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2012-04-09 12:27 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
I love your pictures Steve, your little one is really growing Smile.

2012-04-09 1:32 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Great pics, Steve; love the kids!  Glad you had a great weekend. 

We had our first Easter egg hunt with Tommy on Saturday.  No pics posted yet, but I put more details in my blog if anyone is interested (or looking for something to do other than their work today). 


2012-04-09 4:53 PM
in reply to: #4138168

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

kt65 - 2012-04-09 9:25 AM Gawd, how I miss seeing Birdy in capris!!! Love your beautiful girls, Steve!

That is a true PNW pic.... warm enough for manpris and sandals, yet cold enough for a puffy coat.


I see you're still open.  Room for a new old face?




2012-04-09 5:18 PM
in reply to: #4138068

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Extreme Veteran
, Utah
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
kt65 - 2012-04-09 10:43 AM
_Deb_ - 2012-04-09 7:02 AM
tritiny - 2012-04-08 7:30 PM

I should follow those peach days more. I'm not that great at logging my workouts. I need to get much much better. I've also been a little flexible on some of my workouts. I often in the evenings take the kids to the park and I'lll do a walk/run around the playground while they play. But I will sometimes stop for a few minutes to push a kid or help them climb one of the climbing games. The kids like me to race them me running them riding their bikes. I haven't been logging these workouts but I'm going to start now.  

We had a great easter. Fun Church in the morning. I taught a class and survived. Had my sisters family over making 9 kids. Coloring eggs, hunting eggs and candy. And Zombie tag and kick ball. Ran and ran with the kids, FUN STUFF. 



I didn't start logging my workouts regularly until I joined this group.  Now, I love seeing the graphs and data add up.  I had a lot of it from my garmin before, but with occasional treadmill and track runs, it's nice to count those in and see it add up.

I was just considering the other day how I can start using park time to double as training time.  Now that my kids are older, I don't need to spot them that often for climbing and such.  I'm thinking about doing the core work that I always neglect.  We'll see if I get odd looks from other moms...

Deb, you just reminded me of something I had wanted to share with the MG.  Since this whole injured foot thing, I have started doing some core work and a few things I absolutely love (to hate sometimes), are things I can do out at the playground/park.  Burpees, box jumps and wall balls.   The box jumps, I just find a cement wall of 1-2 feet, the wall balls, I get Kathy to stand about 10 feet away and we toss the medicine ball up into the air and when the other catches the ball, you go into a squat and then as you come up from the squat, push the ball, like a basketball set shot (8-10 feet up into the air).  Or if Kathy doesn't come, I just toss the ball into the air and catch it on the way down into the squat.  

Just some ideas for stuff to do out at the park.  I do one minute of Burpees, one minute of the jumps and one minute of the wall balls, then repeat and rest.  Then one more round.  It's hard!  But fun.  And if your there anyways with the kiddos, it's a bonus!  

Have a great Monday, peeps...I still have this annoying half of a sliver in my foot and I've tried everything to get the dang thing out short of using a scalpel.  Arrrrrgh...

eta: sorry, tried to link the video for burpee but I am computer confuzzled.  Ha!  It's a pushup, into a squat, into a jump...ah, look it up if you are interested!  sorry!

I Love this. This gives me more ideas to get a workout in while being with the kids. I think with the wall balls. There is a wall at the play ground that would work and if the kids want to do them with me I can have them bounce a rubber ball or basket ball off the wall with me while we are squating. My 4 year old will probably send most of her time chasing her ball.

I will also be adding box jumps and burpees into my park time.

If anyone else has ideas of working out at the park, I'd love to hear them.

Deb, I still need to figure out how download my garmin.


2012-04-09 5:41 PM
in reply to: #4139090

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
cadmus - 2012-04-09 4:53 PM

kt65 - 2012-04-09 9:25 AM Gawd, how I miss seeing Birdy in capris!!! Love your beautiful girls, Steve!

That is a true PNW pic.... warm enough for manpris and sandals, yet cold enough for a puffy coat.


I see you're still open.  Room for a new old face?




Only if you promise to stick around!

2012-04-09 6:35 PM
in reply to: #4139122

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
At the park... chin-ups on any of the monkey bars (jump up and ease down slowly if you can't do a full chin-up). Oh, and if you can't do a full chin-up, don't feel bad, Bree Wee can't either!!

2012-04-09 7:04 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Here we go.........taper madness.   Terps was right, I'm panicking - 500 posts to come.

My leg HURTS.  I haven't ran since Thursday.  Feels like ITB, knee and calf cramping.  I'm stretching, rollering and icing.  I'm also using and Biofreeze. If I could find morphine, I'd contemplate it.  seriously.



Jeff's left...he's in Boston for business.  I fly out Friday.  We hang out, meet Mightymom(!!!), he trains on the bike I've rented for him, and then I race.  RIGHT AFTER the race, we get on a plane.  Fly to Ft. Lauderdale for the night, and then head to the Bahamas at 6:30 Tuesday morning. 3 days of business trip for him,2 days of fun, home on Saturday.  AND I have a new swimsuit and sundress.  Weeeeeeeeee.........!!!!!


Any advice on last minute fixes????   As always, my logs are current.  OCD, anyone?!?!?

2012-04-09 7:26 PM
in reply to: #4139284

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
velcromom - 2012-04-09 5:04 PM

Here we go.........taper madness.   Terps was right, I'm panicking - 500 posts to come.

My leg HURTS.  I haven't ran since Thursday.  Feels like ITB, knee and calf cramping.  I'm stretching, rollering and icing.  I'm also using and Biofreeze. If I could find morphine, I'd contemplate it.  seriously.



Jeff's left...he's in Boston for business.  I fly out Friday.  We hang out, meet Mightymom(!!!), he trains on the bike I've rented for him, and then I race.  RIGHT AFTER the race, we get on a plane.  Fly to Ft. Lauderdale for the night, and then head to the Bahamas at 6:30 Tuesday morning. 3 days of business trip for him,2 days of fun, home on Saturday.  AND I have a new swimsuit and sundress.  Weeeeeeeeee.........!!!!!


Any advice on last minute fixes????   As always, my logs are current.  OCD, anyone?!?!?

Last minute fixes for me - ART therapy, Graston bars, Foam roller, Ibuprofen (works surprisingly well for me), ice / moist heat, and wine.  I am throwing positive thoughts your way!

2012-04-09 7:48 PM
in reply to: #4139323

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
cbarnes1 - 2012-04-09 5:26 PM
velcromom - 2012-04-09 5:04 PM

Here we go.........taper madness.   Terps was right, I'm panicking - 500 posts to come.

My leg HURTS.  I haven't ran since Thursday.  Feels like ITB, knee and calf cramping.  I'm stretching, rollering and icing.  I'm also using and Biofreeze. If I could find morphine, I'd contemplate it.  seriously.



Jeff's left...he's in Boston for business.  I fly out Friday.  We hang out, meet Mightymom(!!!), he trains on the bike I've rented for him, and then I race.  RIGHT AFTER the race, we get on a plane.  Fly to Ft. Lauderdale for the night, and then head to the Bahamas at 6:30 Tuesday morning. 3 days of business trip for him,2 days of fun, home on Saturday.  AND I have a new swimsuit and sundress.  Weeeeeeeeee.........!!!!!


Any advice on last minute fixes????   As always, my logs are current.  OCD, anyone?!?!?

Last minute fixes for me - ART therapy, Graston bars, Foam roller, Ibuprofen (works surprisingly well for me), ice / moist heat, and wine.  I am throwing positive thoughts your way!

I've never done ART or Graston -afraid to try that 6 days pre-race.  My roller is on fire I'm using it so much!!!  I'm on huge anti-inflammatories for RA, will do more hot baths, wine has NEVER been an issue!!!!!!!   Thanks for the thoughts....keep'em coming!!

2012-04-09 7:51 PM
in reply to: #4139284

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
velcromom - 2012-04-09 8:04 PM

Here we go.........taper madness.   Terps was right, I'm panicking - 500 posts to come.

My leg HURTS.  I haven't ran since Thursday.  Feels like ITB, knee and calf cramping.  I'm stretching, rollering and icing.  I'm also using and Biofreeze. If I could find morphine, I'd contemplate it.  seriously.



Jeff's left...he's in Boston for business.  I fly out Friday.  We hang out, meet Mightymom(!!!), he trains on the bike I've rented for him, and then I race.  RIGHT AFTER the race, we get on a plane.  Fly to Ft. Lauderdale for the night, and then head to the Bahamas at 6:30 Tuesday morning. 3 days of business trip for him,2 days of fun, home on Saturday.  AND I have a new swimsuit and sundress.  Weeeeeeeeee.........!!!!!


Any advice on last minute fixes????   As always, my logs are current.  OCD, anyone?!?!?

As you know, I don't have any experience with the distance you are training for, but I'm sending you some moral support and healing thoughts.  I know when I taper (even for a short race), I feel so many more aches and pains than normal.  I have some prescription strength Ibuprofen (600mg) that helps. 

2012-04-09 8:08 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
Thanks, Jayne - it's all appreciated!  I've got a call in to the doc as to whether I can up the anti-inflammatory meds.   ARGH.  Y'all need to look at my logs - I've ran more than ever, faster than ever, with a reasonable (less than 10%) increase of mileage.  I'm NEVER going to be this ready again.  I'm getting too old to keep this cracks from John, please.

2012-04-09 8:11 PM
in reply to: #4139372

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
velcromom - 2012-04-09 5:48 PM
cbarnes1 - 2012-04-09 5:26 PM
velcromom - 2012-04-09 5:04 PM

Here we go.........taper madness.   Terps was right, I'm panicking - 500 posts to come.

My leg HURTS.  I haven't ran since Thursday.  Feels like ITB, knee and calf cramping.  I'm stretching, rollering and icing.  I'm also using and Biofreeze. If I could find morphine, I'd contemplate it.  seriously.



Jeff's left...he's in Boston for business.  I fly out Friday.  We hang out, meet Mightymom(!!!), he trains on the bike I've rented for him, and then I race.  RIGHT AFTER the race, we get on a plane.  Fly to Ft. Lauderdale for the night, and then head to the Bahamas at 6:30 Tuesday morning. 3 days of business trip for him,2 days of fun, home on Saturday.  AND I have a new swimsuit and sundress.  Weeeeeeeeee.........!!!!!


Any advice on last minute fixes????   As always, my logs are current.  OCD, anyone?!?!?

Last minute fixes for me - ART therapy, Graston bars, Foam roller, Ibuprofen (works surprisingly well for me), ice / moist heat, and wine.  I am throwing positive thoughts your way!

I've never done ART or Graston -afraid to try that 6 days pre-race.  My roller is on fire I'm using it so much!!!  I'm on huge anti-inflammatories for RA, will do more hot baths, wine has NEVER been an issue!!!!!!!   Thanks for the thoughts....keep'em coming!!

I got nothin', Linda, except tons of love for you!! If I could wave my magic mommy wand and make you all better, lordy, you know I'd do it in a heartbeat. Lots of deep breaths! Don't go crazy on the wine, but enjoy! And with your travel coming up, it's time to start hydrating consciously!!

Run the race of you life, find a way to post about it before you go to the Bahamas (FB updates count!), smile the entire time, and know that we are all with you, heart and soul!! You are one of the strongest women I've met. I know nothing will hold you back!!!


2012-04-09 8:12 PM
in reply to: #4139372

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
velcromom - 2012-04-09 7:48 PM
cbarnes1 - 2012-04-09 5:26 PM
velcromom - 2012-04-09 5:04 PM

Here we go.........taper madness.   Terps was right, I'm panicking - 500 posts to come.

My leg HURTS.  I haven't ran since Thursday.  Feels like ITB, knee and calf cramping.  I'm stretching, rollering and icing.  I'm also using and Biofreeze. If I could find morphine, I'd contemplate it.  seriously.



Jeff's left...he's in Boston for business.  I fly out Friday.  We hang out, meet Mightymom(!!!), he trains on the bike I've rented for him, and then I race.  RIGHT AFTER the race, we get on a plane.  Fly to Ft. Lauderdale for the night, and then head to the Bahamas at 6:30 Tuesday morning. 3 days of business trip for him,2 days of fun, home on Saturday.  AND I have a new swimsuit and sundress.  Weeeeeeeeee.........!!!!!


Any advice on last minute fixes????   As always, my logs are current.  OCD, anyone?!?!?

Last minute fixes for me - ART therapy, Graston bars, Foam roller, Ibuprofen (works surprisingly well for me), ice / moist heat, and wine.  I am throwing positive thoughts your way!

I've never done ART or Graston -afraid to try that 6 days pre-race.  My roller is on fire I'm using it so much!!!  I'm on huge anti-inflammatories for RA, will do more hot baths, wine has NEVER been an issue!!!!!!!   Thanks for the thoughts....keep'em coming!!

It sounds to me like you have a trigger point out of whack somewhere.  Do you have a good sports massage therapist you use regularly?  That is my first line of defense, but I have a very good one.  Second up for me is Graston, but I am not sure I would try it if you have never done it before.

Please be careful rolling the he$$ out of it.  If it is inflammed all you're going to do is flame it out even more.  If it's tight, that's another story.  Then you need to find the trigger point causing the issue...have you checked the TFL?

2012-04-09 8:23 PM
in reply to: #4139411

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

velcromom - 2012-04-09 9:08 PM Thanks, Jayne - it's all appreciated!  I've got a call in to the doc as to whether I can up the anti-inflammatory meds.   ARGH.  Y'all need to look at my logs - I've ran more than ever, faster than ever, with a reasonable (less than 10%) increase of mileage.  I'm NEVER going to be this ready again.  I'm getting too old to keep this cracks from John, please.

ok.  but please post a pic in the sundress for us. 

2012-04-09 8:24 PM
in reply to: #4139090

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
cadmus - 2012-04-09 5:53 PM

kt65 - 2012-04-09 9:25 AM Gawd, how I miss seeing Birdy in capris!!! Love your beautiful girls, Steve!

That is a true PNW pic.... warm enough for manpris and sandals, yet cold enough for a puffy coat.


I see you're still open.  Room for a new old face?





2012-04-09 9:00 PM
in reply to: #4139411

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

velcromom - 2012-04-10 11:08 AM Thanks, Jayne - it's all appreciated!  I've got a call in to the doc as to whether I can up the anti-inflammatory meds.   ARGH.  Y'all need to look at my logs - I've ran more than ever, faster than ever, with a reasonable (less than 10%) increase of mileage.  I'm NEVER going to be this ready again.  I'm getting too old to keep this cracks from John, please.

I had an ITB flare up a week before a HM a few years ago; I'd recommend the icing and stretching plus the foam roller as you are doing but just resting++ seemed to help for me. I did nothing for the 5 days before the race and then kept my fingers crossed as I started the race; luckily I was fine.

A good massage - not too deep - plus lots of wine also seems to help me!

2012-04-09 9:31 PM
in reply to: #4139090

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
cadmus - 2012-04-09 2:53 PM

kt65 - 2012-04-09 9:25 AM Gawd, how I miss seeing Birdy in capris!!! Love your beautiful girls, Steve!

That is a true PNW pic.... warm enough for manpris and sandals, yet cold enough for a puffy coat.


I see you're still open.  Room for a new old face?





Oh so true!! But it's not the "PUFFY" coat... This is the mid temp puffy coat...  WELCOME BACK THERE!! How's the coffee business going? 

2012-04-10 12:26 AM
in reply to: #4139534

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
copa2251 - 2012-04-09 7:00 PM

velcromom - 2012-04-10 11:08 AM Thanks, Jayne - it's all appreciated!  I've got a call in to the doc as to whether I can up the anti-inflammatory meds.   ARGH.  Y'all need to look at my logs - I've ran more than ever, faster than ever, with a reasonable (less than 10%) increase of mileage.  I'm NEVER going to be this ready again.  I'm getting too old to keep this cracks from John, please.

I had an ITB flare up a week before a HM a few years ago; I'd recommend the icing and stretching plus the foam roller as you are doing but just resting++ seemed to help for me. I did nothing for the 5 days before the race and then kept my fingers crossed as I started the race; luckily I was fine.

A good massage - not too deep - plus lots of wine also seems to help me!

Gonna have to hope this works!  My masseusse has left town, probably won't be his first move upon my arrival Friday night.  Maybe a Saturday rubdown.  The wine is still flowing......needs to start trickling!!

2012-04-10 8:08 AM
in reply to: #4139836

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
velcromom - 2012-04-10 1:26 AM
copa2251 - 2012-04-09 7:00 PM

velcromom - 2012-04-10 11:08 AM Thanks, Jayne - it's all appreciated!  I've got a call in to the doc as to whether I can up the anti-inflammatory meds.   ARGH.  Y'all need to look at my logs - I've ran more than ever, faster than ever, with a reasonable (less than 10%) increase of mileage.  I'm NEVER going to be this ready again.  I'm getting too old to keep this cracks from John, please.

I had an ITB flare up a week before a HM a few years ago; I'd recommend the icing and stretching plus the foam roller as you are doing but just resting++ seemed to help for me. I did nothing for the 5 days before the race and then kept my fingers crossed as I started the race; luckily I was fine.

A good massage - not too deep - plus lots of wine also seems to help me!

Gonna have to hope this works!  My masseusse has left town, probably won't be his first move upon my arrival Friday night.  Maybe a Saturday rubdown.  The wine is still flowing......needs to start trickling!!

Deep breaths...

It will be fine, you'll kick a$$, all will be well.


2012-04-10 8:38 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

For the new folks, if you're worried about keeping up don't be.  Just jump right in and fire away with any questions you might have.  We tend to just chat about random things right along with training. 


2012-04-10 8:41 AM
in reply to: #4140256

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
dalessit - 2012-04-10 7:38 AM

For the new folks, if you're worried about keeping up don't be.  Just jump right in and fire away with any questions you might have.  We tend to just chat about random things right along with training. 


When you say 'new folks' does that include Jayne?

 And what about Kayla?

Edited by TrevorC 2012-04-10 8:43 AM

2012-04-10 8:52 AM
in reply to: #4139419

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metro west, MA
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Linda- I'd opt for more ice than more heat but overall x2 what Kyla said.  Especially the hydration part.  I just heard they are predicting 80s for Monday!!!!!!!  YIKES!!!  plus side, Saturday looks beautiful.  Perfect for a lunch date.  Smile

2012-04-10 8:59 AM
in reply to: #4140266

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
TrevorC - 2012-04-10 9:41 AM
dalessit - 2012-04-10 7:38 AM

For the new folks, if you're worried about keeping up don't be.  Just jump right in and fire away with any questions you might have.  We tend to just chat about random things right along with training. 


When you say 'new folks' does that include Jayne?

 And what about Kayla?

Trevor, I'm I going to have to come up north and kick your a$$??

2012-04-10 9:03 AM
in reply to: #4140346

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
jfought - 2012-04-10 7:59 AM
TrevorC - 2012-04-10 9:41 AM
dalessit - 2012-04-10 7:38 AM

For the new folks, if you're worried about keeping up don't be.  Just jump right in and fire away with any questions you might have.  We tend to just chat about random things right along with training. 


When you say 'new folks' does that include Jayne?

 And what about Kayla?

Trevor, I'm I going to have to come up north and kick your a$$??

Technically, that was not phrased in the form of a question, therefore you do not need the question marks.

2012-04-10 9:11 AM
in reply to: #4140354

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
TrevorC - 2012-04-10 10:03 AM
jfought - 2012-04-10 7:59 AM
TrevorC - 2012-04-10 9:41 AM
dalessit - 2012-04-10 7:38 AM

For the new folks, if you're worried about keeping up don't be.  Just jump right in and fire away with any questions you might have.  We tend to just chat about random things right along with training. 


When you say 'new folks' does that include Jayne?

 And what about Kayla?

Trevor, I'm I going to have to come up north and kick your a$$??

Technically, that was not phrased in the form of a question, therefore you do not need the question marks.

Who made you the grammar police?  (QUESTION MARK INTENDED AND NEEDED)

Have you even worked out yet today?  Wink

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