Other Resources Challenge Me! » Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge Rss Feed  
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2010-01-10 3:54 PM
in reply to: #2606190

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge

KOM - 2010-01-10 3:44 PM Okay team, we are not going to take second place to a bunch of Motown back-up singers.....let's step it up here.....I notice Andy, despite the limitations placed on him by his beer challenge numbers is leading in the % totals...WTG!!!

Lets not let a little arctic air, darkness or general winter cabin fever keep us from seizing the lead next week!!!!


I got caught up a little on my beer drinking last nite!  I have to run and ride today.  I will drink two more beers for the team this evening!

2010-01-10 4:23 PM
in reply to: #2582748

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
I ran outside today.  It was a lot chillier than I thought!  I definitely needed another layer.  Oh well, I made it through and I'm mostly thawed now. 
2010-01-10 5:13 PM
in reply to: #2582748

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Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
Up to date on logging my workouts, so that should help our standings a wee bit.  On track overall.  I'm banking ahead on the swims as I have travel coming up with no pool access.  This morning I jumped into a new masters group in a nearby town.  My first clue I'm in over my head....it's a 90 minute session. Not sure how I missed that. My second clue:  3x300 warm-up?????  WTF?  Anyhoo, they were very gracious.  The coach was terrific and gave me some very helpful tips.  I was a noodle by the time I got out of the water.  Love it.  And it only counted for 1 bloody session. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
2010-01-10 5:34 PM
in reply to: #2606190

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Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
KOM - 2010-01-10 5:44 PMOkay team, we are not going to take second place to a bunch of Motown back-up singers.....l
OK, these are obviously fightin' words...

PPfftttt... Hendrix wannabes

Go Pips Go...Oh wait, we are already going!

Edited by GoGoGo 2010-01-10 5:35 PM
2010-01-10 6:22 PM
in reply to: #2582748

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge

10 days into the month - 10 runs completed!  Still have to bike this evening after the church meeting!

2010-01-10 7:53 PM
in reply to: #2582748

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
Hey there Taserinos!

2 swims, 2 PT sessions in the books yesterday and today.  I just updated the spreadsheet so that should help a little

2010-01-10 7:54 PM
in reply to: #2582748

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Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
I am tired.  As usual.  That is all.

8 miles and a trainer ride tomorrow.
2010-01-10 8:42 PM
in reply to: #2582748

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge

Just checked out the spreadsheet a little closer - I know who Dee is going to tase - but who is going to tase Dee?

2010-01-11 8:48 AM
in reply to: #2606664

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Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
ashort33 - 2010-01-10 9:42 PM

Just checked out the spreadsheet a little closer - I know who Dee is going to tase - but who is going to tase Dee?

LOL. I guess I can tase myself.

I missed a couple of days because of my knee. (I messed it up moving office furniture around.) But it's OK now. So yes, I'm behind.

I suppose I could do a goal revision, but I'm thinking I can probably just make it up.

2010-01-11 9:31 AM
in reply to: #2582748

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
Morning team!  Hope everyone has a great week!!
2010-01-11 10:20 AM
in reply to: #2582748

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
Morning, team!

Making good progress on two of my goals (biking, running), hope to make up some ground on the other 2 this week (swim, strength). Gonna lift weights during Elder Monkey's piano lesson today, swim during their swim lessons on Tuesday & Thursday, and hopefully pick up another strength session somewhere in there.

2010-01-11 12:17 PM
in reply to: #2582748

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Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
Anyone else suffering from a lack of motivation or is it just me?
2010-01-11 12:35 PM
in reply to: #2607749

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Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
ebshot - 2010-01-11 1:17 PMAnyone else suffering from a lack of motivation or is it just me?
E! I've always concidered u very motivated! Life will settle down but u can only do as much as u can do. Your butt will get in gear soon enough. Until then just have fun =)
2010-01-11 1:17 PM
in reply to: #2607749

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
ebshot - 2010-01-11 1:17 PM

Anyone else suffering from a lack of motivation or is it just me?

Nope I got it too. Today's workouts are just not happening.

I'm working from home tomorrow, so hopefully I'll be able to juggle some of today to tomorrow.
2010-01-11 2:06 PM
in reply to: #2607749

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
ebshot - 2010-01-11 1:17 PM Anyone else suffering from a lack of motivation or is it just me?

Me too.  I'm trying to talk myself into going to a yoga class tonight and having a really hard time doing it.
2010-01-11 2:08 PM
in reply to: #2607749

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Frisco, TX
Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge

ebshot - 2010-01-11 12:17 PM Anyone else suffering from a lack of motivation or is it just me?

Nah, not just you...  the newness has worn off of the New Year and the resolutions and all....  These are the hours and days that separate you from your competition...  SUIB and get it done!  (I have to keep reminding myself of that too...)

2010-01-11 2:36 PM
in reply to: #2582748

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Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
Thanks guys, I'm glad it just isn't me.  Make me feel a little better. 

I did suck it up and I ran my long run.  I had a Garmin operator error though.  About 4.5 miles into my run, a loose dog came flying  out at me.  I hate that.  I had to yell at the owner to come and get it.  The owner was standing there looking at me!!!  Come get your dog out of the middle of the road!  Dumb people suck.  Anyway, I forgot to restart my Garmin after.  I thought I pressed the button but nope.  So, I checked the clock when I got home and then took the starting time off the Garmin and wallah, I got my run time.  I had to use Map My Run for the distance though.  Anyone use that?  Is it accurate?  It seemed long too me.  Oh well, I'll take it!
2010-01-11 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2608101

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Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
ebshot - 2010-01-11 3:36 PM Thanks guys, I'm glad it just isn't me.  Make me feel a little better. 

I did suck it up and I ran my long run.  I had a Garmin operator error though.  About 4.5 miles into my run, a loose dog came flying  out at me.  I hate that.  I had to yell at the owner to come and get it.  The owner was standing there looking at me!!!  Come get your dog out of the middle of the road!  Dumb people suck.  Anyway, I forgot to restart my Garmin after.  I thought I pressed the button but nope.  So, I checked the clock when I got home and then took the starting time off the Garmin and wallah, I got my run time.  I had to use Map My Run for the distance though.  Anyone use that?  Is it accurate?  It seemed long too me.  Oh well, I'll take it!

Good job getting out there.  I'm there with you on dumb people.  I have a small canister of mace that I've clipped onto my fuel belt for long runs.  I know the dogs where I do my short ones, but sometimes get into unfamiliar territory on the long ones.  Hope I never have to use it.

I've used Map My Run before I got the G and thought it was pretty accurate.  FYI, if you ever get around to getting the 310xt, one of the cool features is you don't have to stop and restart.  It automatically does it for you.  Alot of my runs are in town and have to deal with traffic lights/intersections so that feature comes in handy.  That said, mine's going back for service because the battery is dead, dead, dead and won't recharge.  Grrrr.

Edited by kcarroll 2010-01-11 2:53 PM
2010-01-11 5:13 PM
in reply to: #2582748

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Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge

Happy Monday.  I had a day off yesterday so didn't log anything, but I was back at it today - 3000 yards and then a 50 minute run.  I've also been doing my planks - just three of them for a minute each.  Man, I suck at them!  Happy it's a goal this month!  Second place isn't an option so those of you with tasers, please help us out.  I'm going to open a bottle of wine now - probably a nice red...  Have a great day!

2010-01-11 5:22 PM
in reply to: #2582748

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
I didn't go to yoga class today, but I did do some yoga from a yoga video.  It was WAY tougher than I was expecting!  Guess it's good for me. 
2010-01-11 5:25 PM
in reply to: #2582748

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
Yup Andy is right....just SIUB!  You will be glad you did when you are done!!!

2010-01-11 6:37 PM
in reply to: #2608101

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
ebshot - 2010-01-11 2:36 PM Thanks guys, I'm glad it just isn't me.  Make me feel a little better. 

I did suck it up and I ran my long run.  I had a Garmin operator error though.  About 4.5 miles into my run, a loose dog came flying  out at me.  I hate that.  I had to yell at the owner to come and get it.  The owner was standing there looking at me!!!  Come get your dog out of the middle of the road!  Dumb people suck.  Anyway, I forgot to restart my Garmin after.  I thought I pressed the button but nope.  So, I checked the clock when I got home and then took the starting time off the Garmin and wallah, I got my run time.  I had to use Map My Run for the distance though.  Anyone use that?  Is it accurate?  It seemed long too me.  Oh well, I'll take it!

Nice job getting it done Erica!

Loose dogs are a pet peeve of mine, both while biking and running
2010-01-11 6:38 PM
in reply to: #2608491

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
gofishtlp - 2010-01-11 5:13 PM

Happy Monday.  I had a day off yesterday so didn't log anything, but I was back at it today - 3000 yards and then a 50 minute run.  I've also been doing my planks - just three of them for a minute each.  Man, I suck at them!  Happy it's a goal this month!  Second place isn't an option so those of you with tasers, please help us out.  I'm going to open a bottle of wine now - probably a nice red...  Have a great day!

Nice job!  Sounds like you deserve that wine
2010-01-11 6:43 PM
in reply to: #2582748

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Ames, IA
Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
Another swim and PT session is in the books.

I here you on the lack of motivation thing.  My biking is going to be pathetic next season as I've hardly ridden since September.  There was a reason I didn't include biking as part of this challenge and that was because I knew I wouldn't be motivated to do it.  It just needs to get above freezing again and I can think about getting outside again rather than the trainer.
2010-01-11 8:35 PM
in reply to: #2607749

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Subject: RE: Tased and Confused (Team 1) - January Challenge
ebshot - 2010-01-11 1:17 PM

Anyone else suffering from a lack of motivation or is it just me?

Will a taser tap help motivate you? (Although, I need to tase myself too. I hear you on that lack of motivation thing....)
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