BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed Rss Feed  
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2011-08-09 2:35 PM
in reply to: #3636148

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
jfought - 2011-08-09 12:49 PM
dcon - 2011-08-09 8:24 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-08-09 8:30 AM

kt65 - 2011-08-08 11:22 PM
swbkrun - 2011-08-08 8:45 PMTobey, Jayne... Great stuff this weekend!!!!!!
X3, great ride, William and what a great tri for you, Jayne!

Great stories from both of you.  That ride sounds amazing.  There are only good things to come on your next races!


X5!!  That ride sounds like a great experience.   

Jayne: Nice job. The swim was my biggest problem for my first Oly.  I made it, but I was totally wiped when I came out of the water.   Sounds like you're in good shape.   I will guess it was pretty hot and/or humid for your run.  My triathlon run times (Oly distance) are 5-10 minutes slower than my 10k best and the heat/humidity is always a huge factor for me.

It was warm and VERY humid and I was still tired from my road trip to Pittsburgh on the motorcycle.  There, excuses made :-)

I had a really good strong ows this morning. I did just under 1.5 miles with only a short rest at the turn around point.  That was without a wetsuit and some added drag from the hippity hop I was pulling.  

Birdy, congrats. on the 1 yr old.  Beautiful!!!

Hope everyone is having a good (and safe) week of training. 

No excuses, but 1 Race Report is still missing.!!! HA. looking forward to your 1sy Oly report too.

2011-08-09 5:22 PM
in reply to: #3636262

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
TrevorC - 2011-08-09 3:35 PM
jfought - 2011-08-09 12:49 PM
dcon - 2011-08-09 8:24 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-08-09 8:30 AM

kt65 - 2011-08-08 11:22 PM
swbkrun - 2011-08-08 8:45 PMTobey, Jayne... Great stuff this weekend!!!!!!
X3, great ride, William and what a great tri for you, Jayne!

Great stories from both of you.  That ride sounds amazing.  There are only good things to come on your next races!


X5!!  That ride sounds like a great experience.   

Jayne: Nice job. The swim was my biggest problem for my first Oly.  I made it, but I was totally wiped when I came out of the water.   Sounds like you're in good shape.   I will guess it was pretty hot and/or humid for your run.  My triathlon run times (Oly distance) are 5-10 minutes slower than my 10k best and the heat/humidity is always a huge factor for me.

It was warm and VERY humid and I was still tired from my road trip to Pittsburgh on the motorcycle.  There, excuses made :-)

I had a really good strong ows this morning. I did just under 1.5 miles with only a short rest at the turn around point.  That was without a wetsuit and some added drag from the hippity hop I was pulling.  

Birdy, congrats. on the 1 yr old.  Beautiful!!!

Hope everyone is having a good (and safe) week of training. 

No excuses, but 1 Race Report is still missing.!!! HA. looking forward to your 1sy Oly report too.

Trying to "George" it!! Laughing

2011-08-09 9:48 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

dino, any thoughts on ny?


2011-08-10 1:39 AM
in reply to: #3636638

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Great race Jayne!

You're making huge progress this season, your Oly should be fun!

Nice baby pic!


I'm slowly increasing my running, managed 30mins last weekend before the knee pain started. I'm hoping to get back to normal in the next month but that means I've missed most of the rest of the running season...

Next big race will be the Noosa Triathlon (oly) 30 November so I've got lots of time as long as I heal soon.

That charity bike ride sounded fantastic, I'm doing the Ride to Conquer Cancer in 10 days, I've managed to raise nearly $3000 so far.

2011-08-10 3:26 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
While there is a welcome chill in the air in Wisconsin, I know that doesn't signal the end of the race season for most of us!  Who is taking the plunge this weekend?  how about sharing your fine tuned strategy?
2011-08-10 5:11 AM
in reply to: #3637104

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

SSMinnow - 2011-08-10 3:26 AM While there is a welcome chill in the air in Wisconsin, I know that doesn't signal the end of the race season for most of us!  Who is taking the plunge this weekend?  how about sharing your fine tuned strategy?

Dairyland 150K ride on Saturday.  Dairyland 2.4m swim on the course on Sunday.  Last big events before IM.  Strategy will be to make sure nutrition is dialed in and some work on mimicing IM intensity on the bike.

2011-08-10 7:10 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Great race, Jayne! Congrat on beating your goal time! My first season was one sprint where I was just happy to finish. I swam in a surfing shortie wetsuit (62 degree water) and road my mountain bike. The run was actually the best part after that.

Tobey- Thank you for participating in that ride, and thanks for sharing the details. Sounds amazing!

Happy Birthday, Avery and Steve!

Good luck this weekend, Suzy!

2011-08-10 7:32 AM
in reply to: #3637104

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

SSMinnow - 2011-08-10 1:26 AM While there is a welcome chill in the air in Wisconsin, I know that doesn't signal the end of the race season for most of us!  Who is taking the plunge this weekend?  how about sharing your fine tuned strategy?

Running 51k in area 51 at midnight Saturday/Sunday... I will finish this ultra. That is the only goal. The first 50k I started, you might remember, I got lost and ran 30 miles, but didn't get a finish. The second one back in March I dropped to the 25k. Third times a charm... right? There will be a few challenges... I'm curious to see how running an entire marathon+ in the dark will feel, plus the staying up all night running... the plan is to get to Vegas Thursday and stay up all night, sleep during the day, until the race. I'm not really sure if that's the best way to do it or not, but that's the best I came up with to get acclimated to the timing of the race. I, also, haven't put in nearly the miles I would have liked going into this, but what I have learned about distance running is that it's almost all mental as far as the drive to keep going and finishing goes. Finishing FAST, of course, takes many, many miles of training, as our fasties here can attest to.

I'll be wearing lots of reflective tapes, glow sticks and a head light. I'm using a 5' run/ 1' walk strategy on this one. and I'm going to have fun, enjoy the moment, persevere, and hopefully see some aliens. If anyone has any experience with night time races, I would love to hear them and any tips or suggestions.

2011-08-10 7:54 AM
in reply to: #3637104

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

SSMinnow - 2011-08-10 4:26 AM While there is a welcome chill in the air in Wisconsin, I know that doesn't signal the end of the race season for most of us!  Who is taking the plunge this weekend?  how about sharing your fine tuned strategy?

Possibly doing Luray Oly Tri.  Need to see how my back is between now and then.  Will be slightly depressing to go all the way out to Luray 2 weeks in a row and have to watch instead of race...

2011-08-10 8:15 AM
in reply to: #3636969

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
fattyfatfat - 2011-08-09 9:48 PM

dino, any thoughts on ny?   

Sorry, been a little a busy watching the "Politics" here in the Cheeseland!  All the outside special interest money can please leave our state now, you don't pay taxes here and don't vote here!!!  AND now you lost again!!!!     ...................    

Oh, and the NL Central Leading Brewers!  Laughing  

*************    Rant over  ***************************

My first thought on the NY Tri is what a shame that in a sport centered around fitness, health, weight-loss, etc. that participants would have health issues during a race that could kill or injure.  I also find it interesting that almost all the swimming "incidents" during races in the last three years are not related to drownings, but cardiac issues.  

However, people swimming with noodles in an OWS swim event in a river with current?  IMO, that is just crazy.  I understand they pulled a bunch of people out of the water also.  Seems like a blatant lack of respect for the distance and dangers involved.

If that type of lack of respect continues, I don't completely oppose the idea of having to graduate up the distance scale.  I have heard that concept for a while now.  For example, prove you have completed a sprint to sign up for an Oly, prove you have completed an Oly to sign up for a HIM, prove you have completed a HIM to sign up for a IM, etc.  This process could mirror the US Cycling Category system that is designed to keep "pack" racing safe.  In that system, you are required to have 10 mass starts at the Category 5 level before you move up to Category 4, no matter how fast you are or if you win all 10 of those races.  This ensures you have the necessary experience to handle the next step up.  Seems like the USAT could learn a little from that process.  It would help insure that racing peeps had the necessary experience to complete the OWS distance.   

What thoughts do you have?

Then again, we also have had 2 people taken out from behind on their bikes in the State in the last 2 weeks by inattentive drivers.  At least they charged them both with vehicular manslaughter!  So maybe the Good Lord has other plans for all of us!  

Get busy Livin' and Keep diggin'  

Edited by badgerintx 2011-08-10 8:44 AM
2011-08-10 8:46 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

my thoughts even though you didn't ask for them.

You can't control people. I know OWS is a different beast, but you people sign up for marathons all the time, never completing a 1/2 or 10k before.

Everyone signs their own waivers. Volunteers/divers/whoever will always be pulling people from the water. Whether is a 300m pool swim or 3.8k in OW. Things can happen to experienced swimmers where they can't finish(ie. cramping), but yes generally this happens more often when the less experienced peeps hit the water. I think all you can do is educate, but really at the end of the day these people are ADULTS making their own decisions for their own safety.

I have chosen not to jump out of an airplane with a parachute on my back. Others may do that. I hear something on the news when someone goes skydiving and their parachute doesn't open and they die, and I think "why would they jump out of an airplane? That's so dangerous." But they knew the risks. Same thing.


Edited by TrevorC 2011-08-10 8:53 AM

2011-08-10 8:47 AM
in reply to: #3637104

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

SSMinnow - 2011-08-10 4:26 AM While there is a welcome chill in the air in Wisconsin, I know that doesn't signal the end of the race season for most of us!  Who is taking the plunge this weekend?  how about sharing your fine tuned strategy?

No racing here.  Good luck to all the racers!

Hope the back feels better Tony.

Kids are away this week and won't be back until Sunday or Monday so we are just chillaxing this weekend (after my long run Sat. morning).  Feels like our first unscheduled weekend all summer!!


2011-08-10 10:11 AM
in reply to: #3637268

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
badgerintx - 2011-08-10 9:15 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-08-09 9:48 PM

dino, any thoughts on ny?   

Sorry, been a little a busy watching the "Politics" here in the Cheeseland!  All the outside special interest money can please leave our state now, you don't pay taxes here and don't vote here!!!  AND now you lost again!!!!     ...................    

Oh, and the NL Central Leading Brewers!  Laughing  

*************    Rant over  ***************************

My first thought on the NY Tri is what a shame that in a sport centered around fitness, health, weight-loss, etc. that participants would have health issues during a race that could kill or injure.  I also find it interesting that almost all the swimming "incidents" during races in the last three years are not related to drownings, but cardiac issues.  

However, people swimming with noodles in an OWS swim event in a river with current?  IMO, that is just crazy.  I understand they pulled a bunch of people out of the water also.  Seems like a blatant lack of respect for the distance and dangers involved.

If that type of lack of respect continues, I don't completely oppose the idea of having to graduate up the distance scale.  I have heard that concept for a while now.  For example, prove you have completed a sprint to sign up for an Oly, prove you have completed an Oly to sign up for a HIM, prove you have completed a HIM to sign up for a IM, etc.  This process could mirror the US Cycling Category system that is designed to keep "pack" racing safe.  In that system, you are required to have 10 mass starts at the Category 5 level before you move up to Category 4, no matter how fast you are or if you win all 10 of those races.  This ensures you have the necessary experience to handle the next step up.  Seems like the USAT could learn a little from that process.  It would help insure that racing peeps had the necessary experience to complete the OWS distance.   

What thoughts do you have?

Then again, we also have had 2 people taken out from behind on their bikes in the State in the last 2 weeks by inattentive drivers.  At least they charged them both with vehicular manslaughter!  So maybe the Good Lord has other plans for all of us!  

Get busy Livin' and Keep diggin'  

i couldn't agree more with everything you wrote.  i too am no longer completely against some sort of swim cert, and that sucks.  when i saw the noodle girl video all i could do was shake my head.  if she enetered the water that way or if she was thrown the noodle when she got into trouble, doesn't matter to me.  how in the hell did she get there to begin with.  i haven't had a chance to read the all the threads but someone did point out the other "swimmers" in the video as well.  i noticed that as well.  damn.

terrible lives were lost.





2011-08-10 10:13 AM
in reply to: #3637337

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
TrevorC - 2011-08-10 9:46 AM

my thoughts even though you didn't ask for them.

You can't control people. I know OWS is a different beast, but you people sign up for marathons all the time, never completing a 1/2 or 10k before.

Everyone signs their own waivers. Volunteers/divers/whoever will always be pulling people from the water. Whether is a 300m pool swim or 3.8k in OW. Things can happen to experienced swimmers where they can't finish(ie. cramping), but yes generally this happens more often when the less experienced peeps hit the water. I think all you can do is educate, but really at the end of the day these people are ADULTS making their own decisions for their own safety.

I have chosen not to jump out of an airplane with a parachute on my back. Others may do that. I hear something on the news when someone goes skydiving and their parachute doesn't open and they die, and I think "why would they jump out of an airplane? That's so dangerous." But they knew the risks. Same thing.


yep. agree with you too.  

2011-08-10 11:35 AM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed


I like your idea of graduating "up" to the longer distance races. It is just crazy that people had to use noodles in the water.

2011-08-10 1:22 PM
in reply to: #3637104

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Sin City
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

SSMinnow - 2011-08-10 1:26 AM While there is a welcome chill in the air in Wisconsin, I know that doesn't signal the end of the race season for most of us!  Who is taking the plunge this weekend?  how about sharing your fine tuned strategy?


Chill? What chill?!  It's been cooler in the AM...and that's a sign of Triathlon season COMING to Vegas! It's still triple digits in the afternoon though. 

Decided not to do the ET Midnight Run.  I was going back and forth about a couple months ago, but because two of my training partners are out of commission due to injuries, and the third one moved out of town at the last minute. So I was kind of stuck, and really don't want to do this alone, so I decided to stop running until Half Mary training starts. :-(   However, I may do it next year though.


Got a 40+ miler ride on Saturday...I think it's been over a year since I did over 40 miles. This will confirm on whether the new saddle is for me. 


Good luck to everyone on their races and training!!  

2011-08-10 2:32 PM
in reply to: #3637914

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
CyborgQueen - 2011-08-10 11:22 AM

SSMinnow - 2011-08-10 1:26 AM While there is a welcome chill in the air in Wisconsin, I know that doesn't signal the end of the race season for most of us!  Who is taking the plunge this weekend?  how about sharing your fine tuned strategy?


Chill? What chill?!  It's been cooler in the AM...and that's a sign of Triathlon season COMING to Vegas! It's still triple digits in the afternoon though. 

Decided not to do the ET Midnight Run.  I was going back and forth about a couple months ago, but because two of my training partners are out of commission due to injuries, and the third one moved out of town at the last minute. So I was kind of stuck, and really don't want to do this alone, so I decided to stop running until Half Mary training starts. :-(   However, I may do it next year though.


Got a 40+ miler ride on Saturday...I think it's been over a year since I did over 40 miles. This will confirm on whether the new saddle is for me. 


Good luck to everyone on their races and training!!  

First of all, I am so glad there is a chill in the air out there in MOO land!  The SF fog has got me spoiled for sure!

No racing for me, just another long bike...kind of my last super long one!!!  So happy about that.  I am getting tired of talks with myself.

DJ, good luck on your 40 miler and especially hopeful for your saddle working out.  I had a little scare (read saddle sore) after my long bike a few weeks ago and it freaked me out!!!  I was thinking it was not enough time to investigate new saddles!!! 

At Suzy's suggestion, I went and dropped a huge chunk of change on some real bike shorts (these are made by Assos and they are the ones my bike shop recommended and had in stock) and they were like being in riding on a cloud...well, I shouldn't exaggerate...but it was very comfy this weekend on a very long ride and no return of the dreaded saddle sore.  I seem okay with tri shorts for HIM distance and rides up to about 70 miles but beyond that, OUCH!  Me no likey.

It will mean a longer T1 and then probably an entire clothing change in T2.  Not looking to break any records, but I am very happy with the comfort of these shorts!

Good luck racers and HAPPY TAPER TO TREVOR and TRACY!!!!

2011-08-10 3:13 PM
in reply to: #3638056

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

At Suzy's suggestion, I went and dropped a huge chunk of change on some real bike shorts (these are made by Assos and they are the ones my bike shop recommended and had in stock) and they were like being in riding on a cloud...well, I shouldn't exaggerate...but it was very comfy this weekend on a very long ride and no return of the dreaded saddle sore.  I seem okay with tri shorts for HIM distance and rides up to about 70 miles but beyond that, OUCH!  Me no likey.

It will mean a longer T1 and then probably an entire clothing change in T2.  Not looking to break any records, but I am very happy with the comfort of these shorts!

Good luck racers and HAPPY TAPER TO TREVOR and TRACY!!!!

I've decided I am going the bike short route as well. Mr. Davis sent me a pair of Desoto 400 mile shorts. I've ridden them the last last few weeks and I'm going to ride with them. Unlike you though, I am looking at breaking a few records. The first one and most important one is that I am going to see how many times I can pee on the bike.

What is the most you have have ever done Kim? I know Linda-Velcro has probably done it many many times in her IM's!


edit: what did I just do? This isn't a TERP is it?

Edited by TrevorC 2011-08-10 3:14 PM
2011-08-10 3:32 PM
in reply to: #3638142

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
TrevorC - 2011-08-10 1:13 PM

At Suzy's suggestion, I went and dropped a huge chunk of change on some real bike shorts (these are made by Assos and they are the ones my bike shop recommended and had in stock) and they were like being in riding on a cloud...well, I shouldn't exaggerate...but it was very comfy this weekend on a very long ride and no return of the dreaded saddle sore.  I seem okay with tri shorts for HIM distance and rides up to about 70 miles but beyond that, OUCH!  Me no likey.

It will mean a longer T1 and then probably an entire clothing change in T2.  Not looking to break any records, but I am very happy with the comfort of these shorts!

Good luck racers and HAPPY TAPER TO TREVOR and TRACY!!!!

I've decided I am going the bike short route as well. Mr. Davis sent me a pair of Desoto 400 mile shorts. I've ridden them the last last few weeks and I'm going to ride with them. Unlike you though, I am looking at breaking a few records. The first one and most important one is that I am going to see how many times I can pee on the bike.

What is the most you have have ever done Kim? I know Linda-Velcro has probably done it many many times in her IM's!


edit: what did I just do? This isn't a TERP is it?

Lol, you are funny.  I have done twice on the bike at Vineman last year.  For some reason, I could not go this time and waited until T2 (as you all heard ad nauseum thanks to KYLA!!!)  I don't think I can go in these new bike shorts, they are way too cushy!  They might never dry and then it'd be like riding around on a wet diaper for 80 plus miles!!!  AND YOU!  Peeing in JOHN's shorts, that is, brotherly.    Well, I guess if he wore them for his swim/bike and run, he must have "christened them"  and then you've been using them, you guys are like blood brothers now!  Kiss

edited to get rid of the appearance of a long run on post!  stop that Trevor! 

Edited by kt65 2011-08-10 3:34 PM
2011-08-10 3:50 PM
in reply to: #3638167

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

At Suzy's suggestion, I went and dropped a huge chunk of change on some real bike shorts (these are made by Assos and they are the ones my bike shop recommended and had in stock) and they were like being in riding on a cloud...well, I shouldn't exaggerate...but it was very comfy this weekend on a very long ride and no return of the dreaded saddle sore.  I seem okay with tri shorts for HIM distance and rides up to about 70 miles but beyond that, OUCH!  Me no likey.

It will mean a longer T1 and then probably an entire clothing change in T2.  Not looking to break any records, but I am very happy with the comfort of these shorts!

Good luck racers and HAPPY TAPER TO TREVOR and TRACY!!!!

I've decided I am going the bike short route as well. Mr. Davis sent me a pair of Desoto 400 mile shorts. I've ridden them the last last few weeks and I'm going to ride with them. Unlike you though, I am looking at breaking a few records. The first one and most important one is that I am going to see how many times I can pee on the bike.

What is the most you have have ever done Kim? I know Linda-Velcro has probably done it many many times in her IM's!


edit: what did I just do? This isn't a TERP is it?

Lol, you are funny.  I have done twice on the bike at Vineman last year.  For some reason, I could not go this time and waited until T2 (as you all heard ad nauseum thanks to KYLA!!!)  I don't think I can go in these new bike shorts, they are way too cushy!  They might never dry and then it'd be like riding around on a wet diaper for 80 plus miles!!!  AND YOU!  Peeing in JOHN's shorts, that is, brotherly.    Well, I guess if he wore them for his swim/bike and run, he must have "christened them"  and then you've been using them, you guys are like blood brothers now!  Kiss

edited to get rid of the appearance of a long run on post!  stop that Trevor! 

 I miss John. So it was nice to get the package in the mail, open it up, and smell them shorts. Ahhhh i miss him so bad.

edit: edited to change font color to confuse readers as to who posted what here.

Edited by TrevorC 2011-08-10 3:53 PM
2011-08-10 4:26 PM
in reply to: #3638192

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

TrevorC - 2011-08-10 3:50 PM   I miss John. So it was nice to get the package in the mail, open it up, and smell them shorts. Ahhhh i miss him so bad.  

All this and Taper has just begun?  It's gonna be a long 2 weeks!  Foot in mouth

2011-08-10 5:44 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Why oh why do I always find myself at the center of this topic of conversation???  Cry


2011-08-10 6:06 PM
in reply to: #3637268

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
badgerintx - 2011-08-10 9:15 AM
fattyfatfat - 2011-08-09 9:48 PM

dino, any thoughts on ny?   

My first thought on the NY Tri is what a shame that in a sport centered around fitness, health, weight-loss, etc. that participants would have health issues during a race that could kill or injure.  I also find it interesting that almost all the swimming "incidents" during races in the last three years are not related to drownings, but cardiac issues.  

However, people swimming with noodles in an OWS swim event in a river with current?  IMO, that is just crazy.  I understand they pulled a bunch of people out of the water also.  Seems like a blatant lack of respect for the distance and dangers involved.

If that type of lack of respect continues, I don't completely oppose the idea of having to graduate up the distance scale.  I have heard that concept for a while now.  For example, prove you have completed a sprint to sign up for an Oly, prove you have completed an Oly to sign up for a HIM, prove you have completed a HIM to sign up for a IM, etc.  This process could mirror the US Cycling Category system that is designed to keep "pack" racing safe.  In that system, you are required to have 10 mass starts at the Category 5 level before you move up to Category 4, no matter how fast you are or if you win all 10 of those races.  This ensures you have the necessary experience to handle the next step up.  Seems like the USAT could learn a little from that process.  It would help insure that racing peeps had the necessary experience to complete the OWS distance.   

What thoughts do you have?

Then again, we also have had 2 people taken out from behind on their bikes in the State in the last 2 weeks by inattentive drivers.  At least they charged them both with vehicular manslaughter!  So maybe the Good Lord has other plans for all of us!  

Get busy Livin' and Keep diggin'  

As a new triathlete, I don't see any problem working your way up the distances.  As a matter of fact, that's exactly what I've been doing this summer, sprint, long-sprint, oly.  I know darn well I'm not ready for anything more than that and I've spent hours and hours in the pool and in the lake.  Nothing wrong with having to "earn" it. 

Also want to add that jumping out of airplanes is FUN.  Did it 4 times one summer Laughing.  Much rather go out doing that, or swimming, than sitting on the sofa!!

Can't make life safe though.  Things will still happen. 

2011-08-10 7:40 PM
in reply to: #3434069

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed

Hey folks. I m up at Lake Gaston on the VA border. We are at a lake house. My coach has me doing the most intense week of training I have ever done. So far i have 2 three hour bike rides done, and 1 one hour ride too. Friday is another three hour ride. Swimming and runng too.

I have got to figure out my electrolytes/nutrition better. I am sore, which is to be expected, but the cramping is brutal. Hammys, feet, calves, even my back.

This is probably yet another reason I will never do a full IM.

2011-08-10 9:00 PM
in reply to: #3638450

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN fast, furious, and closed
DougRob - 2011-08-10 5:40 PM

Hey folks. I m up at Lake Gaston on the VA border. We are at a lake house. My coach has me doing the most intense week of training I have ever done. So far i have 2 three hour bike rides done, and 1 one hour ride too. Friday is another three hour ride. Swimming and runng too.

I have got to figure out my electrolytes/nutrition better. I am sore, which is to be expected, but the cramping is brutal. Hammys, feet, calves, even my back.

This is probably yet another reason I will never do a full IM.

Doug, it sounds like a very intense week!  But in a fun, brutal sort of way.  Curious about your you get them while biking/swimming/running?  If so, at the beginning, middle, end of your workout?  Are the muscle cramps so bad that you have to stop?  Does it happen when you are doing easy stuff?

Tell us more, maybe we can help. 


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