BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN Rss Feed  
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2017-12-04 9:03 AM

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete - Always OPEN

GROUP FOCUS:  Did you notice the changes as you got into your 30’s?  Your body started slowing down and you began losing strength.  It only got worse as you got to your 40's. In your 50’s you just hit a wall and everything got harder. You're as competitive as you ever were; yet times get slower, your arms and legs often feel heavier, weight invariable begins to creep up, and recovery times are much longer.  Most of the training plans reflect the training and recovery levels you could sustain in your 20’s, 30’s and into your 40’s.  It just isn’t the same when you hit the magic 50 and beyond. 

The focus of this group is to help the maturing athlete get to the starting line healthy and cross the finish line feeling like a champion – regardless of your experience level or the distance of your race.

NAME:  Scott K (k9car363 – BT Screen name)

STORY: I swam competitively from age 11 through high school and college. I was also as a member of a club swim team. Some ,might say I was an elite swimmer during the 70’s and early 80’s.  

My triathlon journey really began in 1982 with Julie Moss on her hands and knees crawling to the finish line. That was, to this day, the most heroic athletic achievement I have ever seen and I knew if I truly wanted to call myself an athlete, I had to do an Ironman.  Back then, there were no coaches, no nutrition plans, and no specific triathlon gear. We literally learned by trial-and-error.  There was no “book” telling us the best way to prepare; indeed, we were "writing" the book.  I've lost count of how many races I've done over the years.  I personally prefer long course - 70.3 and 140.6 although there is something to be said for the speed of the shorter events.

When I hit my 50's, reality changed and I had to adjust my training methods.  This forum is simply an extension of what I've learned over the years - athletic success comes from health, consistency, and balance.

FAMILY STATUS: Very happily married 31 years with one daughter and two sons, all grown. We have 7 Grand-kids and had we known they were so much fun we would have had them first!

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently training 8-10 hours per week.  That will ramp up to ~ 20 hours per week as we get deeper into the season.

2018 Goal: Qualify for Kona.  I age-up this year so have a "better then normal" chance.

2018 PLANNED RACES: Oct ’18 – KY, IM Louisville (schedule not complete yet).

WEIGHTLOSS: Back in college, weight was never an issue.  Now, it’s a constant battle.  My goal is to be below my college weight by June.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I like to understand the “how and why” of things and my quest for knowledge is unending. I am constantly reading and furthering my understanding of the body’s physiological response to training stimulus and how we can become stronger and faster. As the years continue to go by, I have begun to take a much closer look at training response in the older athlete.

I trained for over a decade under a man who is arguably the greatest swimming coach that has ever walked a pool deck. I learned from the best how to motivate and inspire. I competed at the highest level and beyond the physical side of training and competition, I understand the mental side and how important it is to success.

I love helping others and passing along my experience and knowledge. Nothing makes me happier than helping fellow Triathletes experience an “Ah-Ha” moment. 

Finally I'm honored to have co-mentored and the mentored the Gray Guys/Girls group for the past 4 years.   Looking forward to another year.

Edited by k9car363 2018-02-07 10:13 AM

2018-01-04 8:59 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: Trying to crawl my way back!
NAME: lutzman (BT screen name) / Steve Lutz

Blast from the past Scott. I'm working my way back!

STORY: I'm a long term distance runner who jumped into Triathlon in 2010. Since getting started in Triathlon, I've completed 38 triathlons and earned USA Triathlon Age Group All American Honors in both Triathlon and Duathlon. I also qualified for TEAM USA to compete at the Age Group World Championships in triathlon and duathlon.

Unfortunately, I crashed on my bike at the Boise HIM in June 2014. The crash put me in the Boise hospital for three days and left me with a broken shoulder, seven broken ribs and a broken clavicle (which required surgery about a year later). It also knocked me out of competing in the Age Group World Championships which was my #1 goal. I was truly crushed by the injury. What's crazy is my physical injuries healed much faster than my mental state. The crash completely killed my desire to train or race and I completely dropped out of the sport....until now.

The good news is I think I've finally got my mojo back to get serious about training. The bad news is I gained 25 lbs of weight to haul around. So, I'm fat, really slow and back to being a beginner triathlete!

FAMILY STATUS: Happily married 35 years with three sons, all grown.

CURRENT TRAINING: I'm ramping up my training and getting about 8 hours per week.

2018 PLANNED RACES: Lavaman Waikoloa in April. After that we'll see.

WEIGHTLOSS: In 2014 my race weight was 162. Today I'm at about 185, the heaviest I've ever been. It’s time for me to work off some weight!

Hope to re-join the group, Scott!


2018-01-04 10:44 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Trying to crawl my way back!

Originally posted by lutzman

NAME: lutzman (BT screen name) / Steve Lutz

Blast from the past Scott.

Hope to re-join the group, Scott! Steve


Welcome back my friend.  There has been a reserved spot for you every year since 2014.  You're FAR from a beginner and I look forward to your wisdom and experience this year. 

Glad to have you back.

Edited by k9car363 2018-01-04 11:10 PM
2018-01-05 12:33 AM
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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Trying to crawl my way back!
NAME: Nathalie, 47 yo, a pup compared to some of this group but I have lots of grey hairs so that qualifies me I think. Joined this group last year and enjoyed it, so here I am again. I live in Sweden.

Unlike many triathletes, I do not have a running, cycling or swimming background. My sports were team games (soccer, european handball) and martial arts: judo as a kid and karate, which I started at the age of 36.I thought karate was going to be it my last sport but years of soccer had taken their toll on my knees and after about 6 years and 3 bad knee injuries, I had to give up. (My knees are very unstable, they ”break” at any abrupt change of direction...( a little exagerated but basically that’s that)) A couple of years of not doing much (expect getting bigger) , then I signed up for a sprint triathlon in May 2014 and started training in september 2013.At this point in the story, many people will say ”and then I was hooked and never looked back”. Well no, not me. Did my first race in May 2014, signed up again for the same one in 2015, then in 2016. I enjoyed racing, but my goals were only to finish and not finish last. After each race I told myself, ”oh, that was fun, next year I’m going to do so much better.” Trained seriously for a couple of weeks and then got bored with it and stopped, only started training for the next race a couple of weeks before. All the while putting on weight....Then last year, did my usual race in May and the official photographer took a photo of me which was horrible. I looked so fat and untrained. This was the turning point. I had to lose weight. So I started using an app (myfitnesspal) to register my food and exercice and realised (although I knew it of course) that if I wanted to eat a lot, I’d have to move a lot more. So I started training more. There was another sprint (very close to home) which I was signed up for and I focused on that and decided to give it my best shot. Trained seriously all Summer, lost weight and the race at the end of August was a real success. Beat my usual time by 15 minutes, finished 4th of all women of all ages, some much younger than me. Had a lot of fun and was on a high for weeks afterwards. Now, I can say I am hooked!

FAMILY STATUS: One husband, one teenage son, one running partner (aka dog) and 2 cats
CURRENT TRAINING: On Winter maintenance with a run focus. my weakest sport. Although not much running recently due to a nagging pain in the calve/ankle which won’t go away
2017 RACES: 2 sprints one in May when I was fat and one in August when I was fast. Also a 10k
RACES PLANNED FOR 18: My usual local one in May is not happening so I'll have to travel to races, which I have never done. Planning on doing 4 or 6 sprints. next year I will do an Oly. I have also 3 10k lined up at the moment. One at the end of January (not sure if I will be ready for that one, might switch to the 5k), one in March and one in May.
WEIGHT LOSS: 26 pounds since June. Happy with my weight now. Will just have to make sure I don’t put it back on.

Edited by Rollergirl 2018-01-05 12:36 AM
2018-01-05 9:02 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Trying to crawl my way back!

Originally posted by Rollergirl NAME: Nathalie, 47 yo, a pup compared to some of this group but I have lots of grey hairs so that qualifies me I think. Joined this group last year and enjoyed it, so here I am again.

So I started using an app (myfitnesspal) to register my food and exercice and realised (although I knew it of course) that if I wanted to eat a lot, I’d have to move a lot more. So I started training more.


Welcome back.  It was fantastic watching your transformation last year.  I look forward to seeing your progression this year!

You discovered one of my motivations - move more so I can eat more.  Of course if I'd just eat less to begin with . . . nah, let's not go there.

Glad to have you back!

2018-01-05 10:10 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: Trying to crawl my way back!

NAME: Curtis Hale (BlueBoy26)

STORY: I joined BT three years ago when I was preparing for my first Triathlon which was a 70.3 in my home town.  I had tons of questions about how triathlons worked.  Coming from a running background I couldn't imagine how things like aid stations worked on the bike leg of the race.  Sure when you are running you can time the hand off of a cup of water, swallow it in two gulps, and drop the trash in the waste basket at the end of the area but I wasn't sure how that worked on a bike at 20 MPH.  I wasn't sure what a wet suit peel was or how that worked, I wasn't sure what to expect at the swim start with people all around you trying to swim over the top of you, etc. I have been doing this for a few years now and don't have the same beginner questions that I used to but enjoy being part of a group.  Scott's group is the only mentor group that I have really felt at home in so I after three groups in three years I am back for a 2nd year with Grey Guys/Gals. I get to race in the M40-45 AG this year. 

I started running at age 8.  I wanted to be a 100m sprinter but was was never very successful at that distance.  My coach encouraged me to do the 400m at one race and I was an instant success.  After a few years the 400 was no longer a middle distance race in my age group and so results started to look more like they has at the 100m when I was younger.  So I move up to the 1500m and 1600m as my main race when I was about 12 years old.  I stuck with that distance through my freshman year of college.  As I get older I keep moving to longer races.  They are lots of 5K races so that was an easy choice to focus on after college.  After a decade of 5K I was losing hope of ever getting another PR so I tried some Marathons and Half Marathons.  I so abandoned the Marathons as half Marathons became my new favorite distance.  After six years of half marathons I got interested in do the Triathlon in my home town.  Seeing all the athletes racing as I drove into town on race day ever year just made me feel that I should be a part of it.  I didn't know if I would ever do more that just the one race when I committed to do the 70.3 but I the new bike and swim training were a lot more fun than just running and brought back a lot of motivation and drive that had been waning, so after the first race I decided to stick with Triathlon.        

FAMILY STATUS: My wife and I have through daughter.  None of them can swim or ride a bike, but the oldest put her foot down when week when we told her daddy was doing a 5K race and said that if she had to go to the race with us she wanted to run.  I would recommend pushing your kids to do 5K's at age 6, but mine did and finished in 38 minutes.  Her last last 5K a few months ago she was in the male/female 8-12 year old age group and at age 8 beat out all the older boys for first place in the age group.  Our 2nd daughter isn't build for distance and doesn't have a desire to do the 5k's but she has been winning all the 1 mile fun runs by sizable distances.  I can't wait until these two can swim and ride a bike. 

CURRENT TRAINING: my current volume is 6-8 hours a week with 6 days running a week and 3 days cycling a week.  No swimming right now.  This is a change from the 3-3-3 I had been doing for the past 3 years.  

2018 PLANNED RACES: I have done a 70.3 every year and have IM boulder 70.3 on the race schedule for this year.  I likely will sign up for some in-state Olympic races and possibly an in-state 70.3 race too as dates are announced if they fit my schedule.

WEIGHTLOSS: My wrestling weight my senior year of Highschool was 160 lbs.  After college I was in the 165 lbs range when I was not training for races and 160 lb range when I was.  Over the past year my wight has jumped to 172 lbs.  I can see that my skinny running legs now look like rugby player legs due to all the cycling and my toothpick chest is becoming well defined from swimming so I am not too worried about weight. My belt size is down 2 notches from where it was 3 years ago so despite gaining weight I think I am still about as skinny as I would want to be.

2018-01-05 11:47 AM
in reply to: lutzman

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Subject: RE: Trying to crawl my way back!

NAME: soccermom15 (BT screen name) / Janet

STORY: Not really athletic growing up - played some rec volleyball and basketball but never anything serious.  One year of track (I finished dead last in every race I ran), 2 years of racquetball in high school.  Some attempts at rec softball and indoor soccer as an adult but not very good at either one.  Picked up running in my early 40's after volunteering at the local sprint triathlon.  I decided I wanted to try one and knew running would be the worst part for me so I started with that.  Did my first sprint tri in May 2009 and a couple per year after that until 2015.  That's when I decided I wanted to up my distance and try an Oly and maybe a HIM.  I did one of each in 2016.  I had planned another HIM last year but it didn't go well.  I'm hoping I can have another go at it in 2019.  This year is an easy year - mostly volunteering with only a few races planned.

FAMILY STATUS: Happily married 27 years with 2 grown kids.

CURRENT TRAINING: Current training is 6-8 hours a week, mostly on the bike.  I'm doing a bike focus plan right now to try and get my speed and endurance up before I attempt another long course race.  I'm having some knee issues so my running is limited and I've only been in the pool twice since Sept - need to get back to that soon.

2018 PLANNED RACES: Try Tri Super Sprint in April, Gateway (either sprint or Olympic) in May.  Nothing scheduled after that yet.  

WEIGHTLOSS: I've gained a little over 10#'s in the last 6 months or so, so I need to get rid of that plus hopefully another 5-10 #'s.  

Looking forward to being back in the group!

2018-01-05 11:59 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Trying to crawl my way back!
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by lutzman

NAME: lutzman (BT screen name) / Steve Lutz

Blast from the past Scott.

Hope to re-join the group, Scott! Steve


Welcome back my friend.  There has been a reserved spot for you every year since 2014.  You're FAR from a beginner and I look forward to your wisdom and experience this year. 

Glad to have you back.

Thank you, Scott. I look forward to sharing the journey.
2018-01-05 8:02 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

NAME: Curtis Hale (BlueBoy26)

Hi Curtis,

Welcome back!  

Thank you for the kind words.  It's nice to hear once and awhile that people actually get something out of the group!

Edited by k9car363 2018-01-05 8:08 PM
2018-01-05 8:06 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by soccermom15

NAME: soccermom15 (BT screen name) / Janet

STORY: Not really athletic growing up

Hi Janet!

Welcome back!  

I have a news flash for you - you're an athlete now!  Anyone that completes a 70.3 has earned the title "athlete."

Edited by k9car363 2018-01-05 8:08 PM
2018-01-05 8:49 PM
in reply to: k9car363

, Indiana
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)
Hello Everyone.. I was hoping this group would return. Is there anyway I can get into the group?

2018-01-05 8:59 PM
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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by BakerBryan

Hello Everyone.. I was hoping this group would return. Is there anyway I can get into the group?

Hello Bryan,

A fellow Hoosier!  Sorry, had to say that.  My wife and I moved here from California back in September and I've been waiting to be able to say that.

We will be happy to have you in the group.

When you get a chance, please introduce yourself to the group using the same general format as others have been using.

Look forward to getting to know you.

Edited by k9car363 2018-01-05 9:15 PM
2018-01-06 5:27 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Trying to crawl my way back!
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by Rollergirl NAME: Nathalie, 47 yo, a pup compared to some of this group but I have lots of grey hairs so that qualifies me I think. Joined this group last year and enjoyed it, so here I am again.

So I started using an app (myfitnesspal) to register my food and exercice and realised (although I knew it of course) that if I wanted to eat a lot, I’d have to move a lot more. So I started training more.


Welcome back.  It was fantastic watching your transformation last year.  I look forward to seeing your progression this year!

You discovered one of my motivations - move more so I can eat more.  Of course if I'd just eat less to begin with . . . nah, let's not go there.

Glad to have you back!

Thanks, I am looking forward to progressing this year too!

Nah, you’re right, let’s not go there. Eating and exercising are 2 of my favourite things to do (sleeping and drinking come to mind too). That I have to do more of one so I can do the other is perfect!
2018-01-06 11:09 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

, Indiana
Subject: RE: Trying to crawl my way back!
NAME: Bryan (bakerbryan – BT Screen name)

STORY: I have always been somewhat athletic. I have ran one Chicago marathon and several indy minis but no tris. I work in a bakery where I decorate cakes for a living. Lucky for me I don't like cake so I don't have any issues with tasting the product. lol People say age is just a number but I am really feeling my age. I was just recently diagnosed with high blood pressure and high cholesterol and was put on medication for both. Ive decided that its time to really take my physical well being seriously. Besides the high bp and high cholesterol the wake up call came to me the other day when I was on vacation golfing with my nephew and I could hardly finish the round because I am so out of shape. 50 is not the end, its just the beginning of a long and healthy life.

FAMILY STATUS: I have been married to the greatest woman, my lifesaver, for 19 years

CURRENT TRAINING: I am starting a running plan today with some weight training.

2018 Goal: To do 2-3 sprint tris.

2018 PLANNED RACES: Thunder in the Valley Terre Haute, IN May 12, 2018 Saturday 8:00 AM

WEIGHTLOSS: My weight has never really been an issue until the last couple of years. Now that I am 50 it seems like I can't lose any weight. My goal is to lose 40 pounds this year.

2018-01-06 2:49 PM
in reply to: BakerBryan

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Trying to crawl my way back!

Originally posted by BakerBryan

NAME: Bryan (bakerbryan – BT Screen name)

STORY: I have always been somewhat athletic. I have ran one Chicago marathon and several indy minis but no tris. I work in a bakery where I decorate cakes for a living. Lucky for me I don't like cake so I don't have any issues with tasting the product. lol People say age is just a number but I am really feeling my age. I was just recently diagnosed with high blood pressure and high cholesterol and was put on medication for both. Ive decided that its time to really take my physical well being seriously. Besides the high bp and high cholesterol the wake up call came to me the other day when I was on vacation golfing with my nephew and I could hardly finish the round because I am so out of shape. 50 is not the end, its just the beginning of a long and healthy life.

FAMILY STATUS: I have been married to the greatest woman, my lifesaver, for 19 years CURRENT TRAINING: I am starting a running plan today with some weight training. 2018 Goal: To do 2-3 sprint tris.

2018 PLANNED RACES: Thunder in the Valley Terre Haute, IN May 12, 2018 Saturday 8:00 AM

WEIGHTLOSS: My weight has never really been an issue until the last couple of years. Now that I am 50 it seems like I can't lose any weight. My goal is to lose 40 pounds this year.


Welcome again and thank you for post up a bio.

I've done the Indy Mini twice.  I was hoping to do it again this year but it just doesn't fit into my IM build so it will have to wait until next year.

Your goal to lose 40 pounds this year is realistic.  Generally a pound a week is a good sustainable rate of loss.  Just remember it took a couple years to put it on, it will take some time to bring it back off.  There are a number of us that are hoping to lose a bit of weight this year so we might just have to do a weight loss challenge to help everyone along!

2018-01-06 8:39 PM
in reply to: k9car363

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)

Well we're a couple days in to the new group and we'll likely have people "strolling" in over the next couple weeks.  That gives all of us "early arrivals" a chance to get to know each other or reacquaint with one another. 

Some of you have known that my wife and I have been planning for years to permanently move back to Indiana.  Last September we finally did it!  Although, I have to say the last couple of weeks we have been questioning our sanity - we moved from Southern California - where the beach was only a few short minutes away, the sun shines almost every day and it is rarely below 75 degrees.  Contrast that to I haven't seen the sun since Thanksgiving and the temperature hasn't been above freezing for two weeks.  Truth be known though, we're loving it.  We have family here, the lifestyle is much more laid back and the stress level has dropped to undetectable.  I've discovered all sorts of new things - YakTrax, snow melt, alcohol and water cleans ice from a windshield - I've led a sheltered life!

I've heard for years as people expressed displeasure having to ride their trainers during the winter.  I didn't understand.  Now I do.  I use to ride all but my long ride indoors on my trainer and then do my long ride outdoors.  I was CHOOSING to ride on my trainer.  Now I don't have a choice.  Between the temperature and frequent snow/ice on the streets riding outdoors simply isn't an option.  I'm still running outdoors as I have a special disdain for treadmills.  Did one run in single digit temps.  I think that's my limit because when I got home, the treadmill actually didn't look so bad - we'll see.  I'm banking on it getting warmer later in the day!

How about everyone else?  Anything new and exciting?

2018-01-07 3:38 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

NAME: Curtis Hale (BlueBoy26)

Hi Curtis,

Welcome back!  

Thank you for the kind words.  It's nice to hear once and awhile that people actually get something out of the group!

That we come back is a sure sign that we actually get something out of it!
2018-01-07 3:45 AM
in reply to: 0

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by k9car363

Well we're a couple days in to the new group and we'll likely have people "strolling" in over the next couple weeks.  That gives all of us "early arrivals" a chance to get to know each other or reacquaint with one another. 

Some of you have known that my wife and I have been planning for years to permanently move back to Indiana.  Last September we finally did it!  Although, I have to say the last couple of weeks we have been questioning our sanity - we moved from Southern California - where the beach was only a few short minutes away, the sun shines almost every day and it is rarely below 75 degrees.  Contrast that to I haven't seen the sun since Thanksgiving and the temperature hasn't been above freezing for two weeks.  Truth be known though, we're loving it.  We have family here, the lifestyle is much more laid back and the stress level has dropped to undetectable.  I've discovered all sorts of new things - YakTrax, snow melt, alcohol and water cleans ice from a windshield - I've led a sheltered life!

I've heard for years as people expressed displeasure having to ride their trainers during the winter.  I didn't understand.  Now I do.  I use to ride all but my long ride indoors on my trainer and then do my long ride outdoors.  I was CHOOSING to ride on my trainer.  Now I don't have a choice.  Between the temperature and frequent snow/ice on the streets riding outdoors simply isn't an option.  I'm still running outdoors as I have a special disdain for treadmills.  Did one run in single digit temps.  I think that's my limit because when I got home, the treadmill actually didn't look so bad - we'll see.  I'm banking on it getting warmer later in the day!

How about everyone else?  Anything new and exciting?

Haha, must be quite a shock! Gald you seem to enjoy it though. I like seasons, the cold, dark months make you appreciate the warmer ones better. It also provides variation in your training. When you are sick of the treadmill, the pool and the trainer, you look forward to the days when you can train outdoors,it gives you an extra kick when the time finally comes.

Something new happened to me yesterday. I crashed my bike. Riding on a racer with thin tyres in the winter may not have been the brightest idea I have had. We don’t have snow/ice at the moment but we had some a couple of weeks ago and the roads were salted/sanded and all that, which makes them quite a hazard without proper tyres...

Only a scratch on my knee and a hole in my nice winter cycle pants though, I was lucky.

Edited by Rollergirl 2018-01-07 3:48 AM
2018-01-07 10:09 AM
in reply to: k9car363

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East Wenatchee, Washington
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)
Originally posted by k9car363

Well we're a couple days in to the new group and we'll likely have people "strolling" in over the next couple weeks.  That gives all of us "early arrivals" a chance to get to know each other or reacquaint with one another.

How about everyone else?  Anything new and exciting?

Welcome back to winter, Scott!

I feel your pain. We've had freezing rain the last few days. Yesterday was an easy 5 miles out running on our local trail...which--thanks to the frozen water from the sky combined with lots of foot traffic--was packed to the consistency of hockey rink ice. The only difference is an ice rink is actually less slick. I managed to remain upright for the full run which was all the challenge I needed.

Today I'll hit my cave for 90 minutes on the indoor bike trainer. For me it's pretty much all zone 2-3 right now to build the base.

Happy Training.


2018-01-07 5:00 PM
in reply to: lutzman

, Indiana
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)
Im struggling right now to get started. Ugh.
2018-01-07 7:08 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by Rollergirl
Originally posted by k9car363

Originally posted by BlueBoy26

NAME: Curtis Hale (BlueBoy26)

Hi Curtis,

Welcome back!  

Thank you for the kind words.  It's nice to hear once and awhile that people actually get something out of the group!

That we come back is a sure sign that we actually get something out of it!

Thank you.  I like to think it is the group supporting the group.

2018-01-07 7:14 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by Rollergirl 

Something new happened to me yesterday. I crashed my bike. Riding on a racer with thin tyres in the winter may not have been the brightest idea I have had. We don’t have snow/ice at the moment but we had some a couple of weeks ago and the roads were salted/sanded and all that, which makes them quite a hazard without proper tyres... Only a scratch on my knee and a hole in my nice winter cycle pants though, I was lucky.

Congratulations!  You have crossed over.  There are two classes of cyclists - those that have crashed, and those that are going to crash.  You now have that behind you!  I shouldn't make light of bike crashes.  There are any number of Gray Guys/Gals (former and present) that can share stories of serious bike crashes.  Glad you weren't injured.

2018-01-07 7:24 PM
in reply to: lutzman

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by lutzman 

Welcome back to winter, Scott!

I feel your pain. We've had freezing rain the last few days. Yesterday was an easy 5 miles out running on our local trail...which--thanks to the frozen water from the sky combined with lots of foot traffic--was packed to the consistency of hockey rink ice. The only difference is an ice rink is actually less slick. I managed to remain upright for the full run which was all the challenge I needed.

Today I'll hit my cave for 90 minutes on the indoor bike trainer. For me it's pretty much all zone 2-3 right now to build the base.

Happy Training.


We're supposed to have an ice storm tonight.  I've got a 5:00 am call for the pool 45 miles away in the morning so not so sure how that's going to work out.

Today was 3 x 20 @ 95% w/5 @ 50%.  If I'm gonna be on the trainer for 90-minutes I try to get the biggest bang for the buck with Sweet Spot rides.  It's only January and I'm already looking forward to the sun on my back and the wind in my face.

2018-01-07 7:29 PM
in reply to: BakerBryan

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Official BT Coach
Indianapolis, Indiana
Gold member
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)

Originally posted by BakerBryan Im struggling right now to get started. Ugh.

Bryan you mentioned you are just starting a running plan.  Which one if you don't mind me asking?  

We may be able to offer a suggestion or two that will help.

2018-01-07 8:08 PM
in reply to: k9car363

, Indiana
Subject: RE: Gray Guys/Girls Maturing Triathlete Mentor Group (OPEN)
Its a plan from Runners World. I really have no excuses for not starting today. I feel like the group is already helping me because I feel bad for not starting.
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