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2009-07-21 4:03 PM
in reply to: #2299696

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
trying1 - 2009-07-21 4:53 PM
kt65 - 2009-07-21 4:02 PM Not to complain or anything, but why am I not sore today?!!! I was thinking I'd be knocked out for a week, but all I want to do is get back out there and find my next race! I ran after Ripley today at the park and nothing was sore Any of you experience the same thing after a big race? I was thinking that maybe it is because I didn't run at my goal pace and did lots of run/walk. I guess it's good, but there is something satisfying about that post race soreness. So, I went down to my bike guys and they are tempting me big time with a custom tri bike build (Guru just dropped their prices). I was asking about race wheels. He said not worth it on my road bike. Time to think about a tri bike. for thought. Never thought I'd have that much fun exerting myself for 56 miles, but if it can be faster, more efficient, better run off the bike...that's hard to pass up, especially now that I am fully addicted to long course racing!

Guru Cronos definitely contribute to the coolness factor.  They look different but in a very good way and their paint schemes are just COOL..

They do look pretty sweet.  LOL, though I pretty much like all bikes.

2009-07-21 5:24 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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New York, New York
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Hi Everyone!

Thank you sooo very much for allowing me to join your group. Swbkrun was so nice to reach out to me.  I think I really do need a group to hang out in on here.  Sometimes I feel like a triathlete klutz!  I am so often injured, push too hard, overtrain, and am just very self-critical/hard on myself. BUT I am told - this is the triathlete in general.  We give more than 100% and are very driven people.

Thank you everyone who wrote me and told me how motivational and inspirational I am.  It is good (and strange) for me to hear.  I always need encouragement though. :-D  People at my work, who heard the radio piece told me that I was very inspirational - it's weird.  I asked my roommate (I have been roommates with her for about six years) if I was inspirational.  She said, "No. But I live with you."    :-)
Fattyfatfat.  I love your name! It is often how I feel!  Sigh. I need to lose weight. I gained ten pounds training for my last tri (of fat) due to injury and stuff.  Then I get depressed because I gained weight.  Then I eat because I am depressed, etc. etc. etc.  I am too fat for the NYC Tri I feel - about 10 pounds too fat and so I feel miserable and not AT ALL in shape, but.. sigh.  I just have to suck it up right? 

Bob Salter was very nice to me and I actually enjoyed doing that interview.  I think they made my voice not so high pitched by using an equalizer.  People said I sounded good.  I was actually impressed by what they did.  And it was totally on the fly!  Totally God for making that thing work. I was sooo tired and was just sitting on the floor of an empty office at my job after hours doing that interview.  Can you imagine?

As for being in AP class, I never felt like I had it together.  School was the one place I had peace and was where I excelled. It was like one part of me went to school and one part of me was at home (if that makes sense.)  Anyway, thanks SO MUCH for putting a positive spin on it - that no matter what happened, I was built strong and smart enough to be in the Gifted and Talented/Advanced Placement program throughout school.  And excelled in it despite adversity.  So thanks so much.  That puts things in a whole new light. 


Please feel free to share my website with anyone you know!  Someone at my job asked me if he could send the mp3 to people.  I said, "well it has been on public radio so it doesn't matter now does it?"  :-D  But actually, I do consider it a compliment that people think so highly of my story to share it.  Feel free!

(I love your signature quote by the way!!)



Thank you for warning me about the Three Amigos.  I know now to watch out for them. :-D



What happened to your leg?! 

Hmm... I developed hip bursitis about three weeks before this race.  Was running after about a 20 mile bike.  Three minutes into the run, I felt like a muscle in my hip went out.  I have been icing, taking Advil, and stretching as according to sports doc recommendations.  I went to a manual PT who helped a lot and has me doing stretching and strengthening exercises.  It is a lot better.  I also plan on swimming only the rest of the week.  I'm so glad we met! Now I don't feel so bad.  We can commisserate on having terrible times but hopefully being able to complete all three legs of the race! 

I missed the deferment date too, but wasn't going to defer.  I have done so much press that I am REALLY hoping people will be encouraged with, that I just have to do it (in my mind.)  You know?  I must press on.  (My sports doc tell me to go ahead and do it - and he is the medical supervisor for the race - I hope he knows what he's talking about.)

Do you train with a team?  I train with Team in Training.  I love them!  I was enticed to join Team Lipstick by some of my church friends (I go to Redeemer if you have heard of it?)  Seeing that you are a guy, I cannot see you in Team Lipstick! Ha!  But, I was just wondering if you were in any type of team. Tri-fuel? :-D  Those guys are intense.

I woud love to meet you at the tri.  I don't know how that would work in the midst of all those people.  Hopefully, we won't meet at the Medical Tent! Tongue out

Are you afraid of the heat?  I have not been training outdoors at all this month due to injury and my first race was in the hills of california where it was cool and overcast. I hope I don't pass out.  I also run low sodium, so I cannot drink a lot of water, but mostly need to drink the sports drink and I think that darned Accelerade stuff is something my body just doesn't like!  That means I have to carry either Gatorade Endurance or Clif Quench (with added salt) on my bike.  But there are worst things in life!  I am grateful for the opportunity just to race!  (Okay I'm a little hyper - I was eating a lot of carbs tonight.)


Thank you everyone else for encouraging me.  You sound like a great group.

I also really appreciate everyone who took the time to read my website.  It means a lot.  I know it was long.  :-)

yours truly,


Edited by dbw27 2009-07-21 5:26 PM
2009-07-21 5:38 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

For those of you that missed this today!  UNREAL at 39mph....
2009-07-21 6:56 PM
in reply to: #2299956

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New York, New York
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
I suddenly want to leave my bike at the bike shop (where it is currently being tuned up pre-race.)  eep! Ow!  eek! nasty!

I had a crash at 31 mph last season.  Ow.

Oh and yes, it was three weeks before an olympic. But it wasn't that bad - and it was winter, so I was layered up.  Byebye to that jersey though and the shirt underneath it.  And my little cycling tights are holey.  But better the tights than me!  (Don't worry I got my share of them too.)

2009-07-21 7:21 PM
in reply to: #2299932

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dbw27 - 2009-07-21 5:24 PM

Fattyfatfat.  I love your name! It is often how I feel!  Sigh. I need to lose weight. I gained ten pounds training for my last tri (of fat) due to injury and stuff.  Then I get depressed because I gained weight.  Then I eat because I am depressed, etc. etc. etc.  I am too fat for the NYC Tri I feel - about 10 pounds too fat and so I feel miserable and not AT ALL in shape, but.. sigh.  I just have to suck it up right?


I was a few more than 10 over (~30) at my last tri a few weeks ago.  But its cool though because we lose more during the race than most of those scrawny little triathletes, which means we get to eat more jelly belly's after.  Follow the logic ;-)
2009-07-21 7:26 PM
in reply to: #2299525

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
kt65 - 2009-07-21 3:02 PM Not to complain or anything, but why am I not sore today?!!! I was thinking I'd be knocked out for a week, but all I want to do is get back out there and find my next race! I ran after Ripley today at the park and nothing was sore Any of you experience the same thing after a big race? I was thinking that maybe it is because I didn't run at my goal pace and did lots of run/walk. I guess it's good, but there is something satisfying about that post race soreness. So, I went down to my bike guys and they are tempting me big time with a custom tri bike build (Guru just dropped their prices). I was asking about race wheels. He said not worth it on my road bike. Time to think about a tri bike. for thought. Never thought I'd have that much fun exerting myself for 56 miles, but if it can be faster, more efficient, better run off the bike...that's hard to pass up, especially now that I am fully addicted to long course racing!

I was in pretty good shape after my HIM.  Probably a little more sore right when I finished then the next day.  I even survived a 10 hr. road trip the next day.  After my marathon, I was super sore for 4 days.  It was definitely harder that the HIM.

2009-07-21 7:28 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Kauai girl now in MIll Creek/Silver Firs
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
"My name is Shannon .... and I am addicted to the Tour de France".

Hi all....... I've been so quiet on the boards because I've been spending all the time that I usually spend here, watching Tour coverage.   It's good because i try to get on the trainer while I'm watching, but it's bad because when I checked in with the group today, I'm about 600 million pages of posts behind. 

I do have a question for the group: so I love my Garmin 305 and figured I'd finally start using the HRM (was just going with RPE before).  So now I have the data - how the heck do I use it?  Does anyone have a good resource they can point me to in terms of using the HRM for targeted training?  I know there are a million articles/books; I'm hoping some of you have found one that you find really helpful.

Thanks a bunch!

PS - how about Lance bridging that gap today?
2009-07-21 7:42 PM
in reply to: #2299693

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
dalessit - 2009-07-21 3:52 PM

Good article for general consumption.

So Tony, I guess I need a tri bike and a powertap.  Anything else while I have my credit card out?
2009-07-21 8:09 PM
in reply to: #2300173

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
KauaiShan - 2009-07-21 5:28 PM

"My name is Shannon .... and I am addicted to the Tour de France".

Hi all....... I've been so quiet on the boards because I've been spending all the time that I usually spend here, watching Tour coverage.   It's good because i try to get on the trainer while I'm watching, but it's bad because when I checked in with the group today, I'm about 600 million pages of posts behind. 

I do have a question for the group: so I love my Garmin 305 and figured I'd finally start using the HRM (was just going with RPE before).  So now I have the data - how the heck do I use it?  Does anyone have a good resource they can point me to in terms of using the HRM for targeted training?  I know there are a million articles/books; I'm hoping some of you have found one that you find really helpful.

Thanks a bunch!

PS - how about Lance bridging that gap today?

Hey Shannon,
loving the TdF also, it's very addicting, isn't it??? Re: the 305 and HR, it looks like you've been running a fair amount these days so is the injury all healed up? I'm sure Suzy can check in with this but when I first got my Garmin, I did about 2-3 weeks of just wearing it for my runs and keeping track of my effort vs. the numbers. Some runs were meant to be long and slow...some runs at a faster pace. If you feel good enough to run (without risking injury of course) hard as you can hold pace for 30 minutes straight, I think you can do an LT test. If you are still working up to that, DONT do it! Just keep track of the numbers (average HR) for another 2-4 weeks.

The first time I tried to do an LT test was after my first Sprint tri and I don't think I had enough base. Now, I was at the time running about 12-15 miles per week. I think it wasn't nearly enough. Ended up re-injuring my heel and had to rehab it for a few months which sort of delayed my training for my spring Olympic last year! My point is don't get too overzealous about the LT test. You can use a race result, like a 5k average HR and plug it into the macmillan calculator to see what your zones would approximately be. I think Suzy and Tony might know more about this than me...but I used my 10K result last summer for my zones and it worked well for my half mary training this year. Oh, btw, the cadence sensor is a nice accessory esp. for the bike gives you mileage!
2009-07-21 8:10 PM
in reply to: #2300207

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
SSMinnow - 2009-07-21 5:42 PM

dalessit - 2009-07-21 3:52 PM

Good article for general consumption.

So Tony, I guess I need a tri bike and a powertap.  Anything else while I have my credit card out?

Oh, that's ez, just get two of whatever you decide on. Twins always share!
2009-07-21 8:12 PM
in reply to: #2299932

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Danett I'm not sure how I injured my leg.  The muscle just bellow my rt calf just started to hurt around 3 wks ago.  My doc thinks it's partly the increase in milage and from my plantar fasciitis that didn't completely heal a few months ago.  I should have listened to my body earlier, now I hope my leg is good to go by the weekend.  I will at least swim and bike and make a game time decision when it's time to run. 

I haven't joined a team or club.  I've looked into a few of them in the past but I always came to the conclusion that they were too structured for me and I couldn't give it the proper amt of time due to having a 2 yr old boy.  I know what you mean about some teams/clubs are super intense, I saw one team have team SUVs and vans.  During my last tri one team placed between 1-2 people in each AG.  BTW my wife and I also go to Redeemer!  We go to the Upper East Side service.

I'm talking to a few friends that are also racing.  We're trying to pick a place to meet.  When we figure it out I'll let you know.  The last time we met at the stairs leading to the fountain (by the band shell).

I'm not too worried about the heat, at least not yet.  It looks like the temp may not be bad (mid 70's during race time with maybe some showers and thunder, i hope no thunder or they may change the swim to a run), from what I hear last yr the heat and humidity was bad.  I often cramp-up but since i changed to Infinit Nutrition i've been ok during races.  you should check it out, you can customize your formula based on your needs.  I've been using it since November and like it.  I think a few people in this group use it as well.  I am nervous overall due to the leg injury and the race being my first Olympic.  Like you said I'm just happy I have the opportunity to race.

2009-07-21 8:18 PM
in reply to: #2071255

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
So today I did a brick as one of my final prep days before my sprint tri this weekend.  It was the best/worst brick I've done in my short tri career.

The best in the sense that I was able to duplicate the way I feel coming off the bike in a race.  My HR was zooming and my legs felt like lead so I tried the mental game of pushing myself on the run.  Usualy, I when I do bricks at home, my legs have a spring in their step and I can't understand why I don't feel that way at a race.  LOL

The worst b/c I felt like crap.  My HR was zooming and my legs felt like lead.  UGH!!!  It was warm this afternoon and I am normally an early AM kind of girl but still I was kind of laughing and cursing at myself.

2009-07-21 8:21 PM
in reply to: #2300173

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
KauaiShan - 2009-07-21 8:28 PM "My name is Shannon .... and I am addicted to the Tour de France".

Hi all....... I've been so quiet on the boards because I've been spending all the time that I usually spend here, watching Tour coverage.   It's good because i try to get on the trainer while I'm watching, but it's bad because when I checked in with the group today, I'm about 600 million pages of posts behind. 

I do have a question for the group: so I love my Garmin 305 and figured I'd finally start using the HRM (was just going with RPE before).  So now I have the data - how the heck do I use it?  Does anyone have a good resource they can point me to in terms of using the HRM for targeted training?  I know there are a million articles/books; I'm hoping some of you have found one that you find really helpful.

Thanks a bunch!

PS - how about Lance bridging that gap today?

 My friend just recommended Joe Friel's Training bible.  It covers pretty much everything.  The website has some great free resources too. Training Bible
2009-07-21 8:26 PM
in reply to: #2300173

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
KauaiShan - 2009-07-21 7:28 PM "My name is Shannon .... and I am addicted to the Tour de France".

Hi all....... I've been so quiet on the boards because I've been spending all the time that I usually spend here, watching Tour coverage.   It's good because i try to get on the trainer while I'm watching, but it's bad because when I checked in with the group today, I'm about 600 million pages of posts behind. 

Thanks a bunch!

PS - how about Lance bridging that gap today?

Tony and I have been watching at night.  Going back to Tracy's yummy comment about Mark C. thighs - how about Heinrich Haussler?  He is yummy.  Tongue out
2009-07-21 8:32 PM
in reply to: #2300281

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
kt65 - 2009-07-21 8:10 PM

Oh, that's ez, just get two of whatever you decide on. Twins always share!


2009-07-21 8:35 PM
in reply to: #2299932

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Welcome Danett - I joined the group a bit late myself although my husband has been part of the group since the winter.  I tend to be more active Wed - Fri when I am at work.  I have a lot more peace and quiet then.  The other days I am trying to keep my 3 and 5 yr. old under control and most of the time unsuccessfully!

2009-07-21 8:36 PM
in reply to: #2300334

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Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-07-21 8:32 PM
kt65 - 2009-07-21 8:10 PM

Oh, that's ez, just get two of whatever you decide on. Twins always share!


LOL - I was waiting for those comments to start.  Just wait til Tony sees this.
2009-07-21 8:52 PM
in reply to: #2300276

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
kt65 - 2009-07-21 8:09 PM
KauaiShan - 2009-07-21 5:28 PM "My name is Shannon .... and I am addicted to the Tour de France".

Hi all....... I've been so quiet on the boards because I've been spending all the time that I usually spend here, watching Tour coverage.   It's good because i try to get on the trainer while I'm watching, but it's bad because when I checked in with the group today, I'm about 600 million pages of posts behind. 

I do have a question for the group: so I love my Garmin 305 and figured I'd finally start using the HRM (was just going with RPE before).  So now I have the data - how the heck do I use it?  Does anyone have a good resource they can point me to in terms of using the HRM for targeted training?  I know there are a million articles/books; I'm hoping some of you have found one that you find really helpful.

Thanks a bunch!

PS - how about Lance bridging that gap today?
Hey Shannon, loving the TdF also, it's very addicting, isn't it??? Re: the 305 and HR, it looks like you've been running a fair amount these days so is the injury all healed up? I'm sure Suzy can check in with this but when I first got my Garmin, I did about 2-3 weeks of just wearing it for my runs and keeping track of my effort vs. the numbers. Some runs were meant to be long and slow...some runs at a faster pace. If you feel good enough to run (without risking injury of course) hard as you can hold pace for 30 minutes straight, I think you can do an LT test. If you are still working up to that, DONT do it! Just keep track of the numbers (average HR) for another 2-4 weeks. The first time I tried to do an LT test was after my first Sprint tri and I don't think I had enough base. Now, I was at the time running about 12-15 miles per week. I think it wasn't nearly enough. Ended up re-injuring my heel and had to rehab it for a few months which sort of delayed my training for my spring Olympic last year! My point is don't get too overzealous about the LT test. You can use a race result, like a 5k average HR and plug it into the macmillan calculator to see what your zones would approximately be. I think Suzy and Tony might know more about this than me...but I used my 10K result last summer for my zones and it worked well for my half mary training this year. Oh, btw, the cadence sensor is a nice accessory esp. for the bike gives you mileage!

Shannon, Kim did the right thing. I am told the best way to get your HR Zones for running is to do a 10K all out.  Crazy pain, but it will tell you what your LT is and you can calculate your zones off of that. That is what I did.  In the absence of a 10K, you could do the protocol that Mike Ricci recommends:

Kim, thanks to you I am now rethinking the whole bike thing.  I am sure Paul will be thrilled!  I feel like I can put off both the Powertap and Bike purchase until the season closes.   Given we are coming up on our 20th anniversary I might be able to work something out .

Sam, I started doing really hard bike workouts followed by an all out 8 minute run to simulate racing at around a 7:30-7:45 pace, followed by a 7 minute ez effort.  It gets easier.  Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to pull of the speed in an actual race.  I find myself in the 8:20 range, go figure!  I guess I will keep working at it.

Still watching the tour, still hoping for my man Lance.....although all of them provide some good eye candy.
2009-07-21 9:17 PM
in reply to: #2300408

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Welcome to the group Danett and welcome back Adam, life does get in the way of training sometimes, but it seems to be like a bike, once you figure it out, it's easy to get right back on.

LOL I have swam a total of 1900M this month, a bit less than the 15000 I did last month.  Guess I should get back into the pool before my race this weekend.
2009-07-21 11:59 PM
in reply to: #2300334

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san francisco
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-07-21 6:32 PM

kt65 - 2009-07-21 8:10 PM

Oh, that's ez, just get two of whatever you decide on. Twins always share!


YOU SIR!!! Get your mind OUT of the gutter. See, I took the bait, and Suzy smartly just ignored the childishness

And, how come you haven't posted an rr for the Katy ride...too busy bustin my chops!
2009-07-22 5:41 AM
in reply to: #2300284

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New York, New York
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
trying1 - 2009-07-21 9:12 PM Danett I'm not sure how I injured my leg.  The muscle just bellow my rt calf just started to hurt around 3 wks ago.  My doc thinks it's partly the increase in milage and from my plantar fasciitis that didn't completely heal a few months ago.  I should have listened to my body earlier, now I hope my leg is good to go by the weekend.  I will at least swim and bike and make a game time decision when it's time to run. 

I haven't joined a team or club.  I've looked into a few of them in the past but I always came to the conclusion that they were too structured for me and I couldn't give it the proper amt of time due to having a 2 yr old boy.  I know what you mean about some teams/clubs are super intense, I saw one team have team SUVs and vans.  During my last tri one team placed between 1-2 people in each AG.  BTW my wife and I also go to Redeemer!  We go to the Upper East Side service.

I'm talking to a few friends that are also racing.  We're trying to pick a place to meet.  When we figure it out I'll let you know.  The last time we met at the stairs leading to the fountain (by the band shell).

I'm not too worried about the heat, at least not yet.  It looks like the temp may not be bad (mid 70's during race time with maybe some showers and thunder, i hope no thunder or they may change the swim to a run), from what I hear last yr the heat and humidity was bad.  I often cramp-up but since i changed to Infinit Nutrition i've been ok during races.  you should check it out, you can customize your formula based on your needs.  I've been using it since November and like it.  I think a few people in this group use it as well.  I am nervous overall due to the leg injury and the race being my first Olympic.  Like you said I'm just happy I have the opportunity to race.

Hi trying1:

I pray that there is no thunder.  The run is what I am worried about due to injury.  I cannot possibly do two runs.  Well, by God's grace I could, but....eep.  I think I would rather have humidity than two runs.

It is so kewl that you go to Redeemer!  I go to the Hunter College 6 p.m. service.  Do you go to morning?  (I train Sunday morning, so therefore, I am relegated to evening services.)  We ought to meet up if you do!

I do not train in Central Park being that I live in the northeast Bronx.  I mostly train in Westchester - doing bricks at Suny Purchase.  I kind of live on the Westchester border.  Plus you can drive there and have no fear of parking!  Therefore, I do not know where the fountain is or the band shell. :-)  I guess I can look on a Central Park map.  I've trained with Team in Training in Central Park a couple of times but then I just follow people. If I get separated from the group, I am lost!

Speaking of which, I like teams myself but then I train with a charity which is totally different.  One, I do not pay. :-)   I really appreciate them because they taught me how to tri and the NYC teams and Westchester teams have excellent coaches.  I couldn't imagine learning how to tri on my own.  I have a friend who learned on his own and asks ME the newbie, how to sight in the water. :-)    I have looked ino the paying teams, like Team Lipstick and am 1) turned off by paying and 2) feel that they meet at weird times in Manhattan and I cannot possibly get my bike in Manhattan on business days around my work schedule.  You've seen a team with team vans and SUVs?! Sounds like Tri-fuel. :-)  They run everyone over in Central Park! (Another reason I do not train there.  I am intimidated by the a) intense tri teams, b) intense individuals, c) herds of pedestrians, d) little kids not paying attention, e) chatting runners also not paying attention, e) little old ladies crossing the path, and f) horse poop!  I always have to hose off my bike when I get home after biking in Central Park!)

Anyway, I'm really sorry about your leg.  It sounds really frustrating.  Especially for your first Olympic.  Nerves a plenty.  I am a hypochondriac.  If my leg starts really hurting or if it feels like something is pulled, I just STOP for three days and if it doesn't get better, off to the sports doc I go!! My boss says she is tired of all my doc appointments. Sigh.  But I can pray for your leg. I hope it miraculously heals completely before the race (or at least survives the run.)  Sigh.

Thanks for advice on nutrition.  It is too late for me to try something new but I can definitely keep in mind for Westchester Tri (if I survive this one). 

You sure picked a doozy for your first race!  Godspeed!  May you swim, bike, run on wings of angels! :-D

Thanks for writing.


Edited by dbw27 2009-07-22 5:42 AM

2009-07-22 5:47 AM
in reply to: #2300343

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New York, New York
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
sdalessio - 2009-07-21 9:35 PM

Welcome Danett - I joined the group a bit late myself although my husband has been part of the group since the winter.  I tend to be more active Wed - Fri when I am at work.  I have a lot more peace and quiet then.  The other days I am trying to keep my 3 and 5 yr. old under control and most of the time unsuccessfully!

I must say that I am so impressed by people who do this and have little ones.  I am single so I feel that gives me a lot more time and ability to do it (and still sometimes I slack off.)  I have a good friend who has four kids and does this and actually placed in a duathlon a couple of weeks ago as overall female.

She told me like her Saturday schedule one day.  She got up at 4:45 a.m. - swam in the Long Island Sound, took a spin class, went grocery shopping and got two carts worth of food, did laundry for the house and then makes lunch for the family! I just cannot imagine how you parents do this! :-)  It is inspiring for me to get my lazy butt out. 

I am supposed to be at the gym right now swimming but was mildly bitten by a dog on Sunday and am trying to make sure this wound closes (one tooth puncture) before my scheduled swim in the (nasty?) Hudson River on Sunday.  Sigh.  What ELSE?  (I hope nothing.)

yours truly,

2009-07-22 5:49 AM
in reply to: #2300159

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New York, New York
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
fattyfatfat - 2009-07-21 8:21 PM
dbw27 - 2009-07-21 5:24 PM

Fattyfatfat.  I love your name! It is often how I feel!  Sigh. I need to lose weight. I gained ten pounds training for my last tri (of fat) due to injury and stuff.  Then I get depressed because I gained weight.  Then I eat because I am depressed, etc. etc. etc.  I am too fat for the NYC Tri I feel - about 10 pounds too fat and so I feel miserable and not AT ALL in shape, but.. sigh.  I just have to suck it up right?


I was a few more than 10 over (~30) at my last tri a few weeks ago.  But its cool though because we lose more during the race than most of those scrawny little triathletes, which means we get to eat more jelly belly's after.  Follow the logic ;-)

Boy do I write a lot! See what happens when I cannot go to the gym?!

You make me feel so much better fattyfatfat.  We can empathize with each other's overweight experiences.  Thanks so much!  Sigh.  You are funny about the scrawny little triathletes.  If only I allowed myself to eat candy. I am super strict with myself.  When I do overeat, I overeat on healthy foods.  Sigh.  Actually, I find that I cannot run if I am too heavy. It is just too heavy!

Anyway, wishing you well in your tri'ing.


Edited by dbw27 2009-07-22 5:50 AM
2009-07-22 6:13 AM
in reply to: #2071255

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!

Hey is that time!  Who is racing this weekend?

Me! 10M run. No way I will beat my time from last year (1:14:53), but still planning to go as fast as I can.....

2009-07-22 6:52 AM
in reply to: #2300762

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: SWBKRUN Mentor Group-Closed! KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS!!!
Sam and I have a sprint this weekend.  Kids are off to the beach with the grandparents this weekend so we get to have a somewhat relaxing weekend.
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