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2009-07-17 7:30 PM
in reply to: #2292717

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Redknight - 2009-07-17 6:51 PM

I am really looking forward to my race on Sunday. I still have some chest congestion but it's not bad and I only cough up a lung first thing in the morning. I am much better prepared for this race than I was for the last one, especially mentally. I may even have some family show up if I'm lucky.

Bring it on.

Yep, I have had the same crap...coughing up a bunch of crud in the mornings. 

Good Luck on the race ... have fun... it's payback time.

2009-07-18 6:41 AM
in reply to: #2292185

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
kt65 - 2009-07-17 1:30 PM

fattyfatfat - 2009-07-17 10:20 AM Has anyone done the 200 sit up challenge?  Anyone interested in doing it.  I'll bump this Monday for the likes of Trevor and Chet who are already gone for the weekend but thought I'd throw it out now.  I can probably do 30 at most right now...sad

You've probably seen it but in case not here's the link.

I'm interested too!  I tried to start the 100 push up challenge back in Jan but then got caught up in training for my half mary.  Never got back to it.  Maybe we can do both the Sit up and Push up challenge, so Sam can get both goals in!  I will be bored after the HIM, and have nothing to do...unless Suzy talks me into signing up for a fall marathon...she's sneaky that way!

For Doug, I tried to incorporate the strength and core from the 20 week program I just did for this race and it was just too much of a time drain for me.  I figured if something had to give, it was always the thing I could skip.  I do think that for this 44 year old body, it would have been good, but I somehow managed to avoid injuries up to the race (knock on wood )

just my experience, but if you can do it, more power to you.  i think the leg exercises really helped me at the beginning to build up my leg strength.

Kim--Talk you into doing the Fall marathon?  I thought we already agreed CIM was on the calendar.  I think the only way I would let you back out of it, is if you agreed to do IMWI '10.  The choice is really yours! Cool

Re: Strength and Core.  I don't do any lifting and given how much muscle I already have won't be anytime soon, but I have core in my plan--3x15 minutes.   I believe it has made a difference in my running and biking form.  I don't get it in all the time, maybe 60-70%, but figure that is better than nothing.  I use the Ab Ripper frequently because it works a lot of stuff in a short amount of time:

2009-07-18 9:02 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I am copy and pasting from my log today...I had an awesome breakthru run today!  Gotta share.

Holy Cow!  I had a great run this morning with the AORTA group.  Started out with the pack and finished with the pack.  Went 10 miles with some hills and I hung in there with them.  Started out pretty fast around 8.5 to 9 min pace, and I thought I would at least try to hold this for the first 5 or 6 miles then fall off if I needed to, but I managed to pull it out.  Started to drift to the 10.5 to 11 min pace around mile 7 or 8, but thought it was just as much work as a faster pace, so I sucked it up and pulled it off.  Beverly had gone several hundred yards ahead of me, and i decided to push it to catch up with her.  Last 3/4 of a mile I pushed the 8.5 pace and felt pretty good.  Obviously...I am excited about the day. 

Really NEVER thought I could run like that, but it feels good to really make some progress in what I had considered to be my realy limiter.

Looking forward to hear how all those races go today and tomorrow...GOOD LUCK and Have a good weekend everyone.

2009-07-18 9:20 AM
in reply to: #2293204

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Plainsman AU - 2009-07-18 10:02 AM I am copy and pasting from my log today...I had an awesome breakthru run today!  Gotta share.

Holy Cow!  I had a great run this morning with the AORTA group.  Started out with the pack and finished with the pack.  Went 10 miles with some hills and I hung in there with them.  Started out pretty fast around 8.5 to 9 min pace, and I thought I would at least try to hold this for the first 5 or 6 miles then fall off if I needed to, but I managed to pull it out.  Started to drift to the 10.5 to 11 min pace around mile 7 or 8, but thought it was just as much work as a faster pace, so I sucked it up and pulled it off.  Beverly had gone several hundred yards ahead of me, and i decided to push it to catch up with her.  Last 3/4 of a mile I pushed the 8.5 pace and felt pretty good.  Obviously...I am excited about the day. 

Really NEVER thought I could run like that, but it feels good to really make some progress in what I had considered to be my realy limiter.

Looking forward to hear how all those races go today and tomorrow...GOOD LUCK and Have a good weekend everyone.

Great job Barry, I know the feeling, once you start going faster it gets addictive.

I had a pretty crappy morning, found someone that was going on a 60 mile ride, so got all my stuff packed up last night so I could wake up at 5:30 and head out to meet him by 6:30

I woke up at 6:39 to the sound of my cell phone ringing, some how my alarm wasn't on, I am pretty paranoid and usually when I have to be up early I set 2 different alarms but last night only one, but I double and triple checked it before I went to sleep to make sure it was on.

He was cool about it because he was going to do the ride solo anywyas but I was so mad at myself.

So I went on the MUT out to our local lap road and punished myself by having to weave in and out of 5000 runners hogging the 2 lane road, then back on the MUT and dealt with strollers, bad bikers, and runners 2-3 across...
2009-07-18 10:57 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I started out my run this AM and ran into two neighbors out for a run at about 2 miles. We ran another 4.6 together. It was fun and very distracting from the run itself. They run slower which was good as it made truly run an LSD run. Average including my time alone was 6 mph. I think I will make my LSD runs slower in the future.
2009-07-18 4:25 PM
in reply to: #2293204

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Plainsman AU - 2009-07-18 10:02 AM I am copy and pasting from my log today...I had an awesome breakthru run today!  Gotta share.

Holy Cow!  I had a great run this morning with the AORTA group.  Started out with the pack and finished with the pack.  Went 10 miles with some hills and I hung in there with them.  Started out pretty fast around 8.5 to 9 min pace, and I thought I would at least try to hold this for the first 5 or 6 miles then fall off if I needed to, but I managed to pull it out.  Started to drift to the 10.5 to 11 min pace around mile 7 or 8, but thought it was just as much work as a faster pace, so I sucked it up and pulled it off.  Beverly had gone several hundred yards ahead of me, and i decided to push it to catch up with her.  Last 3/4 of a mile I pushed the 8.5 pace and felt pretty good.  Obviously...I am excited about the day. 

Really NEVER thought I could run like that, but it feels good to really make some progress in what I had considered to be my realy limiter.

Looking forward to hear how all those races go today and tomorrow...GOOD LUCK and Have a good weekend everyone.

Awesome work Barry!  Great run!

I had a pretty good day myself.  Since I have had my achilles issues, I have been trying to work up to some longer distances but not push too hard.  Today, my total run was 8.7 miles in 1 hr. 26 min.  Not real impressive time or distance-wise, but my goal was to complete the run and keep my HR in the 140's everywhere except the hills and I did.  My average HR was 146 and  maxed it out at 157.  My legs felt great the entire time and probably could have gone another 3-4 miles, but decided to keep in mind the 10% rule.  Actually I felt so good at mile 6, I caught myself playing the air guitar to Ben Harper's Shimmer and Shine!  Hope everyone had a good day as well.

2009-07-18 5:55 PM
in reply to: #2293204

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Plainsman AU - 2009-07-18 9:02 AM I am copy and pasting from my log today...I had an awesome breakthru run today!  Gotta share.

Holy Cow!  I had a great run this morning with the AORTA group.  Started out with the pack and finished with the pack.  Went 10 miles with some hills and I hung in there with them.  Started out pretty fast around 8.5 to 9 min pace, and I thought I would at least try to hold this for the first 5 or 6 miles then fall off if I needed to, but I managed to pull it out.  Started to drift to the 10.5 to 11 min pace around mile 7 or 8, but thought it was just as much work as a faster pace, so I sucked it up and pulled it off.  Beverly had gone several hundred yards ahead of me, and i decided to push it to catch up with her.  Last 3/4 of a mile I pushed the 8.5 pace and felt pretty good.  Obviously...I am excited about the day. 

Really NEVER thought I could run like that, but it feels good to really make some progress in what I had considered to be my realy limiter.

Looking forward to hear how all those races go today and tomorrow...GOOD LUCK and Have a good weekend everyone.

Awesome job Barry!   Major milestone to cross of the list.....nice.
2009-07-18 6:17 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Totally great Barry. Keep up the PB's and keep telling us when you hit them. That goes for wveryone.  

2009-07-18 8:05 PM
in reply to: #2293613

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Jeepguy2358 - 2009-07-18 4:25 PM
Plainsman AU - 2009-07-18 10:02 AM I am copy and pasting from my log today...I had an awesome breakthru run today!  Gotta share.

Holy Cow!  I had a great run this morning with the AORTA group.  Started out with the pack and finished with the pack.  Went 10 miles with some hills and I hung in there with them.  Started out pretty fast around 8.5 to 9 min pace, and I thought I would at least try to hold this for the first 5 or 6 miles then fall off if I needed to, but I managed to pull it out.  Started to drift to the 10.5 to 11 min pace around mile 7 or 8, but thought it was just as much work as a faster pace, so I sucked it up and pulled it off.  Beverly had gone several hundred yards ahead of me, and i decided to push it to catch up with her.  Last 3/4 of a mile I pushed the 8.5 pace and felt pretty good.  Obviously...I am excited about the day. 

Really NEVER thought I could run like that, but it feels good to really make some progress in what I had considered to be my realy limiter.

Looking forward to hear how all those races go today and tomorrow...GOOD LUCK and Have a good weekend everyone.

Awesome work Barry!  Great run!

I had a pretty good day myself.  Since I have had my achilles issues, I have been trying to work up to some longer distances but not push too hard.  Today, my total run was 8.7 miles in 1 hr. 26 min.  Not real impressive time or distance-wise, but my goal was to complete the run and keep my HR in the 140's everywhere except the hills and I did.  My average HR was 146 and  maxed it out at 157.  My legs felt great the entire time and probably could have gone another 3-4 miles, but decided to keep in mind the 10% rule.  Actually I felt so good at mile 6, I caught myself playing the air guitar to Ben Harper's Shimmer and Shine!  Hope everyone had a good day as well.

Thanks Chris and good work to you as well.  Glad the legs and achilles are doing better.
2009-07-19 7:41 AM
in reply to: #2293816

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Mornin all.

Have my second longest run ever today, 11 miles (13.1 is longest)

Busy few days, 5 miles Friday, 35 mile ride Saturday, 11 mile Run Sunday, off Monday 12 mile run Tuesday to my swim lesson since I have race next weekend need to get that long run in, so moving it to Tuesday.
2009-07-19 7:47 AM
in reply to: #2293204

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Plainsman AU - 2009-07-18 10:02 AM I am copy and pasting from my log today...I had an awesome breakthru run today!  Gotta share.

Holy Cow!  I had a great run this morning with the AORTA group.  Started out with the pack and finished with the pack.  Went 10 miles with some hills and I hung in there with them.  Started out pretty fast around 8.5 to 9 min pace, and I thought I would at least try to hold this for the first 5 or 6 miles then fall off if I needed to, but I managed to pull it out.  Started to drift to the 10.5 to 11 min pace around mile 7 or 8, but thought it was just as much work as a faster pace, so I sucked it up and pulled it off.  Beverly had gone several hundred yards ahead of me, and i decided to push it to catch up with her.  Last 3/4 of a mile I pushed the 8.5 pace and felt pretty good.  Obviously...I am excited about the day. 

Really NEVER thought I could run like that, but it feels good to really make some progress in what I had considered to be my realy limiter.

Looking forward to hear how all those races go today and tomorrow...GOOD LUCK and Have a good weekend everyone.

Very nice run Barry!  Way to stay strong.  I like it.

2009-07-19 9:45 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Alexandria, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I went out for an OWS this morning, wearing a Xterra Vortex sleeveless wetsuit that a co-worker won but  gave me because it was too small for him.  It is a medium large (MLA) and I am only 5' 10, 165 lbs.  Well, when I got back from the approximately 1 mile swim, I took off the wet suit and noticed little abrasions where my shoulders and lats contact the wetsuit (like a big circle).  I was only wearing jammers under the wetsuit (no top).  Is that something normal that I should just put some runner's lube or bodyglide around those areas to try to prevent the friction? 
2009-07-19 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I wear a top under mine and you should apply bodyglide in the area where you experience abrasions. Congrats on the nice score of a free wetsuit!
2009-07-19 1:12 PM
in reply to: #2294213

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
brownnugen - 2009-07-19 9:45 AM I went out for an OWS this morning, wearing a Xterra Vortex sleeveless wetsuit that a co-worker won but  gave me because it was too small for him.  It is a medium large (MLA) and I am only 5' 10, 165 lbs.  Well, when I got back from the approximately 1 mile swim, I took off the wet suit and noticed little abrasions where my shoulders and lats contact the wetsuit (like a big circle).  I was only wearing jammers under the wetsuit (no top).  Is that something normal that I should just put some runner's lube or bodyglide around those areas to try to prevent the friction? 

Yep. I got a wetsuit hickey at the beginning of the summer on my neck and ti took forever to heal. I lube up all around it and my shoulders now and have zero issues.

Anyone know if we can follow Kim?  She is kickin' it in Vineman I am sure!
2009-07-19 4:17 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Have tried tracking Vineman today...not easy to do.  I guess it's got some remote locations.
Anyway, all that I see posted for Kim so far is T1 - 51:33.4.  Must be time for swim & T1.

Yep, after looking at other folks they are the swim time, just a time for T1 which has to include the swim & T1. 

Here's the link I used...she is # 2120

Go KIM!!!!!
2009-07-19 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

RR up. Was overall satisfied with results.

2009-07-19 7:41 PM
in reply to: #2294593

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Havin'Fun - 2009-07-19 4:17 PM Have tried tracking Vineman today...not easy to do.  I guess it's got some remote locations.
Anyway, all that I see posted for Kim so far is T1 - 51:33.4.  Must be time for swim & T1.

Yep, after looking at other folks they are the swim time, just a time for T1 which has to include the swim & T1. 

Here's the link I used...she is # 2120

Go KIM!!!!!


2009-07-19 8:18 PM
in reply to: #2294862

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Greer, SC
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-07-19 8:41 PM
Havin'Fun - 2009-07-19 4:17 PM Have tried tracking Vineman today...not easy to do.  I guess it's got some remote locations.
Anyway, all that I see posted for Kim so far is T1 - 51:33.4.  Must be time for swim & T1.

Yep, after looking at other folks they are the swim time, just a time for T1 which has to include the swim & T1. 

Here's the link I used...she is # 2120

Go KIM!!!!!



2009-07-19 8:26 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Good job Rob.  Although I cant tell anything about your times on your RR.  All that metric jiberish.  I am assuming you were blazing fast though  It is hard to believe that there is a place in this world where it is actually cold or cool even for that matter.
2009-07-19 9:27 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
2009-07-19 9:44 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Thanks you guys!!! Yes, 6:13:51 was the official time and I am super proud of this effort.  It was 102 degrees (end temp) on the fully exposed run and it was all that I could do to keep my run/walk going.  Will write more later, but I am totally psyched and happy.  Oh, have had a few glasses of wine (it's wine country!!!) and a shrimp barby that my friends planned!  Off to have Ice cream and will work on that RR soon.  mebbe tonite...lots of fun stuff! I thought of all of you all day...and had to keep moving on the run, cuz I knew you were all out there training.  37/137 in age group! wow!

2009-07-19 10:06 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Alright!!! SWBKRUN MG rolled on Katy Flatland Century today.  Andy came in last night and crashed at the house.  We drank a few beers and knocked out a stellar pre-race meal.  Then we hit it today.

What a blast!  This was my first big ride (2500+ people) and man was it fun.  We started right up front.  Somewhere around 15 miles we were in a single file train of about 20 riders.  I was up front pulling for a few miles!! wtf!  OH MAN IT WAS SO COOL!!! 

Met a bunch of other BTer's out there.  Just a GREAT DAY!!!

Edited by fattyfatfat 2009-07-20 12:29 PM



Andy_John.jpg (74KB - 30 downloads)
Andy_John1.jpg (78KB - 30 downloads)
2009-07-19 10:15 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Alexandria, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
This stinks, my "little" pain in my right tibia is such a pain in the butt.  It's been bothering me for the past 3 months or so and at first, I thought that if I sucked it up, it would take care of itself.  I ran a half marathon and an almost olympic triathlon on it.  I finally went to the doctor to get it checked out and I don't think they know what they are talking about.  Told me to get some cortizone patch treatment twice a week for 3 weeks and to ice it for five minutes everyday AND NOT RUN until the pain is completely gone.  I was really hoping the physical therapist would have given me a training program or something more solid to just "fix" it. 

I've got the Nation's Tri coming up in mid-September and want to be ready for it.  I'm hoping that I can maintain my running shape with a combination of spin bike (when I'm not on my real bike), rowing machine (Concept 2, model b) and am looking into the aquajogging thing. 

I heard some good things about aquajogging so just posted a WTB for aquajog equipment, so I hope I can start this soon. 

This stinks!!!
2009-07-20 4:52 AM
in reply to: #2295047

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
kt65 - 2009-07-19 10:44 PM

Thanks you guys!!! Yes, 6:13:51 was the official time and I am super proud of this effort.  It was 102 degrees (end temp) on the fully exposed run and it was all that I could do to keep my run/walk going.  Will write more later, but I am totally psyched and happy.  Oh, have had a few glasses of wine (it's wine country!!!) and a shrimp barby that my friends planned!  Off to have Ice cream and will work on that RR soon.  mebbe tonite...lots of fun stuff! I thought of all of you all day...and had to keep moving on the run, cuz I knew you were all out there training.  37/137 in age group! wow!

Wow great job! I can't wait to read the RR. Congrats!
2009-07-20 5:33 AM
in reply to: #2295047

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
kt65 - 2009-07-19 9:44 PM

Thanks you guys!!! Yes, 6:13:51 was the official time and I am super proud of this effort.  It was 102 degrees (end temp) on the fully exposed run and it was all that I could do to keep my run/walk going.  Will write more later, but I am totally psyched and happy.  Oh, have had a few glasses of wine (it's wine country!!!) and a shrimp barby that my friends planned!  Off to have Ice cream and will work on that RR soon.  mebbe tonite...lots of fun stuff! I thought of all of you all day...and had to keep moving on the run, cuz I knew you were all out there training.  37/137 in age group! wow!

Nice job to Kim!! That is a great time when it isn't 102F.  We want details.

How fun that Andy and John could meet.  Totally jealous.

Great job to all racers!! 

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