BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open Rss Feed  
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2016-03-25 6:08 AM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight

Originally posted by soccermom15

Any interesting plans for the Easter weekend?  I'm volunteering at a 5k Saturday morning and going to try to get a trail run in on Sunday morning before we head to my parents' house for dinner. 


I have a long ride planned for Sunday and we're having the kids/grand kids over for Easter.  I have been informed by "the Easter Bunny" that there is a conflict between my planned long ride and Easter activities - hiding Easter eggs, cooking Easter dinner, getting the house ready for the invasion of the grand kids, etc.  Not sure I understand how a ride from 6-10a is going to interfere with family at 2:00p but greater minds than mine are at work here!

2016-03-25 6:12 AM
in reply to: dahoffman72

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight

Hey Dave,

You know the best thing about your picture?

Not a person in sight!  Oh how I miss open spaces!

2016-03-25 9:56 AM
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Subject: RE: Spring is Officially Here . . . Tonight
Originally posted by k9car363

Hey Dave,

You know the best thing about your picture?

Not a person in sight!  Oh how I miss open spaces!

Scott, you are right in most of the places I train it is like this, even my road biking areas have very few cars. I am about 85 miles from McDonalds and 105 from the nearest Walmart, it is great. The only downside is access to good equipment, thank goodness for the internet.

Completed the 2016 Ft Greely Indoor Triathlon, consisting of 20 minutes each Swim, Bike, Run, with a preset 10 minute transition between Swim and Bike and five between bike and run. Did 1000yds, 6.41 miles and 2.52 miles and currently sitting in first place.

Edited by dahoffman72 2016-03-25 6:27 PM
2016-03-26 12:26 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Hi all
My name is Keith and I'm 56 this year in May and have decided to give an olympic tri ago. Im from Australia but now live in Thailand with my family.
I have been a free diver, surfer and swimmer my whole life . Until recently we moved to my wife's family area there is no clean beaches to dive or surf so I found a pool at the local University and swim every day 1km warm up and then use my paddles and punch out 2km's with sprints.
We bought a couple of bikes a few weeks ago and have been taking turns to cycle to the pool and back-9km's and every 2nd day to her mums were we have a poultry farm 10 x10 km's with a 20 minute break in between the 10km's. I can do the 10 km's home in 17 minutes at the moment PB. Thats when I thought I might as well have a purpose or goal besides just to get fit.
I am not a runner but Im not a quitter and really stubborn thats my military background also Im ADHD so it sits with me really fine to have a lot of things to do, set goals and I'm highly competitive by nature.
I'm looking forward to your guidance and mentoring. My 1st Olympic Tri is on the 13/August/2016
at present I'm doing:
Ride 2 x10km's in the morning
Ride 1 x 4.5 warmer ,swim 2 km's, ride 1x 4.5 HIT. this will change to fit a 20min run in after the swim then cycle home.

I am retired so basically I can train every day with lots of rest and good fresh food.
2016-03-26 4:09 AM
in reply to: Singto

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Originally posted by Singto

Hi all My name is Keith and I'm 56 this year in May and have decided to give an olympic tri ago. Im from Australia but now live in Thailand with my family. I have been a free diver, surfer and swimmer my whole life . . .

Hi Keith,

You have been a swimmer all of your life so you have a leg up on most people that come to triathlon.  There are several free training plans available here on Beginner Triathlete (click on "Training Plans" near the top left of the page under the Beginner Triathlete logo).  You may find the Olympic - 2x Balanced - 20 Week Training Plan a good place to start.  If you are struggling with the run, you can find a "Couch-to-5K" program and download that to your smartphone.  The couch-to-5K plan will take you, step-by-step, from not running to running.  If you go that way, you can simply modify the Olympic training plan to suit your needs.

We have a good, diverse group of people here.  Everyone will be happy to jump in and answer any questions you may have.

Welcome to the group!

2016-03-26 7:21 AM
in reply to: Singto

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Welcome Keith.  The group here is really good, so you've found a good place to start.  Looks like, fitness wise, you have a good start as well, so jump in and get started and again welcome.  One aspect of the site is it allows you to log your workouts and track progress.  This is done via the 'training log' button on the menu bar.  This works well for me to be able to see the work done by activity, along with either time and/or distance, monitor progress, et al.

Weekend plans for me involve a longish ride and recovery ... longish for me right now is 35-40 miles.  I have a metric 100 ride planned for mid-April, so I've got to get some saddle time in quick.  Also need to sign up for my second race of the year, which happens June 18th.

Ciao Dorm

2016-03-26 10:25 AM
in reply to: Dorm57

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Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
AK Dave; I'm in agreement with everyone else. You sure live in a beautiful locale.It might be something about those -50° temps you showed us awhile ago that keep the mobs away. Congrats on your race. Those are awesome times!
Keith: Welcome to the group. You'll find lots of support & useful information here. Free diving! Now that is some crazy stuff. I'm sure you'll do well in triathlon. If the Olympic distance goes well for you, I just met some friends of my daughter who are doing Ironman Vietnam. That would be right in your neighborhood & given your activity level, I'm sure you could do it. But do some running & finish the Oly first.
Scott: have fun with your family. I wish mine were close enough to just pop over for dinner.

For myself this weekend, just another 110 minutes of Trainer Hell, plus a short run. No special plans.
This morning I registered for my 4th tri for the season, an Olympic distance July 16 in Buffalo. I see that my 5th planned race, a sprint on June 25, now has opened its registration so I guess I'll get that done as well. We are all here just a wee bit nuts.
Have a good one, all.
2016-03-28 11:04 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Hi all, I've been MIA  for a while.  I had an Easter Cycling camp for 4 days this weekend.  So, of course it was cold and wet.  Friday was my first day out of bed after being sick for a week.  I started our first ride on Friday with a ride up a mountain Rd climbing 568m.  I was so far behind all the other riders it was very embarrassing but the support driver and group leader were very supportive.  Then that afternoon we had a run.  I was very pleased to be able to run at all.  Very slow but I was able to do it.

Next day we had a 75 km/ 45 mile ride.  It was so much better.  I felt stronger and was able to keep up and even lead for a while.  Another 580m climbing and lots of fun.  That afternoon we all swam under the coaches watchful eyes.  It felt good to get back in the water.

Sunday was a short run then a recovery ride with no "big ring" allowed.  It was amazing how fast we rode along a fairly flat route with easy gears and higher cadence.  And, finally today was our last ride out a nonstop series of rolling hills.  At least another 500m climbing and the coach focused on our small group teaching us how to draught and fall back and for me specifically keeping my cadence over 90+.

I was so tired on Sunday that I made my lunch and fell asleep as I was eating it.  Thankfully it wasn't soup.  Sunday's day ended with a Pub night which was pretty enjoyable.

I'm still feeling a bit shakey but I'm keen now to get my running back to my normal and get swimming again but tomorrow I have a recovery day off.  Yay!!


AKDave - I too like your photo.  I miss those bright spring days AND full moon nights.

Keith - Welcome to the group and whereabouts in Thailand are you?  Brings back memories of snorkeling in the Similan Islands.

2016-03-29 10:02 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Extreme Veteran
Raleigh, North Carolina
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Originally posted by wenceslasz

 ... first ride on Friday with a ride up a mountain Rd climbing 568m.  I was so far behind all the other riders it was very embarrassing ...

 ... a recovery ride with no "big ring" allowed.  It was amazing how fast we rode

George ... this sounded like a really interesting 4 days.  On getting dropped like you did ... happens to me all the time.  I used to be bothered by this, but not any more.  The groups I ride with see the amount of effort I'm putting out and are totally supportive.  And, I take my turn when it's time to pull as well ... just not on a climb

I rode 35 miles on Saturday at an easy pace and spent 80% of the time in the small ring too.  A 16 year old friend of mine in Virginia rides like that ... mostly in the small chainring and he flys.  So I thought to give that a try on Saturday and while I was slow pace wise, my HR never went above threshold, which turned out to be a good recovery ride for me.

Made a sweet purchase this morning on a pair of PowerTap P1 pedals.  Last year, I bought a new Quarq setup with a std crankset. My then crankset was compact, but I'd had standard sets before and I saw no big issue.  After riding the std crankset for a year, I'm thinking I liked the compact a bit better, so I'll stick  the pedals and old crankset back on the bike, and sell the Quarq.  I'm off to the bike shop this morning to get this swapped out and some interval training. 

Question for the group ... are there weight lifting drills I can do to build leg strength for climbing?  Starting this week, my schedule is 4 days on the bike ... 3 days intense and 1 day long recovery for endurance.  Also, I'm increasing the duration for each.  My century ride is a ways off, but I badly want to do well and the last climb is absolutely brutal ... a 6.5k, Cat 1+ climb, which starts at mile 96. So after you've ridden 96 miles ... you turn onto a road starting at an 11% grade for 3 miles, and eventually ramping up to a 16% grade for the last mile!  I certainly have no illusions about winning or such, but I really want to finish well and finish strong.  While I can to prepare endurance and equipment wise, I wonder if some sort of leg lifting work would further me along in the strength category. 

Ciao ... Dorm


2016-03-29 11:26 AM
in reply to: Dorm57

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

George - both my husband and my daughter were down with the flu for the past week.  I somehow managed to avoid getting it from one of them.  They're both finally feeling better but Steve says he still hasn't gotten his energy back yet.  I can't imagine doing a 4 day cycling camp after being sick for a week.  Sounds like you did pretty well though and enjoyed it.  

Missed some workouts last week due to the aforementioned sickness in the house and the Easter holiday.  I really need to make sure I stay on top of things though - only 5 months until my HIM.  Which sometimes seems like a long time and sometimes seems like it's coming up too soon.  I go back and forth between feeling like I can do this and freaking out about it.  Just trying to take it one week at a time for now.  


2016-03-31 8:15 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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2016-03-31 8:45 PM
in reply to: Tri Mike

Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Originally posted by Tri Mike

Hi, I know I'm a little late trying to join this group now... just wondering if it's too late?

I'm 54, living in New England and approaching my second Triathlon season, hoping to try some longer events. Wife thinks I'm crazy.

I recently bought the TI book/dvd and am experimenting with the drills in the pool. Need all the help I can get in the water.



Hi Mike,

Nope  you are not too late!  Welcome to the group.

I hate to be the one to break the news to you, you are a triathlete.  That means you are certifiably crazy!  I guess your wife is right.

We should talk about what you are doing in the pool.  TI is a great program to get you into the pool and get you swimming.  TI will teach you to reduce your drag in the water.  Unfortunately, TI won't teach you to go fast.  I don't want to get into a TI debate (in case there are any strong TI supporters here - I don't remember).  Just saying that it is great to get started but at some point you will want to move beyond TI.  I looked at your training log and at your pace, there is lots of room to make improvement in your stroke technique.  Please don't hesitate to ask if you have questions.

We have a great bunch of people here.  Really diverse from all over the country and a couple located overseas.  We have one member that is up in Maine so I am sure he will chime in fairly soon.

Everyone here is happy to answer any question you may have so don't hesitate to ask if you have any.

Again, welcome to the group!

2016-03-31 8:54 PM
in reply to: #5158550

Kennebunkport, Qatar
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Hi Mike, welcome to the group!
Scott and your wife are right , you're crazy! Welcome to the club.
Where are you located? I am in Kennebunk Maine.
Hope to see you around.

2016-03-31 9:06 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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2016-03-31 9:10 PM
in reply to: Mountaindan

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2016-03-31 9:18 PM
in reply to: Tri Mike

Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Originally posted by Tri Mike

Hey Scott - Thanks for the speedy reply and great info. Also nice to know I'm not crazy on my own  

Looking forward to soaking up all the good info I can find. 


In addition to TI, I'm also signed up for a video/swim analysis with a swim coach up in NH later in April. Hopefully, that will help a little too.



Hey Mike,

The absolute best thing you can do for your stroke technique is having a knowledgeable pair of eyes on deck.  The next best thing is a video analysis.  If you have a coach on deck that is also going to video tape you swimming and then spend time with you analyzing your technique and making suggestions, you will have struck gold.

And yeah, all of us triathletes are slightly nuts!

2016-04-01 10:46 AM
in reply to: Tri Mike

Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Originally posted by Tri Mike

Hi Dan - I'm in MA currently. I work in NH and maybe moving there later in the year. Let me know if there are any good Tri's in ME, this year! I'm still laying out my calendar.



Hi Mike,

Welcome to the group. I live in central Connecticut, so I'm fairly close to you. I also have lots of work to do on my swimming, as I'm just starting my 3rd season of tri's. The good news is that you'll find lots of help and support here.

Look forward to hearing about your upcoming races. As of now, I'm planning to race in NH in August (Timberman) and Maine in Sept (Pumpkinman) as well as a couple races in Ct.

Maybe we'll run into each other this season.


2016-04-01 3:09 PM
in reply to: DJP_19

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2016-04-01 3:46 PM
in reply to: Tri Mike

Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Yes, both events offer a Sprint and a Half distance. I'm registered for the Timberman Half in August. That is my A race this year.

I'm planning to do the Sprint distance at the Pumpkinman in Sept, since its only 3 weeks after the Timberman. And as you mentioned - all plans hinge on staying injury free.

I expect the Sept weekend will be a social affair for me, since my wife will tag along and I have a group of friends heading up to do their first 70.3 on Sunday. Should be fun.

2016-04-01 6:25 PM
in reply to: 0

Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Originally posted by DJP_19


all plans hinge on staying injury free.


Hey, all,

I'm becoming more knowledgeable than I'd planned about keeping injury at bay, but I guess that's part of aging. (Aging should also include knowing better than going up & down the equivalent of 30 flights of stairs on the first day of my travels, but you know, live & learn!)
Anyway, I thought I'd share some of the things I'm doing right now to keep injury at bay. Knock wood.

Immediately after my main bike or run workout of the day, while drinking my recovery drink, I do 10 minutes of rolling (foam roller, tennis ball, & stick) plus 10 minutes of static stretching. I've been doing that routine for a long time.
Now I've added 20 minutes of icing, done simultaneously. That's in two 10-minute segments, each with 2 clusters of ice for 2 joints. I ice anything that has bothered me today, or last week, or is even thinking of bothering me, ever. I use those little ice cubes that are enclosed in plastic. I thought they were pretty stupid when my teenager got them for her soft drinks, but they are perfect & mess-free for my use. (Hope she doesn't put them in her drink after they've been in my socks!) You can see one, the little blue thing,in the first photo. They don't interfere with my rolling or stretching.

The second picture is a torture device called a R8. I use this in the evening only sometimes, if my knee is starting to bother me, or if I've been up & down a ladder all afternoon. (That's because my knee issues derive from adhesions in my quads.) First I put a heating pad on the affected area for 10 minutes, then use the R8, with which you can really get in deep. The R8 is expensive but very effective. While I'm at it, I also do 10 minutes of ice on the knee, 10 minutes of the heat pad, and then 10 minutes of ice again. All in all, I'm doing well with this, plus the slow Maffetone running.
I hope nobody here ever needs this information; but what I'm finding is that what comes free when you're young you've got to work for as you ripen.

This weekend, 2 hrs 15 minutes on the trainer followed by a 2-mile brick run. It's supposed to snow again. Did I hear somebody here say nuts?

Edited by ok2try 2016-04-02 5:35 AM

(ice is nice.JPG)


ice is nice.JPG (76KB - 4 downloads)
R8.JPG (100KB - 4 downloads)
2016-04-01 10:40 PM
in reply to: ok2try

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2016-04-01 11:06 PM
in reply to: ok2try

Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

Last Monday, last ride of the Easter camp, I had a very minor fall off the bike - just rolled over onto my right side.  Got up and felt fine aside from embarrassed.  A couple nights later my left wrist is sore.  No big deal just annoying.  So I swam, biked and ran with no issues.  Today, driving to the pool thinking about my wrist and what could have happened - absolutely nothing - except the fall.

Before going into the pool I look at my wrist and I can see the area is reddened over the scaphoid bone and slightly swollen.  Swim went fine no trouble at all.  When I got home I used a tuning fork to see if I had fractured my wrist.  It didn't irritate my wrist suggesting it is not fractured.  I'll see my MD on Monday and maybe get it x-rayed although I am still hopeful it is just a sprain.

Scaphoid fracture is typically when a person reaches out to stop a fall.  I fell but to my right and can't recall anything to do with my left side.  I really don't want to miss any training but I'll make sure to rule out a fracture PDQ.

I'm supposed to ride 60km tomorrow and the weather is summer-like.  I may not be going.  Other than that I feel pretty good.

2016-04-02 7:40 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: Weekend is Here!

Morning everyone! 

Well, another weekend is upon us.

An athlete I have been working with is competing in Ironman 70.3 California down in Oceanside today.  I am heading down shortly to offer moral support and a few final words of encouragement.  This week has been a bad week at work so the rest of the afternoon and weekend is getting caught up with all the things I didn't get done while I was putting out the work fires.  Also planning to squeeze in a run today and a long ride tomorrow.  It is suppose to be another boring weather day here - 75 degrees, not a cloud in sight - so should be nice for a run and ride.

How about everyone else?  Anything special planned?

2016-04-02 7:40 AM
in reply to: ok2try

Farmington, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open

I, too, have been surprised at how much I've had to focus on injury prevention. Seems like significant overhead time is required beyond actual training if we want to continue at any significant level of volume.

Great idea to use plastic ice cubes. I have a reusable cold therapy wrap that works great for larger areas, but the ice cubes would be much easier for specific spot work. And I'm not embarrassed to admit that I'm cringing just by looking at the picture of your R8.

Since my issues have been primarily foot/calf related, the newest routine I practice is done twice a day by rocking up and back on these Yamuna Foot Wakers. These medieval looking discs help increase strength and flexibility in the feet. There is even a cd with a stretching routine that shows how to gain flexibility in the individual toes, inside vs outside of the foot/heel, etc. They are not very high tech, but they are effective. I also use a lacrosse ball for deep work on the calf areas.

As far as training, I'm indoors this weekend with a long trainer ride today and a swim clinic tomorrow. I have several friends running the Middletown half marathon tomorrow and they're facing a forecast of snow and blowing winds. Hope it's the last gasp of winter around here.

Happy training.

(foot wakers.jpg)

foot wakers.jpg (3916KB - 6 downloads)
2016-04-02 8:11 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

Spencer, New York
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Master's Focus Triathlon Mentor Group--Now Open
Originally posted by wenceslasz

I am still hopeful it is just a sprain.<

I hope it's a nothing. Tendons & ligaments I've been told by my doc take longer to heal than bone, can be 6-9 months. You can ask your doc, but I'd recommend getting into the habit of icing or the ice/heat/ice right away.
CT Dave, Those foot wakers look great. I might get some as foot-ankle weakness is a problem area for me.
Have a good weekend everyone.
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date : March 10, 2011
author : Scott Tinley
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Tinley on triathlon, aging, and the attitude of a masters athlete