about not making it through the swim also.  I also have an issue where the first 50-100 yards I can't get my breathing correct.  I've learned to just start the swim off slow and easy and increase intensity after I get moving.  Perhaps make it your goal to negative split the swim that way you are more aware of starting off more conservatively and then kick in the power half way through.

Just take it easy and do whatever.  Remember you are no longer a newbie to all of this.  Perhaps talk to somebody there that is a 'resolutioner' and way more nervous than you are.  There's a chance helping them calm down some will in fact help you do the same.

Good luck.

2012-01-11 4:40 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

"So - what do you do to calm the pre-race jitters?"

I actually make myself angry. The only way I could make it through timed runs at soccer training without throwing up from anxiety was to get angry to hush the butterflies in my gut. At the 1st sprint tri I did, I stared down the water and got angry at it, lol! I'm weird.
2012-01-11 5:01 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Di-fear of puking.  Wow, thats been an issue at our house for several years.  My daughter, a HS junior, runs cross country and about 50% of the time gets sick either during the race or immediately after.  She runs great in workouts but can't carry it over into races.  It doesn't seem to be from "pushing too hard" as she does similar paces in workouts.  We've adjusted nutrition and tried to deal with the mental side of it but only limited improvement.  Its really held her back from improving her times and she has been really frustrated..  

Recording swim workouts-I do.  Primarily so I can compare performance when I repeat the workout. It is kind of a pain but I'm always so glad to finish a swim workout it gives me some satisfaction to able to record what I did.   

Pre Race jitters-another great topic.  I don't really have them too much in running races or even too much in triathlons but I have had problems with my HR soaring early in the swim.  I try to get in the water and swim if its allowed and try to push a pretty solid pace for a few minutes.  If I cant swim prior to the race beginning I will jump around or do jumping jacks to try to get HR up as much as possible so the swim start won't be a huge jump.  As races approach I try to start all of my swims with about 500 yards of continuous swimming where I try to build my pace.  This gets me accustom to that feeling of stress I have early in the swim and helps me mentally prepare.

Matthew-thanks for checking in.  I'm sure your schedule fluctuates pretty quickly depending on what events happen within your congregation.  Hope you have a good run.


2012-01-11 5:43 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

As far as calming nerves in the swim...I found that smiling while swimming has helped calmed me down.  When I get kicked, hit, or grabbed...I just kind of laugh at it and accept it as part of the race...instead of getting mad, furstrated, etc.  I think with swimming, or muscles and body movements react a lot based on how our mind is thinking.  If you think relaxed, you body will swim relaxed.  If you think tense, worried, or upset...your body will react.  We all know how much swimming is based off of when your form and timing gets messed all goes downhill.

As far as recording masters workouts...I don't bother.  If there are key sets that are timed...such as a 200 yard freestyle set...then I'll mentally note my time and log it in my workouts if I remember.  When I do swim workouts on my own...such as 10x50's or 10x100's, I'm much more likely to record my times for those sets.  But with masters, the workouts are so random, and often not's just too much hassle for me to record them.

2012-01-11 5:57 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Thanks all for the suggestions.  I'll start rolling it out and see if that helps, and perhaps look into another massage session.  The ITB has been repaired a couple of times by massage, but I had no luck with ART.  I just really want to run, but at the same time want to avoid further aggravating the muscle(s).

On a positive note - 2 swims in the same week.  A record so far this winter!

2012-01-11 9:31 PM
in reply to: #3984576

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

CKslowpoke - 2012-01-11 3:57 PM

So - what do you do to calm the pre-race jitters?

I love jitters.  One of the reasons I race.  Makes me feel alive and excited.  Not so thrilled if it turns into a spike on the HR on the swim or worse, panic.  If your concern is one of those on the swim, I agree with Randy that swimming warm up first helps avoiding spiked HR, but more than anything, I just really focus on the first 200 yards finding a steady, smooth rhythm for the swim. I used to try to go out fast to get better position, but that seemed to cause HR spike issues.  Since I've slowed down, pretty much no problems.  I also think it is good to have a "go to" stroke if you have any difficult moments.  That is, whatever stroke you feel most relaxed doing.  Until I had my knee problems, it was breaststroke (also good for sighting), now it is backstroke.  I'll just flip on my back, look up at the (hopefully) blue sky and breathe nice and smooth.  Works great in lakes, not sure about ocean.

Pre-race, I find breathing and easy stretching good for focus.  Probably most important is to not be stressed pre-race - so, I bring a list for setting up the transition, pack the night before again with a list, and try to leave plenty of time to sign in and set up transition.  When I do those three things, I find it much more likely that I hit the start relaxed and focused (in a good way). 

Di - I like to record some aspects of my swim workouts to gauge where I am.  I almost always start with a 300/500/1000 and time it.  Then, when I do sets of 200s or 100s I usually write down an "under" time and sometimes a best time.  But I have pretty standard workouts (actually I should vary them more than I do).  So, it's kind of a routine for me.

Matthew - good to see you back and sorry to hear about the funerals.  I don't know how you pastors manage all that, but I know it is much appreciated by the families and community.  I did find out last weekend that our new pastor is apparently a biker.  Hmmm... maybe I'll offer to take him up on the Blue Ridge Parkway as an introduction to the area :-)


Edited by juneapple 2012-01-11 9:45 PM
2012-01-11 9:58 PM
in reply to: #3984576

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
CKslowpoke - 2012-01-11 2:57 PM

Got in a swim today - trying out race night strategy. I get anxious before the race swim and tend to somewhat hyperventilate as my nerves get to me. In my sprint last year, I got pulled out in the swim because I thought I was having an asthma attack (which I was having probs with at the time) but in hindsight - I think it was the nerves. Today I decided to try an approach of swim out freestyle and swim back backstroke and this seemed to work to calm me down.

So - what do you do to calm the pre-race jitters?

Randy - went once to New Orleans about 10 years ago just with the girls. Got any restaurant recommendations? We're staying in the Omni that's just outside the French quarter (hoping it'll be quieter at night off the main drag)

Check out my post on one of the first pages of this thread regarding swimming/breathing problems.

Wow! It is going to be difficult to keep up with this group. Sorry I haven't had a chance to respond to many posts. Started the day off swimming with masters, ran after work and then went to an individual swim lesson. Bike and run on the schedule for tomorrow.
2012-01-12 12:00 AM
in reply to: #3984086

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
slornow - 2012-01-11 9:44 AM

Neil-I have struggled with right calf issues over the last few years.  The problem sounds very similar to what you describe.  I had good results with Active Release Therapy.  Foam roller or TriggerPoint (name brand) roller also help.  I have also rolled the calf/soleus with "The Stick" to help with scar tissue.  I was a bit of a skeptic regarding ART but it really helped me.  Its Winter so give it time to heal......frustrating but you don't want it to be a long term problem.



I have had good luck with the Triggerpoint Therapy on my calf areas.  It is very quick.  When I purchased my kit from the folks at our local running store ,the owners, teach Triggerpoint Therapy classes and she gave me a quick class on how to use the kit.  It was very effective.


Edited by TriGuyBri 2012-01-12 12:07 AM
2012-01-12 5:45 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Swim team tonight. I THINK around 1500, give or take a few. I do know that I swam the full hour and a half without resting on the wall. I don't have a turn, so I do grab it to turn around and kick off, but no chillin' at all. Yay! I also know it's getting a smidge better because my mind wandered a few times while I was swimming. We did some kick drills, but mostly free style and IM sets. Felt like a rock today after the spin/run yesterday so anything on my back was tough. My bottom half was fatigued.
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