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2014-01-12 6:10 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by kevinbe

9/31. 52 minutes on the trainer watching Carolina take it to SF. That Defense looks nasty. Seatle should hope SF can pull it off, because I don't see how they could move the ball against Carolina's D.
Had a setback in weight last night with popcorn and IPA's. Had a Hop Czar from Bridgeport brewery in Oregon. Lot's of hops and at 7.5%, it did the trick. Back on track for next week. Starting weight is 202.1 this week.

I find this really interesting. I listened to the CAR/SF game on the radio as I drove home from my in-laws house, and I came away from the broadcast with the impression the niners had the game in hand from jump. I did my trainer ride while watching the Chargers (my team) get their butts handed to them by the Broncos (at least in the first half--maybe beyond too, but it hasn't happened yet).

2014-01-12 8:06 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Originally posted by kevinbe

9/31. 52 minutes on the trainer watching Carolina take it to SF. That Defense looks nasty. Seatle should hope SF can pull it off, because I don't see how they could move the ball against Carolina's D.
Had a setback in weight last night with popcorn and IPA's. Had a Hop Czar from Bridgeport brewery in Oregon. Lot's of hops and at 7.5%, it did the trick. Back on track for next week. Starting weight is 202.1 this week.

I find this really interesting. I listened to the CAR/SF game on the radio as I drove home from my in-laws house, and I came away from the broadcast with the impression the niners had the game in hand from jump. I did my trainer ride while watching the Chargers (my team) get their butts handed to them by the Broncos (at least in the first half--maybe beyond too, but it hasn't happened yet).

Sorry about the bolts. They made it a game at the end.

The first quarter of Carolina/SF was all Carolina. Though the scoreboard said 6-0 SF, they only managed these points due to incredible gifts from the refs of two questionable 15 yd. personal foul penalties. Much of the 2nd quarter was dominated by Carolina, but they just couldn't punch it into the endzone.

SF did overtake them and carried the play in the 2nd half, but if they play like they did next week, they'll be down early to Seattle in Seattle. That crowd will make it hard on their offense to do anything.

Setting up for a couple of great Championship games.

Seattle/Denver would be a fun Super bowl as it would be an old AFC West matchup.
2014-01-12 10:11 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
I had a pretty productive weekend. Swam 500M, lifted P90X arms&shoulders, then held the punch pads for the GF as she learns to box. I didn't get my long trainer ride in but I'm set up well & feeling fresh for next week. 2nd swim lesson tomorrow evening.

Made it to LONE TREE brewing for 6/50 on my CO brewery adventure. Also 10/31 on workouts. I didn't get my yoga in this week, aiming for a long session after next weeks race (Duathalon series). Cheers,
2014-01-13 2:36 AM
in reply to: Burd

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by Burd

Originally posted by Juancho

Originally posted by Burd

Originally posted by Juancho

I am also using Garmin 910, how do you connect it to BT?

This morning 1000m swim but the pool was too busy, last night spinning 45 min. Hope tomorrow go for a long run - trying to squeeze some workouts between kids basketball games, movies with friends, and lunch with in-laws.... is this relaxing? I guess so! At least enjoying a great Ribera del Duero red wine, Mauro, one of my favourites.

I use the same. What I do is select add todays workout either from the top training log drop down or from my log page. Then click which discipline it was. When that pops up click device upload then pick Garmin from the options. List activities will pop up under and click that. Pick your workout and that's it. It is actually a bunch easier than my explanation. Hope this helps. Since it uploaded to your Ant stick it's already on your computer and you don't need to do anything special.

Thanks Alex! Just did it, quite simple as you suggested. Just need to find out why now workout is listed (most likely because I previously downloaded it in, will try tomorrow to log the workout here first and then in the Garmin web). Very useful!

It should be there still. Mine get auto uploaded to garminconnect and then I do the BT one. I did notice that it knows the workout day so if I try to upload yesterdays workout under todays list it won't show up but if I go to my log and click add workout under the needed day it will show up. You have to actually be clicking add from the log on the day the workout was done. Kinda crazy how it matches the days up. I guess it's so you don't have a million workouts to pick from each day you log it. So say if you want to upload Fridays workout on Sunday you need to go to your log page and next to Fridays date click the add activity and select it that way or it won't show up. The only time you can do it from the top drop down is when it is for the current day.

I hope this is what you were wondering about

Got it! Thanks so much for the extremely useful explanation.
Have a great week BDAAS members!
2014-01-13 6:20 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Lansing, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
13/31 Swim's done for today and it looks like a run in the afternoon. I have only swam a handful of times since my last race and it definitely shows.
2014-01-13 6:53 AM
in reply to: ervaller

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Started my 100 pushup challenge this morning. I will do some pull ups when I get home tonight along with some stretching. I also learned how to log my stuff on here (well my s/b/r). I don't log my weights or treadmill runs. Today is my day off running.

I actually get beer tonight, or will it be bourbon in honor of Jeff..... life is full of tough choices

2014-01-13 8:32 AM
in reply to: b2b14

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Jackson, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Well...I have a submission for the stupidest injury.  While showering this morning, I knocked my wife's industrial sized shaving cream can off the ledge right onto the top of my foot.  CRAP IT HURT!!!!  I now have a nice semi-circle bruise on top of my foot.  Throbs a bit too.  I needed to rest my bum knee.  I guess this seals the deal. 

Be safe out there everyone.  The world's one dangerous place! 


2014-01-13 9:13 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
8/31--1400yd swim this morning with a mini weight session. I sure had to dig deep to get either one in this morning. I didn't want to get out of bed. When I finally managed to get up, I spent the next hour talking myself into and out of going for my workout. Then, I got to the gym and it was more people than I've ever seen in the gym full. It was a mentally tough day to get in my workout, but I did. I feel better for doing it.

Hope everyone is having a good Monday!
2014-01-13 9:19 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Nice work at getting it done all!

10/31. 40 min on trainer. Hill Climb w/o.
Back down below 200 again. Hopefully to stay this time.
2014-01-13 10:11 AM
in reply to: NeverTri'd

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by NeverTri'd

Well...I have a submission for the stupidest injury.  While showering this morning, I knocked my wife's industrial sized shaving cream can off the ledge right onto the top of my foot.  CRAP IT HURT!!!!  I now have a nice semi-circle bruise on top of my foot.  Throbs a bit too.  I needed to rest my bum knee.  I guess this seals the deal. 

Be safe out there everyone.  The world's one dangerous place! 


Perhaps this is God's way of telling you that you need a rest day... Enjoy it and go buy your wife a soft tube of shaving gel!
2014-01-13 10:15 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by drfoodlove

8/31--1400yd swim this morning with a mini weight session. I sure had to dig deep to get either one in this morning. I didn't want to get out of bed. When I finally managed to get up, I spent the next hour talking myself into and out of going for my workout. Then, I got to the gym and it was more people than I've ever seen in the gym full. It was a mentally tough day to get in my workout, but I did. I feel better for doing it.

Hope everyone is having a good Monday!

Hell yes Gretchen - way to get it done. I was just looking back over forum pasts for the last two years and its people like you who reach down deep and find a way to make it happen despite all the road blocks that are the ones who are still in the group. Kevin is especially good when it comes to this and that's pretty good company to be in! Keep it up and you'll avoid a coors light penalty for sure!

2014-01-13 10:19 AM
in reply to: b2b14

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by b2b14

Started my 100 pushup challenge this morning. I will do some pull ups when I get home tonight along with some stretching. I also learned how to log my stuff on here (well my s/b/r). I don't log my weights or treadmill runs. Today is my day off running.

I actually get beer tonight, or will it be bourbon in honor of Jeff..... life is full of tough choices

Scott - Good luck with the push up challenge. I only made it half way through last year - but noticed a big difference when it came to my pool times. I hope all your upper body work helps you as well.

Tough call on the beer vs. bourbon decision. If it's cold - I'd go with the bourbon - especially if you can get a fire going in the fireplace!
2014-01-13 10:36 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
I'm glad to see that everyone is finding a way to get their workouts done. It's a great way to start a week. Be sure to take some time to cheer on your fellow BDAAS members with a forum post or an Inspire Me (you need to go to the person's log page and you will find the Inspire Me button above the top right corner of each day's workout). Getting connected with other people is key to making exercise a habit. There have been plenty of times when I have had to force myself to workout and the fear of falling short with the people in this group gets me through.

So on a personal note - I've decided to review all of my forum posts/exercise logs to see if I can find a pattern to why I'm experiencing hip pain. I decided to do this last night because I was getting bummed out that my hip was sorer on Sunday than it had been on Saturday. As I was trying to fall asleep, I managed to convince myself that my hip pain wasn't really due to my running strides but more to do with the bike that I bought in March of 2012. I seemed to recall that my hip pain had started after buying it but my logs and forum posts tell a different story. While I plan on completing the spreadsheet with the hope of finding something conclusive, I feel like I am going back to square one in terms of figuring out the cause. Grrrr - well if I can put up with the pain of being a Cleveland sports fan - I can make it through this.

And on a brighter more hopeful note - if I can make it through 2 years of aches and pains - you can stick with triathlons until it becomes a habit. Looking over posts from 3 forum groups - the sad fact is that I wish more of the members from the BDAAS I and II were still with us. It's my hope that each of you will find a way of reaching your goals and making a healthy lifestyle a reality. If there is anything I can do to help you - please don't hesitate to let me know!
2014-01-13 10:48 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
I have a lot of reading to catch up on to get current with the group. Last week was a tough one as the kids didn't go back to school from the snow until Friday. And when schools are cancelled the local Y cancels morning classes. Not to mention the added stress on my wife of having all the kids home all day meant that when I got home from work I couldn't disappear to my trainer and get a bicycle workout in.

However, I did a great job of changing my diet and watching what and how I ate. That combined with getting in 3 workouts (2 run and 1 swim) made a for a weigh in this morning that I'm pretty happy with.

I weighed in last Monday at 250,2 pounds and this morning I weighed in at 245.8 pounds. And it probably would have been better than that had my wife and I not gone out with friends for dinner last night and had multiple pitchers of beer.....

I started this week (today) off right by getting into spin class. I haven't pedaled anything in over 6 months so it was tough but felt good to be back in the saddle. After the spin class I took advantage of being off work on Mondays and went for a swim too. 1000 meters in the pool after spin class when your out of shape like I am was a little tough. But It's a great start to the week and with any luck I'll be up to more beer drinking this weekend and drop a couple more pounds...

Also, I'm going to try and do the 100 push up thing that somebody posted on here. I did the "test" part yesterday and was able to do a whopping 12 pushups. I felt those muscles in the pool too....

Looking forward to getting caught up in here and helping everybody hit their goals...
2014-01-13 10:57 AM
in reply to: MSURDYKE

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Extreme Veteran
Cape Coral, FL
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Originally posted by MSURDYKE

I have a lot of reading to catch up on to get current with the group. Last week was a tough one as the kids didn't go back to school from the snow until Friday. And when schools are cancelled the local Y cancels morning classes. Not to mention the added stress on my wife of having all the kids home all day meant that when I got home from work I couldn't disappear to my trainer and get a bicycle workout in.

However, I did a great job of changing my diet and watching what and how I ate. That combined with getting in 3 workouts (2 run and 1 swim) made a for a weigh in this morning that I'm pretty happy with.

I weighed in last Monday at 250,2 pounds and this morning I weighed in at 245.8 pounds. And it probably would have been better than that had my wife and I not gone out with friends for dinner last night and had multiple pitchers of beer.....

I started this week (today) off right by getting into spin class. I haven't pedaled anything in over 6 months so it was tough but felt good to be back in the saddle. After the spin class I took advantage of being off work on Mondays and went for a swim too. 1000 meters in the pool after spin class when your out of shape like I am was a little tough. But It's a great start to the week and with any luck I'll be up to more beer drinking this weekend and drop a couple more pounds...

Also, I'm going to try and do the 100 push up thing that somebody posted on here. I did the "test" part yesterday and was able to do a whopping 12 pushups. I felt those muscles in the pool too....

Looking forward to getting caught up in here and helping everybody hit their goals...

WTG on the weight loss and getting in the workouts.
2014-01-13 11:15 AM
in reply to: Qua17

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by Qua17 I'm glad to see that everyone is finding a way to get their workouts done. It's a great way to start a week. Be sure to take some time to cheer on your fellow BDAAS members with a forum post or an Inspire Me (you need to go to the person's log page and you will find the Inspire Me button above the top right corner of each day's workout). Getting connected with other people is key to making exercise a habit. There have been plenty of times when I have had to force myself to workout and the fear of falling short with the people in this group gets me through. So on a personal note - I've decided to review all of my forum posts/exercise logs to see if I can find a pattern to why I'm experiencing hip pain. I decided to do this last night because I was getting bummed out that my hip was sorer on Sunday than it had been on Saturday. As I was trying to fall asleep, I managed to convince myself that my hip pain wasn't really due to my running strides but more to do with the bike that I bought in March of 2012. I seemed to recall that my hip pain had started after buying it but my logs and forum posts tell a different story. While I plan on completing the spreadsheet with the hope of finding something conclusive, I feel like I am going back to square one in terms of figuring out the cause. Grrrr - well if I can put up with the pain of being a Cleveland sports fan - I can make it through this. And on a brighter more hopeful note - if I can make it through 2 years of aches and pains - you can stick with triathlons until it becomes a habit. Looking over posts from 3 forum groups - the sad fact is that I wish more of the members from the BDAAS I and II were still with us. It's my hope that each of you will find a way of reaching your goals and making a healthy lifestyle a reality. If there is anything I can do to help you - please don't hesitate to let me know!

I will add to the Inspire ME.

Make sure you click the reply button than type your reply. If you just type at the bottom and post comment, the other person will never know about it as it stays on your log page. No notification for the person you are replying to. 

2014-01-13 12:29 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Stride Length
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by BigDH

Originally posted by Qua17

Happy Friday everyone! Today I notched my 10th workout this month with two PT sessions and my long run for the week.

I can't remember if I mentioned this but my PT, who I have been going to for hip pain, has suggested that I increase my stride rate. Currently, I am striding 74 stride a minute and getting it up near 180 (three times faster) will lessen the impact on my left hip. I completely trust my PT and so I am all in. But I've been for two runs now and the change isn't easy. Does anyone have any advice or do you know of a good site I can check out. I'm definately striding faster but I don't know if I am doing it right. I'm still having pain in my hip and really want to give this the old college try.

Any thoughts?

As for beers - I had a Hoponius Union by Jack's Abby Brewery. It's a IPL - they use lager yeast and store it for more than a month before they bottle keg it. You hop heads would love it.

Gee Dave. Your PT sounds like a nut case. Your stride rate is 74, 74? Really? I got to see a video of you running. That is like a step a second. I don't think that is possible. I am amazed. I am speechless. Luckily I am typing.

Dude, I would start doing walking. Learn to walk pain free then learn to run. I ran through a lot of pain and healed but I learned the way hard way that not all pain will heal itself by running. If you got a chronic issue I don't get how you can run on it and expect it to get better. Especially if you change you form, that is going to cause all sorts of problems. You won't be balanced. I hate to be the voice of reason but if running on your hip hasn't fixed your hip in the past I doubt that running on your hip will fix your hip now.

I would seriously, honest to god, consider resigning yourself to walking the marathon. You want to give it the ol' college try? Man, this is not going to be a dean's list attempt here. You are going for a pass.

And with that cheery post I will show myself the door....

eta: oh also, get your bike cadence to 180, that will help.

UH OH... In this corner is the man on BT that I respect the most (if you want to redefine the word tough - just read some of his racelogs) and in the other corner is the best PT I have ever worked with. I trust you both and I'm befuddled at who to listen to...

Here is what I know to be true: I've been going to this PT for three months and there hasn't been a single time where I felt he has been wrong or lead me the wrong way. He has gone out of his way to help me (on four occasions he or his PTA has worked with me for over two hours when I have only been scheduled for a 1/2 hour appointment) and I know that the work he is having me do is changing my body for the better. My back which was a nightmare for the last decade doesn't hurt any more. My plantar fasciitis has gone away. The knee pain that has sidelined me at times since high school is gone. If I stopped drinking beer, I believe you might actually see some abs under there. The pain in my hip has gradually gotten better but hasn't disappeared and I slowly on my way to building up my mileage to the point where I hit my peak in 2012 when you (DH) helped me to prepare for a HIM in 5 weeks. So, there is no question that he has helped me immensely.

With that said, you have been there for me since you started this mentor group 2 years ago and you have helped me immensely. As a runner and athlete, you have been there and done that and I respect you completely.

So, part of the slower pace may have been the fact that I was running on a treadmill and I do tend to bound when running on them... Or I may have gotten the number wrong - that's possible and I will check next week... but I don't think so. I went out for a run earlier in the week and the new stride does reduce the impact. I've been to a doctor several times and have had an xray (I probably need an MRI - but the cost is prohibitive) To be honest - I think he is onto something with this stride thing. When I run with my normal stride, the impact of my left foot results in my left knee pushing to the left of center an inch or two. So clearly something is out of whack... Since I think I have tried almost every thing else, I'm going to give to give this new style of running my best effort.

With that said, I am prepared to walk the marathon (all I want to do is finish thereby accomplishing the goal that I set for myself when I was a newby in your mentor group and raising a ton of money for the hospital that helped my son). I'm just not willing to resign myself to walking until I've tried everything....I love running. I've loved it all my life even if it has caused me frustration and pain...I just am not in a position to give up yet.

So, do you have any thoughts about how I can change my stride so I can lesson the impact on the foot strike and maybe let me get back to pain free running? I think what I need to do is to make a change like they talk about in Born To Run. I read that book this summer and thought to myself, I ought to give that a try. But stubbornly, I kept plugging away. Now I'm out of options and its time to make it happen.

Oh, did I mention I may get a bib for Boston?

PS - I have never spent as long writing a post on BT...

Thanks Dave, you are far too kind.

Sorry for the late reply I have wrote this a number of times but it keeps coming out as more about me than you.

Deep breath.

People who finish 14+ hour IM do not "run" the marathon. You cannot train to "run" a marathon in 8 months. It is impossible. Certainly you can complete a marathon but you will not be "running". What is running? Running is more than going as fast as you can over a specific distance, it is doing it well. I doubt you will run even one mile of the marathon even if you were in good health now and prepared to train. Not even one. Not even 100 meters.

You seem to think that this would be failure. That this would be throwing in the towel. That this would make you a quitter. Well it doesn't and it won't. And it won't mean you don't love running and it won't mean you aren't a good runner.

You also clearly are under the delusion that running now will somehow greatly increase your potential for a good time at the IM. It won't. You are too slow and to broken. The fitness gains made in 8 months, although significant, will not be anywhere near what is required to "run" a marathon. The things that need to happen to your body will take a very long time.

What concerns me most is that your aerobic engine developed through swimming and biking will push you too hard on the run. That is bad enough if you aren't injured. With an injury the possibilities for further injury are multiplied.

Ok. Fine. Obviously if you are better at running you will have more fun during the marathon. It will be less painful, even if you are incapable of running. The training you do running will help you with the walking. Ideally, if you truly can run without an increase in pain I would really try to move it to 5 days a week. I told you that in September and I tell you that now. That is the safest way to go about it. Like Charles says, get a footpod. If you really want to give the faster cadence a try then stop running when you can't hit 180 steps a minute. And rest. Then start again. You are training a new form and you cannot allow the old form to take over at any time. So 5 days a week. Run as much as you can that allows you to run the next day. Don't run hard. Don't run long. Well maybe run long. Ha, when I was training for the IM I had these epic (at least at the time I thought they were epic) 3 hour long run/walks. But only go as long as you can so that you don't jeopardize your next run. You have the aerobic engine, you need to train the legs. And while the legs will benefit from 2+ hour runs, they will benefit more from running more often.

Anything else is a bad idea. An hour run 3 times a week, a bad idea. A 20 min run 5 times a week, a far better idea. Frankly, if you need a day to recover after running then you shouldn't be running. You should be going slower. Or less time. Under no circumstances are you to run through an increase in pain. And be honest about that. Be brutally honest. Be very very honest. If it hurts more stop. Stretch. Bike. Swim. Lift. Stretch some more. If you can only run once or twice or three times a week, fine. But don't run to the point where you couldn't run the next day if you had to. I see such a small benefit to running hard for you.

To change your gait you would probably benefit by trying to move to a midfoot or forfoot strike. Look at some lower drop shoes. They tend to have less cushioning. This is very dangerous and the forums are full of horror stories of people who tried to do this. I did it successfully, but I was very patient. Go slow and easy. One heel strike in low drop shoes could really spell disaster.

I am just so worried about you Dave. I think you have a very good chance at having a very good time at the IM. Pushing this running thing may jeopardize it all. You have made promises in the past to work smart. I can't remember what caused you to stall all those times although I seem to remember you started running faster and got greedy.

So you know, I managed a 14:24 IM with embarrassingly low run training at a fairly high bmi. Almost all of my runs were run/walks and in the 7 min a km range. I jogged a bit at the marathon, walked most of it, finished it in 6 hours and had a great time. I did spend a great amount of time on my bike.

You have two goals, to finish the IM and become a better runner. Recognize that they may have very little to do with each other.

2014-01-13 12:31 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Originally posted by Qua17
Originally posted by jeffnboise

I'm not looking toooo bad for 21/30 goals.  I'm currently 7/9.  Will run with my BAR group tonight (BoiseAreaRunners), then some malted, carbo loading afterwards.  I'm curently not able to open the GoogleDoc for our goals. but I'll keep trying.

Next week I'll start riding the rollers x2 (40-50 min. or however long West Wing reruns last),  swim x2, run x3-4,   This time of year I'm all about base miles and not getting hurt or burned out.  I'm eating smaller portions with more fruits during the day; Like to be about 148-150lbs when I'm in race shape.


Jeff - What do you think is getting in the way of accessing the Google Doc? Let me know how I can help. What's it like riding on rollers. I've always hesitates to think about getting it because I'm worried I would ride right into the wall! Keep up the good work on the monthly challenge!

David, Happy Monday!

GoogleDoc is likely a work-computer issue.  The 'filters' are pretty tight and probably won't let me in.  I haven't tried from home, but will let you know.

Ref: Rollers:  LOVE them.  Waaay more engaging than a simple trainer.  I think trainers instill bad riding habits, but rollers MAKE you ride properly.  After a short time, you can even do fun games on your rollers; ride edge-to-edge, no hands, sprints, grab water bottles etc.  As for the "ride into a wall' fear-It won't happen.  If you do fall off-you just stop in your tracks and fall over.  WARNING:  You WILL fall over, so give yourself alot of open space.  I ride mine with one side against a wall so I can reach out with me elbow and get my balance when needed. 


Had good swim Friday and a delicious American Pilz for my reward.  (It was a Blue Ribbon winner   Sat. was a group run and a Jamiacan Red Stripe.  Have a "Stairs Run" planned for this PM-my first time and I'm a little worried.    Hope everyone had a great weekend. 


2014-01-13 3:21 PM
in reply to: 0

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
9/31--bonus run this afternoon! Skies are blue, temp is up to 60F and I finished my to do list at work, so I skipped out early and took a run. I feel much better about today's training now, because this morning was such a struggle.

Edited by drfoodlove 2014-01-13 3:22 PM
2014-01-13 3:25 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

My weekend was busier than expected so it became a "rest weekend" from a workout perspective. Did manage to have appreciate a couple beers, including the overly malty/hoppy Tricerihops DIPA from Ninkasi.

Today I was back in the pool for a 1000m swim. My foot is feeling much better and I'm looking forward to running again, however I will wait until the end of the week. With my first race of the season (half-marathon!) only 6 weeks away I want to get back into training and not train hurt!


2014-01-13 3:28 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Jackson, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by drfoodlove 8/31--1400yd swim this morning with a mini weight session. I sure had to dig deep to get either one in this morning. I didn't want to get out of bed. When I finally managed to get up, I spent the next hour talking myself into and out of going for my workout. Then, I got to the gym and it was more people than I've ever seen in the gym full. It was a mentally tough day to get in my workout, but I did. I feel better for doing it. Hope everyone is having a good Monday!

Great Job!  Hopefully the gyms will clear out in a couple of weeks.  Im delaying going to mine because of the crowds.  Just waiting on everybody to fail at their New Years resolutions.

2014-01-13 4:39 PM
in reply to: NeverTri'd

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed
Got in a trainer ride today and a run yesterday. The wife was sick yesterday, so I didn't get my 1hour+ trainer ride in last week. Maybe this week I will do better. That makes 10/31.

I met half of my goals last week... :/ I didn't get the long bike in, and I didn't lose two pounds. I lost one. I did succeed at not buying any Copenhagen. I ran out like Tuesday and haven't had any since. It is REALLY hard at work, but not too bad when I am at home. I'll just keep chomping away at the gum! I also finished week on of the pushup challenge. The last day was harder than the others... I am nervous and excited about the coming weeks!

My Doc cleared me for swimming today! I'll have to get to the gym and sign up so I can get a swim or two in this week!
2014-01-13 6:43 PM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

14/31 with a run on the dread mill. It just about killed me...Oh how I hate that machine. Had some extra time tonite and my daughter so i went on the treadmill so I can reach my 3x run this week. Have I mentioned how I hate it? Chest felt congested but I think it was more mental then anything.

Spin class tomorrow morning and perhaps a run at lunch. big changes at work wreaking havoc on my life so will wait and see on that!

Pushups tonite with the family!.

Stay connected everyone even if you are not making the challenges! If you are nowhere near getting it done I want you to redo it and go for 10 workouts from today until the end of the month!!

2014-01-13 6:45 PM
in reply to: NeverTri'd

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by NeverTri'd

Originally posted by drfoodlove 8/31--1400yd swim this morning with a mini weight session. I sure had to dig deep to get either one in this morning. I didn't want to get out of bed. When I finally managed to get up, I spent the next hour talking myself into and out of going for my workout. Then, I got to the gym and it was more people than I've ever seen in the gym full. It was a mentally tough day to get in my workout, but I did. I feel better for doing it. Hope everyone is having a good Monday!

Great Job!  Hopefully the gyms will clear out in a couple of weeks.  Im delaying going to mine because of the crowds.  Just waiting on everybody to fail at their New Years resolutions.

I  enjoy the new people as they end up subsidizing my gym fees...and it is good to see the enthusiasm that comes along with them!  We all have to start somewhere!

2014-01-13 6:47 PM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed

Originally posted by Bradleykd Got in a trainer ride today and a run yesterday. The wife was sick yesterday, so I didn't get my 1hour+ trainer ride in last week. Maybe this week I will do better. That makes 10/31. I met half of my goals last week... :/ I didn't get the long bike in, and I didn't lose two pounds. I lost one. I did succeed at not buying any Copenhagen. I ran out like Tuesday and haven't had any since. It is REALLY hard at work, but not too bad when I am at home. I'll just keep chomping away at the gum! I also finished week on of the pushup challenge. The last day was harder than the others... I am nervous and excited about the coming weeks! My Doc cleared me for swimming today! I'll have to get to the gym and sign up so I can get a swim or two in this week!
No problem, just get back at 'er and get it done!

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