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2008-06-20 10:10 AM
in reply to: #1478204

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

learning_writer - 2008-06-20 1:30 AM I haven't been posting much lately... But as an update, I ran a 1/2 marathon Saturday that went pretty well. I had a better time than the same race last year. Also, I just go my first road bike! Now I see why people were speeding past me in the triathlon while I was on my mountain bike... Hope you all are doing well!


So when do we get to see some pictures of the newest arrival?  Gees, new babies, new bikes, Swkrun Group is growing in leaps and bounds (or would that fingers and toes and wheels?)

2008-06-20 10:23 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Apex, north carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Okay, in honor of our wonderful new arrivals (or soon to be), and the fact  that it is Friday and I just finished a big report I've been working on all week, I have composed some reading pleasure.  Please feel free to add your own thoughts and experiences. Let's have some fun.............


1.  you are exhasted all the time

2. you squeeze in a shower whenever you can

3. even when your not with them (i.e. training), it/they are on your mind

4. they cost a fortune!!!

5. they grow more challenging with time

6. there is no more room in your car


you have to buy a bigger car to carry all the gear

7.great toys!

8. they require schedules and getting up at crazy early hours

9. they require support books and lots of advise

10. they can make you cry, from pain and joy

11. They are the best thing that ever happened to you and you would die before giving them up!!


2008-06-20 10:37 AM
in reply to: #1478661

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
tahrens - 2008-06-20 11:23 AM

Okay, in honor of our wonderful new arrivals (or soon to be), and the fact  that it is Friday and I just finished a big report I've been working on all week, I have composed some reading pleasure.  Please feel free to add your own thoughts and experiences. Let's have some fun.............


1.  you are exhasted all the time

2. you squeeze in a shower whenever you can

3. even when your not with them (i.e. training), it/they are on your mind

4. they cost a fortune!!!

5. they grow more challenging with time

6. there is no more room in your car


you have to buy a bigger car to carry all the gear

7.great toys!

8. they require schedules and getting up at crazy early hours

9. they require support books and lots of advise

10. they can make you cry, from pain and joy

11. They are the best thing that ever happened to you and you would die before giving them up!!


You feel bad when you have to go out and leave them at home (with someone else for the chillen)
2008-06-20 12:11 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Speaking of bigger cars, or toys... I just pick this up for my wife this week..... I got such a good deal that I couldn't resist, she drives about 10 miles a day (so gas miles are not a huge issue), and it only gets 2 miles per gallon less than our 4 runner did.....




03601913.jpg (72KB - 33 downloads)
2008-06-20 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1478960

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
swbkrun - 2008-06-20 1:11 PM

Speaking of bigger cars, or toys... I just pick this up for my wife this week..... I got such a good deal that I couldn't resist, she drives about 10 miles a day (so gas miles are not a huge issue), and it only gets 2 miles per gallon less than our 4 runner did.....

Very nice.

I thought you were on your way to IMCDA.


2008-06-20 12:41 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Waiting for my buddy to arrive...

2008-06-20 4:18 PM
in reply to: #1478544

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
tahrens - 2008-06-20 7:30 AM

MY BABY IS RACING HER FIRST TRIATHLON THIS WEEKEND!!!!  How cute!!!! She is racing in the 5-7 year old age group where they have to swim 1 lap (50yds), run 0.35miles to the bike course of 1.5 miles around the lake, then run back up the .35mile hill to the finish line.  It takes her 2:30 minutes just to swim a lap, but she is so proud!   I am so excited!!!!  I'll post pictures this weekend!!!  


 That's great, make sure she knows your whole group is rooting for her! 

We have a daughter named Lily too, she'll be 1 on the 4th of July.

2008-06-20 4:30 PM
in reply to: #1479047

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
swbkrun - 2008-06-20 12:41 PM

Waiting for my buddy to arrive...

Good Luck!
2008-06-20 5:30 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Yay 60 mile bike ride today average speed with some nice winds 17.8 mph. I'm sucking less.

Oh I got a Garmin 405 for Fathers day, my wife is such a sweety.

I tried it on a 9 mile run yesterday Ave heart rate 165.
Today's bike ride average was 138.

Those numbers seem high to anyone?

New toy not sure how it all works. My resting heart rate is 60-70, depending on like temperature and such.
2008-06-20 6:03 PM
in reply to: #1479503

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Baowolf - 2008-06-20 6:30 PM Yay 60 mile bike ride today average speed with some nice winds 17.8 mph. I'm sucking less. Oh I got a Garmin 405 for Fathers day, my wife is such a sweety. I tried it on a 9 mile run yesterday Ave heart rate 165. Today's bike ride average was 138. Those numbers seem high to anyone? New toy not sure how it all works. My resting heart rate is 60-70, depending on like temperature and such.

Everyone is different, If you have time/money look into getting a VO2 test done.  It will tell you your max heart rate and give you your zones to train to.


2008-06-20 7:17 PM
in reply to: #1479522

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

So just curious for those of you doing Olympic distance Tri's how much time/distance you are putting in per week.

Here is the week so far and I have a swim/bike Saturday and Swim/run on Sunday still to do.

S: 1750.00M
B: 37.40 Mi
R: 8.33 Mi

Should do another 30Mi on the bike tomorrow and probably another 5 mi run and another 2000-3000m worth of swimming by Sunday.

Was supposed to be around 400minutes worth last week and 600 this, but not going to get that number because my body was just too tired one day to get in both workouts.


Edited by dalessit 2008-06-20 7:18 PM

2008-06-20 9:34 PM
in reply to: #1479574

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

I'm training for a sprint rather than Oly, but here's my week anyway:

  • S: 4600 yards - higher because of lack of running
  • B: 33 miles (Sat-->Today with 20-25 scheduled tomorrow)
  • R: Nada - Tight achilles I'm letting rest (I tell ya, I have the worst luck w/ running)

My plan called for about 375 minutes this week, I'll end up w/ about 300 after tomorrow's ride. 



2008-06-20 11:42 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
So, my friend is doing a triathlon now since I've done one and told her about it...its fun to spread the joy of triathloning! (Is thiathloning a word?)

Pictures of the new LeMond (well, new to me) coming soon...
2008-06-21 9:31 AM
in reply to: #1479746

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

learning_writer - 2008-06-20 9:42 PM So, my friend is doing a triathlon now since I've done one and told her about it...its fun to spread the joy of triathloning! (Is thiathloning a word?) Pictures of the new LeMond (well, new to me) coming soon...

Triathlon is contagious - you never know who might catch it next. 

I also have a friend that has taken up the sport.  At first it was difficult trying to train at my pace while also helping him get started.  The pool is great because I can swim 2-3x as far as him and still be in the next lane, biking and running are a different story.  All in all, it's worth it to me to sacrifice intensity a couple times a week to help out a friend.

Good luck to those racing this weekend, can't wait to see some reports.

2008-06-21 9:26 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Those numbers seem really low to me for getting ready for an oly level tri.

Also I would need to know if you are on a taper week, (25 % reduction week) a base week, a base + 1, based +2 or Base +3 week etc. And if you are doing a 16 or 20, 24 week bulid up are you in week 1, 5, 20 whatever?

I am training for an oly and consider Swim 3 miles, Bike 60 miles and run 25 miles about par per week and will build up from there now that I am healthy. But it is all part of a larger plan adding a certain amount per week (10 percent max) and then tapering every 4th week to start with the new base.

There are oly plans on the web here to look at. Anyway our fearless leader probly knows more about all this than I.

Oh did another run with the garmin ( I call it a gremlin) today, was only a 4.5 mile run, but at the same pace 165 + - 1 heart rate I was at a 8:38 pace for the shorter distance as apposed to a 10:20 or whatever pace for the intermediate distance (9 miles) . I guess maybe I am getting over my cold now.

I made an interesting observation when I was bonking the last 5 miles of my 60 mile bike ride yesterday, my respiration was going up, but my heart rate was going down as was my ability to make those legs work right. Hydration and nutrician were fine, just was out of gas. Oh well done for tonight happy training.

Edited by Baowolf 2008-06-21 9:31 PM
2008-06-21 10:35 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Hey guys.. just thought I would drop a line and see how everyone is doing with training. I am in alaska now and am officially a 1/2 mary finisher. The trip has been amazing and I will attach my link to pics when I get back. I have been here for a week and a half and never want to leave. 

The race went really well. I had wanted to have the race at the beginining of my trip but my friend who I am traveling with couldnt get off that week. So the race was this morning (Solstice morning) and we leave to go back home at 1am. Not going to be great on the legs post race. its should be interesting. The race was amazing in that you run on various terrain. Blacktop, grassy trail and dirt/rock trail. Lots of different elevations epecially the hugh hill on mile 13. The weather was cool and was raining at the begining but was perfect for the race. I finished strong and was happy with my performance.

I highly reccommend this race for everyone. 





Edited by Trigrl 2008-06-21 10:39 PM

2008-06-22 3:45 PM
in reply to: #1480593

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Trigrl - 2008-06-21 11:35 PM

Hey guys.. just thought I would drop a line and see how everyone is doing with training. I am in alaska now and am officially a 1/2 mary finisher. The trip has been amazing and I will attach my link to pics when I get back. I have been here for a week and a half and never want to leave. 

The race went really well. I had wanted to have the race at the beginining of my trip but my friend who I am traveling with couldnt get off that week. So the race was this morning (Solstice morning) and we leave to go back home at 1am. Not going to be great on the legs post race. its should be interesting. The race was amazing in that you run on various terrain. Blacktop, grassy trail and dirt/rock trail. Lots of different elevations epecially the hugh hill on mile 13. The weather was cool and was raining at the begining but was perfect for the race. I finished strong and was happy with my performance.

I highly reccommend this race for everyone. 





Very cool, can't wait to see the pictures.

2008-06-23 8:07 AM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
I finished another tri this weekend. I will post my race result later. Overall I thought my perfomace was better but my time was worse.
The swim was OK but I came out of the blocks a little to fast and struggled a bit at the end. I forgot all the instructions from my swim coach and paid for it dearly.
I had a couple of issues on the bike which cost me about 6 minutes and about 90 to 100 places in the standings. Coming from transtion into the bike I just crossed the start line and had put one foot onto the pedal when the guy in front of me stopped dead in his tracks to get on his bike. I swerved and ended up in the ditch. The chain came off and I bent the bar on the foot restraint. (I don't have clip ons yet.) so I was having diffculty getting my foot into the pedal. I lost some additional time fighting with this. Once I got onto the course I was flying and felt great. Passing a lot pf people. Went up a small rise and geared down for that. Once on the top I was gearing back up and over compesated with my derailleur and the chain came off again. Of course had to stop to put it back on. That was when I finally realized that the metal pedal restraint had been bent. Adjusted that and hopped back on and got up to speed again when the pedal strap broke. I jsut said screw it and contiued on. This was all before the first half of the bike run . At least I still had the small medal piece which went over my toe so I had some support on the pedal. After that it was clear sailing. Hammered out the second half of the bike without incident. Bike tie 27+ minutes for 10 K. I think I could have been down around 20 mintues without the cHallenges.
I was happy with my run. Overall I finsihed 130 out of 300 but should have been in the top 30/35.
2008-06-23 8:54 AM
in reply to: #1482702

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Redknight - 2008-06-23 8:07 AM I finished another tri this weekend. I will post my race result later. Overall I thought my perfomace was better but my time was worse. The swim was OK but I came out of the blocks a little to fast and struggled a bit at the end. I forgot all the instructions from my swim coach and paid for it dearly. I had a couple of issues on the bike which cost me about 6 minutes and about 90 to 100 places in the standings. Coming from transtion into the bike I just crossed the start line and had put one foot onto the pedal when the guy in front of me stopped dead in his tracks to get on his bike. I swerved and ended up in the ditch. The chain came off and I bent the bar on the foot restraint. (I don't have clip ons yet.) so I was having diffculty getting my foot into the pedal. I lost some additional time fighting with this. Once I got onto the course I was flying and felt great. Passing a lot pf people. Went up a small rise and geared down for that. Once on the top I was gearing back up and over compesated with my derailleur and the chain came off again. Of course had to stop to put it back on. That was when I finally realized that the metal pedal restraint had been bent. Adjusted that and hopped back on and got up to speed again when the pedal strap broke. I jsut said screw it and contiued on. This was all before the first half of the bike run . At least I still had the small medal piece which went over my toe so I had some support on the pedal. After that it was clear sailing. Hammered out the second half of the bike without incident. Bike tie 27+ minutes for 10 K. I think I could have been down around 20 mintues without the cHallenges. I was happy with my run. Overall I finsihed 130 out of 300 but should have been in the top 30/35.

that is unfortunate that you had those problems on the bike but it definitely sounds as if you are making progress so keep that in mind.  Good job! 

2008-06-23 8:57 AM
in reply to: #1482702

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Redknight - 2008-06-23 9:07 AM I finished another tri this weekend. I will post my race result later. Overall I thought my perfomace was better but my time was worse. The swim was OK but I came out of the blocks a little to fast and struggled a bit at the end. I forgot all the instructions from my swim coach and paid for it dearly. I had a couple of issues on the bike which cost me about 6 minutes and about 90 to 100 places in the standings. Coming from transtion into the bike I just crossed the start line and had put one foot onto the pedal when the guy in front of me stopped dead in his tracks to get on his bike. I swerved and ended up in the ditch. The chain came off and I bent the bar on the foot restraint. (I don't have clip ons yet.) so I was having diffculty getting my foot into the pedal. I lost some additional time fighting with this. Once I got onto the course I was flying and felt great. Passing a lot pf people. Went up a small rise and geared down for that. Once on the top I was gearing back up and over compesated with my derailleur and the chain came off again. Of course had to stop to put it back on. That was when I finally realized that the metal pedal restraint had been bent. Adjusted that and hopped back on and got up to speed again when the pedal strap broke. I jsut said screw it and contiued on. This was all before the first half of the bike run . At least I still had the small medal piece which went over my toe so I had some support on the pedal. After that it was clear sailing. Hammered out the second half of the bike without incident. Bike tie 27+ minutes for 10 K. I think I could have been down around 20 mintues without the cHallenges. I was happy with my run. Overall I finsihed 130 out of 300 but should have been in the top 30/35.

Very nice.  Sorry to hear about the bike.

Do you by chance have a triple chainring or double?  I have heard alot of people have chain issues with triples.

I am getting antsy for another race, think I might sign up for a 10k or one of the 4-5 milers on the weekend.

I have my first masters session tonight, anyone else go to masters swim?


2008-06-23 9:13 AM
in reply to: #1482818

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
I have a double ring. I think orignanly it was becasue the bike and I ended up in the ditch. The second one I just got caught up in trying to get back up to top speed after a hill. My chger is lcoated on the support bar and I have done this before in training. I am going to take my bike in for a quick checkup to make sure no other damamge was done that I didn't see.

2008-06-23 1:58 PM
in reply to: #1480593

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
Trigrl - 2008-06-21 8:35 PM

Hey guys.. just thought I would drop a line and see how everyone is doing with training. I am in alaska now and am officially a 1/2 mary finisher. The trip has been amazing and I will attach my link to pics when I get back. I have been here for a week and a half and never want to leave. 

The race went really well. I had wanted to have the race at the beginining of my trip but my friend who I am traveling with couldnt get off that week. So the race was this morning (Solstice morning) and we leave to go back home at 1am. Not going to be great on the legs post race. its should be interesting. The race was amazing in that you run on various terrain. Blacktop, grassy trail and dirt/rock trail. Lots of different elevations epecially the hugh hill on mile 13. The weather was cool and was raining at the begining but was perfect for the race. I finished strong and was happy with my performance.

I highly reccommend this race for everyone. 


Can't wait to see the pictures!!!!!!!! SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT TIME!

2008-06-23 5:31 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

I bought my wetsuit through ebay and the seller shipped it via US Postal Service.  Their tracking system hadn't ever updated w/ any info about the package, other than they'd received notice it would be shipped (never even said they'd picked it up).  So I was pleasantly surprised when it arrived today.

I tried it on and it feels perfect. I can't wait to get in the open water with it - hopefully this week sometime.  It wasn't nearly as hard to get on/off as I thought it would be.  Sorry (or lucky for you ) -- No pics. 

2008-06-24 12:15 PM
in reply to: #1369643

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL
yahoo. I did my first non-stop 750 meter swim last night and felt awesome when I finished. I could have kept going to 1000 I'm sure.
2008-06-24 3:42 PM
in reply to: #1486639

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun's group - FULL

Redknight - 2008-06-24 10:15 AM yahoo. I did my first non-stop 750 meter swim last night and felt awesome when I finished. I could have kept going to 1000 I'm sure.




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