BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN Rss Feed  
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2018-03-01 11:15 AM
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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: Choosing your commitment
Originally posted by MuscleMomma

Hello all,

I skimmed the last three pages and will go back for what I missed.
I have been knocked off my feet with the flu for the past two weeks. Couldn't even think of working out.

Monday I came back to life. I'm out of weight challenge just too much to deal with.

It took me 7 weeks to be able to do the first week of my HIM plan. I wanted to be able to do the run without stopping, Scott, I know you are more positive about that.
Well now I'm f*cked as I gave myself 20 weeks for a 20 week plan and now I'm two weeks behind.
I switched weeks so that I'm doing the recovery week and will return to week 3 next week.

I'm really scared and don't know how to recover the time. Add a workout per week? Add a few minutes each workout?

Any advice would be appreciated



I agree with the comments from George and Scott. We all get knocked on our collective keisters once in awhile. The key is recognizing that progress in anything is rarely a straight line. We advance, slow, leap, decline and move again. It's the process for EVERYONE.

Here's one additional perspective. There is absolutely nothing sacred or special about the HIM distance. As you know, an HIM is just one of many triathlon races. If that's your goal, more power to you. With dedication and consistency in your training, you'll accomplish your objective.

I trained and raced triathlons for three years before I jumped into an HIM distance event. It had nothing do to with being "able" to complete the distance...I had done enough half marathons and marathon distance running events that I was certain I knew how to develop a plan and commit myself to it. For me, the issue was aligning my goals with the time available to dedicate to training. I concluded that with a heavy load in my professional life as well as family commitments I just would not be able to take on the training hours to be successful HIM or IM distance events.

So, I focused on sprint distance races. My first triathlon season I think I completed 6 sprint distance races, hitting an event every two to three weeks that summer. The next year I shifted to both Sprint and Olympic distances and did 10 races. I had an absolute blast learning the sport, learning transitions, learning about how to juggle training across multiple legs, learning about how triathlon training load is different from my experience as a distance runner. But because these were shorter distance races it was all very manageable within the constraints on my overall schedule.

I'm certainly not trying to talk your off your HIM goal. I am suggesting that all of us are here for some combination of fun. fitness, self-improvement, and/or discovery. If changes in family, work, health or a combination of factors impacts your ability to feel confident about committing to a goal or completing a goal, then there is no shame in a reset.

Hang in there.


Edited by lutzman 2018-03-01 11:16 AM

2018-03-01 11:38 AM
in reply to: soccermom15

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN

Originally posted by soccermom15

Originally posted by lutzman
Originally posted by soccermom15

Well yesterday did not go as planned.Okay, plan C - just finish the run any way I can.  Which is what I did, although I did cut it a little short.  It just wasn't my day.  I'll put it behind me and move on.  

On a good note - I got my butt out of bed this morning and went to the pool.  Had a good workout and had the pool to myself for most of the time, so really glad I went.  


Janet: Sometimes (especially for those of us that have officially entered the Gray zone) that's the way the training goes. The easiest thing would have been to just pack it up your gear and quit for the day. Good on you for finding a way to salvage part of your run on a tough day rather than giving up. Mental toughness! Even better, you were right back at it today in the pool without missing a beat. Steve

Believe me, I gave serious consideration to this option.  And previously I probably would have done just that.  But over the winter I participated in a mental training program and one of the things I took away from it was working around a problem instead of just letting it stop me in my tracks.  When you come to a boulder in the road, you can turn around and go back, or you can find a different route to take - I chose to take a different route (several times ) to make it to the finish.  



I've had quite a lot of mental training over the years.  What you said about the boulder in the road is the first time I've heard that particular analogy.  I'm gonna steal it! 

I say all the time, so frequently that people that know me get tired of hearing it - excellence in sport is 90% mental and 10% physical.  Certainly coming to a boulder in our path isn't a physical challenge, it only becomes a physical challenge if we CHOOSE to make it a physical challenge.  The boulder is a mental obstacle.  Athletic success begins with overcoming those small mental challenges, gaining confidence, and then moving on to conquer the larger mental challenges.

2018-03-01 3:32 PM
in reply to: k9car363


Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN
Anyone ever forget that they signed up for a race and then suddenly, a week before the race, you start getting the 'final preparation email' and realize you're behind the 8 ball?

Apparently, I had such a great time at the Desert Triathlon in La Quinta, CA last year doing my first Olympic distance tri, that I signed up for it again! And didn't put it on the calendar, or train for it.

I am signed up for the Olympic distance again, but I am going to downgrade to the Sprint. Mostly because I'm not trained up for the distance of the Olympic, but also because I won't have time to finish the race before having to get my daughter to a baton competition 2 hours away!

So, Sprint distance it is.
2018-03-01 8:03 PM
in reply to: Homebush

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN
Originally posted by Homebush

Anyone ever forget that they signed up for a race and then suddenly, a week before the race, you start getting the 'final preparation email' and realize you're behind the 8 ball?

Apparently, I had such a great time at the Desert Triathlon in La Quinta, CA last year doing my first Olympic distance tri, that I signed up for it again! And didn't put it on the calendar, or train for it.

I am signed up for the Olympic distance again, but I am going to downgrade to the Sprint. Mostly because I'm not trained up for the distance of the Olympic, but also because I won't have time to finish the race before having to get my daughter to a baton competition 2 hours away!

So, Sprint distance it is.

Well, who knows. If you show up with a goal of just having fun, you just might have the more enjoyable race of your life.

2018-03-01 10:33 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN

Originally posted by Homebush

Anyone ever forget that they signed up for a race and then suddenly, a week before the race, you start getting the 'final preparation email' and realize you're behind the 8 ball?

Apparently, I had such a great time at the Desert Triathlon in La Quinta, CA last year doing my first Olympic distance tri, that I signed up for it again! And didn't put it on the calendar, or train for it.

I am signed up for the Olympic distance again, but I am going to downgrade to the Sprint. Mostly because I'm not trained up for the distance of the Olympic, but also because I won't have time to finish the race before having to get my daughter to a baton competition 2 hours away!

So, Sprint distance it is.

That's better than the alternative - THINK you signed up for the race and discover on race morning - after it's too late to register - that you didn't. (I had an athlete I work with do that last year).

That's a nice venue and a good location for a race.  I've done 4 races there.  My only complaint is the water in the lake is shallow enough that you can - and people do - walk the entire swim.  Have a fun day!

Edited by k9car363 2018-03-01 10:34 PM
2018-03-02 8:40 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by Homebush

Anyone ever forget that they signed up for a race and then suddenly, a week before the race, you start getting the 'final preparation email' and realize you're behind the 8 ball?

Apparently, I had such a great time at the Desert Triathlon in La Quinta, CA last year doing my first Olympic distance tri, that I signed up for it again! And didn't put it on the calendar, or train for it.

I am signed up for the Olympic distance again, but I am going to downgrade to the Sprint. Mostly because I'm not trained up for the distance of the Olympic, but also because I won't have time to finish the race before having to get my daughter to a baton competition 2 hours away!

So, Sprint distance it is.

That's better than the alternative - THINK you signed up for the race and discover on race morning - after it's too late to register - that you didn't. (I had an athlete I work with do that last year).

That's a nice venue and a good location for a race.  I've done 4 races there.  My only complaint is the water in the lake is shallow enough that you can - and people do - walk the entire swim.  Have a fun day!


Ha! You got me be by two. I raced in La Quinta in the Desert Tri there (2011?) and a HITS racae that I think was in 2012. That March race was miserable. They had big rains in the mountains in the week leading up to the race..and all that water dumped into the reservoir. So not only was it a muddy mess but it was COLD. You're an ocean swimmer, so it probably didn't bother you, but coming from my nice warm pool up in Washington, I hated it. Flat and fast for the bike and run legs, though.

Fun location to race.


2018-03-02 12:48 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN

Originally posted by lutzman

Scott-- Ha! You got me be by two. I raced in La Quinta in the Desert Tri there (2011?) and a HITS racae that I think was in 2012. That March race was miserable. They had big rains in the mountains in the week leading up to the race..and all that water dumped into the reservoir. So not only was it a muddy mess but it was COLD. You're an ocean swimmer, so it probably didn't bother you, but coming from my nice warm pool up in Washington, I hated it. Flat and fast for the bike and run legs, though. Fun location to race. Steve

Lake Cahuilla is always cold.  When we were still in CA, it wasn't that far out to La Quinta so I'd go do the occasional OWS there in the lake.  I was out there once in August, outside air temp was something like 115 and the lake was still cold - I mean like "I wish i had a wetsuit" cold.  I don't understand, the lake isn't that big and it isn't that deep.  All I can figure is there's cold water coming down outta them hills.

2018-03-02 3:35 PM
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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: weight loss challenge

Originally posted by lutzman

Thanks Curtis. Well, I'm hoping I'll be able to recapture some of my speed from the past. What I have difficulty discerning is how to allocate the decline. What % is simply are result of lack of fitness (recoverable) and the percentage that is age-related. Certainly both come into play. We'll see. Hope your training is going well. If you don't mind, it will be great if you will post some your workouts posted here. I see them sometimes on one of the other the BT forums....they are always impressive! Very inspirational. Best, Steeve

I had a math professor in college who was training for his first Marathon in something like 18 years the semester that I was in his class.  He ended up running something like a 2 hr 50 min Marathon at 4,500 ft above see level.  I was more than a little impressed.  I asked him to tell me his story and he said something to the effect that you never lose speed, just fitness.  He said that as your fitness returns that so does your speed.  He hadn't gained weight.  We was one of those guys that is about 6% body fat so he was built right for endurance sports but he was a guy close to 50 years old who had taken 18 years off running.  He made a lot of sense in our Math class.  He had a brilliant mind and a unique perspective on how the mind learns things so I always soaked up everything he said.  Because he said that you never loose speed I believed it.  :-)

As far as my training goes, I can't take credit for my impressive work outs.  Scott is working with me through BSC multisports.  He writes the work outs and I just do my best to complete them in the manner they were intended to be done. 

Today I did hill runs.  There is a 1/2 mile hill that goes into my neighborhood with a 4-7% grade.  I did 6 x 800m hill runs at a 6:15-6:40 min/mi pace with 800m recovery intervals back down the hill at 7:30-7:50 pace.  Tomorrow I have a two hour bike trainer ride.  I believe it will have three 30 minute intervals @ 90% FTP. I also have a 35 minute short run tomorrow.  I do 35 short run on most bike days and 35 minute swims on most medium run days.  

Edited by BlueBoy26 2018-03-02 3:41 PM
2018-03-02 6:02 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: weight loss challenge
Originally posted by BlueBoy26

Originally posted by lutzman

Thanks Curtis. Well, I'm hoping I'll be able to recapture some of my speed from the past. What I have difficulty discerning is how to allocate the decline. it will be great if you will post some your workouts posted here. I see them sometimes on one of the other the BT forums....they are always impressive! Very inspirational. Best, Steeve

, I can't take credit for my impressive work outs.  Scott is working with me through BSC multisports.  He writes the work outs and I just do my best to complete them in the manner they were intended to be done. 

Today I did hill runs.  There is a 1/2 mile hill that goes into my neighborhood with a 4-7% grade.  I did 6 x 800m hill runs at a 6:15-6:40 min/mi pace with 800m recovery intervals back down the hill at 7:30-7:50 pace.  Tomorrow I have a two hour bike trainer ride.  I believe it will have three 30 minute intervals @ 90% FTP. I also have a 35 minute short run tomorrow.  I do 35 short run on most bike days and 35 minute swims on most medium run days.  


Those are some awesome intervals. Good to see Scott has you on track. I doubt I could run a 200 at a 6:15 pace, let along 800 up a hill!

Thanks for sharing!

2018-03-02 9:10 PM
in reply to: BlueBoy26

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: weight loss challenge

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

I had a math professor in college who was training for his first Marathon in something like 18 years the semester that I was in his class.  He ended up running something like a 2 hr 50 min Marathon at 4,500 ft above see level.  I was more than a little impressed.  I asked him to tell me his story and he said something to the effect that you never lose speed, just fitness.  He said that as your fitness returns that so does your speed.  

There are actually a number of peer reviewed research papers that confirm this.  One in particular found that as we train, the number of nuclei in each muscle cell increase.  If we allow the muscle to "detrain" the number of nuclei remains constant.  It's believed that the nuclei of the muscle fibers (cells) together form our "muscle memory."  The first time we train, we have to learn how to do what we are training for - i.e. learn how to run fast.  We have to learn rapid turnover, arm swing, proper push-off, etc.  Even when we are detrained, because the muscle fibers contain the same number of nuclei that were present in a highly trained stated, that memory is still within the muscle.  When we begin to again acquire fitness, our speed or strength comes back with it - we don't have to "learn how" to run fast again.

Anybody that's interested, PM me and I'll give you a link to the study I referenced above.

2018-03-02 9:15 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: It's the Weekend!

The weekend is here!  We are going to have clear blue sky all weekend so I am running outside!  It's only suppose to be in the upper 40's so haven't decided if I'm going to ride or not.

What's everyone else have on tap?  Anything fun and exciting?

2018-03-02 9:28 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN

I had the flu a couple weeks ago and have had a really difficult time "getting back to it."  Every time I'd do a workout, my body would say, "I don't think so."  Today was the first day I was able to do everything . . . well, not everything but close enough I felt like I got a workout in.

Started out this morning in the pool. 

  • 800 warm-up (4 x 100, 4 x 50, 100 kick, 100 free)
  • 10 x 200 IM @ 2:45
  • 20 x 100 free @ 1:30 (was planning to do 40x but was DONE at 20)
  • 200 CD

Then this afternoon did 90-minutes endurance ride on the trainer at 70-75% FTP.

Wasn't all that much, but dang did it feel good to actually sweat and get a real workout in!

2018-03-02 10:36 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN
Scott, sorry to hear you were sick.

Thank you everyone for your guidance. I'm listening. I did avrecovery week and things feel hard, but it's ok. You guys are the best.
2018-03-03 12:26 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: It's the Weekend!
Originally posted by k9car363

The weekend is here!  We are going to have clear blue sky all weekend so I am running outside!  It's only suppose to be in the upper 40's so haven't decided if I'm going to ride or not.

What's everyone else have on tap?  Anything fun and exciting?

Ugh. My turn to get the illness bug. Felt like crap on Thursday so I dumped the workouts completely. Hit the pool early Friday and got in my 3,000 yards as planned but felt pretty punky the entire time. Started my run later in the day and pulled the plug. Bad stomach, no energy. I literally walked back to my car. Easy run this morning was not much better.

Definitely feeling my age today. Lick my wounds and try again tomorrow I guess. Too bad because the weather is spectacular.

Cie la vie.

2018-03-03 4:02 PM
in reply to: MuscleMomma

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN

Originally posted by MuscleMomma Scott, sorry to hear you were sick. Thank you everyone for your guidance. I'm listening. I did avrecovery week and things feel hard, but it's ok. You guys are the best.

Hey Mitzi,

I apologize.  Below is a post you made in the main forum with a question.  I didn't see it until just now.

Originally posted by MuscleMomma
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by FrankieP78 I have the same problem, I am training for my first tri (sprint or maybe olympic in summer 2017) and for the bike part I am using my stationary, first time I get out with an old mountain bike it was a nightmare...for sure I will focus on "real" cycling as much as possible, but during winter time stationary is mandatory, is there any hint to make indoor training more effective? 

Get a trainer, such as the Kurt Kinetic Road Machine.  Then sign up for Trainer Road.  You use your bike with the addition of a speed sensor and a cadence sensor.  Trainer Road will calculate "virtual power" using your speed and the type trainer you have.  TR has various training plans and individual workouts.  Using the guided plans you can make huge strides forward.

I believe TR is ~ $12/month.

Is this different from what Zwift does? I'd love to be able to calculate virtual power output (did I say that correctly?)

Yes.  Zwift calculates virtual power much the same as Trainer Road does.  I doubt the both use the same algorithm however they both allow you to ride without a power-meter and take advantage of training with power.

2018-03-04 7:09 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Indianapolis, Indiana
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Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Weigh-In Day

All in all, I was happy with last week.  Finally was able to get back to working out and I was down 1.3 pounds!

Swim - 112 minutes
Bike - 120 minutes
Run - 35 minutes

Total - 267 minutes

2018-03-04 7:24 PM
in reply to: k9car363

, Indiana
Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Weigh-In Day
Hello Everyone! I did not have a good week. I have been sick in bed for the last three days with some kind of flu. I am hoping I'm able to get up and move around a little tomorrow. Before getting sick I did run for 30 minutes and biked for a total of 45 minutes. I did not weigh myself today because of me being sick. Im sure I am down in weight but I don't feel it would be accurate with all things considered.
2018-03-04 11:07 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Weigh-In Day

Weight challenge:

Down .9 of a pound.  I just couldn't muster another .1 of a pound.

Swim - 80 minutes

Bike - 257 minutes

Run - 110 minutes

Total - 447 minutes = 7.45 hours



2018-03-05 9:45 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Weigh-In Day

Weight challenge

Weight Loss: 1.0 lbs

Total - 500 minutes 


2018-03-05 9:47 AM
in reply to: wenceslasz

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Weigh-In Day
Hi Gang:

Weight loss for the week was aided by lack of eating due to sickness/irritated stomach. Went from 176.4 last week to 174.6 this morning...down 1.8 lbs.

I may regain a bit of that next week as my body re-adjusts...but I hope not!

I skipped my Sunday morning swim trainer workout but did feel well enough in the afternoon to get in my Sunday two hour ride on the trainer. I felt pretty tired the entire time, but actually got in a decent workout....probably related to full recovery since I skipped all my workouts on Thursday and cut it back by half on Friday and Saturday.. My bike workout summary was actually pretty good. According to my Training Peaks app, my 90 minute sustained power (158) was the 3rd best I've ever recorded and my 90 minute sustained HR was my best of 2018 (126). So, maybe there's progress even when sick.

Workouts for the week were 8:51:

Swim: 2:32
Bike: 3:20
Run: 2:59

My stomach is still not right this morning...I'm hoping to fully rally by lunchtime so I can nail my noon time run.

Hope you all have a great week!

2018-03-05 10:34 AM
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Subject: RE: Weight-loss/Workout Challenge Weigh-In Day

Checking in -

no weight change  (apparently my scale doesn't understand that the numbers are supposed to go down!)
swim - 70 min
bike - 98 min
run - 129 min
yoga - 75 min

Not a bad week overall.  Finally managed to get my run test done on Saturday afternoon.  Have some work to do there but at least I have my zones now to work with.  

Scott - giving you a heads up here.  At some point today I will be putting up a post regarding swimming.  Might be a little long and lots of questions .   I realized yesterday that my main race for the year is coming up in 10 weeks and I'm not anywhere near ready for a 1500 swim.  Hoping you can give me some pointers.

Oh and I have to add here - I went to a session with my tri club yesterday on trainers and indoor training and every time Paul or Bill would say "batshit crazy" I thought of you .


Edited by soccermom15 2018-03-05 10:36 AM

2018-03-05 10:40 AM
in reply to: lutzman


Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN
Well, I showed up to have fun, and ended up making the podium!

I took third in the Athena division.

Probably one of my slowest sprints, but a bike wiped out in front of me just a short distance into the ride and I spent about 7 minutes pulling his gear out of the road and making sure he was okay. He was a little disoriented for a few minutes, but came back to. A nurse drove by and took over. Pretty scary though.

The lake was COLD!!! Probably 58, and I hate the restriction of wetsuits. I bought a new spring suit, but didn't realize how high the neck was, and ended up being choked the entire swim.

Bike had some strong head and cross winds, but not as bad as last year.

My run was super slow. I have weak ankles, and running on gravel and grass is sketchy for me.

Probably won't sign up for this race again, but all in all, it was a good day. Big fat reminder that I need to get my butt in gear to be ready for the Olympic I am signed up for in May.
2018-03-05 11:38 AM
in reply to: Homebush

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Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN

Originally posted by Homebush Well, I showed up to have fun, and ended up making the podium! I took third in the Athena division. Probably one of my slowest sprints, but a bike wiped out in front of me just a short distance into the ride and I spent about 7 minutes pulling his gear out of the road and making sure he was okay. He was a little disoriented for a few minutes, but came back to. A nurse drove by and took over. Pretty scary though. The lake was COLD!!! Probably 58, and I hate the restriction of wetsuits. I bought a new spring suit, but didn't realize how high the neck was, and ended up being choked the entire swim. Bike had some strong head and cross winds, but not as bad as last year. My run was super slow. I have weak ankles, and running on gravel and grass is sketchy for me. Probably won't sign up for this race again, but all in all, it was a good day. Big fat reminder that I need to get my butt in gear to be ready for the Olympic I am signed up for in May.

Congratulations!  I have the same issue with my wetsuit - I feel like I'm being choked the entire time.  I would much rather swim without it but not in 58* water!

2018-03-05 11:44 AM
in reply to: Homebush

New user
Wauwatosa, WI
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN
Originally posted by Homebush

Well, I showed up to have fun, and ended up making the podium!

I took third in the Athena division.

Probably one of my slowest sprints, but a bike wiped out in front of me just a short distance into the ride and I spent about 7 minutes pulling his gear out of the road and making sure he was okay. He was a little disoriented for a few minutes, but came back to. A nurse drove by and took over. Pretty scary though.

The lake was COLD!!! Probably 58, and I hate the restriction of wetsuits. I bought a new spring suit, but didn't realize how high the neck was, and ended up being choked the entire swim.

Bike had some strong head and cross winds, but not as bad as last year.

My run was super slow. I have weak ankles, and running on gravel and grass is sketchy for me.

Probably won't sign up for this race again, but all in all, it was a good day. Big fat reminder that I need to get my butt in gear to be ready for the Olympic I am signed up for in May.

Congrats Heide on your podium!!!

Weight Loss Challenge

0 Change in weight
11.5 hours training

We just got a Peleton in my building's small gym- it's great, just not very good for Zone 2 rides
2018-03-05 11:49 AM
in reply to: Homebush

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Subject: RE: Swimming, swimming, swimming

Scott - hope you don't mind me picking your brain here (or anyone else - all comments are appreciated!)

Like I said earlier, I realized yesterday that Gateway is only 10 weeks away and my swimming is not where it needs to be.  I can probably finish the 1500m (lake swim, most likely wetsuit legal), but it would be slow, sloppy and I would be totally worn out by the time I got out and onto the bike – not what I want.  I have been slow to get back into swimming after taking some time off, but I’m ready to get back to it now.  Here are my issues/questions:

First - Right now my plan has me swimming 3 times a week – twice in the morning during the week before work and on Sunday morning.  My question here is – I can’t really do more than 1800 during the week due to time constraints so I’m thinking about adding a 3rd weekday swim of 1000-1200 (I’d leave it at that while I up the distances for the other swims).  Pretty sure I know the answer to this but wanted to get your opinion anyway. 

Second - I’m basing my workouts on the Olympic base plan from your (Scott’s) old website with some modifications – mostly because I can’t do a 200 set right now without my form completely breaking down.  The workweek swims are usually 400 w/u (some easy 50’s, some kick sets), a main set of 100’s usually on 20-30” rest (some pull, some regular swim), and 200-300 c/d.  Total yardage between 1000-1400.  I’m planning to up the yardage to 1600-1800 over the next couple of weeks.  Sunday swims are similar but longer – 1800-2400 still doing mostly 100’s as my main set.  I’m hoping to up those to 150-200’s and increase the overall workout to 2400-2800.  Does this seem reasonable? 

Third – This is a question about my form, which I know will be harder to answer since you’re not standing on deck watching me.  I think I have the body roll pretty well figured out and I’ve been working on my reach.  As for my pull…   I got some paddles and attempted to use them on Sunday.  I only did 2x25 with them since I wasn’t exactly sure what I was doing.  The left one wouldn’t stay on my hand so obviously I was doing something wrong there.  The right one stayed on but was trying to pull off.  I’m thinking it might be my hand entry since the issue seemed to be that the water was getting between my hand and the paddle and pulling it off (down and away from my hand).  Maybe my hand is too flat when entering the water?  Not sure here - hoping you might be able to give me some insight on what I might be doing wrong.  I am going to try to see if I can get a copy of the underwater & above water videos that they do when I go to the next swim clinic on March 18th, but I’d like to try to work on these things before then. 

Any insight, suggestions, comments that you could give me would be appreciated!



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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN Rss Feed  
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My Year to Tri (Beginner and Intermediate Group) - OPEN Pages: 1 2 3 4

Started by SrhJarvis
Views: 9840 Posts: 78

2018-08-28 12:53 PM riles32807

sdalcher Beginning Tri Group - Open

Started by sdalcher
Views: 1016 Posts: 4

2018-04-04 7:28 PM leatherneckpa

Baowolf's Life Balance Group.. (OPEN!) Pages: 1 2 3 4

Started by Baowolf
Views: 10780 Posts: 81

2018-10-01 11:48 AM cconst